I aa KITCHENER Listen to Premier Drew Wednesday, Mar. 14 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Poll, who f2 Side about two miles west of th Village, quietly celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday. The marriage of ttttr years ago took place at the home of the bride's parents near Roseville on February 27. 1895, with Rev. Walldaum. then the Lutheran min- ister at New Dundee. performing th tmrnnony The attendance were Miss Mary Ruhr (Mrs Howcs) and Louis Poll. both of whom are de- ceased. _ Glade-Wedding Following thctr marriage, the young couple tuck up residence at the bride's home, later moving to the farm which they have occupied tor the past 25 years. Mr, and Mrs Poll have two sovci,"Mrlt'ord. resid- mg at New Dundcc. and Victor. at Kitchener. A daughter. Myrtle, passed away nine years ago Mrs. Emery Rudkr of “our Flcw Dundee. who before her mnnrago “as Isabtl Hawes. made law home wtth Mr. and Mrs. Pull when ,he was ten years of age. folmnng the death of her moth. Then are also nine grandchildren. “an an â€mumsâ€... ....... "nu. Due to sut,sr-blockcd rnudzJ‘rt is attending the Harwood friends and rclativcs were unable 1'iLde"r'shi"p' Training School held at to spend the day uuth them bm‘llunlingmn College the bride and bridegrotot of fifty, Mr and Mrs. [Irvin Lang and years ago asppreciatcd the many daughlrrs and Chas Lang ot aa Icluphonv calls and cunts, of con. 'nqlcd with Mrs YfiGlreiiir on gratulattotvs l‘C'ISOH'L'd Esnndav . To Sponsor Salvage Dare Mr. and Mrs. Owen Snyder spent The February muctmg of the the weekend with Mrs. Lawrence local W_C.T.U. “m held at the Fried and Mrs. Wm. Delweiler be. United Brethren parsonage. Wed- fore learn: for their home at May- neduy :aflrrmwn. with Mrs. Floyd ION". Sask. Bu‘kt-r hadmg tlt,. dcvotiorutl Mr and Mrs w C Beanie of Iiriori. Sl\(rll] humw were Sung Push.“ were visitors at the home In opmung and thy words cf "O 'dd Ho con Sunday Love that ml! nut Ir: me 140" were . p . . read by Mrs, (hurgv Ptrrin. Mrs, 11.r, und yrs. Wx Becker and erhm’tun olrctvd pmyw and pre- Cuvnly “I Nine I'ints and MFS' rented thr. wumuu [mum with Lorne Fricd and Orville and Keith rmnmcnln Mr, “at†“me a spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. hllull biography " llu- m.- of 1Vrny Schrieber. Frames Wt!lard. tl... luumlrr of the Rev. and Mrs. E. Gingerich and W.c.T.U.. and Mrs. Lucas contri- Dorothea spent Wednesday evening butod a Prl1h This hang the at the United Brethren parsonage. Frances Wiltard muting. the clip Rue Marshall of Hamilton spent shot presented concerned her work. Sunday with his father. Thomas Mn N, K. Damn.» an“ d prayrr. Marshal Mr, Shelby mended " the Miss Emma Lepp is spendni‘ a END TIRE WORRIES At 8.30 PM. EDIT. ROSEVILLE " ll" MrrtH Bock- tCIrunkl- (Zorro-panda" " King N. Waterloo In Waterloo RE-CAPPING a-onv SERVICE STOP ll SEE (iEiiififlTEa Si Why Wait Longer! C 1lt)lllf R WITHOUT OBLIGATION c_oR_MqE_R TIRE SERVICE Inspection inade See or all the Union to" coudwtl a all". drivet_hi-rir?aed+oty.reouiet REE“ iaiare Ctfitttt -- m w†tttMg pa. him get two the eight ,ii'tisSliih,rt1'ii'S7it,'i Teetltte ‘closydjujgh the - . o! ttfe" Nam: Anthem. The- tat- esses. Mn. Ruth Said“ and In. Lucas, served damn rem aiiaira%iiiGiiikTd -"V __ iii- 33.1 tor the soldiers JMtltpt Lucas, served dun“! rem 2,Fiiie?jir2t1e, it}? tEfi'f, . at nne took “he; Tuesday with ml“ mice It the house. followed by - in the Evangelical church Thar-Mr, Rev. N LOW pgdq “and busing“ and plans you - lot the h)mns. "My Faith looks Up to Thee" and "In the Sweet Bye and Bye", and the scripture let-on. Psalm 121, all favorites of