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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Jun 1944, p. 4

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'ie', 'pttou't, GrriC3rzCn Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wencker and Mrs. Henry Brodrecht. Sn. and Walter and Mr. Henry Lingelbach and Miss Lavina Lingelbach of Ta, mistook spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brodrecht, I nu- lu- (gull-tic tggu't'al'lt, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nafziget and Lorna of Harmony spent Fti~ dtwith Mr. and Mrs. Moses Hel- WEBB is? mamas s. Roth Cl" and CiLtriGGriEj" Mm~powenndmnspomtion shortages hive changed the banking habits of many city and country residents: Thcy new use the mail mote freely "L' and come to dit the Bank less E frequently. DIN“ " MONTRIIL EAST ZORRA Waterloo Branch: J. R. BEATON, Manager IMPORTANT ANN OUN CEMENI v" POUNDED IN "" Respecting farthet' restrictious in the sale of Spirituous Liquors in the Province of Ontario January, I943 “5,295 have”, I944 l.227,459 March, 1944 1,202,938 Banking by mail saves time, year-and tear, tires. and gasoline. It Is :onvenim and simple. Write for folder, "How to Bank by Mail". Pi has become necessary to reduce again the amount of spirits which can be purchased by individual permit holders in the Provmce of Ontario. This is something over which the Liquor Control Board of Ontario has no discretionary authority. Under P.C. tt374 the Dominion Govern. meat limited the amount of spirits which could be obtained for sale in the Province of Ontario to 70 percent of the amount obtained from November lst, t94t, to October 51st. 1942. That means that by the order of the Dominion Government there became available in Ontario for annual sale 1,1 53,594 gallons of proof spirits. It is a problem in simple arithmetic, p All that the Board can do is to adiuSt the quantity available to holders of permits so that the total amount procurable for sale under the Dominion Government Order P.C. t I 574 can be distributed throughout the whole tear. Due to the increase in the number of permits. and the extent to which the permit holders are purchasing spirits each month. it now becomes necessary to reduce the amount w ich can be purchased by individual permit holders or there will be no spirits available for sale during the closing months of the present leur. The following table - n _ a - n I ll, IA“. -I.‘__rIAn.;. irGv"s'iiTiaiiiiGiGtGir what his been dining place: A recent survey of the sales for the present year and the amount still auihble under the limits imposed by the Dominion Government make it necessury to limit purchases on the following basis as of the first ofjnne. FROM THE FIRST OF JUNE UNTIL THE END OF THE PRESENT OPERATING YEAR EACH PERMIT HOLDER WILL BE PERMITTED TO PURCHASE ONE BOTTLE (25 or 26 ounce) OP SPIRITS EVERY TWO MONTHS OR TWO HALF-BOTTLES. WHEN AVAILABLE. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth spent Thursday in Baden. Mr and Mrs, James Mulch. Kathrine and Donald and Mrs. K. Gregory of near Hickson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Helmuth. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. STton Helmylh in IrtgtTsoli, _ Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Yantzi and Misses Martha and Esther Yantzi all of New Hamburg and Mrs. Oe- laus Hesse of Detroit. Mich., spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Helmuth. I, I944 0.." Nun-Int cl Pom": omhndlng at month and HOUOR CONTROL BOARD or ONTANO To I'll Monthly no!