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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Jul 1944, p. 7

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’ Lasagna“ GIVES A NATURAL STOCKING EFFECT. Price 49c. at Geiger's Dru?! Store. 408 King St. East. Kits ener. Phone 24127. sseiiiiktriiiiai daiii/rriiivice WING!“ AUTO PAINTERS TI. colour of you; "r matched - 'ILttts. mas warm: '.__ hub. in Kitchener over " years. ll Weber St. W. Phone 3-M12 -1tiattttified Advertisements E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOQ 0.0.: M William St. - Waterloo Phone 3-1357 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT BROOK & DAVIS T. K. R. Brock D. Bruce Davin CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (TI-um. In Bankruptcy) " King tit. But Phone 3-3003 Kitchaur J. C. LEHMANN ‘aooxnnmzh " 0m SEN, - Phone AUTO PAINTERS j momxoml. cmuig ( "In. 380ml; Good. called tor and delivered. Add my tttt to 2'T, home M y v In: your Avorite III-wine bound into books. Hauling Club Juss. Suitcases. GEORGE M. RUPI'EL CI Guukcl St. - Kitchener BOOKBINDING DEcoRAaoRs Painting and Paperhanging as“ King St. East Kitchener Riley A. Raddatz R. Knorr 'l34'l 1-0715 8-3217 WAT-100 CHRONICLE DECORATORS pqncuAgD'r K. AND o. Foot Specialist ELECTRICAL DURATION LEG DO MIMI-I- {trui- 't uwmhmdmm u-u-ln. . iNefP2ug'.li.ieetzc u out...“ 'MM--..--. limum -'"eie.q-o'- DRUGGISTS """lfa'l'At to. I DING ADV" “I“: IpI-_Ihlll _'I_kl club- a. TEE Cums-mm SCIENCE Momma All International My Nckakr Al utematioViiii0iiGriieT I _ - - --- for time {our inpaum daeeeaveest NO -A6maushe-tio CREMB--No mourn! We" NEWS ANALYSIS BY mm “I “W ANtWGtt I MT“: Wm __~7_wa am at ms POI AMA“ CHIROPRACTIC m7 gay-mono Lu"a"uttt'tl'ied,tgthlegg"- WANTADS IOI Alba-- mm- id - 'itii.rtii, Lar' 0‘s Minamm th and... Pa. 1"fety Yyy, It "-1” a M MOTORS m cow on iiiiiijiiFi ' Re-winding YOU WILL LIKE In ud tmee TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and mm Duplicating and Adding Inching. Filing Cabinets. Dub. ”a. we. Ontario OfBee Outttttem Ltd. “QueenSt.S. - “IMO-MIC ASTHMA SUFFERERS enjoy I good night's sleep without cough- ing or choking as others are do- ing, For free information write F. L. Howey. IN Catharine St. B., Hamilton, Ont 24-30 No P;rmit Required. Bring your ures to us for inspection and retreadittg. King & Water Sts. - Phone 6-0459 Kitchener Whether 31131919 A'. mum: . Far Adamant: Ptotoetiem---Ne out Good Brick House YOUR PROPERTY 1XNDAY GOODRICH SILVERTOWN STORES THE WATERIDO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY BUY YOUR A. K. CRESSMAN & SON HESSENAUR h SHANTZ Limited Phone 6-0455 - " Queen N. KITCHEN“ JOE IEINZINGIB Romans". DOMINION LWE Assume! COMPANY New Hamburg, opposite Evangelical Church. Ex- cellent gardens. Saeritieo 48-HOUR RETREADING SERVICE f TYPEWRITERS REAL ESTATE ASSETS om $1,000,000.00 D. A. “All INSURANCE AGING“ In! “I. and III-n... I" In " - WATIIIDO GOVERNMENT 00081? ”new.” Oral-Wat W A“. 00. WATIRIDO. ONTARIO PERSONAL Iateat burnout-um "AIL-I. I“. AY BE ASHE TOMORROW TIRES A'yr last hum” evening in honor " their recent lull-Hue. Games and contests werecplny in tt,r,r, of Mn Clarence mm Dnvd a an In mam. and Hi- Mt', M lbw-nanot- Pte. Arthur Spaetzel of Lindsay and Leland Spaeuel of Beamsville called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Atkert FiritrtietLhyrt Tyesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sham: and family of Pinehill were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edger Hallman. Mr. and Mn. Ivan Schiedel and non. Cameron and Richard of Preston and Mrs, Clarence Shanta and dough!" Margaret of Prawn visited at the home of .. George Hullmn last Monday. lEhnes; Advertising contest --Mrs. 