Sing Clio]. For Sick, , Shut-Inn which were intervene] with -httgare reading and PrBrer by I". Connd. It. and En. Chum Weber of Kitchener visited at the home ot Mr. and In. Giraud Weber on Christan. Day. Mir. Mary Anton and Ralph To- - at Kitchener spent the handy week-end with Mr, and Mrs. T. . They roam- May the New Year Send Them Marching Homer. I We Wish Where E'er a Cumin s. - Kitchener "first?" , .‘II "" GORDON'S coon GLASSES To All hr Boys " King St. South _ WATBRLOO $h'rruiflli LEATHER GOODS Them Luck Health. Happiness, Prosperity In I943 RING OUT THE OLD You Have 365 Days of Happiness During 1943 E. K. Hearth Here; A Sincere Wish OUR wNbFOR YOU . . . AND ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. £4131 From Us To You- RADIO SALES AND SERVICE Albert I Norrir " Incl†Ave C1EaEEE2 Health Hasz'ness Prosperity Is the Sincere Wish of EDWIN L. HOUSE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRING " King M. R. Waterloo any t,teArtgNf,igttrt 113de. I110? Col-.- - Wound†evening with In: Eva Behtiehur'tnettame. gendered by thine and Elmer but and Miss Evelyn Cm [around with a “Lino solo. The topic, "Christmas ow and Then". was presented by Mrs, N ie Shanta and a vocal duet was aim contrk iGUd - {an ' -rtord snark and Ilia Align: Bock, Capacity Crowd For Entertainment St. James Lutheran Church was Med to “parity on Christmas ‘night for the annual entertainment ;mibed by the members of the ( y School. A beautifully dec- ‘onted Christmas tree a lighted star and poinsettia plants formedpn _eeteetive setting for the service while the pews were marked with tall tapers which were lighted for the closing exerc'uet. The super- ‘intendent. W. H. Egeniee. opened 3the prolrtm after which the pastor, }Re\'. A. L Conrad, introduced the pageant, “Retailing the Birth of inrrist", which he himself had ‘written. It was divided into six parts which were illustrated with illuminated signs, as follows: “The Creation Story"; "Man's Fall into Sm"; "With the Prophets"; "The Angel and Shepherds": "At Beth- lehem": and "Christmas To-day", Between appearances of the various characters on the platform, mu- sical numbers were provided by the choir and organist. Miss Doro- thy Toman. The reader was Miss Bertha Becker. I Visitors at the home of Mr. and) Mrs. Henry Schlichtcr on Christmas may included: Miss Edith Schlich- ter of Breslau: the Misses Della and, Before the concluding scene. Rev i3ruluu Conrad gave a talk in whlch he Mass Margaret Conrad of Cones- stressed the true megmng 0f‘tngo and Arthur Conrad of Water- Christmas which is the birthday of loo Colltgv are sending the Christ- the King of Kings and ?f.trc' nc- mas vucattrm with their brother, cessity of accepting Christ aryi Rev, A la, Conrad. making Him the Prince ot Paige tn! Rev. and Mrs. E, Chngerich and our hearts. The child_rgn ussislliaiiihG Dorothea visited at the in the final part by ‘5me rectta- iGiii, of Mrs, D Gmgcrich at Blair tions and exercises. The Junior IH'. the handily ehpir also sang while one yr that Gtlbcrt Borgcy Wm. the ",tost ot highlights was the rendcrlng or " mater: Mrs. Frcrd B, Miller and Luther's Cradle song, "Away m a Mr MAR-r, m-m' Kttehencr, on Manger" with motions by the tiny,chnstmas Day. . "litter the program each of the children was presented with the first book in a series of four on "The Life of Christ". Emit! Scum .. ., .. ‘ An impressive candle light sup vice was held at St. James' Luth- eran Church at 7 o'clock on Christ- mas morning. The pastor, Rev. A L. Conrad, spoke on the thoughts expressed in the colored penants which were arranged across the altar bearing the following inscrip- tions: "The Word of God". "Prayer", "Confidence", "Hope", "Charity", "Christian Service", "Thoughtful- ncss" and "Humuity". The choir sang an anthem entitled. “I Will Extoll Thee". Pei-sonata RING IN THE NEW Dial #4537 l _ PtarttgegstiehteeeseDtrri, 1'gftr'eed,'aPtgPgtMt L"i1'arGrTai'i'rdriii"iriis' mu 1Ptt'rheu','lrre i/e-tri-tpet.