Jer, Pengelly ,n. WORLD’S WEEK Will Sips}! St. Andréw’s Miss Jean Pengelly, well- known Toronto singer. who has sung with the New York Metro- politan Opera Co, for a number of seasons and is much in de- mand for concert engagements, will sing at St Andrew's Pres- byterim Church, Kitchener, on Sunday, Nov. 26 at both the morning and evening services. On that date the church will celebrate its our: anniversary. The Rev. Frank Lawson will ION. Ryan - Ruth "my FREDRIC MARCH Alexis slum: - Donald I Tender Comrade "THEY MADE ME h CRIMINAL†"lhe Adventures d Mark Twain†At last at popular prices ' . . glaring out of the Roaring as the "Chin-Up Girl" in THURS. . FRI. - SAT. H138 JEAN PENGELLY SIAM-s BUNDAX woman nzmw Honour - mum“ - wmuumn JOHN GARFIELD RONALD REAGAN ANN SHERIDAN JANEJQMN! . _-.., COlMAN In IICHNICOIOI HARLEM! GINGER ROGERS JAMES CRAIG cor. ARNOLD DIHRICH - Both Features First Twin cum Showing - [0"th haunting SECOND FEATURE IT! NOW SHOWING RONALD REAGAN JANE WYMAN PRISCILLA LANE WAYNE MORRIS (Continued Mtqt Pup " WAY, NOV. " " Bah-o 1-10: “bu -v."-- No. 4 Atr Mum; Comund headquarters eoattrmed areporttodarythatailotNer_ airmen below the rank of "ting squadmo leader and on the geeteral list of lying peruoanei, wilt he given their discharge from the R.C.A.P. upon rear-hm: their 33rd birthday. Temporary squadron leader: will be given their dis- ictuirge upon reaching their sum birthday. Butter contains about six per terttqtair. httiytertottttAtrd , At the hour af asEaull, the U.S. [8th Air Force sent more than 1200 ‘1}qu tretre" with «so was Ilium-awn! m mriarmoitdrt Eschwexler, 10 mile; raiifGst"Gr" Aachen, where the West Wall al- ready has been breached. PF-The Allies launched a general otrensive in the West to- day. with the US. tst and the long- Jtidden 9th armies icinitue four other 1min in - M I aoAtile than! 33:19.1 Germany eseoFts to loose a storm ot-ant) Lunch Grand antitis asnsroeette5s, from AdiiiGt Extra! March of Time “THE IRISH QUESTION†- ADDED ANKACTION - "ht Check Honey1 “Mr. JhUde " '%rtler ht" - ADDED ATTRACTION - MONDAY & TUESDAY THURS. - FRI. - SAT. hiii",t 515353;; t1'sittr,tt/jflyltff. EDWARD G. ROBINSON Alan HAlE'Geovga Tomas-nob..- c, Cues To War†Grace MacDonald been lino] “‘3‘, n w h. Winter Ole-she "IF _ Mr Orvai Henderson. principal “of the Public School here, won on the sick list a day morally. " I (0mm Indian Summer is cxpected.‘ " only for a (lay or so, but as light- ning and thundrr accompanied thr mm Morm of the past week it would not be a surprise if open wrath†again continues for a num-‘ for of weeks, ( ' Word has been received trom rPle. Jack Harmer by his family Fifi. mm ho has been moved from ‘a hospital in Rome to the 1lith Can- Multan Hospital in Italy, He has ‘hrcn contlned to his bed tor over yf weeks and still is not able to lo about, Hr' trics to pass the time by making leather wrist bands, M Its and bill folds. Jack is receiv- Ing his patrols and letters quite to- gulurly which he appreciates very much as thcy are only allowed $2 I very two weeks. [ "echaltrrostorir. Stuart Scott has purchased the Daninl property and part of the 'yrnishirhgs which he is selling. Mr. Wm, Daniel has I: n lo take up his .Ihqde with his son. Gordon and Mr} Daniel, Kitchener. Sunday evening visitors at the 'mmv of Harry Bach were: Mr. and Mrs Edwin Focrstcr, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Foorsu-r. Mrs, Irwin Heier of Hosson Road, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schneider and daughter Gladys. Mr. Peter Roos of Waterloo was a visitor in the village on Wednes. day. