Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Hahn and famil visited with her mother, Mrs L21' Schrnuit at the home of Henry Schmidt. Brunner. Mr. and Mrs. Omer tuning; and Marguerite of Lutowel spent Sun- day with Mr and Mrs. George Ri- chardson. at?“ Eileen lather confiugzd a is In'uon estoryo .' niet m auction‘s Den", thnole was then enjoyed. " Str, when lunch was served. khaki: ihe thence 5717715: I ' ed Ei?'i'iietre'i',',!iisl our: The L'it.qd; lnse War ted by It 2'l'dTf'df1'2 “11 The Idiom.) arch 2eplrg , . at has , Wm 'u",'f",'tf,S, Birmingham in unload with " new“. Vac. president taken Lube: presided n the thence of the premium The ' med by Herbert minded unripture rend by '.918 'let {wowed by punt. mg no wannwo. animal.†BRIDGEPORT. Ontario "s -.- -_.-_.- 'Tara, new swat tire. ll rod an dial“. . . . so. as for my tires. O Compression tread '01 longer not». . Skid-resisting tread design fo. gnu let wavy. I q tough. vodka. Supenviso cor body $orlomrer Mo. q Moi. lam-1. the! beads for in": â€anâ€. . o Goodyem Qualify, skill and upocim tor long. "cubic- he. miles“. mm: mm EVER strum... ) you NEED was: um nuALmEs WHEN vou Kt Tires 'ht-ortmetioe, for W. a2 nn, 900M f in â€Goodml'l 'iioonJr'i'iiuiit A.A$HIRK th CO. . Miss Gladys Schmidt nah the week-end With friends in Lube». Mr and Mrs. Clarence Gran and Bruce of Kitchener, Clinton Hahn of Waterloo, Adam Hahn of Mei. delberg visited at the home ot Hy. L Schmidt. (com auued Mr. namiohn it; {of (gadskull to the heme at W [Dipplq Mitchell. on “My. Mr: Edward lube-men mam further Word that her bother. Pu Lloyd Ziegler was wounded in an right shoulder in action in Germa- ny _ W" w “W. - m Cluster, In. M. Bah-n. In 3. Foster and daughters had ttte p]... sure of hearing In when Lou at Kitchener give a W m- ary amines: at the _ wood meeting held at the ham. 0! In George Gumer. My eveasist. day. mi GGG -'-.-.. ‘53:. cu and It. Lrgl'=lttt vb t,ielett.ttt mm. Huh-h t2etyetAserJrthntotiiiiiiiauUa' 1°19??? 'ue.1u.dace-- Mr and. hArs. new W: ac- Phone 2-2793 Phone baht in “We.†, hul- (/aflBll1tt','st B.%OVg", l, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Ro-sh- ers. Isaian Eby were Mr. and Mrs. 1 May t, iM. D. Hallman) Mr. and Mrs. How- Rosenh :zurd Hallman and son and Mr. and my“... Mrs. Kenneth Hallman and Mr. and I 27, to l, Mrs. Floyd Shanta all of Kitchener. _ Martin, ' MI. I In .J n__L,, n . . . Pte. Mansori tiantier of Newmar- kct spent last week-0nd with his parents, Me. and Mrs. Erwin Bat. Her. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fried and daughter Donna and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schreiber and family of Roseville with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fried 'P, Sunday. - Mr. Lloyd Barber, who had been spending some time with his niece. Mrs. Gordon Dubrick and Mr. Du- brick, returned to his home in Re- ttina. Sask. -e Mrs. Sam Henkel of Woodstock is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dubrick and fam- ily, 7 - Friday visitors with Mrs. Lev: Hallman were Mr. Harold Hallman of Hespeler and Miss Mabel Hach- born of Broslau. “no in me morning, This order MeCarthr-At St. Mary's Hospital. will be continued for six months April 88, to Mr. and Mrs Dennis Y.P.U. will meet at the home of McCarthy 181 Park St., Water- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pirie on Fri- loo. a daughter. ‘day night. Boagr--At K-W Hospital. April 29. "_-'------------ to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bonn. Baden. a daughter. WILLIAMSBURG Good--At low Hospital. April 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Good. RR. "g'g,ddit JJ.rd'rAa i, Elmira. a son. M-ear-At St. Mary's Hospital. Mrs. Ross Battier and Donna April 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe called on 'd'ii'ihe'n'Q Becker on Martin. RRS t, Elmira, h son. l, Tuesday at ite ener. t5aaxUr--At t, ary's ospita 1 Miss Agnes Hildabrandt of Kit. April 29. to Mr. and Mrs. J. H.1‘ chener visited with Miss Audrey! Hanley, Moore Ave., Waterloo. & Eby recently. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oswald tstr/tii/iii?-,',?,),, St. Agatha. April 25.] tended the funeral ot Mr. Ed. Os- to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wagner, Wald at Elmira on Tuesday. .’ a son. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mn Bowman-At K-W Hospital, April Will Riest were Mr, and Mrs. W. ' 26, to Mr. and Mrs Abs. M. Bow- Ttussler and daughter. Shirley. man, Elmira, a son. Mrs. Lloyd Rattler and family thtfstottor--At Woodstock H ital with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Sider, Sun- April 25, to Mr, and 'i'WW,h' Jay, _ Holstettcr. R/R. l. Plattsville. a Friday visitors with Mrs. Lev: daughter. _ Hallman were Mr. Harold Hallman Heidi-nun - At New Hamburg. of Hespeler and Miss Mabel Mach-' .May l, to Mr. and Mrs. Roi-rid but? (at Breslau. th M d Heldmann, a son. W t an ay visitors wi r. an Ro-th-r-At K- Hospita ' Mrs. Isaian Eby were Mr. and Mrs.l May t. to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. D. Hallman) Mr. and Mrs. How- Roscnbcrecr, New Dundee, a son. ard Hallman and son and Mr. and Martin-At West Montrose, April} Mrs. Kenneth Hallman and Mr. and) 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ' Mrs. Floyd Shanta all of Kitchener. _ Martin, a daughter. 5 Mr I Ian lam-ha. ml... 5...: L-., Next Sunday the summer whe- ge gill 11"r,1"i'git,ip the, Urinal: ure wi gnu-h service at o'clock and unday gang] at M. The following Sunday the church service will be at 3 o'clock in the evening with Sunday School at toao in the morning, This order will be continued for six months .APO.. Jyitt gee; ttt Que home of Mr. and Mrs. George Groundwa- ter and Mr, Walter Lab attended the lecture t Rev. 'htl 1d; at Geiph..o.n. Fri .3: 'tight: several days -irt"iGGG"Git Tai.' . coesverttsdit at I 'm: {Meg Howlett. Hm I- ‘ml. In B. C. Woods and In. Mt. WiatBeM. Mr, Harvey lemme: attended the funeral at his undo. Mr. Munroe at North Bay. Mr. and In. Oscar Israel attend- ed the tamret-Stadetbauer wedding at Almira. e' Sagacity 91m tSatRipd'i, “Wail and In Percy out. ".?Aref?hy Vent 35“.- at "iiiir iFihtTirfi, Hal'iia In. Walla Kan. WEST MONTROSE Tlee attend)." the_Ptubyta-id M.u''=, I I Ill-.0 tLCU1 IIOIIOLI _ Schmidt. Tavlstock. 8t years. "tttttAire 29, Harvey J. I Hackbart. eidelberg. " years. Btr"Mt---Aprit 29. Mrs. Ella F. lPhij,iiifiiiteer, - N. Alexander Plumstcad of Toronto, to Phyllis j Leanne Amos of Burford. "her-9tedms--Aprit 28, J. P. Sni- _ der, Kitchener. formerly of West Montrose, to Mrs. Florence Gor- i don of New Toronto. Mornington Townshgf. 79 W2, MI----' 26, rs. esley Morrow, at Preston, 86 years. Bqn#r---April 27, Annie Bender, Wilmot township. " years, L-r-April 28. Burwell Lynn, Wallace Township, "gi'."": Beyttut-rAeril, 29, - w. Anna rlsw-rutsqratott. - April 28. _ Lester Swartzentruber of Peters- 3 burg to Erma Roth of Baden. 'esmeBeh-is--Aprit M, Wil- f liam John Bunsen of Kitchener ' to Bernice Mae Schedewitz ot 1 Bridgeport 'a"ttkttrttmm-Aprit 28, Wal.. i ter Robert Kaster. Petersburg, to ' Esther Elizabeth Schramm, Igtggi,t: " L I W~WApril ' ieuL l H. o. Kreiner. R.C.A.M.C.. Kitth- , 'i'll'f to Peggy Spohn of Wim- I no. _riiiae-ehuueh-aeay 2. Mur- ,' ray Robert Pommer of Linwood 3 39 Dora Marie Knoblauch of ("ttt,-i,Asg as. Mrs. Margaret Forler, 159 Fisher St., Water- loo. 85 years. Api/IJ/ii " Garfield Moon, 1 Gall, at St. Michael's Hospital, 1 Toronto. 'riEPa1mr--Airrit M, Mrs. M. M. Fleming. Listowel, " years. Ridh.rt--Aprn 25, Terrance Rick- _ en, New Dundee, 3 weeks. Marit---April 25, Mrs. Peter Marsh, Ayr, 79 years. Rtif-6pry 26,_Johtt_Thomas Reid, C-ttA-April M, Miss Nellie M. Campbcil, Toronto. formerly ot Lislowel. ttoehN-May 1, Linda Emma Rock- el, 132 Victoria St., Waterloo, " "re-tterr-Ut 'Ki‘v'i _',',',?")",'":',','":?,"'),??, Str, to Mr, and Mrs. red Hack- "bin,“RR. l luqtyerg, {sent Koch. as: King BC. Prawn, a daughter (mum-n). F---At K-W Hospital. Anti! 2t, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Poster. 