months. - _ . Mr. Coons was born Jam M, wELd'ltt'v'tytfotig . 1863. in Sullivan Township. Grey.m.~- 'f h ". IC2 o 99mg?" 5"‘ County. He came to Guelph at the 1 'l/ill?, tr")iitip.1"; Miss Philapine age of 16 and all his life, until my,“ of; M“ d.“ the Krw Hosps- retirement " years ago, ii;iiiir'iire, N . U," g" ay PeT,Pfc, Born the occupation of a farmer Sine F/c' It ham urg. Miss Ruthig was his retirement he maintained a 'dl aug tur of the late John and keen Interest m farming. For 22 f‘murlm‘ Ruthie. Sh" attended years following his marriage he l It". fir“. St, Paul s Lutheran resided on the Preston-Kitchener Church. 1h'llesley, highway. then moved to Preston ‘Sun'wmg are two brothers, Her- for a year. later to a farm in the J man, Lisbon; and Lows. New Ham- Hespelcr art-a for H )‘rurs and {ombu'gi and three Sisters. Mrs. Eliza- the past H yum has lived x’run-d ll"‘h Schmchl, Wellesley; Mrs. m Preston. ; beet, 1fb11l.iet).cI: Lisbon; and Mrs. Olga Viola Anderson HESPELER --The death of Mess' Olga Viola Anderson occurred Mon- day night at her home hero. Miss Anderson was in her 20th year. She had been ill for some (um-1 "â€' . "on. , Msss Hannah Eden passed away ---- - -- ul Wuturtoo Saturday night after Willia- A. 000-: ‘u lengthy Illness at the age of 82. PRESTON -urss than a monthlShe was formerly a resident of after he had marked his goldep,Kitcheppr but resided with her wedding anniversary. William Al- l moor. Mrs, w. E. Wing. In Guelph. heft Coons. 430 Concession Rd..) for a time prior to her illness, She well-known local resident for the was born to the late Mr. and Mrs. past 15 years. died Monday nightiWnlllam Eden in Waterloo Town- at his home at the age of 81 years ship. May 3. 1862. He had been ailing for several __ months. Phil-Dino Ruthi- He was a membu' of thc Mcn- nonite Brethren 1n Christ Church On May 10. Mrs. Coons and the late Mr. Coons marked their Cr0th wed- ding anniversary, A brother. David. prcdeceusid her one month ago. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. A. Anderson, three brothers. George and Harry of Hespeler. and Lance-Cpl. Walter Anderson. west coast, and two Spec- tars, Mrs Zimmerman. New Dun- dee, and Miss Agnes Anderson at home Born in Hespoler, daughter of Mrs A. Anderson and thr. late Adolph Andersen. she had been otapioyrd at thr. Dunn-mun Wool, lens. Ltd.. and “in " vm-mhcr ul tht Baptis} Chuyyh B Amos Clommex l Amos Clemmer, 155 Limcasu-r: kt. w.. Kitchener. died at his late{ msidence Monday, Deceased was born In Walrrloo Nov 23. 1874, He was the son of the late Mr and1 Mr:;. Aaron Ch-mnn-r H" was my q-Inploym' of tln. Greu Slum Com ' pany He was rum-tied June 27. 1900. to Theresa Moser who sur- wives him. Besides his wife he is survived by throe sons. Lance-Cpl. Lcstor Clemmt-r. No. 11 General Hospital. R.C.M.C.. overseas, - Ictt and Ronald. Kttchener. and one daughter. Mrs. Albert iiiaiGr-,y, Kitchener. Two sisters, Mrs. Philip liackendorn. Call, and Mrs. John Luft. Pittsburgh. Pa., and 12 grand- childrvn also survive him The Catnsly of the late Fo James Willard Pang». RI: AP, ueknowl- edges wtth grateful appreciation the kind expressions of sympathy Jacob A. Hunted!" WELLESLEY-F'ollowing a ling- ering illness. Jacob A. Runstodlor. trd. died at Ins. residence, Welles- Ivy, Monday twetting. Born at Wel- lrslcy. Mr, Runstedler resided there all his lilo He was a member of St. Clements R.C. Church. ILA-1.19211!