"$1,“th Phcne 2-1488 tyattsifted Advertisements E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Mtee M William St - Watertoo Phone 2-1357 I'WlN CITY A [ITO PAINTERS DECORATORS Painting and Paperhanaing â€on. King St. East Kitchener Shawl†AJIaddatz R. Knon I- :-0075 8-3217 "iAitTKitF.D ACCOUNTANT BROCK. "AVIS' & DUNN T, H. It. Brock D. Bruce Davis 1 K H. Dunn I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees in Bankruptcy) 19 Krug St East . NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD USED BY CHILDREN and adults. $1.15. $2.45 and $4.45 Capsules $1.25. $2.25 and $5.00, at Geiger's Drug Store. 408 King St East. Kitchener, Phone 2-2122, The colour of your _ matched perfectly AUTO PAINTERS " Queen St. N. - Phone 6-604! Kitchener Rehinding Bookl, Bibles, Hymn and Prayerbooln a specialty WATERLOO CHRONICLE GEORGE M RUPeEL " Gauhel St - Kitchener Add 'ere pool" to you! horye iiiGiFG iGGU Fdifr%GAG alanine bound into books. lam-ling Club 1.3.." Suitcases. e c. Pm.- rut-1M) Goods called for (Inmhvcred. PROFESSION A I . CA RDS SUTHE‘RLAND scum,†BookBrNmNC, ' (out. - lpvd. {luau-E 1. cul V -ir. Gaiidua mi. -u. - M---' tell. - m 'IIA-Ila --- " - - â€no. Incl lulu]. u.- ol - cl - - u on. Curl I01 ADD-mu .01 at..." In c... "'15: Ciro-nth " ton:- nu- - than vol-u .u u- be (at DECORATORS Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES IN.TIU\,'I'IUNS run "N""", AIIVKITISEIEJ'I‘S but. clan, Ilnch «an... m. Juana...“ u "by In" to. In"; or-."- ’uI Cal. l" "on cool "a p. - nu I... m hynou. -ult .cronpnny - link-nu 'rlt- plum, " a... “a. " - ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC MOTORS /\ - New and Le.eeua-cccuauicac iuiaGria - - DRUGGISTS Kitchener CIA-III.†Ay' IITILIIA. -au.i" â€3... "than... I...l.hll| CHIROPRACTII‘ J. C. IEHMANN aooxammm R th r “N Regularly Guélph Kitchener Remus Re-winding 1. .. toe ARE YOU "“M' ‘" FULLY PROTECTED? SALE Gremlin! â€to A... Co. ff you need More humane: . . IF YOU want Id get manned. mute Box 358. Juliaetta, Idaho. Send stamp. t-tt. Mr BUYING or SELLING l THF.' WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY TYPEWRI'I'ERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Duplicating and Adding Machine: Piling Cabinets. Duh. sag. ete Ontario Ollioe Outfitters Ltd. " Queen St. S. - Hm: “on t WILL PAY CASH for organs with stools. James Wiedailolq. l Mr. Louis Esbaugh was a visitor ( in Kitchener on Saturday. 1 LAC Wilfred Kaufman of Toron- ii".has a rigor Itrt, oafe,relyt " '; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dietrich ind 'fa.mily were visitors to the Twin City on Saturday. WANTED [ 1940 or '41 Dodge or Plymouth, coupe, coach or sedan. Apply lo; 14 Duke SL. Kitchener. telephone' 5-5084 or 7-7580. iiiiiii) WANTED TO BUY MISS Olga Schneider And Min Ruth Schneider were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Maser. Mr. Ed. Kaufman attended the funeral of his brother-in-law the late Ellas Rudy at Kitchener,on Satyrdayr. U - _ Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hergott ot Millbank were Sunday guests " the home of Clayton Steiner. Mr and Mrs. Noah Grubb and children of Heidelberg visited (II Sunday at the home of Mrs Peer Dorscht. Call the Local Representative A. K. CRESSMAN & SON INSURANCE AGING“: HESSENAUR & BHAN'N New Hamburg Limited Phone 0-6455 - " Queen N KITCHEN“ REAL ESTATE TYPEWRITERS Sltuule m Peel Township. abcut 7 miles north of Elmira. Farm in excellent state of cultivation. two never failing wells, large barn with straw shed. stablvs 60 head cattle. txtra hay barn. large im- plement shed, 8 roamed white brick house, Hydro throughout buildings with motor for chopping. Your chance to get a good farm. BUILDING COSTS ARE HIGHER FURNISHINGS AND ALL PERSONAL EFFECTS COST MORE TO REPLACE Rea! Estate and Insurance 102 King St. South WATERLOO KITCHEN“ _ 0"! m SUMNCE PERSONAL 150 ACRES Br W. J. “Runner (Chronlck COIMWMI‘ BAMBERG â€and "and 6.51.: The arm LIL (Loyal Temper- ance Legion) meeting was held at the local school on with" after- noon. The prdsident, Ross inner. 