DOWNING, STEEN and Co. MM!!!“ I Kill Bt. W. Photo £4162 KITCHEN“ EARL PUTNAM & ASSOCIATES “on: aim we»! , Ml mun LET‘S TALK THIS OVER FLORISTS m7 ilnr m: mm ' i The regular meeting of the Blen- ( brim Mennonite Young People's Society was held at the church on Miss Marie Cressman has been engaged as teacher at the St. James School. ss. No. 5, Wilmot for the coming year, At the conclusion of the after- noon dainty refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. Clarence Crossman. Y. P. S. Meets An enjoyable program was held during the afternoon with Mrs. Da- vid Bergey presiding. Miss Ruth Bean led in an opening sing-song hatter which choruses were sung by the Charity Band. Other numbers l,',',':':'),',',': a reading by Miss Joanne {Shanta a ladies' quartette com- iposed of the Misses Mary Shantz. Hilda. Ruth and Dorothy Bean; and u vocal duet by the Misses Erma Baer and Marie Hallman. Presen- tations were then made to Miss! IBenn as follows: a bathrobe andl slippers from the Charity Circle! with the address being given by Miss Vera Hallman and the presen- t:.tiott made by Mrs. Omar Cress- in:in; a personal shower from the Mvrtnona Circle with the address being read by Miss Mary Shantz and the gifts presented in a pretty' white basket carried by the little] Misses Kathryn Shantz and NancyI Rosenberger: and a tract [olden ftom the Charity Band with the." address being read by Miss Armin- ) thu Reist and the presentation made by Miss Eleanor Kehl. l I Fifty-tour members of the Char- uy, Mennona and Charity Band Sewmg Circles which are the Se- nior, Intermediate and Junior groups of the Blenhesm Mennonite Church pleasantly surprised Miss Dorothy Bean at the home of her mother. Mrs. Warren Bean last Saturday afternoon. Miss Bean who recently returned from Goshen College is planning to leave tor Chicago. Ill., as a worker at the Mexican Mission there. Sewing Groups ‘1 Honour Member t' I In. tltu'ttePtt I“ Hry~on~lu [mm "m JU- ama. was the guest speaker at the lac. Church on Sunday M- ing and evening. She chase a hee text tor the main; mice ll Kings " and in the evening spoke ot her experiences working among the baths-kn tribe at Zuni when she spent tour yen-n. and where Fl?eteoertoretttmintutotherge.r. Mrs. Beutraeher's husband. the late Pet. Elam Brubacher - â€by in Atta tart ‘Novembe'r, and (In: mg e even service a an qua-lane of "Eldon and Floyd Sherk. E t Coleman and Elfin mm sang a hymn in honor of is memory, . Mrs. Brubaeher was a guest at the homes of In. Simeon Cm- man and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shark met the week-end. HWM‘PWW EiiEiiEin .muz. .. 4'13! An enjoyable birthday dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Einwaehter on Sunday evening in honor of the latter's birthday, June 4th. The guests in- cluded: Miss Elvera Her: and"Claro Einwachter of Waterloo; Miss Ger, trade Dunn and Lorne Einwachter of Kitchener; Mrs. August Kaver. man. Mrs, Alex Brighton. Mr. and Mrs, M. Kavelman and Miss Nellie Kavelman of New Dundee. New Dundee and Roseville soft- ball teams played an exciting game at the local ball park last Friday evening. Tho score at the end of the nine innings was 16-8 for New Dundee, Ross Toman was umpire. Blgllulay Dinner. Prom! [mutating Topic; The M.B.C. Young People‘s So. ciety met at the home of Mr, and Word has been received here of the death of Bert Main. a son of (Le late Mr. and Mrs, George Main. former residents of this village. The late Mr. Main who was 56 years of age died as the result of a tcsult of a heart attack at his home at fp""""'. Mam, on Sunday, May 28t . The funeral of the late Mrs. Hef- bert Hiller of Perry's Corners which was held at the Baptist Church here on Monday afternoon was very largely attended. Rev. H. I". Schade officiated and a vocal duet was rendered by Mrs. Harold Poth and Mrs. Stuart Rosenberger. Interment was made in the New Dundee Union Cemetery. ' Lam of noun. A two weeks series of revival meetings commenced at the 1130. Church on Monday