,i__-.. ."".- u... 3......" will... uenenls werAthe Fauntlg: vs mad; a.. Dan wun ikoly. Everything been: Ve‘ rovement n3 ctpasseda â€BESS; district Km" in Al- 'of ttgig in the Min; 'v.'iii'ilrllll'lilll,llltn of Parliament are now hem. has a bull. now e-months old, ‘ from bull In: lobster tram up and â€nibble. - with three front legs, two hind . . _Idown. l The act enables farmers to ob- s: rue as the Dionne quints; For, Dr. R. Yule. medical which. , tain loans up to 33-000 from their mer Orley Shaw of Arthur Town- dent tor the Indian duh-u doptu- local banks for . wide yaHety of ship. near Mount Forest, Ont., normed to The Pt "Inna horn thms and extending over the proud mot at a registered; a visit to York awry lino 39"“ up to 10.years u " slmplo Oxford Downs ewe whic my matuwon in the In north. the Y "new" The trartU receive . guar- birth to the lambs, said to be d first time a medteat doctor has viF “we mom the Comment outlast ofa record. . _ and w. arose, Cinema mace settlements during the loss, to the extent of 10%. of the Atta., farmer has a two-year-old l winter. He travelled should a sun- Wry?unt, lent up to the "lRi,0tt0,ttott sow which had a litter or 21 pigs . â€son aircraft, and reports Indiana 1mit tsttblsshed " the Act, which The county court house at Simcoe. there are just recovering horn o itself " for " period of three - Ont., is to have its face lifted, with l bad epidemic of whooping eoutgh. . . q the "O-year-old high peaked gin-f Everywhere we notice weekly Good Health tor Pull". Cilia-u tries to be removed. . . The old wo- papers mirroring public opinion on I A commando in training-is that man who lived in the shoe had no- teducazion. Here's a typicnl enm- the young man's ambition? May be thing on the mama and papa who l pie. The King’s County Board at he is too busy with work and PM boarded a C.N.R, train at Prince Sussex, N.B., My: le want mm be interested in glans beyond Rupert, B.C., for a trip to Alberta; ; national interest 'fnl"ill'dul'l'l in today's marbles or tomorrowU when the conductor came to collect l Education to ensure equality of op- ball ttame. tickets he found eleven of them-. portunily as between' the pioneer Whether a future commando or nine ehildren--an in one diGirimpUitiir/i' child and the cm, indm- ha mad c-Ai.,., "ig.'...., L--~ You an eo-operate and do much to speed up service, tutre your tickets ready when bonding and leaving MI. Get correct inform» tinnlnadvmce. Donut travel unla- athooiutely neceeury. an! even then nvoid peck hour- um! week-end: Leave chum a home. Do any» thing you an to make mom and upset! up service, Please help your llusllliver Montv,2asrd cash, should, of course. be a ireidi. incentive than an increased ration But, on second thought . . .' is this good? Finally. an argument in their favor: they may tend to boost our rapidly-falling birth-rate. A precocious neighborhood child recently watched her parents tiWutg out the application for a ration book for her newly-arrived baby brother, gazed sadly at the infant, and won- deringiy remarked: "What you wouldn't do for a few butter coupons!" Second, they are misdirected: the thrifty and intelligent will not gain much from them, the unthrifty and unintelligent cannot They repeat the old. obvious error of Direct Relief. ‘ From a non-partisan viewpoint, there an two reasons why these allowances are bad, one reason why they may be good: Firm. they are an extension of state paternalism. which is never good. State charity is always a palliative, and palliation is no substi- tute for reform and cure. Has territorial distribution of the Bonus ever really mattered, except to the politicians? Admittedly, the Federal money will buy votes for Mr. King in the places where he has been losing votes: that is Quebec and the West. This is evidently a bad thing tor the Opposi- tion parties; is n necessarily a bad thing tor the country? Despite Col. Drew's gloomy predictions regarding distribution of ftmity allowances among the Provinces, Quebec applications for the Baby Bonus currently are outnumbered by than thtm oettantr--tm,M0 from the latter Province, a mere 77,000 from the former. Por the pres- ent, at least. it seems unlikely that English-speaking tatrparers will be supporting French-speaking babies. Once, not so long ago. some Europeans dreamed of a Green Inter- national. which would unite the farmers of the world. It never devel- oped. but