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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Oct 1942, p. 6

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CheesellpAl Toronto Under Fair Demand PM}! a; Market Reports 0 FARM NEWS#_A_1SD VIEWS 0 In: m up». __.- ___ - all Brades unchanged tram pvt on levels. The scarcity of receipt: continued, but demand was good. Demand was good on the butter market but dieting: wee light and not sutrieient to Ali buyers' needs. Ontario Na. l creamer! I0- llds were ottered " their ceiling level of SS%e . pound The no- minal price tor Wooten! better m... w..- - -, ~77 mg: or sales were reported. Calves Down, Cattle Steady After a fairly active manna". cattle trading turned dull on the Union Stock Yards market Wed- nesday, and the holdover of 1,600 head compared with the day's}?- ceipta of 1,380. so that there Was some piling up on the previous day. Prices for cattle held steady. though grasser calves slipped Me. Veal calves and hogs were also steady, but late sales on lambs saw n FO-mnt drop. Sheep ranged from 50c toq9rlowtt than last week. Prim: in cattle trade _were: Veal calves and hogs were Wo In his comprehensive statement ; steady, but late sales on lambs saw covering the first nine months of l n Fo-vont drop. Sheep ranged from this year, the treasurer asserled1 50c toM9rlowet than last week. the feature of his report was the 'l Prinns in cattle trade were: fact that 53.98 per cent of tax or- weighty steers, 88.y0-$1f.:.1.si, butch- roars have been collected, in com- _ er steers and heifers, 3825-31015: ‘parison to only 20.6 per cent in WNW mm we“? 86-75-33 tf.thirsrisi and 30.6 in 1936. "Unpaid a few up to mo: mum and cut- lee, as at September so. 1942. I ters, 3525-36-50: bulls, '.vs_-PilGtvsurrt, to $156,153 compared to; fed yearlings. '1_0cs0-t.1l6tr; 'ersiiisirjsots a year ago." he stated. Slackers. $10-$10.T5, with common "'Revenue from other sources are downward to " all in line with budget estimates Veal calves sold at $157$15.50 for and I believe will have a surplus choice with common 39111118 doyvn: of about $4.000 in miscellaneous i Veal calves sold at $is-$i5.50 for choice with common selling down- ward to $9.50. Gnu calves brought 83.5069. " A “N-.." W.-- ,_. Lambs last sales were at $1150 for good ewes and wethers by truck. $10.50 for bucks and 39-310 for culls. Sheep sold at M-$8.50. - Hogs sold at $16.35 dressed- ueight and sows at $13.25 dressed. Bv Parrish & Heimbeeker, Ltd. Following are Tuesday's closing nominal quottions pn Torqnto After a Toronto Grain 2rGeGTiiriiitris; iutit t 7 and m gigs weight - buns, $0.00- t . . Calves. MV, good and choice veal- ers.ir,, common and medium, up. 'II. \Vuunwll can. "__..-.-, saws". . tl I Sheep. zoo; good to near choice native lambs. 818315-314; medium and mixed lots 81150-81315. Treasurer 'I'hinl ll Committees Within Budget Belief that all Kitchener city council committees will be able to stay within their estimates and show a surplus in operation for 1942, was expressed by City Treasurer L. M. Dahmer in his (t'di)'l's'7tii'a'rti"riy roport. Pn'cu h'unehgmgng hogan- accounts albino." Kills One Man, Wounds Four _ Others; Dies By Own Gun MOUNT SALEM, ortt.-vmtis is my last night to 1ive--ther'll never take me alive . . ." With these words, Fred Lobbs. 65-year-old blacksmith, pushed his wife out of their home in this village. six miles from St, Thomas early today. He ran through the darkness to his barn, Bred several shots at the 40 policemen ready to arrest him on nknrnoe nf v-Ar,-".- Ann man and Bog Quotations (gm treid THIS ARTICLE REMOVED W. L Hilliard, Waterloo medial otBcer of health, died I! her home. " Albert St.. Waterloo, Saturday. She I!