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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Apr 1944, p. 8

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Mr. and Mrs Raymond Zinger and family. Harry May and Ion Bobbie of f,'rltt Mark Mar ot Mmhill, Joe ay of here was it1N visitors with Mr. and Mn Tony ay. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Cm of Preston, Ruth Klnzle of Blair. Mrs. E. Cream-n. Mrs. Clayton and daughter Beryl of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs Jacob Cressman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hum-ck Mr. d children, Schell tt children. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schell “dam: of Kitchener. Mr. md Mrs Vex-nice Wagner and Carol Anne of Blair spent Sunday at the Charles Wagner home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bitschy GK Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ist-) nae): and Shirley of Bred-u, Mr.! and Mrs. George Sehnutr, Mr. and Mrs Eddie Bitschy and children of ( Kitchener were Sunday visitors " thrgoe Hamack home. l Mr. and iiirirei7aAes new were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mr.t..,9o Wage]! at ettersburtr - Pte. Nick Retzler of Sussex. N.B., is spending a two weeks leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Retzler. Mr. land Mrs. Frank Retaler were guests at the Sauder-Stan wedding atAriss o_n _S_aturg§y. _ __ - - Billie and hjidrFsirtTiiGrGiiertt Bupfar with friends in Mannheim. Nettie Lerch of Kitchener spent Sunday with her mother, Mn. J. Latch. Ruth Deamer at Stamford Nor- mal school is completing her week of practice teaching at our local school this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold May. Peter and Patrica Cresmaska of Guelph visited with Mrs. Elizabeth Her- sey on fiyrydar - _ Mi. and Mrs. David Gingrich. Miss Edna Gingrich, Mr. and Mrs. Aden Gingerich were in Gilt on Saturday where they were guests at the Jing-rich-Smith wedding. Mt and Mrs. Hemel and Eva of Kitchener were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Retzler. Ida Krieger of mil/tak ATdin Sunday, at her home here. Rev. George Oran. pastor of the Shana Station Lutheran Church tor the past seven years. preached his farewell semen on Sunday afternoon. The church being well Med, presented Rev. Orth with a purse of money. Mr. Orth has tak- en} parish ip, Des.tyrrtt, __ _ _ Rev. hilt Preaches Farewell Sermon SHANTZ STATION children wereFiGi he Eddie Bimhy and n, Mr. ttnd " (droid; 'di iigjei.ir),ii,i,ii,f,,,i,_,y, JY We. I1. A. “0983!! Of tonne. I'm buying Victory Bood.--doohk, what I bought lad year. And that doeait make Inc any hero, either . . . I aw enough of the last war to know what my boy will be going though all: by noon, and anything I can pot-ibly do look: mighty small alongiido that. In tart, I don't figure it‘s a sacrifice " all. Sun, I'm doing without a lot of thing: 1 mod to think were necessary. But'l‘ve got more money put-away in Victory Bonds than I ever asuved hefore. There will be lots of time to buy the thing. Mother and l are doing without, once we lick Hitler, and Bitt's back home again --- if he 00!an back'. Until then, I'm putting Victory first. What else would I do? V Box Walter WOULD I DO? ” Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reader were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Potrtsff of Hamilton and Mrs. Alvin Schneider and two daughters of Kitchener. Miss Audrey Tect of Brantford spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. W. Test. Pastor A. Ramseyer. the radio choir and members of the Pente- costal Mission had charge of the meeting at the library hall at New Hamburg on Thursday evening. Members of the Sisters' Society of the Pentecostal Mission held a meeting at the home of Mrs. John Sapsworth on Wednesday after- noon LNC. Jack'Wordcn of the cast coast has bven spend: ' " leave with his parents. Mr. f/NI. Paul Worden. . WATERLOO artifgow_/~. "_.. , ”yd" A iiiiiiid 'l'ii,liiiiilfghg Coming next Mon. " Tues. .. Wed. "MADAME cums“ we noomu when: ream - moms. C" um "annoy my - " Great sun In "SWING "HUI!” Ai'mmBAXMAN"--Cart-snm.N+ By lil- [sunken June- (Would. earn-panda“ Thursday