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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 1943, p. 6

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Powt.- 3 to 4 lbs. 4 to 5 lbs. Over 5 lbs Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Country dealers are quoted on graded eggs, cases tree. delivered tr. Toronto: Grade A large ____ _ M to 00 Grade A medium _... 32 to 00 Grade A pullets A. ... " to 28% Grade B ..V.., '"-.'. ._.. . 30 to 00 Grade C .. V PN-VV" .__p_r_ 27 to 27% Note: Above prices tions based nn closing Spring Broiler}: t% to th lbs, _ n. to 2-: lbs Grade C '.VrtN-.. .ivp_r_ 27 to 27% Note: Prices on tarmers' ship- ments are 2 to 3c per dozen below above quotations. No. 3 CW. oats PFrt -___. _..'. .. .59 No. 1 feed -'mrm._r'_F.r.etF..rtrtmw.rs.. .59 No, 3 cw, 6-row barley _... .72 No. I feed Manitoba barley .11 No. I feed screen. per ton 2750 Ontario natural corn, de- livetéd Ontario points ....t.i3-t.19 Ontario grain. approximate prices track shipping point: Wheat 1.10 Oats .50 Barley .. H F .60 (Country Truck Prices) No. l grade .. ..r.r_rr., 34 to 00 (Delivered to Toronto) No. 1 grade _r.r.. ... _-. 37 to 00 Corn 'e".. Rye .__.ete. _.. . .. .. Buckwheat tttrr' Melting barley Milling oats _ T Following are Wednesday's clean ing nominal quotations on Toronto glam transacuons for cutlets, prices on bass cit. Bay ports: No, t Nor. Manitoba wheat 1.06% No. 2 Northern wheat,.. _.. 1.03 No. 3 Northern wheat ..Frr,-t 1.01% No, 4 Northern wheat .____r_. .99% No. 5 __rrmN... ."__"'_re_r"r8Pr-eemrm.ers " No. 3 CW. oats "PFrt -___. _..'. .. .59 No. 1 feed -'mrm._r'_F.r.etr..rtrtmw.rs.. .59 No, 3 C.W, 6-row barley _... .72 No. I feed Manitoba barley .11 No. I feed screen. per ton 2750 In the poultry market the sity. nificant item of the week was the announcement by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board to the ef- tect that ceilings would be eatatr- lished on wholesale and retail prices on live poultry for market purposes. The order went into ef- feet May 22. Wednesday at Me tor grade A large to the country dealer. 08er- ings to the Special Fromm: Baud last week showed un improvement over the corresponding week Inst ycar. Up to noon Friday otrerinas {aria days were tive can in ex- cess of the like I942 period, white for the. entire week offerings were twokcars in excess of the like 1942 wee _ WEICHEL HARDWARE " Klng St. S. WATEILOO WIN'rwon'rH RAIN? 'dt. AUTO Sun-LY Co. to: mu St. W. . "roams: The chcese "um: continued ttrm. The pnce was steady " 13% cents. However, altering: are still very tight and not nearly enough to men the good demand. Butter Fun: ht Toronto over the holiday week-end. and held Wednesday at 33c “I In! grade and 30V. to 3153c tor second grade The market showed a stel- dy to ttrm undertone. Gliding were light and demand In: sum- uem to move arrivals without all- tkylty. . . Pom-hpndEy trading in e“: um Stry, (angel. as p_riees_were steady PM.” Poultry and Eggs gelling Prices to and: - Churning Cream (Nominal Prices to Shipper) - _ _ -- Dressed Select "A" Butter we?! w" _unctyae? Toronto Grain by prompt minoe npoin and con-hunt Notation, Paint ptohch from Bun. moidun, run! and rot. Your caa, Point deal" In an 01p." advise: on all in). of home "pair. on will on a point Ipoclnlill who hand].- pninh and finial..