evening with the pastor. Rev. "when Shane as _the evaptwrieit. Fun-n] fun The closing meeting of the K-W Fireside for this season was held at the Bethe] M.B.C. Church here on Sunday evening. with a capacity audience in attendance. C. J. Rom- pol was chairman and Rev. C. W. Sorley. pastor of the Missionary Tabernacle led the singing. Rev. Herbert Shantz of the local church offered the opening prayer and Donald Gingerich presided at the piano. Choruses were sung at the beginning of the service and Ae guest soloist was Miss Martha ric- sen who rendered two numbers. Rev. Andrew Shelley of the Stir- ling Ave. Mennonite Church Rave a splendid message on the theme. "True Churches". 1 my Chasing Mating. Sunday evening. Miss Ruth Bean was the leader and also conducted the opening devotional exercises. For the discussion of the topic. (“Equipping Ourselves for the Bat- .tie of Life". the young people were divided into three groups with the leaders being Miss Dorothy Bean. Morgan Baer and Rev. Moses N. nrer. The reports of the findings "rf the groups were given at the conclusion of the meeting. Special music was rendered by a ladies' quartette composed ot the Misses Mary Shane, Hilda. Ruth and Dorothy Bean. Gordon Shane was choi'isten {or the evening. Rev. Isaiah Rosenberger occu- pied the pulpit of the Blenheim Mennonite Church on Sunday morning. - "f 's all!!!“ has an 10-0 can! with his wife It's ' LAFFLK-DAY -----LL=--cacT.Lucc=2r= I)†Mr. and Mrs. Moses Bechtel and la family spent Sunday In this district L visiting Mr. Bechtel's sister, Mrs.'w Isaiah Detwsller and Mr Dvtwiltvr 5n any family, m Mr. and MileLlyal Steckle spent Sunday with Mrs. Stocklc's par- tmts. Mr and Mrs. Irvin Lirth Pte, Gordon Mader of the Voter- ans Guard. i2e,Ttan",ih,et spent the week-end w) h his par- vvts. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Madcr. Pte. Donald Burkholdor of Ippcr- wash and his father. Pte. Clarence Burkhnldcr of the Vctcrans" Guard. Chatham. spent tltc Week-end with Mrs. Burkholdcr and Miss Margie Burkholder. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gimhcl and Mrs. Joseph S. Cressman and Miss Elmira Cressman spent Sunday in Preston with Mr. and Mrs. Oren Gimbcl. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Long/and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Long's cousin. Mr. Gordon Lich'ty any Mrs. Lhehty. At the Mennonite Brethren Church. the pastor. Mr. Beech. was the speaker at both morning and owning services. Miss Luella Heckcndorn has re- turned homo BHL'T spending suret- "l_wcclts in Kitchener. Mr. Oscar Burkholder. pastor of tla: Cressman Mennonite Church, brought the regular Sunday morn- ing message. In the evening the Young People wrro in charge. with L'oyd S. Shantz leading the meet- ing and Agnes Burkholder serving as Chorister. Papers on "The Heal- ing Miracles of Jesus", were rcad by Erie! Cressman. Ruth Gim- he] and Mary Dettwillcr and Mary Shana. The young people of the church cmd Sunday School spent Thursday Honing at the farm of Lloyd S. Shantz. where they planted an acre of potatocs. as a missionary project They are also snwlng an acre of turnips. Plant Potatoes Young, People Bu! mgr-1:313 are as sweet as ll . ew to Conduct Service LT?†fall I'rthe..r.oses in Mer. The N.D.C.S. softball team jour- ncyed to Avr on Walnosdny after- noon where a successful game was played with the Continuation School team there. The score re- sulted in 12-8 for the locals. Conditions of the Travellers“. byl 'l Mrs. Claude Shantz: and "Dangers !Do that Beset the Way and Hmdrancos _ to Progress", by Miss Miriam Cole- 'r man. Mrs. Henry Schlichter on Thursday evening with the president, Miss Evelyn Crossman occupying the chair Lawrence Hoover read the scripture Ipsmn and the topic, "Tho Highway for the Christian". was presented as follows: “The Con, trast of the Two Ways". by Mrs. Homer Down; "Tho Classes and It! In. Roy Schledrl Miro-Ida Canaan-Ion" BRESLAU mm SAVINGS <21;QO l itis Elmina Bender ot Kitchener Went Sunday at