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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 May 1942, p. 2

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Melitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woods. Mrs. Wellington Snider. Mrs. Wm. Yiterreu, apd Mrs. Anni” Ila-tin attended the tuiiisrisia%r? Pty a!, yondgn_ on tiaturdar, Mr. EmiriGi"uaiiTGiiG";si mili- tart training at Camp Borden Inst Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hdrriott and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Dodds of Conn were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter nelson. Hrs. [Anon h Geo. Melitzer of London and Miss Hildebrand: of Kitchener yen weekend visitors at the The railway: of Canada and the United States are capable of handling all types of freight, more economically than could motor transports. and no move should he made which might prove a detri- ment to the speed and efBeieney with which they have operated in the past and are operating at present. A survey of the Railway Association of Canada, of which both Dominion and American railways are mem- bers, would prove that the railways of both countries have given and are giving meritorious service to Canada and the United States in their supreme war effort. ' Rev. and Mrs. Fosbuary and family and Mrs. Johnston of Acton were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Ms. B. C. Woods. for the duration. Any disagreement which may arise over the matter could only prove injurious to the unity so necessary between Canada and the United States. Trucking organizations, who have failed time and again in peacetime to find an appreciative governmental ear. should not be allowed to charge, that retina] of their request to carryl height in bond by truck through Canada will prove an impediment to the war effort of both countries. Sumce it to say, that when such aI move is absolutely necessary, the august governing bodies of Canada will know when that time has arrived and act accordingly. l ofthetmiBet-oetedttrthesemtsaysisaeiiveredtounited sum points through eastern Canadlan port: of entry. Ttuehing-in-bond proponents also so so far " to extol the value which added sales of gasoline and oil and other materials would mean to Canada. They neglect to reMize-or do 'ttter-i-tttat in time of war " available materials. particularly We. oil and tires, are vital to Canada's war eKort, and that much a scheme would necessitate employ- ment of more and more persons In Emulation. to the subsequent determent of war indtmtrien. Opponents of the when” contend, and we believe rightfully so, that the "in-bond" proposal should be forgotten. or at lent put aside Btatesezdtange. 'hioitmentu-trtreenmueondwittnot hummus. Ttiat-edmttheatmmtirtionttsatssneofttsetmtBe willbeukenfmmthennwmopenun‘WCan-dn. mucus thattheCanadian railways andtheAa-imn.ttnes oreeatingthrough Chnqdatreeeive their prmtortioetaorthethrmttrttratesinosited States hands. "otheerrtenttut_-etttritertttantruetintrmtes 'tterwiutttatetmattieattrtmmidetamera-nuoeunitedtrutedgtma 'ttranrtmiBewhiehmiehttseaateteetettaoe-i,tunwouiathe Desritetrue-o-tiemtutt-t-'-uaioestot- paetheuhtiert-dwiuN-ttttogutt--ntrwa-tgteet tre'eoit'etse-ar"iahittoaeemhaettttttietsrinmmaaor Trrtttedst-miustattdtomuetrrttteerantinaotau-nsion. oneottheeitiet--t-tAsti-austsari-- ifth"theostemtio-ttdreovuo-mmuoouttsrmnttrnited Canadian National Railway: have u very much lounge:- hunlitr); this may: Mil Canada than maintainer- involved Iincemuch Mtnrandvarudhavetteentheat-ttri-uuusine 't-i-tioetatoetuniastt-tttota-eter-isomtatmt-eea, 1MteoitatsdPttetmmmontttroese-mr-1omsttsesoeser. hen-Masque. "tererrheme1reareNtisrttysirttrats-rio Municipal Board, the 1ysteesute0tmr-eeo-is.ietet, .qmnmittee oeth"e-tennd'h"tt-Govee-tsa-e-m-etu. Another clump!” yum-hand!” hm‘hm anditahouMtrro-,reeeive me-aumwent. WEST MONTROSE do retort at Ft. Andre‘s, NIL Btt vamhly rnuipe" to promote that fitness, the lawn! Algunquén Hotel vs atttirmatirttt plenty at an an (hrs Bummer on Its an gm golf four”. - ham" beaches, "In"! mm". bridle palm-ml turnth blue I INT! where yarhtsmeo can “3 before Bait, Iaden hm". on P-tm-tddr, Ray, an oi the Miami”. 