Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bechthold and daughter of Milverton., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bochthold and sons of Baden. Mrs.‘Julia Adams and Miss Mary Bechthold of Kitch- ener. Mrs. Henry Bechthold. Stew- art Bechthold and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bechthold and sons were Sun- It Ila m - t Ian-kl- M) Thanksgiving service was held in the Lutheran Church here an Sunday evening and was well at, tended. The church was decorated with fail Rowers, fruits and vege- tables. Among the guests was the, bride's brother, Marshall, of the us Mer- chant Marine, just returned from the Mediterranean. For the wedding tri to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. the glide donned a ted coat with white fox and black accessories home of Mr. and In Clive s. Bean, " George St, Tomato, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion with autumn Bow- m and leaves. The bride's mother received the guests in a purple en- semble with comge ot roses and Mrs Bean in black with corsage of yellow rose; 'htthitissiisrthd" auttteHttttituiira%HGiia eaeri.dNiamaa- She was tvtteerebdttrhersister,Mriod Jutoetot1htttiytproqtwhon-n by Mr. one tr. Bean. unde'o’i'uié bruieaatdMmBeaar- "Oper- the register. and , to“. 'r1tiy,'it m: tHim" u loud at but to Pb. M Ttpam, ILC.- 9:C._ML_I9_CI the In: In m~dedmmdhu 8gea"ttdtttte,U','2.T"t General 'Toqrital, w m a t-nwoetteuaeinttuwittswtsite bride and In Bean NI Per- (gel. Loy?" during Wing of t.'dttFii2'iiltit5i FiP'iFiiiii PETERSBURG au later the young couple left on a wedding trip to lag, Falls and Buiraio. For traveling the bride wore a lime rr2'li" wool two-piece dress with back accessories. On their return they wth resui: in Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kniptel, Mr. and Mrs. Florian Salzman of Kitch- ener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reehsteiner spent Saturday fi'n'tt with Mr. and .Mr1s, Sylverttr Jed; y: -- Miss Mariraret Jacobi & Tdronto ipent the week-end at her home ere. Foilowing the ceremony a recep- tton was held at the Grand River Tea Rocms for some thirty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown affix? Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Greybillf iiiiii of Waterloo, and Mr. Adam Hilden- ' iira brand of Kitchener were week-end' that visitors at the home of Mr. andi '. MES; chtvtlnir?.f.el. -- . _ .1 e,'e,e The bride's mother was dressed m navy blue crepe with black accessories and a cox-sag: od Better Time roses and fern. he mother " tthe bridegroom wore a dress of maroon crepe with black acces- sar_ies ant? a similar come._ day guests of Mr. sind Mrs. Jack Rechsteiner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schaefer and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tracey at Waterloo. Mr. Wilson Hunsberger of Water- loo was best man and the ushers were Messrs. Garfheid Shantz and Harry Nufziger of Kitchener. tr, dres- wu and: with a Mod ‘bodjce and long theâ€: terminating ‘in rims over the wrists. Her In: iei we: caught by a clover-le [headdress an her only ornament was a strand of pearls, She carried pn arm Pat' of Briarelitte to.“ and tern. bride's sister Illa Edna Wagner, wu maid of homo: wearing a street-length are“ of purple crepe on tom lines with' tttree-quarter length aleeves and} matching gloves, She wore B, matching" headdress and a col-age of yellow roses. Miss Eileen Janus. sister of the brideggmm. was bridesmaid, dressed in live green crepe, fashioned on torso lines with a similar mange to that at the maid ct honor, Both attendants wore gold locket; 1 Ist Baden. Rev/.1 . of Preston s,e'rtiuutu'Peigd "'gl"ei . The ride was “ng by her 'tGhrN'getlh'llflW/ non sel'lC'l'reh5t'RSli'd'. was): wore . loot-length gown of white tyocaAed satin With a short mm t It news thereof is