TWINCITY AUTO PAINTERS 0mm: " William St. - Wumloo Phone 3-13“ STAR CLEANERS and PRESSERS Special Ladies' & Men’s Suits a Overcoat: sponged and pressed ..q..t...- 49e Phone 2-0103 NOW'. Keep It New With-.. "tCitetrener' V Bttypdtyer A._R_a_d_c[ntz R,rShogr CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FOR ATHLETES mom, Bruises, Sore Muscles and Rheumatic Pains. 60e and $1.00 at Geiger: 9mg Store, 408 _King_ St. E., "d "Mia's Care to all You '0." PEARL LAUNDRY CO. Cleaners and Dyer: Rug Shampooâ€: 90 Queen St. B. Phone q-AT8S BURTOL CLEANING Phone 2-4461 - Kitchener Theeo1ouroetoeearmatehed 0 lASSI FIED l ImiltTl$lylMi1lllT8 , PROFESSIONAL mans BootatmDER " Queen St.__N._ - Phone 0-0041 For prompt serviée and delivery 213 King St. West AUTO PAINTERS anocx I: DAVIS T. H. R. Brock _ D. Blue: Davi- CHARTIRID ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees in Bankruptcy) DONALD DUCK Rebinding Books. Bibles. Hymn and Pnyetbooh a specular. te, m: a?!" to your“: ruy y Vln‘ your mm mtg-zine bound into books. Goods called for and dawned. GEORGE M. RUPPEL 45 Game! St. .. Kitchener mingling Club pun, Sultana. Kitchener, Phone 2-2121 war-mo mm BOOKBINDING Mum-.324 FiidrJiaryrine DECORATORS P-ye-e-ttre “Wk-.011. DRUGGISTS CHIROPRACTIC may“ sun: 29-2w»: St. w. DECORATORS OLYMPENE tr-ttit Iror Adana-ta ptotqetittet-.N. our Local Remakin- _ A splendid program was pre- sented and maps. booklets, book.. marks, etc., made by the children. were on display. “93W On Friday night. July M, a large number mended the closing exer- cises of the Summer Bible School which was held at Bean's Menno- nite Church. Bible School Closes The Bethel w.ctu. quilted ' quilts for the Red Cross at the home of Mrs. W. H. Diamond last Friday. a Emil'y tidtiGiiiir aritii; Gini/di Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Gingerich on Sunday. Miss Margaret Baird of Hamilton spent the week-end with her par- ents., Mr. and Mrs. Addison Descendants of the late Nicholas ngleI. numbering atroyt fo, held, Miss Olive Ruddel ot George. town is visiting friends in the vicinity. . Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Shanta and family of near Parker’ were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Zena: Cressman. Mrs. Adam Cressman and daugh- ter Grace of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. Addis Cressman on Many/9y. Platlsville. Mr. .and Mrs. Abner Cressman and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Cressman and w.. Eng-Mrs. Joseph Good of near Priv-h a! M ".trt+ Studios - " Roy St.. Enchant Phone “In THE WAleDO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY YOUR PROPERTY TO-DAY BUY YO}!!! L!!! mama Representative DOIIINION In}; Assume: MISS ANNA R. BEAN Teacher of giant). Singing and Am om $2,000,000.00 GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT '100.000.0it SOUTH-WEST WILMOT WATIRIDO. ONTARIO JOE MfittN2INGER INSURANCE By lil- Inn-m Benn (Chmnicle Continuum“) MAY BE ASHES 'l'O-MORROW "TAttu.MBD I“. MUSIC r: I “I Du lie-tin. and Adding Minn. 'r'h'llll' Cabinets. Dub. Sula. etc. Ontario Dulce Otttiittem Ltd. " Queen st...g, _ - Phone 6-66tK Visitors Win ht Conestngo Wmtiwich Council at its meeting next Tuesday will busy itself by the striking of the year's tax rate. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Huehn with Misses Marie and Clara Kienzle spntt last gnjdwggk in T2911â€. The games are continued in Win- ,terhottrtte Tuesday evening and in Conestoga on Friday evenmg. The many friends of Rev. s. J. Wittig and family are leased te see the quarantine lifted after be- ingeoMnedtotheirhomefora Enough. Rev. may oondpcted the St. Matthew's Lutheran Church is arranging the celebration of its Mth anniversary and also the 50th for its present handsome edittee in a few months. _ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilkinson spent Sunday with the latter‘s mo- they who is ill at her bang at At.. Sunday services "m his churches. To Celebrate Considerable concrete work has been done at the Flour Mill last week by Mr. Seranus Martin of Floradale. League. between Winterboume