“ Surviwng are his widow. th" former Jane O‘Connor. tour sons, Frank, Krtehrner, Alfonso. Wilkes Barre, Pa, Edward, Bmghnmpton. NN., and Leo of Welloslcy; our daughter, Mrs. George Fol-well, Zurich; one brother, Joseph, Lin- uood, 17 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The death occurred early Mon- day of Mrs. John Witkin, formerly Mrs Gustavo Lurnmg, at the home of her ststet Mrs. Peter Bunnie. l75 Caroline SI... Waterloo, following a "tttpharjlryss, A . Church Mrs. Wilkin, who was born Aug. 19, 1870, the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Draeger, was "12 years of ago, She was a mem- ber of the Elmira Evangelical She is survived by her husband,) two sons, Oscar Luvning of Water- loo and Hm‘bort Luoning of Kitch- om-r and one daughter. Mrs. Rufus Weber of Chatham Two brothers. I Gustavo Draeger of Kitchener and; A.bert of Athabaska, Alta, and two sisters. Mrs hrnostina Schultz of _ Kmhmrr and Mrs Petcr "inkle of Waterloo also sun-wr- I“. m "" AE0i--Sutce the Portuguese Government granted the Allies tacilities in the Azores, there have been Interesting developments in the U-boat war. A ioint statement issued by the Prime MMister_and Mr. Roosevelt said, "By means of'aircraft operating trom the Azores we hive been able to "mprove the protection to our convoys and to diminish the area in which enemy U-boats were free from attention by our forces.'" Picture shows:-- Leaving a dust trail behind a Coastal Command Flying Fortress takes " from a station in the Azores, on a U-boat hunt. a mud-M‘ “MI-u _ YOUR CLASSES! VII! 3'20!!! new“ STEELE'S “Wynn-ho. YOUR EYES Obituary Mrs. John Wilkin Card of Thanks Tire Thieves Get Tour Wheels Off Car Surviving are two brothers, Her- I mun. Lisbon; and Louis, New Ham- }burg; and three sisters. Mrs. Eliza- ’zvth Schmchl, Wellesley; Mrs. l Louis Wetlluufcr. Lisbon; and Mrs. (Amelia Kalbfteisch. Kitchener One I aster. Mrs. Margaret Strcicher pre- ttit cram-d her two months ago Tire thievcs broke into the Car- ‘age owned by Warnock MacMillan, 140 William St. w, Waterloo. and “stole the four wheels oft his ve- hscle. Chief C. E. Morena of the ‘puhu' (in-partnwnt. disclosed today. I Enlnmg m the thud ot lughl. the rubbers mun-11rd m rarvsuckitte, _ the car as well. They took his ration ibuuk and also riphunvd what gazin- line was In the tank. _ I Although another vehicle was isluing in the same gal-ago. they only took the spur" lin- and whvel ‘from it. This car was owned by lirrfiiaiii' Shanta Waterloo, No at- tempt was made to break into ttti- joimng wltu6V's. _ A an Church, New Hamburg on Sun- ‘ day. About 225 loagucrs at tho Ontario district were represented. Rev H. H, Erdman opened the ses- sions with scripture reading and prayvr. An address of welcome was given by John Knipfel of Pe- tt-rsburg. The response was given 1by Raymond Arbogust of Seebuch's Hill. The meeting was in charge of the 7.0m- chairman, Miss Ruth Ma- illlisky. Noah Brubucher of Elmira, prcsulvnt of the Ontario district Walther Loattue spoke briefly on thr co-opera) between the so- 1 irly Join- and district with tho In- tcrnutiortal Walther League. Rev. 'Mr, Bicsenthal of Hamilton spoke jhru-Ily concerning the Walther ‘Loagul- Camp at Sparrow Lake to he conducted from July lst to July th. Rev. Mr. Brasch of Toronto “WI" he ramp dean and Rev. Pie- ‘per of Clifford, lecturer for the week, Short talks were given by June Wvichrl of Elmira. who spoke (tttt the lautrteratt Hour and Doris lWilkins of Elmira. who spoke on (Jun-n Elizabeth. 