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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Aug 1942, p. 5

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BUSES LEAVE KITCHENER EASTBOUND WESTBOUND to to TORONTO LONDON a 5.40 an. Bas Ill. 8.05 am. "as LII. 10.35 am. 2.ss ll... 1.00 pan. I) 7.15 pan. 3.30 pan. 1: 8.5. lull. 5.00 pm. b s.ss Fm. 7.45 pan. 1 b 12.30 mm. TIME TABLE a-.. Daily ex. Sun. b - Sun. & Hot. c - Daily ex. Sun. & Hoi. (Eastc'n Daylight Saving Time) GOODS and give advice on thp, care of your hair and scam, At Walpcr [Intelk Kitchener. Out., on Tues. and Wat. Sept. Ist & 2nd aovWr1irfhHAut Goons 255 kaTii 'iit.-%aiiiC6iu. will display and demonstrate LADIES' and GENTS' HAIR glimmnni DOWNING. STERN and Co. SEE US - When in need of New Shoo or Repair. - WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Loo Int. IO M Van. V“ " Ill: tte. 8. WA” Dbl “I” 32 Pcs. DINNER SET Sorvicn tor six, China with ftoral patterns. Real snan ___-Per...-.,.-.........-.- ---v $750 snap Colors fawn, green, brown and blues. All sizes. Reg. $5.00. A snap! Pain... 'AIr5 Men's STRAW HATS Rvg. $2.95 -. Cloaring .... $2.25 Reg. $2.49 .r._ Clearing .... ".95 Reg. $1.98 - Clearing .... u." Men's FANCY SOCKS All sizes and colors-- 15e. 25c. Me. 59e to 75e Short FI'W'VR Shawl collar, All c_olo_rs,e_arlt White cups/each mrbtremrrrtm.r-... " Whit" Pln'ns tre-__-sr-rs., 2 for 36e White Salad Bowls 'rVPV...M._. 35c Fruit Nappies. dnz. .rr9N'"t.rmr a... Pitchers '... tse, Me, 350 to 9': " King St. W. "one 441‘: KITCHEN“ MEN'S [UNDERWEAR Balbriggun Combinations, short sleeve and ankle , length. Garment ”.7 - Men's TROPICAL FAME ALL WOOL BLANKETS $hjtgt gig: riiznbfw borders. mg s. ea buy, per pair "7.....7$l3'50 I. B. KNIGHT Formerly of_ {ember Stores Men‘s SPORT SHIRTS I " P T o I I D 1 A polled method No thud; lo teq ur‘po LWHY. [NIXPIle GUARANTEED. Into-15““. VIR- or eau-- Smith maul-ct Conn-y Don. B. u. a. PRESTON. mum But-Mist“ "" Wus Trade-ll Slate An OAbori- To Buy USED MIME mommy SPECIALS {him cups/each mrbrq-_.rrmmtrm... To - HAVE MAM " We carry a large stock of CONGOLEUM BUGS In. H. A. tank, so a». In: Illtttlimfer's Dept. Store "tt Kin. St. E. - Kitchener Plume 24m Wettlgufer’s Dept. Store Week End Syieciats DIAL 8-8853 uwm‘ mum FLORISTS Reasonable prices. Edwin waterloo's Largesi- Store 3.55 pm. I) 1.15 pm. I: 8.50 nun. b s.ss p... $1.69 HI n L. HO U se Mort smu- AND REPAIRING Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ndhnan Stevens were Mr. and Mrs. Mason Armstrong and Ink. and Mrs. Faulkner ot Hollen and Mr. and Mrs. George Ruler of \Linwood and Mr. and Mrs. David Barron of Millbank. Mr. and Mrs. August Schneider spent Sunday with the farmer’s mother. Mrs. Carl Schneider at Hgigelberg. -- - Miss-Donna Tyack of Elmira is spending a week with her aunt and urge. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tyack and Evelyn and Mr. Guy Tyack ot Kitchener and daughter Donna of Elmira spent Sunday with Mrs. 're Tbilck- - Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Brubacher were Mr Abram K. Brubaeher and Daniel W. Brubacher of St. Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sittler and family o_f North Woolwich. - ' Mis's Edna Brubacher is spend- ing her holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sit- tier, By In. Au.. Schneider (Chmnicle Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horst of Macton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mtivirt Bowman on Sypdey, _ TEA TOWELS U Mrs. Jack Petrie, Miss Beryl Vo- gan of Kitchener spent the week- “and with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogm, Millbank. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hackbart and Verna and Miss Ida Hackbart of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackbart, Hessen Road. 27 inch, yd. w... Striped. 35 inch ROLLER ’TOWELLING Yd White with colored bor. den. Each "_'_.....b..r_r...rq. Wabasso make. Width " and 81 inches. Prices rttrtge-- 45e, 69e to Me rd. FLANN ELE'W'E Unbleached SHEETINGS Mr. and Mrs. Don Ranch and little daughter Carolyn of Kitch- ener and Miss Bernice Planck of Paris were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ranck. P,!attsviiie. _ - Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kitchener visited with St. Clements on Sunday. White Flannelette, Pyjama Flannelette. 