Out up {or Cold Storage Lockers Prime Short Rib MAMBURGER STEAK M....................................... lb. 19e use A LARGE sown! or mu AND An. ms or SMOKED MEATS and SAUSAGE huh Young Light Beef ROASTS. lb. ........ Freshly Ground PHONE 2-3430 We Deliver WERNER 'ii'i'iiitk"ii' 'C'""""'" Mhtellquarters ~24c [DZEiE (iliiiirBEErF' I... Your - Iain Rod In (0.501†.ttttrtAewide.demr-toah- - vi-io- Deovid" by (h.- Coroaull.“ '0 toot-mend and nt than JARS“ "we"? sum‘ I ragga A Tip-n m mun-h. Wm Ci7rC;A1Jlll'tWllf1tn',SP,2h"',,T. Manhunt.“ mum-u te,'tM,' unto g','l'geli,,tte,tl r'gg.'h't wmgï¬mbummvdm oetnndaruHtmse--.aatgat-dtit Norman Orly ' Son OPEN ONLY ON WEDNESDAY MORNINGS AND SATURDAYS ALL DAY 94 Queen St,, South YOUNG - FRESH - COMMERCIAL WHOLESALE Ind RETAIL MEATS gfiEiriWlllE [ Mr. Harrington spoke of the ur- igency of the appeal because of the (tey. being tom asunder by war; ibecause wax: 'ltlL"SI' tttfr/gli': It',', tot sex-nee; use " the nul- lions m China, India and Attica. lwho are now learning to read 'through the simpiiBed script. The ‘great need in Europe is Bibles l Another interesting number was Hhe reading at the minutes of the "trst {mung held Nov. 19th. 1885, “when the ranch society at Bres- Jlau was organized. Some of the names mentioned in that report lard Philip Zellar, Solomon Gale. Amos Bechtel and Elias Bingeman, {all of whom have passed on. I The Misses Agnes and Nellie Burkholder and Nora and Alice ‘Randall sang two numbers. 'Send l Ilte I/ight" and "I Know the Bible in {Elects New Officer- The minutes of the meeting for! 1943 were then read by the set-rev tary and adopted by the meeting. Money raised by the branch for the society the past year amounted to $125.00. Burkholder, pastor of Cressman Mennonite congregation and Rev. V. Snyder of the M.B.C. church, vice-president The other members of the organization were returned to ottute by the meeting. Mt Eben Cressman. seetetary-H‘easurer and Messrs. Ira Zellar and Lloyd 5. Shana, members of the committee. The officers for the following rear ate: President, Fey. Oscar Bonds: Rolled VEAL ROA& (I) CMII Con-w, lathe lb. 31c 21c To remove iron rust stains, moisten the stained part with clear wator. Then sprinkle the stain with Halt and moisten again with lemon ‘juice Expose the fabric to direct isuulight for several hours. lf the ,day is cloudy, hold the fabric over the steam from the tea kettle after Ilho salt and lemon juice have been appllcd. It the article is colored, better test this ptoeess ttrst for in 1 Heel on the color. I' Butter coupons " to ttt now va- "id, Sugar coupons 14 to w, can- l; rung coupons F1 to F10 now valid. l fCanning sugar coupons expire Dem ,cember 31. Preserves DI to " now} l valid. IT'S LOVE. LOVE. LOVE - on MAYBE no: MOON It‘s any what love does, One ordont swam rubbed his sweetie- pie's face with poison ivr--and won her Putting on a do; collar. a lllf‘klf'ss chip pitched a tent out- 5100 his beloved‘s house-and lost her. Read aboui the odd things love does, in The American Wee - 1y with this 'i',',",'dtr2 (Nov. 867 lane of The Detroit and†Tm A 2'lt of cellophane inserted mound t e crown of a man's hat, amide the leather band. will act " " protection against trerspiratimt mans Wh, n dusting or. brushing ra..! mum“. placc a large, damp piece' of cloth over the log of each onel Micro you start wot . In this why} mu wtll keep the dust trom ftrire rut and settling in the room. t HELPFUL HINTS I It's not a mite too early to do "m -. u." any†- 'more than think about that Chm - unexpectefiuse of buttons 'tre ttab _ . . ' pun. cull links, loll. headbands. mu gift list, especiauy it ttoat- mood trimming belt adttmrr-t, made presents are contemplnted. " ttag decoration ' and en glove the teen-age: in your (um trunmi w there's Lfl'liu list begun la mm up her t"tr" - from 'I'lfal to choose iuat the was gift list this JI'n you? be gift ' eight wtsetoeaeourtttte eidea one!» svnaliaed "ilrlNil the can mike) "epe herself. For instance, with the ex- . The popular. wide head band. In: seption of fins for her beau: she qptanee, can bow with can probab y keep well within - GRIN“! row, ot bum ‘bhdget allowance by making but- wtdely spaced we“ the width Ind ton Jewelry for all of her girl over the w)yrl? sugtaceofthqt-& friends df,',',',',', mirth for the hall- .m 3"“... Com crow ". ere'snn oping-unity The