“ born at Puher's Mills. nut Hespeler. and was 1,ut,'h' of It; In. Hilliard had lie in Water tor the pup " yea}, where-She Women's Missionary Soc-521*. Wo- men's Association and WC. .U. l Surviving are her husband; 1wpl sons. WU red, Waterloo. and Sgt.) Graham Hilliard. R.C.M.C.. ts land; four daughters. [in De t Hilliard. missionary in Indore. India, Mrs. W. t Hutcheson, Wood- stock, Mn R. H. Turnbull, Gode- rich. and Mrs. Val Taylor, Waters too; two sisters, Mm. Alimd Ellis. Hespeler. and Miss Morgue! Clemens, Waterloo, and fi e grind- children. One son, Lloyd. peeder ceased her in 1911 at the use ot 11 yelp. - I I. IJ c " 'gi, "ia, my: GGTiier" '61 an t United Church. especyUy‘m JY l The funeral was held from her home on Tuesday, Rev. D. T. For- syth otticiating. Interment was made in Waterloo Mount Hope Cemetery. usNWEL.--Mrs. Annie Steven- son, widow of the late George Stevenson, passed away at her home on Elma street on Sunday _rtitrltt,. gged " years. ste, 'had been -----. -%IP-" -- we" - bed-riddea0 six years follouigigda‘ stroke. rn at t i ri e/ Scotland, her maiMle wna', Annie McColl. daughter ot the lanai James McCall and Annie Bright.! She came to Canada at the age of i, three. living tust at Baden and then 1 a few years later coming to Lis-' towel. She was married at Listowel ion Sept. 29, 1897, and was a valued member of Knox Presbyterian Church where she sang in the choir for many years. Mrs. Stevenson les active in the Women's Mission- ary Society, and Ladies' Aid. One' branch of the latter organization .was named in her honor. She was lalso Past Matron and a valued life member of the Perth Chadpter 69 0.11.5. Her husband pre aaa [her on Sept. , of this. year." - an. Ida “my: trife -isGiiGGrjsGrCiiisiti/r, Mrs. w, J. Robertson, Chicago. LISTOWEL. - Mrs. Evans W. Young, a native of this community and a popular student at the Lis- towel High School prior to her marriage six years ago, passed away at the Toronto General Hos- pital Monday following an illness of three years' duration. She was i267years Itratpt. . -- . Marie Elizabeth Vance was born on Aug. M, 1916, on the 2nd con- cession of Elma Township, the daughter of John A. Vance and his wife. Helen Gibson Q)... ..p-e t - Iln. George Stevenso- Tl. WATIILOO (M) CIIONIOLI m Gaul. Audioneu. MI 1313th 'G b Ill. .AL an. to a: Y Wu" I nt his hm situated I mile of Heidelberg. on year: no and he married w in ARI-11.1””. q I k" L1- "43-. n...‘ ...,.... u... He is survived by his wife; two sons; Carl, Detroit, and' Vnuw. Toronto. and two dnutgtstertr, is and Bernice 9! Calif., an: sister., chalet. three brothers. M. C., and Her both of Waterloo. and Henry. when David hum ELMIRA.-Mittoet David Auman, " died " the home of his brother. William. Centre sweet. Tuesday momigg. Son_ot the @12qu Mrs. George Auman of Elmira he was a popular member of the sales stall of Maxie and Hill Fwd Mo- tors. Kitchener, for the past 20 years. He was a member og Tti- nity United Church, Kitchener. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Laura Hollinger. and one brother. William. both of Elmira. Two nieces and one nephew also sur- vive. Word was received by Mrs. Ibral Snyder. 82 Caroline Street, Water-‘ loo. of the death of her brother, Rev. Allen Good. of Carstairs, Alta. Rev. Mr. Good was 60 years of age. It is believed death occurred Satur- day morning. He has not been in gogd health for ttyt past; two years. Nearly new Ford W. Aha good implements. Surviving are his wife, one son, Paul. and one dnughter, Ruth, at home, and three brothers. Daniel Good of Vineland, Israel of Elmira and Simeon in the west, and by one sister. Mrs. Snyder. Auction Side Mrs. Addison nodal: Mrs. Addison Dedels. 128 Chest- nut street. Kitchener, Passed away at the K-W. Hospita on Friday follgwin_g _ illness__of ten ft?vtc, m, emu. Am. Mrs. Dedels was the daughter of the late Samuel Hemer. and Mrs. Catharine Earner of Kitchener. and was in her 57th Yep. _ . . . "Eh: iiGGiriGiif irv' her husband; two sons‘Raymgn of thtt YJleA War caJ-XQITJ rm-ro.,.. “Nut-..“ TUESDAY. Ml’ll- received instiuetions trom Mr, DAVID tugAEMER to sell the 101- lowing gin-itch}! gm "t In?!“ new}. _ lull, I 'g/rat,' Fil', A'g'?n"l' 0ch If,', _ 'teai,Extate--Proerty consists of I to r. an rs, g “W Y, 'ld . 