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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Apr 1943, p. 6

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Milli.“ Download: can: and: was“ CU raitrii'iriiaGCaiaabW. Thu My”... W’m Hon-nun. i+.lPuMhrl steeatrtspiststebhte. Olin-Bum mwmummughm3 UiA_tthqLytttxttittre nearTt lower " an: M - -driirGtiui-rtitr - iiLiit,Yrtttn',t8f4')ll, CtEi.ytt.iiiiii9,d,t'tgt'1te'x UiA_tthqLytttxttittre lower " an: M - 52erLegieet,,tu,',tfe',h,Nt alew medium to - lamb! wait-1mm”. iiueatetttsetmdei-_:>ttif _'.Um nun 81m hum 'tery tll_-Ht3:-!s‘m Market Reports . FARM NEWS AND VIEWS . eronaMerrlBre. -le"'""'ee1T=i-.'.=-t'--i" 'iult',8n'lllMl,'AGmi77t, Elm NATE. on the 'iiiiiuuttmrttuattttqite, It km ' mile. west ot Bt. Jacobs. UiA_tthqLrttrttMttttre he” Three Bride-.01: l"rg " at?! M - "WAT, - 0 wrxmimmstomqdium mme . atew medium to Navy hum Co “mot: {I}? sharp, valcdmwmm. II I mug. “who” wold-‘baymlfiomdnyfi - M ' . ' I Immune“ ”1.5311. tltfrri"ii'ci.iad52.aiiti2ui1ttt'xl $ti-tti.06, ted GAraitiHtMt, . hom- 15 '= out The Muhamswwma.mllbovcmgenenlwm u to. bulk ”Juno”. stoeA- Bay Percheron colt. rhino a m: “emu”. w m sat, thin. , m; mmsxuxmuum -saiiiiLruedjott,iistnCl 'e can gnoc- comm agar“? Block driving In!“ " thi. No. No. l Grade A Iago ..rFP» Grade A m ium . Grade A pullets ...r Grade C ...e.e-.t.e......... It to . Note: Prices on farmers' shipv ments are 2 to Sc per dozen below above quotations. gelling Prim; to Ruin M Grade A large ..m..rr. 36 to 00 Grade A medium .... 35 to 00 Grade A pullets ...... 31 to (I) Grade B ..........me...t.... " to 00 Grade C .....t.....e..r_mm.. a to so Note: Above prices in both see- tions based on closing sales. POULTRY (Nominal Price. to 1trterl Dressed ect "A" 'z-X. to " lbs. .w....pt 5 tbs, and up ..et..._r... Fowl-- m'w ix kbs. ...... ii ii, as; 7.335 ...t.... , to 4 tbe. .....t.tqa..t... i id tr lbs. Over s lbs. BUFFAuX-Hogs. 400; good and choice 180-230 lbs. ttem few 250-300 lb. butchers, 316410.35: Smooth medium weight sows. $15_.25._ M. _ . - - ... "658w. 200; choice steers, $17.00; light and medium weight sausage bulls, $11_2§;31175: _ _ . -- "iiiiidpTiiio;' idea and choice as- 99 lb. lambs. slam-315.15, Hog Quotations Dressedweight hogs Wednesdn were down 10 to 20e at Shifting: dressedweight were down we qt Brantford; 'l"4G"g'lf", were down 10c at Hull an ares-ado welght dpwn. Ire trt PEW- t'lpis.ntpiit,'h: sumac. 31165- 31635; Brant on! $18.40 plus tans portation; Hull. $16.25 plus tmns- ertation; Petgrborguch_ $10.? iGituiidni "Pita-bow - $10.15 plus transportation; Peterborough. $16.2? Plugs " .transpottatitn; W; ton $17 delivered: London. $16.” delivered. The mtket was unsettled hen Wednesday and the close of tnde was reported down ts cents for the week at $16.75 dressedweight at yards or plants. Seed, Table Potatoes Different in Price Retailers are requested by W. Harold McPhillips. regional prices and supply representative, War. time Prices and Trade Board. to make sure when they buy seed potatoes that they are properly stamped or tagged before paying more for them than the ceiling prt3esPet for tableAstoch, __ .ww. REIT "grade' . Poultry and Eggs Seed potatoes. Mr. McPhilliYs said. should be sold for seed on y and any retailer who breaks a bag of seed potatoes to sell in smaller quantities. must park them in con- tainers bearing such Certificate or mg. ANSWER TO CROSSWOOD PUZZLE Ott PAGE mm: Cquptry déalers BUFFALO LIVE I‘LOCK I'M “I. cl MI I M M by [In I'm India“ In (Country Trick Prices) (Delivered to Tm delivered: Londoh. $16.35 m. MADE we my!!!” a C. L. In”!!! no In. 