1 Election of officers were Blue [Water Zone chairman, Raymond Arbogast, Seebach's Hill; vice, ‘chairman, Alvin Ahrens, Logan; lsvcrviary. Ruth Arbogasl, See- ,bach's Hill; Grand Valley Zone chairman, Roy Schmiu. Kitchener; 'vucrz-chairman, Frieda Fink, Elmi- Jm; won-law. Bessie Israel, Kitch- ‘mwr The Walther League conven- tum will be held m Waterloo on August 6th. The Ieaguers attended the i-voning service in a body, Rev. iMr. Wontzlatr of Monkton was guesl speaker He chose his text from St. Matthew, Chaplet it, Horses I911 Following the service " religious Mu. "Tho First Easter" “as shown, Chief Moreau told of another effort made to steal gasoline. The hose on a pump owned by J. S, Laekie was damaged beyond repair. Hymn-(1'. the culprits couldn't cut throueh tts steel lining. Chill! Moreau In 'surest-seating both cases Walther Leaguery Go to New Hamburg Members of the Walther League from here attended the Blue Water rnd Grand Valley Zones' Rally and Tulvnt Quest at sl Pqtcr's Luther- The Talent Quest was held in the ‘Library Hall Piano duets, piano solos. vocal solos, recreational lea- dtrship, dramatic readings. vocal ,duet. mo. and violin solos were the 1 numbers given by tho lcnlguers. t Prof. Georg» Ziegler, itchener, was adjudicator for all musical en- ‘Irws and Rev. M, Pollex ot Wart. {hurg adjudicator of tho dramatic mumbers, Other entries were of 3 handicraft and PoBter.Vetc. - - Mr, and Mrs. Chas Knip'el and rdaughtors, Dolores and Marilyn l wpre. recent guests ot Mr. and Mrs Adam Hildonbrand at Kitchener. Mr and Mrs Henry Kmplel. Mr. and Mrs, Connie Ruefter and son Grant. Mr and Mrs, Ed, Rueker were Sunday guests ot Mr, and Mrs, Walter Noe!) at Kitehener. Mr. and Mn Carl Bochthold and Bor" were recent visitors with Mrs Loam amt. Mrs, Harry Schaefer spent a few days in Toronto with Mr, and Mrs, Art Schnitplcr recently, Mr and Mrs Wni, knipfol were recent vmtors with Mrs. Mabel Knipfsl in Toronto, PETERSBURG By Minn Ioletu [able] (Chrolklt Corr-Mm“ Min Hm Eden Victoria St., Kitchener, I an. Waqchter--At RR. 1, Breslau, June 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Waechter. a daughter. "mrgstteh-At KR. 1. Breslau. May " to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Har- nock. RR. l, Breslau. a daugh- ter. Arias-At St. Mary's Hospital. June 4. to AC and Mrs. Marshall Ariss 25 Weber St. W,. Kitchener, A daughter. O'Rourtr.--At St. Mary's Hospital. June 5. to Mr. and Mrs. William O'Rourke. 133 Wellington St, Kitchener, a son. Btmus--At St, Mary's Hospital, June 5. to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Strains, 203 Breithaupt St., Kitch- ener. a son. tu1v.rt-At low Hospital. June 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Calvert. R.R. 1. Preston, a son. White-At K-W Hospital, June 3, ' to Mr. and Mrs. Ross White. Bridgeport. a daughter. Kienzle At K-W Hospital. June 4. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kienzle. Conestoga. a daughter. Parnt---At K-W Hospital. June 4. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Payne (nee Irene Hoy, Stratford) 5 Glasgow St., Kitchener. a daugh- ler. Behnurr--At St. Mary's Hospital. June 3. to Mn and Mrs. Linus Schnurr, 386 Victoria St. s., Kitchener, a son. Loeettta-At Maryhill. June 5. lo Mr. and Mrs. Jerome hurt-I117. a Erb--At RR. 1, Tavistock. June 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Erb, a son. Beeher-At Pine "ill, June 4. to Mr. and Mrs Ward Broker. " daughter. Ph-tits---:" K.