'Emmerson Harper: Beginners' class 'irtsT.Yg',t Sararask Mary Joyce Buck; imary boys-Alvin Sararas, Bruce Bechtel; Primary (iiirliiii"stiisi.ii Brown. Shirley Knarr; Mrs. Ehnes' class-Glen Koehler. John Hansuld; Mrs. Arm- strong's eiass--Ethel Jones, Hazel Dinger; Mrs. Dinger's etasis-Mean Killer. Joan Dinggr; Orville Ehnes' class-Roland righton. Elwood Toman; Miss Bock's ctass--irene Hoist, Mrs. Emmerson Harper; Rev. H. P. Schade's class-Kenseth Reier, Date mines; Kicking the shoe contest-Mrs. Clarence' Hit- born. Mrs. Clayton Tainan; Married men's race-N. E. Dinger, Oliver Zimmerman; Walking Cotstest-- Edna Jones; Sack race for boss--- Eden Hilbom: sack race for felt,-, Gertrude Pacery; Three- caged race-Roland Brighton and Elwood Tainan; Hitting the bag contest-- Dale Ehnes. Softball was also played during the afternoon and a sumptuous picnic supper was served at the conclusion. Mrs. Wilfred Wanner run-named twenty-ftve ladies at a brush demonstration at her home on Mtyyiar_evettintg, .. _ --. Supper Robert Hutchinson of Ipperwash and Mrs. Hutchinson and daughters Dorothy and Muriel of Fergus were recent guests of Mr. and rs. Clifford Schweitzer. Mrs. Willard Becker and sons. Larry and Wallace spent the past week with Mrs. Masterson at London. Mrs. J. Sandie: Mrs. Margaret Lautenschtager, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards and Mrs. Harvey Bolender of Hanover called on re- latives in 'teyritittgtpn :l'hgrsday. Mrs. May Howe of Hamilton gent the past week with Mr. and Is. Clare Hilborn. Mr. and Mrs. George Pan and son leomrd at Lisbon were recent 'Alt"' with Mr. and Mrs. Willard an. Mrs. George Hallman and Miss Vera Hallman and their guests, the Misses August and Anna Fleming were recent visitors with Mrs. Abram Cressman near Piattsvine. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 763’“an were recent visitors with Mr. and Me. Vulgar Hrttm " Hrseler, The Charity Sewmg Circle of the Blenheim' Mennonite Church met in the Sunday School rooms Iatt Tuesday wLttt seven members being present. The day was spent in quilting for relief purposes and a short business period was con- ducted try the president. Mrs. Warren Bean. me. Waiter Rim-d bf Kitchens} is spending a furlough with his wife and hyils berg. 7 A . - The little Misses Shirley and Ruth Ann Holuhluer ot Galt Ire audit}! a few weeks with Mr, and I). C Hon! Schweitzer. Thirty members ot the BG,heim Mennonite Young than“: Society Elena-MIL surprised. r. and Mrs. Eighty members and friends of the Baptist Sunday School enjoyed their annual picnic at Victoria Park in Gait on Thursday after- noon. The committee in charge of the splendid sports events was Miss Sylvia Bock, Mrs. Harold Path. Frank Toman. Eden Hilborn and Wilson Snares. The results of the races and contests were as follows: an WW. = Mrs. Femin- Baptist hue Held in Call lihtc.att,e."/s,s3, Johansen. hunts Kneehtel; J'a'ptf, sandwich eat- ing Contest-- r. and Mrs. Werner Romahn, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke An- derson; Paper hag! contest-Stuart Kaster, Allan Cressman; ht con- test-Rev. E. Gingerich. erbert duster. Games for the children and softball were also enjoyed during the afternoon and at the conclusion a delicious supper was served. The lunch committee was Mrs. P. E. Page. Mrs. Elgin Miner, Mrs. Clarke Anderson, Mrs. Isaiah Eby and Mrs. Herbert Kaster. Sewing Group Meets Meyers; Throwing the ball at a rolling pm, race for men-Alun (Eastman. Clarke Anderson; Girls' 18y?e,,tt,r,tPee-ryheet Elly, Kath- ’Shuer; " to " ,eartr-hGmieert Meyers. Hefty .Swaru; one minute time race tor girls " to " yeBrB-- Bernice Bur, Andre, Eby; boys 13 to IS years-Ru us Knechtet, Sterling Johansen; ','fgN,,f..ote',',tt, --Aiice Oswald, Audrey y; boys' toothpick race, " years and i'lltp, ging! Mtg. Mrerle Mil rm omen's pota pee comes - Ws. F. J. P95133115. Tiii" landmine of 130. An Marathi mum of you; was can“ on u r the new of the com- mince compact! of Jean Human. Mary luster. In. Wen-nu Ro- mahn, Weston Slum, Whiter Kaater and Vernon Bowman. The results ot the races were as tot- lows: nod: and Girls. 