J,'r,'Mf/t'e'ethta'ge', Wednesday were up " WI: and prices were unchanged at other bl- con-hog market. reporun . Live weight: Chatham bras. Dre-ed weight: Barrie new tItem': Brantford and “mg. much a In: mnsomntlon; t- han: $17 tl,'ld,e'2'l',. Hamilton. Iam. don and Btrattoed $10.38 delivered; Hull. â€no plus transportation BU-I‘I'ALO "an 1,100 .- on. . few m. good and mm who lb. mn- ms; my dock! “no lb. cred Ontario points .trrN. 35-90 Kiln-dried corn _ "..w__werr_ I‘M-LIB Ontario grain. approximate prices track shipping point: Wheat __ '-F '.Fr ,, 'V_r_rw_rr_ 1,044.06 Oats ., CCCCeCrCC-F .rT_Frr-_ .. 'rrrr_-_ 40-42 Barley _ . T-Fr) .. _ (rr-v. . 48-50 Corn ., T Fe-V .. F_t-t . 70-71 Rye F'- crF-Frrrre cc F """r"t_rr__rrr..rr 37-00 Buckwheat _ ' . T _-__ ‘74-'15 Matting barley . T i ___. _ .. 62-64 Milling out: ., .. ., 43-45 Following are Wednesday's clos~ ing nominal quotations on Toronto grain transactions tor carlots. prices on basis track, Fort William: No. I Nor. Manitoba wheat 93% No. 2 Northern wheat NeV_..rF._t. 90 No. 3 Northern wheat 1.m.._..trq_ 87 No. Q Northern wheat '.._P't_rr.. " No, 3 Amber Durum MFrr.'PF...N 95 No. 3 Garnet pr __._.___. "r'..wer_rrrt._ 88 No. s whrat .trrFN..__ '"'r_"'r'.rer_, 83 No. 2 CW. Western, oats FNF Fe " No. 3 CW. oats c, ., ..FPtN_Fr. " No. t feed .TTrrrP_r .._ N-F_t, ,_.rFr 4356 Mixed teed _ Try r . FrVr_ ____ 41% No. 3 cw, B-row '..rF_r_Ft..._v__. 60% No. I feed Manitoba barley 58% No. t feed screen., per ton 22.50 No. I teedManitotm belies} ii No. t feed screen., per ton 21.50 ontariotistural corn. deliv- 1% to 1% lbs. [X to 2% lbs. 2% to 4% lbs. 4% to 6 lbs. . 6 lhsand up Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Country dealers are quoted on graded eggs, cases free, delivered to Toronto: Grade A large PP_mreee " to 00 Grade A medium ...e 46 to 00 Grade A pullets ...w.. 43 to 00 Grade B .rVV.....VrteV..t,.. 40 to 00 Grade C m"'_rtrmietr_erttmt " to 00 Note: Above prices G in tiotts based on closing sales. Note: Prices on farmers' ship- ments are 2 to 3e per dozen below above quotations. Luutmr Prim to Mail Thai. PAC! an No. I grade Current make: (Country Trick Prices) No. I grade .rF.t..t.e.t.. S? to --- (Deliyered to Toronto) Current make (white): Creamery prints: First grade q-_-., Second grade .. Tried grade 'v.' Receivers are paying 36% net a pound for butter to the creameries delivered to Toronto; this is the ceiling price for the product. The extra 96 cent is the usual broker- am; commission. Price. in the trade Vim: Cattle --Weigttty steels. autumn; butcher steers and Mm my tttAtv, lumber cows. mostly 57.50- 39; canner- downward to “.15; bulls, 31â€.“; md yawn“, â€yummy; “when! "-ttf, Cream. solids. No. l 36% to 00 Note: Above price based on clot; ine sales. 7 - Came PetCes we" I on the Invatock market Veda-y with about no head unsold at up: {1012. Caives-.thoiee vealen, 814.50- 81550; common, downward to $10; gunners. $8.50. 1ambs-4i3.M) with a felt " $13.75 tor good ewes Ind wether; bucks, $12.50; cum. “-810; some choice Southdowns ITe m. sheer-H-tio. Hogs - $16._5o-$!6.00 _ dressed- Prices for butter, em and cheese remained unchanged on the Toronto open produce market Wednesday. with trading in ell three light due to lack of casings. Ontario No. l creamery solids held " the ceiling level of 30%e, with no 3:0“th for the under- grades. alers had considerable orders, but were unable to an them owing to lightness of re- ceipts. The odd car of butter is coming in from Western Canada, but this was all sold ahead under previous commitments. _ - ceipts. The odd car of butter is! . Warm. iit'riiiikCre", Alberta, headed/ Mr. and Mrs. Goldbeck and fam- coming in from Western Canada! J (h d the Bulls at $510 going to the Min.. (in of Bamberg have moved to the but this was all sold ahead under tit am 0 nesola Artificial Breeding Aisoav.lyiliagyt, the place formerly owned previous set',",',','),',',',',"',',',,',; h tion, St. Paul. Mipnesota. while the]?! John Heist. who has moved to Eggs were again rm. wit