and Conestoga teams was played here on Friday evening and result ed in a win for the visitors after our plays: had defeated them on 90th Anniversary Fusiliets Wm, 'don and:May- nan! Gies return Sunday I a two wee trai ing at Thdmes Vgleyggm ._ a _ --- Mr. Oliver Snider of Sheetwille was a week-end and Sunday visi- tor with his sisters, Misses Ida and Mglgel Snider. R.N. Mr. and ms. Edward Kireh of Brantford were Sunday visitors, with. relativgg in_the yillage. our pin as had defeated them on treir 'l'lti,','l,dl - in Ange tere. Miss Sophie Fox his "me to Quebec, where she intends staying for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac none were visiting with Kitchener Mend: on Sunday. - TYPEWRITERS Mr. and Mm. Edgar Bowman of St. Catharine: were Sunday visi- tprs at the home of the farmer’s WhetheeB0i3oetmuaman Good Brick Hon-é The second of the ttnal play-off gmtesinaseriesotthre.tobe .layed in, the N.vy_._1ps_onbau mlltmilNAUR&trHAN'N LKCRESSIANOSON mm - “MN. lawman-I cum. Ex- , TYPEWRI‘I‘ERS smuzs and REPAIRS REAL ESTATE “was...“ By Natl Shah (Chunk): Correspondent) “I I- St, - I‘m In“... Hr. and Mrs. C. Bolender. Mrs. Fred Martin and Mr. and In. m- ward Main and family visited at the home at Mr. and Mn. Edmund Berirytt on Sunday; - Sunday guests of Mr. and In. Noah Miner were: Mr. and In. Hubert Mitchell and son Frederick of Weld. Mr. and Mrs. Norman yak}!!! 5.".eg otAlma, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Snyder of Mondale and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snyder of El- min. Miss Mabel Meta of Waterloo spent the week-end with Mr. and ‘Mn. Walter Maurer. Decoration and Memorial ser- vices were held at the North Wool- wich Evangelical church and cem- etery on Sunday afternoon. Rev. L. H. Fletch of Bridgeport was the guryt week?!- - l A. ind Mrs.- Enos Zehr and [family spent Sunday with Mr. and ‘Mgs; John Prtyyer, EnveLRqad. - l Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spahr of Hamilton attended the funeral of Mrs. George Yunker, Monday lattemoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rumble and Mr. and Mrs. George Bender of Alma visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt 'tsun-dev. 7 7 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wraase and daughter Wain-ant and Mrs. How- ard Bauman visited Mr. and Mrs. Moses Weber near Waterloo on iiiarir."' Cutting and hauling in grain is thed order of the day in this district. We are very soriv to repbrt that Mrs. John A. Wettlaufer is very ill. W9_wish hem seedy rssoxerv; - Mr. and Mrs. harry Weil tinned on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurttae mt, 'attardyy, fawning. _ -.- _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Heimuth and Orwell .of West Zena called on Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth on Sewn-day gvgging._ - _ _ Mr. and Mrs. John Bast and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schmidt and Larry. all of Baden, were Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth. Mr. and Mrs. 1:63} Walter, Miss Wet» Falter and Mrs Simon Walier viaiteddt in? ha; of ME any. Mrs. 9eettre K_oe_pke. -- 7 Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider and Mrs. Martin Mohr of North East- hope were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Men Wagner. _ View Sunday visi'tori oiffrriuVi, Shut; and (lama! -iaiFroi-iiiii5 terloo were Sunday guests of Mr. an; In. Solomon Bender. Miss Lavina Ziegler and Mr. Wayne Snider of Waterloo spent 18TYr with Mr. and Mrs. Cyranus Mr.agsdMrs.charie.&batatmett ‘lr. and In. lam der,AitteetandtleWteoemtw werereeent-tsofMr.nnd ambush: .»Ir.andlln0ttolillermdwn NoemanandMr.andMrsCU- BruttaeheraiiotEtmi-gun- 'lagi'rge"""""d""eoee wind: Elmira spent Sund- itritCtiiTUii tery 1u'teti'l'llrd2"J,' mum. We: gimme}. is“: GGG lulu-Ova.†Iirlyuh,mr,t)ut Huh-y“? EAST ZORRA WOOLWICB Br In, Aaron Hal-mu (Cllronicle Correspondent) " In. In“. I.