if Mr. Turner's organization can foster a sort of world pal-hr ment of farmers it might accomplish much. Thereirmoretruthinthisthaniroomeetettt-nairt-tieat pronouncements we hear there dun. Hunger is . basic and compelling bet, and is likely to be among the most potent inttueneen of the world at the immediate future. When it is combined with the vacuum†of surpluses in other countries, such as existed up until a few your! "o. it adds up to potential high explosive. But Mr, Turner was not wholly cancel-Md with man: â€ohm Be and "We believe that we mun look Wily ahead to - that the agricultural policy ot our own, and in Net of " mules. should be based on the irrefutable proposition that agricultural plos- perity. coupled with the equitable distribution ot the world's food mom-tee, is the key to the expansion ot international trade, and the only sure foundatipn of lasting peace." buck to her old policy of importing the bulk ot - and-man. Get pointed out that her ability to import all sorts of m. including food, depepded on her ability to export other M. Desrrttethereeentwecu-owtttotC-innt-vttxi. country is an! tremendously interested in the Warm. and so the announcement that a world "rieeml I.†is to be aet up in Old London next October concern: In. James Turner, president of the British Nathan-l lama-r Union, who is visiting Canada. spoke of the prom-u than; Britain in the period after ttyt war. He naturally hoped that Britain would not no PM 1'0 THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE Boosting the Birth Rate o-fWauEauiuNraiaia' i,iiiitiigiN F.T. Em.“ “are-h" Atre, 'm - M. b nah-f 123-29. has, hTi4'ar."a7ffll.lh'l .... se), World Farm Felicution It I“ a!“ M H d. “gr-"3*"? '56.- may! at; uni TrAvmMltaNatNmttuagtTray Owns-um " FRIDAY. MAY 4. I.“ in nu: wlil faith}; iriil GGG." Jngh price; an a My mi. 1 [ttgi lanai??? 2t,l,'tu2lg o in us . a tilt-om banning lobster trap. up and own. i Dr. R. Yule. mm macs-inten- dent tor the Indian attatm" dun. ro- "urned to The Pt 11% tom " y/tll? rort 'etoeY 7 Slu- for: Mummivg - o . e - davourlng to W with difficult who travel. If you have my annoyances, plane do not blame the dHe- fr, for he has no can. his 0% room ltr tmt ths, u auu'd"'o'r past ew mot! ?“Gone With the Wind" have been Ipurioined from the Yarmouth. NS., public library . . . East is west an R. A. Howes, Melton. Salk. for- mer . f . It 't"t2,tni,'g, his Mani.. 1ortgeT,'ilei', ‘w c otm I Ith lbrea an go “mamas ' tortMytowit.eet...%sejriariiii,' 10m, Echo giggles u a my tem- , perate lady who mistook the “LI- dies Entrance" sign and nearly ‘wandered into I beer paler. l Activity in Canadian hum food. l 'Boat builders along the 'g"ttgti ’NVS†coast um m In ’schedule in dullvu'y to s.'tiirii'li/ end mdicatigps m the w anti - ,,,,-_ v_- - “57...“. Ill Education to ensure equality of op- portunity as between' the pionee- settlor's child and the city lndnr 11. 'A'A-LI " ADV“. over conditions ~14ondon Free Press food requirement: from radon shops, A tteet ot 150 lov"",,',",'.".','.' Morris. supplemented f, private Nellie}... have] tooo miles a any cumin. rationed article: to "" shop. In Iddmou to supplying print: human. than thou can: b on 10,000 hows. mumm- an oath; hm He needs no urging to take " to- ‘matoJuice and almost any other Lfruit at meals and ln-between too, land cod liver oil. . bottled Bun- shine. . can be a daily habit which is Pun, without a murmur. ‘at work and Pt . . Food In Rational also in Odom. own, to magma productm especial y of tegtl'gi; the r, situation in India deltnitetr M tar this year than last, according to an official tutement from Calcutta. Rationing of food has be.» h force in Calcutta for rather more than I year. In an area of over '" inure miles, people {meme their l By following Canada's J'ood Rules m planning "will. mother can make sure that all Quench]: are included every day, Reward-- happy youngster: who have fun " work and play, The Division of Nutrition, Otta- we. recommends certain foods for weryone and lots of them for growing boys and girls. They In- clude milk, citrus fruit or tomato juice and cod livrr oil every day. Of milk. one and a half to two pints are a daily minimum. " N.. nior doesn't like milk " a bever, age. any be he'll take more on his E','r,,iSt, or in soups or desserts» C needs no urging to take M. tft- he is too busy with work and play to be interested in glans beyond today's marbles or tomorrow's hallgame. Whether a future commando or a good Canadian citizen, both have much in common, including vigorous health, And now is the time to make sure ot a good toan- dagon tpr that future. l -"-e-eH n“..