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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Mar 1945, p. 5

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OIIAIN THEM " 'oo HYDRO SHOP any. . . line a who”: V C2V' eye-Inlnh " Yours and know the lack about your vision. " usual ill I: re- qulred. you can lie sure of clear. mmttorUbte - and wett. styled glam. designed a cling. -- _ - H l 1 EH: West Better Vision Clan-Ion " King St. We“ PM Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES YOUNG’S Build your sporting life wardrobe 'round a few key casual» that mixmatch endlessly! Choose a trim skirt . . . allek-tit slacks _ _ . a versatile blazer . . " jaunty weskitt Then for fun and fashion-switch them smoothly! Cheeks. plaids. pastels? All here at modest young prices! CASUAL SPORTS STARS . . . Mix Well for Spring 'rom ass THE KITCHEN!!! m Rev, and Mrs, H. G. Cleghorn. ‘Pl‘ralnn. Time was a good attend, ’uunco. Rev. Clcghorn opened with ‘a ,hort devotional period. Rev. mtmnai period Cue SITES-t Cit-ghorn was appointed chairman for the evening and Miss Ethel iWillong. secretary. Rev. Cleghom _ m the Kirk session report revealed seven new members had been m- Hrcivcd Into the church during the ‘yuu‘. Miss Ethel Wilfong. secre- r,tury-trcasurcr. gave an exmllent rvport. showing a substantial bat- ance on hand. The Sunday School "port was given by Miss Mary t Weaver. showing an increase in at- ‘ii-ndamco. The Sunday School rooms won- rcedcorated and a good hank balance is on hand. Mrs. o. Moddard reviewed the work of the l Ladies' Aid Society. Money to mis- szans and reported three Victory _ Bonds now purchased. Also a good llmnk balance for rxrdeeomting the lrl~urch after the war. Wm. masth- l'c gave the board ot managers' re- port. Rev. Cleghom read the cem- l wry report. There is $400 in bonds Him a balance on hand. All ofti- urs were reelected: Elders. Wm. 1 Little. Thomas Marshall. Wm. _ Blaschkc: board of managers, for 3 your terms. Mrs. H. Perine. George .1111. Gslbcrt Wiltong; secretary. CINDERELLA SHOPPE Br In It. "- dL‘hronich Cantu-luv" Aeyual. Mating. Good reports were presented 1mm all departments of the church as the members of Doon Presby- Ivrmn Church met recently for Hunt annual meeting at the home Mr, “I In Glam! ' I...“ ll. Aim " Im- Dam, " All”! St. w OPPOSITE DOMINION LIFE HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO BOON PM 2-"?! treasurer. Miss Ethel Wilfong; Ills Mary Weaver and Wm. Blaschke. representatives of the Sunday School; rg,','."",') Mlss Alma Thorns; Mrs Char e. Tilt. Mrs o. Goddard and Mrs. Gilbert Willong. ladies' ald; auditors. Mrs. R. C. Bauer and Miss Mary Weaver; canetezy board, Wm. Little. Mrs, H. Feline and Roland MeGarvey. Rev. Cleg- horn thanked the church people for (their support during the year and ‘ciosed with prayer. Mrs. Cleghom served a delicious lunch. Miss Nettie Klemsteuber had the misfortune to fracture her left made in two places while toboggan- |ing in the village on Wednesday (evening. 