-W. Hospital, June l lo BMde Mrs. Oscar Plnmin, MttrrezAt K:W_Htoqtitat, Julie. T, 'uth-ar--At K-W Hospital. June 5. to Mr and Mrs. F B. Hathaway Elmira, a son. Hinton-Al K-W Hospital. June 5, to Mr and Mrs. Elton Expert. 585 York St. Kitchener, a daugh- ter Mnrrsap--At Ir-w Hospital. Juno a: R.R. 3, Kitchener, a son. Frey-At RR. 2, Waterloo, June 4. to Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Frey. a daughter. Schnoidor-Opponhaum - June 3, I Frederick Rudolph Schneider of Brunner to Victoria Oppenhatr. I ser of Monkton. ‘Gucho-SVqu-mmbot - June 6, i Earlus Gascho, Baden, to Sylvia I M. Swartzentrutwa. of Kitchener, 7etrtmtbAarr--June 5,rilfrtd Wil- Edgar-Mets-June 3, Trooper Hoy Edgar of Teeswator to Mina McLean of Ayr. Schema-Wm: -- gum. a, Otto Sehreiber to Eileen Weber. lmth of Kitclumer. Hqinhueh-Burettqad---Jurtr, 3. Carl J. Heinbuch to Bonn Burkhond, both of Kitchener. Schmidor-Opponhaum - June 3. ton Tt-hhult of Kitchener to Nelda Grace Bun-r of Peterlroro, Weeet-dretterhoro m June 5, Hmo- man Herbert C. Weigel, formerly . ot Elmira to Dorothy Kelterborn of St. Jacobs. L_--June s, Leonard William Lamko, 148 Louisa St . Kill-hen- or. 2B yours. Lichtr---Jtme s, Isaiah Lichty, Kit. 2. Drayton. Bulior~June s, Jacob A. Run- stedler, Wellesley, 83 years. W---gtane 6, Mrs, Cormac Walters. Logan Tp., " years. Ruthig---Juno 5, Philapinb' Ruthie, Wellesley, 79 years. Ptem.t-rnhnt s, Amos Clr-mmor, 155 Lancaster St. W. Kitchum-r, 69 years. _wiiu'cuu, 5, Mrs. John Wilhim _ (formerly Mrs. Gustavo Luening) I I75 Caroline St, Waterloo, 23 1aaLuri;i; 3, W. C. Green, Lon. don. formorly of Preston Ei-dune 3, Miss Hannah 'I""") Waterloo, 82 years; Groi-Uutto 4. David G. Gross. Water St tw, kitchen". at Ro- chester, Minn., 77 years. "eR---gune 4. lsaholl Molina Wellosley. " years, c--At Preston, June 5, William Albert Coons, Bl years Ram -.- At "esprit-r. June 5, Miss Olga Viola Anderson, 19 years. TRUCK. â€0.000 CARGO ABANDONED BY THIEVES Kitet-r.--Portco hora said they have been adwsed of the recovery in Hamillun ot the large truck and anilcr stolen from tho Capo Trans. potl Co yrarehouteItSerttly. They also 'ttg",':!, that two air- men and a sol in were soon low- m tho vehicle he cargo was valued at more lhan â€0,000. but polier will nom- ot " had been disturbed by thteves who te,',',"."",'",',',', just wanted trans. ponnt on. A short tim" below the ll-ton truck was found, Chief Constable John Hicks had otterod ‘n reward of m for mien-much "eading to trust of the m n- to Mr. and Mn Jen-mile Helm; 22 Wellington St, Kitchener. a 39 Mr. Iang Mty. Iarais Martin. as Marriages Deaths Births ,MALQQ , NEW HAMBURG ‘. Niagara Falls. N.Y.-Mayor sul when A. Lamb today nmdr public) " letter he has written to Premier ‘Drew of Ontario asking "why the: Ialls cunnot bi. Illummznrd this; isummer" V ‘ I "lf there Ws any good n-uann why then can he rm Illunnlmlmn HI†if ret reasonable proof can be "ttcred that Illumination well Intrrl'rrv with the war etrort, I “:ll hr pleased to} transmit that "atdrrn.uttor: to uur people and I am surv thry will un- derstand," said tht. h-m-r, whsch explained that thc ollurninatiort; means much to the business people) both her" ;uzd m ngaru Falls.’ ‘Onl futrltaihlesihileatq httlatq"httmts! [In ".e-- Reports that ant;- Naat jokes have driven the Gestapo into a tantrum conttrm the Impres- sion of mum that the German Even Nazi Party members new laugh att-ttnd repeat. despite warn- "ur-us good joke isWurttit Hitler or the rLNt"u" And the Jokes are dan- gerous because they hrlp tn the has?! tanning-up process in the eu: . Foreign workers pounng Into Germany to make up for the man- power shortage thcre. have spread certain jokes {mm the occupied territories as well 80th Birthday The celebruliun took the form of a supper. complete with large birthday who with trimmings Mr. (lulu-I was this rrcpe-ttl "f mum}- gll'ls and m(‘\'5ilgl'.\' of cungrutulzr lulu A VOD' plcatsaut :nltvrnnnn and I-x'vnmg Wus \pl'llt by "ll pr.» an Mr. Ell Gum-l. wvll known local and rlistrict rrstrirnt nhm'rw-(l his? 80th birthday on Saturday. May 2ith. Tu n-lvhruh- the (-vrnt u Com- ily gathering was. held on Sunday um! ahottt 2m rluw n Inln'n - of Mr _ and Mrs (land \u’ru- prvslnt from Kilchoner. Preston. St Jitcoirs. Shakespeare and Nu“ Hamburg r0919 rapidly are movmg away mm the ;oosesteppmg subser- vignce ohHitLer's hey-day, Niagara falls Mayor Wants "lamination ' Befor" rn-lirmg to N, m Hamburg If', wars ago. Mr Gain-I with his Irruthvr. thr lair Adam Gain-I cun- dueted u successful business as pro- prsr'tors "r the ‘iI'A'IIlIH and "our mill at Nithhure which tlow pur- "hasri from thunt fatlut [hr Inh- lehn (:uln-l. many yours “an Mr Gain] Wits' warn-1! It! y. '.tt'i 1.15! 1hrlmsduy to Elm";- Cook, daughtvr of thc lute. Mr and Mrs Charles Cook ot North Enslhnpu They have mu- Mm Churlm win; " principal of thr pulzlu- w‘mml "I Si Jacobs. Despiu. lui :Idvunumu yrurs Gabrl is m run-Hon: hmlth still VI-rv m‘llu- lln- "ruin the nl gh-st only for rr:ttlitw, One of the favorite themes ot ytadertt.rouru! jokes Is what will hagpcnpn the Day orJudement, Goebbels is pictured tn one Jokc ab havitte been udmmod. due to a bureaucratic slipoup by St. Peter. Into heaven, He IS utterly bored. Fmally he discovers u uslescopt' pointing downward With a sign Confirmation On Sunday ia:,t the Illl‘ ..I' run firtnatirm wrn- ohsrrvot m ll..- Holy Family . RIM-mu Catholic C'rurch hvrr win-n llllll' young pm» pl" and ugh! "tluits wrrv mn- firttsed, The sorvuw of 'urrrtirtnatirrrt “as adtninistrred by Most. Rev. J F Ryan, Brshop at Hmmllun. Its'- sun-d by lbw S J. Winn-r, local priest and 1tcc Frml Arnold. lh-v Wcilo: of Kitclwuta' and RM" An- “.me O'BI‘n-n ot Hmmllun "wimp Ryan aiso rob-Inward tttur':, Eli Galsei .h1ttvlis, Tite children confirmed Wert. Thldtwd Hallnvr. Audrey Brenner: Kvnnct'n Kon. Donald Hrcmut Jam's Litrrullst Lru Noll. Kvnnvlh Hrlmudt and Allu-n Jutr, " has horn publnrly unnuunn-rl that the Kmp,'s birthday will lu- observed Jun" am will: il holiday " has horn that the Kmp, observed Jun" on that date Mr. and Mrs (Eh-mp Zunmc mum and Lloyd E. Appol WCt't. U“ a fish- mg trip tn Trout ('rmvk "Vtu' thu- week-end Mrs, Dvlzub [hum of IN Il‘ull VISI‘ rd ttet sistrr, Mtv. Hum†Junk“ and nlhrr rclatwcr, m 1hr ummlv of Now Hamburg AW 2 Margnrvi Thomas of No 1 1 Wireless School. Munlrval. spent the wm'k~I-nd at hrr home hero Mr. and Mrs R "all. Much . sttcrtl homo M Mr and dvrhold ln-zulmg Stukn-r Flank Norman) of Halifax m Spl‘nlllllg purl of " furlough wwh his \I\It]‘ MIN Ib t" In rt Hinz and Mr "nu Mr, and Mrs Elmvr Lusrhontwr of Detroit, anh, mun! t,tevstitl 'lays with thr [nrmu'x mum»: Mrs J.u'nh 1..vichmttcr Pte 1Gmnoth wan! of (‘nmp Bardâ€). Ptts Druâ€: PM". lppvrm wash, LAC Ernst Rm. Mrntnt Hope and AC Wain-r Lump "f To- rrmto spvnt "urckittd "ovcs Mi limir homes hrrv Mrs Addison|v1 was takroo; to St Mary's