mom, =rT-ir--t- Shigh price or emaes was $410 .mira. derate receipts clearing readilyi fr. J. Hobbin, Deputy SugarAd-idid by Frank Finklestein, Hutch, Mrs. Henry Becker returned to under a good demand. /A".tf'Srat.f.T: was sadly mism- inson, Kansas, for a two-yearold‘lmr home after spending a few Cheese offerings were light. tsutitormm) when he made the staterdaughter of Carnation Goverrtoridays with her daughter. Mrs. Ross demand was not particularly hea- ,ment "l Toronto, recently, that olunvlncible from Rockwood Holstein Battier in Kitchener last week. vy, and receipts appeared sufti- tall the Jam prepared for shipmentturms, St, Norbert. Manitoba. I Miss Elizabeth Reist and George went to meet the demand. 'f?verseah. by man“! Ahyss.y.rn.ly - ee-e------. - - ---_-- diets} were among those who at- Mating light, Prices Firm 0n Toronto Market Few Held her weigh; semis, SH 1tressed, I'ouitry, and Eggs do Twins. triplets. do cuts 't".rr$rrett.mtt, Parattined L.........' 21 to l Colored Mm__..mrr.m-t.t..t 23 to 1 - Quotation: to Emil M Hog Quotations Churning Cream POULTRY (Nominal Prices to Shipper) _ _ - _Dressed Select "A" Toronto Grain Dairy Produce A large .. A medium Q pullets Iâ€: 49551000 475mm 44me 41551000 39541000 23me 23% woo 37561000 30551000 35% to00 70-71 57-00 74-75 62-64 Shoe? 800; good and chain“ lambs 0 to 95 Its, 316-31335 I The spokesman, Capt. Hideo Hir- aide, said in a broadcast to the Japanese people on the anniversary lot the war's outbreak that "aircraft carriers of unique construction. cm- bodying experience gained since ‘the outset of the war. in addition to cruisers and warships of othcr categories, have been completed one after another and have been icommissioncd," Cilves "iii iira GarTrir,iee rulers mostly $17; sparingly M7 - 3118561425; medium and Mrong wt.itr.ht snugge bullt 312412.80. Savage Battle Reported I Raging in Tunisia) Lortdon.--a savage batiir M tanks. planes and guns raged to- day along the southwest corner of the Tunisian triangle in what I may be the supreme Allied hid to I thrust the Axis out of North ( Africa. L _ . ‘and Mrs. Isaac Hollc; altar gaps Say yew and Poyrrtu1 mince. Mrs. Isaac Hello and l Warships. and Carriers Marion Schweitzer; baking _ Commissioned for ."servieelmittcd Mrs. Herb Gies and _ TOKYOh (130m tet,'"risac, broad- Erwin Datuncr, 'castst.--T o apanese avy's of- f1eiispokosmari declared rt':iy,.ii,'iConegtogo Men that "a certain number of powcrryi'. battleships have been in commis-‘Are Elected sion" by the Japanese since begin-) ning of the Pacifk war "and are) Messrs. Urias G. Weber, W tailing an_active part." _, (Stroh and John B. Martin at Cum Holstein: tt. W. Snider Sale Ihminate, Contest ‘ Well Attended; (Conlnul to. P... u hear Ptetie B , Grand R,Ttt,e In" Michigan State Pair tor stun Butts & Sons. Comstock Park,[ â€than. and last year All-Ameri- can four-year-old tor Mount Vic- toria Farms, Hudson Heights. ii) bee. She topped the Mount ic- I If bees are well prepared for the ‘winter they should need no atten- tion during the later winter and early. spring. It is advisable, how- (ever, to examine the entrances of ‘all outside-winter) colonies to en- sure that none of themr is blocked with dead bees. otherwise those still living may perish by suffoca- ti n. Simultaneously with this ac- tion. Rome and Berlin reported stepped-up “(may duelling in the viclnlty of El Aghelh. in Libya. where both the British It]: Army and Marshal hammers Ne, c.0113 have teen rughlng " rehttor"eemekt.k BEHIWJE: tom dispersal sale " “500. Only Clmd'uln owned entry is Glen Valley Pink ttekfizht Cham- pion ttt the Milton (mull Cham- monship Show for Eaton Hall Faun. King, Ontario. Four of the six tour- year-old heifers ate Canadian own- ed and include Nellie Aleartm Ger- ben, undefeated Gum) Champion tor Hays & Co.. Ltd., Plmigt the Prairie Show Circuit aid Pontiac Hana; Lem Grand Chum l ion tor James Brest, Sarah. at the rngersoll Championship Show. (/'etit,e, two-year-olds is Culley Anew - vgmor_Maud. bre_d by J. C 1overseas by the Red Cross only '39: was fit to ship", said Mrs. W. R. [Campbell, President of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Red 'Cross Society, after an Executive Lmeeting held in Toronto. “Actu- ally 97.2% of the jam made by the loyal women of Canada in the past ‘year was shipped overseas." Ac- itual figures are as follows: Of 460.