and Friday Saturday Only Continuous 2' io 11.30 pan' -r"- P _. , iiiii1tgggiat P, Earl Mosseil of Preston spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, K. Hobbs. Miss Irerisa Goddard and Miss Peggy Fletcher of Gait spent Sun- day at the home of Mrs. o. God- dard. 7 _ Waller Wright has pagea His second year exayyqatiorys m medi- cine at Toronto University. Harold Slee shipped a carioad of turnips from Boon on Friday. _ Walter Wright, student “Town. to University. spent the week-end with his parvnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright. Mrs. Fred Kleinstueber and daughter Jean were visiting in Galt on Saturday. Mrs. M. Kinzie of Limerick was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Sapswprth. last week. - Mrs. John Sapsworth has teturn- ed to her home here_ from St. Mary's Hospital. Kitchener. m In lam z. m.- "-"qtt-tt&ugtMgtB.r"e0V AM.»00H-n-uonvlk~n '; Seaman Glenn Scheifele who had tstreest some time at his home here, recently returned to Montreal to resume his duties with the Mer- ehypt Mqrine. l The Harlin C. Schweitzer and Louis G. Schweitzer families in the ‘Jemsalem section received the sad We“ of the death of Mrs. Sehwei- i'ei2, brother, Irvin Durst, and at- "ended the funeral in Stratford on I School opened Monday after the Hinder nation. with Principal (Gus. Martin and Assistant Miss ‘Grace Pirie, who had returned from their respective homes in Ta- vistoek and near Winterbourne, in chgrge. M ,trio composed of the Misses Dor- eu,',',') Meta Ludolph and Paul ( ph. The members responded to the roll call with "The Fourth Commandment and its Meaning". ‘Elmer Kurt and Irvin Becker were appointed " program committee tor the May meeting. Rev. and Mrs. Conrad rendered a vocal duet and Miss Bertha Becker conducted a ‘l The St James Luther League and at the home of Mrs. B. Lu- 4o1ph on Thursday evening with an attendance of 28. The president, Mists Muriel Egerdee presided and Psalm " was read responsively followed by the scripture lesson by ‘Mrs. A. L. Conrad. Prayer was of- fered by Miss Leona Becker and sp_ecial music_ wft.rertAtrred tty a Luther Leaguers Erie, April Social nr. cum? Wright attended a Iteie 251.13% county council, open- in: Tten/ii. Hachbom visited :eith,hlis mother in Kitchener, on Local friends attended the fun- eral of Mr; Richard Sung, in Win- terbonme. Monday afternoon. Woolwich Council members with the mad superintendent were mak, ing the usual spring survey of 'o'aftL'rglt early in the week. -- The - artin C. Schweitzer and Heel -ot wiariiG GG; sag, JT/i-' sign u the homes of friends in the an: Jena. loaned It Vitamin. 'LC..tsasreirvivedetoaat-tvisit" at their 'eqtretive but: F'ff ttrn. Pete, od Car-111w“: vuh. Gunner Hun-rd tna" or I’d-“VI. “about Bob Kink of CamrBorden and AC, Bil-ell Wil- hhum of Tomato spent week-end {any}: their home. in and near Pu Goo. lieu, of London and In Mantegna! Kitchener were” ot w. and Mrs. Vim. mdmvwmbm- winding-m.de "itJgtt2'ttttgi', u'll'fd"lth' heth.di-ioiuerxrumnttie. abducts!!!“ Int Pyi- c'untyMJ.P.md Kim-udNWA-a-w met-t Show at the Wine mwmm-udvuunm mm- _He._Wllh-ed “momma: filrliri Tera. Wright - Joseph Cotton in Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday NEW DUNDEE Jttll,lib5lllV #ilgllt Mt mama-mun: Imus wanna Billllltll mm...“ m " III. lith- Hilton (“which Conan-dun "n.dtd'8Mttt-, k-omVIIlIN'ICI MieEAiertPpttre “mainland. tor the ht-weehly meeting at tho than and He. U3.C.E Society which VII Mid nod " Victoria. axtthettomeoCMr.nndM- lonalhutvbit ton Serums on Thursday evening . m wit.lt an attendance of " Th. r at Camp lpper- unpture lesson was read by Ster- hymn! Gigs of has Johannen and the topic. at Bob Kite!