CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT": E. G. FRY cnmomc'ron , once: a William St. - Wank»? Phone 2-1357 , TWIN CITY AUTO PAINTERSE ttllattarfud Advertisements A CRYSTAL that destroys moths. May be used in vacuum machine. 39c at Geiger's Drug Store. 408 King St, E., Kitchener, Phone 2-2t22. 'I PROFESSIONAL CARDS 11 BROOK & DAVIS t H. R. Brock D. Bruce Davis CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees in Bankruptcy) BURGHARDT K. AND o. Spec:a_li_sts it} Foot, Cgmforg Strvire The colour of your . matched perfectly. AUTO PAINTERSJ, . “Limp In and Wall Orrt" Estab. in Kitchener over 25 years 18 Weber St, W. Phone 3-34l2 J. C. LEHMANN BOOKBINDER " Queen St. N. - Phone 6-00“ - .KiS‘Fhens' . WAT-100 CHRONICLE GEORGE M. RUPeEL " Gtukel St. - Kitchener Bibles. Hymn and Prayerbook- a minty. Add more books to your home library by having your favorite magazine bound into books. [um-ling Club Jugs, Samoan, Goods culled tor and delivered. BOOKBINDING DECORATDRS Painting and Paperhanginl at“ King St. East Kitchener May A. Raddatz R. Knorr WA' 1-0075 8-8217 DECORATORS Ion-"cat‘s... h on! â€tantra-Ab“ "tttra' II-ndnow I out.†. I’m-o- '1... - 22'- ., le: - Cud- - " no" soot; "e .- lane. ".0 In as "i-eu-e.. .5 Inth It} at"..- " “no Flsot Spegialist ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC MOTORS DRUGGISTS CHIROPRACTIC ‘AJJn-n 'e'-_-t--s----m----s-t-'--e-i----i--- 1A“ can! on "t2HNBr MOTH - KILLER , YOU WILL LIKE Tm: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR - A. luleruliondilkilry, - - - - for there foor important dilemma: NO MrNSATTONAuSN-No CiB-.No ANIMOSm man ms ANALYSIS BY EXmITS ml EXCLUSIVE “BIG" I DOMESTIC mVEIAGB CARBP0t. an OR HE'S ml ACCURACY Tho M. a... hung Sod-y o-, Nut-q has. 3-. tr, “can Nun- Rem-mm flocks. WANT ADS 293m: St. mt, Prkn r-bto. - _'"." .7“ V - ., -- r.“ - “mm . “an" o%r.6Nerr.d.r mayâ€; pu. '."fty Yee, "I“? , "e' Re-winding kltdwnot 1 For Adequate Ptoucu'on - Soc our Local Remnant-avo- Whether BUYING or SELLING I FARM No Permit Required. Bring your luvs to us for Inspection and relreading. King & Water Sis. - Phone $6459 Kitchener . 2345 BUY THE WATERU90 MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY YOUR PROPERTY TO-DAY TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Duplicating and Adding Machineq, "ling Cabinets, Desks. Suns. etc. " queen St. 9 - Phone 8-0“! Good Brick House Ontario tMiee Outfitters Ltd. WANTED % OR u HORSEPOWER GASO- GOOD}! ICH SI LV E RTOW N STORES A. K. CRESSMAN & SON HESSENAUR & SHANTZ Limited Phone 6-8455 - " Queen N. KITCHENER New Hamburg. opposite Evangelical Church. Ex- cellent gardens. Sacrifice D. A. M INSURANCE AGINCIB LINE air-cooled motor. Type similar to used in washing ma- chines, Write Box No. 18. Water- loo Chronicle 21-2 48-HOUR RETREADING SERVICE ASSETS OVER $8,000,000†REAL ESTATE TYPEWRI'I‘ERS W~Wut Lib Ana. Co. GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT $100,000.00 loll - and lawn-u I†It. It. “It. WATIILOO Head one: WATEle, ONTARIO JOE MELNZINGER RagtreseotatMre YOUR LIFE '"na%ti""""""" ( n-n Cpun-h on Suzyduy morning } The pastor. Rev. E. Gingench spoke _ “hm-res on the theme., "Thr. Greatness-of l "“03 Mace: 3 AMI 1 the Son of God." and the choir ren- u _.-----------.-.- "iered spemgl music. . i MAY BE ASHES TO MORROW .‘l’AIL‘Im I “I WANTED TIRES In I“ um The B.Y.PAJ. hold its regular lweekly meeting at the church on ‘Monday evening with Miss Emma, iiircraiiGii; presiding. Psalml 46 was read by v. E. Dinger after} (which Mrs. Emmerson Harper ren- idcred a vocal solo. Mrs. O, Zim- um-rmun gan- a reading arurMiss, ‘(Irucv 'Tornan favored with an av [ curdion solo. The topic. "God Our, "3etytse" was presented by Miss Rudene Toman following which I {Rev H. F. Schade continued his) Bible study on the book of Daniel. ) 1 mayday Party. ‘ A large number from the Men- rhrim Mennonite Church attended i the annual meeting of the Ontario ', Mennonite Mission Board which nuns held at the M.B.C. Pavillion ‘nrur Kitchener over the week-end. ( B.tP.U. "an. I Mr. and "n“Omnt swan-13w. Mr and Mrs Walter schAidt 'cure. 10-hour ud James motored and sons, Richard and Paul. Mrs no â€may Flux last - Ed, Dahmer and Ron, Howard of The Children of the Church met at St, James Lutheran parsonage last Friday evening with an attend- since of