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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Apr 1945, p. 9

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t9tastti'fied ” Advertisements CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phone 2-4488 , FiiiiFiriigiFhL CARDS l Jae! “ Wuhan: St - Waterloo} ' mac 2-1351 TWIN CITY AUTO PAINTERS UAW CHRONICLE BROCK. DAVIS & DUNN r. H. R. Brock D. Bruce Davin K. H. Dunn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees m Bankruptcy) H King St East.. The col-v.1: of your .. much"! perfectly. GEORGE M RUPrEL a Gnu-cl St Kstcheete"r AUTO PAiNTERys ' A SPRING TONIC and blood puri- tter - Price $1.00 - at Geiger‘s Dru§1 Store, 408 King St. ast, Kite ener, Phone 2-2121. i c. LEHMANN BOOKBINDL'R " Queen St. N. - Phone 6-6041 Kitchener Hebinding Books. llblcs. Hymn and Prarerboot" - specialty CHICK BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK AND NEXT. Non-sexed: Barred Rock 11.95, New HtuppsAtirts trts,ltilt a-.-".etree h .0- Add more books to your home “bury by having your "voritr magazine bound into books [um-ling Club 'tes. Sum-am 'isa-. Mit- Good: culled for and delivered I... nun-n - - I, D. qOB ADM‘ law lawn-(Thaw IR K}KHIVIH\(; SUTHERLAND -sfPTr'ra m". ...............‘_ -- 7. Leghorns 1095. Assorted Heavies 1095, Assorted Light Breeds fr.g3. Pullets: Whitc Leghorns 2195, Barred Rocks [995, New Ham:- shires 1995. Assorted Litt t Breeds 2095. Assorted Heavies I795 Cockercis: Barred Rocks T95, New Hampshire 835. As- sorted Heavies b96, Assorted Medium ro, White Leghorn; .950 2 week old add 6c per chick to above prices Chicks all Government Approved from trtoodtested breeders Shipped coo This advertisement must accompany your order, I". Nqteh Chlclerles. Guelph. on. do mum-u you salon-c awn-mun"! cunning? Ae, "I mu.- ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC MOTORS All!" UL“ iiiiiETtiii'rs CHIROPRACTIC th tCf ttts In. u. . n I I CHIROPRACTOR :1] you and More 1W . . . FOR SALE PM" "gum-m: .. on u»... TONEKA II can - .mu-u p. u. gnaw " 'm-r Kitchener MINNIE. SALE S'IOREY AND A HALF ml an barn, ideal tor bank bun. Sb " x so. Good audition. Cad sale. Phone #4401, 55 am Ave,, Waterloo. III. A View tor weekly cyan. in ARE YOU FULLY PROTECTED? THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY IF YOU want to get married. write Box 358. Juliaetla. Idaho. Sang ataisie' iaTuGaiekue m 85.00 meh. Home W. Stxmtg& Audio?" and RelIrtato "A sGGiiriGGe --- JGirtratt -or in” whole day waka. In. Raye. _ 389 Jphn Blvd.. ates-loo, Peer D. A. BEAN INSURANCE AGENCIES wttarthermmNGortmuamh. HELP WANTED Call the Local Representative stamp, In a“ Mod TYPEWRI‘I'ERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS- Duplicutinn and Adam. M.e'tietq. Piling Cabinet Delhi. SIM ate Ontario OHIO: thrtBttem Ltd. " Queen St. B. - Phone can Gro.t-Weat Llama , - Auk-souls - Anni 'PhomC-“II - “MN. A. K. CRESSMAN & SON ammo COSTS ARE o HIGHER t FURNISHINGS AND ALL 1 PERSONAL EFFECTS cosrl; MORE T0 REPLACE i' HESSENAUR & 3mm Limited REAL ESTATE KrTcmrht _ our! Situate in Peel Township. about , miles north of Elmira. Farm in excellem state" of cultivation. two never failing wens. large barn with straw shed. stables 60 head cattle, extra hay barn, targe im- plement shed, I named white brick house. Hydro throughout buildings with motor for chopping. Your chance to get a good tuna. INSURANCE TYPEWRITERS Real Estate and Insurance 102 King St. South WATEBIDO Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Regularly PERSONAL 150 ACRES .--;;-------a - WATER LIL [Ch-m 09"” " iiiaiaauhstLU, on M IMA I., of +r, "9- flt 'arfl.T4 '2't1tipr%" The {illldken of the local public school entered__a_ countrttet. 'iGCirGiFt has gem is sponlol'ed ttlite " atertpo m... ...‘q.-- --__ H, 7 sponsored by the Waterloo Coun- ty Conservation Committee and prizes for the planting ete, will be donated by the county. The Baden contest was begun u wee Grove Farm; owned by Mr. 