--.""',,'.--",.. Tta-isa' Let and nu. Schllchtcr Mlrtrtepetii_thiThttttd- Mr and In. Ger-Id unten- was." and WEI. Marilyn. of Palm. visited with Mr and In Alvin 1autensehuger on Christmas In I . M and It: Ila Page we!“ the W weekend at the hunt " uh. huh brother, Andrew Danna»): t?ytrviru. Day. - l Mr. and Mn. Merle Coleman and daughter Ruth and Mr, and Mrs. Ward Coleman and family were guest: of Mr Bud Mrs, Robert Coleman at Gall on Chmtmu Day. Frank Ranks " spending the holiday “geek int.r.rPnte. " . " l Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Smith. Mrs. (l. Tuchlinski and the Misses Betty 'Tuchllnskl and Jcan Smith visited with Mr, and Mrs, Simon Weber on Christmas Day _ _ _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs Wellington Bock of bum Hamilton, Dr and Mrs. L L. Stanl- enee ter and Mr, and Mrs. Ward Stunner thur of Waterloo were holiday guests at Dey, the home of Dr and Mrs. E. s. PII Mrs. w Sputzel and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Fiederlem and chil- dren. Robert, Audrey and Elaine, visited with Mr and 'Mrs. Lloyd Wise at Kitchener on Christmas Brown "if: and Mrs. Lorne Brighton and family spent the holiday with Mrs. Lawrence Fried}; Roseville, -- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wanner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard Becker and :um spent Christ- mas Day at the home of Mrs Allan Fried ut Busvullu. " - . "iiiLiidrrsiuthertord of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lefrancois this week, _ _ Mr. and Mrs. David Bergey visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shantz at Pinehill on the holifey. . --.. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Musselman and daughtcr Ruby were holiday vtsttors with Mrs Jacob Zeller at Brerlau. - _ - (mm-n Bergcy was the 'ttost of " which Mrs. Fwd B, Miller and Mr MAIL-r, m-m' Kitchener. ort Christmas Day. -- _ __ . . . iv'i'/"'a'nrsUsrEikar Svegmiller and daughter Jeane and Miss Merle Hallman of Kjtchcntryyero.,h?lit11y, James Creighton spent the holi- day week-end at his home in Toronto. Mrs. M H. Shantz, the Misses Luella and Mary Sham: and Gor- don Sham: visited yum Mr. Iand "Ii/IF."an Mrs. Roy Gildner spent Christmas with the lattcr's mother. Mrs Hunrhrfyckly: in Kitchener. visitors l Hallman Mrs Herman Schmidt at Kitchen- " on tho holiday and with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Sham: at Pine Hill on Sunday. _ _ [ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weiss and arm. Jmnny, visited with Mrs. Tho- mas Cuthbertsun at Bright on the holiday A number from this thstrtct at- ta ndod ttu. funeral of the late Ab- ner Brubacher at the Blehn Men- numtu Church nut New Hamburg tsrl Saturday Mr and Mrs Prod Lu); and Alma Thelma Lane named with Mr. and Mrs Alton Timm at Kit- chencr on Christmas Day. Mr, and Mrs David Bergey vttrtt- "d with Mrs S. Nrufeld at Kitch- Ctt't' on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs William Hall, Miss Elizabeth Hall and Donald and Neil Hall were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kaufman at Perry's Corners on Christmas Day Mrs. Frank Parkhnuse and sons, Raymond and Lloyd of Plattsvillo wont the holiday “wok-end with Mr, and Mrs Wallace ThibNettu. - Tho Misses Pearl and Sadie Coleman of Toronto wore holiday visitors with their pan-ms. Mr. and Mrs John Coleman. Mr and Mrs, Edgar Buck and sun, John Robert of Kitchener syn-m Christmas with Mr and Mrs John Buck Muss Ruhr! Crossman of Hamil- ton. Miss Mario Cressman of Paris, AC 2 Robert Cressman of La- chme, Que, and A.C. .2 James Crossman of Manning Depot, To- n-nto spot tho holiday week-end :11 their homo hero, Mr and Mrs Mrrvm Barr and :‘uughlor, Virginia visitcd with Mr. and Mrs, Dave Otto at Pine Hill on Christmas Day. Visitors with Mr and Mrs Eph- rmm Knan on the hohday Includ- ul: Mr and Mrs Elmer Knarr and family and Miss Luella Knnrr’of Kitchener; and John Knnrr of Ayr. -ihiiiL4 at the home of Mr. and