1 Mrs J. Grant received word that a dammr was born Feb. " to Mr. and John Grant of Vancouver. Ttpr. M Wolfe of London spent the week-end with his wife and daughter at the home of his par- en_t§, Mr. 9ng ME) A. G. Wolfe. Pie. fle,i,eEiirhee of Tomato spent a cave with is parents. r. ad_Mrs, E. Crawfotd. The February business meeting of the Doon Patriotic Society was, held at the home of Mrs John Saps- , worth with a a good attendance.) Mrs. G. Wilfong. president. opened the meeting with prayer, Secretary Mrs. Wm. Kauk gave her report and letters received from overseas. l, Mrs. G. Ayres, treasurer. reported‘: a panel and gift sent to Pte. Grant _ Fisher. overseas. valued at $9. :10 l in dues and donations were re-' eeived. Parcels tor the 20 enlisted men overseas will be packed in, March. Mrs. P. Hobbs. flower and l card fund. Mrs Mid. Fisher. re- ported wool and goods for quill. back were required: Mrs. L Cluthe. knitted goods, " pair of! socks; Mrs. R. Drager. bundles for) overseas, 2 quilt tops and 2 “in backs also 2 girls' drums. rs.‘ George Morley of Waterloo. a for- _ mer member, attended the meet-I ing. The hostess served refresh-‘ moms assisted by Mrs. M. Fisher! and Mst Ityytrt Sapswortlt, 7 l, Mr. and Mrs Wee. Penney spent Saturday in cm Mrs. E. Kerr spent the week-end visiting in Toronto. LAC. Russell Ttlt ot Cams Bor- den spent a leave with " W e and parents, Mr. and Mrs C. Tilt. Pte. Bert Skipper is taking fur- ther treatments at Westminster Ho_spitaj, London. Stanley 30803-111311! Sunday at the home of Mr and Mm. Bert ququeyor of, Kitchener. Mrs, George Morley of Walefloo was the guest at the home of Mr and rMs. John Supswonh. Pte. Willi-m Sch-Ink of lpper- wash amp in mending I leave " le hem-Lot h}: prams, Mr and Rev. H. G. Cloghorn of Preston was in charge of the service at the Dean Presbyterian Church on Sun- day afternoon. MA. tyiiiriGiadm. spent Pri. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Schneider of Kitchener TOII or SALVAGE A total of 1,145.!" tons of scrap material: was salvaged and rm ( chimed mum Canadian National 1 Railway! tween the beginning or a the wat and the end of last year, [ according to “lures compiled by the rallway’a atom department In "" the mum'a but year In mp ‘m I“ an. at almana- Rev. s. E. sieirehsod Bibs]: con- ducted the service at the Doon United Church on Sunday after- noon. MORE THAN MILLION M" IAIIILOQ ncous scrap and 73,064 tons of scrap rails were disposed of by the C.N.R. This was a combined total increase of 30.479 tons over MMI, the next high-st year [ the mue, out mark country Us I”. tdo-- mn on than - cl - known to inNtion! W hyln V'om In chm 'd'7g'ilbd'd, buy any» who on. will dot We Inuit not and. tttttXue? control, or do.) with black no. If we bml: Hum-‘06 trip In the V old {gully 'ttOrr-dee up gouge of lhe thing's rant-ion: bot in 'tttttIng for todny! And he won't be able to todny! And he win? be able to onioy those things. unla- we It home 'ttht for it" nylon IM.tlent--itttess we make are when he get: beck his arit.rwitttt-toduiar. To prom In. dollu. we mun "an. North, dee, of My“. PM" thins-9"“ M9511!!! W~mm0 WY (m“10)b maul the Jun...- 0'“ M,aod to Ashl 'r.. the 4:3" {3,01% 'lilo/i. AChanceto GoFishin’...! Dial b4266 OHIO! 10L. " The Misses Ella Wldcman and "Thelma Grove and Messrs. Elmer (Grove and Leonard Hoover of "Mannheim spent Sunday at the Name of Mr and Mrs Norman Kas. 'ter N ', Mr, and Mrs. Norman Miller and 'tson Jimmie ot Wilmot Centre spent {Saturday with Mr and Mrs Chas Miller Sunclail visitors at the home of Mr. and rs, Vernon Winner were: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shana. Carol and Roy Shanta ot Baden, Mr. and Mrs. ent Shanta and family of Brenl‘au. . and Mrs Ward Shanta Lad family of Kitchener and the .Mln. “.de Jude Milne of 5Kltd1ener, . and Mrs Robert {Milne of Mannheim, Mr. Donald Ieick of Nine Pines, Mr. Cranmn (Knechlel of Elmdale. the Misses Esther Miller, Ruth Plank, Mary- (helen Hedding. Barbara Troyer. Anna Schwartzentruber and Mar- Jtha King of Ohio. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Diefenbacher were: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kell- soy of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Stromc. Glen and Donald Slrome of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schiedel of Mannheim Mrs. Gordon B. Hellman and Miss Kathryn Hallman spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hallman at New Dundee on Sum day. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bowman spent Sunday with Mrs. Ervin SID"! at Elmdale. Mrs. Gordon Hallman spent a few days of last week in Kitchener. Miss Margaret Stoltz of Gait spent the week-end with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stout. Mrs, Elgin Miller and Merle Mil- In spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller. Mr and Mrs, Wilfred Scluedel, Larry and Richard Schiedel of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Charles Siebert Mt. and Mrs. Gordon Wilmer and daughter Shirley visited Mr. and Mrs. Morley Rattler at Williams- burg on Sunday. mew Dundee win bé'ch'e'gEi-pa" LC Mrs. Norman Raster visited her sister, Mrs. L, R. Pipher in Toronto on Friday. _ an... VII-not and an. on ehtm& on than "all“ wtth th- “at. It. Elva Du. hhndc. in an to. Allen Dam of was: mad the sulp- tun liken from Puhn 33:14 mad Matt. " man Mrs. Werner Ro- mahn was guest sync! and used yy her abject b ower Through Private W’. In Dunn: an; as a solo, [ad's Prayer" and the “he. Grace, Doris and Eva Jamil ab rendered two special hambu- m m. _ The next Wilmot Community _Piresiderneetietgwiiibetteidrtttfe lat-char Mennonite Church at 'Mannheim on Sunday evening, {lamp 10m. Rev. H. F. Schade of Mr. and IMS. Kenneth Stoltz and family of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stoltz. Miss Jean Hellman is canvalelc- ma at the K-W Hospital knowing an operation on Wednesday. ROSEBANK I bunk. ONE of then rules. we‘re lowering the value of our Ioldlu'n dollar. We're helping to shoot prices sky-high . . ' Ind sky-high prices was iMation. The value of every dollar in Crud: so» down, end when the men meme” come back their dollar might buy only I quarter's worth of goods? _ We can prevent inhdonl We a. give our fighting mun his "right to to tishin' ", If we make unto his dolls: will be worth I dollu. when In comes home. We cnn't gin back to him his lost years. or his lost youda. Bot if we keep up the fight cpl-n iMntion, he can look for“; plus-m. satisfying living - Can-dint may of "fol Rumba! Every duo ONE of!” 'Futum'uy urn-moon. Mrs. E. Ging- 1crxuh he! mu devotions and Rev. IC. Gutgerielt spoxc on the subject {"Jgsuph a prisoner ‘in Etiypt", Mr. and Mrs Musvs Truman cele- ba-ated their 55th wedding anniver- sury on Sunday. They are both 78 )1:an of age and in good health. Mr. Tomun still is the efficient care- takor of the local school. They were married at Cavalier, North Dakota, came to Ontario on their honey- moon and settled on the farm two miles west of here whore Mr. To. man was born. They are members of the M.B.C. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Tum-n have five children. Lloyd of Toronto, Jacob and Florin of Kitch- uncr. Morley and Flossie (Mrs, Leighton Rosenberger) of New Dtypdeeualy? 