'ttfred Schneller. east of Baden and although each school entering is required to plant at least halt an acre of trees. I much 'g'g%fi'.t age we.. stian.tef at Pr. Sc nelleSs agr “a: P"""""'" -- ___v --- farm, The reforestation plot in this , instance is about three acres in aixe' and consists of about two tttou-', sand trees of red pine. white pine.‘ jack pine and out The boys Ind , girls of Grades VI, VII and VIII; did the planting under the dkec-_ tion of their principal. Mr. Elgin) Wright. on Fnday allernoon. Su-L pervisors were Mr. Miller. Mr. Ro- senblatt and Zone Forester l. C. Marritt, who reported that a spten- {did job was done by the children who were most enthusiastic about [their task. At the conclusion re- freshments were served to the chil- The Women's Auxiliary of St. James Lutheran Church held their. monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Clarence Heipel with a splen- did attendance. Two new members were welcomed lo the grqup. ' During the devotional period Mrs William Schncllcr read the seripturt reading and Rev: Mr. Friedrichsen led in prayer. The president. Mrs. C. Fleet guided over the meeting. Mm. J. . Roe- nlg gaveareadin "raithtttinmtsin Little Thug". Din H. N. Foster resented e report of the wel- _ are committee. An eddies w iaitisriticq.uoemtunnd.tY, (llr"e"ietratiiii trt, a prayer; Pot, P"'""""'"'-" -- - ,-,,_- ___ made to the former president of the auxllm'y. Miss Selma hemp. who is now a student at Waterloo coBege. A social hour followed with mes and refreshment: were semi by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs John Weppler ot Mooeetield called on mend: in mum on Thursday. Miss Onoloe Hamel of Owen Sound mud last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mn Clar- ence Phim b Rev. Mrs. N. E Dahms ot Roseville visited with friends sitt town on Wednesday. l Mrs H, C, Kuhn is_vis1tir.u with. Mrs Kuhn. Mr. James Rube: commenced work in Toronto recently and spent the week-end with his wife and may. The ladies of the Baden Red Cross Society recently sent the fol- lowing shipment to Provincld headquarters in mm: " woo- ueck swam tor the navy. seven- teen pan of hear am so“ so infants aunties. S? pande- dresses and two heavy crib quilt: Mr. and In, Horttung and hub ity and an. A. Roman; of Kitch- - spent Sunday with the Poul Spun! (may. "er. and Mn Eddie mum and ‘chndren ot Kitchener were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mm. Not- SHANTZ STATION day guests with Mr. and Mn. Not- ‘mn Baum-n. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H-nnck Ind {children of Kimmie; Mr, an! all”!!! OE filament“ In. cm. uu Bitt Bunny and family Fil Mu. Kn. Sun Hal-neck and children ot Fisher Mills we" Sun- day vhilors at the Joe Rnraneh who-o. Mt and Mrs. Wilfrid “much and children agent Sunday " the John Hummel am It mum. Mr. end Mn Norman Beam-n and (may were recent visitors at the Bill Bitchy home in Be-tatt. Mr. and In Wilma Ham-ck. David Ind Jimmy were vision“ with Kitchens ttieods on Iona-y. i Mr end In Che: Wagner and, Chub we!“ Sunday with 511.1 Prong It “about. ( Edith Hench of Tommie iv In“. some time with her mog t er, In. Ilia-hem Hewett Illa-mills: P. J. Biuderand children ot Waterloo spent Sunday " the '4th Pa,',', home. In. Elisabeth eegqtt, Olive and use. 'trg, In Vet H- m In; Out ergo“ and dail- wen in Kitchener on sunr- gay ,h3ee they were "an " the ....m.. Iv...- “Nun-bent“ 'lat with Mi. and In, Wuha- Se uiing " chkie Betuemettk Mt ml an. wan-n; Banyan. 30.1-va If“; Eiikk fiat Not-mu Nodal. I?” m ot “than. luau: 'U4nhart at JPtet?- wfersekeottr'e?y at -_- -___._.,- V, in“. W. Solution for the Amalie-nu " In. Chm-n Din-0.4 (on-Isle W0 In“! Eel-HI.“ I, In. M. A. K u (On-Isle 'latafJaTu BADEN 'M'rl -giiGA Te. _ Run} and - - -t 5...