35 inch .PrT.w..P.qtt...e...w All colors and white-Per yd. 19c. 2Se, Me to 49e White with red horde!" Part wool. Dark colors. Size 60x80. Each ..q_ a Grace Knechtel of Kitchener and Dorothy Knechtel of' Elmdale spent Sunday at their home in Mannheim. mandate BLANKETS Size 70 x M, white with colored borders. Per pair ...... $2.95 BROADCLOTH Mrs. Wm. Stautter of Mannheim spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Hallman and friends at Kitchener. BED THROWS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and family, Mannheim, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. Ging- rich at Waterloo. Wilbert Wilhelm ot 'Kitchener is spending his vacation at the home af his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reinhm - er is spending this week wiits io- latives at Sham: Station. get - Elam: Station wen Mr. ti'r'F),,E',t.liiiti' fahg,tnt lun- I y Dwarf! Mario- rie Pert of itchener. an the weehe-rtd with Mr. Ind . Alex loner at Hanna. . . I . Mr.andMgtLWeiiand3oq Weller, Me and In. Wilfred Wei- ter, Shanta Station. were Sunday guests with tenth/st in Kitchener, Mr.nasdMrs.JUL_mtdamt Buluot um 191mm, ,rrithftieettU.tree- all!“ Sysday glen: IE the Herb Kyle- Mian Pttp-icia Leach of Kitchen- HAWKESVILLE 'Sociali- personal ’WAmLoo. ONT. $2.95 = 39c Reidel of friends at 19c A review of World War II to date . . . including a discussion of the possibilities of the Allie. dur- ing the fourth year of the war . . . will be found in the Pictorial Re- view, with this Sunday's (August 30) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Pictures! Story! A Sir..- view for you to keep! Get Sum day's Detroit Timer. M,000 Channel blunders are be- ing clothed in gal-menu supplied by the Canadian Red Oran. Four Special P THIRD 1'ltla%u, Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Wittig were in Tavistock on Sunday. Rev. Wittig was a guest preacher at the memorial service held in Trinity Lutheran Church in the lineman Mr Oscar Stroh with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slroh and Donald visited friends in the K-W Hospi- taLpn ‘Su_n_day. -- V-- - __ Woolwich - Council's monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday. Miss Phoebe Heidlinger accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heid- linger of Preston on a visit to the Wm. Heidlinger home in Baden on' Su_nday. - 7 - - Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Schuter and sons Elmer, Arno and Lloyd of near Bridgeport were Sunday visi- tors at the Stroll home. Mr. and Mrs. Val. Glasser and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Merklev of Kitchener ‘and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Campbell of Guelph were visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wep- plan; on Sun_d_ay. --- _ ___ A _ - Mr. and MKS. Edward mm: of Brantford were Sunday visitors with relatives here. Mrs. HossfeIdt of Walkerton was an over Sunday visitor " the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmore Ritter and Mt Hitter. Sgt. Roy Stroh of Allanburg. spat a week-end leave at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Schwei- tzer and family Sundayed with friends in Ctitrord. Miss Alice Shoemaker spent a week at the home of Cpl. and Mrs. Thos. Payne in London, returning home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shoemaker, who were guests at the Payne home on Sunday. Hurt in Crash. Bob Kirch suffered several fa- cial cuts and head injuries in an automobile crash near Waterloo early Sunday morning. Bob was rushed to the K-W Hospital where he received medical attention. He "earned yteAfond?r sequin; St. Matthew's Lutheean c08tttre- gation will mark its 90th anniver- sary with special services next Sunday. The celebration opens with a brief memorial service at which Pastor S. J. Wittis will be Ithe speaker. The main service fol- lows with Rev. J. Mangetsen of Ellico preaching the anniversary sermon. At a service on Sunday evening Rev. A. Jacobi of Kitch- GG' will be guest speaker. The lconcluding event will be a com- Imunity service on Wednesday evening with Rev. L KaIbneiseh of Elmira and Rev. K. Knautt of Hei- delberg. to address the congrega- tion. A social hour wilt follow this service. Mr. Fred Weppler is able to be about again after being ctmitned toAtis home for a week or so. A thunderstorm with heavy rain passed over this section on Satur- day afternoon. The lightning put the telephone service out of com- mission. Leading Aiseraftman Bruce Scheifele of St. Hubert, Que. spent a month at the home farm on Har- vest leave. The Blower & Forge ball team of Kitchener and the local mind put on an exhibition game ere last midweek, with the Kitchener team winners in a 10-8 score. K.