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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Jan 1944, p. 5

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AC. Henry Fischer of St. Thome spent his holiday leave with Mrs.: 'Fischer and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Fischer. He left orti Tuesday for his new posting at Cal- ', Kay. Jylta. u A _ _ i Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rumig and children of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pigeon of Stanford spent the Christmas " ock-cnd with Mr. and My, John AHtumig. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Wilson and son Perry of St. Thomas spent the week-end with Mrs. Ada Wilson and Mrs. Hilda Hostetler. Pte. Howard Kennedy of Dun- dum. Sask., spent Christmas leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John .Kennsdy. AW. Margaret Thomas of Rock- Clitte Caq‘x'p, Ottawa, Miss Betty Thomas, aterloo and Miss Kath- erine Thomas, Alma College. St. Thomas spent the Christmas holi- dteytys.t_their gouge hett: - The New Hamburg Band was out on New Year's day to serenade the citizens. A generous contribution was made to the funds of the so- ciey- - n A Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Doerr spent Christmas with relatives in Port Elgin. Stoker Firs: Class Donald A, Rich] of Cornwallis. N.S.. is spend- Three old councillors. Albert Fischer. Emerson mum um! James A. Richie! were ”named by acclamauon as Well as the three former school trustees, Lewis W. Hahn. Milton Luft and Clue We- ber and Public Utilities Commis- sioner George E, Cousins. Mr. and Mm. Norman Hill and Larry Were visitors over the ttoti- days with the tormer’s women. Victor and Wilbert in Tomato. Mr. Clifford Mohr of Burnside is spending a week at Guelph attend- i_n;_ in agricultural course at the Mr. and Mrs. fed Stock and family spent Christmas with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. Albert Siegner of Chicago IS spending holidays with his sis- ters. Mrs. Herbert Luft and Mrs. Vigor thpprg, - eleventh consecutive..lerm u we cull held a! the munching. H. " who has given "lent and tidal service as councillor, tut withdrew both nomination ot reeveJnd councillor. giving Mr. ammo: the meveship by we!» union. 0.2.0. htm lllh hm DOWN LNG. " htN and (in A "in! nadir"; .aa.. I. to. WI, LIGHT. muymml. GUAWTIID. luv-nun“. It". “It Mikel-mpg” It III; 80. W. M ‘41“ KITCHENS. NEW HAMBURG Thu-owinbouycy mum CiiEii)l moss [nan yuan giants. “mpg” an gun-Eng. to scrub, are done - ni‘ixiiu919' oiruaridrt." __ Let as Inn-nu the in"! 'art-remove the - and - trom your working man's stttrt-im them ”on! and [tech In Ironlnu! 7 -- _ Twm 0m lAIlllIIIIY But We can HandleThem mom mnamnmnm...uom “Twin Clty'o Bil-1 Gun-en For Over " - IUPTUIID? FLORISTS Cleaners and Dyan " Just Call Gash and Garry I Mr. Clayton Dorscht. Mr. Peter Dorscht. Miss Mary Dogacht and ‘ Miss Hilda Dorscm were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noah ngbb. Heidelberg. Appoint E. Schott Bamberg Trustee Wednesday evening the mice. wire in Zion Evangelical (hutch with Rev. Frank Lawson of Kitch- ener as guest preacher and on Thursday at Trinity [anther-n- Church witn Rev. S. F. M. Fried- speaker. orichsen pf Philipsburg as guest The annual school meeting of SS. No. " was held at the school last Wednesday lorenoon and was can attended by ratepayers Mr. Rd. Kaufman. who served the school board as trustee for the past 31 years and as secretary-treasurer for the pest, 26 years, _reesigryes' Peter Moser, St, was surprised cn his 71st birthday a number of n knives from Waterloo, Kitchener end St. Clements and was present- td with a gift. An enjoyable (wrung was spent in cards» Me- Ccshmcots were served before the “at; departed for their homes Christmiis dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maser were: Miss L'ose Maser of Waterloo. Miss Clo- tildu Schneider of St. Agatha, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maser Ir., and Crtrtily 3nd Mr. _and htrs.A. “phat. Xian-'61:} 3665(5qu is :home od the land. “In. Mr. and In Alex lath-n The employees ot the Hm Felt Boot Co, Lu. m th. mes. pionts of ruminant: Chi-m tto. iutsesmadetot-inthetemno' War Savings cdrtit5eate_ The New Pert juveniles and sun unbeaten 3nd ve hung up their seventh consecutive win is we Swami! 