, tablespoons sugar 5 teaspoon salt ' li teaspoon paprika 56 our vinegar 1 tab espoon salad oil 1 small onion 1 stalk celery _ 3 slices green pepper 1 avocado l grapefruit Mix sugar. seasonings. vinegar and oil. Grind or chop onion. cel- ery and green pepper very tine and add to mixture. Pare and slice avo- cado; pans grapefruit and remove sections carefully. Arrange fruit alternate-lg on liltuce ff romaine leaves an sprin e wit dream . cooked-and put in cocktail glass- Appetizer - Cracks: Roast Vet} Roasted Ponto- Frozen Suecotaatt (Lima beans and Corn) Celery, Olives. Carrot and M19 Sticks Raisin Pie Cheese Cote: By Betsy Newman I wonder if many ofyou omit. mm and when you serve din- ner to guests? I do because with iitueoraoheip,saud-ms exm dish to prepare and that his tune. m “spun a fruit. v tatth or aheil fish appetizer is JY with celery. olives, pickles. carrot and turnip slices of sticks for the wisp part of the main meal (l0lll)i)lii's 600D GLASSES I MENU GUARANTEED . . . When you buy glasses, we see that they fit your eyes and your Nee. Our specialists xire thorough teats. expert treatment, make sure you are properly and correctly fitted. They realize your eyes are precious. GLASSES. . . Inch-u 'mnn Jr' " oran- sa. m Planning Avocadg M _an¢1rull To Fit Your Face Todar's my With our highly sill!“ -. M . lease: tor '"" W, we any "tt-teed" with m. Good Viswn is Your J Don't Neglect It! " Evrn in Although ration books three and four became invalid on December 31. ration card: issued prior to that date are still and. Also Madman; makes in bulk or in I sealed container holding over 120 ttuid ounces Also :0me isiriidr" in standard wooden sections 4% It m or 4 x 5 inches. ( /,Pti het.,',; "ms mag: ties, arose ino t e Canned Fruit Juice, gal-glam Mo- lasses. Sorghum Syrup. Also the following when put up :n 105 ounce containers or larger: Unsweetened Fruits. Apgle Pie Filler. Solid Pack Apples. inexp- ple Pulp. Unsweetened Pie Filler. Unsweqtgned Fruit Filler. Apples. Apricots. Berries. Cher- mes. CratrappleA Curl-mu. Grape- fruit, Other Citrus Fruits. Green- ':gages, Peaches. Pears. Pineapple Plums. Prunes. Rhubarb in slices, pieces, 3:1: or sauce form. Any combination of the above fruits Any of the above 0mm mixed Wish other ma!) load ny can consisting turs In“: mixed with other o One butter coupon is good for the purchase of eight ounces and three coupons become valid each month. Ngxt wagons becoming! “lid _ T utter fa, preseiViiiii “if. and sugar " and " lid Here are the dates on which m- tion coupons are due: -. Butler coupons no to " now Trw. At dinner: planned (or men guests. the have“ usually plans to have pie for deuert. Pie and ire cream are thought to be the Male Animat's favorites Dont forget Puddings however. for bmity and friends. Inked or steamed, at even boiled in the good old English my. Ration Coupon from stove. Line pie pan with pr try reliant top crust, malaria in strips tor a lattice cum. bot- tom shell with raisin mixture. place lattice strips our top. listening them down mug. and but: In hot oven (45 deg. J, from N to Att minutes an. - and an. add water slow- ‘ly. stirring it in carefully to prevent lumping, Add gtltd lemon rind and juice. add . _ Put over low hen! and. pooh, scum; 009mm until sauce of m, "V v Luiair." -etriii - well betcha new mm.» {mm Arise-u-t a 'gt',irg',ietg'.it,r,tPgt,N,2f: mocha“. hunk cup Inch chopped‘nin -tkuis. edddnind. gnu-um over In 2h't,'ta,Qdrtultt mummy." aw†have a. Mixed fruits for salads. M1101!†cm mum Sugar conga: 40 to " valid. 1'reserves to 38 now valid. Sol-0mm At dinner: planned for 32¢"!!!le â€up .. cu sum 'N'ltfllfffo- 56mm“ leupealdvnm 'ttaetnoetedieeltnrind 1tablesrtomt_eylatteq, Due Dates “by!†RATIO! NOTES MOT MXMMED Recently pensions for disability the cut as though they were cloth. .uce form. and death were made the some tor Sew roy.ld the edges by machine men and women veterans. Prevl- (tree stitching seams and be clue- be above ously the women and their depen- ful not to s.tetch, Ther.trpay be . dents had only received to per ITiliiirrii. ll Chad" wttntt ahirt or pan- " mixed ot the beneitts paid to men. . ' ties m that old sweater of you]: I " . a T . . . . . muting i Mare than " per cent of Cm- Cap-r!!!