" t't qijiiiiii: --w-: jtiirriiiiiiiiriii" ( HIRONICLE So dcclared Hun J L lislc.v. my tlunal mlnnslbr of finance, >peukmg u, more than 500 tttstruct rcsuivrttes. gathered at a dmncr muting new in the head Min-e of my Mutual Life Assurance Company, m Wa- terloo. last mgm Wu! Ford S Kumpf. Waterloo msul‘amv LM-cu- tive. as cnatrmart. the nuctine “an broadcast With the uudmnce unm- ated at almost 50,000. Miss Juan Dickenson. "Nightingale of the Ast"' was guest star. llsley Warns War “By N o KITCHENER ~"an amount we need this your ty ugum large, and 1 am sure m.- neelas, much sup- port from the people as before. I wish to cmphasrze this became thcre seems to be some tendency to feclintt that the war us close to the end and that less money wilt hr not-dud" Support of Loam, Vital T o Ensure SuCcess of" War Means (her" “Of all the cunts hinged on tin home front. our Victory Lum- drsvcs lop than all," stated Mr llle-y "Thu amount Wu requm this rear IS agam turge. and I wvs'rt to crnphastre thrs because there set-ms to hr ig growmg tendency that we are gumng close to the end and that less money is requm-d This Is not str" Mr. Iislev asserted that 'succc.s, of the Sixth Victory Loan wilt be unmaltd bv the amount hy which no oxen-d the Sl.200.000.000 uh. Jot-live" Replymg to suggt-slmus that ud- dnionul money zmgm hr raised by taxation ruthrr than by 1nctory Loan cmapaign, the finance. mittlys- trr assrrtcd that If such action “1-" when. a "few" would hare. to p.1v the price Hr also arm-r1 d that :f Cru. required money (vrrv strum-d by "borrowing" from uthrr than the public. the cram1ry's war dvht would be "1crvasvd sulsstutttudly Adputtuus that smu- “mum-nu - mom of the war the dart! public debt R up In: four [mum tte, pm - war 5121-. thr finance minister pointed out that m m1 annual burden is not. “by any mourn" us â€bummed on Pago 6) AppealMade to Urban Centres For Farm Help Vol. 37,110- Mi.. An urgent nppI-id to m "eayot'r and moves (If urban tnur.icipahtwr. and to Chamhrrs of Commrrcu Boards cf Trude. Svrvu‘v clubs. church â€mum/mums am! an r groups to form luml cummittrm fur the cnlistnunt " volunterr farm workers, has brrn nsurd by Alex Maclaren. Director of thr. Ontario Farm Svrvicc Fur» "We will nu-d mnra- hrlp than cvvr beforr." sand Mr Marlun tt. m appealing for thc organized co- operation " all citozcrvs, "And HV' can only wrurt- It tt “Han: m placrs of authority and !a-:.da-r>lup will drwrtt. thrmsoh-rs Ul‘lrgl‘lll" ally to rt-tting up rtl'rrtit-r, trrttrritt- teps tn hondh. the Jr;l)1_ 1 . 1 Federation Asks Complete l Riddance of Police Dogs; _ School Children Said IMenaced KI'N'HF,NFaW--Watcrloo County Council was askvd by Harvey Hall- man Tuesday to take action 'com- pletely eliminating" the presence of police dogs from the county. Ro- presenting the Walnrlnn county frdcration of agriculture, Mailman asserted that wild dogs, "obviously of the police warmly", have in re- cent months. proved a tieflnite mcrv acc to llvostock and fowl, and par- llcularly rural school childrrn in who arm Council was askvd to rvrall an rxtvnswc- hunt stated lnlr~ last tall m which srvrrnl of thc dogs wvro shot. The speaker ossertcd that nmny morp of thvm arr still mum-0 ma path at thc distort ( 'The poles dug IR an nxcvllonl animal In In prupt-r putro, hut its place Is not running wild In this) country," h" aerial-rd "Many tar-f mors arc now faced with the neces- sity of motoring their children to, Communities. Asked To Form Committees To Enlist Volunteers. "The pom-o dug m an mu'vllt-my Th" romlutinn, Hallman re animal In wk prnpvr plat-o, hut its vvalcd. has hovn passed by the places m not running wild In