4 years and under- Irilyn Raster, Durward Ronuhn; 5 to 1 yytte-Sttirley Holtzhnuer, Wake! Woellle; 3 to , tttts-tttiF, Meyers,“ Myrna; ongnn Lttuntk at their home if" Dance." ’35?! TiGGuaCiGiiGi Brethren Sandal t.Me.9 was held -0 “{‘Ai_ L 1.. ”1AAL --- - It H01. Annual 1llkiiiSMt501 The annugl pigment the New NI'DUNDII Jtd'.tt.'t'gtMa in" itiiehe are; on with an " m Mr, and Mrs. I. H. Toman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tomi: a! Milvenon and called on Mr, and Mrs S, M Roth at Baden on Bun- day. Miss Louisa Erickson of Kitch- ener spent a few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Goet- t mg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Egordee. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Toman, Mrs. B. Boshart and Miss Dorothy Tommi visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schedler at Kitchener on Sunday. Miss Audrey Swartzentruber spent the week-end with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel strytzentrtsyer at ?tterytrutg. - Rev. and Mrs. E. Gingerich, Mrs. J. w. Burton and Miss Dorothea Gingerich called on Mrs. A. Hil- born " Preston and Mrs D. Ging- eri_c_h at Auet last_'l'hu_r§d§y. _ A Mr. and Mrs. Donitddia, and son. Keith, George Jacob and Mr, and MrsaEirntr Jacgb 3:5] children, Mr. and Mrs Jack Schmidt and children, Larry and Carol visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmidt alltehertton tfury/ay. - fl Patsy. Donald and Billy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diet: at St. Agatha on Sunday. Little Pntsy and Donald remained to spend this week there. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Hilbom of Call, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hilbom and daughters. Eva. Muriel ttttd Edna. Miss Evelyn Hilbom and David Hilborn of Roseville called at the home of Titus Binge-nan on Swam- i .7 - Mr. 'and Mrs, Wilbert Bechtel and son, Bruce spent the week-end at Mes-ford. An enjoyable family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Snider on Sundoy in honor of the '1an birthday of the killer's father, Mr. Moses Beet. Eighteen were present and partook of a sumptuous chicken dinner at the noon hour. The guests includ- ed: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hallmn and children, Hugh, Marie and Ca- roi, Miss Eileen Eby, and Josiah Baer; and Roderick and Bruce Mil- ler of Elmdale. M13. Frank Raymond of Califor- ma and Mrs. Russel Johnason of Galt called on friends in the vil- lage recently: __ Mr. and Mrs. Orley Uttetman of Waterloo called on Mrs. J. Camel la'st Friday. , Rev. Henry Schmieder is spend- ing a few days at Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lak- ing at Freelton on _5unday. - Mrs George 5i'i'fiijiittnLa. few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Bock at Waterloo. LAC. Gordon Snider of MacDon~ aid. Man., and Sgt. Russel Snider of Patricia Bay, B.C.. are shending a leave with their parents r. and Mrs Omar Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Baer, Miss Bernice Baer and Alfred Santa: visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frfser at Gap onASunday; _ Miss Betty Schlichter has return- ed to Kitchener after spending a few weeks with her parents. Mr. ans! Mrs. Hgnry tichliehter. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Adams and Miss Elaine Thomas of Woodstock were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weigh Pte. and Mrs. Walter Richer! and son Bobby visited with Fred Hicks "tri7fGTa1irriiiaiu.' -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weiss and children, Jimmie and Janice spent a few days of last week visiting re- lat_ives at NiaAara_ra11s, N.Y. “God" and Mrs. E Gingerich gave an object lesson on "The Father's Protection". Choruses were 3110 sung. The class will meet" " the church each Saturday afternoon " 230 o'clock, l The choir of St. James Lutheran ‘Church sang at the Sunday morn- ing service at St. Mattheiv's Lu- theran