'presided and the meeting opened {by singing "The Maple Leaf". Ma- mlene Myers gave a recitation and In reading on "Temperance" was :given by Marilyn Eckstein. Part of tthe LT.L. Catechism was taught by Waldron Eckstein after which Lo- retta Cheyne gave a reading on "The A to Z of Liquor". The tea- , Cher. Miss Evelén Cressman. taught ilhe, lesson " uard Your Grey i, The Wilmot Community Fireside meeting will be held at the M.B.C. iChureh at New Dundee on Sunday Cells? The meeting closed with a hymn; and the L.T.L. prayer. 'i, k ooes'L,uc, HESSENAUR . & SHANTZ Situated In I m Wow County Col-unity? A hotel that is in tine con- dition and present a real money-making opportunity. Full particulars at oiBee only. Please do not phone. Just the kind of a used piano you will want to buy. Will give trouble-free and lasting service. Good HOTEL Your only guarantee of a used piano bargain. Fine appegrance T"'" Warpath: Kitchener Ontario iriut - and reconditioned like new. _ Medium Bldg. " QUEEN " NORTH WHEN“ Factolv Remit ROSEBANK In In: Elv- Dieknbuher (Ciro-Id. Correspondent) WOULD YOU " INTERESTED IN 245 K19: ht, West Pianos Dahlia- Bldg. [KEITH] 'Q-‘QAV! " W. R. Brick" and Co. MD AND nouns lumber- Tomato Stock Exchange are 33's; -- Ft' antee of a gain. Fine 1rii made moth- mot conditioned T _ plot a: reasonallle. we; "" W'ATIILOQ 'ttltr pt the Baden Minion on afternoon and was a guest of It. and In Ed. Gunmen. Mrs. Chum Knechtel enter- tained at a birthday “it: in honor 18 her - huahand, . Chm“ even' lunch tttt at 9 Fm. Dr. It A. "llllhgffgl ot Kitchener will be the guest speaks. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and In. l'loyd Myers on the birth ot I Ion at the K-W Hospital on February m eveni home following in nppendidth operation She IS progressing h- vorably. ' Bighop M. y. 1ich.miyaty guest Mk Robeit Brighton of tia, Dun.. gee yisiled Mr. Robert Egerdee on Miss" Audrey Egerdee spent the week-end with Miss Muriel Egerdee at St. Catharines. Knechtet on Monday auxin: ii; huff“ included Mr. and In Dun 1 er. Miss Willa Cressman of Toronto spent the week-end with her mo‘ they. [In Simeon Cresaman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Einwachter and family of New Dundee spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Wm. H. Etteydee, - Mrs. James Cressman and son Reginald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cressman near Plattsville. Mr. Lorne Kurt went Sunday with Mr and Mrs. illurd Bow- man Miss Lorena Cheyne ithT'S-un- day, with Mjgs Grace Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wilmer and i332" Miss Esther Wilmer visited Mr. and b . tt Mrs, Isaiah Wilmer at Nine Pines vim on Sunday. ier ' Miss Irene Hols: spent Sunday , Moh" with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ja- ' script cob Holst at Pine Hill. 1 “a.“ Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bowman, Jimmie and Ivan ot New Dundee spent Saturday evening with Mr. and, Mrs. Willard Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haas, Clarinc and Elmore Haas of New Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bondy and son Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Strome, Darlene, Glen and Donald Strome of Waterloo visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dietentracher on Sun- dav l Mrs. John MacDonald and daugh- Aers of Waterloo. were over Sun- .day guests at the home of the for- !mgg's fAther, Sol. Kireh. - Mrs, Willard Becker and son: visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilma Wan. neg-rat [low Ihefee on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ikiiinitt