-W. Team Wins 99!!! Anniversary mt Irene Gonna, daughter of Mr. and In Morris Gonna, Plun- ville. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. G. W. Kaiser, at the I/it/led Church W183?- Plum. ‘v le. . I After a short honeymoon in the eastern part of the province. Mr. and Mrs. Scheilele will reside in St. Hubert. Que. for the time be- Will Mark A quiet wedding took place on Saturday afternoon when L A. Bruce Robert Sebeilele. non of Mr. and Mm. Clayton Mk axing” will“ t sum -- Kim." -iGFiiGr. 'll't'le'r', Mry (gm Pee BM Waterloo Vania $337553; and In. Simon Brat, Germ' Aid fdF.uneT%CidaG In? a “who. loo nag AM __ 'riara iuiiiiiG. '?eitt,tratiiaairditiairtyTc I: I... Ibo. (Chanda W) WAN :11me Carney:- . CrCnrrtr,Tr, TTire... nlrrlerE. Ill I -------------------.-- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Doerr of New Hamburg and Kenneth Wil- linms were Sunday visitors at the Joe Hamel: home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reinhart and family Mr. Gottfried Reinhart an! Sunday at Maryhill with the gar Foster family. _ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eby and family spent the week-end with Wiends in Vinelund. 1 Mrs. Burch of Brannon! is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Inky. Mr. and Mrs. George kley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Isley and children spent Sunday with friends in Brantford. Mrs. Gus Hewett and children tent Meyut with Mm. Ted How- home in Toronto after spending the rut two months with the F. Retw er hmily. Mrs. Len Schell of Maryhill was a visitor with the Heegott funny. Maurice Hick?" has returned home after spen in; a week with his aunt In Preston. Lance-Cpl. and Mrs. Anthony may" of Liston] and Mr. Walk Mrs. o- BeherkiriiiiitGG and Olive Harm of hue. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Beita and family and Mr. Ed. Erie) spent Sunday at the Robert Stark home in Burlington. aid " Mnmitseirit. of Toronto were Sunday - at the Frank Realm- home. Marie Richie" of Beqforth is spending her vmdon with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Richie“. Addie Bauman has returned home after spending a week with rel-um In areal-u. Sunday visitors" at the Gun, Hiclmell home wort- Mr, and Mrs. Len. thehe" tf, tGrrhilt,_Mr. and Mill Rettie Let-ch spent the zest-end with friends at Camp Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krieger en- tertained at their home on Satur- day evening for their son, Donald, it being his 21st birthday. Danc- ing was enjoyed and refreshments were served. A suitable gift was pretreated 'oAhmtaid. 1 Those present were Mr. and Mrs. George Wilhelm and family of Kit-. chener. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bau.. man and family of Shantz Station Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harnack and Murray of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hansel: and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bilschy and Char- lotte of Breslau, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Harnack and, children of Sham: Stations, Miss Vera Har- nack and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Bitschy and family of Kitchener. "tt mung-1. - - l The children of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. “smack and their families gather- ‘ed at their home on Sunday after- noon and surprised Mrs. Hamack. it being her com birthday. A deli- cious supper was served and a suit- able gift was presented to the guest of honor. Surprised h 60th Birthday box, and left-over bread should never be allowed to accumulate. As most of the bread spoilage takes place during the humid summer weather, extra care should he taken during this period. In the home a well ventilated bread box should be used. The bread box should' be scrubbed and aired in the sun from time to time. lf wrapped bread is used, the wrapper should be removed before She bread _is_plaeed in the bread Bread should be stored in a clean, cool. dry place, away from other substances which have de- cided mp:of,s, or odors. Where it is stored in large amounts. bread should be placed on racks, prefer- ably screened in, one loaf high and so spaced td allow ad uate ven- tilation. The racks