button is the newest inspir- 33.133: 'ltditgievotxtltei't , ation of costume jewelry d . rs. with two velvet ribbons h Tin, Bower punons pn 'dllli','Ti trcllished at the center wig“; Jf2 it.e.etT,et.tt.ttePe2y,..?t,s,e, ins. tytto.n, "tt in my Arte. I M1101! BOOK FIVE . l Canada's Mth food ration book "vent into circulation today as su- gar coupons 46 and " and pre- serves 33 and 34 became good. The book whose coupons are required for the legal purchase of sugar, on. nerves and butter will be used for me next 50 weeks, It%'ir, than any previous ration book. e Brst but. ter coupons in the new book will not be valid until late next month. Book tour may be used until Dee. 31 when canning sugar coupons Ft to F10 and unused sugar and pre- >1 rvos coupons become invalid. Ration Coupon Due Dates The bride donned a blue dress, black coat and blue hat for the wedding trip to points east. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Bryce will mike their home in Donn. There were 35 guests present from Preston, Hespeler, Blair. Doon, Kitchener, Welland and Toronto. The reception was held at m, cholson's Inn, Blair, where the bride's table was centred with a three-tiered wedding cake and white tapers in silver holders. The groom's gift to his bride was a lea- ther purse. The bride's attendant received a silver pendant and the grodmsman a leather hill fold. The bride's mother chose a blue crepe dress with matching lace yoke and hat, and corsage of red roses. A black dress with white tram and black hat and a corsage of yellow roses were chosen by the groom's mother. Butter coupons 82 to as expire November Mt. The button is the newest inspir- ation of costume jewelry designers. Tiny Bower buttons can e ily be uansformed into earrings by past- ing the fastener gadget from an old pair to the backs of the buttons. With a wonderful array ot plastic buttons in jewelled, floral and lim. ulated metal effects available at the notion counters of local sewing cenv ters all over the country, it should be easy for any teen-age amateur to take her cue from current jew- siry ideas and make exciting cos- tume pieces. A smart arrangement tor a de- lightful gift, a choker necklace, is to string a collection of matching Hack buttons with white ttower, like centers on a narrow velvet band that's long enough to be bow.. ticd at the back. Two additional matching buttons, converted into carrings, make a really beautiful and original Christmas gift set that Bryce-Folds Wedding The bride wore a sapphire blue velvet street length frock with matching hat and corsage of Talis- man roses. She was attended by Mrs. Leonard Nahls of Blair, at- Ured in grey wool street-length two-piece dress and black am series and Corsage of red roses. Russell Cardy of Toronto was the groom's attendant. DooN.--Rev J. J. Lowe of Ref pelcr was the otticiating clergyman] at the wedding, on Saturday, Nov. Nth. ot William James Bryce, of Doon, son ot Mr. and Mrs. John Bryce and Ethel Lavaine Folds of Preston, daughter of Mrs. Makcrow l ot Pteston. ; Smart Christmas Gifts From the Button Bag ttrp Dynamic- l'luonicle Correspondent) aim"; TI. 'A’IILOO tSletrl 1t9ttlM9_ttsgadt _consideration be given to size, 'dat and color of buttons with tell to the accessory they are to drama- I ttze or the piece of jewelry they at: ‘to make, so be sure to sketch or prepare the accessory beforehand. decide on the type, size and color cf the button you want before mak- irg the selection. With these con- siderations, plus a little imagination and ingenuity, daughter should be able to turn out some really stun- ning gifts that should please the Adonor as much as the recipient. This Young officer, who has just reached his majority, enlisted in 1941 here, attending the air train- ing school at Gale Being an Ame- rican by birth he transferred to the American forces in 1942 and went overseas in January of 1943. His older brother. James, who also en- listed here is now with the Ame- riqnn Air Force in France. Lieut. Vandenhrock brought home with him many souvenir: from the African front. He does not know yet if he will be sent back to the fighting trontpr be sta- tioned somewhere in the U. S. Julien Vandenbrock ot the United States Army Air Corps, has arrived at his mother's home here where he is spending his leave. He had been attached to an African unit of the A.A.C.. and