“ Bomb” anon To Issue Licenses township of Woolw'tch and will make it man convenient for up- )icants of license; which hereto- fore My went to the Twin flt Mr. and in Meets Giles Hid . and In. Walter Strut attended the funeral of the late In bath in Elmira. on Saturday afternoon. Wedding Boll: are 'iatlin. Banns were whittled during the Sunday mine in the but.» an Church (or Miss Norma Schwe't: tzer. daughter of Mr. and In. Louis Schweitm and Mr. Wesley A. Snyder, son of Mr. and Mm. [xvi Snyder. The marriage to take plee on .1392 12th 9ng Mr. and In Fred Stein and son of Toronto were over My guests ot relatives and friends in thts_vilitue. ‘_ Mr. and Mrs. Reimer Hahn and daughter or Detroit, spent the meek-end in the village. The tor- mer's parents, Rev. and Mrs E Helm, who had spent the winter with their son and daughters in Detroit, accompanied than and in- tend to spend the summer at their home here. Gnr. Maynard Gies returned to his base at Petawawa, after a two weeks' furlough, spent at his par- ental home. The Wm. ','/,,N'i2,tg, family moved here from atertoo, Satur- day. The former has opened his shoe business in the former stand of the late Geo. Sehinbein. The family occupy one ot the apart- ments in this_ giweljing. ---_ - -- Rev. and Mes. S. J. Wink. Mr. Herb Huehn and Mr. Walter Stroll \vrrc representing the local Lu- theran Sunday School at the dis- trict convention held in St. James Church in St. Jacobs. Sunday at- ternoon asyktrveniy. St. Jacobs softball team met de- feat m a league game played against the local squad on the dia- mond here, Monday evening. Woolwich township's court of re- vision on appeals from the assess- ment rolls, to be held next Tues- day, will be of a lighter nature 160 oz. 26 oz. 26 oz. Cpl. Muss Stroh of Camp lpper- wash. Pte. Chas. Koch of London. Pte. Lloyd Kirch and Trooper Bob Kirch of Camp Borden at their re- spective homes tor their week-end leaves. Mr. and Mrs. wa. Kmart and family of Kitchener. Sundayed with village friends. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Burnett and son David of Gen, spent Sunday with relatives in the village. mam-1.... .-,-'alu'aIltlugtttatittittt,g-ttagiit 100,702 - gals. 139,623 pounds. 145,934 prod gals. C 'o" COIIDSSIONII mum the ediaiiGeitt 'btfiufe‘ir yqunsest dwahter Home to Cecil ginger: :99 of Mr. and Mn. chum h. tiaGierTisGGrAiG, to take place June an Mr. cm 1autwi ot Kitchener n. . visitor 'll"td Herb Gies home In! “My. Ii- Ilrjorh Snob Ind brother Hamid of Kitchener um visiting g ghe home of their patents on In Olive: Soider and daughter In [coon Price at Hamilton and In. [anon Baku-n d In.» were among those from a distance attending the recent tuna-u of Miss Ida Snider. Ban-n LttiuuU nn " Jacobs. to- ',',,Tl,t2'uhia,ttetgg,eyut,"tt, satuthtt denim W“ in an inn“ which has extended tor View“ bells an? ftry for Mr. Willard Bowman and r. Harvey Hoist both ot Pine Hill and their brides-to-tre. We extend to them ttttl wishes and eongratuutions. ut- I-m.- -L_- 'te, Eta-0.1m - .ttt "UP" A very enjoyable Saturday even- ing was spent " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman in honor of their nephew, Mr. WM Bow- man. whose marriage to Miss Aud- rey Wagner will be a happy event of next month. The young couple was pleasant] surprised by their aunts and uncles and fonities. The couple received many useful gifts and both spoke briefly. The even- ing was enjoyed by playing games on the lawn by the young olks. A tasty lungh yes served at the close. 'tht tltit 1.34.12; JL". v . Bern-n Lt at. m St Jacobs. to- in“: ii'tfaiiiU J" I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartaentru- ber and Paul and Mrs. C. B. Jantai mm Fwd. Mrs. Albert Schmidt and Ward attended the funeral of the late Mrs Moses Wilhelm in Linaelbach recently. _ Mr. and Mrs. David Bostvart, Alice and Floyd with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gascho in Innerkip, Mrs. Herman Vohs and Lillie were guests at the Bruekman and Ahrens wedding at St. Peter's Lu- l_heran_ ghurch‘on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schlegel and Donald accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cassel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Schle- get in East Zorn. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boshart and family with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mil- ler in Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs C. it Swaruentru- ber and Paul with Mr. and Mrs. A. Jantzi in Wellesley. PINE HILL Young People Present Program The Young People of the Menno- nite Brethren in Christ church,. presented the program on Sunday evening. The president. Miss Ruth Hachborn. lead the meeting. Miss Irene Zellnr was charmer and Mr. Gordon Simmer of Kitchener was guest speaker. Miss Margaret Hachbom sang a solo, 'Vesus, Oh. How Sweet the Name", and the thfTistet 39de a_grou_p of choruses. A're mu 'dqttis.. Local members taking part in the program of the Ontario Mennonite Mission Board meeting at the MEC. Camp grounds, near Kitch- ener, were the Misses Agnes and Nellie Burkholder and Nora and Alice Randall. who sang two mm» bers on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Gordon Eby led in the congrega- tional singing. Mr, Oscar Burkhol~ der was one of the speakers on Monday. Cpl. William Habermehl. Dart- mouth. N.S.. has recently been spending}! few Itts at h9_me. Misses Doreen Hiligardner and Darleen Karmp of Hanover m. last week-end with Mr. 2'UWl Russell Otto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hofstetter and family of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Otto. Miss Helen Eckstein of Kitchen- er yith Miss Lillie Vohs and In. John lanai and Doris and Eva Janui with Mr. and Mrs. Dm PEI-b in Wellesley on Sunday even- _ Pte. “Allan siiter, maximum. Tent Sunday at Mr. Ernie Knack's Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shanta and daughter Doris were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Schiedel on Sunday, -- - _ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jatrtai and family and Mrs. C. B. Janui and Mrs. John lanai with Mr. and Mrs. Aeon “my mFeJIezlev. Mr. and Mrs C. E Bwaruesttrw ber and Paul with Mr. and Mrs. Memo wt, in Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs Dave Otto and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Baer and children and Mr. and In. Ed. Hotstetter and family and Mr. and In Rus- selhOtto will! frieMsIn Heypeler. Mr." Noah Bowman, Listowel. visited his aunt, Mrs. Joseph S. ctssmty _ orltsdar. _ A - Plea-anti! Saw Audrey Want and Willard Bowman were pleasantly surpnled on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman in Petenlw when Mr. and Mrs. Salmon gunman entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honour of the former tangle whose marriage ayes place in t e near future. The e enlng was spent in games and refreshments were served by the morass, when all the pretty pink “9. Thit? Jinks?! were. evenedr Mr. and Mrs. Delton Dasha" with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ging- erich in Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boshan and family ot New Hamburg spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Bosh-rt. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Pomeroy and son John of Brideport were the [new of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ma- der on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Snyder. Wa- terloo. are spending some time with their daughter. Mrs. Lloyd s. Shanta and Mr. Shana. home on leave Fun Edmonton. mm. The ”an; was enjoy- Inbly ml and ntnshmem were sen-d um which I was pn- sented with a suit-bio a“. A upe- cinl team of the evening wu a huge cake made by Catherine Rein- hart decorated with airplanes and Good Luck. Mr. and Mrs. B. Brubachor ot Elmira with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hamaeher. Miss Lillie Vohs with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Shanta in Victoria- Miss MtmeihGiii"ind Mr. An- drew Steckley of Wellesley spent [ecqntly with Mr. and Mrs. Delton "inlaid-3’ Piaf "Fi-theifVreiiVr4 bruins! I number of the younger "f all ngrdALu-g tn, honour Mrs Otto Orth is a" patient in St. Myy's Hytyy'tal, - - A A buy; reeeAtly, trr. and Mis. Herman Vohs with Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Nickel in stryyPut.suLtday. 