'tysetiest mind um . Sum-WM by emerald green lavas. I n Prmtt shrub-V and park". the Pleasant Summer Days at St. Andrews by the Sea WITH phys‘ral fitness a mum m evrry field of wartime . ravnr. and Canada':, foremost at of THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE ANOTHER "m BOND" “MG-Am yungawuu M Anon-1a.... we: 'NNerhtNtLePat'ePtfg.1t,,'tet, d main-rum...“ Ti I=3ii5rf,fff, I riiril',i "tVB-e- b urn-w-“ 0-... -.-.- 'oAvmmnamm Outs-1W thattheCaaadianPaeiticandthe te fin. will iiiai"G iiie ara; Gi Thursday evenjng. Church service a patient at the Pteeport hospital. Ber many friends with her a com- pletirnoovery. ‘several days “MFR: "iisu7i,- TiiFv' Weber. who eelehmted her eighty- ninth birthday on May 20th. church and eommuiiiiy "gov-VIE]; Mrs. Edgar Letson returned home on Saturday after two weeks of_nurs_ing duty at Elmira. Local improvements are a new roof on the United Church and Mr. '% is erecting a new woodshed. .P.U. will meet in the church on on Suncia wiu‘be IVES; Tiiai' with Sadly school at eleven. Cele?” an! My. 7 Mt Word Howlett left for Sas- katchewun on Monday to work as a missionary for the summer months. The best wishes of the Alan wulhm any distance cl the Mgooquin I," the golden exp-nu: cl Kat)". Cove, where hotel patron- an indulge m ttme lavorin aquatic pastime. on 00m. diving had- or on the tte.crtrso"mrdt-ud-mh. The beach, (“mine with My mum and than “I. a apart. Irngtt"trrhwkerf ”with (MU-00“ tharmmg Canadian Parifk hosteln m but a low minutes' strollfrmn the [mums If: hole gotf mm whose orll m; ta rwavsrteraliy In"! the an. and ' how fame in this (“unify rivals that of m. nanumlre mm in St. Andres, 1, Sta! hind. Friends and 7:835:59} extend EEEEEi%l?? Not the lent of gt. Andra“ any hon: in its annuity-My by Canath Pardrr Railway lines from prim up ritiesof EarternCannda and from Van nutcr- mnu in the United State mlmon mamtam an evenly moderate t plenty". f Parachutists started dropping be- mind the Russian lines in key isectors in groups of 120 and up- [wards Front dispatches said many were killed by snipers and mach- ‘ine-gunners before they reached the ground, and that Soviet troops wiped out the rest with hand gren- ade, bayonet and trench knife. Advance " to 37 Mites The Russians have advanced 12 to 37 miles in bloody fighting dur- ing whic hthey killed 12,000 Ger- mans and destroyed or captured vast quantities of enemy equip- ment. .,.v.....v.. m. their congratulations to Miss Mary poration to Weber, who is celebrating her 89th ber in Cana birthday. Miss Weber is enjoying on prelimin the best of health and although pvcted that blind and almost a lifelong cripple, hy 1943. w she is blessed with a most cheerful ing at capal disposition and a keen memory. the output She spends many hours singing the 27000 tons hymns she learned in her girlhood product wil days. Of a family of fourteen, she vilian shor with two sisters, Mrs. Rogers of earmarked Galt and Mrs. John Sherrer of war purpose Michigan survive. 1 tn". can." ’Chuthts Sabred, Shot As 1 Fast As They Land, by Russ [ MoscoW.-Germany threw a suicide corps of parachutists into the Kharkov front today in a des- perate attempt to stop a rout of its broken divisions. Beeing before the ferocious Russian drive. The Ger- mans also were hurting flying wedges of tanks and trailer-carried troops into death traps in the Bus lian lines. Moved by Simon Ditner and Henry B. Bowman that this council do now adjourn to meet again on June 15th at 9.30 am. Also on May 26th at 9.30 when the Court of Revision will be held. Charles Heipel, Clerk. B. Bowman that the following le- icounts be passed and that the Reeve issue his orders on the Treasurer in merit of same: i ot Township, relief wood, 1318.00; Roy Schlegel. relief, 3.00; E. ‘Koehler, relief, 9.00; Theo. Huehn, ‘relief. 8.00; J. H. Kreitz, relief, 110.00; A. E. Reiner, relief, 9.51; E. 'L Stable, relief, 1.46; C. J. Leiskau, relief, 24.00; W. Schneller, relief, 2.71; K. Seeger, relief, 36.20; Free- port Sanatorium, relief, 27.00; De- partment of Health, insulin, 8.96; Municipal World, cattle tags. 10.51; William Pair, rails, 20.00; Pay roll, 397.27; Daily Commercial News, advertising, 4.50; Kitchener Daily Record, advertising, 5.60; Clarence Dimer, road signs, 4.87; S. M. Roth, oil, repairs, 7.05; W. A. Stewart, bridge painting, 88.50; H. C. Schumm. revenue stamps, 10.00; 18ttrart & Cornell. bal. on bridge, gathered by truck $eg,i the school: on June list, paper5to he tied in bundles. All teachers are request- ed to company. _ ietioois be ' tome} an.