915*!!! .906"? An appropriate beginning of the' New Year is t/tl'nd,ff, in seven! matches in New ft%'t'it'g this week tor four night; that evening of prayer was held in St. George's Anglican Church on Mon- day night, with Rev. A, L Connd of New Dundee as guest speaker. Elmer Schott was elected trus- ta in ‘Mr. Kaufman's place and Peter Monger is the new secre- tary-treasurcc For the past 35 years their was no election held at this school. every trustee was given aL' _acttlarrtation. -- W" Mr, Ed. Kaufman was a New Year guest of his daughter, Mrs. Geyrge page and» Mr, Fttie, Ayr: Sunday guests of Mrs. Otto Kress were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kress and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kress of Waterloo. On Tuesday evening the service was at the Baptist Church with Rev. W. H. Campbell of North Eds-them as guest weaker. . Pu: Joseiir Roth of Bahia}: ind Mr. William Roth of St. Clement’s called pn friends tere of Sagan; ur: 2'att.'t,fttgt'g,'gtt G"%iiik"ib".riG""iaiTi1iri :39... Hannah“..- league. Max 'tauhn, PW god'- kegper, has registered Ive shut- Mp'ti1r0'lN,tt Mrs1aaerBiehisr.atittnt_t" K-W mum-uh.“ Wmmtbrn-o-uh Mr. and in. an - .0 Mroraturvoatoergru-r+ Faa"iuTuGiuitFiiE -___ George Robinson. " Queen Bt. M. " U. I. lbw (CL-click con-Wu BAMBERG it In. Form I The tarm forum met at the Henry M Reinhart home on Monday evening "or the opening at a series of dis- {cussions on farm financing i West- Vern and Eastern Canada. f' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dietenbaker and Mr. and Mrs. Gideon mama-h- cr with Mr. and Mrs - Slrome in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Martin and Nyle with Mt and Mrs C. E. Swnrtzentruber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Swar- tzentruber and family with Mt and In. Emmanuel Roth neu- New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 4teinhart. Simon and Catherine. were New Year's Day guests with the Edgar roger “will at 51.2mm. - The Misses Am} Kid $6235 'ttIles", Hamilton are: holiday wee Httt guests wi 1 air par- fnls. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schil- 'nA. _ U _-__--- - ___ - Mr, and Sin. ltiit"tiiahy and Charlotte of Breslau were recent visAtors Ei'th the y. Bump Emily. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weiler and son Gerald were New Year's Day guests with Mt. and Mrs. Edmund Betehes 1tlroseth, A _ Mr. and Mrs. John Miles until“. the school on 1P',,','gtt M" Leading AW Gerald tamily at Baden with Mr. and an (ini. Floyd Becker was e iGGid rust” of Davidson, Sun. has been " Delton Boshart on Sunday evening. ifot; the meeting and L M. Kaila" spending a furtoygh with his ta- Mr. and Mrs. Quinn tramyeAititreted as secretary. Mrs C. Snyder; ther, Mr. H. N. router. LAC. low and family of Kitchener me! ME has elected trustee to mmeted Et- tor wit be stattoned at Sgt-toad and Mrs. Emery Strome and hm- In" Stoltz. who had served two on his return back to duty n Jan. ily of Waterloo spent Sunday last terms. 1 ttth. with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hnmath- Re-organization of the FP.ytli-, Mr. and Mrs Elgin Wright andi er. lea! Sunday School resulted in the son. Jackie. were bonds? ts‘ Miss Irene Chapman of New {allowing unit-en being elected: I of Mr. and Mrs. Smith o duvet- Dundee with Mr. and Mrs Albert Hon. Supt., H. S. Hallman; Supt. ton. K. Chapman on Sunday. -. Wilfred Wanner. asst. supt. Hurry The local school re-opened tori Mrs. Allan lanai. Grace and Brodhaeeher: sect-mu. Lionel the winter term on Monday morn- Doris with Mrs. Delton Rasher! on Dedman; treasurer. hen iiiiiiitillii; with its full stall of teacheun Sunday. 