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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Jun 1942, p. 6

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aiii"aiak son In Toronto Beet Shortage PM!!! TORONTO. - The outlook in! f/ft',',',' tor any immediately relief the local beet shortage a cattle, deliveries have not shown the in- crease expected lut wee) Gram cattle should be coming to whet now, it was reputed. and next week mny see some improve- ment in receipts. but this has“ tobeaeen. stiortrumrmitot . week carried cattle prices so to We tchundredweight bigger. with the bulk of the cattle ins lold tor military requirements and not toe domestic civilian needs. Wartime demand tor beef in this country is estimated to have cu- ried total requirements to 40 per cent above normal, the Dominion Marketing Service revealed yester- day, and to meet this penny in- creased demand, approxunntely 8.- 900 head of beef cattle would be required by Toronto in order to feed this city, Eastern markets and the various military supply depots from here to the east coast', all of which sources depend upon Tor- onto for their beet. Local receipts have never reached such a volume. it was stated. 7 _ A A Last week about 6,400 head of beef cattle were shipped to Tor- onto, either to the Union Stock Yards or direct to packers' plants. Although a fair volume of oner- ings appeared on Monday, receipts so tar in the current week have shown no material increase on this figure. Only 630 head of cattle were delivered here yesterday and of this supply alt beef cattle were readily sold at prices 15 to 2Se higher on steers and heifers. A holdover of 200 stockers was re- Other Live Stock Btedr "flags. lambs. veal Gives and sheep held steady on the Toronto live stock market yesterday. Weighty steers sold at $13 to $13.50, butcher steers Sll.50 to $13.25, with a few at $13.51). heif- ers $11.50 to $t2.25, fed calves $13 to $14, butcher cows $9 to $11. bulls $9 to $11; stockers, $i0 to $10.75, with stock calves up to $12.25.. _ A Choice veal calves brought $14 to $14.50, with common lights sell- ing downward to $9 and the bulk of sales at $13 to $4.50. _ Receipts reported by the Dom- inion Marketing Service were: Cattle 630, calves 420, hogs 860, sheep and lambs 350. Lambs sold at $16.50 for good quality with culls at $13 to $14. Sheep traded at $5 to " Hogs sold at $15.60 dressed- weight_ and sows mostly at $12 Unique Members of the B.Y.P.U. held a unique meeting at the church on Monday evening. In charge of the Service Commission with Mrs. V. E. Dinger presiding, each person present was given a slip contain- ine instructions for a contribution towards the program. Following a responsive scripture reading the topic on "The Life of Jonah" was given by Miss Emma Lautenschla- gen Short talks were also given by Greta Buck. Mrs. Harold Poth and Dale Ehnes after which Mrs. Ephraim Ehnes and Mr. Harold Poth rendered a vocal duet. The New Dundee M. s. Band serenaded Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh (nee Beth Shannon of Wal- ton) on Tuesday evening in honor pf their marriage last Saturday. Mrs. R. Carton, principal of the Continuation School presided for the High School entrance examina- tions held here on Thursday and Friday. Fourteen pupils from the New Dundee. Plaines, Williams- burg and Roseville School wrote thgfour papers. ___ _ The members of the Women's Institute held a farewell gathering for Mrs. Arthur Schaaf at her home on Tuesday evening prior to' her departure from the village to take up residence on the Kitchen- er-Petersburg Highway. The pre- sident. Miss Sylvia Bock gave a few well chosen remarks and Mrs. A. Futher made the presentation of a casserole to Mrs. Schaaf, Con- tests were enjoyed during the evening in charge of