Ilmpllzul. KIIrhrm-r and umlvrwrn! " \‘my whom ‘nm-rnlmn Her condition p; “-1)an er' to ho wrunua, hul In-r munv lI'Iwm'ls' hop" for the Inc-\‘l Lom- Two Teachers Thc Nrw Han-hum Srhuul Hazard ham I‘r-vnungul all but two lunch- "r', fur the. twxt ll‘rm Thv V.'tCltn, rum arr the "Insulin" of Mus Mop" Ropprl, who n-signrd from the Continuation School stuff and Mus Prnrl Rohrrttsrh of thr. pull-lu- <1 hnnl who has orccptrd it position In Kttrhrm r MIN Gludw; llullmu 1r who Inlrnrhui to Gov, hm ‘ntnul an agrvomom for mum-m- ymr Renovating Bttirdtrq. Tho top Motty of tho thteo-storey building on Peel street which Mr Wm L P Sryler rr-crmly pur- chased from the lute Leslie Wink- Br A. I. G. Sulli- (Clrumclc Communal-nu r"'r..rlr=rrTrrrT1fn C Grtffen of De, " fu-w (lays at tho Mrs Jarmss Win was lnkvn KIIrhrm'r ry \I‘l'l()|l\' Mr und Utit' ly cstatc was removed last week. ‘Mr Scytcr is converting the pres- i-m premises into a two-story building and is erecting a large one storey addition at the rear. The (foundation is already completed. {‘thn completed the new owner l will use the building as a furniture factory. reading: "See MIL 0m, IIVe mu." For a nickel he sees "dun-I in the netberyorld being treated to the best m wine, women and tong. Goebbels obtains a Hinder, bot on arrivme In Hades is pitchlorked around amid sulphur»: heat. When he at": about what he saw_'m the gem. he in told:. "But that's uni pious-nth tor [organ cPntsunwtimxC _ _ -- According to another joke, = Peter also decreed that the world‘s leadersbesenttoahkeotnudin urgatory to atone for their sins. F,'are'll Roosevelt is in I slallow part of the lake, only up to his knee: Prime Minister Churchill is in up to tus waist, rum)“ Stalin up to Ins neck, but Hitter, sur- prsinely enough, only up to " ankle, . Says Stahn: "I say, Adolf, can youslipmcauponhowyoum gled_ thet wt! spot?†_ N. Hamburg Agent Coen to Georgetown Mrs F. A McDonald of Owosso. “My . \uvnz the week-end with her HUM: Mrs C K Smith and Mr. Smith Gnr F'.dward fhultu of Petawuwo t, ~prmlmg a furlough at the home ol Ms parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. huh“ hvrc Mr V T Cavanagh. who has Luv†Hm m-mnl and "mcient sta- mm nun-n! at the local Canadian Nvtional Railway depot for the up! mm- vours " being transferred to (ivorgrtnwn to succeed Mr. Fred Arreuich Mr Anguish. who was st: tum ugc-nl at New Hamburg just nrmr m Mr Cuvanagh is being tvuric.rcprctl to Cult. Mr. Cavanuh mull |l1|\'k nrxl wen-k lo 'stiysurgte his mw dutirs His successor has not tre? hwn appointed. The many f'lvnrlw ot' Mr and Mrs. Cavanagh zmd lunul)‘ “-ng their removal Irv-m our midst Mus Mal»! Schwutzor of Chio mu†" sponding sumo time with Mr and Mrs A F Christnor, Hu- lll'] sin-rt Mr Jnrk Mlllrr and family have x on d outp u prnpt-rly in the out- skirts of Kitchcrut. on Frederick St. which he recently purchased. Mr :m-I Mr, A R. " Smith have tt mm! mm the rosidonce on Huron 1-111. which thvy purchased from Mr Mtllvr. __ "Don't breathe a word to any" body," says Hitler, "but I'm sland- mg on Musmllni"" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY At any Bank or Pan 05k. Phone 2-14") 'i,'tiiy--_.u l; I J" gal! VRQ If ' w} LU j H 'piiita/li "I doat't but to no to school. l‘vo tot the mum-4' . ' l . Ll- . LAFF-A-DAY oti, If,“ "f:yqtiti.'p.i, 5" "liiirtt't,1tft'.ii ', Then thr Pontitt strode an the fix-Icon): clad in a wlute eassock ' and skull cap, These were the brief iwords ho spoke to