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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Apr 1945, p. 4

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Twm thrr Lumm Cleaner. and Dyer. m QUICK DIVE)! um mm In _ . . Mom “but aw. III-lot Clan-on lot out " Van” Sift ttour, measure and sift again with baking powder and salt; Cut in tant until mixture has ttne, even crumbs Add enough milk to make soft dough. Turn on lightly floured fstnN.hen.dryuiywuhrteiivrdi. Cutin.1-inehpiRerand"iiieiGii -edptus.cutsideup.indtuke .N.tninuies,tao_ekW%FG hot, topped with white sauce. testeinhle"withssamtev. BahirttrPowa.rBineeit. s"i'g'tglt,,tt,Nlttr, d mmm"pow er it? 6 tabiesp9ons land aotgEnarsTtottsoroit.igig.eims andCSr-r.S.nmrte- TouedGnenS-hd Comm AwhoLSgugnpg eon-o ”new New 'Htanardwiehaorttotttamrxgt. My 1'lu',tu'htut or 1tvthi-_t_iidei- '0t6atMqgtotaarqtgt-gt DOWNING. sum and a FLORISTS “luau. MMIC BE SURE TO ASK FOR 5 mm": TGil 1et',%tltu' iu.'1i,f2,fihiti1t - t 2 cups pound cooked bun ' cup; thin white mace "So Clean and Fresh" ““327 oiir ' mm: 'lijllhlil'il?lib? Planning THE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS. WE HAVE PLEDGED TO HELP MAKE YOURS LAST FOR THE DURATION. CAREFUL HANDLING OF YOUR PRECIOUS HOUSEHOLD GUINNS IS MENU mo. Post We - 'ratereHo BEDFORD I Just Call Drug Store DR YOUR FREE LUCKY $5.00 COUPON it Ir. a. w.., meat 3 inches trom heat. Broumoon Thursday evening. Mrs. S. shout " minutes or until bacon is 'Cornish presided and the follow- crlsp. Serve hot Servesa. Hung members were appointed to ""====l_irlm=aa-=aa=a=a=xzx: Wish. the Sanatorium during May: Mrs. A. Thomas, Mrs S. Sipes ot Altll.llrlRlril-tli- Blair, Miss Annie King, Dickie Set- tlement, At the close of the meet- ing refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her sister, a M . Mrs Rgssel!_Tilt_. Mrs, A, Eagle. - are tn the Inmate ot the sheet tear i'gt'a"gg,',l2gr'e""e sauce it down the centre and sew the out- % iii." Canadi a side edges together. Then when: I Gi Mtn e ease thedsides. and thel result Ins a sheet t t tea y to giye plenty o service. M'Ja'trg,'A"g't' Rotate the linen as much as pos- 'teg, breed we. Select thinly sliced bacon and BOON attem human-ate cheece_ . all: Br In . am- a n egg mummies an © mm...“ blend. Toast blend on one side.’ lawn”. , cover second side with cheese mix- Miss Ethel Wilton; was hostels ture. Place sliced bacon over suI-‘for the monthly meeting of the face, and _amnge on broiler pan Doon-Blair Auxiliary to the Ptee- and plfeg _ihtroiltr with stun-(age g Pfrrt Sgnatorjum at her home in surface and knead gently tor % minute. Fat or to)! 55 inch thick and cut with large biscuit cutter, about. 4 inches in diameter. Place on baking sheet and bake at 450 gauge; r. lor " minutes Makes 5 , 6 large bum iiitr-- -_-_ BméUd Bacon and Chen. the orange colored coupons become and "P coupons will he good for the purchue of preserves at com ning sugar. Use of the we sheet of T'gotr,','t is necemry be cause extra coupons, each worth mum of sugar or the reguiar value in preserves. are being made available this year for the purchase of 10 pounds of sum tor canning. Herearethetutesmswttichra, Mmmmdu: Butter coupon- " to MM now valid. .1 '9ereoupoasa0togtv " Mouwuvalkt _Aftergeutem wtrentheinstot W%G"ii.N." _ A [tour of young people from Hawkesvile spent unday utter- noon at Peter's Corner, Mm Minerva Martin of Water. loo spent the week-end with her my. Mpg-vii! Martin, also "aGGUai""i;iti,' yin Inf-h “lawn. nea I. . Sch-d0. i "'ldd'JJiAra't.t,th'ta _ Mr. and Mrs Peterson of Hamil- Jon and non spent Sunday at their cottage here. Mr] and Mrs. James Caroehan of Lislmvel mm: with Mt: Anetta Ttttk on.endar, 7 -Mr, GfiirUT'tinu, Weber. were Sunday visitors with Mr, and In. Mom Irryttaelter near Handbag. _ sums} 3382-; Gar"iiiiiiis the home of Mr. and Mn B. ’teggeygr ot Kitchener. l Mrs. Lester Welland and daugh- ters Phyllis. Ruth and Jam of Kitchener Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jone: F Pte. Ted Wolfe has returned to London after spending two weeh’ have with his wife Ind‘ daughter at their home here. l Miss Ruth Davenport of Kitchen- pr was a recent guest wlth Mn W. Kauk. Miss Verna Goddard of Galt spent the week-end with her mo- mgr. Mrs, Q Goddard. Miss Bertha Kleinateuber of Galt spent the week-end It the home of her parents. Mr. and Mm. Fred Kreinsteutrer, ISher that he is making satistactory megress in hospital in Fn.ghqyt. IP.tt. Fisher was wounded m the .'right shoulder and leg early tn Math. '! Pte, Charles Crawford of Toron- to spent a leave with his parents. IM{._and Mr}; Eli_Crawtord. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Massel W,'. Friday at the home of Mr. and Is. Lerin.ee Mussel of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Near of Preston were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Reader. Hitt Mr. and -ikrEYGiTriTiiemsnsse of Sarnia spent the week-end with '.t.et lattcr's mother, Mrs. Charles Mi, Gd ieGriiiirraster isiting in Preston on many Mr. GifeFi%'iiTi"iiuun Ind Mr. and Mrs. Wes Penney spent Saturday visiting in Gait. Mr. and Mrs. Chimes Reader spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' A. Schneider of Kitchen- er. from her husband, Cpl. Dick Dn- rger in l:Iospital taes',",'"', that he is ma ing satis actory progress. \Cpl. Drager suffered a broken leg and bones in his foot, about three weeks Mo, while riding a motor- cycle in Germany as dispute}: rider. He was flown by plane from Bet- I gig? tt,.Estglariatter the accident. -V Mrs. GraiitiaGrrGiiairiiriiiii Ifomnheg- .hutsband, J'te. Grant Fi.. l Fit.tieut. William J. Welcket. D.F.C. and Bar, who recently re- named from overseas after he had completed two operational tours is spending a holiday with his sister and brother-in-lair, Rev. and Mrs. Armand 1.teryseetr. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lambke and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Lambke's father, Herbert Her- ner at the Rata-Bechtel Funeral Home, Kitchener on Tuesday after- noon. The late Mr. Herner died at his residence at Port Elgin on Sun- day.., April wh, _ The monthly business meeting of the Women's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Herb Lambke. The meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. Fred Hobb. The ho§3ess $0ng refreshments. . Rev. H. G. Cleghorn of Preston was ',i,',',tihaar,te of the service at the Presby rian Church on Sunday afternoon. Woman's Marion "an“. HAWKESVHIE Rev. s. E. Stevenson of Galt con- ducted the service at the Donn United Church on Sunday after- noon. Doon ottered Her home; -ior" 2111:3238. meeting. _ Same goes for kitchen equip- 'ment. Go over the linen closet con- tents, and mend the slightest ten or rip, also going over very thin places. It the very thin portions are in the middle of the sheet tear it down the centre and sew the out- side edges together. Then when: the sides. and the result is a sheet teady to give plenty ot service. Rotate the linen as much as pos- Wool and cotton circles report detinite shortages and 'di,','ai,egh in getting (applies, so the, word ere In lmens. there is a mu shortage and stores (mom for their wade range of bed linen and towels report scant stocks except m the very high price range. This coupled with the laundry situation ts pretty serious, and means ot course the greatest are in buying and looking after linen shelf con- tents. ioo, 15' thCutniost in burihd Gd 100th -atttr2he fttmiltlrrudmhe l, " has become pretty app-not to most Canadian women that come:- vation is the wamhword tor per- sonal and household equipment. So we don't feel that our constant sermons on this theme will seem as though we were Mina to ove- do things. Delano um I” In linens, there " a de l near Haida: "" It 'A I It OIIOIIOL! Velma Schneider and her Sun- day class from the Gospel Hall were entertained on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hoffman near