Mrs. M. Beth- tel after which refreshments were served. The Mennona Sewing Circle met at the Blenheim Mennonite Church on Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Bean was in charge of the Devotions and the business was presided over b the president. Mrs, David 3"ch The day was spent in quilting for English relief work. Mrs. A. E, Hoover of Silkirk was the guest. of her sister. Mrs. Josiah Cas'scl and Mr Cassol while visiting relatives in the village for a 19w days of last week. Mr, and Mrs, Ephraim Casset, Miss Zimmerman and Mr. Zimmer- man of New Hamburg called on relatives in the village on Wednes- day. Recent visitors with Rev. and Mrs, Moses N Baer were: Rev. C. Warren Long of Peoria. Ill.. Rev. Hiram thor of Virginia. Rev. and Mrs, D A Yoder of Elkhart, Ind,, and Rvv and Mrs Oscar Hostcttler of Topoko. Ind. WA“ _ sii'ii!tit,1 l 1'iiiiiel - . '05! O'IICIS lu'AI'lll' IVOII! . DIUOOIS'! .IOCIII . VOIACCOIISV! no: m Cd ' I'VAI noon NEW DUNDEE -R_rMteM3i0ermMte.at 3.0M Pallet Eggs Up hs Supply Short l The wholesale cheese market crept back into its shell after com- iing out Tuesday and showing a litiie sign of activity. Ontario new, "arge white make was available at aoe , poungl without attracting at- Limited supplies gave a modest hit to pull“ cu prices to country snippet. marking the only change isyesterdatyt dealings on the To-. ronto open produce market Light fresh receipts on the en market were generally adequate toe local requirements Pullets were on the short side, however. and the price of this grade, which has been nominal moat of the Week. ttrmed H cent a dozen in the graded section of trading. Other prices were steady to ttren. bunan on the butter market. so that prices were maintained. Some buyers were inclined to ‘be cau- tious over the tttr," day's ad- vance, but o erings were not heavy. Ontario No. I grade cream- ery solids sold at 34%c a pound, only Kc a pound under the maxi- mum level. Montreal buying inter- est was holding Western butter on a firm basis Although one car of the product sold locally on the basis of Me a pound, little inquiry detteiopetl in thy mtke here. 1 Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Toman were Tguests at a birthday supper at the ahome of Mr. and Mrs. John Bow- {man in New Hamburg on Thursday evening in honor of Mr. Bowman's 3bi[t_hday. -- - . tdntior; of buyers. h It. - “on (elm-Ida Wt) Miss Margaret Cassel of Belle- ville is spending the summer vaca- tion with her parets. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cassel. - l Visitors with Mr. and Mrs Aicx Brighton on Sundav were: Mrs Elizabeth Schultz. tl,, and Mrs, Harvey Schuitr and children, Ruth and John of Tavistock: Mr and Mrs F. Kimol. Mrs Ed Struck, tho Micsos Alice and Dons Struck, Mr and Mrs Albert Brighton and I.orrrr Ahhott ot Prrston: Pip 'iwtyiiyrt Struck of Niagara Falls: and Pte Clarcncr Konrol and Mrs Ksnrol of Kttrhrnvr Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Shoemaker and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Beckman and son, Royden of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sherk. "ME aaks. Ephraim Snider of Parkway called on Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cassel on Wtytfnesrday. K Mrs. J. Cassel and Miriam Hil- born attended the trousseau tea given by Mrs. Cecil Wagner of Kitchener on Thursday in honor of her daughter, Miss Loreen Wagner, bridg of_Saturday. - 7701; GiriiA. H. Kavelmzan and Miss Nellie Kavelman motored to Toronto on Thursday, --. A --.. Bishop W. E. Musgrave, D.D., of Hungtington, Ind“ visited with? Rev. and Mrs. E. Gingerich on] Wednesdpy. - -... . f Aircraftman Andrew Filsinger of St. Thomas was a recent visitor with his sister, Mrs. Harry Goett- ling. and ML. Goqttling. . Mr. and Mrs. Arum Dawson and