- Jit'dt pounds ot jam. we shipped overseas 447.868 pounds. or this Hum. 87ti was home-made I want Ho assure the women of Canada that their jam is good and whole- 2iiiiid and we have received most 'glowing expressions ot apprecia- tam from the people of Britain and elsewhere who have received these rtnagrtificertt shipments." Allies Hurl Axis Back From Gains Made Sunday Allied Headquarters in North AErieae-An Allied tank counter- ettaek has "tmwtt the enemy but Iron positions he Ind gain- ed Sunday in the Tebourba area, " miles west at Tunis. a head- quarters eommunique said today. EaqMhtat.--AMied torus were Assurcs Women Their Jam Good An Allied war bum-tin said the Ightlnx erupted yesterday In the vicinity ot chnurba, strategic communications centre " miles west of Tunis _ Gale. Guelph. Ontario. who to ped the National Holstein Sale h"e'il at Brampton in June. some ao L D. Myers ' Sep, Harrisonburg. Vgr- 3mg; Gr taes. A get-ot-fire by ho Helbon Mercedes has, been nominated from Baker _ Farms. Exeter, New Hampshire. These animals were bred by Chas. w, Corney. Georgetown, Ontario. The two Canadian" gets entered are are owned by Alfred Groves, Sal- ford, Ontario, and CPR. Demon- stration Farm, Strathmore. Albert. Alfred Groves also bred the only Canadian owned Produce of Dam, that of Linwood Blanche Canary. shown by J. C. Free! & Sons, Thamestord, ont.-The Holstein- Friesian Association of Canada. reported to he holding solidly to- chy on the heights' dominating Te%mrhn while “his hauled [or the third successive day in a 'to- Innn's-Innd south of the Tunisian town. key to the approaches to Mxerte and unis. Both sides were striking heavily by air trying for the decisive battle punch and to choke ott supplies and reinforcements which might up the haunt-e. ATTENTION To BEES ma no: Vellum-herd All [ht C. L. IIAUN I“ I“ Q. . LOCKS "and are) Messrs. Urias G. Weber, Walter {such and John B. Martin attend- Hideo Hir. ed the annual meeting of the Wa- lst to the‘trrloo County Advanced Registry nnivorsary Yorkshire Breeders Club, held in l "aircraft the County Buildings in Kitchen- tction,cttt- or last Wednesday. During the nod since elcction of officers Urias G. Weber lddlimn to was elected vice-president and of othcr Walter Stroh, member of the exe- comp'ftodjculive for the Conestoga district :t,i,irjii,i'illridgerrrt (lid aijfigglEarly Winter Bride conducted the service and Mm Murmur! Gies and Mar. anâ€! Cuuigan at Waterloo were vnsmnu at the home of the former', parents. Mr and Mrs Herb Glen. over Sunday, Rev. K. Rrtautt ot Renewal-u Pto Chas Jonas of Chatham, P10 Wm Albrecht of lpperwash and Set Roy Stroh of Allanhurg. siwnt thoir weekend have: at thrir respective homes - Knnneih. son of Mr and Mm P, Srhwrknl', Is recovering from an Mark r.f_pnoumonia Tho snow storms of last woek bucked some of the sideroads tor motor traffic. The county and 1cwnship of Woolwich plows were opening up the blocked roads in we district on friday. The United Church Christmas cntertainment will this year be in thr form of a Christmas service Much will be held on Sunday tw'oning‘ Dec 27th, with the Sun- day School assisting. A he. Albert Hall; of Ipperwash Is spending a short time at MI home here on leave. f The Ladies' Aid of St. Matthew's (Lutheran Church held their re-or- 2ganization meeting on Monday (evening. The several reports pre- lsented were very encouraging and le now ofrieers elected tor the en- suing year are: Hon. president. Rev. S, J. Wittig; president, Mrs. Erwin Dahmer: vice-president, 'Mrs, Walter Stroll; secretary, Mrs. Hyhn MacDonald; treasurer, Mrs. (Byron A. nelson; pianist. Mrs. H. 1Huehn; auditors. Mrs. Herb Gies ‘and Mrs. Isaac Hello; altar