Rei, delbertr. Mr. and Hrs Alex Kieswetter spent Monday evening with Mrs. Alex Hahn. Mrs. August Schneider and daughter Velma ati,',',', Thumtar witih Mrs. Lorne eber near Wa- ter oo. Alice Ziegler spent Sunday with Nagy Mag-tin ngar Hawkesville. Herbert 1!th ' kiGii%aGGse- end " the home of his parents. Mr. any; Mrs. Alex Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. John Brubacher and family ot near Wallenstein spent last Sunday with Mr. and In} Imts Jysyman and_tamily. A As for towels. try and use paper ‘towels all you can, placing the rolls ‘near bathroom basin and kitchen sink. As for bath towels. many women tell us that they have taken to washing their own. the laundry situation being what it is. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Martin of near Wallenstein spent last Sunday wig Mr. and Mrs. Noah Martin. stein. 'h"St moved out of town last Moe ay, to a farm near Wattew. hands should don loose white cot- ton gloves to keep the goo 9a the 1inertandonthe%andittitisto do my good. If no old gloves are isthtutd,itiseasrtorunupapair of mittens on the sewing machine. using any soft. clean cloth that my be available. Pieces of old knit un- derwear are ideal, since they ate absorbent. The overnight gloves should be washed after each wear- mg if hands are to henetit and lin- en‘kept as cleon as possible. caused by the steam will do I much better job in that direction than the stuff slapped on Ind left overnight. Most of it lands on bed linen any- way. sibl- to ‘IVC addition-J weal "ttyt-tte-tttteh-tout use night cm or new... put "idesomeverrohtaheetsanduse strips ottineo tom hum there att-thostile Mme-up.» suafetheauusointeiiAthritto apNrttteereamsandauettti- )1qu a wgrm by); 1W win Have absorbed an ttuit “u Gii “at even; ho sens _,"C'Tr,'")" in 'rT"', Eg FAN shnuH know. flaw ,2; Q2 'a, g iii"iiiis'_ciij: sll?s,l,'iufifl",l., , “a: 'it'tt i g ‘ “iizffig a”. " A id ‘ _ T, “new "' . " f [1,???» M Emgfl I.’ Pi” i':.liii,i! m: "'r .'?g'retttrrtrrrrr.iteeteeee rm and. a“ nu] declared huh] by the 'ut- Mullen. You domhnbmho- landlady. 'o-es-rut-o-tsue-i.. _ 77* ~-----v - WWW-n "e'"r extra mourns coupon; in Nation Book No 5 an bang and. avaiutge bl the purchase of - low canning. Theme coupons am good for hall a pound oi "an and: or the stated valu- in commcial pronoun, for thor no tho um as any of you! yin-"0|. coupon-v Inat.ad of special bong canning - coupons, twp-1y n-Io- -__A__A,,A _ - _ _ You any III. in all»: valid pvt-m coupons " I"- fl suing}??? For tasty. nourishing and economical winter desserts, most Canadian housewives will again do some preserving this pear . . . isms. jellies end all kinds of freak fruits. Sugar is still way source. We must continue to conserve our supplies. This year. the allowance for home canning will he the lame " in IN4--ten pounds per poison. Be sure to use your raucm mating”. l, I! " "M _ cttii i?',,,',?),'?,; M, a ..-: , " . M 9.. ., w” {E _i'/,?iiiliii,i,i" In!» i'iill8iW; iiii",iiiiiiiiiiii "' ',C,'iCtl,', iritIgitir'it, 'tr'iagtigtis In: on“ u mm for the Ienlcr an Q"'ttl to have their ‘names add . County Judge E W. Clement with the township clerk. Noah Stroh, will attend to appeals and revise the Woolwlch township list, pn Tuesday, May 8th, when they will attend at the townshi hall from 3 to s o'clock in the It tornoon and from 2 to 9 in the 'evening. Copies of the 1944 town- ship list are supposed to be posted in all schools and post offices in the township. where they are open for inspection by the electon, _ Woolwich Council at its meeting next Tuesday proposes to pass I by-taw for closing and disposing of an alley in the village of St. Jacobs. Regina Venn m The Voters' List for the Provin- cial election wilt be Tat, as on previous occasions wi the lat municipal list a: a basis and voters in the township of Woolwich whose names are not on this list should Pte. Bob Gaede of Camp lpper- wash is spending the week at the parental home. Cpl. Russ Stroh of Camp