Tf,',,",',, be scrubbed frequently and thorough- ty dried before bread is placed on them. Bread should never he stored for any length of time in pasteboard shipping containers. inteetsitud. When these conditions are found to exist the infected bread should be destroyed and a thorough clean-up made. Where bread spoilage occurs in commercial bread notify your ba- ker at once, so that he may be able to take action. If the bread is baked in the home, the addition of l 1teeee of vinegarA tor every tour cups of ttour usually prevents the trouble. Bread should be baked a little longer than usual and thoroughly cooled before being stored awny. SHANTZ STATION condition develops a [Heavy 7:11;}: touristic odor is noted. white the fifth we! ate, doughiness become 'potrldrpotchmaytieeut-otiGd lg: .t-tt used up . When a large area is moulded, the bread should be destined, and the bread stor- age then thotou‘hly disinfected. The condition known as “rope" on the other hand, develop: on the inside ot the loaf. and the damage cannot be noticed until the loaf is cut. The centre of a "ropey" loaf become- slightly discolored, some- what mi and stringy. Aa the condition velops a heave char- Br In. H. A. Hm”. (Chronicle Correlpondcnt) 1 Miss May Greb of Kitchener was maid of honor and was.be- comingly attired in a itoor length blue crepe gown with matching headress and a short blue veil be- decked with ribbon. She carried pink Delight Roses. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Don, ald Derbecker of Lislowel, as best man. Messrs. Raymond Heipet of wore a sweetheart halo headress which caught an embroidered veil. The bride carried an arm bouquet 011:;me roses and bouvardia. W ' dnuahter of Mr. and Mrs. lr. 8 Wagner of Baden was united in mil-ninth Mr. Kenneth Der- \becker of . towel. son of Mr, and Illa. Clarence Derbecker of St. Ja- cobs. Rev. s Friedrichsen of Phil- ipoburg olichted. The ceremony took place before the altar of the church which was decorated with pink and white gta- dioli The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a Boar length gown of white sheer with long pointed sleeves and she We Specialize in Cleaning - Blankets - Rugs - Draperies " ‘JUST CALL! _ .e.= '5 .. tti-l-fail;..)' . rr ' . _ I RI) I " "ir' , N TWIN CITY lAUNDRY Mt tMlilltlltitl's A “WEAPON IT WILL Always Look Your Best - With Trim, Clean Clothes A weapon? Of course. You see, dry-eleaning lights waste. Dirt and grit left in fabrics for any length of time gradually wears away the root threads . . . makes the cloth weak . . . subject to tearing under the slightest strain. When you send your clothes to be dry-cleaned frequently, this dirt hazard is removed. They look like new and last twice as long. Due to curtailment of materials for a more vital use, new clothes are becoming fewer and fewer. We must cope with this situation by making what we have now last longer. Take inventory of your clothes today. See that they are properly mended and cleaned. Call us today! . HELP WIN THE WAR / 'win CityU Bunnies! Cleaners For Over 10 Years" FOR QUICK SERVICE JUST TELEPHONE 8-8833 . . . . NOW! Cleaners and Dyers We are pleased to see Shirley Nauman able to be out again fol- lowing her 1oryrilectomy in St. Ma- ry's Hospital last Wednesday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Diamond visited over the weeh-end with the former's cousin, Rev. Douglas Fa, my and Wr, Facey of Bronte. Mr, and Ark" -ifuG.- KERR-were business visitors on Toronto on Mogday. - Mr. Roy Bozart has received his notice for military service and it is expected he will be leaving very shortly for the conscientious ob- iector's camp or the Mennonite alternative service group. Mrs. A. Haller and daughter Joyce of Guelph are holidaying with Mrs. Haller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Roth. ' Mr. 'and Mrs. Stewart C. Kuhn visited on Sunday with Mrs. You've heard ot the metal shortage, no doom. and that means hangers are becoming harder to gel. wm you do us a favor“? When the driver calls to pick up your clothes, give him your old wire hangers to return to us . . . that wny you'll be helping us to serve you better and you‘ll be - your part to help conserve war Buy War Savings Stamps Certificates and Keep Buying Them.' HERES ACGOOD TIP f Kuhn's family, Mr. and Mrs. Been- ger of Bridgeport. (Yul-vino Yendt. m: Wr-vn West Ishdiie 2-4419 and "

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