†Living tu"? ith other dian men and women with over- Ppt.?,? ts such an intangible seas service, who have been dis- thing. It's hard to get hold of. ',charged for medical reasons and Fell, you can't see wind either, whose cases have been ruled on by but if you eger saw a dust storm I the Canadian Pension Commissioti,!Hl. the mantle. you'd know that have been granted pensions Up to wind IS the realest thing you ever no Cher- October 31, 1944, 15.335 such use. “It _ mm had been ruled on, and pensions? You can't see love or hate. You hum Mo- tgranted to 11.305. icon t me your ttruler on goodwill, Popular bench about certain foods prompt the lollowinl "true or false" quit Cheek your answers with those r',l'."eee,',', by the Division of Nutrition, apartment of Na- tional Health and Welfare, Ottan Question 1:--Two medium nixed potatoes, steamed or baked in mg Latina. contain as much vitamin as one medium orange. True or (aloe? _ Question 'r-MM ta fattening. True or (aloe? l Queauon &--A thick Juicy steak is more nutritioua than one of the Sheer out: of moat. hue u m "Then, match Four two front and two hack tires--tires always grow while in service. Don't judge by Maud design depth. Measure the /utsiAe diameter of your ttmg h- quently, for there should not be more than 36 inch ttitrerertee be- (tween them in overall diameter. Aorne people might tell you % inch. ond that might do in normal times. but the expert will assure that 16 inch maximum dinerence is bettdr. Otherwise one the carries more {than its share of the load and will fail earlier, "Mechanically Four car should be : in At condition. With alignment under control, have your garage man teat the umber. cuter, king- pin, inclination, wring; shock a - embers, ttheel balance and the ball "gunk. Ouch. live "Ge in" dr aiGGiiP. GV GG a new tire completely through it trng in a Icy hundred miles." or " your tires are showing: fea- ther edge, have alignment c ecked. 1rtsaligitritent, resulting in excu- xivp “to. in" at "In. ' -- -.-v "Protect your automobile tires", declares the Rubber Cdntroller em- phatically. "and make them last as long as you can. They are yours \and the nation's most valuable pro- perty. "Watch the alignment of your front wheels Any time you hit a curb or other object a hard Mow, ?.r if y_our .tires agje showing a tea- {Punch Sci-elm Burn mama. _ A world famous French scholar who escaped from a Nazi slave la- bor camp after two years was a de- legate to I recent international con- fersenceixi of th 1mm; In pea ng e coo e France,, he said that he and his friends were being forced to burn up their nineties. When the win- ter chm becomes unbearable. a treasured volume will burn long enough to provide a cup of hat coffee. I Books are not burned until sheives,ps.i.rirtingr boards and wood- en mouldings tavi/u-en-GG 3.31 broken up any us.“ a: fhewood. Your Cat Mast Bo In Al Mon Time limit on applications for pensions has been abolished. Fol- merly a veteran had to apply with- in 90 days of discharge; now he or she may apply any time. Inn Am Gun than... 1'.- The old argument as to whether men or women spend more on clothes has been settled by the Do- {minions Bureau of Statistics. In I .recent report it shows that while women's buying of clothe: in- ,creased by 93 per cent between November 1939 and November 1944. men's buying increased by 85 per cent! J Difficulties in transportation. more people at work, and more people living awe: from home ac- ,Lount to a large egree for the " (per cent increase in restaurant eat- mg. Department stores may not seem to have vmuch of what you want. but . sales have stepped up by 80 per cent. Biggest (iiiiiiiiiiif shoes and Vitamin B 'peapsules. l They Esme-on one other point: 1'i?it,?il,i mvam‘: Wham n " In; y e I V we already come bark, Th claim In bum. they uveu tor uncu- Mea tun-stood pie can buy wu- stamp: in any .mrcels. and secondly. that they state. post otrtce or bank on any need a Earned of adjustment alter any of the week, but on Ptida " the getting ome. Many of them our flood merchants will go all out to tess to a feeling of "let-down', one: SELL them and will not take no weeks months and you: of tttuud- tor an answer! Mig on the hope of getting home. I The "25 club" booklet will con- ‘haven't met one who isn't waiting tinue to be a key item in all pro- for Jerry to get his Come-u-ee grams and campaigns organized to '--yyt "get it good!