children, Jackie, Jimmie and Mary Catherine and Miss Olive Herr of Selkirk and Mrs. J. Dawson of Hamilton called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cassel on Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sage and granddaughter. Shirley Sage and Boyne Sage of Newton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koch on Friday. Mrs. E. L. Spear of Stevensville and Mrs. M. B. Shupe of Sherkston were guests of Mrs. A. Hilbom over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Anderson and sons Leonard and Clifford visit- ed with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Eger- deg at Paris 9n Sunday. - 7 7 Mrs. M. H. Shantz, the Misses Luella and Mary Shantz and Gor- don Shantz visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saltzman at Victoria- burg on_Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Byron Swartz of Conestogo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Toman and Mr. and Mrs, Abram Ioman o_n Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Reesor and son, Lorne of Markham were re- cent visitors at the home of Gil- her! Berger, A A Miss Zena Hallman, R.N., of the staff of the Private Patients Pavil- ion. Toronto General Hospital spent a few days of this week at the home of her grandmother. Mrs. Gtorge Hpt)1nan. Mr. and Mrs. George Quehl and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas of Waterloo visited with Mr- and Mrs. Jack. fichrpidt on Saturday. Mrs, A Hllhorn. Mrs, M B. Sny- der and .Miss Mary Hilborn attend- ed a troussoau (on given by Mrs Alfred Laking of Frochnn on Sat- urday afternoon in honor " hvr daughter. Miss Margaret Laking. bride-elect, - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koch and son, Bobby and Mrs. George Koch visit- ed at the homevof Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Doorbockor at Waterloo onASunQagy. Rev. M: Bricker of Toronto w the guest of Rev, and Mrs. S, Shantz over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Doerr and John Hammar of Kitchener visited with Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Copley on Sunday. The Mlssos Joanna Kathermv and Roth Sh Kcnncth. Wilbur and Clv, of Pine "Ill spent Sunday and Mn hand Bvrgry Mr am' Mrs Jacob T, Mrs. Matwl Hoover and Miss Jean Hoover of Kitchmior visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rusenhcrger on Sunday. '. Mr and Mrs Erod Egordco and Mr and Mrs. M K Toman spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs, Wm Egordoo, Sr, at Rosebank and Mn hand Bvrgry Mr am' Mrs Jacob Tuman and son. Douglas and Mr and Mr... Florin Toman and rtuldron, Donald wnh Mr and Mrs Moses Tomnn and Carol of Kitrhcior visited on Sunday, Miss Mary Rogers left on Friday for Paris where she will spend a part of her summor vacation visit- ing her sister. The Misses Kathermv and Kcnncth. Willm siupih and__der_nand wefgLabout NEW DUNDEE Sham: 'IS'tlt' S t' Shar With A nanm‘ YJS mu Mr md as Bit Dani ht Berries ht Market ins: at Kim-Wanna: Inu- kets Saturday: Smwbar'nu I!!!“ In peb- trom 15: I quart to It: tot “It hi; "irfax “titty. Outdoor- eheeeie. were avail- ttttie. Governor Wood white chec- riu were I toe nix quarts. blink cherries sold at $1.50 tor a: am. The amt green pen of the anon were sold It the vegetable stalls. selling at 65c for six quarts Cauli- Bowersr edinpeieettpenMtto Ate each. imam” told at two bunches for 1senndinsomequar- ten of the market as low In tour bunches tor Me, Tomatoes ranged from 20 to 30e a pound. Cucum- berg sold at tSe apiece for medium sized specimens. At the produce stalls ew_were M11. FiGGi" -a, to 366'; dozen. Butter sold at Mc a pound. Mild cheese sold at Me a pound and medium at ssc a pound. Beet prices seemed more stabil- ized than in recent weeks. T-bone steak sold at Me a pound, round steak at