the do- ceased. yen used, A may gauge. tdlt "We an (30me the Val ey" and tl/hit.'; tt presided at the or . - better: wen Gil- bert 'iddfl'r',' Jack Wallace any! lil- kl WiiijiG, of Preston, Sidney ank of Hagersvihe, David Lactic of Cell and Evan Hahn. Interment took place m the Roseville ceme- tery. mfiélauves from ‘a distance ttttend- ing were Isaac Rank. Miss Pundit: Rank and S_idney Bank otA9ers- The trB.C.E. meeting was held Sunday morning in the church with Mrs, A. Shelby as leader, The topic was "The Power of Private Prayer". Opening prayers were offered by Rott, Perrin and David Hilbom. The scripture lesson was presented by the leader and articles, clip- pings and extracts from authors bmnng on the topic were given by various members. Special music " as rendered by Evelyn and David Hilboni and sentence prayers closet the worship service, Personals wile Mrs. Susan Royce of N? ville. Ill., Mr. and Mrs. “man it- born of Preston, Mr. and Mrs. David buckle of Can, and Pie. Vernon Holm of Kitchener. - - Mrs. Ruth Snider is spending two works at Huntington. Ind.. where yr.c is attending the Harwood Lcadership Training School held at Hunlington Collegg _ _ Mr and Mrs. Ervin Lang and, daughlrrs and Chas. Lang of Gait muted with Mrs. Detweilcr on Sunday. - A Mr. and Mrs. Owen Snyder spent the weekend with Mrs. Lawrence Fried and Mrs. Wm. Delweiler he- fore Icahn for their home at May- ronc. Sask. Mr and Mrs, Max Becker and [sunny at Nine Pines and Mrs. Lorne Fried and Orville and Keith stint Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. lluuy h'chrieber. YOU MUST KEEP VULCANIZING 24-HOUR .IIVICI [.1311 JOB ON THE Dial mop.“ FAiiawaaV -gat-iiiaiil-' 1:3! [Mei-sung ind ,dtrrtitei Mr. and 101.30)! Shit: end Billy ot Gait visited with Diner W! on Sunday. In. B. Watdie of W in a few by: with her ter, Mrs. G. Putin. I Ante Datum pt new Univenity spent the week-end at her home h u. - Conn-till. George Pen-in spent I tew any: in Tomato In week attending neo- otou of the MM Winch! Kor- FiiikrwdriitokEttiuAr '_I _ .' tew dre gt_G-I_t with but u. terc7iiuiarGa "Ema" Aiit egg“! Dundee and Dumb- Boll -tiaiitaariGGein - 7' titnt. o (Chm-lull" -_.- aria mm! Mr, And In. Daub! Cuba at. tended the has?) of)!!!» W! Church on the third line of Welles. tey wwwp. Mrs. Simon Eehr is spending A tew weeksat thehomeotMauriee Evans in St. Catharines, -- John R. Albrecht and son Ken- neth attended the hockey um. be- tween Sttmttoed We“ and Brandon! Lions in Station! Sot- urday evening Mr. and In George Squire and son spent Sand-i); at the home of Fred Shelter in 1mm. Mr. and Mrs. William Birming- ham and family of Deon visited at the home of Mrs. P. Lather on Sun- Giard,"" a; iitTyErrtiiaaiy" :199 called at the home of Lorne Rennie on Sunday. Mr. Marcus Bender had his up. Regain removed in the K-W Hos- Pt . Mrs. M. Shana is visiting rela- Paws in Tonto for a few weeks ter. Bet.Urt--At K-W Hospital. Feb. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bosh-rt. Crosshill. a daughter. 'tole-CA' K-W Hospital. Feb. l 28. to Capt. and Mrs C. G. Hep- _ pier, 257 Albert St.. Waterloo. a [ son. SehmMt--At North Easthope, Feb. [ " to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schmidt. ) a daughter. _'o--At K-W Hospital, March l, 1 to Mr. and Mrs. N. Mills Ogram ' (nee Grace Weber). " daughter. P-hi-UU R.R. l. Breslm. Feb. 22. to Mr. and Mrs. William Pap- rocki. a son. Ma-r-Mt K-W Hospital, March 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Maur- er. KR. l. Elmira. a son. DaidBeter--At K-W s'?er,ilQ March - 3. to Mr. and Mrs alcolm Da- vidson, Newton, a daughter. St-.