Friday. April 27, I†w 'cs r" "i" Ono Vidotv Bond . . . M on". - _ you {would My yawn“? M "mas-o"' my mum likeadeepin‘hobuckdloyfl1::llsovhd||wlh iusttttos any "ttautor' that you all m - in“. - out tttMot' - "and you mid -oe' mm W than new: EXTRA VICTORY BOND l 7/... A . y / Better Vision Glasses " King St, West Phone ISN’T Ir T'ME man! ' YOUNG’S KITCHENEH and Mr J: one w “rail-nor Mr, Alexnudrl Ave Phone 2-197! :1 \'uu|-‘ SI E to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith, St. Jacobs, a son. Fmr--At RR. l, Wallemstein, April 34, to Mr. and Mrs David B, rey. a daughter to Mr and Mrs. Wilbert a. Bei- sel. RR. 4, Elmira, a son. It-ie-At K-W Hospiul. l April 18, to Mr. and In. George _ Shoemaker, RR. t, Elm. a son. 'tttgh-At New Hamburg. April Mk l to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L Roth, _ New Hamburg. 't'i"ii'.-"A'"t St. Mary's “mi, _ April 19, to Mr. and Mrs, k _ Morris. Blair, Ont.. a daughter _ (Died same day). B-r-At St. Mary's Hagan. l April 20. to Mr. and Mrs, lure Brenner. " Bridgeport Rd., Wa, l terloo. a son. . Htteh--At K-W Hospital. April 21. l to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hock. . Bridgeport. twin daughters. Lyn- l da and Lynne. Bqehqe-At Gait Hospital. April 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Beck- l er. Roseville, a daughter. 'hrtiat---At K-W Hospital. April 23, to Mr, and Mrs. Paul Martin. RR. t, Elmira. a son. swarm K.tHosArtai, April 23, lfa,toMr.-tMmNasiutrixr- der. 38 King St M., Wan-loo. a daughter. Att-B-Au " Wm. M _ " to Mr. And In Clam Diamond, Baden. a non. --At St Marts itat, April W, to Mr, and 'a&t'tli Spencer, Mt Kres- Hill. Preston. a daughter. cr_-.-At St. Mary's Hospital. April 18. to Cniunun and In. gangs Cyawtoni. " queen " N., 1PAt'teintit ‘ fl __ M-g-- t - stat, Aer“ IA to Mr and Mn Tft'; . Bei- Births fl. WATIILQQ ft Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Binder of Wa- tcrloo spent Sunday at the home 101 Mrs. Elizabeth Hergou. 1 Rita Kramp has returned home after s nding a week with Mr. and ‘Mrs. 'i'lfd', Schilling of Dickie Settlement. Visitors at the Lorne Luckhardti home on Sunday were: Mr. and! Mrs. Lester Wilhelm. Mr. and Mrs. I [Altaman, Miss Poddin. Ed. Macken- 1 jie, Robert Huras of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Hesse. Ruth and Louis.‘ Mr .and Mrs. Louis Wagner of New I , Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Game.I June and Grant of Shakespeare†Mr Schaeter of New Jersey, NN., ' Mr. and Mrs, Herb Krieger of l .Breslau. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Waddel of pt. f tersburg were Sunday visitors It ihe Charley Jteiphardt home. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schilling A.nd daughter Judy of Dickie Set- ‘th-mcm were Sunday visitors at the Arihur Krupp fsomp, h - Mr. and Mrs. Leander Reinhardt of Maryhill. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wil- helm of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Reinhardt. arary Reinhardt of Kitchener spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. anti_Mry, Leander Reinhardt Miss Ella Schilling of Kitchener is spending the summer months with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sc_hilling, 7 -- Mrs, Bonald Krieger of Kitchctr. er spent the week-end at the Her.. bet. _Kr..itsger ho_me. 7 Jerry and Ronald Wagner of Kitchener spent Saturday with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wyrner. - Miss Verna Faulhafer and Lita Boissoin of Kitchener spent the wek-/tnd at the Ecter Fey home: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner were Sunday visitors with Vnd Mrs. Fred Gutzkie at Brash . Swglo. Hespeier. 