9/16th of an acre of land, on which! ttgt street nort ' a too. d‘lhere u; a comfortable dwelling an; ter. . house, 4 rooms downstairs. sgmmer‘ J5Mtur,=At K-W Hospital, Oct, It, kitchen and woodshed attached.) to Kr. and Mrs. C W. stellar, ‘Soft water cistern. Property wiilr 105 Albert street, Waterloo.. 3 _ be offered subject to a reserve bid.. son. ‘Terms made known on day of sale. l R-r-At K-W Hospital, Oct, IT, ‘Terms of Household Etrects--Cash, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Regen Ei-) MRS. LUELLA 1ereec, Grqias--At K-W Hospital, Oct, 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Greirrl, 1 Otto street, a son. _ 'Co-h-At St, Mary's Hospital. Oct. 19. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.R. 3, Kitchener. a daughter _ 'rodtthe--At St. Mary's Hospital” Oct. 19. to Mr. and Mrs. Harry, 31 Woodland Ave., Kitchener, a son. l Bantiar--At K-W Hospital. Oct. 19, i to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bastin. i 128 Joseph St, Kitchener, a l daughter. l thtrdrr--At K-W Hospital, Oct. 19.‘ to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snyder, 303 Victoria street south, ti' daughter. Forur-At K-W Hospital, Oct, 19. to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forler.‘ 174 Moore Ave ' Waterloo. Ch daughter. It-les-At K-W Hospital. Oct. I Mt, to Mr. and Mrs. David L Knowles. 19 Queen street south, 1 Kitchener. a son. I .Bunet--At K-W Hospital, Oct. go, , to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bunsch. TI Mount Hope St.. Kitchener, a son. . Voigt-At St. Mary's Hospital. Oct. . M, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Voigt. " Mitchell Ave., Kitchener. a son rAiminstoias-At Waterloo, Oct. 20. . to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Weinstein. t 40 Peppler St., a son. _ mmtabr---At Guelph, Oct. IO, to' 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Barnaby . (nee Lillie Wilson of Elora). a . daughter. -riGatrrkar---At K-W Hospital. Oct. 15. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gatckc. 100 Wood St.. Kitchener, :rson. mrw--At K-W Hospital. Oct. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aves. 354 Hamilton St.. Preston, a son. h-r--At Fergus Hospital. Oct. ltr. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sharer, (nee Dorothy Chapman). Kitch- encr. a son. toritst--At Kitchener. Oct. Mi, to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Moritz,. 22 Shoemaker Ave., a son. Auction Sale ossur--r-.-Oet. 17. John) Dessler to Norma Rene Millil'r",) both of Breslau. tsuman--s--Oct. 17. Clarence Bauman of Elmira to Almeda Martin of Waterloo. ot-oth-ro-ct. l7, Nor- man Edward Dotzenroth to Isa- bel Norma Totzke. both of Kit- chener. owauuagrrstuir---oct. 17. Gerald Kowalsky of Preston to Amelia Ryndak, Kitchener. "rd-Seott---Oct. 17, John Dowd ofA3ritton to Kathleen Margaret Scott of Newton. ac-i-r-oct. 14, Sgt. Air Gunner Thos. G. Tucker of Vic- toria. EC. to Dorothy May Ar- mour of Toronto. formerly of Kitchener. OB-Miner-oct. 17, Henry Laval Gies of Roseville to Christa Gertrude Miller of Fenby, Man. tdmorerPttrhor-Ahtt. 21, Edwin E. Cudmore to Hazel May Park- Pr, both of Kitchener. chm-3m - Oct, 21, Sydney Jack Richardson of New Brunswick to Verlie Gray Brem- ner of Kitchener. - . - nsor--Oct. to, Douglas Hy. Fraser to Norma Caroline Steiss of Kitchener. u-rtoow--Oct. 19. Pte. Roy Sill of Kitchener to Ellen May Roos of Waterloo. anta-Behweitaqr-oct. l7, Har- old Shanta to Elven Schweitzer, will of Kitchener. "haumr-.-oct. 19, Jerome lusch of Kitchener to Monica Keilly of Chesley. o-Ries-oct. 17, Wilbur Glad- en Cole of Bus_seldale_go Mil- red Verena Rapien of Mitchell. 'rv-tCrit-tret. 20. Kenneth cGirr to Lorraine E. Krieg, th of Kitchtner. GuiGV-kbciLjii, ih, Alfred amp to Sadie Wilma Burn, both f Gait. CiarGr,"rmree Brigiggs, 3 ‘ysars: TdirA" of -iietaiawi, to Rose Lot): of Nest Hamburg. _ __ . ---oct. 20..Milton David Lumen, Elmira, " hears. WOCL 18, rs. George tevenson. Listowel, " years. ter-Oct. 17, Mrs, Caroline alter. " St, George St., Kitch- er, Bl years. _ I-b-oct. 17. Mrs. w L Hil- ard, 39 Albert St , Waterloo, 74 fears irtcFGirCLbdt. 