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dehler and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hergott of Wa- iorlnn visilvd with the latter's mo- thee here. Miss Rose Maser of Waterloo spent the week-end with relatives Here Mr. A was a l Sitryay, l Searching the bark diligently for (tood, occasional nuthatches have Haven observed in a seventy-ear-old silver poplar. But the old couplet. "rm picking the gum from your t dooryard tree; The storm doesn't trouble me, Jchick a dee, dee." is not quite correct from the fact that the bird, whether head up or head down, is feeding on insects" eggs and pupae instead of tree gums The nuthatch is so called from its habit of putting nuts into jthe holes of trees and pounding them or hacking them. It is inter- esting to watch them clambering among the now naked branches and down the sturdy old treel [trunk head first, with their short.‘ square tail nearly always pointing tpwards the zenith, as they en-l - WV _-,v~.......b ... nun-la. "Mb, 'us more than just "Twenty Years Ago" since that beloved old 'ttMbna- , mous poem of the then "Third Reader" led us to feel that twenty years ahead 'te meant a long.- A former iGiiii of the Drinker School, Mr, Charley Eix of Detroit _is now sojourning _in_ Elmira, but Tint Sign a Winter. A real "Squaw Winter" sur- prised us on Monday morning. Nov. 20, and ere noon the quiet countryside was carpeted with about three inches of fieecy white snow. As the American Thanksgiv- ing Day falls on Thursday, Nov. 33, ."lndian Summer" will be qu.ite timely at any early spell following (that date,--s "And then when comes the cairn ( mild day, as still such days will come, To call the bee and squirrel from I out their winter home; i When the sound of dropping nuts is _ heard, though all the air is still, lAnd twinkle in the smoky light the I waters of the till. The South Wind searches for the l, ftowers, whose fragrance late J he bore, And sighs to find them in the wood and by the stream no more." Some three thousand years ago, the rose-colored granite of that time-worn monument, Cleopatra's Needle, was brought out of Cyrene. It has seen the Egypt ot Abraham and Moses, so it must look some- lwhat out of place between the bridges of Charing Cross and Wa- ‘terloo in London town. But when (iiiairvi,' dream shall have come true and "London shall be a habi- tation of bitterns when the piers of â€Waterloo bridge shall have become me nuclei of islets of reds and ,usiers and cast thejagged shadows lot their broken arches on the soli- tary stream," then perhaps the Idlelisk will still be standing above I the tide of time, outlasting even the trains of this rapidly expiring Gen- ;liig Agel _ towards the zenith, as they en- liven a quiet winter day with their nasal "yank-yank" in ever the same familiar tone. They are al, ways welcome winter neighbors, as ore also the Brown Creepers and the ever cheery chickadees. as they'break the long winter silence until the merricriernat vocallers come north again. t nng peep into the rosy hitiirdi' The present year's mill rate foe the township ot Wellesley is tr.? mils, and its High School rate is eight-tenths of a mill. The general tax rate has been reduced one mill by reason of the Provincial subsidy u municipalities, and School rates reduced one mill by reason ot the idyoyiLtyial syhslidy to schools. N6w_ that Squaw Winter his Trucks are very busy don: the Wallensteirt-Hawheavi1le to: way, and Its gravelled blue-clay surface " now worn as smooth and lard as a polished pavement. Fuel, live- crock and miUfeeds are the pro- -deyLmPst_reauurfy transported. Newsy Notes ducts most re ularl: um nu.- “JIM. Ill) CHI!" WALLENSTEIN C" - to: I“ an “I I." IO! IOttII. '00. on: LA'i"rtirtLLF. Br In It "Ir-u tChrooirt. corre-d.attt Albert Hohl of Kitchener visitor at his home hure on Dr hr. J. lie-walk! [virtue]. Conan-Mat) IMIIC'$ I. - IOIAC“ "I. - BA? h, J. "otoo lung-o- MBERG Tl! runnoo $01-21 cutout“! Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fler. accom- partied by their son, Pte. Peter Fier spent Sunday with friends in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harnack and cnildron of Breslau were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hamack. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Beitz and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Benninger at West " Mrs. Noi/ Miller spent several ,‘dagzs at 1torAdonslisst. week, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kramp of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schilling and Judy of Dickie Set- llrment, Bill Berg of Baden were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arhhur KtayNr. __ Friends of Mrs. Agatha Veitert- humor are sorry to learn she is ill and was removed to St Mary's Hq§pital_for treatment. Mrs. Stanleir iiaUnace and chil- dren spent Sunday with the John soyp family. at Ei!reherA1iils. Mrs. Jerome iaiil visited with Mr. and “Ill-halal pn Sunggy. The farm forum met at the home oi Joseph Harnack on Monday evening. The topic of discussion was "A Continuation of How to Improve the Land and Why do Far- mgs Leave the Land'." Farm Forum. SOLDIERS not our Haggis Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bender in. Sunday visitors witn Mr. and .urs. Jon Miller at Touch. Sunday visitors wun Mr. and Mrs. John Stahlbaum were: Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Huehnergard and family of Kitchener, Mr .and Mrs. Harley Stahlbaum near Hawkes- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill and son and Mr. Russell Atkinson of near Elora. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Miller and son, Jimmie, Mrs. Edgar Siddall and daughter, Carol Lynn were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller at Elmira. Mr. Willard Schwmdt and chil- dren and Mr. Maurice Schwindt of Galt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwindt. Floyd, Bruce 7737537 "ESE; Schwindt spent Sunday at the hopye of Mr. and Mrs. David Bott. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dessler and family were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Stty- der, at 11espeht, Mr. and Mrs. George Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knochenhauer gm! family of Alma, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs George Schwindt Mr. and Mrs Irvin Schneider and family spent Sunday with relatives at Elmira. Mr. and Ari. shah; Walter ot Wallace were week-end visitors wig: Mr anti Mrs. George Kepre. Mr. Thomas lake attended the funeral held on Monday ot " niece, Mrs. Frank MdDermot which Wu; held " Sanford. SHANTZ STATION Julie Deeton, In an M1 our]?! pmyer. the item trom Iâ€!!! loamy entitled â€Silent. t,tttgl swing" an read by In. M In Don Currah read an item on Christian Stewardship. In two, ottered an iastrumenUt Dung I brief business Heston In. m. Woolcott and In JPl Woolen“ were appointed u naming committee. Min Annie Randall? tered her home tor the Decca-bur meet'muf at which Rev. Gordon Kal- su- wi be guest ape-kn. a. P'Z iqtereggng theâ€?! ol_lhe mummhndob Folio" - the openly. “I. est-gwraulgm 3- n_-d 'tut. lean. ""e TlT8d,",'ll'l'ff.','h".titt United m In. Ii. A. "lint! {Chm-nick Curran-dun NORTH WOOLWICH " In. Glau- m tc_ieh. Con-W! -ertrtr_rremorar' of Guelph Mrs. Peter l A number trom the district ab ttended the Bible Conference held Ut the Geiger Mennonite Church at on Sunday. Nov, 20th. continuing until Sunday. Dec. 10th. Rev. J. . Mallis of Toronto, who was born in India of missionary parents. will be “he speaker the first week and Rev. N. Rowan of the Sixth Line Baptist lChurch. Stoutrviite, will be the evangelist for the second week. ‘Spodal singing will be a feature at} each service. The Sunday services Cry be held at ll mm. and 7:30 rpm. and the week-night services In! 8 pm. except Saturday, ( Evangelistic meetings will com- monge’af. the_Bethel M.B.C. Church I A Missionary program will be ,held at the Blenheim Mennonite (Church next Sunday. Nov, M, in (iii; afternoon