- - - antee from the goverment against loss. to the extent of 10%. of the amount lent up to the 'ttRt,0tt0,tt0tt lmit established by the Act. which itself is for u period of three yam. The act enables farmers to ob- tain loans up to $3,000 from their local banks for a wide variety of purchases and extending over terms upmm 10.years u " “mph inn-ma L- "--., --- 7 . Benefits under the Farm Im, Lrl't"il'l2',t, Loans Act passed at the as! session of Parliament are now available. _ sum Credit foe "AG, - -- -__- ..-... - "anâ€. Lesson in democracy. At Kirk- land Lake, one, students of King George public school attend court- eil meetings to learn. Asked for criticism, among others they said the council chambers were poorly ventilated. seats were noisy and as a general rule councillors didmot speak out loud enough. But they had applause for Reeve Shlpley's way of conducting meetings. And,l by the way. the reeve is a Indy. 1 Bee the Alaska Highway news: “The provincial authorities have made an otter of a gift of a million acres to the Dominion for soldier {settlement, with the iron clad pro- viso that the land must go to we GG,s from British Columbia. Ap- patently Victoria ottieiatdom fears veterans from Alta, Sash. Mm. Ont.. or elsewhere in Canada or the Commonwealth or USA. are dan- gerous aliens unfit to be allowed to setthBritish Columbia. been lung-tread by the tolerance of race/tn creed and the respect tor the Fights of others which the peo- ple of this county practice." Retar- ting to our national problem. un- rest between French end mm speaking sections, aid "the bottle of bigotry and intolerance con- ttnuu to gather mom natal checked by tolennt people A . . let u: get to- ether 'th the (gunman good at and: 'tttgr mum-g." 1 The Yorkton. Sash. Enterprbe. thinks its not right, in this edi- torial squib: "One would have [thought that a new government at a predominately agricultural pro- vince would place the emphasis on agriculture, but thus far its emu-ts seem to have been concentrated an Gi effort to industrialize Saskatche- wan." ( Our B.C. family record has been )chaiienged. At Waterloo. Que.. Ca- nadian National agent. John Ful- lum. celebrated his Mth year of service. Five heather: are In the service, two status married to mit- waymen, and he has it Bgured that uncles. cousins and nephews they have a combined record of 1,000 ye'us of set-vise with the rallyâ€. " nothing happens At Salmon Arm, B.C., they pounced the hot that somettmes after major um serious epidemics come in the “to like the Bu' disaster of ma They have decided to form a maniac of sub-committees with doetoee ltd. prepare a detailed pita (or comm-w tin; .turt,tflrte, if it does ever occur. ey ready. aye ready. but county, Out. atunsit' to proud of this record. Speaking to the hW-rden's mention thee, Judge, Shaunesyy aid. 7 "t have swooped low withatunelrolrin‘ ’over the tour clam with" us- Uttseymarokeandeame%raid... When hettadmunded uphclphc ,1'l'eittl'Snf2,tgrfdieit,Shrlit trreen, 1P - lute Ind sped "my =r WI " to the yy9ewn.atmsan, who ma notice this item in}; irdiik." C'llk'1",l,G'l'M'e' foreyWtt. ,even 1r%tt"'se_itd..,,t-mtprti. I’ll Wet-31.20 M gllulgll "r was in the RCN prior to the war. and\since I939 have been on almost continuous convoy duty. On :my discharge, I should like to go back to Edmonton, enter business. and drive back and forth to a place oulside of town. say a mood ham. To illustrate how a veteran may provide himself in this way, here is a query from a warrant officer m lhe Navy: 200. Up to $250 of this may be used to purchase essential house- hold equipment, such as washing machines. etc. To obtain these benettts a veter- an must have several pus-requi- 1s.ites--ot least a vear's service. it the service is in Canada; a good service record; an honorable dis- charge. Most important of all per- haps. he must have another source pf income beside the small hold- mg. I " the property costs less than 56.000. a grant (which does not have to be repaid) can be made for stock and equipment. The most that can be given for this is $1.