the soldiers, who (had conquered Rome and the rinl ,zens who had welcomed thvm: ) "We have been Imublrd m'vr th" l lot 2f ghe city. _ "We certaiGiy apprccGtl theat' titude of farmers in the matter ot; price control. Their "arttestttess l) co-operating with regulations is) manly promoting the ends for; which price control was (ambush. od." he said. ' It It . . Role ls Saved 1 The doors leading to the balcony swung open and the carpet bearing the papal arms and the motto of Form Pius XII. "Peace Thruugh Justice." was lowered. "For this we must show gratitude to the Madonna for the salvation ol_l_he Romen Qegplo." _ -. , hmen lauded hr Price Work Mr. Harding said that Saturday's inspections on both markets found the farmers acting in the Closest txr-operation. This attitude on tho part ot those vendors. Mr. Harding pointed out, goes a long way to- wel making price control work. "Today we rcjoico hoeause, thanks to God and to the will of both belligerent parties, Rome has been saved from the horrors of war. Cheers echoe'd ttirough the square and many men and women snhbml. IIII'AIN'S GEN, WORKERS HELP xo MAKE 12.... LB. “IACTOIY BUSTII" noun The HAIR; new 12,000 lb. bomb which n bung dropped an Im- r,ht'll industrial centres of produehon tor thy "wchrmaum" ts made y British girls at a factory in England, Picture mow: -- Mmmg molten high explosive into the 12.0% lb bomb section 'tmor.-,-- big be†of St, Ptstcr's rang out, and tho enormous crowd that assembled in the square before the church knew the Pope would soggy mgake hits appearance - Special Service llolll at Baden On Sunday afternoon at 3 In“ the Baden Presbyterian Churrh was filled to capacity when a SpiL rial divine service was held "om- Farmers at the Kitchener and Waterloo markets are showing a commendable spirit of co-operation regarding the ceiling prices on foods, according to M. H. Harding at the Wartime Prices and Trade Board ottices. He said Saturday inspections proved a rigid adher- ence to ceiling regulations on all lines_of produce. “We had a little difficulty a week ago due to a misunderstanding on the part of some farmers regarding the ceiling on fresh sausage. There were a few farmers who belivvrd that home-produced sausage was entitled to somewhat better prlces than ceiling and some were selling as high as 32 cents a pound instead oi 28. 9ur _inspcctors. instead of "mmnrming the srvrntlolh amu- vt-rsary of Wilmot Lodge AF. &; AM No. 313. The local lodge mull muting ml-mhrrs pzu'ndvd In tlw service and on the platform assisth mg Rev. Mills, the minister. with the svrvico wore Mr. T. C. Ward- lcy of Elora. the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada. AF. & All. in the province of Ontario I! In. plann- I'll-poo! “aha-[cf- Gina-ionic“) BADEN I“Ncn-r had Ilu- wind actcd so pe- cultarly and only in that section of Mir "outttry .. Using Biblical refer, “view tht. sprctkuw stittt.d that one 'ihutuirctt and SIX unit-s ttt the Bible God's doings wru- with Wlnd. “ls thcro mi 1tt-,usttbh. Forec?" God q-nt min when the battle of Wa.. 1 tcrioo was to have commenced and itny d--l;iy in starting caused Na- polt-on's defcat Ono liuiidrrd and um tttttes than are rvl'i-rriiu-s of tl" Almighty svnding ram "Again". Huntinuu [hr sprain-r. "in 1917 on (f.',',")',',',,")).) iTlh whctt the Germain xvi) HII'Hill'!