lpper- wash. Pte. William Porler ot Bramptpn and Pte. Chas Koch of Queen's Park. London, spent' week- end leaves at their respective homes. Pte. Raymond Koch, who has re- cently been translated from Camp Burden to Woodstock spent his week-end leave at home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Samer of near Heidelberg. were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sehieehott. Miss Marguerite Swen: ot Kitchener, was an over Sunday vi- sitar at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stevens. Miss Anita Dahmer of Kitchener was waking at the home of hee parents over Sunday, Mr, and In. John an: unend- ed the funeral of Mr. Halli hunt. held in Kitchener on Saturday afternoon. Quite a number of village totha took In the Victory Loan opening ceremonies in the Twin City, on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Sol. Kath received a M age last week, that his Ion. Pte. Bots Kin-ch, who had been serving :n Germany. had been slightly Mr. Gordon Baum at Wtteh- rner was mum. “at he but midweek. SUGAR It? cums “UPON CALENDAR now " 631' mutt FOR HIKING 35'”.th 1to'."rorotr"tottroeartu--e-a. hulk] by the ttaes. wilch in. dandy be. docueod valid will no! 5. bath.- Instantly. "rdaesd, It a up Inc-ch cum-abbotdhrhbu " cl It“! on!" do... have!“ book [1710' "tmnmum" ‘W It-tmt III-inn. l - low 311.. _ Mrs. Allan Glaister received good new: of her Ion, F0. William A, Glaister. who had been reported missing late last month. Ho is now "tth'", safe in Allied territory. rs. Edward Habennell spent a few hours on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Cart Pohl in Bridge. pork Mrs. Pom received word that ‘_--. -. -...... "w”... u... am, John of Cree-thank spent Sunday at the home of Mr. [con Wagner. Mr. and Mn. out. Hon: of near New Human}, Mr. and In. Dan W. Horst ot allenatein. w, 4nd Mrs Elias Horst Ind family. Mr "and In Howard Baum and son. James wen ,Sunday mum with Mr. and In Daniel' Home Miss Emma Bowley of (New spent the week-end with Mm. . Siddall. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schwindl and son, Douglas of Salem were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Schwindt. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Good and tam. ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Martin “eager at St. Jacobs. l, vieMoesteitttMr.amtMm ot,','Mdtlt use: Mr. land-ll Ide-klr.nndlnb. LII-gun "It non, In, cl 'lttl Those no new only two limit ot coupon. toe my". Tho regular no" coupon, good In on. pound of my”, and tho your". coupon. worth hall a pound of tug-L patch»: than, the at lull a pound oaeh. No “clung. is ”may. You: amen will "ear' any and mot-woo coupon- who» you purchuo - for canning, . Dr. Chase's Nerve Food CROSSHILL It In. Long huh (Gimmick Chum-n GUARD You: "no! tlHMttlt WOOLWICH ad'tt. Corva The Vitamin It Toni: mains Vii-9'93): ”Jim Ezytrysivelytsmdtoe hula-he, loan of sleep, 'wrrouqindietioi, trri.tol4litf, anaemia, chronic mm» and aha-mum of the WWW It abut, " pills, " cu, My the. 180 pills. “.50. ') Mr. Herbert Bast has seared ‘employmenl in the Feeeport Sana- Monum, Miss Gtalifirii'c'i'adt entertained the Luther League of St. Paul's Church. Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell of Listowel and Mrs. Manser ot Lin- wood spent Sunday with Mrs. It. Sh.ayttz Iuyi. [my]; Mr. and Mrs., Thomas Birming- ham and daughter visited at the home of her father. John L. Ham- mend. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Porter and family and Arthur Cress ot Kitch- ener spent Sunday at the home of John Lather. Mn Reginald Amen and sister, ”in Elsie Winn of Toronto spent a day a! the home of their sum. Mrs. R. Poster. her son. he, Lloyd 2iegier was wounded in action at Germany. “PM“ nun-m In“. c...- "d 5.: coal Hal- ova-ul- 0mm htarut _ d 3540?... gym I FM“ in CMJ br A Wm all ereatmut M.“ b.- lauhy I,“ w .'.W in - 'tht. Good "" pl... h' t ESIGII'I' sum

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