received tre-i mean 7 a.m. and 12 noon. the, f church services will be at 2 o'eioek I 1tfie a public celebration an hours later at 3 o'clock. If between at ruon and 6 pm. the church services will be held at T pan. and civic l, celebration at tt p.m. If news ot ar- , The toivn eouneil ’willr be asked to proclaim the day a public holio day, _ _ Following the church services the W oplc are to gather at the school to fur! I, parade inclggiihg my: towe The following committees were appointed to arrange this program: Robert Hahn C. K, Memer. Mrs A. R. G. Smith, c. o. Kruspe. Lewis Hahn. William Murray, H. J. Berth, L E. Appel. Mrs, R. C. Luckhart. George Steiner, H. H, Kropf, Owen Hamilton. L Ruth. Publiciiy. Miss June Schmidt, D. W. Culbert. L W. Rita Finance. L Ho_s_teuer, town treasurer. A 7 - Reeve If. R. Handler, Wm. Mur- ray, Robert Hahn, In. A. R. G. Smith, Mrs. Milton Luft, In. A F. Hahn, Reeve Hosted" was ap- pointed chairman and Robert Hahn mlary of the meeting. It was decided that individual services at thanksgiving be held in all the churches in town following which a community program is to be held. band. Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and Brownies all in uniform and march through the town after which a program is to he carried out. It was suggested that an outside wean~ ker be engaged. The time of the whole observance will depend on the time the armiytiee is signed. A deem? in; bien held toy tte' purpose o mm a sum . e pregna- ot thanksgiving and nri9i.e- mg on V-Day when the Cogtttict 111 Europe comes to a victorious con- clusion for the Allied nations. New MAmttuetvniiottott that: of the Seventh Victory ' has been set at 8158.550. 1teferrreentty unwind to us. thin in}: GREEK.“ --__-e" Tu? din it? couum block can. who. ain't-1n but min-ed oil-. in; contracts in (on for my yen This kind at and MT,: meat new to Inge! with 99- t,"t"el at my ttitiamtq trt'i'it"f. to opinions ext-ed. it in the inhuman of council to do stretches at it every you and even- lgaIIy my.» the Annual oiling Theratqunncb malnu- 'J,'lu'l'li'r'.illP4'rh)uTf,h'lp Those in attendance were Rev. H. iEiaiir5CDirE The Continuation School Field, day was held at the park Wednes day afternoon. The meet was blessed with most favorable weag ther and keen interest was shown at all events both by the spectators and participants The champions in the six divisions are as follows: Girls, senior. Joan Paul, 37 points; intermediate. Ruth Riehl, 39 points; ' Junior. Janet Ruthig. " points' Boys. senior, Stuart Luckhart, 35: points; intermediate, Don Erdman, 33 points; junior, Ken Meeker. 32, “mints. _ _ . Marshal Malinovsky's 2nd Uh, raine Army units pushed the Nazis ibacll on a loo-mile front, aided try (i second junction wlth MIMI] Wilda Pmiuns Ludo-.“Red forces converging rapidly on Belgrade today battled their way through lhe Danube morthhank suburb of Pancevn. only nigh! miles across the river and marshes from the Yugoslav cupiul. More than 120.000 other Russian Home: had begun I new oftentrive ’m Western ithunnin aimed at German East Prussia, Berlin TE'- arortod __ - A 7 7 ', The towl bingo held under the auspices of the New Hamburg Board of Trade on Friday evening was a decided success with the largest crowd in attendance for the series. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rumigiand two sons of Elmira and Sgt. ard Goebel of London spent the part, week with MR and Mrs. John A. Rtypitr __, __ -- A Mr. William Pauli of Toronto and Muss Mai Pauli ot Kitchener spent the wee end with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. William K Pauli. