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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Jan 1944, p. 5

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War Guest Now CWAC In England Three and a half years ago. Do- rvvn Coupe; of Surrey. Eng, game to Canada as a war guest. Ten months ago Miss Cooper came ot age. and immcdiately oftered her services to tho Canadian Women‘s Army Corps, and was accepted. Now Private Cooper, the English girl is agmn overseas. a member of " CW A C draft posted to England. It was a dramatic moment when she met her mother followhu Irri- val oversom, the ftrst time she had seen her in three Ind . half yearn. In Canada. Private Cooper MM- ed in Windsor, Ont, prior to enm- DOWNISG. il BEN “Id Co u.’ ' um"; miErHfidmiii omnyrnllo. Inn-non. um- .f eMb-- " King St. W. "lone 4-0.2 KITCHEN“ inim- Pg""""'.)",','?" Mhuwu. can“ . Ilmlhb“ I... Carl Heinizman (li)W)l)l'S G001) GLASSES Thoroughly r~;ondl¢lontd by Curttri li..§‘l“d experts. Made an“?! Prr" f and “med. Fine appmmmm. Play like “cw pianos. WitVive many years of perteet musical satisfaetion. A " Ontario st. Swill A Wm ,tttly?d, ffr_Aefe._?1o Headache ? Nervous 2 HANDS 21.5 King St. West [Junker Building Kitchener - Ont: Impl- numb“ RUPTUIID‘! Moderately priced. FLORISTS EYESTRAIN Have your eyes tested to-day. “Follow The Safe Way” 1m; ie,er?)i'tlh'rs'itv 91414110; Follow this win In to better nutrition! Gee your l-‘EE aw of "Eat-to-Work-in" NO . Mail the coupon today! - . KITCHENS. tor Ind-II Illul. in m; hum aim, '3" aiGia _-tid to Vino-y may be the cause. Ontario f Mr. and Mrs. David BottVisited Miss Margaret Bott at the K-W (limping on Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Krueger of 'Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Schaefer of Waterloo were Sun- 'Cay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bolo- ,mon Bender ,' Mr. Vernon Schwindt of Toronto gand Mr. Colin MacCully of Glace may. NS., spent the week-end with the foritser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwindt. - 7 / firrdiiirikiii, visited Mr. Jim (Johnson at the Guelph General (Magpies! qn_§uml_gy. - . _ Mr. and Mrs. Sim Weaver have sold their farm on the ttth line of Pecl to Cyrus Rudy of East Hei- delberg and have purchased the home of Mrs. Amanda Lichty in Floradate. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kelly spent Monday with Mrs. John Longman at Alma, . Messrs. Israel and Osiuh Ging- rich attended the InneraI of the late Amos Cressman in Wilmot. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst were: Mr. and Mrs Henry Martin of Kit.. chencr. Miss Rebecca Weber and Mr. Sylvester Btubachcr of Elmi- ra, Miss Elvine Bowman‘of Flora- dalc. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Horst and children Delphine, Elizabeth and Donald. Mi. and Mrs. Noah R. Horst and family of St. chobs visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bauman on Sun- ay. "Misha Mrs. kin-y Jarvis and Elaine were Sunday quests of Mr. am: Mty p.905. Soy-mm - Pte. high Bott of London, Ger- nld and loyd Leuon of West Montroge span Sunday " the home of Mt. and Mix Dmrid Bott. The utmost extent of pronutrte application of fertilizer: is deter- mined by the vulue of the remnant increalé‘ in the yield and and“, ot the crop, ted them" my”)! my mm“... 0. “an..." ... “"7 mind by the vulue of the resultant Auctioneer Edward Goiscl of El- inereasiin the yield trnd My ot mira was a business visitor here on the crop, and whether has“ In Tuesday, the quantity of the applied any Jos'eph Lienhardt of Moyronne. lizer “It in pexsttutrre insulin Sash., renewed acquaintances here in the crop. recently. Mllildn Hay". l9; Willilu St. W Di. Gase's Nerve Food . NORTH WOOLWICH ltr Mn, "all" Imam lCImni-vle I‘Mrnpondom.) “I. thin Bi Tank WM." 09‘9”“ c." Nan: . tdderrs o. E. nan-wood. as general seem-J . . - 2er of Christian Education. Ptes.i- ; midi-‘5“??? as: 23%;? fi','; dent Rttld, ffiltysrn took the Chair $150 was voted to him tor car ex- for tt [met business sesston. 