ti irfth emphasis on reconversion and the numb! of consumer goods " 1',2r'tttrl.e,terc'u'ptet,t'g. mom: with new furniture my. the ttent thing pe cgn suggest in to put. the dy.etming tune to a.nyther we. tad _think up. guy; ot MICE- Hahn; do and making over are twin ttsftyat pa! Aivi one}; in; witinieuhle is tuwim 3r acme of dut w'eli done and in the dim cr an inseam: artistic lethal to spam: good pieces ot tum Dyna-norm:- 'tt9.dieptixtot.thertm.tpe.tn the home (an: Mm is'nvan- "Twin City's Bulieot Clonal-s For Over 10 Years†" is havin inevitable a on the tome hon; NR QUICK SERVICI mm mEPHONE 8-8833 . . . . NOW! Mr. Ind In. Ilium ml Twin City Laundry. Join the Easter Parade! appearance In mule any by the quality and quick service the parade of good (rooming. better looks. . . A neat of Twin City hunky. For pmmpter Easter cleaning. . . . Deck the family out In their holiday beat and join Cleaners and Dyers I If you do invest in something new, say a lamp or an occasional 1table, don't select it because it is a Fii'ir'iiiiit:', not unless it really tits in with the type and decoration of 1'id room for which it is intended. iSomething similar to what you have will and its place " if It had always been there and won't stand out, obviously new, making the rest of the room seem shabby by con- Goiioiuirktmtismihean- cm grousrins.-ttnt_orerst.1 ttontorae-hPueetwochairs, under the mirror- or pictures and themyou t-handimneandin- iTiiid in? as? -___ To} Jenni living and place the inty pieces with their gapered_ legs nndftowintr lines. in akin; yen Whig-the h_eavlly Au: mented. regardless of weight or bulk. Embellishments in carving. swags, tool]: and lestoom make simple, unadomed pieces look naked and unfinished. When tear- ranging furniture, try to let irl',f best piece set the pace. If it in dark wood. weli-thtished, accent its loveliness by placing it to good ad- vantage md using as many other harmonious pieces near it as pos- sible. Don't put enamel or paint over good um just to make g,',g,t,tt, one color or ttniah. If anything worth preserving. it is worth preserving as it is meant to ;be, unless an old piece is being done ave; to mate it presentable. _ . wiaTGaai-ihiisiii"i --- Aura am -- in special but are a judi- cious bumbnhm of tradi- tional and modern. with than. here and than I colon“: piece. Slipcover: and paint can do a swell iots of harmonizing the whole, et- pecinlly it furniture arrangements, are Ville and tn good taBtm oe course one should never combine haiku-am! PM. with Irie. inEonspicuEua spots. treat. HELFPlll. HINTS Keep furniture from two to three feet away from radiators often as potable so that germs may be killed. Ind the cotton tibres "msired up". ht addition, pull sheets and blanket! otr, throw the window WWI. and give your mattress n g airing as often as possible. Always use a mattress pad to protect your mattress and, if possible. give your bed a rest new and then by using a spare bed. mun-.- 1fAoiivie-mAtt-tsat Amattgesssttmudbestmrtedas BRING CWES m EARLY in" in; bank'- Ace two chairs Here are the data on M n- uon coupons are due: Butter coupon: 90 to I now valid. Sugar coupons " to " valid. Preserves " to co MI! um Two preserves coupons cod: good for the purchase of one-hut pound of canning saw become good on March IS. Extra sugar other thin the 10 pounds permitted this year tor. an- ning purposes will not be “unable for rhubarb preserves. ration oli- cials have announced following many inquiries: The early validity ‘of the first pan- of cannmg sum coupons will take came of the sum regyired for this e?m.motiitr. ' points out in a 1'tg,t,'t for all con- sumers to take care " their ration books. A special appeal to discharged army, navy, an airlorce personnel and members of the airlorce trans- ferred to Reserve to apply for their civilian ration books as soon as INW- sible has been made by the regional office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Applications are made to the local ration board and the applicant must present his dia- charge papers or a letter from his commanding otticer certifying his :discharge or papers showing his transter to the reserve. It a ration book is Jotrt, ext! preserves coupons already declared valid for canning sun: purposes will not he reputed in the new books, the. Ration JMrrtinistPtiem u9NDoN.