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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Jun 1944, p. 5

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it Twm thrr lnuunnv I U PT U I I D f A who: - I. - I. l ,ryri_W"er. "an“!!! pon QUICK SERVICE JUST TELEPIIONE 8-3883 I . . NOW! “Twin City's Easiest Cleaners For Over ll) Years" Yes, it's true that war has produced conditions that affect our business as well as everyone else's. But it hasn‘t changed the quality of our work . . . its the same high standard as alway tl. Furthermore we intend to keep it that way . . . so it our service at times is a little slow. please realize that we're doing our beat and that our resplts will continue to please. Sémetimes Scarce Nelda Toll, " Eu- Ase We're Producing Results T.“ h" - no} (a? Ir TME man! ' Cleaners and Dyers Despite Wartime Conditions iGGiatu, ' in". Satisfaction a Habit Just Call DOWNING, STERN and Co. u [in St. W. flu-e L110: KITCHEN“ It"! [Cm-k, IDEA Ella st W FLORISTS “within“. i The annual re-organization of l the local W.C.T.U. took place at the lnuming held at the home of Mrs. {Stanley Hilborn on Wednesday al- C ternobn. Mrs E. Gingerich of New I Dundee conducted the worship ser- 'vice. "0 Master let Me Walk with i'l‘hee". was sung in opening. tot- Ilowed by prayer and scripture l reading by the leader. For her talk l Mrs. Gingorich took as her subject. (if/tee, What One Has". Such things as wisdom tthe gospel). love and sympathy are gifts all can give. (iii'. closing thought was that no I gilt ts complete in itself unless we l :nu- ourselves with it. Mrs, Ging- u-zich and Dorothea lavored with a piano duct and Mrs. Shelby presid- l to lor routine business and election 'of officers which resulted as fol- iluws: President. Mrs. A. Shelby; vice-president. Mrs H. S. Hallman; recording secretary. Mrs. Elmer lStoltz; assistant secretary. Mrs. S. ll-Ilmrn; rurr. secretary, Mrs. Gun. 1 lluswy; trcusun-r. Mrs. Clarence ‘ll-llmrn; pianist, Mrs. Dahms and, 1iU; superintendent. Miss East- man. A community salvagé drive is 5 being conducted this week. House- , holders are requested to bring sal- "act, to the school. A large number of softball fans in ere on hand at the school grounds on Thursday evening to see an ex- luhition game between the local boys and the Ayr boys. At the end ot the fourth inning it seemed as if the visitors had the upber hand leading with six runs. However, Roseville stepped up in the fifth and by the end of the 6th inning were leading with a score of 2242. Darkness and a noticeable "let- down” on the part of the visitors was partly responsible for the 14- run gain in the last inning. Bob ;Marshail and Edward Dahms each scored four runs for the locals while Tumbull and Gascho each ‘bmught in three for Ayr. One of the most outstanding plays of the ‘game was when Don Fried. local shortstop. scooped up the ball (which had passed the pitcher and (lost no time getting it over to first, Annual reports presented rig,:) Evangelistic Department. Mrs. Ne-l [hortonz ftower mission. Mrs. G.', Hussey: Law and Sabbath Observ- ante. Mrs. R. Perrin; Temperance in Sunday Schools. Myrtle Becket-L moral education and mothers’i meetings, Mrs. S. Hilborn; L.T.L..1 Mrs. G. Perrin. Delegates appoint-) ed to represent the union at thef county W.C.T.U. convention inf Kitchener. June 15. were Mrs. Ne- tin-non. Mrs. H. S. Hallman. Mrs.) S. Unborn, Mrs. C. Hilborn and Mrs. Hussey, The national anthem was sung in closing followed by the W C.T.U.lsencdiction, The hos- tess served refreshments following: the meeting. _ _ _ A Locals Win Game The local line-up follows: Clin- ton Jantzi, c; Joe Hallman, Bob Veicth p and 3b; Bob Marshal, lb; Earl Brighton, 2b; Don Fried, sr, Ed. Dahms. rt; J. Haiiman, M. Ayr players were: Jim Schmidt, Lester Zehr. Bob Schmidt, Turn.. bull. Brown, L. Gascho. Howard Petzold. L. Hooton and Clifford Zehr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shelby and) ROSEVILLE by Mu. lull. lulu (Chm-kl. Conan-Jon" HI] ';!!IL00 ”I Mrs. N. Dru/cue: weal-panned I Mr arut Mrs M H Snyder of New [ Dundee to Gull on Sunday Kin . tdrsBiartqrt5tsaltaagtd 11idutit2etdlrL'lt'"vu'l'l JiitrkiurGGi inivood him: Mr, and Mrs. Austin Bucket! visited with Mr, and In M, Cote-; man, Ptrry’s Corner) on Sundnzhl. mu acme Hopeitsited m i Miss II) rtle Devitt at Waterloo on Sunday [ Mr. and Mrs Omer Hastings and daughter of Listowel spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. George Ri- chardson. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hoffman, Mr. Jacob Lotz and daughter. Miss Hilda. Miss Vera Hammer of Wol- lrsloy and Miss Hilda Hofrman of Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hubcrmt-hl. Members of the Evangelical Sunday School will render their annual Childrtut's Day program, Sunday owning. Jum- 4th. at ll o'clock. Mrs. Katherine Schmidt and Miss Lorina were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Herman Soeh. ner. Salem. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Burkholder and family of Markham spent the week-0nd with Mr. and Mrs. Em- manuel Bauman. Misses Gloria Meyer, Gertrude and Alice Mattusch of Elmira were Sunday visitors with Miss Ruth Grosz. Umplces were Bob Ward Manual]. Miss Mattie Kennel, who has spent the past several wars with rolatiws in castorland, NY, is spending some time at the bedside of her mother. Mrs. Christian Ken- nel, who, we are sorry to report, is confined to her bed from the effects of a stroke, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roth of Coirre. N. Y., and Bishop John Bon- trager of Alden. N.Y. who attend- cd the funeral of the late Bishop Jacob Lichitie. visited at the home of the farmer's brother. Christian 2. Roth. Mr and Mrs SuIm'v Davis and sun and frivnd and Miss F'lorenev Lather of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mrs. Peter Luther and daugh- ter. Miss Viola Mussctrnhn spent tho week-end with Miss Ruby Mussel, man. Kitchener. Miss Viola Martin spent the week-end with Miss Lucille Snider. Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Ch'urlrs Hackhart visited with Mr.’and Mrs. William quflbvck ill gammy; {in _Mopfas, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Schneider and daughters of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Delmore Reichert and family of Williamsburg were Sun, day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Reichert. Mr aud Mn. A C Brawl and .thsscs Myrtle Becker and Ella mun usilxd mu: Mr. and In Russell .r,toita at Rosebank on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hackbartf spent Sunday with the tper'si parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry,' Maurvr at Rostock, I ttr'" molt: at Rosebank on Sun- Shapes the "V" sign all the way.- ay. _ T . . Mr, and In, Clarence unborn "'r1,te"i'tg"',,1 mwmhide' and Eden were guests at the 50th . ry ' _ .. b . Anger, malice, and resentment wedding anniversary ceiebration of! Find no foothold to ntside Mr, and Mrs Henry Bickle of , ' Kuchem r, held at New Hamburtt;when dull cares and disappoint- on May .24th l, menus Pte. Marshall Furlong, who has) Threaten pathway: to despair, bun Spt ndtutt part of his furrouehlurist's peace. passing understand- The W.M.S. of Boyd Church held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Shantz. with " In attend- ance. Those taking part In the pro- gram were Rev, M. J. Parr, Mrs. Thos Birmingham. Miss Jean Hammond and several piano selec- titns by Miss Jetret Manser of Lin- wood. A report was given of the clothing to be sent In the bale and value. At the close thc hostess served tasty refreshments and a so- ciartime, was spept. Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Hackbart. Mildred. Gladys. Ruby and Edward visited with Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Duench at. Mgnnhsim on _S_unday. Mr. and Mrs Nelson Hackbart. Norma, Dorothy and Billy spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hohl at Bamberg. a; lthhumc dftus aunt and uni-12 Mr and Mrs. c, Hussey, has te- lurned to the cast wast Flynn Attteties 2:92am. William Taylor of (war Mull-hell ' .1151] l E. 7519]}; on FrMyt Miss Dora Schlichtcr of Gin. and Miss an". Schlichter. near New Dundu called at Stolt/'s rccently HESSI‘IN ROAD FLOR A DALE tte Hi“ Inuru-r liar-Under [Chronicle Con-cumulus!) Br In. Gertrude Ila-In.