56 u 1r.lhe Sts, may». a.tlayelttet. 'F-r-At St. May's Hospital, TBritrs1loflr.r,g'iutgte; new"? st Ptl'lfpl "l'la-. I - t t. s I ‘A rilM,toMrandMrsWAroid ugh]. Rat. 4, Kitchener, I hunger. S tal. "ma-- t t. 'n Hap! 4w 254° hymn acorn ggicuii" gi -ieTGh" "an-pm April as. to Sal-3.“ Golden Bout. Baden . Ion. uNr-uu Ek t New t','t"t.",'gi April I, to Mr. Ind In. Dav 'diit.1'at "ll) may um..- I . S 'tiiiiL1'2.o2,LiisPa'u2E tt . W Elmira, a dung ' Jane Deirdre. '6At--At St, Mary's Hospital. 'At---At St, 's any April 2S, to Minimum Gal‘s: Jtoist, 39099. . 99a Marriages Deaths Births Mr. and AAL YA/Gi; ui's'iiiimar, and Murray of near Elma. Miss The EvangifiGiudiee Aid met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Snyder, "ttdet, frr,r an all tut quilting, .. a. v. M-ev -. ............ Mr, Donald Macintosh Tl',', the week-end at his home in iarton. Mrs. Katharine Schmidt and lar tina were t'glTi'ltirlop, with Mr. any Mrs. Fri-Ink _ iller, Efren; n can“. (tdad aetutratt The Mennonite Sewing Circle met at the church Tuesday to quilt for relief work. Children" clothing we.. aha) completed. [came to a life-long resident of this Ieommunity, Mrs. Edwin Devin, 'early Monday morning at the age of 69 years after a lengthy illness. Mrs. Devin was a daughter of the 'late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lemon and since her marriage resided on a farm a mile north of the village. l Funeral service was held on .Wednesdav afternoon at the home and in the United Church. Inter- mont was made in the adjoining {cemetery with Rev. Thompson oili- ciating. l The departed leaves to mourn Iher husband. three daughters, Ada. “m. D-L. ..c__t _ ‘- - - m“ ___ ........-,4 A private funeral service was held at the late home on Tuesday afternoon which was followed by a public service in the Mennonite Church, St. Jaeohs. l CONESTOGO. --The death of Mrs. Christian R. Martin occurred "at the K-W Hospital, on Saturday torenoon after a two weeks' stay there and a tive months' illness, after attaining the age of nearly 66 years. The tate Mrs. Martin, who was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Horst was born in Woolwich township. June M, 1879. and after her marriage had lived in this vicinity for quite a number of yegrs. Besides her husband there sur- vives one daughter, Mrs. Geo. (Leah) Horst at near Conestoga. six brothers and two sisters and three grandchildren. One daugh. :erAhavipg dies! in infartcr.. ""t -""--v ..........\.., nu... Mrs. Robt. Uberig, Marjory, Mrs. John Jung) and Violet, Mrs. Cecil Uberig and one son Edgar, also one brother, Andrew Lelson. all resid- ing in this community. _ -e-ie_e. W... .. IqlLlllwl OK Coe New Dundee U.B.C. Church. Sur- "'iving besides her husband, are one daughter, Velma. and one brother Irvin Bingeman of Washington, Ont, and one sister, Miss Susie Blngeman ot Kitchener. The funeral will be held on Fri- day afternoon at 2.30 o’clock from the family residence to the U.B. Church for service. Interment will be in the Blenheim cemetery. â€m“, new... ..~ ter an illness of " months. Born in Blenheim Township on October Mt, 1883, she was formerly Sylvia Bingeman. a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Bingeman. In the year was she was mar- ded to Austin Bauer of Wilmot township. In 1908 they took up re- sidence in New Dundee and later they moved to Keaton! where Mr. Bauer was manager ot a ceterr tor several years. tn 1922 they re~ named to New Dundee where they hay_e since resided. (liy Chm-[do Wow-dun _ Mrs. Austin Bauer. my re- spected resident of New Dundee. and wife of Austin Bauer. manager of the New Dundee Co-Operative Creamery. Limited, passed .way at her Per. on New†evening " o.. m. k -M... A. ... ___ -. v".-- -- ..-. mun-cu, aw J. Bender, a mile mange: ot New Hamburg. She died on the lame Jam whereahe unborn?! year: mac. Barf-rents are the late Mr. {and In aha Bender. Surviving are tour Nathan Jo- Ieph. John, limes, all of Wilma, and Samuel, ot New Hamburg. mum-can'- 1ttAeth..otMir, Amara“ eurted Ptiday n t It m- gene? ot her mgr. Jonah J. 