com- mittee, Mrs. Isaac Rollo and Miss Marion seichtv.1iter;_yakintr, Cen- Mr Harvey Snider, president of tin: Bannvr Counties Ayrshire Ian-odors Association. attended the annual meeting held in the Coun- ty Buildings. Kitchener. last Wed- ncsday _ The final meeting of this year's Woolwich township council will be Ftld next Tuesday in accordance “in: statutes. This year's nomina~ hon mot-1mg for the members of the 1943 council, will be held in tho tnwnchio hall here on Mon, any Doc 28th. commencing at 1 o'clock In the afternoon Attends Mating. for the ensuing year. _ CognciL "r" Teur. 1 The Lutheran parsonage was ithe scene of a pretty wedding on 'Saturday afternoon, when Rev. S. J Wittig, united in wedlock How- ‘ard Schaub of Emira and Flownce hatchet! of Bridgeport. Seals Lass, who topped the MMI Blue Ribbon Sale at '3050. J. M. Fraser. Streetsville, Ont., said Cred- holme Moore Nix. Reserve Grand Champion at the recent Milton Re- gional Championship Show and now nominated tor All-Canadian, for $1260. All three of the above- mentioned animals were bought by lCurtiss Candy Co.. Chicago, Illinois. â€The highest once for a bull was liiisi, paid by A. c. Oosterhuis. Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, for a two- Jmonlhs-old twm son of Montvic Posch Bonheur. who sold for $1500 ‘at ten years old at the great Mount {Victoria dispersal sale held last Juge at_Hydsiqn Heightf. Quebec. J The US. National Sale held on the following day at the same place as tho Blue Ribbon Sale was also topped by Canadian animals, ‘Strathmnro Double Prince, con- ‘swnod by the CPR. Demonstration iFarm. Strathmore, Alberta, headed the Bulls at $510 going to the Min.. nesota Artificial Breeding Associa- lion. St. Paul. Minnesota, while the St, Matthew's Luther League Iii-2d its annual meeting on Mon- day evening. Satisfactory reports were presented from the several officials. The election of oftieers for the coming year are as follows: lion. president. Rev. s. J. Wittig: president. Lester Stroh; vice-presi- dent, Miss Ruth Schenk; secretary. Miss Beatrice Hemmerich; treasur- er. Bob Kirch: pianist. Miss Ruth Koch. Mrs. Erwin Dahmer New President The sale held Wednesday tor Roy W. Snider, near Waterloo. drew a In? crowd and cows sold for as his as $200.00 each. Grade cows went as high as 810000. There were buyers present from Oriitia, Hamilton, Goderich and Sanford. as well us fro maround Waterloo county - 7 Lester Stroll Heads Luther Leaguers Canadian Holstein Get Top Price (Continued from Page " 81900 for a t"tiretrcef, daughter of their great Al -American prize- tyinlser, SunrtMeadows Rag Apple A. B. Bruin-char, Ann-Noun A tr Brubacher was auctioneer CONESTOGO By Noah Such (Chronicle Corrnwndenll Prices Good fl. WAIIILOO Mr. and Mn, Herb Huehn were: GeeAim ik opéiiT'Iiiii. “Si. liming Heldllbefl relBtivmt on 900mg! Vance-103 plan I“ Sum-i an inspiring svrmnn m St Mat-g How‘s Lutheran Church on Sun-5 ray morning Rev R J Wittlg ot, St Malthrw's Church tank Ttrv [ tsrtautrr sorvicoc Sunday 1 Mrs Percy Hollr ot .iiratorth is} visiting at the hrtrnc of Mr andl Mm, lune Rollo i targets l in swarm-Mt G, Hi my which erin "hrutttictt ( Karis- luhc and I’fnnlwlm. torighhoriugi communications and war '/i'r't','r'r"s'r) tirttrtss on thr most dirrct mule? from Gvrmnny in Ituly At .1 "cost" of rmw [Ia-u s tho RA Flrwilh lwn \.;.n..m.m of Eho R, XAJF. part" “mum: M mhod Allied Bombers Blast Nazis Direct Route to llul} LONDON.