'pianist, Dorothy Wanner: librar- .namely Principal Itutrt M " Mr. Gerald “igniting; of. Hon; iicyty, .Mttmuerite Veitch and Betty ,town. Mrs. W. Bl Evnns of sit-ad Mr. ind Mm. Eddie much and} Nelsen. Yam! _...d 67mm _ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Otto sitent the week-end with Mrs. Norman Hilgardner in Hanover. Scum-5m ttitiiieit. _ -e-rNintrdiiri.; Ha act and ShiHey of) Ensign wry-e visitnn with Mr. and u Master Murray Chapman of New Dundee is spending a few days with Mr. and In Albert Chap- Mr. -Geratd Hiigar6ner ot Han.. over spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Otto. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hans and Clarine of New Dundee and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hamacher and franiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon HtTaelyrr HI .NetCYetr's Prr. - Mr. Fred Schneider has left for, Mount Forest after spending a few day; with, tyieneherxs - _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker and Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider and Mr. Louis Hignel and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt speprNew Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ja- cob Schneider. T . Mrs. John Oswald with Mrs. Gi- dean Hamacher on Monday. yawn. Jritt0irrGdTdiE ii Tpr. Jerome totem“ of Come-{ tion, Alta., now,statittned " Tot) ronlo. spent the homily week-end' with the Heegott family. l Mr. and Mrs. Charles Remnant yisited Mrs. Sophia Geou a _ trr. and Mrs. John'Sehenck. Ruth, Kenneth and Elwood. of Mnrghili, Edward Rump of murmur wen viskors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp.“ - A_A_ 7 Isaiah Martin on Monday. New Years Day mm with Mr. and In. [they Scale“! in. Ir. and In. C. . trwirhmstmtmr, 'ar) and 9-91..“ w- Mehr'? Mr. and Mrs. Albért Schmidt with Mr. and Mes. Milton Schmidt in mum Mr. and Mrs Dan Jantii of Ba- len EDP.” Eris!” with Mr. Ind family and Min Barbara, 7 -___ JiiiiinaG '.Td w, Neath}: and pygmy 1rt Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chapman with Mr. and Mrs. Olive: Chapman in_Roseviue on New Year's Day. trd Mrs. E. Hergott and Olive. In. Vera Hugo“. Carol, Pluy and Jimmie Me-tt, mm m- ”nth: Len Sci-ell how. in . um." --eiN _""" _ -. -.. Mr. and Mn. I. Walla, m and Joe, were Sunni? Mr. and Mn. Fr: can In Kitchener. Mia Irene Plant: ol the “nail‘ tL Norma:1 tthte In doll?" - w 'e pr. teaching tt our t M 'itrlu, babe..- Id- r. 00 ' Bordmnn and GU Mun-d Kitchen" were "at m with Mr. Ind In. Show“! In” ‘95-'3- iFEheFiiiFiiiEii?), 2'Pdttt'd'Let"fPlt, ar------- nwm-gu-MWWJMMb: dar. _ . H - TttSMP/Meta.."',,".'..'. we...” MteaHMm llltmlln0lllaM. t',ttt2,',1t" 1tatssfxnt-_eth-tittgii" India-nah - hull“. w... Ir.hmnnlm.mh undiluted“ In. thaw) att,.'.".','. I. In"... menacing. tgHilrttg"d'glr'l"glfr.drd, Nun-w-utumunmmu- 'fgd"tgtd'ft'gta,rtt'N.t . alum-uh "dbtmv Mw.mcmmumflmummm an “Wauth-mmwuuw‘mwA-‘mum‘b Tl.',".",,.',,',',',','; 'raso.r. . mmdw.uhL-M:thnpw st'fA't,1,.ttt'gfg.'t'tr, ( MmgutasieBrueee-tdNrrt- 'g."ttpef.".Tt'lu1tt23t 2J1,Th'Au",'." I“. initar, i. tr,,'tu1'e'ttgg.',t 'lSll'h"tr, {LELE‘WMF mutual". (he! #iltme a -. ullt Mt and unit: can In 'rue-mis Mr.9rgtqtt)stn&iae Vanna“: We! Kiteh- met gun a (or days with Mr. and In. idem W. 7 __ - Mr. Miss Eva Jenni with Miss Velma Zehr in Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snider and {may of Waterloo were New Year‘s Day gm“ with Mr. and "Ea-001%? trr., _ ____ - Mn. Ella-bid: Tuiiai. EE'VE 'Jra"iag Jerome tom" and 121ive entott gag)“. A?” SHAW STATION (iii/iii)',',",",-' -""" ' AUU% _i.siitoerruw? 33... be!» h It“. Mr. " In. tr. A. It (Ciro-Id: WWII l Visitors with Mrs. ",,ta,'.'Wdi Just on Tuesday were . Fred IBoclmr and Joan of Kitchener. Mrs Max Becket. Barbara Ann ’and Bruce, Mrs. Lorne Fried. Or- !viue and Kenn. Miss Alice Dahms of Hamilton and Rev. John Dahms of 'rege by spent the Christmas mat with Rev. and Mrs. N. . Datum. Miss Mabel Eastman spent the Christmas vacation at her home in Messrs. David, Rae, Eden Hil- born and Jack Hannah, accompa- nied by Charles Sibbick of Budord attended the short course for far- men " Guelph last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Waldie and Earl Waldie of Chesterfield were among those who spent New Year's Day with Mr, _and Yrs. George, Pepin. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Putin and Bobby spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson " Kitch- ener. At the Y. P. League meeting held l, Hanover: in the Evangelical Chan-h on Sun-) The mill dam has become quite day evening. Rev. N. E Dahms was a scene of aetivity " the young in charge of the iiiiiiA" of otrieers folk: of Baku and WW II”! which was as follows: 'eounaenor,"'yen maxing good use of its Jack Hallman; president. Robert amour Mace tor skating and Voitch; vice president. Helen Potr.tsome hockey. Tee. "tgit?, I}; Illietulrd goazhauer; --------- corn seem a l am 0 tttras-, um. um Ned; mm. a... FIDRADALE othy Wanner. ( ..- ..-, _‘_‘____ _4___ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Detweilet spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs A. C. Becker on Sunday, Rev. E. Gingerich of New Dun- dee made a few calls in the village "n, _Sundny gftemgon. - " _ .u, “Cw-cl. -q...-. K ' “relax-y, Glen Hallman; assistant sectetary-ut-awrer. Mary Knech- ",t'i; pianist, Mm. E. Stalk; ant. p mist. Bessie Hope; ehorister, Clinton Jantai, Following adjourn- ment games were played under the direction of the social committee and retteshments served. The annual ratepayers meeting cf School section No. " was hel at the school on Weaning morn- ing. Floyd Becker was c innan for the meeting and L M. Kaiser acted ps segretary. Mn C. Sum Holizhaué. The opening service was con 2 arJal.' mun“ ducted by Jsek Human. and in} ' . eluded a song service, mipmfe' The me.mtters. ot the Mennonite reading by M uerite Veitch and Sump; Cutie held their January sentence prayers. “$13“; at mid: his} Aid u, l , e vange It: I my; tpt, ,',1,'psr,e,',tefie,Tta',f , quilting at the home of Mrs. ' ac. Snyder ot Kitchener were iiiiiP'itt 2t 'st, k f Kitehe _Y_ear's_ D_ay_ yisitors with Mr. and M“; u... 'u'he. .11... u. ff: Swain: who received word 61' the death at Blenheim ot her sister. Mrs Locke. Little Mary and Margaret Tunn of Preston are ill with scarlet fever at the home of their grandparents. Mc and Mrs. Clayton Swan: Donald. Glen and Mary Anne Becker spent a few days last week with their grandparents, Mt and Mrs. Ezra Becker at maintain-g. Agr/ and ms. H. Sehreiber and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schreiber at Galt on Wednes- day. The sympathxegf the community is being again _ w_Mn. fmtrtyn iak1iadtituktttt.s-irot 111g sympathy Ist thgcomggunity' The and” Mil CIA-5h; . ItSatt'nto'TriNaqrtlt$Mlrilrili't" "tte You luv You tear who I - To”! l The local school re-opened for the winter term on Monday morn- !ing “in: its t,hslad of teaches; name y Pthtei 'tutrt W tum-n. Mrs. W. Bl Evnns of strat- {ford and Miss Marjorie Timrd of ‘Hanover. f The mill dam has become quite , gang gt gctivity_ att ghg ypung The Evangelical Ladies' Aid held a quilting at the home of Mrs. ' ac. Spies, Tuesday. . Mr. John Motte of Kitehener y?ent _ 93g _ho!idny with Mr. and Misses' -truisit, iiiiriiCGrFern khtttw_iter an; unending Bible Church. ' KitiriiGieF," be'méiFe'é months _ Mr. and Mrs. JItlr, Pusan, Strasburg are spe a w ays with Mt and Mrs. 