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Issler ot Ap- pelgate. ’Mich.. called on some friends m town on their return home after attending the wedding or the farmer's brother, Mr. John lssler in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Benedict of Hamilton spent a few days at the home of Mr and Mrs. Howard N. Culben. Miss Doris Smith entertained the girls of Waterloo College at a tea ut her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doerr of Kitchener were week-end visitors mm Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Hahn. l“ll‘:l III JUIUIIIU. l . Lieut Ted Hathaway of Ottawa "tet AntdK-W a??? Jegd: and Mrs. Hathaway and their son RR 's.ak"U'du 'l','lg,1 hter ' Peter of Elmira were Sunday visi- . . ' t e , g . tors with the former's parents, Mr. Cartor--At Amherst. NS., Oct. 8, to and Mrs, George B. Hathaway. Pte. and Mrs. Jack Carter, a Mrs Adelyn R. McDonald re-r‘ daughter. turned to her home after spending Boedman--At K-W Hospital, Oct. 4, the summer in Port Stanley. l to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bordman, Mrs. G. K. Bradshaw of Toronto 152 Weaver St., Waterloo, a was in town making a house-to- daughter. . Roll“ canvass for the Lord's Day JemFAl K-W Hospital, Oct. l, limes to F0. and Mrs, L. C. Jessop, an 611 PM x-Bnrod- ' . William St. w.. Waterloo, a The Industrial Chest Clinic of the daughter. Ontario Dept. of Health sponsored Schmidt-At Stratford General by the local board of trade, the Hospital, Oct, 3, to Mr. and Mrs. tvunesl and local industrial arms Peter Schmidt. North Easthope; a operation at the Library. son. Hull a week ago Thursday and Pri- Shanahan-At St. Mary's Hospital, day and in all 671 persons had an Oct. 4. to Stoker and Mrs. Gil.. X-ray of the chest taken to detect bert Shanahan, 188 Francis St., any possible signs of tubereuiosis, Preston, a son. or the above nu.mtyrt. 447 were Retterttoeas-At Stratford General Creyt the town including school Hospital, Oct. 4. to Mr. and. Mrs. children. 71 from the Hahn Brass Earl Kelterborn. Wellesley, a son. Co., 43 from the Hamburg Felt mt-r-At can Hospital. Oct 1, Boot, 39 from the Waterloo Ling- to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hussey, crie and 71 from the. Canada Sandg Ayr, a daughter. paper Co.. of Plattsvrlle. Dr. Swedt) P"----' Galt Hospital. Sept. It, to was in charge and was assisted by) Pte. and Mrs. Gilbert Pipe, Ayr. Miss Leffler, nurse. and Messrs. a son. Howard and Knight. technicians. Behmitt-At K-W Hospital, Oct. s, 'efrittd Dpr. _ - - - _) to Mr. and Mrs Harold SchmitL The public school fteld day com- petitions were staged at Fountain Park last Tuesday afternoon. Com- petition was keen and the pupils showed are . terest in the, pro- coedings.’ -- A“ Audrey Wi d, last year's intermediate wi k the lat - rels in the git over Grace St y a margin of 30 poinnts the senior boys Douglas Millar on 6 6rsts for a total of 30 point; Henry Poetker ME runner-YP with 22 points, Margaret Mathies took the inter- mediate girls division with 3t points, 5 more than the runner-up. Mary Wiederhold. Bill George was too good for the rmit in the inter- mediate boys' class getting " points with Tedd; Toichrob plac- mg second with , . The junior classes were close, Carol Miller winning by q points over Dorothy Schwartaentruber wh_qsc effort; gathereq her M. The boys in the junior age limit provided the keenest competition with Gerard Poetker, Merle Craft and Jim Murray ftnishing up with let. " and " points respectively. During the course 0 the after- Lieut Ted Hathaway of Ottawa and Mrs. Hathaway and their son Peter of Elmira were Sunday visi- tors with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, George B. Hyyth_away. Mrs. G. K. Bradshaw of Toronto was in town making a house-to- house canvass for the Lord's Day Alliance. 