th'vdaerirtntuo, "%eratiott and is on- country," hr Minn-d "Many tar- Nursvd by the Humnne Soclety. mrrs tert' now farm! with the nocex- I Warden Frrd Forwell geggrt sity of motoring their children to thr holler council will like Ite srhoot, or providing some manuacuon on the minor during Wed- .9fubryttethtstp, Ar3., Wit. eti11reby's 999°“ .' _ SN Attend Big 0pening 6th Victory Loan Rally Apvrsviiututtiy 5 'I-vi'x'Im- Nam lfnl m -l--:m .iumvr um Earn-v1 Lllr Ava r M in: seluym 1 mning hum stutorsl hvcmm» of the police dog nuns-(‘0 Some children have hm n "ttitclord, I do not believe we can allow this throat to safety to mnlinuo m otteountr,", - Aw gum.‘ 1> v. I’lu graduated recently as berm-ant: from No, 9 Bomb- -l " and Gunnery School. R_C.A.F_ Mom Joli. PAt, mcludl-d thorr Hun. Ontario shown above. Left to right, they are Sets Thomas P K, Hx, 201 Ruswll Rd., Weston; Donald R. Tecnn, 208 Samuel sr, KAcL-gur, Carl D. Berlel. 7? Cherry St, Kitchener: and Douglas L, n u I I. 221 Herbcn sr, Waterloo --RC.A,F Photo. Hallmun said livestock have been‘ ruvugwl on many occasions, and in 1i0ttttw czusrs, family pet dogs ttttd, othcr animals have been killed by the wcmus "police dogs". Pointing out that tho poluct- dog Wu bred in Germany tor a purpolo, he con- turndod that m most cases. the wild dogs In thlu urn-a worn probably untu- mm pets of families. It is pruhnhlt' that on finding out just how mm'h mm of these dogs Cln rat. the owners have found it mvrt‘ssnry In turn thorn out, and now they arc mnmng wild. Hon. J. L "sh-y. National Finance Minister. ls Cutst Speaker. "'ontinuod on' Page IO T0 GOITROI. BANG’S DISEASE $3,000,000 1 000.000 I 75,000 I 25,000 I 50,000 200.000 Inmwo. Gnu-Io. My. had 21, 1966 Mr. Fred Mann, Chairman of the ,Group Payroll Section, announced (today that the following organizers I bad been appointed to cover estab- llishmunts in the Twin Cities hav- I mg 10 and up to approximately 50 t tnployccs. Mr. A l.. Sprm-klin. R P, Rupprl. Lorne Mosser, Lloyd Uhristner. Claude Beaupro and Al, ‘cirn P,rmkhout, These organizers "r" contacting every plant this ‘wu-k to complete plans for the 'mass mrclmg of the employees, fol- luwmg which the canvass, " thr. ‘mnplnyccs will take place LATE A PPLICA NTS FOR R ATTON BOOKS This smell-m of the campaign has 51". a minimum ohjcetive of $300,, 000 and hope to reach $360,000. as compared to $307,000 actually raised in the lastMoatt. Each establishment has been m- formed of tts objectives for the campaign and posters and objec- nvo charts are being distributed during the next few days Altogether there are approxim- only 3500 omployevs in this group. The organizers attended three training meetings and are now completely equipped and expect to have each establishment ready to carry out its program by the end of the week. In order to win the 3-Star "V" Flag, each establish- ment is required to reach at least its minimum objective and to have lat least 90% of employees partici- pating in buying Victory Bonds. The campaign opens next Monday. April Mth, and Mr Mann ex- pressed conftdettce that the estab- lishments in this group would roll up an even better record than the larger companies in the payroll savings section "it's of Slrangv Illness. Boys" Uncle- Here It has been revealed herr that Harry Tompkins, leyenr-old son ot Mr and Mrs. T. Tompkins, Lon- don. Ont, who died suddenly last Thursday of the unusual discaso of ocutp pulmonary n-doma, Is a nephrw of Capt Trove James, of the Scots Fusiliers. Kitcht‘nvr It tft understand the young tad complained to his mother that he was short of heath. oarly Thurs- dnr No lay down at his hump, and a cw minutes later was dead. Dr A R