- ot "Learning to Live A: Christians”, AC, Raul] wn- was presented by the load-r tol- , spat week-end _ towed by a discussion. In. Marie main and nearlresaenain sang "The Holy City". {The missionary news was given by “an! PPdo1tl.hfiist Jean Mailman after which er ot Kitchener Rev. E. Gingench altered special r. and Mrs. Vin.. (iii'iit:i for, the tux Umted Brethren It My. Missionaries who left the United 1teer and Mrs. {States recently en route to Attica. were Sunday " ,Tne Ausutetyt was conducted by the, to! ttiendsinthe preridertu.Miss Mary Kaster and [at the close of the meeting a walk " the home of hour was held with amen Ind can-‘ an Hotle were: tests in charge ot Mrs. James] A, of Briggeport gresman and Miriam Hilbom. Re-i WELD " " Stormy Weather hm Home - Bill Rolvimn Cab Galloway Katharine Dnnlum ' Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Junker spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Em- 'merson Mitchell at Woodstock. , Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. Ruby and Ie?:ytegy! spbnt §ungay eyeping l -Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson spent Sunday evening with Mr. and (Mrs. Edgar Junker. Baby boys huvo arrived to make their homos with Mr. and Mrs. El- gin Lambert and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. anfMrE "iiaaiiriiirt'7'and Raymond spbnt Sunday evening with Mrs. Aaron Bender and fam.. ily, Sunday visitors with Mrs. Aaron Bender and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bondvr and family and Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ruby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schmidt. Sharon and Larry and Mr. and Mrs. John Bast. Floris, Iris and Harry, all of Baden, spent Sunday wig Mr. i"1d M55. Aaron Helmuth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoch and daughter, Patsy of Bridgeport, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gruetzner of Hespeler called on Mr. and Mrs. J uck on Thursday. Mrs. Leander Cressman, the Misses Marie Cressman and Velma Bauer and Sgt. Allan Cressman were recent visitors with Mrs. Ezra cr,eepy,i, Pear {few Tunburg. - ,, "_-_-_-ee. ..-... "u. "mug-us. Mrs. Gideon Roist has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mau- rice Shupe after spending a few weeks with her son. Frank Hall- man and Mrs._Hallman in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs,CiiriCsiiiiiir"7i New Hamburg visited with Rev, apd Mrs. A. L. Conrad on Wednes- clay frcahannts Jeriiiir%rTuTdiir me direction of Mrs. Elam Miller. Pte. Burkle Toman of Victoria, 13.0., arrived home on Friday to spend a two wceks' leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Toman, mouse-munch e.ha_gfastcNiiiiacrtriii"ii" t2teis.r-teaddmliiiGiFia- s','d'2trtU.'t,rttrtifeSiiri JIEttttruv. “EMA “El-JAM?! mi?- in: served n the aiGiusiG with G; alumnae being the In... Dor- Htt.and Rudene Toman and MB. U. B.C. E. Meet WA LLENSTEI N EA}, i' ZURRA By Bur) Timber! [Chronicle Correspondent! My Mrs. Alma Hvlmuth (Chronicle Correspondent! Wed. - Thurs. Fri. & Sat. Mr. Bert Stickncy and Mrs. Jas. Cherry ot Elmira were recent visi- tors ith Mr. and Mrs. Lvslio Bcygrs. -- 7 Mrs. Ed. Byron is spending some! time with friends in Brantford, Mr. Robert Newton spent a day last week near Elora. [ Sydney Bearingcr Congratulu lions! Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tabbert of Linwood and Mrs. Al. St. Clair of Buffalo visited on Monday with Mr1and_Mrs. Earl Tabbed. Mrs Martin from near s! Clvm- cuts is visiting with her daughter. MES; Sydryry, -Bearfytper, - - _ - ADDED ATTRACTION - 'fri. Carson Mcwhinoy spent a Extra Saturday Mnlinee 4 CARTOONS 4 3771:; 4 ', '0ltfit NOW SHOWING j"'"""'".'," SUN. MIDNm -------------- "2.0s and _ '. M "(In mom (own um tttttt “S mum All”! JONES mun moments madam King And Queen Streets -- Kitchener VI , - V . _ =_,U, MON. - TUES. - WED. ho: Mr. Alex MacTairish St. is at present a patient in a 'Kitchener Hospital. His many friends hope he will man he ahle to return Mr, and Mrs. Earl Tabhert and family wan-u in Paisley on Tucsday 'f/file/U."; funeral of Mrs. Tab- bcrt'p WI! 10. the late Wm. Pearce. " mm ttrffttl J, mum gummy“ Mr, an] Mrs Earl Johnson of Lci,wri. hcr grandmother. Mrs. Ih-uupre, who makes her home with Mr. and Mrs, Johnson, is we are sorry to report, not in the ‘best of hvalth. Mr. Johnson is a mem- bor of the armed forces. hrl' hrmhor mm ailment . iiitiaAtr), f ADDED ATTRAF'HON us? last week at tho home of "rm..'-" WAUER CATLE" cams: WU” -“AN DmguAlH mono: ocuiNt N ot won") ' um , ytl rruc,tts" " titigile ttmt", _ "iiiiitiiiiiu! 1“. “In”: A FASHION SHOWING WORTH VISITING

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