Church in Kitchener which was broadcast over radio station CKCR. The newly-formed Children's Bible class met at the United We- thren Church on Saturday after- noon with an attendance of sixteen. Rev. E. Gingerich spoke on the theme for 'tt attern9ys which was There were no services held " the Bethel lac. Church on Sun- day owing toLtheucrqw mee_ting in regress a the KiteiGii/ruG"sGii Elighway. Large numbers from beg: are: gauging guess services. l Members at the B.Y.P.U. were in charge of the Sunday evening Ber- vice at the Bogus Church. The president, Fran Toman presided and read Psalm 1 tor the scripture lesson. A song service was tho held and the opening prayers were offered by Berwin Peters and Roy Gildner. Brief messages were giv- en by Eden Hilborn and Orville Ehnes and vocal solos were render- ed by Mrs Ephriam Rimes and Mrs. Emmerson Harper. Rev. H. F. Schade gave a talk on the subject. grim Admonition of Paul to Timo- ty". Rev. H. F. Schnde occupied the pulpit of the Philipsburg Baptist Chmureh on Sunday Afternoon. Rev. E. Gingerich occupied the gulpit of the Silva-thorn United maven Mission in Toronto on Sunday evening. , 'tseU.Bchei.tiaatEtsd-orao. cietrmetatthettomeotMr.amt In Gordon Mann Ian Friday . . with an “balance of mm?!“ mumm- ‘ed and an "eiptum but: was read by Inna Raster. In. June- Omaha-in chateau». pie, "Being Popular With The Right Crowd” any] scripture ' enceaouthe tome wacrudby Alta Stoita. Kathryn Hahn: and Weston Kuter. questions we: also answered by various membera Bernice Bur ("out with a piano aolo and the um period ,ritrysduetedbrthe-st.. dent, Mary Raster. Alter the 'thr- gram games were played on the lawn under the direction ot In' James Crenman following which ice cream and cake were served. _ iteiln Brown. 7 H ___...'- Vldton with Mr. and In David Minimum“. 'Ar.ht."N"grattAttStt “In,” - 1tryt_ttrtit.ie. ="81httl'flg unmaw-mmm M by In Lull- trt-tti vundbylbqlumm JttiyhBP.erFt.ueeur._Ptt In“ bland“ il,i.ii9?iiPlrFiiiilh'i?, 5537-...â€" "if: It. and.” d I is: helm. Bull" of 321m f lhe week-end with in Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weiss and children. Esther, Joyce. Gerald and Melvin of. Haysville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Egerdee on Sun- day. Little Roger Egerdeo return- eo with them to spend a wool: there. Mr. and Mrs. William awning, Harry Goettling and daughter. Ruth Ann visited with Mr. and Mrs George Filsinger at Mildmay on Supdzgg. Little Melvin and Clifford Otter- being of Breslau are spending this week at the home of their grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sehtichter. Close Summer Bible School The school had an enrollment of 71 with an average attendance of 64. The " members, of the class (age l2. 13) had In perfect attend- ’ance throughout the term. the closing program. Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Weiss and children. Jimmie and Janice visit- ea with Mrs. Thomas Cuthbertson at Bright last Saturday. - Guegts at iiid-ia1ie of Mrs. Pele: Cressmim ion Sglyjay mm“. w. .._....., were: Mis. Ezra Cressman of New Hamburg; Mrs. Elizabeth Brubach- er and Arthur, Harold and Francis Brubacher et Helt8.tlt?erg. . - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Koch and sons Harold and Kenneth and Walter Rehberg of Rostock were recent Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weiss and daughter, Dorothy of Niagara Falls, N.Y.. are spending a few days with Mt. and Mrs. Harold Weiss.. ___ __-..__,. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benninger and son, Wayne of Kitchener and Mr. and Mn. Ralph Schmidt and son. Jack of Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benninger on Sunday. Pte. Elmer Poll of Ipperwash and Pte. Ross Rickert of Picton spent "eweehytry) at their homes here. The summer Bible School held at the Cresman Mennonite Church the put two weeks closed on Thursday evening. There was a good 2'rp,'f,',',2"t' of parents, pu- Pitt an 'itprtds in attendance for GimsiiGisGGi, of Kindersley, Sash. called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ins-anew? 