1TiiGTseL _ A special vote of thanks nouneement was made of the stub f was extended to Miss Louise Rita ""11 party ug, be _held “may , for her services as organist, and to ”veiling at Victoria Park. Kitch- the Sunday school stair. Mea. H. T"-"" . :Erdman. Mrs. Edward Kaibtteisch, ' The monthly meeting of the Itlyrs, George J. Hahn, Miss Beatrice IT'. L. was held Friday afternoon at:Steinberg and Mrs. Mabel Hahn; [the school when the following pro- Mt members of the Sisterhood, ‘gram was presented: Ch.ymetr'Artssien Circle and Wallherleague; sung, "This is my Father's World"; Him church' council. the choir and [scripture reading by Doreen Mar- fall others who had given of their shall; chorus. "Fishers of Men";31inie. talents and money to main- ,secretaryvtrensurer’s report; songmun and extend the work of the ;"Jesus Gave Her Water"; memory :chureh. . Nurse taught by Ruth Dedman; sto, , . nos A Travelling Neighbor GiirReeleet Officers 'Richard. Who lives by the Sea'",: . . T . 'chorus, "God is still on the: Trinity Lutheran Church at its Throne"; Story. "That Awful annual meeting re-elected for two Ethyl". by Eva Hilborn; closing,,\'ears _as Its church council the exercises. Temperance pledge and ~followl_na memberng. G. Hammer. umperance prayer. . £53123:- 1u!1aulley1S: Eerie; The U.B.C.E. meeting was held in the church on Sunday evening with Rev. Mrs. Pitman in charge. The openi worship service in- cluded a l lude. call to wor- ship and the singing of the hymn, “The Church's One Foundation" and prayer by the leader. Scrip- ture was read by Lois Shelby. sev- eral presented devotional thoughts and ottered sentence prayers. Rae, Hilborn sang a solo. The topic "Great Leaders of Our Church" was presented. An historical sketch was given of the origin of the United Brethren Church and! its founders. Martin Boehm and William Otterbein, by 'the iender.’ Mr. A. Shelby told of the beginning; of this church in Ontario and A. C. Becker paid tribute to two great) leaders in the United Brethren . church in Ontario Conference, ttti lute Rev. D. B. Sherk and the late Rev. A. B. Bowman. Miss Muriel; Stager paid tribute to the late Ily) J. E. Harwood, as general sect-m» wry of Christian Education. Ptesi- ; dent David Hilbom took the chair, for a brief business session. An-; nouneement was made of the skat- f ing party to be held Thursday'! u'ening at Victoria Park. Kitch- ener. . . Mr. and Mrs. Rae Marshall and family of Hamilton visited with the former's father, Mr. Thos. Marshall on, _Saturdax. - Mr. and Mrs. D, Voelzing of Hanover were visitors at the Evan- gelieal parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. N. E. Dahms last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Perrin visit- ad with Mr. and Mrs. John Waldie at3familtort on Sunday. _ -- We are sorry to report that Mr. William Detweiier is trontined to his bed again and we wish him a spedy refr9yerys, - __ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Becker and ion Douglas visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Romahn at Rosebank on Wednesday. An all day quilting was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs.- Melville Witch when two quilts were quilted for the Red Cross try tre Ladies' Aid and w.M.s. of the Evangelical Church. Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins and daughter Christine of Preston called at the homes of E. Stoltz and W. Dotweilcr on Sunday (won- mg. Mrs. Otto Slower and Mrs. M. J. Kieswetter attended the funeral of thejr aunt. the late Mrs. Peter Straus. at Kitchener on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rank of l Stratforxrvisited with Mrs. J. Lepp i and Miss Emma Lepp on Saturday. l Miss Erma Stoeser of Kitchener was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto.Stoeser. on Sunday, Miss Rose Moser of Waterloo was [ a week-end and Sunday visitor] with Peter Moser. Jr., and Alex Maser. [ Sunday guests of Mrs. Otto; Kress were Mr. and Mrs. Ed., Forler and family of Kitchener. Arthur Kress of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kress of Waterloo, l Mr. and Mrs. Menno Roth and Mr. and Mrs. William Wobrr of Josephsburg were Sunday visitors at the home of Clayton Ste-met Ed. Kaufman was a business§ visitor to Wellesley on Tuesday; afternoon ROSEVILLE I, In: In“. In“: (Ciro-Id. Can-M I, W. J. Kt-tter 40.30-ho Cone-union" BAMBERG ”"511..." ...... “mm. "'"."'"" u. um, Several lendid reels were “glimumh‘ .showl? 'i'vl:i,tF'i.l'ri','iiti guilty 'd ' , . the arvest", " - ea a gy.'.. Jte-eleet Oftierrs !eGyiiiiik5 CA Heritage ye 'dfl'hfl', '""': E. G. Hammer was delegated to isit-fu'" 1944 synodieal meeting, and i'iiie'Alt.rtrt Pauli alternate. Ushers if; pointed were Kenneth Ratho. . Mr 'Rmhl. F. Reick, R. Rita, Wilson l to Jiichler and Stanley Wagner. Audit- 1015 for 1944 are Wm. Murray and m a Charles Pauli. . and; Greetings were ordered te.. 36 and [members in the service of the King. on "mtttat Meeting. The following omeers were elect- 'ed: Church council. Fred Debus. /Jacoty Gcrth. Edward Pfair. Milton "atft. Edward Kalbfteiseh. L. E. Appcl, L, W, Hahn; auditors, Harry +tcinberg. Lloyd Debus; grounds lcommitlcc. Lloyd Debuts, Robert Hahn. Clare Pfatr. Harry Steinherg, I. W. Hahn. Donald Rahn. Howard {Emma John Williams. t Trinity Lutheran Church at its annual meeting re-eteeted for two .ycars as its church council the ifollowing members: E. G. Hammer. G. Steiner, A. Pauli and C. Porter. iThc other three members of the it-ouncil are Val. Zocllcr. C. K. Smith and Theo. Stock. In!“ I "U-‘- _ I) in dt-ies maid "WM ot"riia'i7ii;i21'a'la'7W'%W the allure to hold an wen deer burg In the Interest. od the Mobile h M scam in 1'p.tetttSe'ty, utter Blood Donor entice. to address a T ' the ft,tt"aRt'foiletfvtuh,'gt tttlt, Irritt in mg town hah, The valhe of, a rural Bre-iehtlttg the Ontario Government but the w; a'ttJi,ur,t,'u'rh 41%ng apparatus, avulnblc in I rural dis- deal. pt to get use. iiiiiuit to tht-tee trict, was evidenced on Monday V Ethyglinic would the cbmmitm le- ttguhi,et',n 'tLNtt'IUgi F ll llkeiiiit' I suitable Puree. to hold it li mmot iQ"" A E. Kerr's home m "I. tteg 'gg/bee required number of wus on re. i-T-TCL'--.--...,. The brigade made (he run all seven miles in a tir. mipules. ttnd cw “ESSEN ROAD with plenty of war er nun-bl: in al I... u.-. ....t... n...... Church Has Good Year St. Peter's Lutheran Church had a successful "tar in 1043. Ten mcmbers are serving in the aimed torcvs. It was decided to "ns1all the duplex envelope system instead of the single envelope. The brigade made the run of seven mites in a fe'." mipytey, and with plenty of wa r available in a tank near the house. saved the main house and had the tue under control in a few minutes. The Wit- mot TowgShip municipal leiepty?rte Baden Funnel was used by the (guitar. “in Margaret Culben " cw Hamburg, and Mty neighbors were at the fire to carry out the furnimre in a very short while, -.e.ee-- -_...N..--e- w" - -..-n.nau-IIIIII, .. 0-..