- thot on famous for quality. oot tho hehit of dt-u-tns, you! "petir problems with pour C.GL Point doubt. and when tho job nood- pnint. nmombu “with. handl- top quality paint. and lint-ha for any hood. A large .. A medium 5 pallets [ POULTRY 27 24 26 28 37 32 30 in ht sales. to 00 both sec- to 00 to 00 to 00 to 00 to tooo .70 .70 .52 Avoid wortimo ”Noun-Ion!- The Woolwich and Wellesley tawnship Sunday School conven- lion will be held in the local church on the second Sunday in June with an afternoon session only. LC. Ed Ivan & Niagara-on-the- Lake spent the holiday with his par_ents,_Mr. and Mrs Oscar Israel _ Geo, Melitzer spent tilt-1131353 week-end at Brampton with Mr. an! Mrs, Howard Allen. Miss TeaidairsisGiiUe week ertAat Siyrlph. Mr. Wilkins and Mr. and Mrs. Steller and son Jim spent Sunday v ith Mra.anti Mys. Porgy fipider. Pte. Bruce Price of Sidney, N.S.. and Miss Playford of Elmira called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B, C. Woods on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller and daughter Ruth and Geo. and Wil- lard of Camp Borden and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods, Grace and Nor- ma were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Hilbert Reist. Mrs. E. Hampel spent the holi- day week-end at Ayr with Mr. Hampel of St. Hyacinth, Que., who was enjoying leave over the week- end. Mr, and Mrs Walter Knarr were Sunday visitors at Kitchener at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knarr. Mr. and Mrs Harold Sugg and dauihler of Hamilton spent the rage. "rndpsri!h Mys. Alma _Sugg. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brydges and family of Guelph i't.'i"l the week-end with Mr. and rs. Chas. Marriott. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Letson and family spent Sunday at Conn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Her- non. Cream. solids. No. l 33 to 00 do No. , (nominal) 30'i to 31% V Sheep. 100; good to choice lambs No. t and No 2 skins quoted tir 31515 T Crgpmery punts Came, itto; “whim uteri, $15.50; ‘medium . ds, $14.50; strong weight sausage bulls around $113.75. New, colored (nominal) BtrrrNAr---H?6t, MO; 200-210 lbs: “tangles! t?ifs, $14.75 down tis. Veal calves-tis-tio tor choice. other rades downward to $11. 'lfiW.%1' few sawing lambs, " mm. sheep-tHt . Hogs-9t6 75 dreasedweight WEST MONTROSE Prices in the trade were: Cattle -Weighty stem, tu 75-313; butcher steers, ”[41:25; beliefs. 311-51175; butcher cows. 88-810; runners and cutters, 85110-8175; 9911:, 915-311; fed yearlinu, 31% Calm Up Si) Cents at Toronto Inves'mock market WM, About too head of cattle were un sold " the close. prices were steady on club: t sheep and tamby in use. on Second" grade Third grade _ Quotation: to Retail Trad. But-- Veal calves war We PP and Dairy Produce BUFFALO LIVE STOCK By In. B. C. Inad- (Chronlclc Cone-nominal Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES llama-r11 35 33 23% to to l Elsewhrrr along thr, fhoui haltlm lmr. Snvivt artillery and mrplanrs hammvrvd m vrrncontrattotc, of ”II-my tanks and trump: mm'im: up In "the front, and two German "u' a-ltucks luum‘hul upon prnnv Sox w! nnlnnry nbjoctwm al opposuto cntis hf the long front wu-ro shattrrrd, said the, midnight mmmumqmv and a svpuratv laroadcust "murder! hy the Soviet monitor Russians Pierre German Line I In Sharp Attaek Near Ila-um LONDON. Sh” spurring m prw hmmarivs In an ”cpl-cud great summor oftcnsiv, . Rm! Anny tr: ups made. a {(-vlor thrust today min German positions on thr wrctrrn from, and smashed a strong Con mun mum rvr‘mmnlssunn- group near Rostov. 