and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shentz at padsn orui.etday. __ i Mr. Wm. Heidlinger of Baden and iMr. and Mrs Elmer Kraehling of meat St. Agatha wen: Sunday vis" 'tora at the home ot Miss Phoebe .Heiyyinger, -- -- _ __ In Tm Mr. Oscar Huehn spent several daysk on business in Toronto last wee . Mr. Edward Haney. who under- went an operation at the K-W Kw pitat recently. has sufficiently re- covered to allow him to return to hit _homé " early, this, wgek Mr. Oliver J. Wright attended the special sitting of the County Council. in Kitchener last Friday. Mrs. Arthur James has bought a property in Kitchener, to where the f,tgit intends to move in a few man s. The services of a County snow- plow were called in to clean up an ot our mlin street, which had ome so badly out up during last week's rain that it was a very dan- gerous stretch of road But foams. Several village hunters were far- tunate to bag a couple of foxes on reent eating; - A, Mr. and Mrs, Val, Glasser of Kitchener, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mn Fred Wep- pltrr, on Sunggy. - Mr. HaroWStroh of Kitchener visited at his parental home here ort_syulay. - - - Cpl. Russ. Stroh of Camp lpper- wash. Pies. Chas. Koch of London. Lloyd Veitel ot Camp Borden and Lyle Dahms of Chatham, spent their week-end leaves at their re- spective MTts . Lance-Cpl. Lester Stroh of Bar- rietteld is spending a few weeks at holno on furlough. _ Some of our people attended the' Joint service of Twin City Lutheran Churches held in St. Mntthew'm Church, Kitchener. on Sunday " ternoon, when Rev. Franklin c, Fry of New York City, the presi-i dent of tho United Lutheran ‘Church of America. was the guest lspggkcr. - l Woolwich Council members are this week attending conventions of the Ontario Association of Run] Municipalities and ot the Good Roads Association. being held in Toronto. TIEO Up 'e pm Mr. Abner Martin is intending to' move with his family this week. to the farm he bought a few months) ago from John s. Hamilton, east ot) Winterboume, where tha- will; have their future home. r. andl Mrs. Nelson Weber and family of Rosednle will move into the home vacated by the Abner Martin fun. ily. who will continue the operating of_t_he Mettin_Dairv, __ 1 Woolwich Counc'il's March ses- siop yin be Ite.id "tEt. holdup A large portion ot the now that h-d covered fields and was piled up on country roads disappeared during the mild spells of last week mien-1y this Jveetr Mrs. John Hoyt, who underwent an operation at the K-W Hospital recently. bu been progressing so rapidly. that she was able to re- turn to her home early In the week. By No.5 Sink (cumula- Comm-dean WAN IAVIIGI CERTIFICATE " In. St. Wat Dial t-0661 QIIQIOLI aeeount ot the put year's human and Mr. Gilbert Betsey was ap- pointedasDireetortorntermot8 ym Salute! Goettling and Dal- bin auxin. were then called to ive an account as delegates to the 8ovfu'lft'il','l Convention at Guelph. Both were very enthusiastic. and advised that any young man should attend a: the next opportunity. 'g'fg.'i,'S hehe,',' " “at? It ' I an. u - ton' report monk: that I.“ In: the an“ output at butter in in hum. mun; mum pounds, 599' 9"... eun.dsfneease otrer ma? M'mvu a. Dunn were min my! Buditom (cyan; hot. granule. was then called upon to dress the meeting. In his address Mr. Sproule commuted the Company on its successful year. and strened the importance of pro- per cooling of milk or cream, and that cooling by water in twenty timesttettertitannir. Healsoaaid that war and: can. new envelop- ments an addre- wu enjoyed by all present. The chairman called on Melvin Becker, who was a delegate to the Milk Producers‘ Convention at Tp- ronto, this week to give his impres- sions of the convention, and among his remarks. he emphasized the need of better support of these con- mentions. Mrs. Wilfred Sararas Wu hostess to the Bee Happy Sewing Club at her home Thursday evening Yoga. P009105 tetie.., ,A_-, The meeting ot the Bethe) M.B.C. Young People's Society was held at the parsonage Thursday night with Miss Evelyn Cressman presid- ing. The topic.""rhe Challenge of Discipleship" was presented as fol- lows. "Keep My Commandments", by Garfield Cresaman. “Take up your Cross" by Harrison Schlich- ter. "I will make you Fishers of Men" by Lawrence Hoonr. