r. .. £3 W 1lll?ulullllltJlllillll0llllllllllllttr, W-mloo County AM when President 011“!!!) rm " “than". Provincial um We Health Commit“. 0 Leading District Farmers Urge Your FRED SNYDER 01mm Kotpteh meedg" i 'Have you money coming in dairy produce or root crops . . "Deferred Payment Latter." Yo Your , Should you at any time ne security and obtain your money E. I. WUGIIIY K. M. RETIRE Have you money in the Bank? Then put I am personally acquainted with practically all of the farm tat in Waterloo County and owing the fuse type of people they are. l have no doubt that they will meet their rightful teaponaihility both in food pro- duction and Victory Loan pur- It is said no matter how busy farms are they can always find time to do a little mo_rc. That saying is very true t9dly when the farmer is facing the problem of planting another crop which he hopdully untid- Etee will yield a bountiful rveettohousedlsinthepesl to augment the total our Wort of Cumin. Knowing farmers. I feel sure that just as they optimistically and with faith plant their crops they will with optimism and faith be ready to support the Eighth Victory Loan and will welcome end mist the mussels in doing Kioivwéil: They feel with anyone else that this loan will surely be tho Victory Loan. ' illnyduty to variant! save to the limit of my ability and to invest surplus monies in Canal-5 8th Victory Loan. ll LGU. and a eontribution to the successful conclusion of Que Him the winning of the Sunshine Waterloo Company, Limited Carling Breweries, Limited Waterloo Manufacturing Company, Limited Silverwood Dairies, Limited _ T his Page Contributed to the to Bank? Then put it into 3% Victory Bonds. It’s good business. ing in during the next six months from the sale of cattle or other stock, from the pa . . . then see your Banker or Victory Loan Representative and buy Bonds P.†You pay for the Bonds when you get your money. ime need additional funds to buy livestock or equipment you can pledge your h monev at a lower rate of interest. . 'ttttttrt @III Tttt "St I investment we of Victory Bonds Helps Maintain Farm 1". . GonDON s. W-“ Pro-11km Twin City (lo-operative Mllll Prod-ens Assad-“on CARL ELLIS We at Waterloo Tamil. Get Your Money Out of the Bank and Into l . " , an 8th Victory Loan Committee " In buying Victory Loan Bonds it means that the farmers of Waterloo County are allevi- ating distress and human sul- fering by providing medical supplies. blood plasma. food and generally helping to end this terribie coMirt. OIIOIICLI I hope everyone realizes the importance of doing their part . _ . . n 7.4,; mL ""e'""""" mee _,,,v _ in making this Cnnada‘s 8th Victory Loan n still greater success than any previous one. Its success will materially "ect alt lid-£35m now img in the pod-war wars. President Waterloo County Federation of Agriculture WILFIII-ZD SCHNELLER Full Support I SIMON DITNEII Wnrden Watetloo County The lumen of Waterloo County are to be congrutu- leted on the splendid response they have made to previous Victory Louis and I am cow fident harvest prospects are such that rural Waterloov County will do their part Ind invest in victory by buying more Victory Bowls. both for rash and on the Belated Par ml letter. Farmers everywhere mud rally to the cause and back our boys overseas by 'mrettnsitN " many Victory Bonds u i. tut.gt. cially possible, Remember that Victory Bonds no eacetimt security and if the need arises you can borrow on these at your In interest. sale of on the at a low me of