Routlnigv, coroner, mud donâ€: Wlt9 caused hy Ihv lungs becoming anâ€! with ftuitt and mr The lad was a student ttt Sir Adam Berk Collegiate and wn uclive in upon: Ind the Air Cadet Corps Hog Subsidy Payment Plan ls Changed 'All If ti, l‘nllrwmg CtritDtrP..c. which u mum urused in Bucrk 3 are awn! until canccllcd by the Ration Adtttirtirtration. rod sugar coupons, blur “F' cunning ccuFony green Directive nr .xf Monday. Apnl IUIh. an ttmrcly m~w spun) ot [myxmnt ,t' [he ()lllhnh Govern ' Inn-1:1 tuw, rubrulics " $100 on, gl‘mlr “A" hug: suru', 50 unls on; uradr "Bl" lunar. has horn put into', opt'ratiom Hemux‘uhk' T L. Kon- "iu'.y. Or.tutio Minirtcr or Agricul- ture-, nnnrurtud [mun-Mi of hing paid Ittt thrcet upphculn-n by the product-r to tht Drpaarmu'nl of Ap,rivttlturt: [1:1}IIM m wtll be in- cludtal H: Um hummer; mutant whwh ir ..ttnclid I, with grading osrt.fiiui. and which tun tre filicd tit and :-nirir! hr tiw gruhr :nnd' v.xll mrlmi: ‘m-th thc [)nmlnilm rubrld) c l 530†an 141301 -A" and $2.04) I." ul‘mim- “Bl" hogs and thc 1'rc,v:twoa'. Govtrturir1t subsidy as Indwului "hoc,. Thr Provincial lhpartm, nl nf Ammullurv has) nmdv :u‘rngnm-MS to reimburse the. Dunn'iun (harrnluultt to Ut" 0311'"! I f th: ;|!m.luz1 of [unvinclul :ul‘w-‘u _ 'qr pun‘ Iljth, an Duyll‘HXl “H121 I141: gram- -A' arudr "Bl "ptuatiom . pd); Oct tun: an": Ration _ Coupon Due Dates 0lean now good are butter 54 to 58. :ugnr H to M; present-5 DI to Dill: ttu-comer " to 29; Et to E6. and T30 and T31 'r - u? and e:crir! hr f v.ill xnrlmi: 'ooth rubrld) sl 5301! ':tl $2.00 I.“ 'tratio "Bl' l’rnvmmh'. Gun Inn In men of tr.:, change. it will nu lung: r h, I4(-:\.’Iry fur inurin hum-rs In apply fur Ilu, provincial :uh::-.E\' ll“. I‘m-p marketed on or :afll'r Ann] lth Subsidlrs 1-H imp. "1.111(1wa h.~fuh- that (Entl'. lt..tr. rm r, “I†lu- laud tuulrr Ilw inruu-r sW.ctrttr cf Hum-l .‘xymluu'mn In tio. Hop, Slum-1;. [Jul-It a I'arlirocct Bll!|llll".1\ Thumb. _ Thu f", I.. Ix . tl.: " , 1' 51:.)n I pl If :uhruins m , nu nnwunl at tlu. time tho lzrudug ccrtificutc ty Ft-- totturt lr, tht, Lawn-r wtll In wrf, rum“! h} the. hug [erurlut'n I: ot' Onlmzn- .l~ n Inn-m".- In " ttttT- T111 '3. x It . tl r of .1 I I,\IA t td 4 f, lll0-M00r-uWass .cttlr.suiuy u: tn! :umuum at tlzn time tht. Hindiâ€: co-tif/te. Is raw Mum rl iv â€in fux'vnrr v.ull h- "r'-, ee__-__ee"-w----_ ----- . mm“? m tht. hm; pxwfuz'x I: ot Mr. George Dunbar. Chairman of Ohlhtzn ..\ " “MN" _ 1., it ttttl- ths. (‘mnt-ral Sales Section of Wa- uh '.is mm; |;|‘..~;.1;.m " Itroctziurt'. 1 tt Hon North National War Finance undo-r 2†mu pt" Vt Mam." If thr, (‘v-mmitlna annuum-r-d this morn- “urrmxi "t thr. Lack i: th" only mg that meetings of tho fourteen "ction ran-(Mun) by thc farmer iniWittorloo North sales teams have urdrr In new“ Ln suiridy pay- hm~n completed and enthusiasm tr.tmts unnmngst the salesmen was higher Hum in any prvvious campaign. Each Child Ill p,rado five and “when: ml! hr asked to complete a worn. shret each day under the teacIu-r‘s uuidunrr-V As the Pom- "rtittcc " Inn-rvstvd m th" survey ‘only from a statistical viewpoint. no numvs un- to appear on the score shots Thus all children are sparttti any crMurassaumt, Inspec- } Inr Blrhl stated Children Help In Health Review Butter ruupunh 54 to 57 expire April 30 All (I ti, t1tllcwtng (‘I'uDImS In an vil‘url In gum :mur nit-u of, lhl- "lmullh picture" m my homes, the Waterloo public school board last night decided to conduct a sur- vey m public schools, In co-opcru-t tton with the K-W Nutrition Coun- . ol. leunl that tho school survey he mum» Ib,us prmvntod hy Irtspoc- lur F. C Bi, hl. Mauluriul 11>in m [he surw-y wtll be prvpurl-d by thr full-rill depart- ment of ppnsinns and national hralth Twm Cm mm district ream-mm Wrt'" s'umud, Munch-3V wtth tit" nmw thut F0 Rah: " Wayne Hun- ‘rh-rir'ly pf “mint. hm hum lePd and FYI Hut (.