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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Mar 1942, p. 5

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k ' .... quu - ”would. w w i The first Ntw. Hamburg Boy Scout troop met In the basement Asks Board Inaugurate of the school on Tuesday evening rwith only a few boys absent. . . Scoutmaster Erdman reminded the 00 I " ystem troop of "safety first" especially in . time of flood waters pointing out At tho monthly meeting of the that a few yards of safety might New Hamburg Park Board, W. C. {prevent a tragedy. o, Kruspc presented the auditors') noun for the vcar 1941. He found Carry Own Parcels. um- was to ask the band and park blLll'd to use a filing system for Ur It" vouchers and the other to in- stall u now book-keeping system fur thy school board. - A os Kruspe presented the auditors') rcpctrt for the year 1941. He found the books all to be correct andl In‘ltlc but two recommendations: The report was accepted and the clerk was ordered to nave 300 co- pws printed to be distributed unzung the ratepayers. Tra. puvk Word for the present l) A: were uppomted as follows: Gro. Cousins. E. C. Katzenmier, Victor E. Rehberg. Theo. Stock, Reginald Ptatt and Norman mu. Recovering After Omaha. Mrs. Moses Fierling was taken to St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, win-re she underwent a surgical otpr"ivAlon on Saturday. Her many friends will be pleased to learn that shc is making satisfactory plnal't‘SS towards recovery. BUSES LEAVE DOWNING, STEEN and Co. A ',uiJAVeua - No ell-tic. No lea “nun I "EMT. mFapttNtue. GUARANTEED, Investigate. qretto or enll-- _ Smith Manuraeturigw Col-puny bros-3;- H. Ire, Flee St. " Kim: St. W. Phone 4-4162 KITCHENEB NEW HAMBURG From Kitchener to Toronto 7.55 am. 10.00 am. 1.00 pm 2.55 pm. 3.05 Jun. 7 7.40 pm. From Kitchener to London 8,40 a.m. 11.25 am. 3.50 [mm I a 8.30 pm. 10.20 Iran. A Sun. & Hoi. I. ---_ Daily ex. Sun. manic-m Daylight Saving Time) BUS VIAVEI INFORM!” " F. WESSON OUR conservation of gasoline and tires. Phone 2~2672 opp. Pet.todBee - WalerHo WE DELIVER Bedford Drug Store 3:31.: 3:33 SPRING Is Here! Watch for our New Closing Hours PRESCRIPTIONS ova SPECIALTY RUPTURED? By A. I. G. Smith ‘Chronielc Corn-901mm :29 Kn: St. E, |uu¢ Vuldn' ”no..." Mn prawn emu-m; a. "In.” I'nrvv um. 'r,iet tl)rFe1rt hv llnyd thrre yum ago The "Huron-nun of . fold”, ‘1 th rrtxr",t M thr torr,tort lrnluvvl " " pup- in: "nu-led Into-any to thou-and. " 1,rnmrrstrs onothrrn FLORISTS FRESI ON. dNiittt0 E “whim: mm to our many patrons for YOUR co-operation in Better Buys at WE are at your service day and night. . St. E. . Kitchen" Phone 24450 x5. THE "LLOYD" FOLDING CARRIAGE FOR l942 THANKS BICYCLES AND SPORTS WATERLOO Phone mm 'Hamburg Red Cross E Asks Return of Wool Scout Leader Urges "Safety First" The New Hamburg branch of the Red Cross is very busy. Owing to the serious shortage of wool the war work committee request any volunteer knitters who have small balls of Red Cross wool to return them to the work rooms so that every bit can be used. Letters have been received from many of the boys overseas expressing apprecia- tion for the parcels forwarded Since there is only one delivery daily, many persons may be seen carrying home their groceries. The annual cafeteria tea held in the Library Hall on Tuesday, March 17th under the auspices of the Anglican Churches of Wilmot was well attended. The proceeds amounted to $96.00. Mrs. Victor Hess went to the K-W Hospital on Monday where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Hess is report- ed doing favorably. Janet s. Smith, R.N., of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. G. Smith. Miss Alma Haufschild, who was seriously ill with pleurisy is re- covering very nicely. Archie Thompson and William Pancheon of the Royal Canadian Navy spent the week-end at their homes here. Inaugurate "Open House" at Y.W.CA, marks the first "open house" to be held at the Y.W.C.A. according to Mrs. H. B. Coxon and Mrs. H. G. Mistele. joint chairmen for the Sunday events. The rooms are to be opened as a result of appeals made by girls of the city for a comfortable place to meet and entertain their men friends. The C.W.A.C. girls now in the city will be particularly wel- come. An appeal was made to the com- munity for any surplus furniture, tables or guinea in order to decor- ate the rooms attractively for the guests. Tea and refreshments will be obtainable at cost. KITCHENER. - This Sunday i Past president, Mrs. Philp; Pee.