6rt PM Iraugod. Each winner receives a small cup and the grand champions who are Ruth Riehl and Ken Meeker re~ ceive an additional award. During the course of the after- noon the athletes broke ten records of which five were cmted only last year. This shows that the ath- letic ability of the pu ils is im- proving and it is TUT/ll whether any of the records now standing will remain in a few years. Russians Open New Drive nusuce " received between 6 p.m. and 7 am, churches will hold ser- tice at 9.30 am with the town's program beginning at 10.30. The ministers of the local churches will be asked to limit their services to " minutes. Mr. and Mrs. William Seigner of Toronto are spending a vacation with relatives in town. From row: V. Cameron. cs.; J, Nana-n3, ot Back row: L. Dentiuger, pr, L. Pryor, p.; l Foenter, Sts.; B. Wilts. Ms.; D. Sherritts, " Centre row: B. Petznick, it; J. Harlem c.; Bert Longwonh. manner V and coach; I, Dunbar, its.; P Dietrich, rt mam¢u~nummm Wi d, last year's te “Ti k the la: - t re git a St y a margin of the senior boys Kilian: on_6 thsts for a l Shanahan-At St. Mary's Hospital. vo)1"-'-%vli"l','u'r'st"uary voll, St, Oct. 4. to Stoker and Mrs. Gil-) Agatha. 80 years. bert Shanahan, 188 Francis St., Bum.“ Oct. 5 David Ferguson _ Preston, a son. ; . . Retterttom-At Stratford ,itrt.eeG,',httlld'"i.',"ogii?r,2ag'Ta2,: of Hospital, Oct. 4. to Mr. and. Mrs.) Linwood. sl'yem. Earl Kellerborn. Wellesley, a son. 1(1th Oct. 10. Mrs. William Hu-r-At Galt Hospital. Oct I,; Kleinknecht. Shakespeare, 80 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hussey/ rears. _ Ayr, a daughter. 3;. . M ' "'"---AtGaltHospital, Sept. 27, to? ta',',','-,':,-');,'""'" artm, of , Pte. and Mrs. Gilbert Pipe, Avrotiiit"G'i'--1Sh' s, L Victor Del- a son. [ - "ktustitt-At K-W Hospital, Oct. 5.3 $33342. Guelph, formerly of Roth ‘ to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schmitt.‘ . ,_ --- _ ' KR. i. New Dundee. a son. l . V cu----" Waterloo, Oct. s, to Obi luar y Mr. agd Mrs.S 12mm: tflgt'tg'.'Tl _ Jr., 11 King " .. a aug ter, i _ . . Ererr.Ht um Mammy 2"tui'l,e."ltt.'e,ilx, '/t',p,',i,eei,t; 4, f/Idle,,',',."',', for} BADEN.--Mrs. Chri tine Reiha, m.“ --At kN Hos mil cm: the former Christi Augusta Fel- 6 t 'd; nd, Mrs F pMalinsk stov, and widow the late John 'li,,'fld' s',",,',',',', _ . y 'ilteiha (at Baden, 1tt. 1tt',',taa,l t . ' . ' -_ . the resi once of her aug ter, rs. ft'c'rtt,t 13: alla/ttr,, H$$33i3Theodore Huchn, at the age of as. I kiii ' 917 Moore St .Pre ton IShe had been ill about ttve years. [ 311533;â€, -, s 22, Reiha 'ai'. tfl',, at 'git; . . _ . (Germany on L 4,1 .311 came "ht'at' odf1o.'t th,,','il'"trt,',l to Canada in 1881. She attended [ Johnston Morley. Gowanstown, a fS'éiï¬'fflfï¬ufffrflncfl‘flhh»_u _ocrto,tGMtandMrshed LautenschUger, 119 Moore Ave.. Waterloo, 3 daughter. Ebr--At RR. t. F'eterltpurg, Oct. tr, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Etsy. a son. L-d-At St. Mary’s Hogan]. Oct. 7, to Mr. and Mew ercy Leonard. ss Erb St E. Waterloo, a son. Pmett----At St. Mary's Hos ital. Oet, 8, Mr. and Mrs Stanley gui- burger. 12 Whitney Pt., Kitchen- er, a daughter. Durst-At K-W hospital. Oct. T, to Pte. and Mrs. Oscar Durst, " Willow St,, Waterloo, a son. Jueehuh--At K-W Hospital. Oct. T, to Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Jurchuk, 68 Ezra Ave., Waterloo, a son. I MeGoor-At St. Mary's Hospital, Oct. tr, to Norman and Mrs. Ed- ward . McGoey. Linwood, a daughter. Heegott-At St Mary's Hospital. Oct. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Hergott. R.R. 1, Bamberg, a son. Mttorse--At St. Max-{‘3 Hospital, Oct 9. to Mr. and Is. Charles Malone, " John St. E., Waterloo, a daughter. t 'l/lint',',', Geiger of Kitchener to Ila Doreen Schlichter of Now Dundee. H.rhnaat-Fiaher-a9et. ll, Raymond John Hartman. Waterloo, to Hel. en Elizabeth Fisher of Gait. Ch-sn-Bn-rt-Oct. 9, ERA. Jack Douglas Owens, R.C.N.V.R.. Tor, onto, to Hazel Wilhelmina ba- belle Stuart of Preston. Lo-h-Re-tr-oct. 4, Edward Loebsack of Stratford to Made- line Reesor of Kitchener. mhrwoter-oct. t, Arthur Floyd Motqetso-At St. Mary's Hospital. Oct. 6. to Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ro- bertson. 