‘unlan 1%ldfong, "I marl») Sumzv "in I', unsung. fol [mung :m '-t.trrli'rt' Fo Hon. Worm um u hrlthrr of Behind "Iontirrueh, hf Thr Star. Tnmnln "brih 3'"an Inc n Wrrt, 22 years of mg:- Entire District Stunned By Report at Two Casualties A mvmh: run. PO Hm of Mr and ich. andâ€: svrvu‘t- fur Thr Ruth M I!" t' vulnlld III Hamillnn In “NI m " “Irvin.u all" glmnvr Hp Inn-ml at Montrcul und Mmmt Jnhva Qua . nrnrhmhng with thr unmd highest honours In hp .luxs Fur tbts hr was prawn" d IA ith " hronzc modal. Shurtly after graduatum. ho was mmmissmnml " pilnl “Mm-r and portrrl to "" titl t'tritst l‘;m:uh:m squadrnn Att, t came "VlTSlyllr am» your an". FO llundvrich was sttV tinned In Brstam, Gibraltar and North Africa Just before Chris!- mn. he win returned to Britain for thr first r .1 llw unulul “quad ndorlvh, who was a son Mrs John W Homin- T hm! Mun 4m arllw‘ mmr mun " year Ht- It.v0" rusttulry [If thc ole,ird "I “ml-M nun at Montrcul . armhmlmg _,iii,i,),(ihunimte Door- (l 't f. Ttrlhnr4hmrass lt “f Mr. George Dunbar. Chairman of " my ths. (‘mnr-ral Sales Section of Wa- durp, 1 tt rloo North National War Finance 5 thr, l'nmmitln'. annuum-r-d this morn- ouly W'. that meetings of tho fourteen Proposed Plan Described By E. I. McLuughry ()nr-h:iif of tin,- twin clues sales- luzi-n met at Victory Loan Head. -tiuartcrs for their final training ‘mm-ting on Monday night and tho 'ulhu-r half on Tuesday night. and Call of the County District salesmen mus Mternoon, i The nuuninRs Wen- uddrc.w,ed by ‘Mr P. V Wilson and hit-. H. L, Guy. Joint chainm-n. and Mr. Dun- “Actually. Bang’s disease is com lagious abortion, and it results in a severe loss to farmers." ho said, ad- ding that in co-operation with tho Ontario Agricultural College. er, forts will be made to have herds umnunized against the disease through a form of vaccination. Thc ulchnal said a vaccine has now Inâ€! 'itsesiopcd by the college. which it is bclivvcd, will be tstrec- lzvv in rendvring calves 1mmunc to thc disease. Revealing that the serious out- break of Bang's disease among Waterloo hent last year had some "far-reaching and serious results". E. l, McLoughry, agrciultural re- prosentativc. told Waterloo Coun- ty Council yesterday that definite control of the disease among cattle will be one ot the features ot the agricultural program in the county this your. Mr. McLaughry said that the dis- ease is communicable to human be- ings in the form of undulent fever, [ and that several district residents: became seriously ill last year as a1 n-sult of the infection 1n presenting his annual report. Mr le.oughry lauded action of county council In presvntirtg $5.000 toward promotion of soil cansctvaA :Inn and reforestation. He also ox- }.rn-xwd pleasure with tho men‘s.»- of the n-u-nl Waterloo county seed fur. hold at Waterloo, More than mm "ttvrested farmers either took part or attended. and phat-s totl ling $309 xvi-n- awarded, In concluding his report, the ofti- rtnl [nu-d an urgent appeal to tar. nil-rs to Inrrvum- their production “m a war measure". "Food is bad- ly noodod and it's the patriotic duty at every farmer to do every- Hung he can to alleviate the situ- :mon." he declared. bur. Gcrwral Sales Chairman. and Steele Mackenzie, Vice-Chairman "I General Sales Soctlon, All salesmen will hs. attending "w llslvv dinner this evening and lulwu-n now and the owning of Ilu- campaign on Monday will lu. r,tudyurtp, their salt-s kits and their llsl of 1prospccts