†_ - assist the National War Finance forms everywhere you go. . f “I thought t was through with lining up tor everything. but I have to line up here even to get on I street-cu. . _ ." "The tood's wonderful. but rm surprised to tind so many shortages ie the. st.oees . J' "1euine we!» we I Herearesomeorth-timuot one repatriated prisoners-of-war on child reaching home. Host ot them were I indw ‘taken at Dieppe, and all have been but m or wounded. I have talked to n day I number ot them and they all agree Febr on at least two tta-tgh, that more they Pref ltr the _r.trt (in! {and Ne l inn-PAW. loch-QM‘ “Every . looks annua- than ""d,l't'geerdr."." Wait ft) used to Canadian tn mu- om: everywhm you no. . ." “I ahead _ has messed ’up'liééiiéii . . . not by a long shot. When the seams are unpicked the pieces can ',be cut as though they were cloth. Sew round the edges by machine Indore stitching seams and be cute- ful not In {Iran-h Tim... m...- I... .. ( China can tell you what it did in: them. It raised their cost of living 2.100% which is a fantastic figure, but means that rice, their national food, went to $600 a bu- Shel, Sugar to $1.80 a pound and f smal‘l .bar .ot. soap. 1oAtr. Cotton -- v. - .- 7... wm...- for making their padded coats sells for $24 a foot _ Thu-key can tell you a lot about inttation too. Although outright x You can't see love or hate. You can't put your finger on goodwill, you ean't take music apart and see what mgkes it click. But ttie% iGGGiny things that intbtion can do. l Well, you can't see wind either, but if you ever saw a dust storm on the prairie, you'd know that yam is the realest thing you ever "a iieFiriiiiii"iU'iin"itiG% ment so shrunk and matted that n- vellinttis. hopeless is_not a dead loss , Finn Anchorage. Do you have fuouble with a food chopper that ‘won't stay tUmly anchored to the table but slips and slides as you grind? There's a cure and it's a! simple one. Put a piece of sandpa- per. gritty aide up. on the edge of ' tne table before screwing the chop- l per in place. 3 Cutting Bunch. For easy cut- tmg of fresh bread for dainty sand- l wiches first thoroughly chill the I loaf. Cheese slices without crumb- . ling it you use a strong thread or ' mice 'tt string Jrttrteaturt o knife. 1 The "25 club" booklet will con- tinue to be a key item in all pro- grams and campaigns organized to assist the National War Finance Committee in the sate of stamps. The food industry will use this booklet as the spearhead of its long-term program. in order to make people aware of the idea of buying at least one stamp per week for the duration. 2aunch their third war Tpit manna drive on February 2nd response to an appeal ttom Finance Minister llsley, they have under- taken in the following six weeks to stll 12.000.000 stamps. or more than one tor every man, woman and child in Canada. Last year the food industry went well over the top, but they sold their stamps every day and only during the month of February. This year the plan has more of along-term eharacter: peo- [mimic-Hun“ n ' 'rViiiGri 'FitVi" A. vii-mu tpe shtmp am. When hon-re even mom ninritimi. with tenderloin steak ranking far below them in nutritive value. _4itiii_tttpr r0: mm ' inihastries lity the week-end with her sister. Miss Kate Bowman. I Mrs. L. Tilt of Blair was I busi- JI',",'! visitor in the village on Mon- v. Miss Verna Goddard of Gait spent the week-end with her mo- ther, Mrs. O? Goddard. 2'the,,ee'dii'ii,iiiiii IrgN at the home of Mr. an Mrs. Bert luv tegReyequ Kitchener. Pte. Robert Premer of Chatham spent the week-end with his wife and daughter. Max and Ruddie Sch“) spent Saturday in Kitchener. Irvin Woettte of Kitchener spent Sunday with his mother Mrs, Eti- zabeth WoeUhs " the home of Mt an}! Mrs 4ates Book. se.?! t,satirrxAr" In arc /,e'i't'htl',ef,er, spent the week-end with friends at Clash)â€. ( The Ladies' Aid of the Presby- ‘terian Church held their meeting at ‘the home of Mrs. R. Drager on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. A. Ramseyer and family attended a family reunion It Kitchener. - tfr. "uriiAriir". Hii; and ‘daughter spent the wig] triytm1s Ist W]. Mr. August' Siewert has sold his i roperty to Fred Potter of Collin;- wood and has purchased the No- "eLty of M.r.Aetitett Pgmbaker. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lambke entertained at their home on Fri- day evening in honor of the birth- day of Mrs Lambke and daughter Marguerite, an guests were present from Galt, Preston. Kitchener and} Doon. Crokinole was played and i the winners were Mrs. Stevenson of _ Gait. Mrs. W. luster. Mrs W. Rank and Mrs. M. Grey, Doon. The guests of honor received many love- ly gifts A delicious birthday sup- per was served with a three-tiered cake decanted in pink and white ; as the centrepiece. Mrs. P: Hobbs and Mrs Charles Flatt tainted the hostess in serving. Rev. S. E. Stevenson of Gait con- ‘ducted the service at the Donn United Church on Sunday after-1 moon. Rev. H. G. Cleghorn of Pres- fon was in charge of the service at the Doon Presbyterian Church on' Eu?ylayy afternoon. I Bizahd-v 1'etr. Mr. and Hts. Floyd Myers, Shir- ley and Marniene Myers spent Sat, urday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Koch ath'hirtrsareryr. MasteiA%iGirG'tui of Kitch- ener spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bob stein. Mr. Clayton Shanta of Baden calla; 01m; and Mrs Vernon Wit- met on Sunday Pine Hill and Margaret Wagner of Haysville and Messrs. Clayton and Stanley Wagner of Haysville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Williard Bowman. Mr. ind Mis. Percy Snyder and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mts, Willard Winner. ..... n... nun. .1. “can“. a The Messrs. Robert Marshall of Roseville and Joe Hallman of The Plain: spent Sunday with Mr. Nyle Diefentratetser. Mr. and Mn Eldon Sehwartaen- umber and daughter Patsy and Mr. Reuben Schwartzentruber of Knob. ever spent Sunday at the home of Mrc. andAers. Ch_irws Siebert. The Misses Bernice and Audrey Egerdee of Kitchener spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. an}; "t Wm. tf. _Egenjge. 7 - Mrs. w. 11 shGGGfiraTiiiifi, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. l emon Wilmer. I In. 'ne-h-ta. 1'dehu"ou'tt.ettt ' The Wilmot Community Fireside meeting will be held at the Wilmot Centre Evangelical Church on Sum day evening, Feb. "th ‘at tt pm. The students ot Emanuel Bible School " Kitchener win present Mr. and Mrs. Ptoyd Shana and Mr. and Mrs. CHEN-d Swat: ot Kitchenerv iaited at the home ot "e Pepe Heilman Pefunfyr tsuFararttiiiGiT, 'iii-G..; ',pd u I can of Emmet“ at 5. sn".e, ttttgt he! can ot 'lt, at . men s as W Uncommon-band henna-um item: like 'tltia',tt', and†to the with ot and the well going at a muon. In- My none own. Edie By In. . Jon.- (Chnnlclt Cone-maul) ROSEBANK EtirIEyer Penny r. _ pm "my", of I Mr. and Mrs. George Botender, (Bruce Watson and Christine Gammie of Elmira were recent visi- mots with Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Schwindt. Pte. Waller Hill of London, Mr, and Mrs Herman Page] apd tam. ily of Kitchener were Sunday usi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. John Stanl- baum. Miss Melba Schwindt of Kitch- ener spent the week-end with her parents here. , (er o! Wmtm Um Sunday ts ‘wilh str".'%hrflhi'el'Shteltl l Mr. and In Goa-u Settwindt, au-o.dRAl-reribamu, visi- Min Orpha Miller, R.N.. of Lon- don. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and In Noah Miller. Mr. and In Howard Bauman and son, James and lens. Na- thaniel and Aaron lion! were Sun- day visitors with Mr and Mrs. N Horst. Inn with Mr, and In EGGa Seltwindt Mr. and In. his Gingrich near Fiend-k. It. and In John R. Horn and family use recent wu- Egrs with Mr. and In. Daniel Pte. Rat Bott at Camp Borden and In; tld,',',', Bott of Kitchen- er spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and In David Bott. POI QUICK SKIVICE JUST TELEPHONE tt-itit'.13 . . . ttow.' Twm Gm lnuunnv Restful Beauty Sleep “TV-win City! Btttercuarters For Over ttt II d " __ “an LEEEQLE; __ WOOLWICH Cleaners and Dyers Freshly laundered linens assure What is more inviting than a bed made with crisp, spotless linen, fresh from our laundry. Tum (“or a new leaf in 1945 . . . send your laundry to us and be relieved of an unnecessary household task. You'll enjoy the extra time it affords you. Satisfact ion a Habit Just Call Mr and Mr, Adan" I W I-‘urhd Are 301 WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES In In. Yea rs" Hull'mln