21 King St. N., Waterloo, a son. 1uy6oehyeypr--pce, 7, Willard} George Fraser Ripley ot Kite?!- encr to Joan Watt Johnston of Glasgow, Scotland. Coehmno-_-42et. q. Alden Marshall Cochrane of Ayr to Eli- zaboth Simpson Hands of Brant- ford. Linh-Fudd-Sept 30, Percy Wil- ham Link of Toronto to Marion Doreen fladd of Elma. Hintz of Bridgepoft ioifGG rio Weber of Kitchener. mam-1m -c" Sept. 26. ct-s-root-r-Simi 29, PO, Laverne H. Cressman of Kitch- ener to Gladys Marjorie Tooley at-r-At St. Mary's Hospital. Oct. tt,to he. Wilfred main. sweater, Guelph St., Kitchener, Marriages Births rrAl K:W, _Hoseiui, _ Surviving are five sons, Herman iof Kitchener, Abel and Ferdinand ‘ul Stratford, Henry of New Ham- fburg. and Carl of Baden and one daughter. Mrs. Theodore (Ida) lluehn of Baden. Also surviving are flee grandchildren and three 1 great grandchildren. ot Weapon Mii-trhrhr--sept, 23, Charles Miske to Mrs. Pearl Uhrig of Bridgeport. Koet--Br---ipt. 30, William L Kocher to Cecile Catherine Brenner. both of Regen. Pritehaxd-WBdht-Bandsrnan Ro- bert Pritchard of Elora to Valerie Wilding of Farnborough, Eng. Ja-bw-r-oct. 7, Glen Jantzi of Waterloo to Ethel Irene Wag- ner of Preston. - a... ---.--%.F%.. a, t v. Edward V. '2Na'rtt of Kitctr. ener to Emma ary Kittman of Waterloo. Stra"ttesaa%-toaw--0ct. 6, Robert Event. Stratton of Kitchener to fitlt. Mae Livingston ot Mon- trea . The former Lydia Down, Mrs. Kleinknecht. was born in North Easthope. June, 1864. She observed her 57th wedding anniversary, Sept. 2t. 7 But-oct. 4. William Ball, Doortcroiypshio 92 years. iresided tr KitPatrieh--0ct, 5, James Haig Kil- moved to patrick. Lower Nichol Tp., 801331. he n years. Pee Hart st-fur-oct. 1. John Wesley vives him Stauiter, Brantford, 71 years. .ber of the Jon-oct. 4, Thomas C. Jones. Sm eral yx Mitchell, formerly of Listowel, of Manage " years Survivil mad-b-oct. 4, Ross George Hud- [ mic. are son. Hespeler. 27 years. Plattsville 'urthr-oet. 5, Benjamin Bartley, daughters Listowel. (is years. Faulkner [ Iron-oct. ti, Mrs. Mary voll, St, $130,103.01 Agatha. 80 years. islanlpy I RidtHu-A9ct. 5, David Ferguson A son. En - Riddell, Pre_stoEt,t2 years. a mug war BADEN.--Mrs. Chri tina Reiha, the former Christi Augusta Fel- stov, and widow the late John heiha of Baden, died Monday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Theodore Huchn, at the age of 89. She had been ill about ttve years. Mrs Reiha was born at Martin. Germany on Oct 4, 1855, and came to Canada in 1881. She attended St. John's Lutheran Chun-h. Surviving besides her husband are thirteen children: Mrs. Edna Miller, at home; Miss Ethel Klein- knocht, Mrs. Mose Geiser, Mrs. Skee Wicks, and Alice of Kitchen- Cr'. Mrs. Emmerson Newslead. To- ronto; Mrs. William Rich], New Hamburg; Moses, Wenatchee. Wash, Billy, Drayton, Franklin. Linwood. and George. Harvey and of Kitchener. One Ion. Dr. vidndied in infancy. A tP - -..LL.-.... ‘ Mrs. Mary Vol] Mn. William Kloinkmchl . ST AGATHN-A heart condi, SHAKESPEARE - Followinga [mu brought about tho death on lingering illness, Mrs. William (an 5th. of Mrs Mary Voll. St. Kleinknecht. M, died at her resi- 'Agalhu. who passed away at her deuce. four miles east of Shakest-mr m hrr lust Scar She had peare, Tuesday. IT', ill fur four wvvks. Born Nov. The former Lydia Dotaert, Mrs. 15. 1863. to lhv late Mr. and Mrs. Kleinknecht. was born in North’Juscph Arnold. she attended St. Eosthope, June, 1864. She observed Agatha ft C. Church HL-r husband, her 57th wedding anniversarv,lisvph Voll. dll'll lrycars ago. ste 21. . Surxuving urn Iwo suns. Simon of Sury,iving besides her husband Bamltcrg and Frederick of Kitch- fry. thirteen children: Mrs. in!