has been overseas for two years. He has little to say about his experiences, other than that he has seen_plemy pt action. New Hamburg Mal Brings Souvenirs From Anica A lapel gadget made of buttons, mounted on a stem-like velvet spray and finished on with n ft or pin at the back for fastening. bound to be a favorite with the bobbyij contingent. - - When purple twilight anthem And the friendly stars TSta Wben. the. dayfs 1otttt task ended, And quiet time is here-. I fold my hands and listen, Por I think my Lord may game, And I want Him now at twilight When my day's brief task is done, So I'm watching and I'm waiting. Each moment in the day. FoCit may be PP.n or evening When He calleth me away; And it makes the day go faster. And the trials easier bung, When Trn thinking every minute, Today the Lord may come. wont be hard on the 1tutUst Cur tent interest also emphasis. this uneaoected_ure ot, button Arr In} Snood trimmini. half adttmmi, has decoration and even glove trimming, w there's Ht end]:- list (Igm whieh to choose Just the rut gi t ty_EW_HAMBURG.--First LleuL seiiring enters-recommend that "BEHOLD HE COW (By Chronlcle Corn-ponds“) (By Chronicle Correspondann Salad and». '.. Lettuce cunt Dice raw, unpeeled apples. cold and crisp. Red " lea nuke the prettiest and. '8'fh,l,'lt with grated raw carrots and raisins. mix with enough and dressing to hold them tntgether-a are: ot lemon juice sharpens the var. Serve in lettuce cups. For special cautions 110110th orange hum my be ‘used to hold the salad. 1 lb. Boar 1 lb. my: 4 large eggs . Butter or margarine size of wal- nut (about 2 tbsps.) Anise seed or tiavoring Cream sugar, butter and a“: for " minutes, or until “bubbly". Add ttour a little at a time, and when " is added, put on Boured board, knead a few minutes. roll out about if, inch $12k. te,', cut out. using me, coo . cu tax, or just cu . into diamonds by on £33 strewn with angst; seeds and lam over night. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees FO until deg: Li,er'tci",. tow 'fleet lingual: worms II should lie overnight as it needs wereused. 1,tr.',r,tyt"uegi,t,t beater, it prob: 1y won't be neoco- sar.Ttomixtgmiiuptesasroiieiit gchigve maul: without and: long beating. LogdGLinuieeh5 Minn obtained from a 'aut who an 'itGf.'ept"it'gStMtr2'tit2l 1m. PileiteseeNW, the-cold mipanodurtomyheurhm not easily come " when you want tomkeyourChrmcookia. Diced raw apples Grated nw carrots Buyer Alpitin .....m........r......... IN, 29e, Toe Print 2W'tr o-......-.-..."'; "es $1.50 Schick Injector Razor Call!“ will: a â€in Ne .....- Stationery ft “M GlirlGirii!iiiiift 'ilr.'llr. "iiiiiiir' - Nlltllllllrw 'llllii'l'i'i'iriii . Santa Claus "W3: Eeey1llhaber at the Family! Yardley Shaving Bowl - . " . $1.25 Dore] Perfume and Cologne - " 81 to 86.00 I Gents' Leather Travel Cases Com, mini -or" binned Raw Camry my TY.ratip Sticks , Hamlin] This“ , Cards Boxed at 2Se to 81.00 Toasted Cheese Sandwiches -. Apple (3-:th Planning BEDFORD 839m Mrt PM: Anhcmm [may Box P'_t..t. We to SI.“ CIT'"-. 'eteeiiiiit'dt. - -- iiiiErGh'l?,'glg dll/l,' I. “OI- - - - ' Ile Everyday; F 'rr.-. Kirk M, 805nm. " WI!“ " W. Shaving Brushes 'iBargalns ForZColds Twm 0m Lima, no: QUICK 8'3le JUST TELEPHONE 8-8833 . . . NOW] “'th City’s Bus“ Cleaners For Over ll) Years" mamma- Did You Molinard Make-up Beauty "iid" w" " b-ttttrt “I Che-u 'L‘" ttwrrrq.. (rr-r. "-5. to 81'.†Beautifql Bridge Please try to bring several garments in to- gather instead of separately. We appreciate your eo-operation. For " $5.00 Free Merchandise an?) Bag? Ash form . . . it’s freer. Growlng Older Gracefully YES, just as the elephant and the dttAey are carrying up through the years, we too are holding our own. In some rupee“, we've changed with the times. but reptiles. of war or peace, one thing that hasn't altered is our standard of quality elenni-g always. You can depend on us. Cleaners and Dyers Fine Quality Cleaning I. I"! I.I).A. High Test Cod Liver Oil pit-181.19 Phlox (III-ken one pint) "_'"""".'............. 39e Dudley’s Cough Syrup '.F..mt. we and 76e Satisfaction a Habit Just Call Yoqr Lucky Ticket IDA. Music-l Myrhnlu M Wed-ml†at 9.30 PM. Our cm. cam. no CICO Ctr." IrIGuvu, 127 M It ' Mp- Ihre specialty. See your Doc. tor Brat, then let us M your requirements, Opposite Post Office WATERLOO Phone 2-2672 Algal-Luna“ $1.50 and ""