and evening. with the ‘Euest speakers being Rev. Orville Thamer, missionary - on - furlough from Africa. and C. J, Rempel of the M.C.C. stall at Kitchener. The afternoon meeting will begin with devotions at 2:00 o'clock allowed by a children's program at 2:15 and a missionary semen by Rev. Thamcr at 3:15 o'clock. The eve- ning service will commence at 7:30 with devotions in charge of M.C.C. workers from Kitchener. I Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Becker (nee Carrie Dietrich) whose marriage took place on Nov. toth. The pre- sentation of gifts was made by Miss Leona Becker. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing games and lunch was served at the conclusion. About forty neighbours and friends hold a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Becker Pet. SaEymay ‘evgning for In u " I... I... JluTG. MI Mlggellanequs Shower Mr. and Mrs, Joe Hamack spent Sunday at the Bill Bitschy home in Bleslau. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bruder and Anne of Waterloo were Sunday visitors with-Mrs. Elizabeth Her- gott. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Reinhlrt were recent visitors at the Edgar Pohtcr hops in 1112111111]. -. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagner. Jerry and Ronald of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wagner. Ciemmie Bruder of Waterloo spent the week-end with his grand- mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hergott. “A- l'I_-,_ “I - -- A - Mr. aid Mrs Paul Spitur and family spent steer, with the {August Spitzer family at Lime- day with Mr. iGriirrEriiaTr% Kitchener. . Maxim. Mrs. Pegs!- Wil_h_elm sing; Satur- NEW DUNDEE The weekly meeting of the Chil~ dren's Bible Class was held at the us. Church on Saturday afternoon with thirteen children being pre- sent. Rev. E, Gingerich told the story of "Cain and Abel" to the Primary Class, while Mrs. Ging- erich spoke on "Life's Partnership“ to the Juniors. ’age .last Friday eveni with an attendanace of tu'lfi','."Sht,' presi- ‘dent. Donna Egerdee. presided and tho members responded to the roll call with "A book of the New 'cTegtament", Darcy Zinn read a rBihle story, "Baby Moses at the â€liver“. Mrs. D. Boshart spoke to the Beginners' class on the theme. “'How We can be followers ot Jesus" and Mrs. Jack Schmidt was in charge of the Primary Class, studying the subject "The Children of the Bible". Rev. H. Schmieder conducted a review on the first, twenty chapters of the book ot Exodus for the Intermediates. Chlldm’s Bible Ch- m l Miss Verna Scnade addressed the Sunday School of the Waterloo Baptist Church on Sunday mom- ing. Miss Schade was the guest of Miss Violet Schrag at Kitchener tor the day. The Children of the Church met at lht St. ings‘ Luth.eran PArson- Wilmot Centre over the week-end. The 1133. Ycung People's any. . . In" n" sch-Ill: V "Cl eye-mink at Young's ' all how the has thou! your vision. " visual aid is te- -. you an be are " clear, comforlahle vision and writ. dylel (Ia-es. lulu-ed to endure. Better Visién Classes " King St. West Phone YOUNG’S KITCHENER 'ti?1ittrrhhr_B_..ttq ‘tor the regular meeting of the B.Y.P.U. which was held at the church on Monday night. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Hazel Dinger, followed by a read- ing by Eden Hilhorn, Miss Greta Buck presented the topic. "Life in Praycr" after which remarks were given by the pastor, Rev. H. F tichade. ciety met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Musselman on Thurs- day evening with the Vice~ president. Miss Miriam Coleman, presiding. Rev. Herbert Shanta de- tivercd the fourth in his series of studies on the beak of Revelations. The Misses Shirley and Annadvne Eckstein rendered a vocal duet during thc service Glenn for the [iiEai@iilfii Mr and Mrs. ll-mld F __tb6 Nhvrt St, Path occupied the chair "and 2-197]