- isidem, Mrs. Diet; tiggt vice-prai- ldent, Mrs. C. A. Pollock; second _vieeqresidtyt, Mrs. F. K. Sublet: ;secretary, Mrs. H. H. Gould; mis- ‘tam secretary. Mrs. Fred Filsinger; treasurer, Mrs. W. W. Foot; assis- Aant treasurer, Mrs. G. H. Shan- :non; pianist, Mrs. A. C. Halwig; 'eommittees, speakers, Mrs. R. l. Gordon; Convener, Mrs. R. B. .Marr and Mrs Vorwerk Ernst; en- ltErtatnment, Mrs. A. C. Halwia: leonvener, Mrs. C. C. Belyea. Mrs. A. J. McGanity and Mrs. George ‘Bray, membership. Mrs. C. V. Smith: convener, Mrs. J. H. Bull, Mrs W. T. Barrie, Mrs. A. L Spriu'klin, Mrs. J. W. Svmons. Mrs. H. A Wiegand, Mrs. F. B. Relyea, Mrs R. E. Bricker. Mrs. C. W. Bov- er, Mrs. G. H Dobrindt, Mrs F. D. Bricker and Miss Marie Storev; social, Mrs. F. H. Stafford, conve- net. Mrs. J. S. McMillan and Mrs. Wm, Henderson, Jr. "JtI)ier Heads Women’s KITCHENER.--Mm. J. 11 Diet was re-elected president of the K-W Women's Canadian Club at the annual meeting. The executive tor 1942 follows: ceiehrad'ssuver Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Coleman en-l tertained at their home last Friday evening in' honor of their silver) wedding anniversary which was; observed on Saturday, March let. Twenty-eight guests were present from Kitchener, Washington and New Dundee. Dinner was served: from a table attractively centred) with a beautifully decorated three-I tiered wedding cake which had) been baked by the bride of twen- ty-fivc years. Mr. and Mrs, Core-), man were the recipients of lovely. gifts of silver and many eongratu- latory cards for the occasion. l Mr. Richard Finnie, F.R.G.S., the explorer and writer, gave an ad- dress on "Canada Moves North". The final address of the year will be given next month by Col. George Drew. Married in 1917 by the Rev. N. H. Schwnlm Mrs. Coleman was the former Myrtle Bretz, a daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bret: of Washington while Mr. Coleman is the son of George Coleman of New Dundee. Baptismal Service. A Baptismal service was con-Hilo Philippines by processing only ducted at the St. James Lutherani10.000 arms nf woodland. Be Rure Church on Sunday afternoon hv-to get The Detroit, Sunday Times the pastr, Rev. A. L. Conrad tot this week and every"week. Sandra Carol Makerow, daughter --.-.-.-.-.H. of Err.. and Mrs. Charles Makcrowl of Blair. Mrs. B.Boshart and Ken- visited with Mr. and Mrs. William neth Boshart of New Dundee, the Goettling on Monday. baby's grandmother and uncle) A.C.2 Allan Cressman of Mon- Were the sponsors, "real spent the week-and at "W Conclude course. {home of his mother, Mrs. Leander The concluding session of the,Cressman The concluding session of the'. Christian Endeavor Study course on "The Church Through the Cen- turies". was held at the Arnitedi Brethren Church on Sunday even-, ing. At the close of the service the president, Willard Hallman gave a few remarks and Miss Mary Kas- tcr, the vice-president, presentedl Rev. E. Gingerich with a gift in appreciation of his services as in- sirurinr of the class Bible Lectures. t Rm: A. J. Schultz of Kitchener p; conducting a week's series of illustrated Prophetic lectures at the Baptist Church which com- menced on Monday night. Rev. Schultz has had 25 years of pas- toral and trticqir-ry p--'----, and has travelled extensively thrpugh Europe._Asia and Atrrca. Rev. H, F. Schade occupied the pulpit of the Philipsburg Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon. Discuss Rellqiaus Instruction. Rev N E. Dahms, Rev. A. L. Conrad and