- 'r"-.'""' trt-tsh-beers tut"Ti=T,'CErG'k".Tl'lll'K: "tt!liliit!iilifi2i,i,itt,ii, ;puc,, W. Prr who a-attetat "In: a. In. A. . .lumh. fgegft"ttgt"dfa"gtfir ".3,htr.th,A,rittat.C.tt." but. who t1tl5Farcitai7iairi7iF7GGiC .'ttegStggg'lt.'ttg21iiii2ei1iiia, In!" 'llh1Ttl'idt,d'ttlri'fN1'drt them $6mrN-l"'GhiGi'ii7iaiaiiriaa' 2K.tgmittt,A.rBmssaserslbrrC. bur: tot m4. he g-gt-tttrg. m-ter-et-eager. MUN- t%GiiiGiC'r, A, Mt. F. out. were heldecvthI-numh-th-Mh-flvudnr. "kahuna-1m. Jnmwkvthh- tu?""""""""'""""'")'. lone-Manchurian“ If,':".'. um. [about in: E ' an; 2t.'thr.'r'ttgt,tecl The In! new! hr 10.“ "W 1'f'lr'a'r.'lt"oua---, A. . P.'et of Km... T"gyi m mi aa. u to: mu m: "if" "no? haw. l", ' 1riia'"?r"d' ra water Human. new: has». AM ttth! Goo. “at I G. wamer, Convene: of , Luckhu". I“ tt.iay, JUtteet ltt='.tdt'.' W. BGG; heesA.R.G.tknith;it ET" . and J “mm Dug. . “.11).. ..._ ml let J “*in 'ttimtlng Chg, eiUors. The annual congregational meet-, The fourth annual meeting of the ing of the New Hamburg Baptist New Hamburg branch of the Cana- Church was held last Wednesday Idian Red Cross Society was held in evening with a good 1te!,'.yteci,ttt, town hall with a fair attend- Bcfore the opening of the business ance. The ttnarteial report for the Henry Aldrich 1lilarmtsalhnse With JIMMY LYDON Charles Smith - I“. “So This Is - ADDED ATTRACTION - “Valley of Vulhhllg Men" The Gang’s NI Here Washington" Lum dk Abner "Naska Fri. lk Sat. MATINEE WED. - Continuous 2.to lt.M pm. With m: an... 5 as.» an... Onion" RICHARD ARLEN ALICE FAVE - ADDED ATTRACTION - Adults Mr plus tax tlll 5.30 mm 10h Liul sta "ink in The Farm Radio Forum held a largely attended meeting In the Libra-y “all on Honda)! evening " Eta. Due to the death of Mm. Sehneiler's mother at Ottawa, Mr. waned Schneller of Baden, who was to was; the chair. was un- 'lgeif,tl'l,f, I ' nt. His place was acceptaby Bued by Mr. Ellworth Bean, who welcomed those present on behalf of the committee. A very interesting programme was heard over the radio from the Farm Radio Forum of Toronto. on the subject of “Farm Finance". Re- presentatives trom all .Canada spoke on this important subject and the general consensus of orinlon was that tumors could not nnnce without assistance. " machinery and other modern equipment was so expensive. It was a so pointed out that crop failures were some- times the cause of farmers' incomes being low. The thtctuatittn of prices made tanning precarious. Btattillz- ation of prices was important, as no matter how enchant. a farmer may be he cannot produce below cost. The work of the Credit Unions was to assist the tanner with short and long term loans. The Farm Loan Board in Quebec has proven very popular. Charac- ter was s vet? important factor in the making " loans. prominent member: of ,','.ht,',t.gtr. forums. including Henry wrnnn. member of the Wilma! township council; Robert Sehiedel, secretary at the Southwest Wilmot Farm PPP. and Mr. Raster of New and 'soifcmtseevatiU". At the conclusion of the afiendld evening and pIogrmme. to lowing a violin solo, “Polish Dance" played by .Walter Trechrob. accompanied hy Miss Bowman, Mr. A. E. Bow- man moved a hearty vote ot thanks to all who had taken part in the programme. especially mentioning Mr. Phmtstt.yl, principal of the Continuation School. and Mr. Nor.. man Hitt, Principal or the public school, .for their work in showing the films, and the New Hamburg school board for the loan of the lantern. The meeting concluded with the singing of the National Anthem. Following the radio programme a vow fine violin solo "Adoration", was rendered by Walter Tmchrob. accompanied by Miss Roxie Bow- lied Cra- - Meets . " . JEAN PAIKEI 'Sim Shift Maisie" ANN 'TE', James Cal. _ on men CARMEN MIRANDA Seyenl_ speeches were magic _by - AD0ID AWMN - IXTIM CM Curl.