Mrs V, F. Dmgor on Monday more: Mrss Grace McTaggart of Mrs. A Hilborn and MISS Mary lillborn visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ervin Shantz at Freeport crn Saturday. . wutHi/li‘ird Mrs. Ephriarh MAI 3-0102 I Mr. and Mrs. Dan Seebach and idaughter. Barbara and Mr. and ‘Mrs Jack McGinley and daughter, ‘hiarybcth. of Kitchener visited with Rev. and Mrs. H, F, Schade 'or. Sunday. Week-end vusntors with Mr. and .Mrs, J, M. Gray were: Mr. and Mrs. fart Mattress of St. Catharines, Mr and Mrs. Norman Spencer and muss Isabelle Gray of Waterloo. i Mr. Herman Fink of Toronto 'apent Christmas with Mr and Mrs. Jacob Nuhn. oadihteG," 'GieGaiAtiie" ot ryt- cucuer wen PS," of Mr. and In. Herbert Keh on the My. Mr. and In Clayton Schulz! and son, Petey Allan and I}. Limited laruteatsetier ot Kiteh- ener visited with Mr. and In. Ar- v-ur Lautenschlaaer on Christmas Guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Moses N. Baer on Saturday \urc: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bru- bacher of Rosedale; the Misses Alice and Mabel Brubacher and Clarence Brubacher of West Mont- Iuse; and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beer. rnd daughter Ruth of Washington. 1 f; Mr and Mrs. Elvy Bast, Betty Pod Ralph spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Noah Schultz of ngwoud. . - Mr. and Mrs. John Burke of Jiamilton were Christmas visitors with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Burke. Miss Ida Gerber of Stanford spent the Christmas holidays with her father and sister, Mr. Jacob B. Gerber and Mattie. _ Mrs. George hi llvcrtun are Knox. ' Mrs. W. Hamilton of Monkton is visiting at tthe home of Mrs. E. McBaim - _ -siTsritobert Mcljowell is spend: mg a week with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter McDowell of Galt. - - _ Mrs. Hester Tanner left on Tues- day to spend the winter months with her son, Harold and Mrs. Tanner of Detroit. - -. "iii/si,." iiUariiGher is spending orveral days this week with Mrs. William Hawkshee of Fordwich. _ nan. ._ -iiiriinriiec I K" Chalmers and son John of Poole spent Sunday with Mr. and Must Hector Macbeth “aims Shirley Kiirtet of Gadshill is visiting her cousin, Miss Eileen Kipfer. -- - _ _ -. “MI-friéiiér’t iranktin of Sarnia spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bond. - 7 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hyde, Shir- Ivy and Jimmie were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William S Jacobs of Miiverton. Miss Dorothy Bond spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Franklin ot Glenallen and Mi. and Mrs, my Johryrton of MoorePrld. . Mr. Elmer Lee of Atwood and Miss Myrtle Lee of Fembank spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Lee.- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Macbennan of Doon and Mrs. Kerr of Kitchen- l r visited the mrmer's mother. Mrs. George MacLennan on Sun- d; ('hrisunnq visitors with Mr. and Mrs W J anderson wero: Mr, .‘nd Mrs, R J Tanner. Mr Ind Mn Wilfred Tanner and Bruce of London. Mr and Mrs 8 J Miller Miss Charlotte Tanner of Oak- 1ille is visiting her mother. Mrs, WMter Tanner Miss Alice Clarke of Chonloy in vrsrttng her mother, Mrs, R, C. t Parke. Mr and Mrs, Walter McDowell of Galt spent Christmas with their son Robert' and Mrs McDowell. Miss Bhime Tanner of Toronto spent Christmas with her mother Mrs Hester Tanner tlov, Miss Velma Baier oNew Ham- burg spent the Christmas holidays with her mum; Mr and Mrs. L. Blur Mrs. A Mundell of Kitchener spent Christmas with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Maurice McKee and Mr, McKee, Miss Jun 31111th of Morning- Inn Wellesley boundary spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. ll Milling. _ _ Mr†“in†J, E, Pike and Wil.. m- spent Chrlntmu with friends at Holstein and Mount Fora-L Christmas visitors with Mt. Jan. Rutherford and Nellie were Mr. and Mrs Edgar Rutherford, Mr, and Mrs, R, B. Reid and Miss