--‘ - __--------------- ‘ The April meeting of the Ladies' [Aid of the St. John's Lutheran Church was held at the home ot Mrs. L. M. Schaefer at Bamberg an Tuesday evening. The meeting [opened with a hymn and scripture ilusson. After the singing of an- ‘mhor hymn. Rev. A. Schweitzer presented the topic. "Our Saviour. :Josus Christ" trom the book, "What 'every Church Member should 'Know", A discussion followed. A 11mm was read by Mrs. Schweitz- HESSEN ROAD In It" Luann; Dal-nude: (Ciro-kl. Cone-pom!) THIS taxi - WWW; er) , men‘s 2rAiTllCd no. I now! aw can“ an A Ian-n was Z'srcLT>i5 now 'clliltii' THINK OF WHAT 'ULL. CHARLES even as GOLD? urn: NEST e , we‘u. HAVE AFTER no and was _ me WAR ms 'iLCCS, ALL ' ' , U. um: scamnus' sc"iGzali2rLEiaENa"ce ,, ,, ll-Y l "'s i' man? ' ...AND "our: - . _-r, mm Air; I t f l T P b,t" *4 , I ”tun-on ' Ji\ , l I , 2 , _' "A h' V: , f ‘ kg“ _ I x _ f, _ I , A: D _ “a”? tis,; -- . _ The best ids you ever did has to be done again! WI! when you were asked to buy Victory Bonds but Fall? tttef Ready to Bay mummy ak7i'-As an: I . One of the company War Finance Workers asked you: "Well, how much will it he this time. Bert?" And you told Then he naked: "And how about buying another ttortt1---foe cash?" You hadn't thought of that. The one you were buying on the Payroll Pun was going to pinch you plenty. Suddenly. for no reason. you thumb! of that husky, fair-haired Stivens kid who lived in the brown house near you. You‘d been talking to his mother only a couple of day. ago and she told you he'd been reported missing after they'd taken Cabin. You didn't know what to toy to her then. MWAL WA! "NANO (own!!! (I!!! View loan - W 23rd.) A 4/; or Rev, and Mrs. Schweitzer ex- tended an invitation to the Ladies' Aid to hold their 1'tggpftlt at the parsonage at Liw . After I mun business session the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson l-lnckban were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Human and Phyllis of Heidelberg. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dietrich and family of Wa- terloo and Mrs. Emil Schneider and Olga of Bumbag. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Her- but Freiburger on Sunday were: Miss Katherine Fritz. Miss Laurine Stller, Mr, Harold Freiburger, Mr and Mrs Edwin Kieth-I1 Mr Claude Freiburgtr, Mr Vulen- and Mr Charles Hackbu't visited tine Strauss. Mr and Mrs Joseph t tnt' home of Mr. and Mrs. We Dietrich, Esther and Sheila of Wa- Schmidt at Heidelberg on Sum. terloo and Mr and Mrs Leon Han- Mr and Mrs. Noah Hquchuh man of Kitchener, s.' Hudclberg, Mr. aqd Mrs. FA Mr, and Mrs. Wnlham Damn" Lu cmd Ralph called on Mr. and Mrs John Hoffman near Wnllvslvy .m Myyiay, - Mr. and Mrs Robert mnsc'nbcr- gor and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Harold Hinschberecr at Erbsville. whit and Mrs chry Maun'r of Rostock spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Fred Hackbart 80 you said. “OK, I'll take that other bond for cash." And he answered: “It's a wise move, Bert. Victory Bonds are a grand investment at 3%. And in an emergency you can get your money back on them immediately." When you got home and told Mary what you'd done, she didn't Squawk. She just said, "What else can we do?" Two weeks later there was a "V" flag ttying over your plant building. And it made you feel warm deep inside to he a member of that winning team, . Ttie coat of war is greater now than ever. So the best job you ever did his to be done again! It was the best job you ever did! i-iii-tiii-ill ("i"j'"t"j (id-l?-)!-!?-!,,!,-!!-',-! cc? _ " Hudclberg, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- "uni Rmchert and Lavem and wax Chm Reichert of Waterloo ~1ch with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. your! on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. John Kmpt, Ber- xum and Mary Ellen spent Sun- day mm Mr and Mrs Moses But A Waterloo, Mr, and Mrs. Joachim Reine] of t t "'." St Clements spent Sunday at “m mem of Mr Louis Freiburger, MID (MKS MIDI! Every dqllu' inveued in Viuory Bonds is I doll-l invested in peacetime to- morrow.CAUdis thy is in our bends. 'é',' 'l1T'dl (0 than: that, we're helm to repay the debt we dive the boys (growing from overseas. There we: no limit (0 what they were willing [0 do. Let's make sure the an: “in be said for us! JOIN! [AIAYY “II". tendon

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