17. Sgt. Roy ergott of Waterloo to Mildred nk of _Mal:yhillL _ --. " Impaler, 87 yours 'i-Ort. 18, Mrs Addison Do- lets. I26 Chvslnut St, KIM-honor wick-”Mamet 11, Ar- Iur Warwick of Galt to Dorothy chaefer of Kitchener. t-rtoets--Oet, 13, Spr. Edwin "as--oct, 16, Charles C Sturm, )ettrborrt, Mich, 63 years, tuheetr--oct, 20. Forrest Schia- ach, Guerpsetsii?shr, I5 years l yum d-Rev. Allen Good, Carat-in. In, formerly of this district. l yew. &er--Oct. 20, Ishmael Bru 21. William c Shaw tsuctioneer las EL Cgpl. (hmrgo Brown. head of the gt. squad " tie,htcrs. radioed tlu. re rn punt trom thr Aslsttry ranch. at the to. head of Las Flora Canyon. seven in. miles from the soacoast. County Fire Warden Spence Turner said toythere was no chance of'sending by them help through the raging a inferno of the Canyon below, ‘thom but expressed hope they l5 "night be :ihlo to fight their way out K(“with mobile vquipmont on the _ scene. a 1942 TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the Court of Revision, to hear and determine appeals agamst assessments for the year 1943, for the Town of Waterloo. will be held m the Council Chambers, in the Town Hull, on Thursday. November 5th. at 2.30 o'clock m the afternoon Dated at Waterloo. Orloln-r 19th, Fire Traps Twin Hugudlegjn vuwuu iiuu. nun. uouunow mm. Rte. Mountains of California SANTA MofilCA. Cal. - Two hundred tire fig ters were trapped late today. a sheriff's radio report said, by flames which encircled them high in the flaming Santa Monica Mountaipr. AUCTION SALE Brown reported a $50,000 ranch home dcstroyed--onc of at least a score gutted by the sweeping flames-but said a large barn and herd of valuable cattle had been savvd. I SHAN lor, STATION e offered subject to a reserve mu. arms made known on day of sale. ( Audion“? erms of Household Etrects--Cash ‘ “one 4-451. MRS. LUELLA SEMI”), Oct. 31, Saturday. at l pan.-Reat AdminMnm. estate and household effects, ete, A. B. BBUBACIIEB. Auction". for the Heckler Estate in the vil- - 43 Iago of St. Clements. ‘Nov. 5, Thursday-Entire her: a; high class registered accre he Town of Waterloo listed Holstein cattle. '2 mile east - m-r'--") ----‘-'l- _ nun . . KN of Nashvillc, on Highway 49,, York Remove Cast From Foot " Harold Benz had the cast re- moved from his foot last Friday. but will be unable lo return to school for some time. Harold had the misfortune to injure his foot lust August when he fell off a load of grain in his father's barn. Henry Reinhart was in Peter- born reccntly where he attended the UFO. affiliated delegates con- vention. Attend Match. ‘ Henry Reinhart and son Jerome tttttended the Waterloo Township Plowing match at Erbsvillc on Monday. Sunday guests at the Frank thzlvr home wPre Mr. and Mrs. William Hcrrgott. Mr. and Mrs. 'Nffing, Mrs. Anthony Rctzler of Kitchencr. Lco.-Cpl, Anthony thzlcr of Chatham. . A Gertrude Plumb of Toronto, Ivo Plumb of Kitchener spent Tucs- day with Olive Hcrgott. H iii. arid Mrs. Heron of Kitchen- (: spent Sundav with the Paul Saigzcr fayttily. -- _ . __ -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold May, Mas- ter Peter and Miss Patricia Cre, niasco. Edith and Mary May of Guelph visited with Mrs. Elizabeth liq-gen. _ -- _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagner of Kitchener, Vernicc Wagner of Galt spent Sunday with tho Chas. Wag- m-r- family. ASSESSMENT APPEALS 1942 winning" (noun-E s A' war no "N / ' : Af “I - w,', 31'! ----- 13.53 .= _ ""t's, (r ( 13““ shah. if Norman G. Boldnc. Clerk of the Municipality Vlly Mrs. II. A. "ergo". ll‘hmnicle CorrespottdenO ---------_ gum... “Nun...