Rev. E. Gingprieh, who; comprised a special committee ap-l noiutvd by the New Hamburg and District Ministerial Association, met at the United Brethren Para sonagc on Monday afternoon for the purpso of discussing religious education instruction in the Pub- lic Schools of the district. The) committee will make its report at the April muting of the Minis- tvrml Association Dinner Party. Tho "umlers of the former Bee Happy Scwing Club were enter- tained hy thrur husbands at a de- lightful dinner party at "The Ma- ples" m Waterloo on Saturday (unmg. Those prr'sent were: Mr. 1nd Mr, Gurficld IWbcr, Mr. and Mrs Lvlrs Bunm‘man. Mr and Mrs. ”(127le Poth, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Gitdncr, Mr and Mrs. Wilbert Emmi. Mr and Mrs, Ralph Cop- lov, Mr and Mrs, Arthur Schaaf, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Jacob, Mr. and Mrs Jamcs Haner. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Jacob and Mrs. Gor- Tyu. Huron Road Farm Forum mm at Mr romc of Mr. and Mrs. Snmurl yi,hirvecq nu Monday even- mg Isaac Gunnn Cl dav Mt, v'. v'wn "Bites" Topic. Fiftvrn mmnbcrs of the Civil Guard were present at the regular mnNing held on Mondav nivht Dr A C Rockel conducted drill um alto Parc a lecture on "Snake In: V and mm trom Mad Dogs" A Lnrgc‘ number from here " t, nrlwi 'bv f'manl ot IN" mtu MR. Isaac antrm at Plaltsville on Sun- Rut V and Personals, Mr t'r, nth Mir” Mr w' " Mr; William Goottling .ilendv‘H Nu funeral of the late Jhlm Smut! at Drumhn on Monday ofr rnoon, Mr and Mrs William Goeuling and Mr and Mrs Harrv Goottling nt‘rnmp.mniod hy Mr and Mrs. A. Dmnv!‘ of Wawrlno vieited with Mr and Mrs Henrv Wettlnurer at Ely Zorra_prt Sunglay, 7 Pu E, Gingerich 'waa the aura! of Mr and Mrs James Gunman atffrtchenton New”; .- -- Social " personal I NEW DUNDEE Norman Duench ot%eidemem By Miss Miriam Hilhorn (Chronicle‘Correspondem) Canadian Club --------------a Newcombe of We. Arthur Connd and Mr. Blue of Wnuloo called on Rev. A. L. Conrad, New Dundee on Sunday. Inandlnlqaolulndwn BiltroeGalt ggt.ttgNU."c, mmmsuu. ngundee, an. add: Poll ot Kitchener spent Ate vat-.94 my: 2-! Miss Byivia Bock. New Dundee Evenkthe 'er-ttnd wit?sttt.iyte.r, ter at Tdronto visited with the Inner: parents. Mt. and Mn. Ed Koehler. New Dundee. on Sunday Mr. and In. Charla Knvelnnn of Wudoo visited with Mr. Itnd Miss Edna Erkhardt of Kit-hen- er and Orville Bowman of Wilmot Centre were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Moses N. Baer, New Dundee, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Filsinger of near Kitchener were Sunday even- ing callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellworth Bean, South-West Wilmot. ii.K/ it.jaivisiman, New Dundee, on Sunday. Sunday visitors at the home on Alex Ertel, Bamberg. were." Miss Vera Ertel, Messrs. Jimmy and Lloyd Ertel. Pte. Albert Ertel and' Mrs. Ertel. Hermie and Ralph Mar- l, tin of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs.) John Dorscht and family of Wa- terloo. _ Pte. Richard Drager of Kitchen- er spent a few days with his wife and children " Doon. SO WE'LL MAKE OUR WAR- TIME SUGAR GROW Ott TREES Mrs. Eltana Martin and family of Elmira were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good at South-West Wilmot. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lindsay and son Alvin of Kimhnnnr speo' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hobbs, Doon. If the rationing of sweets be- comes too sour. there's a remodv' An article in The Ameri-m Wonk lv with this Sunday's (March 29) ismn of The Detroit Sunday Times. tells how scientists nmmise to re- place all the sugar crop we lost in tito Philippines by processing only 10.000 arms nf woodland. Be sure to get The Detroit, Sunday Times this week and every"week. Bishop Daniel Brubacher of s, Jacob: was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Daninl Sv-hwnitzer. 