'ISU/ll Bow. Mr. and In. Hilton Huehn. Mr: and Mrs. Herb Kritz and sons, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Slabbaum and family. Elmira. were holiday guests with Mr. and Mit. 1saay kichtl. --e- min of mm add yteiiiitfiiia" Miss RutriMusseiman, w. and In: Munro laid at Kitchener. Mrs Mtge Mtsptysiman,Atettr, not! Mrs. KAeviaiCiGitin of near Eanira spent the week-end with relqtives and friends here. Mr .and Mrs ediilerAino. and Patty visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Shana. Kitchener. on New Year's Dill: - - Misses Salome, Priscilla and Se- linda Bowman of Galt visited Miss Noreen Lichty on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Shoemaker. Norma and Verna. Mr. and In. Eimer Brubachet were holiday guests ot Mt and In. Amos Shoe- maker. Kitchener. Betty. Joan. Graham. Donald. Warm and Clare King. Kitchener, Miss 'em, Bolender of Preston, Mr. and rs. Allan Reuter and t"it Lee of Oshawa. Mr. and Mm. C. . $joehner.fMndrs, Ruth Ann and John. . ff when; an: 'tiAfc s t w pu- em Mr. and In John Samuel td,,hghUtt "tggtt',,'llltge at we: new v with Mr. and Kn Lumen Swa- tzentmtter. For me than Mr. and In. J. {loin had _no} [leg-yd tet. when Snider ot Amman!!! on Mon- day with the . mother, In. Ed. Snider. Flying otneee C. a (Ted) Snider, who has been m- tioned at Edmton arrived on Tuesday for I visit with his mo? the. were 2d,N was; iAit0diGiiii Mrs. Israel madman. Limit. my Cine left Sunday evening for Brandon after a two wetks' holjgky with Mrs. Claus. Deuwiler are “MT: Bible *ttool at tty, Fast End enmite theze 'e SI!- stationed bu? in t-cttiistmik they received word that Walter tangy-rival “killing”. 7 " In. Gert.- low-In (amid. W) The members of the Mennonite tfr. ant} Mrs. flown King, Jag: wd arrived late!) in I . rlitght-Firut. end 'le',ttun:e,,, I Local patrons of the but ope-b ing through here to the Twin City for a year are greatly inctmvem icnced and very much dissatistted pf it discontinuing to operate that the New Year. F School re-opened with the for- ,mer teaching Matt, Mr. Martin and ‘ Cpl Runell Strain of Camp V paw-sh. s t. Align Belle of 'ii'i?id'iiiitttt'e'i'ti'4 Joana! Camp n spent New Year have: at their mum Sgt. Roy Stroh ot St. John, ".3. ‘nd Mines Ruth Arhmn of Nit;- ara Falls and “nitric Stroll of Kitchener were holiday guest; at the home of Mr. and Mn Melvin Pte. Charles Jones who had come east tor his late father's funeral. left on Monday to join his unit on Vancouver Island on the Western Coast. yyseeuti.ita . awuirukriiiiFrtiir. Gnr. Maynard Gin has returned to Pet-wows Camp after a few weeks' leave " his home. The New Year's Eve (roll: at Trail’s End Hotel was exception- ally, will [Embed cob Kienzfd. "iirritiariiG My -- staritd necessity repairs to turn tt into a storage place for his motor vehicles. Home knife ovkitie- is??? t tdll"; 5mm Stef ot Bank» ' m any heap wt: . In Yetr will!“ " t,itehgitt ot his bettter,Ame_r 9nd In [Wick-ad. Mr. Sol. Kirch reported he it the new owner of the old Township Hall building recently purchased from the twain: council by JI- roh Kipn’lo Mr in}. h.- gin-ml- Mr. and Mrs. John T. Burneui were week-end visitors with EI-, mira friends. ‘ township, on Man; in will? Cfuriiiauia5a ['t?rhitl't',edi9tfi'iitiPP.- 3th , '1r.Phamqgtdehitr-iiri. b'th.uMggtuhUtt2g: 'i'lhff'll'lrlgtrtlt"N','l tttr a no. rtu'gi"tht.p.tttgetpT, written the 'r/ne,' up to hue- .Koett m.: the agt5tdtahttlA,tttt; flEaewmmmmwm-l 3 Ifit_tttpoh,trotatsiveusdis. tritedyttbaptttttoustttrthe ODD CHAIRS BULLAS TRADE-IN STORE VISIT BULLAS' 92 Ontario St. South BEDROOM SUITES Complete line of, Used Furniture a.,a','tttlgt-. Juli. Run. an Inn St. The best in Used Furniture for years'. Gtndrw Inky. " David St. KITCHEN FURNITURE RADIOS AND S'I‘OVES KITCHENER ll fller /tst AND 10M“ mm“ Miss Pine, again in charge a prin- cipal and assistant Wave]; Bob Kirch, who recently had received his discharge from the Air Fame was called to report at London tor army service, on Tues- day. Schuster familiéé 'oi -doirautGG were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin thinner. ily have moved £01ng "iciâ€" cently. . Woolw'kh Council's Brst meet- tnd will be held on Monday at It Aad may. m. hr “at “what-mutu- admttt_thterNeist_ human-think.“ ”kahuna-baud.- he“. be“. I hwy a: to Nth". Maud-to on“. " Chiba-DOM. .Iumnw‘h out“ Mumhmhm My. and Mrs ' qyart and mm- DINING ROOM SUITES Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES “I.“ EYES!!!" sum Regularly No. " BED SPRINGS Phone 2-0301

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