‘ was itt its height. vio- ll nt storm cam" up and 196 subs in " forced in Lu yatrlitcts and sunk ‘zi'id 25.000 itC'd utcnibcrs were killed or lilkl‘ll pr tsoncr--the sub's ‘hnt‘k Wits lil'ukt-Ii when she had [Nomi supply slippusrdl)’ in her funny“ Ur in 15titt ulirii 29 ships lot tlu. Hpuiihh Artuada wcre lying In" 1hr aunt of England. it veolettt 1siorm rum-- up mid 29 ships never {Arm-k u iriow Iiul \u-rv humped. :wi'i-rkrd and thstroycd--ct muss ot' )y..ty.'t' and lluuiirii-ring men. ‘Twn Ilundl'rli and ttmcttw" times tiGirli um " s1ornrr, In t'ulfill His pur- ‘pum‘m -0" SI-liti'nlhi'l' tith, [9.4. 1liu- Gtwtotattu \uin- in Mjilit of Paris and procliurnittti it would only be right hours nu tlu woriU would b. ‘uniiquvl‘rd by them. The archives Had liiwii rcrtusvcd [gum the city [and “'nnN'H and cluldrctt i-vzicuar H li _ Suddrnly lln- (:rrmuns unused “ii“ and mu nnl hug": for forty- K. n n lururs. In llml lmu- [hr Allws inanmandm-nd :munumtnm and iraapirltcs, as "cVtl' ln-lnrv, to thear 'tluups uml \n-rp ircttcr ready for 'tnerr "tt"nw- m-vrr again In 4 3.11.13; \x'rrn- Hu- U-rmnns so nvin' ir/tre" 1tcttittttrcrint,r God's words Mr Flam ls “ho Ir,:, hm " \ull Jmy: “Iâ€: lul VII'IIN‘“ lh " N ‘l'ur‘ll r and Mix F1rt~l “1|"!an in lo r Imm- m ’I‘mnnlu nu Kahuna) Mrs hum-rm" Jul/I and rhll ldrro vtsttctl “uh Iltc funm-r‘s par mm. Mr and Mrs Aaron Bumm- ,!1y"1. south of New Hamburg on t Wednesd-y and Mr Basel! of Elam. District Deputy Grand Master for Welling- ton Dislnct. Music. was supplied by Mr Garficld Bender, musical annular for Waterloo County. at thc Consult of the church organ and four “1y spccml numbers by the Orpheus Mule choir of thirty voices hum Kncht-nor The responsive Vsson was Psalm 85 and It was had by Mr Bissell, while Mr. Wardicy read the scrupture read- mg Ink-~11 from Isaiah. chapter M. “Su far shalt thou mum- and no Linn-r" and "I “I†drivml the. city lo NUVt. ll“ mum the Lord. wr stop and [hunk uhy (In! the Germans run.- fire at that mnxl critwat tum- “Mnlu msLuuaw could b.- I‘r caulk-d." said Hrv MIIIS, “win-l: r hunk appear-1| " hrn I'm-"y nevus \‘ury to proto" God',, rluldn-n." ot". hundrvd and sixty-ttvo tum-s God Unix clouds m [hr Blhlv to pro- t, ct ms Inwnplu- Hath Hu- rain a f..llwr" Tin- \und and tho sun a fatlusr" In In: via-slug rmnnrlu Mr MOI:, rplnlml [hr story of ths. Iml.- m-wsr fury “I... Wits uranium: .nnung thc nmn slumlmu by In- sud. “Say. nux‘lrr, n took mun " lung [mm to ruhhlr zm-l Inn-km}: up to " armle- build all thrs hut God lupplcd It nvrl‘ Ill it mlnmc- Say, nnslvr, n foilcr can] llrk God run hr?" This rrr)’ Inl’nrnmln-v aud ‘Ippropnah- auxin-5% 'sitsltroup,1" to " rlusr With th" prnyu-rful thought trom thc HI- “Ir, “ll God lu- lur um who vun l):- .I;.;.mm ux" Fulhmmu [hr svnmm thc Orpheus Mule. choir tvndcrcd two win-hum. "()pc‘n ()ur lier m'nl "erpvr Hymn In tlltsut most l'.-puhlv mam]. r A closing hymn Itir, xunu ta-lluwml try Hm Dull-mull Anni-1n mud lln- hrnvdu'llnn pm “mum-r1 h) Ru J V MUN and Mr "-1111. r “Luna .n " puslludu- 'l‘rlmnphnl Mud: 'l‘rlmnphnl Mud: Funerals. l,AC Nul‘nmll wan. guthIIl-a tluc, N" m " \ up": hm guns ltr lawn M Mr and Mrs Wuhan! Srhm-II-T art. ttt Turn-uh. fur " te,., mm "t fuming pru'mi nxrvlmm in: 1hr flu-13mm: H1 Aurtcultvorc Mr, Sshmllm 1-» tlr, Irrcsuicr" of the Wittcrioo (‘uunh lerl'JhIm ul Agnrultm. Mrs Nun-h Hum "turm- Sunduy .ulhl wumum: " uulh hr! liJIlIKIIKII Mr, Jo; MI .Illll lh, II N th-r ctt “uh th- t.sturr's, .mul In hul on Sunday mumâ€; Mr FI " (human): WM " m~~ \Nh-r m Mllvvl’lnn un MI lu-I ol Hag I shun Ira“ osrt Slrat Slur. 1i In": Tum l on wcck