the homo of her L mother, in Anon Bend-r. Miss Etnine iiemuth spent Snuf- dzzy with Misses Joan and Elaitte Otto Mr and Mrs Slanley' Helmuth. Carol. Joanne and Orwell of North Fa'rsthopt, spent Sunday with Mr ond Mrs Aaron Holmulh and fam- ily Mrs Aaron andvr and family and Mr and Mrs Aaron Ruby and [:vay qwnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs Imm- Ruby, Mr and Mrs Erios Zehr and fam- tls spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Joy! Alhrthf must family, Mr and Mrs. Vernon Swarlzon- Imlwr and children visited over thw wwk~ond with the litters mo- thrr, near Pigeon: Mich, __ By lrm Ann- "but. lcbnnkh WI Mr and Mrs, Allen Bender of Ba- dcrt and Mr, and Mrs, Amos Bacch- lvr of va Hamburg spent Sunday mlh Mr, and Mrs. Amos Zehr and later called on Mt and Mm. Aaron Yaltzi and family, - William trajidir/d7," foreman; Moses B. Bowman, William Heron. Aaron Biehn, John Hoffman, Wm. Barber. Isaac Master. James Bry- don. Jacob Moyer. Alex Cranston, Peter Mussclman. Chas Coulis. Henry Martinson. John Dean. Mi- chacl McNab, Anson Eaton, Jesse Pvnfold. David Eisley, Adam Sie. ttcrt, Samuel Fear, Joseph Schar- bath. Wm, Gillespie. James Thompson, Bent Good. I ' my! 20RRA 1 A new driving-shed has bfen erected on the "Johnny Lit lo" farm of Mr. Martin M. Bauman. Johnny Little. a colored man arriv- ing here by the "Underground Railway" from the slavery states o'. the sunny South, just a century ago. Was the pioneer settler on this Peel township farm, second east of Wallenstein. A mile of-north-south corduroy roadway through his hush-farm was long known to the later white settlers as “Little's Lane.", He was violently tempered with his yoke of oxen, and soon sold his farm to an incoming white millet, for less than one per cent of its present land value. and mi, mated to Hayti. lzchor. ITU were interested in noting wvvrnl laminar names among the stalwart gentlemen composing the Grand Jury tor tho County Court and Court ot Quarter Sessions for Waterloo County. commencing Tuesday. Sept. 17, MNT, with Juggo Miller Rreiding: - In looking through an interesting old copy of the Waterloo Chronicle. when the late P. E. W. Mayer CPctcr X") was its editor imd puts- An interesting sale of pioneer souvernirs, as well as useful farm articles, will be that held Saturday afternoon. June 10th. at the Bulmer farm. located halt-a-mile north- trust of Wallcnstcin. For the past few days. buccaneer- in: bumble bees have been buzz- iLgly busy in sipping nectar from Hm attractive pink blossoms of a cottage honeysuckle: and so nu- merous were honeybees in the blossoms of a nearby mountain- ash that their loud humming was mistaken for that of a hive swarm- ing in the fragrant white-tufted branches. "Newsw Noted" In the hush of the Valley of Silence I dream all the songs that I sing; And the music ttoats down the dim t Valley, Till each finds a word for a wing. That to hearts. like the Dove ot the Deluge. _ A mesmgc of Peace they may bring. And my prayer In}; "a-p-iris-aim, from censers Ascendeth to God night and day. Do you ask how I live in the Val- Icy? I weep-and I dream-and I pray. But my ttars are as sweet as the [And I toiled on. heart-tired ot the F human, I And I moaned 'mid the maze: of I men. 'Till l knelt, long ago. at an altar And I heard a voice call me. _ Since then " walk down the Valley of Silence That lies far beyond mortal ken. ‘Do you ask what t found in the Valley? 'Tis my Trysting Plate with the; Divine. l And I tell at the feet of the Holy, And above me a voice said: "Be mine." And there arose from the depths of my spirit An echo-"My heart shall be Thine." I sought 'mid the human for Mea. ven, But caught a mere glimpse of the Blue; l And I wept when the clouds ot the mortal Veiled even that glimpse from my view. l And sleéps like a dream m a _ grave. And still did I pine for the Ported. And still found the False with I walked in the world with the wotldly; l craved what the world never save; And I said: "tn the world end: Ideal, That shines like . star on WI wave, Is wrecked on the shores ot the tuyy my»! treatot bonguoirulwenryotnobs That_tretted my soul with Mr Amtthearnottheallotatt- Around me, ave God's And my own; Andthehusttofrnrtte-tisa"- .As rover} when and: have Bownt, - 7 long ago was I weary od _ Whose. music my heart can“ not "Song ol 1 walk down the an" of Bil-nu Down. tht dim vowel.