'oiFEN?, m'm '; r't, In. 4iiiitie?ifl,'tlifeiiCiiiii' Kq---Maey t John Heme, New e,e-eey, __. {tut-m Jane FElrr A 1epNiiiirsET-"i' y..ri,lii(irir- Eieri. member of the 'rdfl"taNdi hex (l.lh"-'-..'il'Q t, 'llrpr, man, not: 1'tlrPr, a 9.3.." ---May t, In mun Bauer. New Dundee. 01 â€In WEI-twin R. Mama FLORADALE (By chronkl: ErEoZE-In-p' I try caaaL%7. r;|nnm¢I-l| 'fp. Edwin Mn mama-u- I? hi 'e r y er husband, are one I. and one brother t of Washington, _si.ster, Miss Susie About sixteen members of the local Farm Forum group pleasant- ly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Willard 1Wiuner, who recently celebrated (their 25th wedding anniversary, at their home on onday evening. (Mrs. Lloyd Dieknbacher acted as {chairman and several poems were read. Mrs. Norman Kaster read an ‘article which she wrote entitled. “The 3rd Chapter ot Witmeron- icles". Mrs. C. R. Johanscn read an laddress and the presentation of two wall placques was made by; Mrs. Eckstein and Mr. Johansen. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer replied suitably. Lunch was served at the my.e1utey.' of the, - 7 Mr. and Mrzjl'ébert Kufske, Catherine and Richard Kufske ot Miss Elaine Toman and Mr. Earl Toman of Milverton spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Hlpgergge. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Poll and Alvin Poll. Miss June Poll and Miss Alice Wcicker of Haysvillc spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Mytrs. --, The Wilmot Community Fireside meeting will be held at the United Brethren Church. New Dundee on Sunday evening," May 13th at 9 pe. Everygne is welcome. Ratepayers of the section have been doing some 'Ji,",',?,',',',""'"', the local cemetery during t past week. l I In. In my... l (ah-odd. M The Victory Loan Committee sponsored the showing "of tree motion pictures at the Inca school on Thursday evening. Mr. Perry Snyder acted as chairman Ind Mr. E. B. Hanan-n, local salesman spoke briefly. There was a hit at- tendance. Saturday soehnlirsciiGGGr- Ga iii;; Po with Mr. and In. Jack Sach- m. -.._..9.. Munch “I. “In Mn Chris. Hymn, In Kather- ine Schmidt and Lorine, In Ida Koren were guests at the knel- thay/tit-r wedding at Elmira. Ruby sped: Sunday Uith it. aa Israel Muarselinan. ili)fllBlrs GOOD (llABllis It May Be T z'me for a Change Mr. - Emanuel " Ontario " - ROSEBANK "IT Good Vision is Your Right, Don't Neglect It! MAY BE TIME EUGENE. BEE! Gauze Kuhn. " Alumni!" AVE Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Johanna sspent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hellman " Water- loo. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Diefenblch- or. Elva and Nyle Dietentmeher visited Mr. and Mrs. Emery Strum at Waterloo on Sunday. THE SAME may be true in your own case. If you " troubled with headaches. eyestrain. or find reading a hardship when it could easily be made a pleasure. don't hesitate to consult the highly qualified optome- trists at GORDON'S GOOD GLASSES. FOR A CHANGE" Mr, and Mrs Herbert Feiek. Grace. James and Edward of Strasburg spent Sunday with Mr. anA Mrs. Vernon Wilmer. "It May Be Time For-d Change" in her glasses. Mr. and Ares Floyd Myers and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy S. Roth at New mms. burr l Mrs. Lloyd Sider of WW we)! Friday with Mr. and In. V. ilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Katie: and Mr. Weston Kaster were gum a the Kaster-Schramm wedding It New Hamburg on Saturday. Mr. ani Mrs. Ellwonh Bean " New Hamburg called at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hauman on Sun- day. evening: _ - DOUBTLESS you will ag- ree that "It's Time For a Change" in milady's head- gear (pictured at left). IT lb: just 38 probable that Williamsburg spent Sunday with MtuandAtrs] C. R. Johanna. "rt-ttt Mr Am] Mrs, Arthur M. Pinup " Moore Ave Lu... .mdj'i'. I; ttthe. Good tr" rt.. REkaY‘toni'n HYBSIGH'I‘ an: N lid-I "u. au. r--. 'uarut power". I f PM" in ennui br , -u. I“ cyan-.5. “h. Ga. Fd., c,“ “one 8-A88t