'el Meyfev. -- 7 The teachers were for ages 12, 13: Rev. Oscar Burkholder, who also directed the school; ages IO, It, 5"“sz Seed-av net-gay on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cressman: ages 8, 9: yrs. Walter Shanta and family oflEila Cressman; 6, 7 group, Mrs. l'.ine Hill; Miss Jeanne Shane oi'Gm-don. Eby; 4. 5. Arlene Sittler Vineland; and Roderick and Brucelassistcd by Ruth mebel. Miller. of Elmdale, Seven vmdnaloq who hznm "rit.. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald of Ayr visited at the home of Nfred Safgras or! Mpnday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chalmers. Miss Pearl Chalmers. Mr. and Mrs. James Chalmers and' son. Gary and Mr. Ludwig of Kitchener called on Me. J. ctee1 or! Sunday. " In. Icy Solid-l (W What) 1lltlltttia is a Dollar 1llttta Dollar? BRESLAU uiut(ir)..ik-im uh went III-Mag is I'll Indie ported“! ah 1r"GsetorabataiAreuo.a,srttit,... was...“ set Bier H %Mu append Mlle % be Lu Bug Herb-deg. Your“ Home ferqour money "tm/ll " . Imouse price ceilings end aturotiafutunm measures have Wilts value of w dollar HIGH l This who “will you uoufesee t,fats4lihtegis (Po - undermines prise ooefrel in Condo. Remember; you tetittt uour lollor’s worllr when you use your moneq wisely when you you Joel's . . . refuse to Lug noelIees luxuries... give block marble o wide berth . . ontl tlent hoorcl goods. “IMHCWMI that! tui-tao-rut-sis, 'udasrolkrdtuuri--tituaurt...ut was... I db, Asst pm we 'tfit,,,', Io hip lend the dangers “In! inlllion rtprmlus (or I“ the people of the Nnion. Misha! 5] THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Local boys and girls in attend- ance at the Youth Conference at the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Camp Grounds near Kitchener are Kathleen Killer, Miriam Beech. Marjorie Blake. Phyllis Schiedel. Shim Mader. Edith Sander. Del- berb'Blakc. Doris Dedels. Inez , Seven graduates. who have com- pleted the eight year course of stu- dy were awarded diplomas. They are: Margaret Burkholder. Frank Mader, Frances Mader. Frances Kinsio. Kathleen Keller, Joan Burkhart, Alice Szuch, The children's daily offerings for the "Milk for Britain Fund" amounted to $l6.39 throughout the school term. An additional oner- ing of $35.05 was given by the par- this and boys and girls on Thurs- day evening thus making their 1944 offering for this worthy cause $51.44. Attend Conference. King and Wu" Sh. it. F. Goodrich Store Now Available in Kitchener and Waterloo B. F. Goodrich TIRES! In accordance with Wartime Prices and Trade Board Retreading Service I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need. I will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell. ing goods or services. I will pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And I will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. Ft DR ELIGIBLE USERS WE HAVE Faclhry Supervised NO PERMIT REQUIRED For All Motorists. Regulations. DIII 0-H” Mr, Clarerfce BisriiiGa/r was home with Mrs. Burkholder over the "1veek -end. Mrs. Inder and "eriiiirG 19117)}; Saturday evening to visit relatives in Newfoundland. Mrs. William Habermehl is in St. Mary"s Hospital. having fallen and fractured her hip. Mr. Howard Schiedel, whd has spent the past year in Labrador is hote onfyrlotu3h, 7 Also Mr. Charles Richardson and Mrvrarttess, Richardson were home. Allois. Irene Zenar is one of the counselors, Rev. R. Beech. pastor of the local M.B.C. Church is di- rector of the Youth Conference. Miss Alice Schiedel. nurse-in- training at Straftord General Hos- pital. has successfully completed her probationary period and re- caged ly cap on_SaglgrdayA WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES KITCHENBI

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