- 200, and it the cost of building goes over $4,800 this difference is sub. tracted from this maximum of tt,- 200._ Up to _sm of this may be ot f . in GraGiia with ltheir watt empment as me- ‘chanic. factory w r, insurance agent or other position in town. The Act provides assistance in ttn- ancing this country place up to a maximum of 80.000. The veteran pays down 10% of the cost of the land and buildings. which often lt? be covered by his gratuities. an then takes possession. He still may take 25 years to gay " of the cost of the land and uitdietgs-- thgmst is a ttrant. for the â€who Poop]. According to our and custom I in this column. we try to explain _ ( some portion of the regutittans a which have been deaiened to u- sist veterans to mm ill-II- yrives in civilian life. This. week, ' Mt upon†to some queues. we ( thought a brief mum-r, of the l Small Holdings section might be ( appropriate. I The Small 'tth: section ot ' the Veterans' Land ct is mainly far steeple who prefer to live in Il rum area ',"fit2rufirttio't'ult, of farming in eqn auction with 'ttOrt-og-r-ae-tam "The Sen New Conference wiRbtyim-tttottte world as the lam Chum was in Eng- land. They arm-like in my ways. the indomitable will of the com- mon people to make the world I better place to live in." It magnet the hit 1h It Pdl; e me inhinathemao rend studied the question: of int-ta- Hioml "rutiaeiiand Ptretathed the irganiaatton of peace through the “In"... “The stories at the fantastic treirrtn_ottyqrexpuntzi-tw .eatiiedrmNrtttanhfutthrrttav. Ntera.uehpr_ii1srrt_ineimiioiiisri iniutitminCtnoiu Menuhin:- ver havebeendone withouttheoo- ppention of mound: of women 1tiiiiaGiGiirtr5tttrGiriiii, 07132 be in%isitit "'E'thémT- t4.dTtllut'grtl'2ts'l'tgtt,t ttity? at the mm iidiui ." rea GAG, W‘QJ'E'i! tfir-iii-r-i-rar, pat-v. ulna m FliGiiiri,l funttttoie1ttuohett-tteeitstudr ieqtiirthirtiiaiGiiici/irCal, ttereryqueuiionrtheeti_e ‘willb'h'up. {lamb-hummu- tive pun in my inn-unusually aw o-it-ttee and ha ierved.sauemberotttse- ti.tTotAt-ueotNatioeuikr. CWdCuudL, “Hulk“ M?fgttttut,tttetpgtt may. (had-5w '.twt_t.tothetunriateueo 10mg_thnn melanin obkctp! continuous convoy duty. On This veteran has done his he". marge, I should like to go for his country, and should u vivo Edmonton, enter business. the best, so we'll look at the 22l't " back and forth to a place mum. henef1M he can get--8tr,000. of town, say a good home It he builds a house worth $4.800. ai"'---.-.--. WOMdMWB Mmdthhb "-'-oorrr-r. rumba...“ PUIUSHID " I appeal to each one of you who read this message to write NOW by airmail. Give on: men and women overteas all the information you can and be sure to all them the correct name of the Provincial Riding in which they are entitled to vote, and the name of the candidate. This is of the utmost import- all“ because so many of them have never voted before and the difference m the - and boundaries of Provincial and Dominion Riding: like it doubly neceaaery that you be sure to give them the exact name of the Riding in which they are entitled to cast their ballot on jute 4th. tf you an in doubt as to any details please call the Progressive Conservative odiee in your locality and get the necessary information without delay. JUNE 4th is Election Day for the members of our armed forces overseas {tom Ontario, as it is here at home. The arrangements which have been made provide ample time for the overseas vote to be taken. Special Renaming Olhcers are already overseas. Something more. however, must be done if our voters overseas are to know why u: Ontario election was forced upon us at this time. my: with a bit of ground around’n.) Wuhan I expect In the wly at; M" GEORGE DREW An Urgent Message from tttt PROGRESS!VE CONSERVATIVE PAI'Y or ONTAI'O _ Cmthitnrtod by . Tl! â€In To, IRIWING COMPANY "llfl. JGetatagU Mr VICTORY BONDS Illililallll. The hour for retumisdnw- ing near, so every day feels longer. Your vigorous help will shorten the time. Hus down payment is $480. and hr; jugrees to pay an additional 2:3 of the $480 over a poriod of 25 years. Hs annual payment. which in 25 years. “ill give him complete own- rrshlp of the entire property, will be about $200 a year. probably much less then. he would normally II'IIIIINBI, ONTARIO Yours sincerely. pay m rent alone. By that time. it he wants to retire. the country around Edmonton should be a grout place In which to spend his romaming years. (If you have a problem. drop us a lim- at Wartime lnfonnation Board. Ottaway 3‘1â€.“th