93: , KEEN“ Fain. 3.5600” M%to0tt macaw Shawn toN no; lifter; Croatgeut saw; “es; ' ‘doubletrees; neckyoket; logging {ch-Ins; shovels; (orb; hoes; tools: mt, and my other articles used on a Olin-MM”). l q-hrs-rl-M- 'u.aemg-tBn.dnuetimseer.ty" bd,iiii' hstnxuom to all tt iarfffaAiitritrri_tiPBe! l 'tre-hr--?' hoe seed drill; “in. ma manta; sun tooth eiattt%tsttttyy tedder; , Ir.: _iltt hamrqiit " hoeue-power with rods and mum; 2 can: plows; 4 st'nttte plows; scutner; 10-inch rol- ler chopper; {Inning m_ill with let cuop ' “In"... ...... ...__. beau; 1% [In scales; ant ruck; stock rack; wood ruck; , wagons; wagon box; bob sleigh; pleasure slew; a seated earriage', 1 bone m; covered bum: open bug- a; ' iVtters;hand cart; bag tuck; extension ladder; 2 step ladders; (00 bushels oats; some" mixed pain. 'qtsas.hetU Bloch -- Mellow! cream separator, in good running order; no gallon kettle stove; 2 copper kettles; washing machine; churn; butter worker; van; wash tubs; pails. wash boiler; 140 lb. scales; milk cans; crooks; pans; and kitchen utensils. Fumit----Side board; leaf ta- ble; sink; small rocker; kitchen chairs; 3 beds with springs and mattresses; ropepgd; wiitimtyJesir; iiairirGea iaTiuAreui ' barter, horse iaiC.GGu Se'dd in} and ginowsi tttr tick: and may ot er at- tic es. I 'rERMS--fPat? on (In ot ale. 8240 Top Price For Cattle At Auction Sale The recent auction sale on the farm of Mrs. J. P. Weber. neat Kitchener. was was“)! suecessNi. upcoming to A. B. bacher. we- A large crowd attended the ale which was run " in less than three hours despite the fact there were large quantities of livestock. machinery and household etrecfs, iiiit%iiG Edmond am. Top Trice for cattle was $240 and for bul s 3130. Eatly Seeding of hgetalrles Success in the culture at certain of the vegetable cops depends to a considerable degree upon the time the seed is town as well " the soil tyre in which they are sown. coup ed with the soil fertil- ity. says ' F. Ritchie. Division of \Horticulture, Central Experiment- ial farm. Qty-we. _ . _ Many of those crops best suited‘ to cool weather and soil conditions produce the maximum returns itl the seed is sown at a time when the root system can be established under the best conditions for growth. The inttuenee of the length of day also has a very de- ‘ctded efreet on the growth. For instance, spinach will develop sa- tisfactorily when sown early but some of the some seed sown at a later date in equally as good soil will bolt or develop a seed stalk tt.'most immediately the crop shesld be readctor use. . lear. a! 9enirequantlty Jtleri Auction Sale There are other muons why curly t"itt should be done; in- ‘cluded In th s In the - at In- sects of certain types By early seeding. the crops upon “it lwill be ready tor use and gone be- fore the insect pests become too troublesome. Radish is a good ample of this. A few of the common crops that are considered important to be handled In this I!" include such crop. as lettuce. nun. curb en- dive, onions, smooth pens and spin- Lemme, spinach. smooth pen and radish can be Iown as soon as the soil is dry enough to Pike. In fact, while there are null mull We: of thawing snow nbout at Intervals of, M twtt weeks additional sowmp - {be made for two, mm c I. it bayou-um to Insure If: tum-Ban Ist km. well developed holds. Odom require I mom. cool loll h which to establish their not print to the Arrival of the hot; dry tl"bd " Important “with No Reserve. MENNO B. BIUBACIIBI. 08M]! “MODE. DAVID B. MARTIN. Executor; A. B. “WAGES! Auctioneer. M10" HOFFMAN. "et- J. etc. C 2 eoym.freh Homasfar For Henna Weber, on the (arm situated on the highway u mile north ot St. Jacobi. on mun-mu. Ann. , At us p... ----General Purpose bay team 4 Agni 6 years old,39001bo.. handy put. -.