10 grandchildren. Mrs Roi: Gildncr R53 hoétcss to thir Bee Happy Sewing Club at her home Thursday evening. iyw Shanta and Mrs. .. ClixEEe (Sn-swung gals iut Essay, . Thc weekly meeting of the Blen- m-m) Mennonite Young People's Sucwty was held a! the church Sammy mornmg with Herbert Kehl 'ao hum-r and Walter Sham: as rpuuktr The scripture lesson, Ro- mans 8:1-i4, was re_ad by Kather- The Wilmot Meade meeting was Md at the M.B.C. church Sunday cwmng with Roy Hamacher pre- siding. Donald Hamacher led the s:ng-sortg and Miss Evelyn Cress- man was at the plane. Dr. H. A. Kellerman from the Calvary Evan- gelical Church of Kitchener was the guest speaker and spokerAn "Jutrt __ Lillie Farther". Special music was rendered by a trio from the Calvary Evangelical Church of Kitchenct, Tne Children“) mble Class met at the muted “Brethren £35033ng on ‘Nod " You). min-uh M) The March meeting 01 the New Hamburg and vicinity Ministerial Association was held at the United Brethren parsonage in New Dun- dee Monday afternoon with the fol- lowmg members present: Rev. N. E. Dahms of Roseville, Rev. J. U; Stewart of Bright, Rev. G. W. Kai- ser of Plattsville, Rev, H. P. itPt Rev H. Schmieder and tr. E Gmgerieh of New Dundee. The Seriguro [anon mo and by Rev, N. E. alum followed tie,','.: cr by Rev J. U. Stewart. . pl- per for the afternoon “Echoes of the Bible in the Poetry of Burns" was presented by Rev. G. W. Kaiser. The April meeung will be held at the Evangelical parsonage in Rose- nlle. Refreshments were served by Mrs E. Gingerich and Mrs. N. E. Eahms Rev, k. GiruerieCaiiiUieUi' set NEW DUNDEE Help The EH3 Make this Pledge Todcyl Dy M who “do and other "gl-io', nun-tn. mm! to (ml-ll. (to. qvlzu Ind unmet» my buying, I will not buy two "-otoFndmrtorwitt I buy I "out" when an "old" will do I pk". - to do my pm! In Mn. Won: Be m "Io-la. and Avoiding black mark“ In nay shape or , RE A BLOOD DONOR I The U.B.C.E. Society met " the "tutrte of E. B. Hallman on Thttm- Hiay evening. Mrs. Warner Romain: I presented the topic "Power thrmqh Private Prayer" A Ctrnseeration service was conducted by Miss Irene Chapman and the Missionary mws was given by Alice Oswald. Rev. and Mrs. Gingerich and Dorothea with Rev. and Mrs. Sni- der at Roseville on Wednesday (roping. -- Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Toman re- wivcd word Friday morning that tm-ir son Pro. Burkel Toman was rrported killed in action overseas. Pnd a vocal trio was tGideGrisr' Mrs. B. Carse, Mrs, B. Boshart and Mrs. J. Schmidt. Mr, and Mrs. winter Schmidt, Ri- ohard and'Paul, with Mr. and Mrs. Jag}! 599959911 Smay- _ Mrs. George Hallman observed her Mth birthday quietly at her hogan Ie.-: _mile? Fest of the yiuage. Rev. Cingerich oonduded quir- n-rly conference at Niagara circuit Mgnday evqnipg. W The weekly Lenten service of the St. James Lutheran Church was held Wednesday evening. The pas- tor, Rev. H. Schmicder. spoke on "The 'rhird.wptrd from the W. vices at the Silverthorne Mission at 'chrgnto o_n__Sun§gy_. _ _ 7 _ -- 7 "Balls-Id to In". “at.” " MM " It... "I. “in. overwor‘d in P001 tight. Good eye. plm M itghe _ beater '%arst ”we... REkaY‘tonrn V he.» a. and s, A ”NI. Ind eyed-min Mk0 (Pom (cult, eye. r; Y ESIGII'I' SERVICE I... awning on union. Ind abiding by " and! menu:- which will Iowa! the do“ of living and It]. In]: prices " a normal level Rod Cum --HELP SAVE A an Woe

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