--A strong form, hf RAF, hummus. sinking aflrr British and Unilvd Stairs mrmvn carried out their b:egost itaylight assault against HI mnlmw 1. Frrt1- tinned the "thm- (r, km " Ilalv out of thr runny†thh an "itork last mght upon «In " Ir, Imlllv- necks In th" rail ~y~hm â€Hullgh which the Nuris :11 mm 137:†wvgkrr palm†Mr Norman Clemons rcturnm from tho K-W "mun tl, Thursday .titcr undergoing an operation nâ€. "mm-5 Ir& uni-gin no 1mm now Iva Zion ) 2--Whut is this pamphlet. Con_l as his subject '"2irg:,Trri,e"; . (surucrs' News, Everybody is talk. Zion Sunday Sc 00 an young l il lit J“: about? l people are planning for their an- ilerary "NIP RISK i/ed/Ji-s, News is the ofti-l nual Christmas concert. The Excelsior Literary Society cial news sheet from the Consu- The young people held their mm at the Mannheim School on mar branch in Ottawa and is 'ueekly meeting in the church :eeriiiisiiiy evening with tho prcsi- mailed to all liaison otticers, who Aiay evening ildred Rcist was in irii Robert Milne occupying thel"prerSnt women's organizations in {marge ot the devotional 'rryie.rii'a','i. David Buggy was chorister the Women's Regional Advisory An interesting Bible quiz was liv'iiiii the Invocation was given by (Committee. l Tcte4 by Grace Kasey. The megt'idward Good. The members re- 12.--Arc repair replacement mg tlosed..eith a hymn and miz- sponded to the roll call by "Nam- parts fur farm machinery rationed? Pa" t?eneyyt.ioty jng a Mennonite Pioneer". Instead‘ A.--No., and farmers are urged; ,lrvme Schiedel. Harold Hallman, tf tho annual Christmas gift ex- [to cheek their machinery now for; i.heel Wismer and Eileen Hagay change an oitcring was taken for~nveded repair parts so that ma-l attended the hockey game held m {English relief work, Mr. and Mrs. rhinory will be ready for opvration, Maple Leaf G.ardems, Toronto. "n Jacob Hallman worn (hon present- Rm ll in advance of the spring sea- 'itt?erd'aCrrvenityr id with a gift of honor of their re- son. Miss Eileen Randall Spot“ Sun- U nt marriage Tho secretary. Miss 1 ==TLCa--rc= --r'r----i-=--.tcc=----czrcu-=-czvcu- day at the home of w, and Mrs. lolwc Axt road the address and thc _ Wilfred Schiedol of Kitchener, lp'T-scntaiion was made by the pre- ‘ Mrs '8trah Groh, Mrs Edna isidont Othvr numbors on the pro- "R_m. TMVILI‘IPNO. ' Marklc. Misses Helen and Hazol‘gmm consisted of: several piano , ' Markle, Mr. Stuart Horne spent solos by Elvcrne Hallman; a talk Sunday a) the home of Mr, and m "Tm mo of Mvnnn Simons" try My: Edwin Groh of Preston. 'Mcss Hilda Bean; " reading cum w . Misses Ina. Iila and Beulah jiiilvd, “Tho Minister's Sermon", by a il Bowman of Kitchener spent thaw.Ks Juannc Shantr a talk oh' week-0nd at the homo of their 'Mennonite ideals". by John W. "dll Ir.trcnts, Mr and Mrs L S Bow- Snydor:'"rhe lingo". rand hy Miss " "TI; N Cl n r tinnid Mary E Shantz; and tho critic's atiaid'aaus.. I I o h' " ' ' C . C . nd,," u,'?,'",]'?,",', "HST: d 'Tn-rt..., $, port if} Norman Shani]. Misses Ina. Lila and Beulah Bowman of Kitchener spent the work-end at the homo of their parents“ Mr and Mrs L s Bow- . The regular morning church ser- vice was conducted at Zion with Rev. Wiltong in charge. He took as his subject "Temperance". Zion Sunday School and young people are planning for their an- nual Christmas concert. Titty United Church Service. ’btl" home. - r , The response io the roll call was Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Girodat, “A Christmas verse of poetry." ‘Teddy. Joan and Elizabeth Giro-iChrislmas Carols were suns dat, Miss Melctta Kesselring anditroughout the program and the thristion 1Cesselring visited with ‘Cnristmas story as told in Luke 2: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Asmussen at L20 was read by Miss Mary Hil- Strasburg recently. ‘bnrn Mrs. Futher gave a talk on Miss Vera Weber of Nine Pines [the motto of the month. "Peace on spent Sunday with her parents, Farth, Good-ttill to Men" and Mr. and Mrs. Orphan Weber. Christmas readings were also giv- Mr. Ed. Hallman and Orville and on bv Mrs. Milton Hill, Mrs. M. Donald Hartung spent Sunday‘Bechtel and Mrs. Clarke Ander- with the farmer's mother. Mrs. lk-P-m. At the conclusion of the pro- Ti Hallman. gram the annual gift exchange was ------- -_-- -- held. Mrs. P. E. Page acted as San- KOSSUTH ta Claus and distributed the gifts which had been placed beneath a up Avpnn AI I) i-'Nttily-drreorated Christmas tree. mere recent visitors will; Mr. and The Christmas meeting of the Mrs. Will Detweiler at Roseville. Women's Institute was held at the Miss Alice Henhoetrer was ap- (home of Mrs. A. Further on Tues- pointed delegate to the Co-opera- jitry evening with an attendance of tive Short Course which will tre'ta'enty-sit The president, Miss mm at the O.A.C. at Guelph. Sylvia Bock presided and during i Mr. and Mrs. Abner Cressman tlw business the secretary. Mrs. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Er- Tuther read letters of appreciation ‘win Shantz all of New Hamburg. (for boxes received by the sick and ‘spem Sunday at the Orphan We- "shut-ins. twr home. l The response io the roll call was WAY. m " At 18.†p... For the Estate ot the late Wm. H. Schaeler on the (arm V. mue south oCHeidelttre, the tailgating: _ Mr. and Mrs. Morley Battier} new recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Detweiler at Roseville. Miss Alice Henhoetrer was ap-) pointed delegate to the Co-operaq live Short Course which will be held at my QAC. ft Guelph. 'l--Bay mm ' - old; bay geiding no yew; black cgelding "arg; bay driver and " mare .MTR‘M“ _c9w. due in, April; red cow due in May", 2 head yo'uni eagle andAyoyne type; Miss Olga Pan}; 2i"iirTiiiieport spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Strome. Executive Sale Pigs - "tMtry--Yorksture sow bred; Mt pigs " wecks old; 3 geese; 3 ducks. and hens I!†and Gmtq--About 400 bus. mixed gram; 175 bushels oats; 30. mixed nun; tory of Tiny. Some of the farmers ot this place are btishing their year's thresh- ing this week which was held back by the snow storm. Mrs. Wm. Reiéi iiAiGurmg a few days with friends at Kitchener and l wltt, Mr; Shula at Waterloo. I 'tree-ttw-A full [mg of tm- plements. Also a number of articles " furniture and household etteets, AeItt-cAtett, _o_n_ day fol sale, Miss Winnitred Mitchell has re- turned to Toronto after spending the past three weeks at the Wm. Heist home. The snow storm has made the roads very heavy, the sideroads were almost impassable around here but have been improved by the snow plow, The Réd Cross quilting was had at the local school room on ngnesday. Recent visitors at the home of Cordon Woelfte were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Main and family of Hamil- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stttluetrr of Kitchener. Teacher?, and scholars are prac- Using for the school concert which will be held on Dec. 17th. _ Miss Elizabeth Reist and George Hoist were among those who at- tended the Junior Farmers' skat- ing party at Gait. Miss Reist was Nested vice-president of the or- panization. George was elected as one of the directors of Waterloo township. . ALIS-1‘ 7818188 au" -___ NILIDA SCHABFEI, Executor; In. Gull!†WI. KOSSUTH BEAVERDALE FISHERS MILLS WILLIAMSBURG By His: "glen lull: (Chronicle Correspondent, Br In. Ear- Becker ((‘Imnlrlr font-ambient! L9130'L01-3 I W. Institute Holds ;;Cl_lristtnas Meeting "Y A"":urmlmn was hold at tho 'u-mv of Mrs F. Gingerich on “can. sainv nf1rrnnon At the con- dusmn of the program thv hostess wrvcd refreshments. Drew Not lnlerosied in Leadership of Dominion Conservative Party - Winnipeg, -- Premier John the fhxcrsnat,cr mvr,tiiu) of tho Mnnnhmm U B Women's Mission- 1 Twenty members of the charitrsearc on rubber, tor WWW“ 13nd Mennona Sewing Circles iiyri, Bauman on the farm adioining who Blenheim Mennonite Church [the village ot Floradale. ‘p-u sontvd Miss Elsie Rosenberger f Dec. 29, Tuesday. l0 a.m.--Execu- }\2 uh a kitchen shower at her home tors" sale of 100 new farm, stock. ‘on Tucsdav afternoon. Mrs, Her- implements. feed. etc, for estate of 'hvn Kchl was In charge of a brief Atu".tel Bowman on the farm situ- 'devotional period during which ated t% miles west then Ita, miles , slu- read Psalm 62 for a scripture south ot Elmira. h-rson, Prayers were offered by) Jan. ll.Mondny._9‘30 ie-cop- Mrs. Warren Bean and Mrs. David munity .5810. Elmyra Fair. at the Fun-y and Christmas carols were Farmers sred, livestock, impie- 'sont led by Miss Mary Shantz. ‘mgnts. Jyeitun, anf small ytisl.trs. John G. Dielrnhnk", member at PIrllamoM tor Lake Centre, Sat. my In the city. Ind he and he would be a candidate