. mm" ee-ee-__""? Bible School To . For a main course summer dish o ism-n;- omelcl.lllts g,',',',',',' Pt; or wtt tart " y. panis sauce, pp July 20 '/,',ttJ,r":,s; glistvd 'ttr; creamed icttie on ot' am, . ry a C com: At M. Jaeohts (scuttle. ur instead of cheese, add i!!n.eiy clmppml cooked vegetables. The St. Jacobs Mennonite sum-)ftaked fish or minced chicken. An- mer Bible School will open July 20' other welcome dish consists of and continue till July 31st. Ses- eggs baked in nests of creamed sions will be in the morning only.;potato en casserole. . The following staff. under the Eu yolks. it unbr.okem.ttyw be leadership“ Rev. Roy Koch. wtye.tst.rtt,d, by covering with cold be in charge: Miss Martha Horst, water and keeping m a cool place. Mrs. Noah Horst. Miss Selina Horst, - broken, they may be beaten to- Miss Vera Martin, Miss Grace Gra, " "WT and euvvtvd tightly Wilhoul ham. Miss Almcdu Martin. Miss "l ditionof wyt.Cr. Keg. whites, Lucinda Snyder, Miss Lona Sander, , it co rred. and chilled, will keep Miss Sarah Heintz. Miss Elma Bru. for so " ume. _ bacher, Mrs. Nelson Snyder. How-, - ___ ._. . ard Good, Mrs. Abner Marlin. Miss’ - _ Elizabeth Martin. , " "" A "A I n The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of Calvary Church were the guests on Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Snider. The day was tine which enabled the ladies to wander about the large grow- and enjoy the scenery and tlower beds. MEL“ Women’s Groups GuestgotMrs.Snider Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Martin and daughter Irene and Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snyder visited on Sunday on the tith of Peel with Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Burkhart and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burkhart. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sander had as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Elias Sauder ot Hawkosville. RUBBER m DANDELIONS Cheer up thcre's rubber in those dandelion; Robert D. Potter, sci- ence editor ut The American Wt'l'k- 1y, points out that on overgrown cousin of our pesky American weed eventually may solve the problem of how ti, keep your car rolling-- nn NEW tires. The American Weekly including this inlvrosting Starr comes with this Sunday's Mu y 19) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times. DOWNING. STEEN Ind Co. A "AietuGtsurtio- an». In tm nun. kih"T, [NIXPINIIVI a "N'" . Inn-um. um. It [In st. W. Phone 1-4“: KITCIIBNEB CINDERELLA Dress Shop July IS, 16,17, 18 ST. JACOBS IUP‘I‘U‘IID? canEIali Wedneaduy - Thursday . Friday and Saturday FLORISTS 'ili‘l'ON. a?!“ [twill-I‘d "" " A. , I.» "Smarter thimu ttt andâ€! Flinn†ERR STREET W: _ WATS "htgtoaite Dominion Lilo Had one) i In. In†Iowa, '" All“ It. I “1.0!â€, NI Also take advantage of this Below-Cost Summer Clearance Smart COTTON Dnlssls Eggs Important On Summer Diets When boiling or baking eggs, use slow heat so that the whites will nut become tough and unrahtlble. To boil, have water at boi ing point when eggs are put in, then lower heat or remove frcm the hotter part of the stove. . â€a...†-'."". -...- -._... .._.... - Because cw ure highly nutritive C Petersburg carried out the cake tor and easy to digest, they should play ‘ the bride to an I In important role in the summer; For her going-away etmtume the diet, . ‘bride chow role crepe with white Eggs cogttttlrt valuable food ele- 1teeessorieir. The couple will spend ments necessary to heelth,--pryiGii honeymoon in Ottawa. Upon Rein, tat, iron, phosphorous. eal, ‘their return they will like up re- mum and vulnmms A and D, ysliiiiGdi in Branitord. Guests were tol‘dlllg to Column†Section, De. present from Stratford, Ottawa,i part-“en: of Agriculture. Petersburg. St. Thomas, Beotiand,l When boiling or baking eggs. upe Wiisonvitie, Bright, New Hamburg i slow heat so that the whites wglljand Woodstock. , Mrs. Jack McNoll, June, Yvonne, Douglas and Elgin of Blaine visit- ed r. and Mrs. Alonzo iner this " .III than“ Ott _ loin-kl- con-0rd." Misses Pauline Derbecker and Violet Cressman of St. Jacobs spent a few days with Lech: and Gladys Dcttwilcr. Keep "Cucumber Cool" in then- smart separate a NIH and Mrs, Peter Bowman and Elmeta visited Mr. and Mrs. Add. Gingerich. 6th of Peel, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bowman. Martin and Emanuel Bowman, Amanda, Catharine and Mary Ann Bowman accompanied by Erma and Keith Shanta of Strasburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Bowman at Parker. .. week. H Ruth and Billie Grosz are spend- ing their vacation with Mr. and Mts. Wm. 