to compictc thcir plans for the lhn-v-wvoks' drivv. Mr, Dunbar onto morn appmlls In tln- citizens of Waterloo North Um! to support the salesmen to tho hum. of thor uhjlilv. The num- nmm Mun-cun- for thr door-to-door (numpmgn has horn svt at Sl.550,000 and m order that thc ftghteng oh, ].mnm of $6.000.000 for the emin- Unit can he reaehcd, the salesmen arr being asked to aim at raising s l 360.0011 Mr and Mrs Walter “Minna. who rovonlmi today thr) have rv- yrI-wnd word lhmr 22-yrar-old son Ith' mlssmu "flu mr operations, Hun-I lu- was wry-nu M navigator mm an RAF" humhvr whlth left burly Wuinostlu) "vrntnR, Marrh 415. {or " raid an tho My " Mutt- gurl. Gcrmany, "I: wax tho only ifanndmn In tho crtAt hic purrms statrd H new mursv and m a l't-tvnf letter. hu- told n! sprndintt Christmas Day tlsuny nvvr tho jungle, of Africa to FM hr“ post Iluuxlm " parrnls. he " Fur- uvrd by threw hrolhvrs. Edgar. nl’ Budvn, Rrv Lump C llrmdorich. and Behind Hnndvnrh. of Toronto: two Sisters, Mrs Elmrr SpielherR and Mm Mary Honderwh. 1:1 To- rontrs Whllr nu word has hem recoivvd of the mussmu plnnr and [my of us crow momhen. thr, family has hy no mums ttiven up how that their sun "s sub. ur ot l-m! m (In Dumb "I thc rnrmy Thr your“: navngnlnrk mnlhrr has received an "rncourtrging lrttrr" from the suite ot thr pilot n bride of only ttve mumps â€ml-’1'" _ M"r " "at Ila"! uni-I The United States Air Forces ‘communique referred to the onen- swe as "the air invasion of Ger- many," The more enthusiastic pro- tagonists of air power in London began speaking of the possibility of breaking the back of the German air force in two or three weeks if the weather holds. 9,ttiNr'rut.sdNaAirt» l lla- “may... Although conditions were ideal for combat and the American heavies were terrain: out some of Germany's most vital targets, the Germans put up little resist- ance. British Relief Expedition Cracks Japanese Siege Lines Kandy. Ceylon.---A British relief psprdition from Dimapur has cracked the Kohima siege lines and tank-supported British and Indian troops have blasted Japanese inva- smn [Orccs from three Positions nurthvast of lmphal. 60 mi es south uf Kohima. it was aytounced.today, Breaking through a series of ohstucies. British troops advancing muthcusuvard from the railway lino at Dimnpur established con. met with British and Indian troops who had been surrounded in the Kohima "Bo" 30 miles inside India. and prvparations for a final assault to relieve the garrison are almost complete. it was announced in dirpatchrs from Calcutta. Moscow Says Savage Nazi Attack Rerrutsed at Lwow Lomtogt.--Tho Germans, lashing lell thwcely to save their big base .11 Lwow, have launched a large- scale attack in the southeastern cttrntt of pre-war Poland. and some towns have changed hands south and not of Stanislawow, the Rus- sians announced tonight. but said the vnumy was repuiseti. A 1 _ The Soviet communique. which for the first time in weeks did not rcord some notable Red army ad- Vance. said that in the Crimea the Oprmuns launched several vain countvr-uttacks Siege ot Sevaslopol Tho Sevastopot battle took on more and more the character of u siege. hos, ever. The Russians an- nuunced they were heavily shell- Hut Carmen positions there Sm'uslupol "An Inferno“; Explosions Rock City Moscow.