--" St. Mary's Hospital. March 3. to Mr. and Mrs Norman Shantz. R.R. I, Arr. a son. GrngM-..-At Vancouver. B.C.. Feb. lit to Mr. and Mrs. John Grant, for- merly of Strasburg, a daughter. BehmMt-.At Stratford General Hospital. March s, to. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schmidt, RR. l, -- Gadshill, a daughter. _ -.. . Rowe, Ayr, a son "mh--At Guelph General 'Mt tal. March 4, to Mr. and Mgt Larch. Shanta Station, a daugh- tern Mot-e-At R.R. 2. Wallenstein. March s, to Mr. and Mrs Joseph Meagan a son. Bmetqr--At Moore4tetd, Match q, to Mr. and Mrs George K But- tee, (nee Myrel Calder) a son. 'Nil-At St. Mary's Hamlin. March S,toMr.andMrs untold Dietrich. 22 Euclid Ave., Water- loo. a daughter. "tak-At Artem, Match 5. to Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Haak. a daugh- B-q-n-At St. Mary's Hospi- tat. March s, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brenneman. RR. 2. Kitch- ener. a daughter. Firtob---At St. Mary's Hospital, March t to Mr. and Mrs. Otto From. Queen St. Hespeler. a son. Hahgb-.-At K-W Hospital. Mach 4. to Mr. and Mrs Rudolph Hahn. I RR. 2, Waterloo, l Ion. _cetytptoy--rtt?. .28. In Her- lick Capling of Shakespeare to Xelma Myrtle Holmes of Thes- en. 'ta-r-augur-Web. 22, Melvin Maurice Knarr of Waterloo to Norma Bernice Ziegler, Kitchen- or. Mayor-Wren 27. William { Moyer of Kitchener to Ruth I Gingerich of Baden. Motit--_s---Marxgt 3, Audrey Aurelle Nelson of Elmira to Ross Clifford Melitzer of West Mont- Mum-Match ' Nrornrdeuettter "m. The met.yte W " 'tteel: ot Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Mar- tin. R.R. 3, Waterloo, , months. Beh---.Mamh 6. Alexander J. Schnarr. 48 William St W., WI- tertoo, " year: MatthUq-Mareh s, Gustave Mat- l thin. Hamlet. formerly of Ta- vistock. " years Hood-Marek i. Mrs. James Hood, Listowel, trt isâ€: B-'..--") ' Miss Alma Ben, der, Wilmot Townshig. 38 years. 'iEitt-march J, Mrs. E. . Eldt. New "t,',e,rt " yum lee- arch l, Mrs Lena Michm Sunnyside. Ti yum Kuher-.-Mttrett l, Mrs. Ellubeth Huber, t93 King St, S.. Waterloo. _0frettry. _ _ _. -... midi " 'm nht'N'igf; 2, Tgh., E, Roth, New Hamburg. " {an =tM.--Mareh 1, Wuhan Herbert ---At Gan General Hospital. Marvh3.toMr.andMrsRiehazd Athigt-b--Marx9t 2, Walter Samuel Atkinson. Ion. " year: "ttt,,-,rtt 2.6. Mm Hwy Hann- Do by, Ripley. tormerty of not; Dmhee--Mareh s, John Dreher. Waterloo. " you: E9r--Mnreh_K Albert _A. Quiet. Elli: mar-(#0199, Earle Mitchell. not .W-wm as. 'ee Vancouver. Be, formerly of WI: terloo, so your: Win“?! - F, A WCEL - -AitFiGid CROSSHILL Q tuudMrs.A.cooperotEhnim Marriages g: Births Deaths WHIyoH-w wgzlgbog Noun, " Mrs. E. D. Eidt died Much I. at her home on Peel St.. New Harm burg, at the age of " years. She suffered a paralytic stroke Feb. " “qty wh_iph she fajlcd to rally, _ Mrs. Eidt was born at Phillips- burg. May 18. 1371. Following her marriage, she and her husband op- mated the Phillipsburg store. They retired eight months ago and moved to New Hamburg. She was a member of the Evangelical Church. Surviving are her husband. one son Sydney, at home; atthtwo sis- ._ like Alma Bond-r Miss Alma Bender. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bender. died at the home of her parents at Wil- mot Township Wednesday night at the age of an years. Miss Bender had been ill for about two years. She was a member of the Amish Mennonite Church. 16th Line of East Zorn, She is survived by her parents. two brothers, William and Lorne ot Wilmot Township. and two sisters. Mrs David Lichti. Wilmot, and Mary Ann at home. Nicholas s. Roth died at his home at New Hamburg, Friday afternoon at the age of " years following an illness of seven weeks. He suffered a lsluoko at that time and failed to ra y. Mr. Roth was born on Sept. 29. 