“ D . Nov, 20. Friday, 1 pm -Entire hundred In herd of translated accredited blood- of California {tested Hol$lein cattle, some horses. . Cal. - Two day-y equipment, etc., for: Edgar "s' wcre trapped Watts. " miles east oA.G.alt and "s radio report l 'ig mile south of No. 97 Highway. hich encircledi Nov. 2,5: wcdntdatrThe 'tuttt flaming Santa Brpeders Sale of Holstein cattle at Bridgeport. .. Auction Sales Notice is herby given that I have complied With Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and that l have Dusted up at my otRce at the Town Hail on the Nth day of October. MHZ. the list at all persona entitled to, vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cot- rected according to law, the last. day for appeal being the 9th day of November, 1942 Dated 1942 County. Nov, 10, Tuesday. I patt.--Pertty County Consignment Sale, 35 head registered Jersey cattle at the Fair Grounds, Stratford. tt . Nov. 1.2, Thursday, 1 pam-it/te high class herd registered R.0.P. tested. accredited Holstein cattle for Hardy Shore, 18 miles south of London. 'e Tilovest of 9|anwoflh.. Dec. 2. Wcdnesday. sum um.” iExlt-lbn‘r vlrutnup, ,ale. of fart" (stock. Including Inn-d tvttislcrcd ac- credited Hulslmn cattle, good im- plements. grain, hay. household effects, etc. for Ira Bauman, 2 miles south then 1 mile east of 43 wuuu.., 2 mm "w. W i-e-i"'""" Nov. 17, Tuesday. at " o'ciock- Farm stoek_uicludiyg ygtire [19rd I'dIuI :Lutn n..\.u.....b ‘._.__V ,, of "wstercd accrcditt-d listed Hoi- slmn cattle. Implements. feed, etc., for w. H. Pretty. 5 miles east of Guelph. udjcuniqg ullage of Aging“, Auction Sale Lists VOTERS' LISTS Elmira Emmi“) GEISEL. Auctioneer West Montrose. Phone Elmira 932 “w... my """-r v on the farm situated about 7 miles north of Elmira and four miles south of Alma, _ . . Oct. 23, Friday. I patr--Auctiort sale for Thus. Howlett of farm stock. implements“. pay and grain. Oct. 26. Monday. 2 p.lll.-Auction sale- for ‘David Krooner, about 2. miles West of St. Jacolvo, of one- horse implrmrur~ huniluru- and small articles. " Nov, 2, Moday, L30--Executors' sale of furniture and other small articles for estate of Mrs. Henry Kochcl, St. Clements. Row ll. G, (‘h-glwrn of Prcstrrtt With' In "hurry. "r [hr llnlv Com, ‘lleAlHOlI service at the Dunn Prcs- byterian Church on Sunday nth-r- {noon. " Oct, 27, Tuesday, L110 pm. -Salc for Albert Diehel. about 1 mile south of Heidelberg. nearly new Ford tractor, also good implements, some livestock, andArrains, ' Nov. 9. Monday. 9.30 mm.-jom- munity Sale. Elmira Fair, at the Farmers' Shed. livestock. imple- ments, furniture and small articles., "mum, IEala"T.63» .....' wbB.Wq.q _.__._"'_t'r'. Nov. (date lult'r) -- Executors' saln of [urmluro for estate of late Mrs. Lavina Bauman. Iiaxyyosville. Dec. 2, Wednesday, at 10 mm.- Auction sale of accredited Holstein herd, also farm stock, good imple- ments and furniture for Ira Bau- man, on the farm about 2hi, miles southeast of Elmira or 2'i, miles northeast of St, Jacobs. - Dec. 8, Tuesday. at I trm.---For Mumm B. Bruluwln-r. auction sale of farm stock, implvmvnls. hay. grain on the [arm situated about 3 miles west of St Jacobs. m-m' Three Britlgus. Members of the Women's Asso- ciation of the United Church held thcir mrwting at the home of Miss Kate Bowman on Wednesday coming. MUNICIPALITY or WATEBLOO County ot Waterloo A. B. BRUBACHER (‘ANADIANS have never 'taited to hack up their 'ilthting men with "htintt dollars. Every Victory Loan during this present war has been lully iaatsscritrrd-and over-subsumed. Every Vic- tory Loan during the last war was a success-and every single dollar ot it was repaid, with interest. So re- solve now to do your lull share to make this Victory Loan the biggest success of all. The need for money is greater than ever below. but today in Canada more money is in circulation than ever belore. So invest in the new Victory Bottdy-rayd Nor-an G. Bold”, Clerk of the Municipality ~01 the Town of Waterloo this 19th day of October, My "in Kin-ken Jones [Chronicle Correspondent) was. I“. BOON

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