h m m In. E. Hombergcr The W. G. Young Cot Cleaner: and Dyer. Rug Sin-men SArm GARMENT STORAGE It... 0-47†The Pearl Laundry Co. "4 Mother's Can To " You Fear" Por the War Savings Sun,- lk Sons Everything In LII-bu Millwnrk lnmhhon. Roo4bg and mu. no 5-.“ . " â€In. I. Grand Union Hotel MAYFAIR HOTEL WEI-(“Wat "NWARtgmrmGtgtmuers Get Into the Front “he! - In." Wu Savings Sta-p WE 1fi,,ii,phts11tit-piNrsia,ter1oo Merchants l'hilin Founld. " drtlli I _ ' ti 3g 7 'Cai iiitiiiiiii-)-_,,'-;,-t 9* I ?gteil Itâ€; i - " - .- Ili if illiNlllll. " BINl . Linwm f I a - ili8Mlllllllllli5 'sit-iii? -- , '. %::.:Wâ€"~\ - " ' > .. "--- Janna: Ind Ort-ere'. I Ilia at . Mltt WAIT T0 IE JislaiN..tlirehlI ha a, “on! To Federated Chrilics Alf. Heller’s ACCORDIONS IN ALL 31253 JEWELLERY STORE "ee" P""""'" Save Time and Many Mutual Fire Insurance East End Hotel (Io-puny tin-(II on local - Plus-n: surrounding and You; so.“ it lb; l ; In Sue: and sun. lulu: [ """dt a y Ted Parker’s ml ECONOMICAL Orchestra â€Qua-m Euo Minnow. Prop. 312 King Bt. End s1Ccner1er=vVaterioo Merchants f,,i1t.:t,-,,f2ppriittti! with 'Chronicle" 1n War Sav1ngs Drive \Ee Double your Pledge and buy REGU LA RLY Shoemaker Ave. ItttMeee... Null "rotr CAN'T " OPTIHISTIC 'ITH MISTY OPWCs" Ofnee Supplies and Equipment . anneal-elem“ _'aTlud"klllllCtu"tf,'l%'l'e' _','"vh'ate%re. - MM GIG-Serviceman- ( Immedlmmmn-nuy For Memorials of Distinction Superior Memorials Oven for Dance and Wedding. For War Savings saw Drive Crawford ""'"'"‘ liken L, t-8B06 "2133‘ Accordiog _Sc_hool Joseph & Co. Ltd. _ OPEN on Zapfe Machine t Repair Shop VALVE WORK AND CYLINDERS REBORED M 2-2143 - " We St. IM the W. - Kitchener Next to um Ontario Office Outfitters Ltd. Compare our workmanship The Campbell mica] Raiiio Service Machine Co. _ nus. Guarantee- Are was?“ _ "'"'Nlat'"crge'" " saw: POI omen: Phe' W" “mum Wu For Poiato Chip. Raymond’s Ay Shop I Duke St. West I. Queen at. B. ORDON’S _ Twin City Rag O O D ( & Metal Co. LASSES i Note 'ar new r"".",'.':','., SATISFY i "'td 1,2Z, 2f" - a m B. BUY WAR SAVINGS "Aâ€. PLUMBING AND HEATING “MODERNIZE YOUR PLUMBING" min-gum - new.“ “"'“-'“' mm: Importers a Mail Order Service luau Conny ORIENTAL BUGS W. A. Starnaman Co.; Specialists in Rug Cleaning and a Weber st. E. - "one “at Repairing. 3 Don’t Throw It Away! HELP WIN THE WAR by keeping all junk such as metals. rags. ete., until you have enough worthwhile calling for . . . I For prompt service on all makes [ of radios. , Get real enjoyment an: of your Radio. [Phone 6-6625 _ Mt My Bt. CALL . Rosen Rag & Metal s,_,lt,t,t.?y1raa,tt, Prompt Reliable Sepia Phone 2-1972 - It! Kilt I. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS F Picture Framing and Photo Finishing Free enlargement with Roll! developed. Malt Order Satin ,lcrou Country Mr. Lloyd Brutsaciter of Kitch- ener was a Sunday guest with Mr. anA Mrs. Earl Panabaker. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Knechtel and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Schmitt at Nine Pines. Dominion Electrohome Industries Ltd. Are 100% Boosters for the War Savings Stamp Drive Mr. and Mrs. Wm. woous were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowe" of lnnerkip. Sunday guests with Mr. and In. Stanley Snider were Mr. and In. Ephraim Snider. Miss Sylvia and Leonard Snider of Parkway. you want "th", WI,†Cloth: _ . ". viii iii: c" .--- Phone 3-3391 PALLADIUM KIFisWE"ITFat Help Win the War! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Snider of SC H E K E N E Radio Service att your waste Intel-kl- and all 3-38: 131 Shaun Bt. JrEG7vira%'utiI"'" _.6.eu-axa.e-- Pr FFPI.“ may! 'nmsmw-t-Mm by keepinll (Next to Capitol The-tn) 'r, rags, ete., worthwhile; Queen's Restaurant “All Eating Place of Snow Merit" ". - ' Complete Soda Fountain Sanka l "uluuihtt.tLgttgtreittaLttgttrit"m EIRKII‘SLWH - 'rrtehe- s1_oo 31.15 Planet-l.“ - noun-us. l We have may trureraGitimr. I ncwaru auoe more a Phones-mammor-mu‘ tehtreoer'ae-ar- 125 [In Wat Qualitv Shoes at Moderate Prices. ( Buy War savings s " lurk '"thl'f 'tl'": Kittie!" For Qlick Action! Hessenaur & Shantz ' w ' SMOKERS' SUNDRI‘S 1 . 1 . 1 s PAPERS AND MAGAZINES Mandy Footwear ' an and no use: I†an In u. . _ II- was DARDARIAN’S Home Cooking and Couruous Service that will please you. Besuretoinsurewithuat “one.