the same price, side-rib roasts Me, heggrts We, Hamburg steak 25c, rolled roasts 35 to 3134: Made roasts 28c and T-bone roasts Broiler chickens sold at Me a pound and chicken ranged tron :hat down to Mc a pound tor older owls if irilAaey plants sold at 15c a doz- en and cabbage plants at Se a dozen. - _ At the meat stalls fresh pork sausage sold at Me a pound, smoked pork sausage at Me a pound. ribs 32e, bacon 38e, ham " and 30c, shoulder roasts a and Me. backbone 25c. sirloin Me, tender- loin 45c, head cheese 18c, jellied meat 26e, summer sausage 38c and lard tSc. - - Me Cream. solids, No. l 34% to 00 do 38 score ......r...rr 33% to 00 do 37 score .m.-.P.PF..F 33 to 00 Note: Above prices based on closing sales. Quotations to Retail had. Creamery prints First grade L.. Second grade Third grade .. Current make: Large mrm.......tt.mt.P". do twins. triplets do cuts ttm...........". Many At Funeral Of Accident Victim Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Diamond attended the farewell service held in Chesterfield United Church for Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Hagelstein and family who leave the lst of July to take up a pastorate at St. Cath- arines. Mr. Urie Bender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bender has returned from his studies at the Mennonite Bible School at Harrisonburg, Va. Urie is taking over the Koehler bread delivery route. formerly car- ried by Mr. Alson Bowman. Mr. Bowman has volunteered for ser- vices in England and expects to legye shortly for overseas! (Country Truck Prices) No. I gage ""'C"C""", 35 - go {Delivered to Torpnto) No. 1 grade .....-_..... 38 tooo Quite a number from Baden and vicinity attended the funeral of the late Mr. Wilmot Ducting of Strat- ford, who was fatally injured in a car accident, Among these Were Miss Katharine Roth and Messrs. Dclton Snyder and Reuben Wctt, laufer. Mr. Laroyd Bechtel of Bridge- port visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Bechtel. Miss Clan; Seip and brother Carl of Welland spent Sunday with friends and relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs R. Messerschmidl and daughter of Galt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam. M. Roth on Sunday Pie. Gordon Joscelin of the R.C.A.F. at Stratford renewed ac- quaintances here on Monday. Pte. Joscelin was a former school teach- er here. Rev. Jesse Short, evangelist from Archbold, Ohio, is the guest of Reggnd Mrs. L. Witmer at pres- ent. - As far as can be learned the last placard has been removed for scarlet fever, One case of mumps has so far been reported. Moot At mteiUnor. The w, A, of the United Church will he held on Thursday afternoon at tho home of Miss Louise Huet- ner at Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Creighton and daughter Ruth and Mr. and Mrs Prod Nighswandor of Toronto arr spending this week with Mrs. William Tyack Raymond Peterson of Hamilton and Hardy Bulmor's of Kitchener were at their summer cottages. The 101wa "can“. of cac- m at Kimhem- turbo Inu- It In. Aug, Schindler (cm-bl. Own-mint) Trttl---At K-W Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs Earl Tyack. Hawkes, ”ville: aAaughter. Churning Cream HAWKESVILLE "airy Produce DONALD DUCK " In. an“ - who“ we.» gm im";: 41$ BADEN II] [AIIQLOO 36 23%to00 to 00 to 35% to 34% e?iil."egt.,tr' "r: Dnoedvdfht M Yum, were up 5c . Btratfoed when the market was reported unsettled and tet, were unchanged pt other -hog markets lem- Dreuedweuht: Barrie. $15-10; Hamilton. $15.50 delivered; Hull, tts plus transportation; Stratfoed, $1400 plug triuuportation; Peter- igggg5 " pink Wm; Bran ord, $15.10 plus transporta- to Toronto: Grade A large ., "rl__ 3th to 00 Grade A medium qFFt 30% to (I) Grade A pullets ..err. 27 to 00 Grade J, "re-rr..'--.--"'"'. 