“ "th, IME u-----------. AMpresent,theMeeveWUhm .TheymamdyyyttyrtheMtti. Wine] presiding. tton Art-which It. and " tgi2'ge,'f%rg,'du"g%,t tnuehdi-ims-tem-- “School Attendance f,'er2, tt 2'ttchr, 'ar Wt non y report was pram to recent. t “I The Department ot Public Wel- United Air Could-gnu which tayeydyiaedrrexcer may,“ nurtunnn‘lloudny. 1qiiseq tun Gordon B. Human that this eoun- cu clan! $25.00 worth of work to Eli eber to repair " driveway which was damaged by the public while the Oak Grove bridge was replaced, - - TtteMnrmeetinaofttseWthmtt CtmnetT-tseidatBadenonMms- Wilma! '0rgalizes Rubber Scrap Drive fl. 'AI’IILOO my OIQQIQLI The maYriage has been an- touryrd of Marlin. Aim-"man "Carl Stroh of Dune. 88k. an. of ‘Mr and Mn " C. Shah of thh Ptr Wm Porlor of No 10 Basic Turninq Centre in Kitchener. ct, nt tho wm‘kknd nt his home Mrn with his family Announce plum-go. Mmsrs Noah titrGkGnd Sol Ktrch wore business vigitom in the Twin City on Saturdav Mr and Mrs. Herb Huehn. Mr. and Mrs Norman Dahmer, Mr. Ind Mrs Byron Lemon and dauphtus Vivian and Shurlov and Mr. Noah Sin-h nttondod thr, tune"! Af the I'm Jacoh Droisingor in Elmira on Frrrlay nftomnnn Mrs. Hill. who sprmt sovvnl rtwmths at Trail’s End here, his "mind tho homo of Mrs. Conic-n and mnvnd in for the summer “hm Mrs Costigan is spending 0hr mmmrr in Montreal Mr, and Mrs. Harvev Schwartz atlvndrd the funeral of the latter's father. tho late John Pirie in Tor- onto, on Saturday. The late Mr. Pine was a son of the late" Mr. and Mr; James Pirio for many venrs rcciricnt mi the Woolwich-Waterloo inwnlinv. was! of the Bloomingdale road After his marriage the de- parted lived on the farm later oc- rupwd by Mr, and Mrs. Ananlas ertin for some years and some iii-w attrr tho death of " ttrst wife ho wont to Toronto. where he married again and resided until his death, Besides Mrs. Selim Mrs lmn Seidewand and Mrs, Km- noih Knllor of Elmira and Miss Annie Pirio of North Bay at daughtors and Mr Waiter Pirie of Galt, is a son. Attend Funeral. The Hon. C. D. Howe told the House of the workings of his enor- mous department, Munitions and Supply. and dwelt at some length on le, seriousness of the rubber sho age. Strict restricting are now in force. The sale of tires and tubes to the general public has been prohibited completely and only very essential vdlicles will be supplied in the future. and then only on permit and by delivery of the purchaser of a used tire and tube. Mr. Howe went on to say that with co-operation of the war- time industries Board, arrange- ments have been madefor the es- tablishment of a governmental cor- poration known as Tolymer Cor- poration to produce synthetic mb. her in Canada. Work is under way on preliminary plans and it is ex- The scrap rubber division of the Department of Munitions and Sup- ply will devote its entire effort to the collection of map rubber throughout Canada. The map so collected will be used in I rm:- nufactured form for the t:I-odmnion of war materials. Wi this in mind, may I ask that you make every effort to save every bit of rubber ranging from an elastic band upward. During his remarks to the House Mr. Power spoke of his regret that Members from his Province had felt that they were called upon'to take an opposite view to other: in their party with regard to the con- scription issue. and he also made reference to the loss suffered by the Cabinet by the withdrawal of the Hon, P. J. Cardin. who re- signed in protest against amending the Mobilization Act. pvcted that proauetion will begin hy 1943. When the plant is work ing at fapiteity, " is expected that the output will be approximately. 