'trph, frorefitld. Mr. Thus. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lawson and Donald spent the week-end with friends at Rockwood. Mr. and Mrs.' Earl Miner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller. Elmira. Mrs. Ismael Bowman and Mrs. John Martin spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wideman near Elmira. (Formerly $2.98) Blouses Skins Highly Human And In! To Dice-t FLORADALE WATERLOO $1.98 arm; A lovely bridal shower was ten- 'tl': tiered Miss Helen Hewitt, daugh- of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hew- ned in. whose marriage to Kenneth Markie of Brantford took place on , Saturday. by Mrs. Russel Hellman be on Monday evening. The shower gold took the form of a treasure hunt, ace. the bride-elect following et and 2; white “framers to and t e many 3?" lovely 1 ts. The address was read ,‘ es, by Miss Margaret Oliver of Bright. 'eeP‘Baskets of lovely summer Rowers decorated the rooms. Following 'the opening of the gifts by Miss :Hewitt. several contests were held under the direction of Mrs. R. Hulk Juan assisted by Misses Nellie Hall tuna Margaret Oliver. A bthet Juneh was served from a Iace-eow. and ered table decorated with pink and mix; white streamers centred with a and bowl of pink and white roses and Vbaby's breath and pink tapers. “in tover thirty guests were present. About my guests†were received by the couple and the bride's mo- ther, wearing s navy mpe dress and matching sccessories and s l The Mission Band of Plattsville / United Church held their last. Giiiiiiie for the summer months on Monday afternoon under the aa" urn-ship of Mrs. Sidney Green Gai Mrs. Gordon Kaiser. A short uevo- ' itiotuy period was held. Mrs. itiii-I nor led in prayer and the scripture Hesson was mad responsively. 'ii1 was decided not to hold any more meetings until September. Follow-l ing a short business session the) [group adjourned to Memorial park ‘for games and lunch was served' by Mrs. Green and Mrs. Kaiser. 1 and ','t'tlet accessories and a carnage of r rates and the bride- vroom'l mother attired in navy blue sheer dull with matching ac- cessories and a can.†of red Following the reception, lunch was served outside on the spacious lawn of the Hewitt home in semi- buttet style. Min Ruth Devitt of Petersburg carried out the cake for the bride to cut Bride-Elect ls Showered Hold Last Meeting Until After Summer Pto. Kenneth Smith. recent em- ployee ot the Canada Sandpaper Co.. loft this week for British Co- lumbia and Cpl Jack Harmer ot Borden is spending a few days' have at the home of his parents ‘belgrg leaving for Ate cont. - Visitors to outside points from! Plattaville during the week were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Eckel with Mr} and Mrs. Walter Eckel at Zurichp Mr. and Mrs. S. Green with Mr. J. Hocklon at Woodstock Hospital‘ and accompaniéd try Miss M. Ste- venson visited with Mrs. James Ronald at Ayr; Mr. and Mrs. Clair Harmer spent the week-end at Kitchener and Guelph. Seaman James Penn and Aircraftman Don- ‘ald Grimes are trpending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' Grimes " Pt Maitland; Mr. and ‘Mrs. Harry Lee Davidson and son wDonny and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Atten were Sunday visitors to Rest Acres: Little Miss Jean Smith is ’holidaying with relatives at Pres- ton; Mrs. R. Farrow and "ttlat were Saturday visitors at 'ood- Mock. Besides visiting other out- ‘sido points they atten ed the fun- oral hold Monday at Drumbo ot ‘the late Mrs. Lonzler. lormerly Jessie tuker.pt Bright. fl 7 l Recent visitors to Plattsvitle were: Mist Bezel Elder of Toronto spent a week's vacation ttt the shame of her parents. Mr, and Mrs. ‘Robt. Elder; Aircreftmen Philip A2rimes of Dunnville and Mm. Grimes of Fort Maitland at the [home of Mr. end Mrs. W. Grimes; ‘Miss Sadie Curnh of Bright Vinit- {ed Doreen Harmer on Friday might; Miss Bessie Brown of Wind- !Ior is spending e three weeks’ ve- ‘cation at the home of her parents. :Mr. and Mrs. Alec Brovin; Billy Milne of Little Britain spent the week-end at his home in town; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Patterson of Kitch- Hener Ire on I visit It the home of igeir d_mg[ht_e_r. Mrs, 'rltrtel4er and E. L. Schneider; and Mrs. Sothero of London spent a few any: the past week with Mrs. A. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs, A. Po ; LA.C. Alvin Niche: of Dunning; visited over the week-end with his par- on". Mr. and Mrs. C Fuleher. PLA’I‘TSVILLE CERTIFICATES . ____ M". -.... ...... ..... p.70.