LOCKS “I ' on»: We plot all m d All lind- i a. I.. emu» 1 no In; tbt. I 4 M 2-11†Kitchener AUCTIONI'ZER Dial 932 E md your Sate will receive {gunman and closest allel- I possess a iicerisCroFTii, counties of Waterloo, Wel- lington and Perth. . Phone . 932 Elmira l have handled very many successful sales for over " years. You too will benetit I? contacting me, in view 0 my experience. I am satisfied that you will be more than pleased with re- suits and my services. No gale is too large or too small. on that coming sale ot tto-- hold elects. give me I all. I) liking and enthusiasm for this work goes back to my boyhood days. My last sale in the Twin City was held at 105 Align St. West, Waterloo, and wilt be remembered by those who attended as an outstanding success. You too can have that service that will please you. For that Nichol: Sale you wish to hold Phone 932. Elmira LII B. HUMMER ED. GEISEI. “minus-Lin sumo: PHONE 4-4510 We Wish No. 1 FraiirCC..C.".."." No. [grade -...-... crty"ttew prints: ers. $10.25-31l15; medium weight, bulls. $725-$850; he vyweights, $835310; most bulls. 's'tlgrcihfl'. Sheep 700; bulk, “.5045; lambs. Sis-$15.50: mediums, 313-81150. Came 600; 1i htweight canners. $445; weighty. tllys%flli,. cutters, $575-$615; medium fat cows, $6.50- 37.25; fat, 7.50-8.50; state type, " $7; lightweight heifers on feeder ttesh ylerit10; meglium butch- yLrr6Lo._-Hogs 1,000; best 'dti? ms., 8ts.tsrtsest sows. SM- xmay; ikGiririiiir, . Lambs were 31150-813, good ewes and wethers, with a few Southdowns up to tte, bucks $115061), and culls 36-30. Sheep were $2-ts. Hogs were 81190-818. {rude tA", gressed, with sows 1125 i Came trade was fairly active " isteady prices on the live stock mar- tet yesterday. with an estimated >800 head unsold. Carmen and cut- "ers were cleared at gnaw. I ‘few butcher steer! and heifers brought $trso-81t, boners sold downward to 88. butcher cows were 37-89. fed yearlinv 'ud.-ttMo, and bulls 8150-88. Calves, hogs lunhs and sheep sol, tsteMr. - _ Calves 'Sr'ougm 315-310 for choice with other vealers downward to " an? a few grass 05131394â€. !ir.oitirFiiiT.r.r..': CattlefActive, Prices Steady Thiid “MT "ELIE: firsii iiraair.r."L....., tuae and iiiiiirrLC.TL'.C.' Dairy Produce tf..heetrr Truck was) nun-31.6 mm BTOCI unmanag- “Eamon 3555mm M%totttt I. Milkfed "A" grade 2c per pound more. lyrkey "--......m. " to " _overWitG. ., 4 to 5 lbs. ., Under 4 lbs. Swing Broiurs- 2 to 2% lbs. ..er.r...r.... Other weights .._...e... Milkfed "A" grade more Fowl- Over 5 lbs. ""'P'r'er....q.. Over 4 lbs. 'e.'rmr.'rrreqr. 3 to 4 lbs. "P".-.......... 'Grade A large Me...... 38 to 00 Grade A medium .6.. " to 00 Grade A pullcts Mm-r-t 30 to 00 Grade B ""'m-.--.-. 33 to 00 Grade C -'"'-..-rv.. 25 to 00 Note: Above prices in both sec- tions based on closing sales. Country dealers are quoted on graded eggs, cases free, delivered to Toronto: Grade A range ef...... “am to as Grade A medium .... 31% to " Srad_c A pullets _..... 28% to 27 Grade B ""-...-.tm-.... 30 to 00 Grade C "'"'."mm...mtrr.w.. 22 to 00 Note: Prices on farmers' ship- ments are 2 to Be per dozen below above quotations. 1 Eggs were ticketed at 25 cents a Edozen for small, 30 for mediums, 40 'tcr large. and 45 fur extras. Young jhickens. langtd m price from 35- MB cents a pound. Year-olds sold at 35 cents a pcund. Ducks fetched 45 cents and rabbits 30c a pound. Meat prices retained their usual} levels. Honey sold for 85 cents a large glass container and 46 cents for the smaller size. Cooked cheese was 25 cents a pint, mild factory cheese 32 and old, M. Sour milk cheese sold at tive cents a slice. Careless carrots fetched s cents a pint container. Turnips sold at 5 cents each. I Lettuce ranged from eight to 15 Tents Ttrt 15 for the Chinese type an 10 cents for endive. White and brown soup beans were offered for 15 and 20 cents. ( Cabbage ranged from Bye to " cents, depending on the sue. The red variety was sold at 10 cents. Fifteen and 25 cents a bunch was asked for celery. Apples were still plentiful and varied. McIntosh sold at " and $2.75 a bushel; Snow, $2.15; North- ‘ern Spy, $3, $2.50 and $1.50; Green, ings, $1; Tolman Sweet. Mt cents a t,as.k.et; Delicious, 60 cents and Golden Russet. 