-Had second T.B. test. a.“ is'tca,eIr,itd'g'lfstien due April ts; lemer-H.o tent att April n u no, "_"-'-."'"" -- ""W {Swiss Jersey due Halt, roan cow due June 3; roan ifer due middle ot June; Swiss Holstein due middle of June; , heilers. I year oid. These cattle are in good condi- tion, real producers as young cows. M and P-ttrr--' sows; 13 pigs over HI) lbs.; ll shoals; zoo Hamp- my: pulgeu; to, SuIssex pulley. ""iie%';iiirii'oriGFiGrerits. ' tons hay; 100 bus. gram; new electric cream separator, and other articles. Terms-Cash on day of sale, MININO WEBER. handout. RD. GETt$RL, Auctioneer. “INN MARTIN, Clerk. Auction sale of Weigel Bros., held) on Wednesday, near Elmira, was welt attended. A Urge crowd gath- i cred and being an ideal day to!" Itlt sale. The proceeds ot the sate) amounted to _over $5300. Me Weigel Sale Nets Over $5,300; Geisel Auctioneer 6.553an the making Weigel brothers sold this Anson Gingrich of the 6th Seek Increase In Potato Output Alvwn. lvlv-Iw' .. ___ W'""'"" that there has been a marked de- cline in potato production through- ‘out the Province during the past ‘ten years. While me has shown marked decreases, average yields per acre during past ten years. While acreage has shown marked decreases, avenge yields At the recent meeting of the Ontario Crop Improvement Asso- ciation. held in the King Edward Hotel. Torontonit was point“! gut per acre during past ten years are also considerably tower than for any ten year period during the past tt1fty years. and quality has not improved. During the year MMI. carload shipments to Ontario amounted to 3.289 as compared to 1.139 in 1931. Considering demands and needs liar toodstufts. and the increased mt: which might be secured [from potatoes, as compared to other that every etrort silould‘be made Auction Sale Em" 3312,73; reTiiiGred By 'the' Do- ""iiiGu'iueGirGit ist the situation with regard. lo scarci-txf'qd costs of iiie Tiaiiiee" Eliang' 7_i?43.-_V|;yhat iiiirr.'TiGi'iaervryéeiiiiius" _ and suitable seed, it was the opinion that the otgietive.shoy.tt? Itft ii'ii'iiei"tliGirslfiads rather than increased tau-ease. Recom- mendatioety, were Tee. thug sty- veys should be undertaken to de- termine all available potato ma- chinery. partieu1arir in cm areas best suited to potato JWdllli,t', (allowing by Wu and on- ganization to make effective use of same. either by co-operative or custom mum 313;}: "iirGGiiiroirittt" ave“. ft seed gowing. When ttle, smps dry -iirionowine spinach varieties have been found__very sytisfaetot: raa 'irtiaiiuiLuGud __ ' ale, I veiy attractive criplqul type apd. Notttl " or Surprise peas can be sown very early, in fact, just when the ‘soil can be harrowed or raked. A second seeding of the same type of peas may be made two weeks la- ter, after which the better types of wrinkled varieties, Little Marvel, Laxton Progress. Thomas Laxtan and Tall Telephone may be sown. To succeed with these crops. ob- tain good clean seed and as a pre- cautionary men§ure uni-n31 ttmg- iriiilri ii; iGrrtiieGit 77 and pliant the new. - A . . m' 3mm; iiiiriCa"tGrad smooch truck lea! type, Smooth or.dimpted aged_ed Ile ous disease apply one of the pre- scibed mercury compound dusts as a disinfectant before the seed is sown. Early seeding _cunbtned with goof! _cu]tunl practices will iGGGatismctory rem. DONALD DUCK is: it3aFirniG' LGGiiisr _alreed. . Aiiirpryy yytta? in TI. 