it he Linn-PM. Grorer A. Drew ot Toronto, Ontnrbo Cortnrrvnuvr lender. naitt hr drttnltrrv was out " the rare and Would not he a undldale. he would be a candidate. Li It the leadership were oftrred to him " the Conservative eon- venuon meeting here thlg week. Mr. Bracken aid his decision wnuld have to depend largely on the character of the pllllom de- "er" the convention. A shower of fruit. jam and cook- us was donated by the members to be packed in the annual Christ- mas box for the Coombe Home at hospoler and a Sunshine bag was also arranged for a shut-in. Dainty rcfreshmonts were then served by the mmmittoo pomppsed of Mrs. Winnipeg. - Premier John Bracken of Manitoba returned trom Eastern Canada today but left unanswered the qtrrstion whether he would he prepared to artume A new role as national Pnnwrvative Party leader. VALUAILI " AC†[All Also I? and and “no o. WNW“. " For the Estate ot the late Anthony Monet. Conceasion H. Mornington townxhi ' 1 mile west of Barking. The 'U', contains 84 acres of good soil on which there is a brick welling and kitchen attached. Bank barn with straw shed. water in stable; also a good implement shed, 10': on 'tcl sale. batanee within 30 days. ill be sold sub- Jec_t_ to reseryepriqe. M---, black man , years old; Belgian rings , years. mph-emu ormiee-Deering hay loader In good shape; M.-D. side take like new; 10 ft. hay rake; M.-D " disc drill; still-tooth culti- vator; roller; 2 single plows; riding plow and gang plow; 3 section iron barrow; 2 when drag narrow: seuttier: bob sir gh; rubber tire top buggy with , sets of wheels; 2 farm wagons; hay rack; 13" ehopper, self‘oiling bearings; speed jack and truck; trailer with good tires: 30 ft, extension ladder; 1000 tb. scales Number of ullwr urliclos not listed ls Showered Preceding the presentation the ladies spent a few hours in sew- ing for English relief work in the basement of the church. The Char- tty Circle completed a comforter while the Mormons Circle worked nu dresses. A business session was conducted by Mics Vera Hallman. p“: mdvnt of thc Charity Circle Executive Sale Bride-Elect EDWARD SCOTT and CLARENCE DENtWEDT, Exec-ton. ED. CHISEL. Auctioneer. NEW DUNDEE Br Ii" Kirk- Hilber- (l‘hronitle (Zorro-Don‘t!" Terms - Cash 12.--Arc repair replacement {puns for farm machinery rationed? F A.--No.. and farmers are urged (to cheek their machinery now for in.oteded repair parts so that ma- ,thinory will be ready for operation well in advance of the spring sea- l DH: l3. Saturday. L30 um.“ ‘Salo of clean household dim-ls for :5. I, Huber, 56 Weber St. East, A.--Yes, indeed. No restriction ,has been placed on the exchange lof articles purchased as gifts, ex- jecpt those rules governing we change which have always exist. ‘rd in individual stores. ; QUESTIONS Q.--Could I secure extra sugar for my son, who is coming home ottftve_days_s leave? C Dec. 16, Wed., at I p.m.---Auetion lsale of farm stock, Implements. hay, grain and furniture for the estate o fthe late Wm. H. Schaefer, on the Mann situated 'r. mile south of 'Hti_deltytrtr, - _ I Q.--1 recently purchased a brand 1.',"T, boys' bicycle for $45.00. I read ‘in the paper that the ceiling price on boys' bicycles is $42.50. Is this correct? A.--Yes, if you paid $45.00 for your bicycle, you paid too much and should report the increased pl ices to the nearest ottiee of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. 2---is it possible to exchange an titles [lurchgsgd af' gifts? A.--No. Temporary ration cards are not issued to the members of the armed forces unless their leave i: for one week or more. _ Jan. 12. Tuesday. t patt.--Muetion /salc of farm stocks implements, "hreshing machine, feed, etc., for ‘Chris. Frey on farm west of Wat- lenstein. Mein own, for Karl Mulls. " mile. Aoulh of Blinded, at Btmtm. ‘Villueq l Dec. st, 2rAT at ti.St tl-my-- 'xteoaive ale o farm stock In- lcludina registered R.O.P. tested. ‘lined Holstein cattle, oPetcheron horses, hay, grain and household kttects tor the late Ashton Smith Estate, ' miles east of Mount Hope, ok No. a highway. between Hamil, too, and Cale4toia,, 99d_ ' miles miles south of No. " Highway. l Feb. 2. dea . at .30 ..m.