1hr Rus-sian, rvpurlrd lmlight _ l Information I't‘gurdmu stwtl " thew rally manning vzmvlws "my hr "htoinpd trom your Agricultural Rcprruitmtatio, sm-d vim-lung plunl :prratur ur Sam! (leak-r. (issued by John " Mantluyd. I'rircctor Crtrpr, Sunk and “Vt-mix Hrcmrh. Ont Drpl " Agrwullunz Purlmnwnl “was, Tumult. Turnu». “hurl: um) In may” up to lhv third work In Juno. may also hr (‘nnsidvrod m anus sum-bio for tho production of this crop. Labour 1wcvssnry for thinning this rrnp may hr rrtluccd by swung at a rrduced rnln por urn- Bttckwurut may hr wwn in lute. as July ls! in many sections of the Provinm: This crap is adaptable tn " wide warn-1y of soils and will yield fair nlurm va-n on soils which lurk in ft-rt'rlin Farmers v.uth low lying “rem or who have had traps (lrnwnvd mil, would 1n- wcll atltiswd In umwdrr Haunt! Burk“ lwul Suyhrans. in addition to pro- ducing a high proton, high all orucrautrate, “In. product. fml-lrr uf pructwulty llu- mum [ruling \ullll' as Alfalfa. Early maturing varie tics may be sown up In ttus rnd of the first work in Junc with prod pmspt-cls of obtaining u svcd crop. Mlllo-l also nllvrs pocihilitivs as " grain crop and is cquul In fol-(ling value to Ouls‘und alums! l-quul to Burley, and should be p.round and used wsth 1hr x‘c-gulnr urn-us Sr "erian and Empm- Millrir, hun- Lectt mm of thc lust produccrs 0f su-xl In mtlu- to hr assured of lhv production of u >H'1l crop, ll is suggenml that Millet: In rttWr1 not Iptrr thun Junr Hitt: l (‘huncrllm urn-1y n not mullublc.‘I After the%rvice a program was Thr production of mum "yr"ihclrt m the Library hall with John from burly maturing hybrids has Kntprvl, the president, in charge prover) prufitahlc pitrtieularly m IA sound film. "The Prodigal EGF. the Western and Suuthrm porhytitilwas shown and other numbers; tf the Provincc. In this cnmu-ctmn' were presented by the Leagurrs it IS intl-rvshng to nous that in :1l|l|.u|1ch was scrved. . (-xprrimrnt munduch-d ul the Mr. . ti . . ' . DAL“ ovt'r " 5-ycar prrimi. 5 h'u'rilsJn1t/y""lul,1t's- 1'r"1rfe,tl ttJ! yielding varietics of Hybrids .sv/veliiriiiii? Noel) at Kitcheher . twice as much in hull-free food per. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Khipfel of new compared in 5 hrAhpVldir1e Fort Erie were week-end visitors Barleys. In order to "Mam maXl-‘wnh Mr and Mrs Fred Kni t l mum grain production, " is rvmm-l Mr Lid" Mrs Fried Kni [lple . month-d that Hybrids hr eljit1cdlrd2'rit1'l'ls'tll a Mr d li' e Ave"! lwfnrv Jun" Ist Information l't'- Kin-blur at Wcll [an rs. stor gaming the Hybrids but 5‘de In PS ey. the various art-41> of tht. Prnvmu' -- may b" "blumvd Irom Agricultural . TI Rtprtsimtutivis _ l sHINTz, STA ON as second (Home. If sin-d of the Uhiouvllor variety " not available. _Tht' pmdurlmn of glam can) In order to step up the protein cr,nttmt of homo grown grains, Prams mar be :nddvd to Oats or an Oat and Earley mixture at the rulv of approximately nm- puck 1'tu" acre. Chancellor, an curly mu- turtng varwty, (100 days) should he given first Choices and O.NC. Nu. 181 0r Arthur, hath of which mature In approximutvly [05 days. Alaska or Carlin Outs 50 lbs; 0 Ad' No 2l Bath y fm ll,, 100 lbs. per urn: Erbun Outs 5” In»; Nahum) Hur- ley 50 lys. H 100 lbs. per acre, The ioilowing gram mixtures are also n-(‘umnwndvd mun in their [Jqucy proportions: If M111 ol [he Erlmn. a "rtsdstam, rutly. {mt rust r1-sedutrt varrcty of Outs ts Handy fur the drill. or Van- vo.uurd. u rtrm rust rr>|>lanl variety. and If n h crdticult In obtain seed If the park" mulunng