“ "fin-nick l'urrupuudenu (IROSSHILL By In. Inn-n Lennie 'Chrouitle annual-nu f) !39! I Luo, Mr and Mrs Indor Mont. Mr mm! Mrs John Quinn at the Twin Lt‘uly recently A noticeable number of fisher- ‘men lined the banks of the foam- 1ftecked Conestoga last Whit-Mon- :day but, apparently, there were more fishing poles than ftsh, even though feathered kingtishers and Ibiuc herons, or ttshertuuts, have not ‘yct been busy fishers along the meandering old stream. In the hurse-and-buggy days, when only I local fishermen were seen here. two ‘or three meals of fish were the usu- ‘al toll, some black bass and such- ers wejghing two or three pounds. Tree swallows. chimney switts,i, iblackbilled cuckoos. and night-I I hawks and hummingbirds have re- 0 cently been arriving but. thus tar,! jun have not observed any barn: :swallows. At present. the most vo- u‘nlly interesting of our feathered,' ,or'rivals, are the incessantly chitter- 1 ing house-wren, the rollicking bo-; lbolink trillirtg his liquid, silver-) “toned dimes. and that masterful ivocalist. the oriole, with his thril-f "irwsr-iiGiG "Pure-up! Peter! Pe- ‘torll Peter-P-T-D-K-Stuart!!" , Mr and Mrs Oscar Christman of jiiiiii with Mrs. Albert Schede- Wm. of personal conquest dawned? Can ISchool workers and interested tau-h of us exultantlv shout with 3 friends to be in attendance at this ~2nntly St, Paul: "Thanks be unto convention. God. who giveth us the victory.‘ Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Foster and through our Lord and Saviour Je-1the tormer's aunt from Toronto sus ChristP‘. Visited on Sunday with Mrs. Fos- "They cannot shell His Temple “2:5 5:13:12: R,ysttllPile,ttTd Noi- dynamite His Thréne. Thoy cannot bomb His City Nor rob Him of His own. For Christ shall rule the nations And He the Judge will be: But trusting Him as Saviour. Our Lord and King is He." "vasv Notes" Now tor Victory we are praying, Mr, Ferdinand Reiha a gmm Ul another earthly sort, lord spent the week-end with his But the Vows. our prayers com- mother at the home of his sister, plains. Mrs. Theo, Huehn. Should lweonne of deep import." ours R. Francis ot Toronto " The "V" sign has become the spending a week at the home ot s.) mbol of the faith ot tree peoples her nephew, Mr, Horatio. Foster everywhere. In counties where '"trl"g"ir2se"Lren,, was a bus: ty ranny reigns, the "V" is plastered ’ . . . - or. walls in public places. Te, to 2'r. Visitor in Toronto on Tues the chagrin of a cruel foe. e are “a Hen Reiha and dau hter- accustomed to seeing two than» -ilrlaw. 1i'h'.u'ilel, Reina of‘ New pliant ttrtgers held up defiap9y in Hamburg visited at the home of "W' shape. as a token of ultimate Mr and Mrs. T Huehn on Frida victory. It is the favorite pose of this Mildred Roth s nt il'; Winston Churchill. Britain's Prime week-end with her "tr, at Pe- Minister, tA, indiilmtes the brave tersburg pa assurance o t e Al ies to - to: The Gt . . . y-stxth annual conven- a triTtti'Uteiltt'," the .‘gg‘dion of Wilmot Township Sunday tos to W' 'f t ey are PPP". . Schools (interdenominational) will Before his lamented death In a ibe held in the Lingelbach church plane crash. you!!! cltristopherion No. 7 and a highway, west of Benn. of the British Army, Ye‘lNew Hamburg on Tuesday, June marked: "Vietory is not only a na- 13, t9M. Rev. J. W. Stewart of tional affair. it is a personal matter I Bright will be the convention too. ' 1 speaker and mum will be supplied The glad message of Calvary is by the various Sunday Schools of that each of us can be blessed/the township. There will be an at- vtctotuous on tho more momentous ternoon session beginning at 2 Minor battlefield ot thesaul. - 1pm. and the evening meeting is ly anticipating as we are the day of lscheduled to begin at 7.30 pm. A victory for the Allies, has our day ycordial invitation o all Sunday ot' nnrunnnl onnnnnu den-nun" Pg... Enhml nun-In." and nun-nan“; l my mnnol cause Him panic Nor out oft his supplies. Thtry cannot take His Kingdom Nor hurt Him with their lies. Though we face war and struggle And feel their goad and rod. We know above confusion There always will be God. Many Fishing m:inche and Groreenitt Kocher hnmv from Kitrhrnor for week rnd l [ The Victory Sign “Lot The "V" “an n no new _ With the wonder whack it JSIT. Por our Faith has had this tme “in Stocc “delivered to the wink. For many moons. aeroplanes hun- been [lying extremely low in this district, barely missing the roof tops of farm buildings. On a I‘m-mil occasion one such daring pi- lul dashed through the conductor um- strung above the 110,000- mltod hydro wires, and the dan- urnus dash robbed the machine of its aerial and tail. Mr and Mrs, Jan. Kennedy Tue» day "t Kitchener. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Kennedy this week were: Miss Esther Kennedy and Miss Lydia of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. John Brohman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennedy and son John. Maryhill. Mr Ignatius Limernan ot Dor. king with Mr and Mrs. John Linse- man. Leo Giradot and Simont 390mm!" the week-end at ""t Immr hrn- Misc-Patricia Hogan " day Fe urnlly at Chatham Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Reliinger and Joyce. Harold Kocher of Waterloo. Pte. Floyd Kocher. Chatham. with Mrs Lawrence Kocher. Mrs, Mary Milhan of St. Thomas spent some time with Rev. M, D. Managhon m St. Mary's rectory it was seen In golden Ct',11'f,','g Ovu- all the Cross than. Hugh above the nupeucti non. Showing forth the Victor's Mamet I: " seen In Gotrs dear chm. As Inch watch them, day by day No} res-ion/tyt, igtdtetling. Miss Johann Hawes of Kitchener. Mr. Alex Besingcr and sister Flor- once, Mrs. Alex Kocher with Ed. Besinger family. Mrs. John Doherty of Toronto with Vera and Joe Hanley one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kellen of Maryhill with Mr, and Mrs, Mi- chael Kocher Mr and Mrs Wilfred Hanley spent Sunday at Stratford, Mrs, Donn-s Hartley returned with them to spend some time here Mr, and Mrs. Sam Swluer of El- mira called on Mrs Katherine Drwmgs Sunday, mg, . Forms the "V" sign even there! By In. Jul Ket"todr {Chronicle Curatorial» " I rad-ow HESSON _ Capt. and Mrs. M. Schumm were Sunday guests at the home of the 'tormePs parents. Mr, and Mrs, "iasry Sghumm. d On Tuesday evening the regular monthly meeting of the Women's .Auxiliary was held in St. James Church with fifteen members in at- I ftendance. The president. Mrs.) 'Jerome Lorentz. was in charge of] the business period during t?Pt) iMrs Lorentz resigned the office of; I president and Miss V. Lemp IMas, Ieleeted to, fill the vacancy. i "The Orpheus Male Chorus of Kitchener under the direction of Mr. Garfield Bender will sing at the Baden Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon. June 4th at tho rytruler church service at 3 pan. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Foster and the tormer's aunt from Toronto visited on Sunday with Mrs. Fos- ter's son, Mr. Russell Schumm and Mrs. SchnmmAin New Hamburg, A number of committees ware appointed including: work service, Mrs. Ken Lelskau and Miss Viola Scyler; welfare. Mrs. Godfrey Leiskau and Mrs H. N. Foster; so- ciat, Mrs. W. Fleet and Mrs. Je- rome Lorentz; organist, Miss Viola Seyler and press correspondent, Miss Ethel Hunsberger. Four grim messengers of death. garbed in skeleton costumes. mingled with the merry-makers at the Mexican governor's masked ball. 'Read ' . . in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Juno 4) isme of The Detroit Sunday Times . . . how the party.. when rcvelry was at its height, turned into a bloody shambles. Get Sun- day's Detroit Times In Maurice Catch and two children. Carol and Band at Wa- lerloo visited on Ends; wnh the (miner's mother. In one: On Sunday Mrs. ' Wold of Peters- bu!" also visited with her mother During the business discussion it was decided to piece a quilt for the Red Cross. The _ meeting was brought to a close by the singing of "Abide With Me" and the repe- tition in unison of the mizpah be- nedietion. MURDER BY SKELETONS AT THE FEAST Mr, Ferdinand Reina of gtAlr. ford spent the week-end with tus mother at the home of his sister, Mrs. Theo, Huehn. "Vs. R. Francis ot Toronto as spending a week at the home ot her nephew, Mr, Horatio Foster and Mrs. Foster, _ Mrs. Henry Reiha and daughter- ilrlaw. Mrs. Milton Reiha of New Hamburg visited at the home of Mt, and 141's. T. Huehn on Friday. Illlttt', counts most - for that “ rich, satisfying flavour which only a iine quality tea yields, use" PLEASE no nor BLAME YOUR nus mum-m I. In. an“ In.“ ‘Chmh (brunt-lull BADEN It's not his full that the bus is late or crowded . . . tint you have inconveniences and discom- fom. He only carries out his orders and has no control over war-time conditions, If you have my complaints to make, pleas" do MO at accompany": head office . . . not to the driver. TIA i “we "I: i "no“! " Frederick St, Phone 2-21" Kitchener. Ont. A [woken In“ run be duplicated in . 'ery short time. Neither ya: prrtwritrtioo not a re-examination in lieu-cum}. just as long as you bring in the pin-es. "owner. if you have not hid your run checked recently. it will br mw to Gave this door-jo," to be 3lll'r the glam.“ you In- hearing mm .un- Correct " the “mu wmhuou ot you! c)“. I ANSEN l-IYESIGHT SERVICE "0edtsot" In Bauer Viola." t2rCEriE

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