--- ‘Extensive ale IIT farm stock in- ‘cluding extra good horses, Reg. and grade Holstein and Jersey cattle. good implements. hay and rain tor Ferdinand Human. , mi es south of Kitchener. on the highway lead, Mgr to Roseville. o be really'interestod in a work is to liké it ind have a desire to thin: businessiihe service., Let me w about your farm sale. There are many little things that can (count on sale day, Ask the parties 'whom I have served in this work. Kitchener. Nov. osiriaueiuts mu†iM. herd, 'Sg,teq'cc.2l1llki'll't Dec. is, Tuesday, L30 pan-Exe- cutors’ sale of livestock, imple- ments, 84 acre farm. for estate of the late Anthony Moser on the tarm situated 'i.. mile west of Dorking. Doc. 22. Tuesday, 2 p m --Auction sale of implements. including Oliver Hart Parr tractor used one year, on rubber, for Emmanuel M. Bauman on the farm adjoining the village of Floradale. EDWARD 631881.. Am Wed m. M [lulu - Your questions will be an- swcrod by the Women's Region- al Advisory Committee of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board and should be sent to 291 Dun- das street. London. Ontario. Auction W. STUHI’F, Audi-Int " Ptere Bt, 1ute9xeater only-I‘M “caught-QC Dal-Inn. Alma!" Fi'a'ars MT. and Mrs. Albert Chapman sum! Sunday with Mr. Oliver Ciyytman. i_n_ Hayryille, MF. and Mréf itcrrschmidt at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. William Beilstein in Kitchener. 35 Cattle Brig $5,192 ht Emir: The Wilmot Centre whoa? pupils of S.S. No. 10 will hold their Christmas concert on the evening of December 22nd, Pena-ab. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hamacher with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ha- Mrs. Doroth lngold of Toronto and Mr. and Z,.' Mervin Baer and Virginia spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Dave Otto. Miss Grace Jantzi spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Swartzentruber near New Ham- burg. " head of purebred Holslelm brought $5,193 It the sale of the In Sauna herd a! Elmira. Decem- ber ' The " making females in- cluding a number of two-year-olds avemed_@_2.50. C. ' Smith, Pin, coonuu, Mich., took the top cisd at â€as. The herd, sure, a well-bred In- dividual out ot an 850 lbs fat dam went to Amie Bauman, Elmira Very “(Manon fume: were re- cei_ved tor thryear mgs and, calves Farm machinery also sold well, the entire sale netting $9,900, A. B. Beubaeher and Ed, Celsel did the selling. Mr. Joe. K Swartzerttruber of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Emmanuel Swartzentru- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Siebert of Rosebank and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schmidt of Wellesley with Mr and Mry, Hegry Bowman. - A Misses Jean Shanta and Irene Holst and Mr. Kenneth Shantz and Harvey and George Hoist v nth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Haas and (‘Eurinv of New Dundee and Mr. and Mrs. John Oswald with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hamacher on Su_n_day naming. - Program? Arranged Miss Vordella Roth of New Hamburg with Miss Grace Jantai. Mr. -and Mrs." C. E. Swarlzentru- t.cr with Mr, and Mrs. LeRoy Slpjogel. - Mrfand Mrs. Isaiah Martin and tdvre with Mr. and Mrs. David C. F. Price. Optometrist " King SI, West - Kitchener Plume 2-1936 Duties to commence January 2.1943. Applications will be received up to 1t00 noon December IO. 1942. Apply in writing stating qualifications and age of applicant. All appli- cations to be in sealed nu’olopo marked "Application [or Posi- tion of County Clerk and Treasurer", and mailed to Ad. No. 83. Employment and Selec- tive Service Omec, 48 Ontario Street North, Kitchener, Ont. - h 48.9 YOUR GLASSES Clerk and Treasurer for County of Waterloo I" thoroughly examined at EH, Douche: Il,, Iftt STEELE'S Will give you complete “tight-lion " By It“ Halon Saute-um (Clio-kl. Cone-MI!) YOUR EYES PINE HILL WANTED A