88 years. ' Schmadt---April 19, Otto s. l Schmidt, Elmira. 64 years. Wi1solpril 18. Charles J. Wil- sou. at Hamilton. formerly of [ Elma. 73 years. l Ross-April 20. James Marshall. Blow. 82 years. Bqimri---April l9. David Beisel. in- fant yion of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard G. Beiscl. KR. 4. Elmira. Burl-April 21, Mrs. Harold Burke, Preston. 45 years. 3 Grimm-April 22. Mrs. Ella Grimm of Preston, " years. Starck-April 22. Mrs. Sarah Stack. _ Preston. 74 years. _ Ahetr-April 23, Thomas Henry Abcll. Listowel. 78 years. C P-on-April 23, Frederick K.; Ferguson. 79 Norman sc, Water- loo. aged 77. } 'h"t----April M, Samuel B. Hathaway. New Hamburg, 89} years. " . SEAN " STATION! G-r-April 17, Levi Gemmer. Mitchell, formerly of Listowel. 85 years. MeL--April 18, Miss Margaret McLaren. Tavistock, " years. Johnstoat--April 19. Mrs. James R. Johnston. Preston. In years, a trt-tter-April 19, John A. Steiler.l Waterloo. " years. I Groi--Aprit 19. Herman Grosz. 65‘ Water-St. Waterloo, " years t Siqgi-April 19, Mrs. Mary Chi "uirunirnrutiaqr--Apru M, Pte. John E. Huck of Dayton to lil- dred Grace Flewwellmg of 21m Cetoun.Cgimi.--Mareh M, Pte. Ro- bert Clayton Conlan, Guelph, to Lieut. Lenora Mary Climie. Listowel. Bard-tteh-e-April tl, Mel- vm Snyder to Noreen Sch“. St. Jacobs. Fer-mt-Neat-April ss, Roy Fcrguson, Baden. to Marie Zet- tel, Wellesley. Good-gut-April 25 Edward M. Good of New Hamourg to Olive Attt of Baden. gym-WAML tl, 7 Clare ts, to LAC. and In. John I. Senna", 1M Papal-r It. Wam- Loo. I await. . " MI.- t 1.8!. . Io Bridgeport, a daughter. MT»: K-.WAeoVt91.dutr1iAb ---ut K-' Einwechter of mi, Mi; Gertrude Eleanor Dunn of Put- B, In. H. A. Helm-u JChmnide Corn-ponds." Marriages Deaths ti n! OHIOIIOLI When the choir has sung its last anthem. And the preacher has voiced his last prayer; When the people have heard their last sermon. g And the sound has died out on the air. When the Bible lies closed on the _ altar [ And the pews are all empty of _ men; (When each one stands facing his 1 record-- And the great book is opened-- } What then? Pmen the actors have played their last drama, And the mimic has made his last When the bugle's call sinks into ï¬n home construction and r .. silence. lesi n I I And the long marching columns g . stand still, m When the captain reports his last A or?“ ed h l nd t ey've captur t e ast _ -". w "tit, mad hit]: b h PRESERV‘ PROTECT BEAUTIFY hen e " as een auled from the masthead, WEICHEL HARDWARE And t',t,u'it,t..d" afield new! 22 King St. s. wanna.) C cc tn; _ And a world that rejected its Sa, j WENTWORTH RADIO & AUTO SUPPLY CO. LTD. . than); “u L _." to: may. w. KNCKEN" When the movie has flashed its last picture, And the billboard displayed its last run; When the crowds seeking pleasure have vanished. And gone out in the darkness again: When the trumpet ot ages has sounded-- And we stand before Him-- What then? ioi, of {twine Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schmidt He was employed in the Great West Felt Futory tor a years. A resident of Elmira tor M years. he attended St Paul’s Lu- theran Church. He married Mary Bergen. on Feb. It, 1904. Surviving are his wife, four daughters. three brothers. two sis- ters and five gmttdehildrert. When the great. busy plants of our cities Shall have turned out their last finished work; When our merchants have sold their last order. And dismissed every last tired clerk; ' When our banks have raked "ii't their last dollar. And have paid out their last db vidend; When the Judge of the earth wants , hearing. mango. Surviving are one son. ' and two The funk-I wi be held Friday afternoon It tao from home of his son. Interment will be made in m since January, Otto S. Schmidt. " Park Ave., Elmira. died at his home Thursday after- noon; Deceased was born March ti, "tlt,iBaitayt Grx?vr, On_t:_, a ll -mtMmaa.lXhr%tttawarturt' way. t..1‘uuday t atthe-of- Mr 'cle! mayng hayr {nap}! yegppl A Ida-xi of ttAe ttaaiSam to: II {at}. 