60 cents. Potatoes Were priced at 20 and " cents a basket,' carrots 20 cents and beets. 25 cents. Onions brought 30 cents' a basket; the Small variety, so cents. (Nominal Prices to Shipper) Dressed Select "A" Poultry and Eggs Yule gift displays ranging from delicate wax roses to cotton rag dolls featured the Kitchener mar- ket on Saturday morning. Displangule Gifts At Kitchener Marl were unchanged. . Spot rice for Grade A large was listed gum 34% to " cents. Butter markets con- tinued quiet due to the lack of of- ferings. Brokers report any le~ ceipts are being well cleared. Wes- tern butter was steady at 35c. ( Toronto egg markets were te- ported to be holding quiet and stu- dy with maiden: receigu to meet present requirements pot quota- tions and ptices_to the retail trade Butter and lid Markets Quiet Prices to Retail Trad. POULTRY 24 " per pound service. May wiijsift This Gaia; year where we will be able to work together. A Merry Christina and I It"! New Yen: I wish to thank you for the suc- ‘cessful year and many sales you tave entrusged to me. I have en- joyed working for you and hope you will again give me the oppor- tunity to handle your audion sale. With my years o experience; I am satisfied t3 be able to give you real "e'""""""-' """'_ nun-lune, teed, etc., for estate of late Henry Laclmer, on the farm Us miles south of Elimira thén 1% mites west. Clearing sale. January - at 1230 noogt-Atre- tion sale of threshing outiit, live- ccck, implements. feed, etc.. for Ed. Balender on the farm situated) on the nth of Peel, about 3 Tiles, north otnoyadare. Farm is sold. Jan. "ii/Yi/dear;",";") aan.-- Exectatom' sate of threshing otstitt, igglerqentg. livestock, - furniture, l Jan. W, M'rrep, at t Pan.- Auction sale ot my emails. feed, to cows, 50 head of tat and young cattle ter Herb. Reinhardt. on the tarm Situated % mile north of Btslau, ..on...t.he h.ighwav., - _ Jan. 8, Monday, at 10aan.-Com- munity sale at farmer's shed, Elmira. ot livestock, implements. furniture. tools. etc. Bring your surplus to the stand where the crowd gathers. No lot too small. Thy is 'yuy_sale--boost itt _ Jan, t Saturday. at 1.30 '?.m-- Executor: sale of property. lumi- tun and household goods for estate of the late Caroline Vollmer in the viliage ft ytifeibera, _ EDWARD emu. his“. M III-sin - Dec. 30. Saturday, at 1 'tan.- ‘Execqton' sale of ted bljick house m Linwood, also turmtuu and household sheets, " acres of had 2 miles west of Linwood, tor estate of late John troll in the village of Liqwood. ii "an" Gii"iCEiieifi2e' - Cer.'":',; Natchez mud. l have jun booked lune new km in: ale. seven] maxim good pines. no to an acne. and " um in 'ttl than. Be lure to Ice me then. Some near city. All with “who. good water, etc. Jan. 0. Walnut! herd " head inlet',,':', Istein cattle (or George wood, a miles eat od Erin. Us miles west of Bell- tannin. Feb. 's Wednesdaky. It " 2et noon--. um Itoc ' mm feed and household Meets, 1 mile out of Kitchener on Guelph high- wag. tor Gabe! Bros. eh. I, Wednesdly. at " an. shatTt-rrjum stock including u:- credited herd of 44 head Reg. Jersey cattle, implements. teed end 'irttttld elects foty... p. Snyder. I nave Jun booked In. new km in: tile. seven] maxim good nines. no to m can. and " um in 'ttl allâ€. Be an: to Ice me a... Son: near city. All with Hydro, good water, etc. Jan. 0. Manna" herd " head agar“! tstein cattle (or geprge irkwood,gmueraki'ire Erin, m miles west of Bell- tannin. Feb. , Wednesday. " " o'clock mariLiGiii Moek. imnte-t. AnctionSaleLiun A. _MKErttAagatgt Kill: and Water Sta. KITCHEN ER Dial 6-6459