1869. in East Zorra. a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roth. Follow- ing his marriage in March. 1896. to Veronica Lies they farmed in this vicinity. later moving to New Ham- burg where he was employed in the furniture factory until an injury forced his retirement. His wife died in, September 1938. Surviving are five sons and one daughter. Menno L. of Bright, Ed- ward of Kitchener and Solomon, Peter and John of Ncw Hamburg and Miss Veronica at home. one brother and one sister. Thirteen grandchildren also survive. What lichen Imi- William Herbert Ellis, ' Erb St, Elmira. died at the K-W Hospital late Friday afternoon at the use of " years after a short illncsa. Son of the lttte Mr, and Mrs, William Ellis. Mr, Ellis was born July tw, was in Peel County. He was mar- ned June 1, 1910, to Nettle Jane Mambly of Drayton After farming in Peel Conny, Mr. and Mm. EG l/l, mqved to lmir_a In} yoafs ago, Mr. Ellis was omployed at the El- mira Furniture factory. He was a member of Wchy United Church and served as elder for Bomp years in! mm or toncco Iii) Chmnizlc Germain-dun- Obituary It DOES tetste good In a pipe Nicholas B. Roth 'MY HANH' " A IIIHOI “noun 1 HATS A LOT or MONEY! n represents [he you agrimltunl pmduaion in Canada for 1944 Is estimated by one of the country's leading farm matrnzines. ll "presents the earnings of Candis " the share of this huge sum of mom-y which came " your farm as much as it might be? In other words, is your farm producing to the full extent of its possibilities?Could it be made to produce more? You can answer these questions for yourself best if you It: in a position to know and} how much you spend and how much you receive in each of your farm operations. You can know these facts only if you have some biggest primary industry. fill/63†0. IIOEIQL! working with Catalina: in '"'e'Y walk "f tile since tttl7 Surviving are his wife, two sons, Norman of Peel Township and Gunner Frederick stationed in Newfoundland. one daughter, Mrs. Ralph (Ruby) Fries. Elmira. two sisters and tour grandchildren. Filowsyp Meer.. The Young People's Fellowship of the M.B.C. Church met in the church on Thursday evening for their regular fortnightly meeting. The meeting was under the leader- ship of John Dessler. Opening hymns sung were "Since Jesus came into my heart" and "Jesus has lifted me". The scripture lesson from Psalm 19 was read by Norma Dessler and prayer was ottered by the leader. Rev. and Mrs. Snyder sang a duet entitled "The Saviour for Me". The first topic: "Honesty" was a paper written by Mrs. Elver Sander and read by Mrs. John Dessler. The sec- cnd topic "Habit" was discussed by Garfield Mader. The third topic, "Health†wesgivgn by in Flint. mg; try, the whplggoup. The last topic "Happiness" was discussed by Mrs. Cecil Mader. Geography contest with all the young married folks the contest- ants. The closing hymn by the group " will Praise Him" and prayer by farfleld Mahler. . On Sunday Rev. V. Snyder, the pastor preached both morning and evening. In the morning service the Norman Dedels family sang "Jesus Paid it All" and in the evening ser- vice Mrs, Snyder sang a solo. "I would be true". vrhi/married%Itrs ol the Fellow- ship sane one?“ toettth.tru At the Cressman Mennonite Church on Sunday evening the pas- tor. Rev. Oscar Burkholder. preached. <1qu Be. On Monday the Senior ladies of) Pto. c, B. mom", son of Mr. and me church met in the basement of Mr Fred E1. hm of New Hamburg 1hr church. where they spent tht from E-‘glalui aha [our w trr, of day in quilting Eleven members , hm ave! ts. wcre preset -- - . A, _ . I Reeve W. R. Hostetler and Coen: Un NIUIludy boe eunu- Iauu.» vi. r'u‘. Li " qu'vyl(IX" sun on an. anu _ V.