varieties, It 1s suggntul that tiw and on hand L,. wwn. mm lump. this can ht' "one In-l'nn- Mus Mth This tt, also true rt Norrari, and Vein-l Burl-y. both nl ulm‘h nmltur ulmul 5 days. tater than OA,C. No, 21. Seed of early maturing yarn-tips should be given proton-nu- at the timr. I In Central and Western Ontario, Alurku. Cartwr and Mabel Cats and OAC' No, 21 Burley may be smut up In June lst wnh proba- bthttes of a 75'. crop up to May Mth and a MP, trap when sown May 24th to May 30th In Eastmn _0ntarso tltvsc tdl‘l)‘ maturing \arltclu‘s may Ue sown even up lo June l5th uuth prospects of ob. tuning fair yields In this connec- tion it is Intoreslmg to note that txpenmonls conducted at the Cen- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa. (ver a 5-year period on dates " :t-edmg gram crow, revealed that Barley sown on June lst gave an) average yucld of 34 bushels per at“. sown on Juru. t5th---29 bush- els and July lst-M bushels per acre. Bally maturing varieties of Oats sown on June ist gave an avvl'agv yield of 45 bushels per acre and un Jum- 15th an art-mgr yield nt 35 huslwla Pct' ucre This In- tormatmn reveals that early mam tmmg Villmlltw of Oats and Barley may be mun m the East up ti/ Jung 15th with pruspccts of otbtain-i, mu fair yields, I Many farmers, who have been unable to get on the land owm‘ to cxcestnbe ramfall. and those who have drown-out areas which wtll have to be tetuedcd, should gum cuustdetatum to sowing early Ina- tunng yarn-tum of oats and barley, also to coru. wyboavu. buckwheat and Millet. Admittedly ywlds may Pot be as high us m the case i?) early sown crops, however. the use of high quuhty seed on a well pre- pared seed bud together "sth present favorable moisture condi- tions, should help to bring crops on rapidly. thereby cramming to a degree thc disadvantages of Suw- mg spring gram: gt this late date Early Manning Varieties May ht Be Sewn KEYS MADE We Mel Ill make: of Att Kl... a. L. IRAUN no In; " B. LOCK. Tl. WAT-[LOO 1M! 01:9!!!ng lmpl'mwmrnh m Im'nmnhvr tlr. sign on thr 1'urradian Nahum-I Hallways .Irr Itrodttring lrcttrr road prrrormuncry A mnvrmvnt of Hum hum n! frrught unn mile whieh m mu roqulrod vrmsurntAion of 12ft pounds of "ml, was performed on the CNR m lfH2 with I“ pounds Mr and Mrs Jacoh Crossman urn- m Elmira last week where the y aunndvd tho funeral of the [win Noah Shoemaker. Willard Crossmnn of Preston, [\nlu‘llv Kmno at Blair spent Sun- t ay with the .lnrnl) Crmsmnn ttttn- " Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Kratt and rlaughtvr Edna. Mr. and Mrs. V itcd Kraft nf Kitchener were Bun. day gun-n at tho Sam CrPsnmln hume- Simon and Catherine Reinhart \x'vrv n-con‘. visitors with friends 1Kttchorwr, A number of young people from Inn- wrn- lIl Hamilton on Sunday where they unendt-d the Luther Logue Rally Mrs. Stan Harnack and Murray have returned home after spending two works with her parents. Mr. and Mrs John Snwa at Fischer Milk John Schilhlik of Maryhm spent Mv-nduy at the. Arthur Kramp home Rik-on Reinhart of Kilchencr spent the weekend with her par- rnts, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Reinhart, Matilda Reinhart of Kitchener spl'nl Sunday with her father Gott. Ilu-(l Roinhurt ‘ Mr and Mrs Chas, Schnarr. Mm; (Horn Svhnurr, Miss Bella Sc hromlrr of Kitchener, Atwood Schnurr of Gall and Edward Kramp of Waterloo were Sunday gut-sis with the Arthur Kramp family. Misrs Olive, Home" has returned lmmv after spending a week with Invifmlr-r. Mrs P. J, Bruder. George