“ (w with†Waiter' [l f h ' ll' v1; tf i _ l f ‘ ',ii, A Baptismal service was held at the United Brethren Church on Sunday morning in charge of the pastor, Rev. E. Gingerich. Seven candidates received the ordinance ot baptism, namely: Kathryn Hall- ‘man. Erma Kaster. Dorothea, ‘Gingerich. Audrey Eby, Stuart Raster, Glen Hallman and Merle $'li'lJr'. _ Bible Preachers Are Discussed "Favorite Bible Preachers" was the topic discussed at the regular meeting of the Blenheim Menno- nite Young People's Society which was held at the church on Sunday evening. Harvey Holst presided and the singing was led by Mor- gan Boer. Miss Jeanne Shantz read the scripture lesson after which essays on the following sub- topics were given: "Joshua and Samuelâ€. by Erma Beer; “John the Baptist and Stephen", by Phyllis Kehl; and “Marks of a Faithful Preacher". , Clare Snider. F Rev. Roy och of St. Jacobs oc- cupied the pulpit of the Blenheim Mennonite Church on Sunday naming. -- - in. and MGs.Wria"iigeiiiiaii of Chicago, 111., spent the week-end Dr. C. H. Little of the Waterloo Seminary again conducted the ser- vice at St. ames Lutheran Church on Sunday evening in the absence of the pastor. Rev. A. L. Conrad who is away on vacation. Mrs. Moses Baer, Sr., entertained at a birthday dinner on Sunday in honor of the birthdays of her hus- band on Saturday. July 25th and of her son. Josiah, which was ob- served on July 10th. Guests pres- ent included: Daniel Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Etsy, Miss Ellen Eby and Mrs. Leonard Bechtel and son. David of Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Omar Snider and Clare, Eva Jeanette and James Keith and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hallman and Hugh. Marie and Carol of New Dundee. Husband, Son Mjyh Birthdays John Hallman of Montreal. Que., is visiting with relatives in the vir. lag? and wugitx thjs week, About twenty girls ot the Bien- heim Hermite Church gathered at the home of In. hrence Cream-n last Saturday evening in compliment to Ilia Ruth Snider. bride-elect of next Saturday. The guest of honor was made the re- ttit'" of a mace' "neon: shower In th the gifts being hidden throughout the house and the clues to their whereabouts revealed by the ringing of alarm clock: at re- mnan- intervals; Dainty refresh- ments were served at the conclu- sion of an enjoyable social evening. Seyen Baptized eheie of iSauiak" -__-__ -- tf.t,uuxt't Wan-cc Taiwan recs: Jar... "iiiriih"iril" Wm“ 'Ipem a few days ot last week with his parents, Mr. and in L It Ttr [a Showered m'beén ihiii? - iidik'Ltttiit" will read New A quiz: hum the book of Proved:- y.msyy.t+etedhr the - ups! Miss Cressman an 'g,'t,'2Iuiid Auria "’75 tie ___ 'iffi'il'i? ' .. F!si"'irr'iiiiil. ma. A sulrG"ll,.l'ttl'lt; the new . tGws um um - - yir!apilbjyt Tye, vim-ug- 1hrSirauttue In. mung-mum dttMtr'ge'arff'gM'rht By Wall Ding dLedMstttdQgt, Miss Mabel Brubacher of West Montrose spent a few days ot last week with Tier sister. Mrs. Moses N. Baer and Rev. Baer. Mrs. Fred Lautenschlager spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Duench at Waterloo. Levi Bock of Chatham spent the week-egg visiting relatives here. Miss Martha Horst and Rev. Roy Koch of St. Jacobs were guests of Rev. and Mrs, Moses N. Beer on Sunday, _ Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh spent the week-end with relatives at Walton. Mr. and Mrs. George Filsinger and daughter, Betty ot Mildmay visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Goettling and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gettlingyeently, u - 7 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mills and son. John and Earl Mills of Tor- ont were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Musselman and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Egerdee over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bock of Port Credit are spending a few weeks with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Bock. Shirley and Roydrn Rogers of Elora are spending a few weeks with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sherk. Mrs, George Hellman and Miss Vera" Hallman accompanied by John Hallman of Montreal visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Schiedel