- l, "1.2111332"- 't'iiiil'its.!'iii". :m-zz Bu 'dh '2JTllt n M y a", or Gov-I ’32, WAR SAVINGS " IP"? tPt, PACEIrr Pr In I Social - personal How-ttue-noe-av erw-eeotv_ieewithBetw 1"ipe2ttfiN2rSSt. t-,hEruearistrhapntpiaayd . with new W!!!3!"Ie Y. 'trgPghtLi Lou in}. his 9 SW _ "awd E-aaa "and 'aassitg od up chem, Mr. and In. John Hum- mel. Iv: and John In, of mun were â€can may with the I. Brunt may I' Sigma. Station. home and Mary Wilhelm have net-Am is. than-w in Kitehew. ern v t MMâ€. Mr. and Erica. 'Pe" . - Beverly Hnrnel _of Khyber» er-iihieukt V - seven! weeks on the [arm 1',tMd and In. Walter Maurer, North _Woelwiqh, Mrs. John Grout of Elmira dis- trict spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. D. M, Bowling» Flor-dale. Min Jennie Milne of Kitchener spent a week's vacation " her home at Mannheim. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Hellman ot Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. [nigh Eby and Audrey and Nyal of Wil- linmsburg visited with Mm. Levi Hallman. Mannheim. op Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and (amily and Mr and Mn. Vernon Woolner and family of Mannheim visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shunt: at Waterloo. Miss Helen Wagner ot Kitchener is spending a tew days with her aunt. Mrs. Wilfred Wine] and Mr. Witzel. Mannheim. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods, Mann- heim, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine kicker! at Kitchener. Weber Re-Union ht Hawkesville A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Onias Weber of this village on July 12th. In at- tendance were the families ot the formet's brothers and sisters. The afternoon was spent recalling past experiences and examination of some Bible events. A delicious lunch was served at 5.30 o'clock by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv K. Brubnch- or and Harriet Brubachor attended the funeral of Urius Bachler on the 3rd of Peel on Sunday. Miss Rebecca Martin spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ging- erich and Mr. and Mrs. David Bow- man. both of North Woolwich. "idis’sés Lain Shi'éusnnnn Mar- tin were fgrtt afternoon visitors with Mr. and m Wesley Sittter's in Elmira, Mi. Josiah M. Martin and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. chtutityt Frey et, V.autnstein, -ggr. and Mrs. Onias' Martin of Mutton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Martin. Mr. John M. Martin is spending some time_ il_1_Nortb Bay.__ _ - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Schallhorn. Miss Mary Hottman of the town line spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. August Schneider and Delphine and Velma attended the Decoration Day service at Lin- wood on Sunday afternoon and gent the evening at the home of rs, Stephen Duench. Wallenstein. We regret to report that Mrs. Hy. Bowman is ill, and wish her a speedy "my! _ " -- A Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reist of Wintorbourne and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Martin and family or El.. mira spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bechner. Falls From Hay Load; Injured Quite Seriously [Sm Francis Kroeuch, St. Clemens, fell trom a load at nay recently, fracturing his wrist and causing iniqry tote spiny. - 7 w. and Mrs.' John Lorentz spent . Iitty reoqnyy in Torftsto. - A Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lorentz and two children left Tuesday for their home in Detroit after a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lorentz. 7 - Misses Janet and Marlene Lor- entz are spending a few days" with their imndparents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis .spaugh -- _ -- . _ - Aircraftman Carl Koebel of Huntsville is spending his fur- tough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koe_b_el.» __ _ -7krrdiiiiuii. Edwin Hug?! and children spent Sunday in dorm y_iaitiryr attlte home of Mr. Ind MB. tao Kelly HAWKESVILLE m PAY MORE? ST. CLEMENTS (ohoi' Tidi- [I In. A33. Br I!