Wilhelm, Mary and Lorne of Kitchener were Sunday ”sums with the Joe Hamack family Anna and Frieda Schilling of Hmmllnn. Alfred Schilling of Blair wore Sunday visitors at the Arthur Kramp home. Ptr. Stanley HarnaCk of St, John's MB., is spending two weeks' suck Ia‘uvt' with his wife and son here, , Led by Rev Erdman and Rev. {Kl'uumcr the Leagues marched who the church in a body singing tthe hymn, “The Church's One f'cundation", Rev. Erdman preach- mt the sermon. he was assisted by In v, Kmomur Rev Erdman point- ut out the value of the Walther ".cattuc can be appreciated only Ewhen We consider the spiritual Ihtcssings which are brought to the ‘yvung people of tho church. After the sermon the candle lighting ser- nco took place. ch Hornack and George Sehnurr of Kitchener were week, vrd gun-us a! the Jos. Harnack hum- Mr. und Mrs. Wilfred Ilamack and children at the Wm. Bitschy Emm- in Brt-sluu. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Bauman and childrrn spent Sunday with tee farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arithony Bauman at West Mont- rose. The youth lit his candle from the “In: candle burning before the cross on the altar, then the candle of the young women. They in turn lit their candle, then the Leaguers placed them on the altar, after which they sung the "Walther League Song". m the Armed Forces by Cpl. Gor- clcn Neel). the young women, Doris [hummer and Marjorie Biesel. the junlor of the Walther League. On both sides of the altar were speaking choirs, all members of the soctetyr The youth of the Walther Lt uguc was prcsented by Fred Kmpl'cl. the ygmh ol the VTgrue The Nith Valley Walther League Julnod with other Walther Leagues throughout Canada and the United States in a candle-lighting cere- lvzony In St. Peter's Lutheran Cnurch. New Hamburg on Sunday Honing commemorating the 50th annlversary of the International Walther League which was found- ct' at Bungle, NIL: May 23, 1893. Mark Anniversary Of Founding The requirerhents tor the award state that “Any accident shall be counted m which the driver's ve- hicle " involved, unless roperly parked. where such 2,'ulh' re- sults m death, personal injury, or property damage, and regardless of who was hurt, what property dam- aged, or who was responsible." Bell Tele honeiehieies in Cen- tral and western Ontario drove 4 472.000 males lust year Altogether, 390 Belt drrven re- ceived awards tor completing at least one year without an accident m MM2, Many of these men have driven safely for more years than are shown on record, for the award haionly begn eranteti sinpe 1932. _ C A Lady. of Kitchener, and W. H, South, of Waterloo. were among 40 Bell Tele hone employees in Central and Vseslern Ontario who rccvntly received the Ontario Safety Luague’s award tor more than tot ”as sate Irteyr, Safety Records Drivers Have Fine Bell Telephone PETERSBURG Hy Mn. II. A. Hen-loll tChroniHe correspondent, acirrGia" B! Hip. Iquit- KIM“ Mrfand Mrs. Lloyd gdhmidt and son Larry of Baden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Helmuth. Mr .and Mrs. soromG-iiGGa'. spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Aaron Bender and family. Mrs. Aaron Bender Git family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Siggcy Rpl_h_ am; family, Messrs. Laurie Ross and George Meadows of West Zorra spent Sat- urday vvoning with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hylmuth. and, family. Mr. and Mrs. Titus Roth and children and Mrs. Noah Roth