- 'ratur-- Out at Town. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bowman. El- mira. with Mr. and Mrs. Seranus Martin. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Snider. How- ard Snider. Ross and Boyd Snider, Waterloo. Robert Nissley of Mt. Joy. Pa., with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin. Mr. and Mrs Jack Sochnor. Es- ther and Bob. Clarence Ritter and Members of the Evangelical Sun- I day School held their annual Chil- dren's Day program Sunday even- l ing. Those taking part were: June. 1 Billy and Bobby Shana. Clare, 1 Kenneth and David Bauman. Betty, ( Lorne and Murray Snyder. Gladys, ( Ronald and Gordon Stoutenberg. 3 Gladys, Grace. Betty and Roy Suhlbaum, Audrey Bauman, Lou- ise Ruggle, Eunice Prey, Mrs. Roy Class and Janice, Mrs. Howard I anman. Shirley and Bruce. Miss Elaine Snider of Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. o. F. Bauman. The Evangelical Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd setder. Tuck?! for a (mining; " In. Gnu“. low-l- tCh-get. Corn-nude“) Members ot the Mennonite Sew- ing Circle met at the church, Tues- day, to _scw rot ugh?! work Sulday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Bria: Baum were: Mr. and Mn Ezra Martin and family of St. Ja- cabs and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bau- _man of Heidelberg and Allen We- in. Delphine and ireGa Schneider spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cleason Martin near Linwood. Mr. and Ills. Petél'soh ipént Sun- day, here at their summer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Onias Weber, Mr. and Mn. Peter Martin were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and In. A. Miteheit of near Mooeettetd. Mr, and In Earl Lautenschla- get and ion Bruce of Kitchener spent Saturday with Mr. and In Alvin-01m. Mr. and In I. J. Martin spent Prltuy atNteherter. Huether and Mr. and Mrs Roy Winn and In Nelson Snyder of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Huvke ot Gait and In Henry Schluler. Hrs. Earl Jackson and Mr Walter Mar- linson ot than MAI-aim Mmmeungwmchwu tetth.eyjt.iiraffrrooort Tptr Tim thrr [Auunnv ro- can mm 1081' mlPlIONlt mun . . . How: “rub Cttr's “at Clan-us For Over Io Yeats†Yes. it‘s true that war has produced conditions that alert our business as well as everyone else's. But it hasn't changed the quality at our work . . . its the same high standard as always. Furthermore we intend to keep it that way . . . so if our service " times is a little slow. please realize that we're doing nut heat and that our results will continue to please. ADI-lo- lent", "' It. Mt w. I"! Weierirh, " Erb St K HAWKESVILLE Illlll1teLt2rg,',',rgtg',e',2ii- dw‘Salada’namcass'urayou ofaumifarm blendofqualityteas. FLORADALE We're Producing Results gunman-9! Cleaners and Dyers Despite Wartime Conditions Satisfaction a Habit TIA Just Catt Mrs. Wm. Stahlbaum and Verna, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Esch of Pil- kmgton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Lichty. Cnc Missm Lanna Schmidt. Laura and Gladys Sochncr attended the Talent Quest ut New Hamburg on Sunday - Mr. Und Mrs. Walter Maurer of Elmira with Mr, and Mrs. Ear! Millâ€. Fynday. - JANSEN 'J-JYESIGHT SERVICE "mac-ma to Bette. VMI" . " Fredel'lck St. M Bat" Kitchener. Ont. “mu-wen if you have not land you: "betg checked recently, it wilt be ssi.,e to have this done-just to br sun- the glamn you an wearing mm are rurrro'l for the P"om" WHO“ ot P"" cyan. A Non Ian an to dark-H In a very short time. Neither you wiplion not a reexaminatio- is wry. just a long as you bring in the pit-res. SAVE TII PIECES!