†Paul W (Giraud. Win! IhEmuasNmitgaghi. at h u 'ttngteht. e1sticl"Etirs1'ihtli?r2' “Murat“ q . O . Mr.aodMmBehrarrtt$eh-g.. tit,lttdga",gt'u'"g,tt In! My vi In John 'tgN,'gt',igTUtltr,i2f, PW -etAetreeh-et with Wm†all! iurri. -iianireaTr' of thatâ€. Mr. and In Will m of Lisbon. Mr. and In. Holman Utter and Mr. Meets Heimpet of Waterloo. Mr. and In Georg: D. Smith In! “in Vera Smi of Heidelberg. Mr. Ind Mrs. Jul|us Soho“ And Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ruchty ot Kitchener, and Mr. Jno. Kraehtintt of St. Agatha. " . . . Lieutenant and In. Sonnet" and Ions Daddy and Larry of Kitchener, Min mien Ciel and In: Dolores Schnau- of St. Clem- ents Ipent Samba†the home of Mr. and “a. win Hackban, Hench Road. Mia Dorothy Strut, of Kitchener is spending two weeks " the home of her grandfather, Mr. Louis Frei- burger, Heston Road. Waterléo Viiiiéd Gui MT Giierir. {arm Kmpl. Hansen Road, on Sun- Mrs. Leonard Fleischman and baby daughter June of Kitchener is spending some time with her mother, Mrs. John Druar. St. Clements. Miss Francis Kieaweuer of Kit- chener spent Sunday a! the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Leo Forwell, St. Clements. day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Otto and son of Waterloo called on friends at New Hamburg on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Munias and 3..th cheryrtyt Ki.tertsntspent tgarnet',', by Mr. and Mrs. Da d Betzner of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Rev, and Mrs. Curtis Cram-nan and Mr. and Mrs. Addis Cnssman. S.W. Wilmot. Messrs. Clifford and Melvin Shane of Kitchener called on Mr. Edward Good, SW. Wilmot, on Sunday. Irymytwith air. iitiiirunfo'iGi Mogk.'Si. dieiG/ntiL Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Schlegel. Pine Hill. were Mrs. Frank Buddin and sons Datingl and Frankie of Montreal and, r. 9nd Mrs. Walter Bender and sons Rok Gii%iifiGrtGiiGr, er and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Baeeh- ler of Baden. VH9" at tttelmoeodMr.nnd Mr. Annd Mrs, Irvin Litwiller of _Mt and, Mrs. Lloyd Otto and son Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Uressmun TWIN GITY [MIN My "Twin CityU Basics! Cleaners For Over 10 Yearn" FOR QUICK SERVICE JUST TELEPHONE 8-8833 . . . . NOW! Twin City Laundry cleaning puts your dress or suit right back in the Fashion Book, looking fresh and pert, just as if it belonged there. It brightens colors, to vie with any of Summer', popular hues. It gives your garment back its neat lines, perfectly pressed and fitting better than ever before. Get ready for Summer. . . . Call us today!" Cleaners and Dyers a‘3 lovely Bride Today. . . Insane!“ scene. Melouded by (limp steam and backed with sound elects Iron a washing machine. Don‘t let ttt Home laundering is such a loollsh thing. particularly when Twin City Laundry ollers Its superlative service It price- low enough to sandy every budget. Wilma} Norma Renal. " Show! SI . anbo . . Witt the beanulnl wedding picture hale into I Dr. Dalton Docksteader. V.S.. of Chesterville, was best man. Miss Florence Facey attended her sister as bridesmaid. She wore et net over taffetasith fitted dice and sweetheart neckline and completed with a pink net bolero and pulled sleeves.' The full gored skirt was tlrtished with rattles edged in silver thread. She wore also a pink pleated halo head-dress tied with a large pink net bow at the back and carried a bouquet of pink snapdragons and roses. Delphiniums. roses, Madonna and regal lilies were used in decoration for the wedding dinner, served to about 35 guests. The bride's table was centred with a cake banked with pink roses and accented with pink and white streamers. ' Receiving with the bride and l gloom were the mother of the! bride in a rust tigured sheer Ern- semble accented with a corsage of I Johanna Hill roses, and the mother; of the groom, in a blue sheer cos- tume finished with a corsage of Butterfly roses. l, The bridal couple left on a wed- ding trip to Ottawa and points east. the bride travelling in a turquoise rcdingote. trimmed with braid and completed with,a matching hat and white accessories. They will reside in St. Marys. Guests were present from St. Marys, Stratford, Detroit. Ingersoll. Norwich. Chesterville. Kitchener. Plattsviile and Baden. JUST CALL! Will she be running a washing machine next week? Mr. and Mrs. S. Heat and young- est son Kenneth of Kitchener were Sunday evening tea rt.'"",",),',',',' and Mrs. A. D. Bell. Th also, itll" on Mr. and Mrs. F. licDoTlf a . Miss Ruth Baker is spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Howard Vance of Dmmbo. Friends and relatives extend great sympathy to those bereaved in the death of Mrs. Prank Lender of Drumbo. Miss Anna Waldie, R.N.. of Gen- eral Hospital. Woodstock. spent Thursday and Friday of last week at her parent}! heme. -- A Mr. And Mrs. George Perrin of Roseville called on Mr. and Mrs. B. Waldie on Sunday. CHESTERFIELD "mrouet.