27.000 tons a year. This synthetic; product will in no way relieve y-l vilian shortage, since it will be) earmarked long ahead of time dori war purposes. '824,000,00. When Mr. Fewer and finished the House felt that he could go to the Air Conference which is to be attended by repre- sentatives of IS countries. in a con- fident frame of mind with regard to Canada's contribution to the Air Training scheme, as well as with pride in our own Air Force. The Minister of National De- fence for Air, the Hon. C. o. Pow- er. made a statement to the House with regard to the Air Force. He told of the steady expansion stab ine that the Force now numbers 115.000. including 3,000 women. with enlistments coming in " a rate of 4,000 a month. The R.C.- A.F. flgures in almost every ‘en- counter over Germany 'tnd-the coastline and our t1iees _ he proved as well trained - and Empire Air Training scheme is in equipped as the best of them. The full operation and the plenum leo- th1yslt4 £08th themes mm 'tte ms was: IN I)illll)ttllrlllrt CONESTOGO (Dylan-Au.) 3 Iv "on Ctr-I “thrombi. Cam mm sA'vas CERTIFICATES Result!!! compulsory over-allit- llbeexenisedimm-dhb- _,tt,tru,eL'lttedtt'r,g at in t he linkingwll ik"dlult _the Bt, yummy spent a week: leave at his home here prior 40 being transferred to animal-rpm amp. Mr. mam Ed. A. Schweitzer and ‘umily ot Manta were Sun- sily‘ Moi-um more Sch-altar Rev. and In. S. J. Wink. “can. Walter Stroh and Herb Iuehn and the. Misses Beatrice Hemmer-sch and Etta 8|:me attended the Kitchener am of villilge _ to Miss Adelina Guenther ms "VOID-Ilia”; town eoiiiarimriror Minna Loyal citizens avoid putting upnecessary and udmormal strains on our factories. In time of war. . loyal citizens do not spend one dollar more on civilian _. goods than is absolutely wry for entrant needs. 1hmthea, WARD _ “IE” lllllllS I ' The law provides for fixt- up to ttMoo and imprison- ment up to twoyean for hoarding; and hoarding is just another word for unnecessary selfish hearing, "Guspboard.42uUBmr"t I. that too hard a name for tatT,h, ot1fAhlr lay in unneceeeery stocks of or food. or other“. for fear of shortages? Mot The mane in not too hard, even though it may hemmed through mm. For in reality they ere doing, in e petty. meen way. what the Quie- lilw doee in the open. Anypm who buy: more than is necessary for current of Petawawa mtaimqttr---rouwilibeancouragesd to do so by direct 'eat-tttmth-rs-omits/tttii. u. in effect. doprivin our fighting men of tho munitions and supp“. any must have to defer,d us. uhotmoingttuioro1neighhoumondttto-rttoar. not-amuofiolho. _ I. hindering our m "ort and helping our enemies. In can” whole it is advilable tor you to buy in advance of your immediate "squirm-ts--- Inch as your next season's u bucking bk council low tor personal advantage. OM03 “will. plant on In. 0" 1,000,000 hvdro-oUetrie I We. And " not. Irvin new. mu! bo hemmed to soul ht tgt,'tt,,ra; m W, hub, M, cavgo much, on Our-ho. (M5 at... weapon: on "mode in OMorio". You flyrtt the Syd“ In! and will apply the olochic - ht eerr2er.: feh teirtifl, hc_lp_{9y{n a) Paul» for freedom _ - r -'e “m", '""-r'"'e'r ...‘..,..-.‘..... ”w... “Hint Not a in... - of dummy, G, “gm, Got or pawn Junk! nod canoe-godly Rmbov, no, M uranium 'troduetion mm be paid tor. Son ali 050 .0001 you can and buy More wo, Savings Cowman». ’ 'APE "VOID IN IN! HOME The North Waterloo Softball League series of games started here on Monday evening, the lo- cals being opposed by St. Jacobs. resulting with the locals winning Monday lamina Mr. Albert Hone will report at Carting's Heights Camp in Lon- don this “My. day School coGGiria-iGiriCiii. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Kit- hen .on MY- the gushetan Cana11a tirryrrsurr Ema: can htlrt--at 'er, Mur, Ayts,)orteios and public Mr. DJ: mil-y, my ttttri- Ley, can me My we Myst)” save "Hvdro' current Jrl GHANA. visitar hire Wilda" olechk Ivolu when no! m we Switch " you" vanqn elements promptly In no» on bed ir cooled Have yaw We. - ov Iocol Hydro Shop in you Whine" in Sm Mo,, (was: Several deer were seen on the roadside along the Grand River southwest of the village on lion- day evening. An event of local interest oc- curred Saturday morning when Mt Alex Kieswetter of Kitchener and until a few years ago of, this community was married todliss Luella Hahn of Hawkesville. The ceremony was performed by F.- ther Becker in St. Clements RC. Church. The young couple will re- side in Kitchener. with a 6-4 run score m.m-.ua H3W.

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