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Miriam Coleman and special sing- ing was rendered by Miss Miriam Cttlpman and Lincoln Coleman. Members of the U.B.C.E. Society entertained the CE. Society of Roseville at a skating party which was held at the New Hamburg rink Tuesday evening. There were 45( present. At the conclusion of and evening refreshments were served: at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Raster. i The Children of the church met at the St. James' Lutheran parson- age last evening. with Shirley Eur wechter presiding. Twenty-six members responded to the roll call with "One of the Twelve Apostles". Beatrice Goodwin read a Bible Sto- ry entitled "Samuel the Boy in God's House. We are Careful of Things which belong_lo Others" was-the subject mr 'Mrs. Bdstidh's VB "auiiau ___ 7-: D. - Pye, ty?.oremtivt NEW DUNDEE M. F. GORMIER, well-known Twin City authority on all types of tire and tube repair, announces the opening of a RE-CAPPING and VULCANIZING business in the Town of Waterloo. He is now fully equipped to give you the ONLY 24-HOUR VULCANIZING SERVICE IN WATERLOO and offers you FAST. EFFICIENT THREE-DAY 'RE- CAPPING SERVICE. k Why. Wait Longer I Time to Re- Cap “I... (w W) DON'T CAR-[E55 iri; END TIRE WORRIES! Inspection made WITHOUT OBLIGATION VULCANIZING RE-CAPPING 3-DAY SERVICE 24-HOUR IERVICE CORMIER See or call ‘Iyg a brief Tire Service " KING N Now Open'. Phone 3-3426 u v.0“! M...., " "Will-ll. - "I. J Schmidt. Marie Human, president of the Junior Red Cm. Society of the public school occupied the chair for the meeting Friday afternoon. NY Canada" was sung after which Shirley Einweehter read the Secre- tary's report. A piano solo was played by Hazel Ding". Other ell-attaching!!! lit Bible but." to the who, ch: m1. tho m. M. We. dtlcuuod the “Cabal-n" with the 1tsteemqdintas Duo to unhvonbu weath- eon- dmom. the “can! ot ttte but.) qervices was bold " the " Jun. Lutheran Church Thuruhy um instead ot Wednesday night pastor Rev H. Schmieder xpoke on “The Second Word from the Gnu†Indo vocgl_ trio_ w_as given by ' TO SERVE WATERLOO [iriI'Elllili'] GLASSES. . . . . _ When you buy glasses, we see that they fit your eyes and your face. Our specialists give thorough tests. expert treatment. make sure you are properly and correctb titted. They resume your eyes are precious. GUARANTEED (li)lllWi's GOOD GLASSES NG N. WATERIDO (In Waterloo Garage) " (Mario St. South To Fit Your Face With «In highly skilled optichns grinding lenses tor any prescription. we say "tgoaranteed" with eonttdenee Good VIXIOVI Is Your Right, Don't Neglect It! 7ii'itar ma Mn. KITCHEN“ won by Mn Rog Guam and '11 99mm {toga omhtgn by_ln unvmchm; Mg, kin-CH:- man; Shh-lo In“! tr but. Butler ml dltt iilG;aia; Idere I pom u m- mittee 1','l the next new. The members at lhe 300 Elm Sewing Club entertained M tidb bands at 'f'tet . party at the ' ples" m “also Saturday ann- um The evening us went in plu- mg {TM The ttry, print "I won y run Roy Gum and In Choru 'tirtiiii V -rariiitE FTfiGiE John by Guru: Yite.. P0- te when“; ftnttet no“ Rt on no“ Ina-r" Pun 9.19 K.ehut.i siiiiii.iOr" Wm- spent the week-end with In: par- ems, Mr, and Mrs. Harley Tom-n. ntaanh-Mtttq Walter Rickert and Mr. Bat-(35:50- man. MI Ind In. Chino. W Lem-u no Prince-I at, Pte. Cameron Toman of cum Check-Up! TIRE Expert Phone “at: '