'Q’IILOO tttIt-tet illets. . meat grinder with power attach- 5. i', ',ci:/i'iiil,; lag: tttrd', 3':er deem up- agtt."glftd.'ah% e ectrlc am or xes, one hide robe, . _ . articles.:horse blankets. milk pain, chains, Aircrpttman David maul: at F sale. land single trees. Central“ was; ,t.hureltr'Nt incur. _ 2'g"a',r, chests With good can align“. r. . . . r. 3pert r too s, saws. planes. squares; Moody Sarah w Clerk. chisels and other articles. ‘seilr‘ei‘iil'lms this Seek with he: .--r----a=i Grnin and Har-es bus. oats; 1 stster, Miss Garnet Pink and Mr. iton hay. Jacob Nuhn. _ {uranium-Hall mirror, odd Mr. and Mrs. John Fewines.ttt dishes. rocker, single day bed, and Stratford spent a day recently with] MF, other articles. "their son Simon, and Mrs. rowing: 1 At the same time furniture ot) Mr. George Tanner is visiting) eer the late J. s. Snider will be sold. Itriends in Toronto. Quebec heater. 6 small tables. tru-) Mrs. Solomon Bond 'til',,'. the reau couch, antique sofa, dining past week with Mr. and rs. Dr Tso heldFGt table. 6 diners, side board, vid Ferguson of Baden. . In 'es," tiling desk, cupboard. sink. rock- Mr. William Viner is visiting his wd Otth-icrs. cradle, trunk. dresser. two daughter, Mrs. Maurice Evans and day for‘wash stands, 1 bed, 2 single beds, a Mr. Evans of St. Catharines. the trate)-,. complete; 1 bedroom suite, 6 Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDowell I. = diairs. cot. , dozen assorted hitch- were week-end visitors with the 'er. on chairs, electric reading lamp, tcrmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. farm to pictures. 2 toilet sets. several lamps Walter McDowell of Gait. I of Peel, linoleum 9 by 12 It. oilcloth IO by Mrs. William Gate, Margaret - ,12 fr. 9 by 9 ft., several yds. of and Donna of Milverwn spent sev- . carpet. dinner set with gold rim. eral days with Mrs. John Gale. bake trough. several benches} Mr. and Mrs. James McKenzie ' spinning wheel. books, and several and family Til',', Sunday with ' other articles. "te? at rh't,1r'a, Si M to. o imcoe. r. . TERMS-cash day ot sale. and Mn gawk! Ferguson. Florence TUESDAY, All". " nt I.” Will be sold by dttft, uneth- on the premises ot Sch-ab " Lexington. ‘i mile can at airport '6--t general Purpose Buy mute, ll you: old sleigh. toner. single plough. nul- iags, stock rack, hay rack. light let. cultivator, 4 section iron har- row. , top bullet. l cutter, , car- ringes. puiper, cutting box, mun upmmr. double set of lumen. set of iUubie carriage ham... , sets of singlé harness; iron kettle, ipi; hm‘en. 30 an]. kettle stove. gmeal grinder with power trttach- ment. large bench style mun up- ,amlor feed boxes, hone hide robe, {horse blankets. milk pulls. chains. 'rand Single trees Seed growers. like all other farm. ors. may find it difficult to get along this year. not only because there will be icss farm help but also be- cause much of the labour available will be i.nexpeyitrTed. _A_ . . Make Plans Now For Seed Growing In spite of labour difficulties. however. production must be car- ried on. and this means careful planning and more effective use of land and labour. urges the Cana- dian Seed Growers' Association. "VIE Liaihirig for the future there are several things which must be considered aoAactrrd upon? . Auction Sale l Auction Sale t Auction Sale _ Auction Sale Give some thought to the plan- ning of the crop rotation so that the land used for seed production is in- eluded as a part of the farm pro- gram. There are too many seed growers who have to chance the choice of thc land for sced produc- tion. Arrange thc fields so that there will be the least possible chance of the hired man, or someone else, mixing the .crops at seeding or har- vesting