and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shantz a\_l_’resgn on Monday A _ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Weber, Mrs. Gerald Weber and son, Brian and Miss Anita Hera of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Weber on Wednesday. Miss Violet Herber of St. Thomas is spending a few weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geqrge Coleman. __ , with the farmer's father, Charles Beckman. Mrs. Alfred Futher attended the funeral of her, unde. the late Christian Miller at Baden last Sat- ursiav - Miss Ida Snyder of Detroit, Mich., spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Eli Rosenberger and Mr. Rosenberger. ' Miss Dorothea Gingerich spent a few days of last week with her grandmother. Mrs. D. Gingerich at Blair. Rev. C: W. Iiackus of Paris visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt ortNoruley, A -- A _ - __ Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Baker of Preston and Mr, and Mrs. Nyle Fu- l ther of Kitchener visited with Mr, l and Mrs Alfred Futher on Sunday. 3 Kenneth Ackerl of Waterloo is holidaying at the home ot-Miss Laura Erb. Mr. and Mrs. David Berger and Mrs. S. Witmer were recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Shyntz gen: Ayru 7 - Week-end visitors with if}. aid Mrs, Carl Koch were: Mr. and "(amen muchâ€? "-rtetset, punter-engrave: 'S-What In: the eartp haunt Arab and? w-mas str-N-a vessel -(pl.) Sb-Mass of Ice MF-Astaire gramttIculy "-Cttek-beeiies "--Nattve metal "--rtttiguest . "--what French novelist an: author of "The Wluduing In"? Ab-Br men: at lo-Barter iit-Gott mound 81--merun cola 82--Maseuttne name M-What mythic}! Airre had the 26--rtmted 2T-Ttresoase perm 28--Symbot tor Iodlum 2b--Ymttts l-Top 2-Avertue llbhl'.) '-Ettrnested t--6ttttted '-Purute card 4b--Theee-toed tttotha tr--ttuiie tron evil 'B-Ort up t6-Wmttt Mb-Etruscan god: 1T--cuaste [We tN-What lady. gnu-(und- daughter of Henry VIII. Inc beheaded for (reason? IO-quote "--'ropax humming bud Irr " HomN'l'Al. t"p'fj,fj "yft8t?, Ms (ig, " " " "-oe-t I" 48--Regret extremely "-ot-ve 4T-Brnttot (or mama all-Ion uncommon 31-41mm smu M 8.-tatet Mood Hon drink "-4 "--waai"dG-e. (all led a lama chm at Gettysburg) 'V-Moat 1m '8--Punet 1.s.--tte)rue root-pub nun-kn of a 6m. Eliot and? "-Yoms in PM 23â€Emma-II 'tettMtbqa& 't-'is9e it}: - of a. te-tarea. File-m at my MIR-om tt-utr Mrs. Gertrude Vannier of Water- loo and Stanley Otterbein with Mrs. Louis Steinbeck Mrs. Emmerson Rani-oft and daughter. Gladys, the Mines Catherine Brown and Betsy Aiken of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rayeroft and Miss Mary Buyeroft of Paris; Miss Selma Kent and John Burke of Kitchener. Miss Isabelle Roth entertained a number of friends at a quilting on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hahn and Valline Hahn, Misses Emma and Clara Vollmar visited Sunday in Soyfhampton, -with_re1atixrey, - - Miss Gloria Knipfel of Kitchen- er with Mrs. Harvey Knipfel; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Huehn and Helen and Erla with relatives at New Hamburg; Mrs. Harry Schneider and son of Kitchener with B. Zin- kann; Miss Norma Heimpel of Wa- terloo at the home of her father, Henry Heimpel; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Koehler and daughter Grace with Harry Koehler. f ANSWER IO To-DAY’S CBOSSWORI) PUZZLE AT TOP or PAGE The members and friends of the Evangelical Church held their an- nual picnic on the lawn of J. A. Steiss. The program of sports was gre_atly enjoyed ttall, _ . Mr. and Mrs. George Heimpel and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Good at- tended the shower at Waterloo in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Heim- ple, whose wedding took place last Sa_t_urda_y. _ -.._ . “__ Gunner Stuart Wolfe. who has been in training in Newfoundland for the past several months, has berry. visiting__at_hi_s home here; (See answer " bottom of me) Mn." (In. ot “inâ€: I I'll... but by may run". Syndicate. lac. HEIDELBERG {A Br His: Bony Battle-M {Gimmick Cormnondtntl LAM-a.“ IVA 1% 'ifft'. W 7/4 bye. _who, hag