“ - “Qua-N. J. E. WIEGAND & Co. Ltd. Repder Realty Co List your property with us. q " Charon street. near Sin-Icy " you like cog may fresh food 'lures-in-training at the K-W Hospital spent Sunday at the home of the latter; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Renee. Miss Ruth Beams; of William- burg spent Sunday with Miss Jean Snyder. Miss Dona Ecerdee spent Sun- day with Mitts Shirley Einwechter in New mac. Mr. and . Joseph Stoltz. Miss Margaret Stoltz and Mr. Russell Stoltz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mtt. Roy Stan: in Gait. Real Estate and Insurance Drayton, Juke LiaiGa iiiiaG - and Be.miee We?! Fumes. Mr. ind 5.1317": Feick and Donald and Miss Florence Jewitt In. Aims.“ Ttru telegram mm Pte. Pectin: Kaufman hit! an rived safety in BrteInnd on My. Miss Doeotitrru.ngetumedto tAtetulme_oftier-ts,Mr.amt Mrs_H._W.Beanuurthe_mster months troGHGiil "iii-to-G-ere-iii'; P" mending 1m mu: Col- days with" IE "an? EYE-FE 'fe'- and Mr. lunch-n at Arrives Overseas Am 100% behind the it Saving: Sta-p Drive Extra Fine Liglt: Hosiery The Kitchener _ Real, Estate Co. , Buyers waiting for Homes and Farms. Save for Defegteet For - Action "BE FOOT HAPPY†List your My with _ lily your lies " I’M-I‘m ROSEBANK Phones-52.8 ANDNIGHT Input... you. IA Cab at Your Door in s Minutes! MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT Complete line of Smoker! Sundries Don't forget the Iddresa‘ III III. " u Iva-yum m a. and?» Inc-Illa In hm - Billinrtla - m mu Bt. w. _ In... 2-0": Karina's Lark!“ Starr for Smokers att u: mmq Foyr mguine and unmet: - M1418 Bates Shoe Repair Save for Defense! "1'0 â€It lbs W by - ‘BEFOOTHAPPY Get the right last inQualityShoes. sun-gamut A Cab at Your Door in Five Why not hive ml [at 0-bit? Buy your Shoes at unu- "In Inn "an: Bill’s Cigar Store Day War Savings sun’s Phy Billiard. and Pool .larksou "Cochrane Reward Shoe Store Prompt and Courteou- We Gold Medal Cabs O. K. Electric and Mr. and Mn. Edwin H. Arnold and daughter. Miss Jean Arnold. at Kitchener, Mr. Joseph Kieswetter at Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Linus Kieawetter and Miss Sherry] Gir- van of Gait were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kieawetter, Mrs. M. Schaefer returned from the K. and W. Hospital and her health is much improved. DUNBROOK’S The East End Cigar Store with Mr. and MiUieetiririiiTi"i". " heaving. In. Charles YW, and Miss Bogshie Miner t My with E; Ind_lrl. W,,',,?,', Miller near David 'uifiiianLarihrFiiiiriu"e"ii"t Sunday with Either and Calvin Winner. For Prompt up! Courteous George Jacobs 1 mime your aim periodic] nugget]; W Save. you money. A - l " C A B S Dominion Truck ct, ___’_A Equipment Co. Ltd. BAMBERC "gEtrtBtU.E. mm “was cam-menu spent WM"; lm. Melvin Becket MI. W. Lattner tk Sons 309 Inn. St West “Fling ir '- .. r- " it" l lion 7.. [In E. - "out 6-6tt" 112 King West _ Phone 2-1 Meeemeat.. Acetylen}: Welding Fresh Choeoiate Bars Tobacco and Snokers’ Sundries Have Fun __ Play Billiards Don’t [met the am- 2235 King Wed Play Billiuds lor real enjoyment Magazines and Smokers" Sundries TOBACCO MAGAZINES AND PAPERS 237 King W. ve Phone 6-685] Ed.!lass Cigar Store Woodwmking Machinery " Victor-h M. N. Jamsz Cigar Store ( Are 100fi behind the sale of War Savings Stamps "Have Fun - Play Billiards" HELP WIN 11“: WAR'. Buy War SIM! shuns PORTABLE IQUIPIENT Welding and Cull-c UNION BUS TERMINAL --r. WESSON. Phone 2-1469 for the Air Force SaveGasolene Koehler’s Cigar Store Please travel at times other than peak hours when factory and at line workers have to be tteeommmUted. SHOPPERS AND EVBLLBRS at 3972 I", CHRONICLE BUYERS’ GUIDE into. __ So the ending is gay Wr're happy to say. And Marni-fl no long" (do "all? x hole! But the Buyers' Guide and Chronicle an" to the m- Cqe-- With bargains worth Ionian“ to pull! ll seems he went buying. Spent all his time trying To keep from losing his rott- Rttt the story is sad- He spent all he had-- I And landed himsrll in the -“OI per (Alon). but you and “that driving Vorrllo in a toll.“- “It in. and have my _ W. (I. - you with “that. I. in - " the cut-nun, For inlet-.- tio. ad tichrts «and! Noe only I. you tab ave -. (Ma [raw-Ilorl - up, w. Travel /by Bus KATRINA!" Regularly TW'IN tTTY maul-yum: "'x'F