7 Elgin St., Waterloo, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDonald accompanied by Mrs. Harry Geh- man and Miss Myrtle Gehman of English Settlement visited with Miss Ella Gingerich and Lawrence Ginverich at Caledonia last mgmday. - _ - Thomas Pacey of Lion's Head is spending a few weeks with his sister. Mrs. Carl Buck and Mr. Buck. Rev. and Mrs. Moses N. Baer and son, David and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Baer visited with Mr. and Mrs. 2rlyster Baer at Hickson on Sun- ay. Aircraftman Melvin Denstedt and Mrs. Denstedt of Jarvis, for- merly of Victoria, BC. visited with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Brown on Sagurday; -. -- - Mrs. 'R. Carton spent Sunday with her husband at Fort Erie. Rev. Isaiah Rosenberger of Pe- tershure visited with Mr. and Mrs Orpgr Snifton S_ung_ay._ _ Mr. and Mrs. B. Harrison, and Miss Ellen Page of Plattsville were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F'.A. Page., A W - -- H Mr. and Mrs. J. Riley Hallman and Miss Dorothy Hallman of Port Credit visited with, Mr. and Mrs, JosiialtCyse1 on Monday. - 7 I. H. Toman attended the tun- eral of the late Mrs. John Schmidt atladen Pn, _Sumlay. ___ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watnrman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Gofton at Plattsville on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. George Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Bingeman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Btyyman, Iear preslau on Sunday. Miss Mary Rogers visited wiih her sister, Mrs. Bell and Mr, Bell atAParis 9rl 'uruler __ - - 7 Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald at- tended the funeral of the latter's cousin, the late Walter Glasgow at St: Thomas on, Sang-day. _ _ Miss Leander Cressman, Miss Velma Bauer, Aircralunan Allan Cressman and Robert Cressmm were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Cremnn near Plattsville on Sunday. - 7 7 - - Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Egerdee on Sunday “aw“ Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Hamel of Wellesley; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Egerdee and daughter, June of Paris; and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Makrrow and daughter, Sandra Carol of Blair. Mr. and Mrs. ChrrletrWilson of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bock of Hamilton were guests of Dr. and Mrs. E, s, Brown over the week- end. Mr and Mrs. Carl Koch and Mr, ond Mrs George Koch visited with Mr and Mrs. Henry Sage at New- ton on Stttuttttty, 7 Mr. and Mrs Walter McDonald and son, Ross visited with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gehman at English Settlement on Sunday. DOUBLE Your PM. to Bur WAR SAVINGS cumin“: “0"“!!! sum; KITCHENER.--Mist, Edith Hor- ton, supervisor of the Kitchener Victorian Order Nursing stall ad- duced the Kitchener Council ot Women n the Hard) meeting on Health problems Better health care tS Imperative. as revealed by the arresting mus- aration that forty-tour per cent of the men who enlisted to serve Can- ada were rejected as physically un- t Public indifference and tear ot disease, declared Miss Horton. are strong forces which must be over- come in the battle tor health. Public Health organizations such as the Victorian Order of Nudes are continually waging an offensive against disease, and endeavorine to awaken the public to the nece- my ot co-operation. Health Problems Are Discussed By Good health was never more im- portant form peacetime illness was a liability but in wartime it is de- vatsty.stirtsabotage. Victories have been won Min Horton declared. The pre-natal classes for expectant mothers are attracting the intelligent young women ot the community; the mortality rate among mothers in childbirth and among infants has been reduced. Diphtheria has been abolished for years in this com- muriw. Programs for the preven- tion ot T.B. have been established. Miss Horton reported that the staff attended ninety-nine new cases last month. There were ten home eonfinements and the nurses made a total of six hundred and forty-nine visits. It was voted by the board that “V.O.N." be placed on Stan cars. Less sugar to eat; less sugar with which to cook. What does this mean 0 Canadian women? Every one will now have another opportunity 'o help the war eifort, knowing that she is being trusted personally to ation her tamily's sugar supply. Most Canadian diets contain too nuch sugar. Homemakers will be vssisting their families as welt " their country when they use these Mines suggested by the Consumer Section, Marketing Service, Do- minion Department of Agriculture. Honey Cake i cup butter i cup honey l cun sugar . 