-Ihousands of Arabs in the Middle East desert are wear- ing cellulose acetate st,i',,','aFt',t, eye-shields originally supp to British troops of the trth, 9th and 10th Armies. Hundreds of millions of these shields have been produced in Bri- tain, originally to protect the eyes of soldiers and A.R.P. workers against poison gas. In the Middle East they have proved invaluable as a protection for the eyes against sand, dust, flies and the glare of the sun. both for soldiers and civilians. The shields are particularly valu- able in saving Arab children from the eye infections common In the desert. -- 7 B. X. Plastics. Limited, the Bri- tish firm most prominently asso‘ ciated with their development and manufacture. considers that an im- portant post war market has been created in the Middle East and also the Far East for this British war- time commodity. ADVENTURE Ill GOLD Rip-roaring tales of the Klondike Gold Rush when thousands of sour- doughs and their women stormed a frozen wilderness. will be told In The American Weekly with The De- troit Sunday Times, starting with this Sunday's -eareC1rAyssyyy. Chapter. I: THE STORY or SOAPY SMITH, thief, con-man and murderer. Get Sunday's Detroit Times. liens-Mil. "" VATIILOO 9911914. lobed M - , cups corn tukes tinety crushed 1% cups milk 2 tablespoons lemon juice V. teaspoon thyme l 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 2 tablespoons chopped parsley I'm tablespoons chopped chives or minced onion _ 1% teaspoon salt Dash of pepper l 2 cu cooked tish Baked or chopped)s l 2 eggs. well beaten Combine corn ttakes and mite; (let stand 10 minutes. Add mayon- 'muse, parsley. chives, lemon juice ‘and seasonings and mix thorough- ‘ly; then add fish and eggs and mix ‘well. Item into well greased molds 'or custard cups, and bake in mod- crate oven (375 deg. F.) 35 to 45 minutes, depending upon the the o: molds. Serve with mustard sauce made by adding 1 tablespoon prepared mustard to 2 cups white sauce. Serves from tr to 8. tgat.an.O-trBhY-- sumo-rampant fob; to make sweet mu with as was: Those who won't make dee-tq will auutituteehee-nd mtusweeuorh’eahotdried ltruits Prunes cm be cooked with- ot-rite' givethemalong [cooking petiod, slewing slowly un- til the juice is thick. Fresh fruit lulu†up helpful tor the "tiniah" er,,'lt'g2grtf Some usar0otngtoeutde new Tantalum menus!»- cum wthortugmmmgp of a meal awaiting!" G/ith Mite Boiled Eu; -- _Mutrins or Tom Vegetable Soup Crackers BathedAVtpies Gnhnm_Cnckm Grip-inn and Grape Salad 1 cup halved white grapes, seeded 1 cup warm water 1 pup grapefruit juice and water 1 grapefruit section, dined, tree from membrane 1 package orange gelatin Dissolve gelatin in warm water, add grapefruit juice and water and chill. When slightly thickened, fold in grapefruit and grapes. Turn into ring mold and chill until ttrm. Un- mold on crisp watercress. if pos- sible, and garnish with mayonnaise. or serve phin. Serves 8. and coffee or tas for tjiihGU" If starch shows on dark colors tint. wigh bluhy; ty ttlust garments, Baked Fish Mold Baked White Pot-toes Canned Green Beans Celery-Cabbage Salad Grapefruit and Grape Salad Crucial Tea or Collee Planning A joint wail-tint) of tho Belgian War Bun-u. Canada-Fume Rel-lino- (Lt-nines. Cam All to Rania. Canadian Fueoa. " Luxembourg. (The We “did Food, thndovnkh Wu Chukka 'ua. Dan“ mm mm. Unit w.. Retief PM. Nrtlu-rl-nd- a.“ - I II I n no I 1‘, - I I'AI..J LII-L - Ina, NW: Relief ma. "and m w M. Wig-ad" I'll-f M. “V _ 'rii' .. T.~ Te 'iw T -3an T s7 1 , 23"; . -'"T - ' . .1: I . i . H‘ ' . Ft .1: cannon OV‘IIA ms is we?