27 to 00 Grade C _e...wn__._____""_ 24% to " Note: Prices on farmers' ship- ments are 2 to 3c per dozen below above quotations. Selling Price: to Mil Trad. Grade A large ...F.... " to as Grade A medium .... 33 to " ;Grade h pullets PF"_FF El to Q Grade B Liveweight: Chatham, $10.75. Poultry and Egg. Hog Quotations- fountry ddaiers are quoted on ded eggs, cases tree, delivered . .g Mgt . (3;. "elit'e Cdl any of these salesmen for " ”pint-neat: C. R. COFFING I“. you) "" D000! "" MILAN!!! It"! um I.” “"0011! M - "" axiom "" I‘ll - IUDION 1989 CHEVROLET "" NA“ 10 Water North Bert Stevens SEDAILS ”I OHIOIICLI Sales Manager I “OWE; EVE ME DEL Ct @605, Walter Stevens Russ Forbes has the largest stock in Western Ontario to choose from nuns Le? 5222- cognac 'BLU L\) R. A. FORBES MOTORS v09 "WATERLOO COUNTY'S LARGEST USED CAR MARKET" DODGE and 038070 Sales and Service K IT C HE N E R . are still, available mama-s mun SALE OF [AN BS human-unnum- d'mwydim NOTICE IS MY GIVEN ttsatthesateotuna8or-oe rttptt2t2vg'fAteg,h'l'Mg otJung.19¢2.wua§_m_ch__uk 'l'" ioumed by me until Friday. the tenth day at July, 196. It the Town Hall in the said Town of Wnterloo. at the hour of t o'clock inthenftemoon. -rIcEttyPUtrrtgBRGNEN, that if the price cased tor my tandatttteutoumedmuisieq ttuntttea-itduegttrar-tf taxes. chaienndeemta,orirno price is Mend. it is the intention gt the_Corpor-u‘op ot the Town_ol Town Tteasurer's once, Waterloo, Ontario, June 19th. 1942. iiaiTrGrt"iGiGuirie" __ the m tor 's lbs. and over 4 to 5 lbs. ...,.. Grade c ......rmm.mmmmmmmmm' 27 to 00 Note-Above wigs: in path sec- tiari,asai mi amine ales. Spins 'Veil-- 1% to 1% ibtr. ..rrrrr. 2t i% to " lbs. .ee.FP.P " PM K--- M :-o z Avg). GT© "Fsc quNk hoo mominafi'rices to Shipper) Dressed Select "A" 1939 NAB]! 1339 DODGE 1940 D380!“ "" FORD 194] DODGE Luxury - 1541 DODGE 1941 DODGE 1989 CHEM“ 1982 cm. I TON with CID. 198' CIIVIOLI‘I' Incl I937 FARGO WM Cab nil Me My 1938 FARGO M ”my NORMAN G. upmuc, PROTECT YOUR TIRES! wmc “CI-llYCO“ valid LOCK. . . . Flt Any Car * Light weight - Won't throw wheels out of balance * Will NOT rust, freeze on, rattle; Bet " II" * Neat, compact, enchant, strong. Only $3 JP TRUCL<§ POULTRY Town ot Wntertoo, RA, Fu, (MRS RAF. Performance tit tom f3, E), MI K 1f'r?j L' as rs, sm if: Ft i8 w. E _ " - at; " ' M - B' 'dr " N 0 “a . ' iT: it Churchill. Kilt To may Pail: will WASHINGTON. - President; We]! today called I TtSe meeting for tomorrow ot the . War Council. which Prime um Churchill and Prime Minister Mae- kenzie King will attend. Stephen Early. tial Bee- nary. in Jie,turt'ffeu'1 did not say for what the meet- ing was arranged. latte was to have been, however, a regular meeting of the council today. " w; announced that Mr. Mae- 'estie King was en route here tdi V the meefing. I.” PONTIAC I!” mom I.” '0.” 1m VOID I.” CHM“ I“. CEIVIOLI'I' "" OWL" "" PLYMOUTI. - Wédnesday Morning Market and continuing each Wednesdny during the months until further notice. TOWN PROPERTY AND MARKET COMMITTEE Commencing on Wednesday, IT NOW GET Town of Waterloo HAVE By order, With-It Rut. Gem-a moved southward on the Lib an side of the Egyptinn frontier IO$L apparently intending to wheel eastward, and_ crash into Egypt gny miles below the coast ioHtie - pe of outtUnking the British de- In the coastal zone German can- non sent shells over the British lines and German-ttalias, tomes en- gaged British mobile units west 9t t?_t.utyp._aps?arrttyr.attyr with for Field Kai's-ha! Erivin Rommel's tunhing scheme. I.” ESSEX III-bl. In! 1011 CHEVROLET "" CHEVROLET 1m PLYMOUTH. In“. "" DODGE, Radio "" DODGE M Attneh OI Egypt CAIRo.-Aaris armored (puts THESE VALUES! All!“ In", " Noni- St COUPES By Walt Disney we”, Juno a. It. MISS Phone 8-8487 summer

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