-- Two Russian armies 'tornwd Svvastopol trom three sides today after smashing the last Axis raisinncc outside the Historic (‘nmum naval base, which front Human-hrs described as an inferno fire d by Soviet siege guns: and dist. humhvrs. Military advices said Sct'asinpol7l'0" was thi. last Crimean town in Ger; E mun hands. indicating that tho F Sumo! mum-s had toppled the last drvi Axis outpcsts and formed an un- max brnkon assault arc against the city hill prnprr. The massed Russian forcesSaut. Mm apptuuvd to have nogoliateduai" Ihu- awkward turning of the bay ofl Yes Suvamupnl. a protective barrierAH, pushing two and one-half mik'Sych mlund "lrove the great crimeanliai port. -- VF - -. _ _ "Ch Masters oi Skies Sovtct shock. troops slashing Into the city's dofmmos could ste and hear terrifle explosions. Soviitt plums hovered overhead con- slunlh. In full rrzmmnnd after the (-zmmn- of uullymg airports. _ Thr smatrhcd remnants of the German and Romanian units who fought n rulr guard batik on ttw mulhunlvrn "ppotaehvs of Sevas- In“! “Mr falling back Into the at): Inning the plain ctuttcrvd “with dcad and wrvckptt A â€whys assault, l Latvr m tho day US Havors (tA-'20 attark bombers) nssaukod Khulna†nhjoclivrs in northern Frnr.co Annnunromont of this own-turn twontatnrd the ftrst ww- lnhnn that Havocs arr operating in thr European Ihratro and Aamrrnn oer-ruaiiri- mumb- uu Oahu In hunt. “All INVASION" Not " sing!" "Mum! otsstaele nu "mun-1| In the path of thm. Aneirvi Yorrnu'nknk maritime army as it Su'lpl m-rr the "hack door" plain an. r capturing thc coastal strong- hold of Buluklnvn and driving to withm ttvp miles of the Crimean bay pvstvrfia): - . _ . . 'a'fgtat"'gut.n','2%' hhTPdrdN"trf1Up,"ltll'fl a a. baud â€a Baum» liming Balaklnvn. the Gorman mmmnnd massed tts equipment on thv benches to the west. when- power barges and Irnnsports were waiting to take it oft RAJ". and R.C.h.F. Hit France With 1.000 Tons Lortdott.---Sendine out more thnn 5,000 planes, the Allies have blasted a new road toward D-Day hy dropping more than 7.000 Inns a) nxplnsivm on Hitlrr's Fhtropo in the km 24 hours. Nvarly 2.000 l S homhcrs and fightcrs wrnt nut (4-day, smashed Hahn r plums factorws m Germany as a similar armada had done yer trrday, Thr German radio reported ficrcr mr battles wrrc raging as :Nairt flghuts sought to heat off Snmiw-rhod holwvon theso blows “as a night assault on French rail- Urn} mnrtums by more than 1.000 R A F and RC A P, bombers. tho hmum! force (wot dispatched hy thc RA F mums! occupied leni- tory They probably drorpod a [Third hmnnm- " bombs nr tnr. antl- hf the; lulu! RA F Mosquttos also struck at erlm last night. In mo wake of yrwlrrdny's heavy attack on the gem-n gapiul and its nuburhs try WORLDS WEEK W E DN ESIIA Y THURSDAY I in Ger-z Sweep Down Hill On to City hat le: Front dispatches said Gr“. An, {he last drvi l. Yeremcttko's uulcpt-ndu-ul I an 'el-. maritime army was pouring down, the at) hill on the city from (hr southeast m '.1?hcteiiirtirr" cracking a 2.200-toot moun~ "r1Aiateeriii;, pass known as Bmdur Gate m bas.Ul Yesterday this army's drive engulf- ter/tttid a road junction 12 nuns from M t1'y1esy.iiviisidira and five mllrs from Crimean) Balaklavu. $01110 (if the fumctl "Charge of ttu. Light Brig-min“ . IMoving through demo nuncticlds slashing along the mule which the. Nazis ould 1f-,e/!1se1lic cnu-n-d m 1942, It was ex- l Sovietl pected to link up at any hour wnh “d fl'l'if,"e,- Peodor l. T'tmrukiun's 4th latter "t Ukraine army. already liilormg Is-. through Sevastopol'r tuurtncudrs i“?! Ae,; from the north, 1hr dhpnlchvs mid lulu-u. z The drastic new steps apply to Ldiplomats of all neutral and Alum 'countries except the United State. (Russia and the. Bnlnh nmmrmr I wealth. 'i, Moseow..