limo _ _ .. . . Decide upon the land available and choosc the varieties which the land can accommodate without crowding. Two or three varieties in one field is wasteful of both land and labour. in addition. there is always some doubt about the seed from such a field being as repro- sented. - -- 7 Some seed growers, to operate satisfactory, must reduce the num- ber of varieties they are using otherwise serious ditmrultios are ahead of them ___ KQSi'd playing around with varic- ties which an only in the experi- mgntal stagr: _ AARON HOFFMAN. Clark. EDWARD GEM5EL. Auction“. Feed Bags We are the only bag mululncturem in the district mulch ind to operate under Order MA at the Wnrtilne mg and Trade Board regulations. C0~0PBIATE with Canada’s war (Hort by bringing in your used bags. whether damned or not. or sending them 0.0.0. to the WEISS BAG AND BllklAP CO. 235 Albert St. South WE WILL PAY CASH'. 511mm AND THE WWI lot Bert Cm on the lam situated t mile west at him 'ih--Bay, 0 yen: old; Bol- gun 4 - out "ttV-a Durham cows, fresh; 1 Radon! cow; , halter: and all; 1 Durham bull " months old; I Hutton! heifer; , and! calves. Pre--' small pin; some roam-y. [ Several lmplemenu an other articles. _ Teemrtc_aAtyytjny_ot stu., I'll-SBAY, All“. I " I p... Pun Roy Bond of Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. David Ferguson, Florence and Helen of Baden visited Mr. and Mrs. Hector Macunnah on Sunfay, - -,...._..,. - _ Miss Margaret Fewings of Lon-[states bids W4 don was a week-end visitor .with prices realized her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon tractor brough Feyying_s._ - - _ . _ $1750: hay on: - -iip.tric Jones pf London spent the week-ond with his parents, Rev. C S. and Mr, qu. _ _ Miss Dorothy Bond spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen of Elmira and also spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. David Ferguson of Baden. Mrs. George Bunston spent sev- eral days racently with friends in Toronto. __ - _ _A Cryil" Gi0trs. Norman Ruby of Stratford visited Mrs. M. A. Rein- iwatd on Tuesday. "ifr'éf'Alben Mundell of Kitchen- er is visiting her daughter. Mrs, Maurice McKee and Mr, Edge: "iiirdGrke- -riuiGiirru Orr Lake spggt last geekuat his tyrnettrt; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Spencer of Waterloo spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gilly. -- - -iirssriiirris Wray of Stratford spent the week-end with her par- entsh Mr, and 19.: Pert Ftt.r. . -ii'isrhiG; -didrke of Chester spent the week-end with her mo- ther,_Mrs. It, C: plarke. _ ___ _ Niki-T253 its: VNiewton Allingham of Wallenstein were recent visitors with Mrs. Reid A1iingharn. -- Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Hume and Miss Marlene Tait were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mis. G. Porter of Listowel. A - in? ijim-rc/r" Lee of Atwood spent Sand“ with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. amid Lee. 77 __ - A -fir.%kfitrk. Melville Dunbar family of Milverton visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moclmpngp gt: Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray 'tg','. Sunday with their daughter, rs. Earl Mattress and Mr. Mattress of St. Catharine. __ - A A Bin EEEiiTfTAgiai. _ ' cm. War Effort! KITCHEN“. Ont. m - W I . “In... on the farm of Gilbert Bettnarr. ttownship line, I mile west ot DN- Por ALVIN mum. L. mule ville, of the Wm. Helm Estate, on welt ot Wm “We. on l TUESDAY, Am ' ll I p... IIIDAY. m ' " 2 m i 'mr'metste-M:-H, tr.infrr; yE.