twenty-two. The president. Donna Egcrdee. presided and the members responded to the roll call with one of the commandmends. Earl Goodwin read the story of "David-The Shepherd Boy", and Mrs. B. Boshart spoke on the same surlcct Mrs. Edna Brubacher. returned missionary from Nigeria, West Af- rica will speak at the Bethe! M.B.C. Church next Sunday morning and m ening, June 4th. Alto; the evening service the K-W Fireside will hold its annual meeting at the _M-B.fJ. cherch_, Mrs. E. T. Coleman entertained a number of little folks at her home l on Monday afternoon in honor of I the sixth birthday of her daughter. _ Marie. Games were enjoyed after, which supper was served on the lawn from a table centred with a '? decorated birthday cake. Little' Miss Marie was the recipient [ of many lovely gifts Those pres- ent for the occasion were: Carol Schmidt. Audrey and Elaine Pied, all-in, Judy Curse. Mary Joyce Buck. Clarence Haas, Mary Jane McDonald, Sylvia Sararas, Patty Brighton, Donald Shanta: and Shir- ley Coleman., ‘ H339, Emmott - -- uric“ awn w. an.-.“ Rev. H. F. Schade Bccupied the, pulpit of the Baptist Church at) Philipsburttort Sqnday 3112mm. , The home of Mrs. Leander Cress- man was the scene of an enjoyable n-union over the week-end when, her three sons who are serving) with th Royal Canadian Air Force, -=g===g===g==a========g= met together tor the first time in, nearly two years. The eldest LAC. ( Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schleutcr of James Cressman was home from l,Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Uplands. tho second son, Sgt. Allan [ Alvin Sherk on Sunday. Cressman was on leave after tycing, Pte. Elmer Poll a Chatham transferred from Newfoundland to lspent the week-end with his par- Toronto and the youngest. Pilot- tents. Mr, and Mrs Milford Poll, ottieer Robert Cressman cape; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fiederlein home for a few days after “England children. Robert Audrey and service in the Bahamas smce [ESLEIaine visited with Mr. and Mrs. January. "Bob" has now been sent Gordort.Harttachrr al Pine Hill on to Dorval, Que. Sunday. Malibu Thieves but: into . R Hall- mnn'e-oatu'sNrmyesetPiie "ortttattGviiuttei-artimeettar- get-aw†with the two but wheels and the: of hit at as well as his violin: ration book When Mr. [human went to his page about 3 o‘clock Sunday morning be noticed the dsytr W18 open and upon investigating found the from end ot his car blocked up and the wheels and tires missing. Appar- muy the thieves had btouam their own,tHoces along with them. Pro- uncial pence are investigqung. Ther Mmly Comminion -ser- are was held at the United Breth- Miss Marie Cressman. youngest Mr. and Mrs, Stank T Hitchings daughter, of Mrs. Leander Cress- and daughter. Doris Emily called man also arrived home last Friday ‘nn Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hill at Ayr after completing her course at the i last Friday. Hamilton Normal School, where) Mn William Zinkon and Miss she was granted her ccrtiffeat" ongloc Zinken of Plattsville visitcd her year's work without having: to, with Mr. and Mrs Lurnc Zinken write the final examinations. io1ii,'/J,tTa I' . . i "is u (-ne . omun was he Pram": ln‘.mm TOPIC. A sonny of Miu< Elva f',",-',:"),',,,,,',',',',',"',.,,! u! Tho U.B.C.E Sociely met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hallman on Thursday evening with Miss Alice Oswald presiding, Ver- non Bowman read the scripture lesson and a musical reading en- titled. "Out of the Fold" was given by Mics Audrey Eby with piano accompaniment by Mrs. E. Ging- erich. The topic. "Introducing Our Friends to Christ" was presented ‘by the leader. Miss Alice Oswald. A vocal duet was rendered by Mir- iam Hilborn and Jean Hallman and a reading entitled. "My Neighbor's Bible" was also given by Vernon Bcwman. Howard Stoltz gave the ‘missionary news and the business period was in charge of the presi- ttont, Miss Mary Kaster. At the conclusion. Miriam Hilborn told of few-ml of her experiences while at- tending the missionary conventions at Adrian and Hillsdale, Mich., last Iweek About thirty members of the MEG. Young People's Society at- tended the evangelistic service sponsored by the K-W Fireside at the Collegiate auditorium on Thundax exening. _ Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Koehler