†themtioaNirmtir-rea -tainanotherttmamhM& mumcomtohw urcmbq.mw ermusteitherqti0imtttemtittes ttoohoreardandietttimtearottt 01¢qu 'trt-ttteen until knmnithphhthqm Ahourehouerisauwtt_if hriatoundt.ittsr_timsttooirNt* donotbelongtohhmw It another $130111 ration book comes into Man by acci- dent he musttum_itiayimmedinteU tothenearesto_utheBoard. It couponsinaratimsbookeso" before the mules uses them. he mustteartttemoutnnddestntr cthem: All egpired.eq_|pons_ngpu book War-OMEN tord-ingRatiooBooH8and 1theiart_eoupmtsinwhieherr- piredDeeember8b 'farattimtboohhoWrdiV bookmustrtotbeu-tttrao-iq elsehil-lis he', 2r,feq"e,t,ig,e,t'l,"tt, see nit retumedptomp We Boary. Thesameiiestom- Ifapersoethotdi-tionbooh ox ration card is than! from Cur 'g',ai2itgioggr,,'i'irfm"g,'2e'.T& bymyonee iyysatreee.Wye istobeoutotCanadntorairrt, daysormoeeatasteeehhemtut tumhisboottintotheBe-d.If henett1eetstodothi-homrertt" the book during his thence must im_rpediatel¥ twink; _ - _ It a persén holding a ration book or ration card joins the armed tomeshemusttimthistrookor “I? in Txt,',',,', to the and or w never ge t o t must do this. This goes not apply. how- do this. This aces not apply. how- ever, if he joins the Canadian Re- serve Army, because in that case he will go on using the consumer WV tion book. It seem wishes lodono. he may leave his anon book or ration card or sheets of coupons from his ration book with his grocer. But it he leaves a sheet of 'i1'llll'd'f' the stub must remain at ed and must be Mted out to show his name and address The grocer may then supply butter, sugar and preserves in proper quantities as the coupons become valid and he tears them out. The consumer mt? at any time take his book. ca or sheet bask again. _ -- _ A _ Anyone who lives in a hotel or boarding house for two weeks or more must give his ration book to the manager. At the end of every two week: of his m the am will then tear one butter. one sugar and one preserves coupon out of the book. When he leaves he In em titled to get his ration book back atritin. -- - _ - "If a person dies in a hotel. the manager must see that his ration book is sent promptly to the Board. If your ceilings are high. you an make them seem lower y panting the ceilings a darker color than the aide wall; Vertically painted stripes or striped wallpaper on aide walls wilt cause a low ceiling to appear higher. mmqo INVA' In ttttttttttatt IIIII’EII Mun _ Rum In» Out of our 'aeeturity--ot" of our plrnty. we must give freely. Liam: lo the cries of thousands of home. lm children and old folk. 'ttKeri-ttt while we are Mfr. By eootr4hotum Io thr Rrd (Erns- you will and help through the kindly hands of mm am! women trained in pawn-I "who to “not! In direct and. Listen to your heart-ood respond. mums - , so “I!" sum, CHINA W.- M. MI. tLD., Chaim "on. M! Won, KC., Vice-Chem» lam J. We, hq.. W-Ym W - Oh - 0.0». M . .-- " "and - his. sent out when there is mad It. them. The “Muir†meet next Monday (am at home of Mr and Mrs. m. Snider. Geo. Hemmer of Canadian Ont name C lumen and In. Ila liner of i?itltle"fg Yd", Sunday visitors with Mr. and Harvey menus. George 1'Nhd=',,t'f. on the derailed tmin travel- (tine buck to London Sunday night Pm Arthur Marriott arid in It May Be T ime for a Cruiiige GORDON’S GOOD GLASSES Howl c. In". " - Ave. a (blurb St. South "IT MAY BE TIME FOR A CHANGE" Good Vision is Your Right, Don't Neglect It! I6†given. Luna; wulévdby "tdooeinittoura.eiit. There are many people (like the chap pictured at left) who find reading more of a hardship than a plea- sure. If such be'the case. consult the highly qualified optometrists at GORDON’S Good Glasses . . . DOWNING. tmom an! 0.. 'uu'. M041. WPTUII01 A - _e3Arf Egg-LIL“..- FLORISTS ML!!! wrtimhram 102 "man Rt it: “new“ with It. led Clea. M ts Mov- voinhg In Null " dhMbre “on though "I "rid-wide or-tgait, we or. - .orsNq $or M to and um ooodod -. to M tendon and law. In out but». bonds, woman CK 'to,