-td. "n". spring tooth cultivator; trac-; toe hitch power f/tated',', for homo; an»: dire; C shun IO" Eat: chow“; 100 it. rubber end, belt. nearly new; McCormick mower. s n., used 1 you; M,-H, side nke; MAI. hay loader; 3-drum steel roller; large wuon box nearly new; low farm wagon; bob slceégh; 2001) tb. scale; gas pump; M or- mick '-point disc tooth cultivator; M-ll. Met: lower Mita" plate chum“; 2 It". root ‘pulrrs; {grin tone; trthetor radiator; 0rd fH, gfti, for power lawn mower; seven oak troughs; sink; Morris (eiAi"r;' 2 Inge chairs; bedstead; "rureau; IS tons hay. 'trr.0-ao--Tsetor on rubber, 18-81 ho, usef, Ann}; tlurgow 'prices realized were very high. A tractor brought $t235; a thresher $1750; hay over $9.00 per ton; oats $10214; bus. barley $l.l5; horses sold up to $180; cows $170; pigs, 8 fund 9 weeks old, $10.50 each, To- tal proceeds of sale “0,000. Mr. lKercher being well pleased with Jim results. Ctttti--q heifers rising two years old, bred Dee, to Feb.; " head young mule rising l year; 2 calves; hay colt. iUse Certified Seed, Get Best Potatoes No Reserve. Owner has to make payment on farm. Don't miss this sale. TermB--Cash. ALVIN IAUMAN. Own". ED. GEgBEL, Auctioneer. _14 WM. B. HOWLE‘I'I‘, cm. 810,000 Realized At Kercher Sale: Geisel Auctioneer On Tuesday of this week the auction sale of Jacob Kercher near Waterloo was held, and on account of the rain, the salt was delayed yntit 11.30 a.m., when Mr. Edward qeisel started. Owing to the tact ithat there; were so many amides tor sale' the gate continued until lshortly after 6 p.m. The auctioneer states bids, were very brisk and Nobody can afford to waste time, labour, fertilizer and spray chemi- cals on mediocre seed these days Good crops never result from hope and optimism; Nature does not work that way. With potatoes more than with any other crop it is neces- sary to he critical about the seed. for potatoes are subject to more diseases and breakdowns resulting in low yields than other farm crops. and yet with good seed and cultural practices few crops will give better returns or satisfaction than a tinc stand of healthy potatoes. says John ITucktry. Manager, Seed Potato Sec- }tion. Ape1al Products [Board EiaaiaF iaTchik%au “we Critically examine the potatoes set aside for planting and frankly decide if they are representative of inc crop desired. . Like produces Hie Gd (Poor quality. misshapen. disease-ri den. mean looking sped iiiaiGrpaieG, mean looking seed can be expected to result in just that sort of a crop. Unfortunately. even potatoes of good appearance arc not always desirable as seeds for some may have been produced on plants affected with virus dis- eases such as Jcaf roll and mosaic. diseases of the plants which can be carrie dover unseen in the tubers, and which resultin low yields. It is not good practice to save seed from any tioid which produced a poor crol If there is any doubt about the quality of the potatoes held for seed purposes. better-sell them for table use and get certified seed. it is more prot1tatple in the 'gint run. See that the ottteiat tag wit the wording "Certified Seed" is on every bag. otherwise it may he table stock pos- sibly from fields rejected as unsuit» able for seed. Never plant culls from any source. profits are not made that way. The [place for culls is in the feed bin. pre erably cooked for the hogs or _rhickepr, . . Certirsed seed should be ordered early this year and give the dealers a chance to get supplies in good timc, Supplies are available now but the best will be gone long be- fore planting time this year. The Dominion Department of Agricul- lure. Ottawa, will be glad to ad. vise anyone where seed can be fun chased now in carlots. direct rum growers Auction Sales [IDLEMIN‘I'S AND FUINI‘I'UII mower; 11,-". disc dull; l.