“ (â€w-n.“ V...“ -'ru"""""" the church met in the basement of Mr Fwd Er Iilt r of New Hamburg wd thmr tours of operaxzn over- thc church, where they spent tht from 1-; gla. " ath-r râ€... w trs “(35035 Updvr1totTweche, les, pro- tey' m quilting Eleven mpmbers 'tit, avm ts, .nr'm 11 txrdcf hr (our gftemoon wore present, Rccvc W, R, Hostollcr and Coun- and evening inter-city with“ be. The president, Mrs. Irvin S,iP!tti1lot,' James Monaghan GGiiiddltwcen Montreal, Ottawa and Tor conducted the devotional part of tho Ontario cm Roads Arvroeia_1ortrt iocrcad thvprvson! three, Cte meeting. This was the annualltmn "wrung m Toronto, l ;_,_,Zn - ,,_,______>:___ meeting of the organization. Only Sgt Warm, Km 'f id: last Thurt-i _ one ofrire was up for election, that day for Calgary Alta ' after Spend. at the president, who was re-elect- ‘ing a furlough wm. ms parents, Mr. l tll for .mothcr term of3 years Tho and V.; Th ritcr, K wpf, Mr, KropC " " w organization's oftittrs are: prosi- _ and “mp 'orn will r. main hcre thr" Fl N? in" rg ma dvnt. Mrs, Irvin Gimble; vicc-prcsr the prvwm I " h it.“ (h m. Mrs, John Shanu; wervtary. i'; h l m WMillan of Camp . 'T, " SN, Mr, Irvin Lichty and treasurer. Barri. l LAC Nril Garland of _ V Mrs Oscar Burkholder. w'l'rcntun. t'tts Rudy Martcns of '_,' F'. 'd, Du! In; the year 95 pieces of work were completed and sent to over- Rr'ttR n-liv. through the offices of the M.C.C. The articles made were 5 boys pyjama suits; , children's play suits; ' boys' overalls; 5 boys' pants. 5 girls' vests; s women's night gowns_;_ , Jadits' vats; 19 Mfr siiirtr. to infants' sweaters': 18 "I ants' vests; 7 quilts; t comforter; infants' vests; 7 quills; I comforter; 3 pair men's socks; 1 pair children‘s mittens; a wash cloths and n can ol_ivory_soap was also tent, On Friday the sdhoot nurse, "Mus Cronk. gave irtrtocuUtiont, for va- rious diseases to 're I large gal-105mm t.%rt,'t chu- _ n ine u some out: pro- school no alum Farm Forum met at the home of MI and Mrs, Abram Sandor. River. bank. on Monday evening with " frosenl, The discussions on the "rmers' quota of feed and on grud- ing wrrv unusually interesting, Waterloo Branch: j. R. BENTON, Manager tciGGWd iidirGiaidiistt BRESLAU BANK OF MONTREAL P1 wr EM Behier?et EliEriaTrfED "You inn-Smile" was riliErffailTiErE2 Mr. and Mrs, Howard Battles of Waterloo were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ira Zellar on Sun- day, _ -- -- ._ -- _ . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mader and hmily and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mn- der were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mad t Kitchener. on Sun- 1 NEW HAMBURG ln _ Toronto. Mr. It, G. Schiedcl attended the quartcrly board meeting of the Ca- n,.di;m Independent Telephone As- snciatiun in Toronto on Tuesday, Miss Erma Searth had the mis- fortune of falling down the veran- d..h steps and fracturing her ankle. The accident occurred on Dunham Ave. Kitchener. 1 Miss Naomi Schaofar of New IYurk City and Mrs. Noah Weber 'of Kitchener were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Schacfar, l Back From but“; Miss Lithgow and son of Thed- Iurd went a few days with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Mader. Mr. and Mrs, Elton Randall. Ri- scrbank, spent Sunday with Mrs. Randall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dcdcls and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber of Bloomingdale were with Mr and Mrs. Dedcls on Myyiay, _ Miss/E. Cn-ssman spent Sunday in Blair the guest of Mrs, S. M. Ka- nagy, Miss Clara Graft is in attendance at the millinory openings at Tor- onto. â€his. A. Barthcll of Kitchener spent " day with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Strauck. 