and sons, Garnet and Glen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diet: at St. qutha IP Supdtav, 7 Mr, and Mrs. Wilfrod Warm" and Miss Dorothy Wanner visited with Mr. and Mrs. C1arenre Wan- m‘Lat Stalin“ pn Sullhy. k Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Wurm and son. Dale of Detroit, Mich., spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gttrfteld Weber. The Minutes Evelyn and Mar- guerite Shanty were Ituesu of Mr vnd Mrs Joseph Slater at Galt ovcr the week-end. "Miss Dorothea-Gingerich spent Sunday with Miss Kathryn Hall- man at Rosebank. Mrs Lorm- Marshall of English Settlement; and Mrs, Waller Me: Donald and son. Ross of Preston. Baer on Sunday were: Mr, and Mrs Thalcr orkitchener; Mr. and Illhtt,30,40,W. Ian- an. In an NEW DUNDEE angle-*9. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs Elton Q Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sehleuter of lWalorlno visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sherk on Sunday. [ Pte. Elmer Poll of Chatham Miss Rum-nu Tontun was tlw gucs! of Miss Elva Diofeubachvr a! Rtiebank on, _Sund_qy. - - Miss Rudvnc Tontun was tiw' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman guest of Miss Elva Dicfenbachcr a! } visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Rosebank on Sunday. 'Gorton at Plattsville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bechtel and; Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart 'iti;iiiiieiiii'ilpriii,rt and Miss Casey of Kitch- called on Abner Brighton at “19.10er called on Mrs. Ellen Rose at Freeport San on Sunday. Who home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Evan Cuthbertson of 1'ritrrt:rc'ytemurhraer on Sunday. Pto. Reginald Hallman of Lon- don. Mrs. Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Langdon Ball and family of Kitchener were recent guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Shqnc- _ _ Es/an Cuthbertson '0: Bright tisited with MR and Mrs. Humid Wyys Ins! :l‘_hurs_dgny_, - - ___ Mr, and Mrs. Ed/Rock or Water loo spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Karl Koch. . Mr. and Mrs. David Berger, th" Misses Joanne, Kathryn and Beth Shann and Clyde Shana visited with Miss Joanne Shantr. at Vine- Icryl on_ May 24th. Mr. and Mrs. L, K, Bingomanm Mrs. Abiah Shanlz and Miss Jewel Shana visited with Mr. and Mrs.' Areli Shantz at Ramsay on tho ho- w!!! - Mr. and Mrs, Roland Lautvn- sthllgtr of Kitchener vnsitod wnh August Laitvrcrtlaeivr last Mon, day, r Miss Alhcrta Bvckcr and Muss Mary Christie of Ingersoll wrrv ro- ront use": of Muss Hnmo Shnpo Mrs. Leander Crossman spent a few days of last wvek with Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Cressman ttear Navy Hambqrg. _ __ Mr. and Mrs. Karl Koch and um. Bobby attended a birthday cclebra- non at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. honry Sage at Newton on May 24th in honor of Mrs, Koch's mother. MES. Sage -- - Mr and Mrs, Roy Gildnor and Rrv, and Mrs H, F. Schadc were guests at the 50th wedding enm- vorsary of Mrs Gnldhrr's parrots. Mr and Mrs Hrnry Buckle which was held at the home of Mr and Mrs, William Schramm at Hayc- vitl? on May 24m._ _ - Mrs, A Fulhrr awn! With Mr and Me. Nyle Kitchener. "a"" . \\tmare., “113%“ng i prices, profits or wages. and that we hadn't had the sense to organize the distribution of supplies all the way down the line . . . 1dresunedthatieHts.00forn haircut and 850.00 for a pair of cardboard shoes. I dreamed that we had no wartime controls on ,. o a T “a - m. ( i'dl O L' I dreamed that everybody h“ no tut" to get more mom-y . . . uni that in (In; and are. we: and alarm wen "ttlot hem . I drama! that because every- m mu making more money Ind “wading it, prices wen Ayroc- hating. Thursday Puthcr ttt I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schmidt and son. Jack of Waterloo visited with ‘Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonninger on Sunday Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt on the holiday. George Koch has returned to the lu.rtw of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Koch a: Rostock after spending the past i'. w Weeks with Mr. and Mrs Karl Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hallman and children. Franklyn and Penny of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. gm; Mrs. Maurice Shupe on May it . Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Sickle of Syracuse. N.Y.. visited with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Gildner on Wednes, (my: - - Miss Ida Good of Toronto was tlic guest of Miss Vera Hallmnn last week. Mr and Mrs Cracker of Wood- stork railed on Mr and Mrs Ila-u Tamar: on Sunday Douglas Poll spent tho week-rm! “uh his rather, Victor Poll at Kitchener Rev, and Mrs. R. Gingorich and Mrs, J, w. Burton visited with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Raster at Rose, ham}: orrsurtttat, Mr and Mrs. George Berge and? (-hlldrvn. Ray, Joan and Ronald ot, Ayr and Miss Clog Wanner ot' hmmwllo visited on Sunday with) Mrs Willard Becker and Pto le-f Ind Borkrr who was home trotn, Woodstock for th" amok-end. y Miss Glennis Musselman, R.N.. of thc staff of the Listowel Hospital men! the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. 1r,rjirerttetr, 7 Miss Jean Hallman of Roéebank spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. (Wilford Schwr-itzor, Mr and Mrs. Homer Dew“ of Mannheim visited with the latter's pal‘vnts. Mr and Mrs. E. K. Bock on Sunday: - - - A LAC john Shanty of Monirval Hint tho wm‘k-ond with his par- .-nt<. Mr and Mrs. Claude Sham]. Mrs. Allan Stager. Miss Inez Sta- an and Arden Sugar of Tavistock called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pop: on Sypfar Ilcnry Sage of Newton ik spend. It u " kw “1‘ka with his daughk‘r Mrs Karl Koch and Mr. Koch. Mr. and Mrs." Charles Kavolman at Waterloo visited with Mr. and My: Earl Emeachter on Sunday Lawrence Hoover spent the mw-IH-nd with his mother. Mrs. Mabel Hoover at Kitchener. Mrs Clara Nauman and Mrs. Frank Blum and son. Ross of Ba- d: n visited at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, Donald Jacob on Sgnjlly. to realize with relic! that I the in a country when “all!†In pane In! ankle . . Jinn them anti-ii has hen hem wllhlu bounda. '"-o"-'.-moo-ooo--reet-o--ormrore-e. "..--.'t-o-to-.aett--ar--eo.. "trt have Inc-Jen Ina-Ilium my m1 mate mmhl halve some I rallly! to realize that I dmuned the hind ot everyone ,... win" his neighbour. with each od u. blaming the other fel- low to: In. trauma. all the um: looked like “the" “In . . . wlth people 'tcrnmbuot RAM-y helm: prices we": will lfii,'(i, si,,,,,,)"):)--.)-.- M vrir1tit'itts':ai, _ a r; h' 'slt,l.,js's, i" C",'.",": 'ltririiir' (iAefiif' - (,ifyi)iii' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slater and Mrs Ah-x Brawn and Miss Ella daughter, Joan and Miss Elizabeth Emu n of "iatisxulh. Hint the past Schmiber of Call visited with Rev, xxm'k u my Mr And Mrs. Clare mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shantr. on Sum hum. day, A Vrsttois M an Hume) Ur Mr. and day, Vrsttois Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weiss and Nr,. Atuv daughters. Esther and Joyce ot' AbLlL-i L: New Hamburg visited with Mr, and urn , Mr Me. Prvdrtptrdete_ort 'uyiay, Ct hm;- ",' q Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benmngcr attended the christening of their grandson. Baby Donald Wayne Benninger. son of Mr. and Mrs. w. Bonninger which was held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Kitch- ener on Sunday morning. la tat-ulna myself thot tho dan- gar l: mu pressing and that _.. mu (omit-u. to hold firm . . . and 'hll’ mom everybody my" play [alt and do his pan by not trying to not some temporary, land“! advantage at tho ax- - of his 'ouettar-Ca"sod%os. with neutral) tor him-self . . . nu main-r "itttt it cum in the lung run . . . and Mn nun». in.» it hurt the “at Minn. panicky people “we buying lining: they did-fl need. and handing m an thing thc, A null. gel thco hands nu â€All“! or NAMNAI WA. S'IVI‘KS to realize that prices and wakcs production cons and selliust prices are In- srlvmrnhh linked Ingelhet. Visitor, at tiw 'tmmu: " Mr, and Mr: An It'. hum nwhlugcr and Mr.. Argus ImamInching-‘1' on Sunday “an: Mr, ond Mr Ross Lauten- "hiicsr and naughtâ€: Judith of Hamilton: Mrs. 54:31 Murmur. Miss Lnuunl‘w Lani: AmJlJm-r and Syd- In y Lau-.rcrsiuv,, I' of Kitchvncr. Hamlltun: Mun £4321 Murmur. Miss Luuunl‘w Lam: 4:..Ihm-r and Syd- "ry Lau"jrcrsiuv,, r of Kitchvncr. Mrs Mum-gum Savoy of Grand H: pidr, Mm: " spun u la. days of icrt wcrk am: Mr. and Mrs. J. Gtvulicr1,