-H. spun; tooth cultivator; hay bode; side rake; " ft. dump rake; har- mg; 2 tsgyrle 1t,t'i,2"h"gl't w; sou r; w ; . Ray rake; wagon“; ttiii..' Gil cutter; clipper; tannin ; pul- per; turnip seeder; rope; hay (out; team harness; collars and other articles, cabinel'; round table; rocker; kitch- en table; kitchen atria; vidlola: large rug; oilcloth; itchen clock; 2 sinks: couch; Kitchen stove; 3 beds; l bedroom suite; “labia: machine; churn; meat [linden In press; kettle; M.-l-l. mum separ- ator: dashes and other ankle; Terms-Cash on day of sate. 1 April 6. Tuesday, at 2 pan,---; , nun sale of implements for William 'Helm estate. also furniture for Mrs. Alma Helm to be sold on farm of §Gilbort Schnarr, 1 mile west of l EI-Psvillc. 'W, tgwnihip Ine,. l, April 7. Wednesday. at 1 pan.-- tAuction sale of farm stock, imple- monts. poultry feed and other articles for Monno Weber. on the farm situated on the highway north of St. Jnmhs. Farm is sold. A April 9. Friday. at 11.30 sharp-- (‘lcaring sale of farm stock. imple- ments, feed and household effects for the Peter Brubacher Estate, 3 miles west of St. Jacobs, near the Three F1dgys " H April IO, Saturday, at 1.30 pai- Farm stock, some implements. grain and miscellaneous articles for Stan- h-y Modmwski. 2 miles east of Kitchener. on highway loading to Broslnu, _ April 10. Saturday. 2 p.m.-- Auction sale of furniture and household effects for Mrs. Louis ARahn. Ern§l $1.. Elmira. -- April 16. Friday. at 1 pan.--rarm stock including registered and grade Holstein cattle, some imple- moms and household effects for (ransom Hallman. 3'e.. miles south- west rd New Dundee and 2 miles north of Washington. EDWARD GEISEL Am: West Mommas. Phone - '" April 3, Saturday, at 1.30 p.m.- Auction salts of furniture and house- hold minds fur Mrs. J. B. Weber at 4 William St.. Rlmira, A April 8. Thursday. at L30 Pa":- Auction sale of livestock. Implo- ments. fwd and other amides for Bert Crossmun. un the farm situated 1 mm wpst of Marton or 'L. mile earl of Barking __ _ April 8. Thursday-Auction sale of stock and implements for estate cf tho late William Honsinger on the farm at Goldstone. - - April 9. Friday. 2 p.m.---Naction sale of tractor on rubber. tractor implements and other implements, voung cattle. heifers bred. for Alvin Bauman, on farm 's. mile north of West Montrose. April l2, Monday at 10 pan.-- Sale of horses. implements, fumi- lure, tool and other articles at Far- mers Shed. Elmira. __ . Auction Sale List. April 13, Tuesday. at 1.30 p.m.-U Auction sale ot cows. l-horse im- olcruents and a lot of furniture on the premises " George Schaab in vaington. "2.51 of airport. - -- April 15, Thursday at 12.30 Iran. -Auction sale of Case "actor. threshing machine. full line of im- plements, 38 head of cattle. 3 horses. a number of pigs, hay Ind rain for Fred McDonald on the arm 1 miles west 9f Dorking. or lst farm east of Tralee. 7 April 17. Saturday. at 1.30--Atae- tion sale of furniture and household goods, also property if no! previous- ly sold. for John Hartwig, Arthur Street, Elmira pom- the, grepmcry: April (date Iater)-All-day sale for estate of late Milton Beckett. on the farm tu, mile west of Lin- wood. a number of implements, tons of scrap, and many useful im- plement parts. Watch for date. Furnhttsre of All. -r.-cttigt. Try to attend this sale. ED. GEISEL. Auctioneer. AARON MoFrMAN,.CMeh. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES A. B. BRUBACl-IEII Auctioneer I’M-e 4-4510 By Walt Disney Regularly Buy

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