7 - A Miss A'iidy-iialiiart and Mrs. D. Boshan spent Monday evening wry: Miss Lillie Voila Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilhelm and children. Melissa, Ada, Marlene, Ruth and Cart and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Neumeister and Mrs. Julius Neumeister all of Poole with Mr. any Mrs. Alba: Schmidt. Rev. and Mrs. AiiGGd Ramsey- er and family of Doon with Mr. and Mts, Gideon Hamacher. Anna and Frieda Schilling and Pte. Smith of Ramiltesn you! the week-end with Mr. and rs. Her- met} Sctilling. - .. .. Mr. and Mrs Roy Dielenbaker recently with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Digleubaker in Roseville. Mrs. [mu Writer is spend! 1 some time with Mr. Ind Mrs. Alba Weiter at Bred-u. Mrs. Frank Wicks, In. J. T, Comer of Daron Mich UW, of. Tomnto. Mr. and Mm. Joe mu iot Rhett-nor, P. J. 'tmeer ot W». SHANE STATION iijljil,) C'iijiljrriil " In. In - (mm. M) BRESLAU ham,“ by- erloo werg§und§y guests with Mrs iiiGuitiftemotf. '"ireTiiriiiiiWiiid Rose Frimm of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, _Wilf£ed 3Jeiier. " a... -.... ....... ......‘_ -ee"--'"' Mr. and Mrs. C. Wagner and Charles were Sunday guests with Er. 1.?de Mrs. Will Pronge at River- an. __---- -.-"%.', "in. Ind Mrs. Bill Bitschy and Charlotte of Breslau spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Harnack. Mrs. Elizabeth Hergott, Olive Clemmie and Anne Bruder, Mrs. Vera Hergott and PO. Jerry Her- gott were guests with Mr. amrMrs. Homer Leach in Kitchener on Mon- day_eveyinr. - c Mrs. Vow Hergott entertained at a stag party for her son. P0.oJorry Bergen. at her home on Tuesday evening. Ida Krieger of Kitchener spent Sunday at her h9mc here. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harnaek and Shirley of Breslau were Saturday visitors with MR and Mrs, Joseph Hamack. ""hirfiiiiriey Wagner spent Sun- day at the Henry Bowman home in Petersburg, - _ _ L ' man, Mrs. Elizabeth Hergott, Mrs. Vera Hergott and son, PO. Jerry Hergou were Tuesday guests with the Joe wan; family at Kitchener. I "irirriirus. George Schnurr of Kitchener were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bow- PO. J. A. Hergott left on Thurs- iyttor his new station at Nova GOOD USED I TIRES FOR SALE M “mom nuns Ml GORDON’S GOOD GLASSES " 0M Bt. - NO PERMIT REQUIRED I“ I Water Sta. KI'I‘CHENER Phone 0-045. unmuum an" lumen 27 Yuan. St W COUNTRY REQUESTS GIVEN PREFERRED ATTENTION . today. . . . . don't risk them any longer. Have the contact glasses prescribed for you now. Let our registered optometrists examine your eyes It pays to be self-confident in most cues, but it never pays to be over-confident of your eyes 48 " 1lilitur Rlii0hlll'll'lllttl SERVIGE REMEMBER . . . You Won't Be Given A Second Pair of Eyes WERNER Miss Rose Maser of Waterloo fpont the wwk-end and Sunday I“I'l'. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Forwell and daughter of St. Clements and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Kieswetter and son were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Scraphim Kieswetter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dietrich and sons and Louis Kieswetter of Kitch- ener and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dietrich of Waterloo visited on Supday at the home of Emil Diet- rich NM: and Mrs. Henry Grube of New Hamming sypr1t'ri..eyaP.y.hert; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hergott and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dehler of Waterloo spent Monday with the killer's mother. Mrs. Mary Starr. mMr. and Mrs. Emil Starr of To- ronlo visited on Sunday with the formcr's mother. Mrs. Mary Starr. Gordan J Neil. 12H Bulgepun Rd Clnite lloerhgekerLll Church St. " V. I. Kin-m (Bro-kl- can” BAMBERG M24331

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