“ ruler; three daughters. Mrs. John Miller, at home; Miss Klein- (Lillian) Klt‘swotivr of Kitchener. '9‘va . Mrs. M059 Geyer., Mrs. Mrs, Lon (OIIVP) Stomvr of Water- .t?et2,nte, ye! A“? e.Uf.!!,ch,ie- ho and Miss Rose Iron at home; Also surviving are five sisters. Mrs. David Shultz, New Hamburg; Mrs. Fred Sluder, and Mrs Her, "tt Bucher, Whitehouse, Ohio.; Mrs Margaret Yost, Kingwood; Mrs, Fanny Roth, Baden; one bro- tisvr. David Dotzort. Amulree. and 15 grandchildren. Surviving, in addition to his wife.‘ the former Lydia Bast. and his fa- ther. are five sons. Grant of Baden, Earl of Dunn, Pa of New Hamburg, Heme] of ova Scoun- ond Laverne " home, and four daughters, Mn Demon Abe-nice) Snydn of nut Baden. n. Clay- i BADEN - David Miller. 56. died early Tuesday at his home in Baden after an illness of two years. He was born to Henry L. Miller. who survives him. and the late Mrs. \‘oronica Miller ,at Baden on Dec. Ti, 1887, A farmer and highway patrolman. he attended Steinmart's Amish Mennonite Church. Baden. (lihll)0lii'S 600D GLASSES (By (‘hronklo Corrrmpo"drott " Ontario St. South Just beau-e you wear glasses, don't think your eye troubles on over. Even if the pre.erip tion in correct. a poor at can ruin your vision. Don't take riAa . . . come in and let our ex- perienced Opticians ttll your individual need. FOR REAL SATISFACTION Deaths Expertzy Fitted il UI S ' ES David Minot PLACE YOURSELF IN OUR HANDS Good Vision is Your Right, Don't Neglect ft f KITCHENEII .lon (Mabel) Binkle, and Mrs. Bert- ram (Pearl) Diebel of Kitchener. land Mrs. Howard (Verna) Hesse of .‘New Hamburg. One daughter pre- 'deceased him three years ago. Also 'surviving are three brothers, Hen- jy, William and Lloyd of Baden. rind seven sisters: Mrs. Godfrey hiskau of Baden, Mrs. Edward *chhlhold of Waterdown, Mrs. Ed- 'gur Snyder of Baden, Mrs. Victor Schaefer of Detroit, Mrs. Wilfred 'Doerr of Baden, and Misses Edna [and Fannie Miller of Baden. LmW00D.--Wiiliam Nurse, Bl, mod early Saturday morning at his the in Linwood. He was born Township near Macton in 1902. he resided there until 1920 when he moved to Linwood. In February, 1931, he married Mrs, Alex Beggs. Pee Harriet Stickney. who sur- vives him. Mr. Nurse was a mem- ber of the United Church and for SM and years served on the Board of Managers, Surviving, In addition to his v/sic. are two sons, Dr. Harold of Piattsville and Melvin of Galt; two daughters. Mrs. Albert (Jane) Faulkner and Mrs, Sidney (Minnie) Spencer of Milvcrton and a stepson. Stanley Brunton of Bulah. Man. A son. Emmerson. died in July of this year. Also surviving are two sisters. Mrs, John (Margaret) Cur- ran of Bothwvll and Mrs. Bert (Ma- tilda) Weese of Dresdem'and two brothers. James and George Nurse 3150 of Drosdcn. Two brothers and two sisters predeceased him: Mrs. Sarah McFadden, Mrs. Hannah Milerew, Joseph and Alex. A lift-long resident of Wallace Township, Mr, Barticy was born May II. 1876. the son of the late James Bartley and Sara Jane Faulkner. pioneer residents of this Riistrict. Following his marriage in “all to the former Etta Maude Hammond of Maryborough, Mr. hunky took up residence on the Barth) farm. ist Concession. where he had resided since. He was a mrmlx r of thc Board of Sessions Jam. 18, 1863, on the 7th Line, Wel- hsiey Township. 3 son of the late leliam Nurse and Jane Beggs. He was married in November. 1887. to Eliza Jane Burnett. who died in 1929, and farmed in Dawn Town- ship for 18 years Moving lo, J'tel LiSTOWEL-Seized by a heart snack at a neighbor's home, Bea- jamin Barney. 68. died suddenly at noon Thursday. Surviving arc his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Grant Bowman. Wallace Township. and Miss Rita Barney. Toronto: two sisters. Mrs. W. E. Alexander. Winnipeg; Mrs, William Coghlin, Alma Township, and two grandchildren rud 'mo brot!ut John Arnold, of Dternerton, Ont. Benjamin Butloy William Nurse Phone 2-q832