7 Sir. VJc-hn Matthivs IS hack to work following his operation u weAtk ago; --- _ _ . . Mr. John W Fraser and daugh- ter Wilhrimittc of Kitchener visit- or! Miss Minnie Ernst and Mrs. Re- ht-lski during the past week. Bord, l LAC Nril Garland of Trenton, Pm Rudy Maricns of that}. an aim Crl was. Daniels of Ottawa worn home for the week. end, Coal Short-go Baud, Sworn! carioads of coal “are re- umd " ,t' (Lurin': the pan: week and It'.'" rinlrd out In halt-ton lots to those mm“; In need The fuel situation u as humming acute hut is now eased mnwwhat From Pombtoko. Res B' n TC, u' n! lehrukr ms B' n F"i, ttr ot lehrnkl‘ tho "cu pwtnr M the local Baptist Churm mm Mss. Fisher arrived 'wrv " my " (run Prmhr ae and havo man up rr<ldcncr~ m the llapusl parmonestlt" Rev Mr Fulwr pr. an 1, I us .nlrwhvctory aennon t the local church Ins! Sundnv "Awning Enjoy Hum. Fosrhtrsrsn ‘ummrs from town and Km-nvnrr were out on a jack rab- hit hunt last Wednesday afternoon and band It of them They wan reliable way of keeping (tad: of your receipts and expenses. We don't mean anything complicated . . . just the 'opposite-something quite simple, such as our Farm Account Book. A few minutes at this book every day or I) and you will know just which operarioos of your farm an doing well, which only fair, which are falling hchind, Then you can take the necessary steps to corrttt mulch. A “II-y of this hook is yours for the asking. Call It our Inca! oriice for a copy. While you are in, have a word with our manager. He will be glad no so: l"" and to discuss Iny problems you may luv. in thc upcmtinn of your farm. Br A. R. G. Sunk IChtonlcle Corn-min“ [II-EEK] tc the farm of Wm. B. Otto on the highway west of New Hamburg and covered part of the eastern portion of South Easthope. They reported that the rabbits are plen- ttful. Following the chase the hun- ters held a supper at the King Ed- ward Hotel. The New Hamburg Board of Trade at their regular meeting de- cided to ask Mr. I. C. Martin of Gait, zone forester. to give an ad- dress on reforestation in New Ham- burg at an early date. The board also offered to co-operate with the town council in their reforestation project and their efforts to assist in placing farm help in the commun- llv. l The chairman, Wm. Murray and ‘A. R. G. Smith, secretary,:gave re- ?porls of the meeting of the Asso- 'c‘mu~d Boards of Tradclheld at Brantford. '. 1 none» can; I With the inauguration of a third gtransect)!mental ttight between 'Montreal and Vancouver. ctrective February l, Trans-Canada Air ‘Lincs announces an increase in itrare?ruirtcptial passenger accom- L',',',.'.,",?,"',?.,? of 100 per cent. More spacv will be provided by the use of fourteen-passenger Lodestar air- craft in this service. Additional trt'WS arc made available by the re- 1ikii,e)jt.iij,ie,ij, of Royal Can'adiln Air Force personnel who havq;complct- nation of Wilmot Pariih_Anglican Churches was held at thit home of Mrs. A. R. G. Smith ott./Nesdtty afternoon. Arrangement' were made regarding the St. ‘Patrick's Caicteria to be held in tho Library Hall, New Hamburg! on Hatch an. - id monthly meeting ofthe Wo- men‘s Hakim Mjssiwaty 5.550- The river Nith is behavjng very null and the snow 'til',','."',, be mel- ting away very nicely. ‘ose who know say that the ground is ab- sorbing a great deal of moisture as there is very little trod in the ground. '/ THIRD FLIGHT