of Punkie Doodle and Mrs. Alvin Ramseyer spent Sunday with Met- vin Ramsovcr, IO-ycar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ramseyer in a Toronto hospital. His condition is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Helmuth and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swaruentruber in Tavistock. Cqugdllion Fin!!!” Master Willis Helmth spent Sunday in West Zorra. - Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kuntze and Miss Suppora Ridt of New Ham- burg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Allen Otto. June 23. Wednesday. at 1 Fm- The 07m Breeders' Sale of 45 head registered and grade Holstein cattle at Summit View Farm, Bridgeport - _ - For any type of sale, I am at your service, A good many success- lul sales this past winter and a considerable number already book- ed for lute fall and next winter is evidence of my keen study of auction sales. June IO, Thursday. at ttao am. -Valuable I38 acre dairy farm, farm stock including high class re: rush-red. accredited blood tested Holstein cattle, implements, grain and miscellaneous for the J. A. Bryden Estate. Is mile north of Can. on the Galt-Blair road, July 22. at t gil'l‘he 6tbth Breédcrs' Sale ot olstein cattle at Brldgep9rt, _ _ 7 _ Tl'enunr': All». this iSth day of March, 1943. Notice is hereby given that the "ist of lands foe sate tor arrears ot taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of April, ttK3, and that copies ot sud list mly be had It my once. 15-37 USE CHRONICLE WANT ADS. TO BUY Ott SELL lurch. mi. an. ot and. in ar- rean of taxes in the Town of _Wattertoo will be held at my on“ in the Town Hail, Wnterloo. " the hour at , o’clock m the them on the ttth day at July, I003. unity. the tan: and coats are monu- pant To By virtue of I van-ant hand try [be In"); ot 3tte Town-o! Wam- Auction Sale Lint. Treasurer’s Sale of [and For Taxes TOWN or wunwo County at WOW “In . . 'Crf.t,t - ' ' - NEP - . EAST ZORRA A. B. BRUBACIIIR N. G. BOLDUC, Treasurer, Town ot Waterloo, In In. Anon Helm-uh li‘hmmrh- t'orre-otdetttt M 0-61. Jap Bombers Smash Again at Yanks on Att" WASHiNGT0Nl-stxtcot Japan- ese twin-engined bombers returned to Attu yesterday to follow up the surprise attack of tho prevt0us day. but six of the army's twin-tailed Lightning fighters intercepted them and thw of the enemy planes won- shot down, a navy communique re- ensmy sinte May _H. tre, army Tui, of the spécdy land heavify armed Lightnings were shot down In the aerial melee. hut mu' oi the l-ILMIKA - FOKMERIA’ RKGF".NT THEATRE '" SEATS - LARGE STAGE - CURTAINS Suitable to: Chan-h Services. Meetings, Plays, do. (Elmira's only Public Hall) FOR SALE PUBLIC HALL Regularly GARRETT lk EASUN Goverrtmeatt, Municipal and Corporation Bonds. Listed and l'nlisled Slacks. Orders executed an all etrhesrtres Apply Howard Sehedewitx, Lyric Theatre. Kitchener NO 1tFlASoNAm,Fl OFFER llEFl'SED Toto-Io Stock Exchange Ticker Service " King Street West “when: .. Telephone 3-3425 investment Broker. Dealers m Amrrwm: punt: was rcscucd. Mvanu'hiha dvspitt- theJapanese attempts at annual assault on the tmy Aleutian island when- Amon- can fortis haw hu'n attacking. the enemy Inrv May ll. the army troops mntmuvd to exert pressure against pockcts of Jupunluw resist- ante. thc cummumquv stated, C. F. Price, Optometrist 96 King Si. West _ Knew Phone 2-1936 YOUR CE-i'gtygs STEELE'S Plume 2-Ul9 Will! "trot' cognac thoroughly at crammed

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