2 eggs i cup milk l teaspoon vanilla 2 cups cake flour 3 teaspoons baking powder t teaspoon salt Sift the dry ingredients. Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, creaming it thoroughly with the fat. Add honey gradually and blend with butter and sugar. Beat egg yokes and add to first Tested RECIPES Special / / BEDROOM SUITES Victorian Order While they last Cash and an ry price NrFFrr_ .. H 56 JOSEPH STREET BULLAS Furniture Store SUGAR ECONOMY OSEPH STREET (Elmlor Service) KITCHE "OUR DOCATION S tVES YOU MONEY" Terms can be arr-mod It you duke. and mun. of your mod Imam" will ho coupled 1.69 l 2235'“ I cup fat l cup brown sugar . cup corn syrup . [ 2 cup milk l 2 cups rolled oats _ 3 I cup raisins E " cups sifted all-purpose tioyr 1 1 teaspoon salt _ i 1 teaspoon cinnamon l j a teaspoon cloves 3 l l teaspoon nutmeg I 2h teaspoons baking powder l I Cream tat, add brown sugar and; corn syrup. blending together that-l oughly. Stir in milk, add rolled) oats and raisins; mix well. Mix and! ism flour, salt, spices and baking) powder, add to first mixture and heat thoroughly. Drop by teaspoon-j fuls on a greased baking sheet and bake in a moderate over (375° F.) for 15-20 minutes. Makes four) dozen medium sized cookies. mixture. Add vanilla to milk. Add sifted dry ingredients tl,lTe,t2 with the milk," beating just enoug to mix the ingredients. Fold in stiMy beaten egg whites. Pour into I tin eight inches square and bake in a moderate oven. about 350' P. u cup molasses 2 eggs Sift together flour, spices, salt and soda. Add boiling water to fat, "om syrup and molasses; blend. Add this liquid gradually to half of the sifted drv ingredients. Beat eggs; stir into the batter. Add re- mainder of dry ingredients and mix. Half-fill muiBn tins,, welt- greased, and bake in a moderate over 13O" F.) for 25-30 minutes. Or pour into a well-greased shallow pan, 12"x8", and bake in a moderate oven (350'F.) for 45 Immune. If Iesired,.ha.lf.thi.s recipe greased pan 8" x8" .in' -a" Elma-at; oven (375’ F.) for 25 minutes. Oatmeal Drop Cookies mu hp made and baked if} " cups sifted all-purpose iiour I teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon ' teaspoon cloves I teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon nod: t cup boiling water l cup, tat t.eup com_syrup lt4 KING SOUTH Irs RAHN'S FOR NEWEST SPRING FOOTWEAR STYLES This distinctive suite comes in hand-rubbed walnut ven- eer. Head and foot ends of bed have waterfall finish. This is one of the best buys in bedroom suites offered in a long time. . _ Come in and see these suites. There will be no obligation to buy! Rahn,'tut,i,8,yy,Lst:ore BEDROOM SUITE LADIES! M17 Con-bu.“ TEA 1 his Grand (As illustrated) 7.93 8.93 10.95 1295 BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS All Styles 1nd Colours optical illusion that an. ap- pear: dollar than the other. tn this Wane. Ibo “lotion or deception does no ham. But in real life, illusions or du. tortions caused by faulty vision do hurt. They may cam motor accidents, accidenh at the ma- chine or work bench. Spoilaga. too. Defective ayes make you tired, cross, headachy. Bitter Vision mach: boner living. no sum your sight is right. How It ostamined-oow. EYESIGHT SERVICE ' JANSEN t “Dedicated to Better Vi-iml" no Fnderick St, M 2-21 " Kitchen" - Ont-lo 99.50 wulcu an,“ I-Piece SUITES Cash Price l8 BARKER 134.50 KITCHENER WATKIIJOO tzE0"iili3

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