8.119011 [lull-v†dial ls asked for a teason--What then! And WALLENSTEIN mane, tgehadbeeisiiitoe asks tik a balance-What then? " J. Inno- lumba- tumble arrow†Obituary “THE l.llO IS HEAR"... minim The line . of opportunity is clear. too. For the monvy you invest now, at interest, will help you to carry out the plans you've made while waiting and working for victory. IHE line ofduly int-Ivar. Once again it points to the purchase ofViclury Bonds-7v to thelimit. Your doilars an: mreded to make \irmry swan-r, every- where; to bring our Inn-n home; to aid their return to [warn time life. INVIST IN TH! DIST MVlchry lends 4hoBato.tNsoeese Last week-0nd while cranking a car, Henry M Martin. younger bro- ther of Postmaster Eli M Martin. unfortunately broke the ulna or larger bone of his right tore-arm. the fracture being located an inch or two above the wrist. After a week's sojourn at the K- Pl Hospital, Elim Bowman was ‘motored back to the home ot his _ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bow- man Besides his Inclined maxil- lary, which has been deftly wired, ‘an X-ray disclosed a slight fracture of the skull, and it was this feature of his fortnight-ago mishap that The 19th birthday anniversary of bcautitul Princess Elizabeth. on Saturday. April 21st, saw our vet. nal countryside tteeeily Booeed with a two-inch carpet af snow that surprised such yellow bloomers u dattodiis, dandelions and forsythia ttolden bells Lure-lands were madly with“. cd to the "vet’s very hint. Car. lit J away on the swelling current vi that has; ttood an: the mum yank-tun e extending out west across the river, along the I3: .-th concession road. This budge, built during the middle "firties, has never mace been re- placed by a second structure. I "C" “' __ Iv"' V - h Paint Dealer; he'll gladly I, - -" help you plan for better IP2hfrtgtPs, living new. Ask him for ‘ W' ' his expert advice just as , you consult your architect 'm, on home construction and l A lesign. INIS “I PRESERVI "_-. PROTECT -". BEAUTIFY Of course it's fin to look forward to happier living in the future. But planning for better living new. is fun too-and so practical. There is a way you can do it; you can make your home look newer and smarter, and feel more comfortable and satisfying with a Colour Styling Plan using caa. Paints. They're particularly suited for the purpose; they're sold in your community by a man who's wise in the ways of home decorating and re- styling. He's your C-I-L Paint Dealer; he'll gladly " - -- help you plan for better F2hPTA, living " Ask him for W' his expert advice inst as , you consult your architect p Mm on home construction and l A lesign. * _ BETTER EWING THROUGH PLANNING In silent, unhun’ied Aight " rouse-top height. and sailing - by side through the semi-oh-it, of the musty morning _qtmaqat-r a pan of blue heron: new at? a low feet away trom Sunset ot- tage m then westerly course to- wards the Conestogo river. Voices ot my childhood taomet-8 hear them still! They have been with me than. the dreamy night-- The blessed household voice: wont to sweetly ttlt My heart's clear depths with un- alloyed delight! I hear them still. unchanged: though some from earth Am music parted-until the trun- pet tails! being struck by Que untimely n- leuinz of the spring-tever ot the seed-dull he was driving on his h- ther's (arm,