-Two big Rursum armies |wore ruportod nearing a Juncture in the outskirts of Svvastopol to- ‘day for a final onslaught, Th" ‘Irenziod Axis garrison is rcported ’barricaded in the streets after fail- iing to attcct a largo-scalp evacua- ,tion from the burning clly Thought Forerunner of Invasion. Britain “Interns" " Foreign Diplomats At the same lime it was revealed that the Allies have built up such a gigantic air force m Britain that "D-Day" will unleash a striking power the world the m-vor we“ tseforc. But this new step is tin-rely om' of many signs in this embattled island. which hold the world's greatest military secrets. that soon invasion forers will move on Europe. Eire already has been isolated in guard against secrets reaching enemy ears in Dublin. Strange ex- plosions across the channel indicate Germa'n preparations for defence of the continent whilrs Balm an- nounccs that Field Marshal Karl Von Runstedt and Hitler have been conferring on dchmcc plans. Von Runstedt is charged with llu- dr- tence of western Europe. The raid-the first on London in (our nitthts and the third attack this month-started abqut l a.m. and lasted for an hour, Ami-nur- cnlt batteries hurled up a heavy barrage hut it failed to turn away the raiders and vari-eolored Bares. incendiaries and high explosives rained down on the city. At least " enemy planes were shut doun Tho Allied air policy su-ms to m- that of having two pilots for cvcry cockpil and Iwo crows for every bomber. Berlin and neutral cnunlncs were quick to make the prophecy that therinvasion is near alter thc "c" secyritsr measures wrrv announced ber were buried under the dchm A ward housing male patients was destroyed. Nurses and attendants carried a number of the patients “up; this ward toIatep. A policeman said all the nurses rushed to the rescue. "I never saw women work so pluckny to get patients away," he added. 1Some ot_them .w.ere, inj‘yred themselves." up“ - fa" troGii tirseii7irii.seG7ife ., 1e..e.y t!Hteteiety My“! but. [halal hut-Is Buried; Nines Hamil†Prenzied Axis Troops Battle At Sevastopnl Barricades (The Vichy radio. quotmp, a German rcport. said "tlu hatth. for Sevnstlmnl now has hrgun." with heavy fighting talking place. m thc fortitUNl roman oi lho torttt r the use at codes. along with cen- sorship of diplomat- punches. was seen as a striking porter-t that invalid»- time is nearer. All reports frnm lbr from Hull calm! the German (mun-gun! has, rul been able to accomplish " Dunkirk scale cvarnahun. nlthuuuh lruppvd trorps tried to gr! nu! on any kind of craft thry amid tind. lhrnu-inu caution to the wind Snnw INK'llt‘d Turkey in small huah 'Romania' in Chaos an"; interned" "itreGiiiFiuiirii- mac corps oi " nations. An yum-33:5! seeyrity unsure, Eatqtdttgt.-"Rtsm.urtu: " n; rhuw with trains running otrly undrr cover of German mun-hm: munx u: when mande by (h-rmzm rum: and with Sahulnut. tlrmorstrutrot, and clashes bolwm'n van-m». arm-~11 forces occurring treututtttly .. In. BBC said today _ Tho bmndrust said “SS Iroops shoot indiscriminately "t null-rs and at ihe lumps “I Prrmirr [on Anmnosru " Can Expert Earl) Invasion _ of Japs' Kurikrv--knox Wnstttttgtort.--tnv.- “I " part of the Japanrso Kunlr Island rhnm reaching north from 1hr n-nvmy homeland may hr rxpwtut Frank Kn_tyx. [wavy svcjrvtunj smtl today Simultanvnusly Alhmi an and around forcrs reported nu.» sun Possum in lhmr "mm-y ngmnst enemy harm alum: th, Na u (mum: coast Th,. southvu'x! mun.- rnmmum Mud' told of a hruvy hnmlunu muck on Hollandlu. erhrrlumlx New Guinea. whom» :nrdrumu 1trrr' hlnsiod and xupnh mstullutton, {ruins and a vnmlnl \wwl mrr of! Mining Auslrnlmn ground ttttttters who captutmd Rugmhnn. April Lthnv, prugrw sq .I mu mum along tho "totolts road "orittxi"rtl to Maduna. wllhmn mwm-nlrrmu enom' opposition. Australian Im. pd’l’ilf force hradquartrrs rumrtrd Berlin Expects Action (Nathan! on Pu. (I TU ESDAY Guns Gun rd Trains invol and