Ruth Johnston of Toronto, Miss Mary Dollar of New Ham- burg was a holiday vilimr with her parenu, Mr and Mrs Dan Bel- lur Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Young and son of Welland, Dr. Melville Knox of Owen Sound, Mr. Maurice Knox of the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Mr. John Knox of Camp Borden . spent Chrislmas with Mrs John Knox. Mr. and Mrs Russell Bailey of Tralee visited Mr, Robert Scott and Mrs John Harron on Christ- mas mo, Aircraftman John Lichty and Mrs Lichly of Trenton are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R, Lichty. - _ Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb MacLennan were Mr. and Mrs Melville Dunbar and family of Milverton, Miss Myrtle MacLonnan, R.N., Messrs. Lorne Bruhachor and Fraser Omand of Kitchener. Mrs, M, A. Reinwald and Henry spent chrutm" with Mr. and Mrs. New Stgtof N919! -_--- In. mun 1.ny Er!) otrit.- t'it By [In Kalb V. Kai], (Chronlclc Corrnpondont) Knox and Jack of visiting Mrs. John and Jim of Milvenon and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Kerr and Hazel of Fembank. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Mulcahy spent Christmas with the latter's m9ttteruMrs_ReisbeTry ot lyritrrtr Mr. and Mrs. Cameron "Hume were Christmas visitors with the latter's parents, Rev. A. K. and Mrs. Sharp of eaistorviue, Miss tua Fraser is 'spending' the Christmas holidays with friends at Bluevale. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wray were Mrs. George Wray, Ann,Ututh and Jack of Lon- Jon. Mr. and Mrs. William McNabb New Year's Greetings [N A N? W WAY! 'tiii))), "tk Q?) FORBES will bring your .. . m: 01.03, 14,000 miles Spun tire never used [on union“! 1941 now: mo “mourn mo Dona: I 1m swnnmu. Motor 10 Water M. North BRING IN YOUR CAR TODAY. . . IF IT IS A RECENT MODEL IN A-t CONDITION, FORBES WILL PAY YOU CASH FOR IT. completely rebuilt Iâ€. HUDSON II; 0, Reeon- dnloned and repainted Don’t Delay C-A-S-FII FOI. Your Car R. A. FORBES MOTORS FORBES' “LIKE NEW†USED CARS See as TODA Y A Hatrtty New Year To All "In. 81. w. Forbes Will Give You SEDANS "wxmnmo COUNTY’S LARGEST use" CAR MARKET" , Dona: - Dram-o Baum AND Slnwc: . a. mm. KITCHENER pm We UH you health and tannins, Victory all the blessing of pace. . . . Thank you for you: faithful patronage which brightened the yen '42'. _ m OUR NEW â€TERRY ANALYSEII AND autumn IA‘I'I'IIIIS CHARGED m YOUR. CAR WHILE YOU WAIT cHmA,,..hrMi?,,,d.'JEyd.. 'HOP Smuck's Miss Margaret Fewings of Lon- don was a Christmas visitor with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Simon s'ewings. Mr. Erci Jones of the Western University, London, spent the Christmas holidays with his par- ents. Rev, C. S. and Mrs. Jones. " Rockwood and Mr. A. E. Tatt- ner of Millbank. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jack of Guelph spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Winkler,. _ Guelph spent Christmas with the) Aircraftman E. Jones of Central. latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. w._Im is visiting at the home of Mr, H. Winkler,. :und Mrs. George Bunston. Aircraftman David Nieklin ot; Mr Lorne Leis of British Co1urn- Exeter. Mrs. Margaret Anderson. 1 Lia spent Chrstmas at the home of Misses Kathleen Nicklin of Wrox- Mr and Mrs. Chris Erb. IMI DODGE 19“ HUDSON "" CHEVROLET mo CHEVROLET "" FORD mo MODEL y FORD New tires, COACHES [EfjrarfolrE TIRES! Pte. Arthur Gale of Listowel spent Christmas with his mother. Mrs. John Gale. do and May Nicklin of Stratford spent the Christmas holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Nicklin. ' Aircraftman Lindsay Coulter of victortavtiie, Que, spent Christ- mas at the home of his grandpar cuts. Mr. and Mrs. S. W, Coulter. 1937 STUDEBAKER Cab-over- Engine, twr/ton, long wheelbase truck. now body. "" roan Pick-Up "" Foul) PANEL. 4-cylinder motor, “and tires t93q PLYMOUTH _ “\ _ , l Mn. Lewr, Jrnhm. Ibo Hrl; 5" FROM YOUR TRUCKS COU PES Did 6%!75 Phone 3-8087