- 0- “After "TO-Mom"! WOILD” With ”nonhuman no: mm- . An Sum Mon. & Tues. NOW THROUGH THURSDAY ITN '.. BW, “In”; Convene: of var volt. 5L..- -_. II": A. R..q. a.mith; lament. In " iii; all 'a"airar'o “Fling; a W’ I N, All! I W" n P. Weber. .......... ,.'L!',', PM?“ u? 1nv.itt Mieror i The pastor and members of the, Lathes' Aid of m. John's Lutheran: Gl'?;;;',';, visited Mrs, L. Duench, tut, [aged and faithful member of the icongeegation. recently. Mrs. Duench ‘is enjoying good health. After ii) Ishort devotional period. wafer, was served by the ladies. rs, Dumoh expressed sincere thanks to) le Ladies' Aid for remembering l er. Vnwruh' t 'u,f,'2'lfi li,Pii Tire' wu weep e n . subty- 't'lyt to so! we. “00.00 to it“; t clinic would the committee te- cure a suitable place to hold it li 'tyo “you !he required number of Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Freiburger Were Md and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich, Esther and Sheila. Mr. Valentine Strauss,' Mrs. Jerome Fritiburger and son‘ Kenneth. Miss Katherine Fritz,' Miss Lam-inc Stealer, Mr. Claude, Freibureer. Mr. Harold Proiburgeré of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Lemar Hartman and Miss Margaret Frei-l burger of, Kitchener. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred iGikGrt spent Sunday with the 1atter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mamet at Rostock. Mina Eileen Hitler and Mr. Herb. Berg of Crosshill spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hackbnrt. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Folk and daughters Dorothy and Lucille and son Clarence. and Mr. Elmer Seyler of North Easthope, spent Sunday with Mr. in!!! Mt.I?.anit'UKyler, Mr. and Mris.NiriiiGT ifGGiiier spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schlogol near St. Clements; Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Strauss and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kellsey of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mp, Jagob Rgicheyt on Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Kropt spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Kropf and Mr. and Mrs. Manna Almhagt Welly-slay. _ - Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Rooder and family of Heidelberg shout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lips. Mrs. Roy Jaiitzi da -iaiTiaivid " Kitchener spent tho week-0nd wily Mr. ytl Mrs, panggl qult-r. Held Coming 4 'htyss- Starting Wmlm-mlny Saturday - Monday - Tuesday yThouttands Cheer” " “In home non-cl" {Ciro-I010 Conn-ooh” 'Star Spangled Rhytm” “in: thy shy - nob Ilope . Fred " Dorothy Lamont and man) outcry, m MIRIAM “(INNS 'j/ii';))!,),?)"",, "'t/2tot, ywz'wmm GIG YO U N G JOHN lODEl . DOLORES MORAN ADDED ATTRACTION Until Friday CAPITOL Thur-day - Friday - Saturday [hi-rd ml Fire inking corner Duke and Ontario Streets, JOI- Boal . Wilda McKuy “addition” . Wed-lend” "OR. GILLESPIE'S CRIMINAL CASE" Rich-rd Travis Cohorime Craig Chick Chm-diet In "GLASBAKE" lo the Ladies, Monday to_Frid_uh - VI. Jot-con - Donn. Raul Kayo Luke - Nut Pe-dluo- John Cr-von Willi-u Lindignn ttoth Features --- First Showing: in Kitchener LIONEL BARRYMORE "THE GHOST SHIP“ - ADDED FEATURE ADDED AHEACTIOFV “HMO-afoul My tic wide. slut-m any“ when 'reorM" by the - Couclal I”. W. "co-Inna and fit "no. mCmn-dun and: _ "ONE THRILLING MGHT" Inning JAISEN 'ae.PIP Slime? tO ' Mm...“ "a" "SPY TRAIN" WAR “VII“ but You! In" Fred MaeMttrray Dix _ Run-”I Wide Edith Barrett with Over

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