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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Mar 1942, p. 4

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been Jtaiiluir.uniMmnrt.P"y?'eCteTrh"h"d l "...".*i.He'."-t""",tp""""" cummuswmmllr.lmdu-Mbummml- Mme. ILQT. Wratlmdlyvnmhndwm.1°‘mw withthemtor.tewd-toettter. .mdnncmlu. '.f.r.f.or.t?rtt.ht.rttete_,t.ee ii'rl"cl"1'kuiC'lelrxll"t"o'i'srfeTi, m.wm_mmmumvflhmm tum ‘mnwmsumvummmhf-Mww-IWK tswnidieatuneudttsetlHen_rvtseleeitiiy_inye_ vain-Ma- Mali-Ir eelote?aaeGottoetotPUtts-l w.mmr.:.mmgmtfcmmhm vllhonSunda. jhildrrn_ofWateriotx mm new!" " "unwind-vil- It.nwmgakerwhohubeemmiOImew‘mmW'NWW verri11issomewhatbetterandis s.EtisabethrV 'uiu.ranr_s*otirhir'r- atrutoupandaroundMaim {Severemthro-tmdmhl’ewmlwm In iareie is than" 77_ylio_haf gum My. "I!!!“ 0 r...tey "f Give Your Radio Don't let your worn-out radio rob you of proper re- ception of news broadcasts, so important to everyone today. "Our o. K. Is Your Guarantee" lidLlEhll'l'll SALES AND SERVICE ON ALL MAKES ll King B. - Phone 4-4537 WATERLOO SEE US -e When in need of New Shoes or Repair! - WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY " King St. S. WATRLOO Dbl 8-8192 Sfrz'ng' Tonic " Kill: St. S. H. K. WILHELM. DOES QUALITY WORK ON ALL MAKES RADIOS AT LOW COST! Pick-up and Delivery- No Charge I st' DUST MOPS SPECIAL Du‘lM-Mndbupdl WI ’ ”’Wh -9araPp_qe'r'."P. 'ppt'.'." a a . . '."." _ " ..'. WA’W; e.t5.e.t Wei.". 'U 'Par-rp-i.'.'...-....'.) LET US REPAIR " THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR " bstermrteomtt Dally N'ravsprprr in rr-tsfo-Cor-iv-thi-d-Free from Senntionalr i-t--riditoriru Are Timely and Inurutlivc and In Dai‘y FIIIIIRI. Together with tho Wwaly Mug-zine Salim. Mule (II. Monitor In Idol] Newspaper for the Home, The Clam-In Suture Publnhm- Sonny One, Noni-v Street, Boston. Massachusetts Pore SUM Yrar,tr or ‘I 00 1 Month Saturday Issue, lncan-ng Mag-2m: Sen-on, 82 60 I Year Introductory Otfer, 6 Issues " Conn Nun. Address 7-- " Srso EVERYTHING FOR CLEANING AT "LOW PRICES . . HIGH QUALITY" Hardware Store it. s. WATERLOO Phe The World's News Seen Thrgugh Edwin L. House SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST TO CLEAR! :5 Mr. and In awn-v awn-k ,, dW-mbommm , withchme m SHOE STORE AND REPAIRING _ The auction sale at the George '91er home on Monday was well attended. bidding was brisk and ‘good prices were realm The tarm forum held it: meet. ing at the home of Mr. and In. Chas. Wagner on Monday evening. Class in“ _ . _ with' tiGi+ "h SHANTZ STATION 'ii'"'))','.',':",",', by Ian. P. J. Brunet ot aterioo spent Baturdnr with blends in Toronto. Mu Eda-r Pasta and chlldren of 111111111 spent Thundny " the Henry einhan home. Mr. and Mn. Walter tieltthg. Blair were Sunday guest with . and Mrs. Wilfred Weller. _ . recovery. A class of live girls received their final examination at the Sham: Station Lutheran Church. Rev. G. Orth, pastor of the church. ottieiated. CdnBrmation services will be held on Easter Sunday. The members are Rita Knmp. Freda Schilling. Helen Stever, Emma Searth and Norma Gutahi. -aiG%/rtiLtt Uent Saturday in Waterloo. _ Miss Marcella Dietrich and Mr. I mrouen .3 couecuon In me section Jerome (Scotty) Lorentz were community. sponsors Sunday at the christen- lbw on 100 Ptemr. ing of the infant daughter of Mr. I Two Village tots marooned on an and Mrs. Edward Lorentz. lice cake during the recent flood, Several from here attended the were fortunately heed from their funeral of the lat" Mr. Leo Luther perilous situation by paternal as- at St. Agatha on Tuesday. sistance. . Mr. and Mrs, Herbert H. thnarr Mr. Louis Stem and Mr. and and sons Anthony and Cyril and Mn. Nichole! Brussels were hat Mrs. Louis Lobsinger motored to "udweek "131m " the One-r Toronto Monday. Mr. Schnarr and Huehn hm -ons attended the Carpenters' Members of Mailer!) Gies and Compensation Board banquet at Walter Stroh. families attended the the Royal York Hotel, wnue mere. gm; :n'lce 1aed,"i','tg on ening, w en e ormer's Bot Horse Show Duo. daughters, Doris and Ruth thwei- A meeting was held last week at tzer were amon the class of the St. Clements Hotel in connec- ehumens that wire ubli cate- tion with the annual Horse Show good during this ',',e,1,iflr if!” to be held in St. Clements on Th . . Ice ere. . . ese two girls will be Conttrrned Thursday, April 16th. Them eled- m tneir home church h S da -d were: President, Pat Dietrich; afternoon ere an y vice-president, John Mater, eeele- . . _ tary, Alex Hinshberger; 'iirt2tilrr,ladtdetntf, 'lit, Erwin Dahmer George MeDermot Henry Dietrich n e rat ot the latter’s 13--.! n___l.|-_ 9.1, mm...“ CG y.tele, the late George Bartman " Friends will be sorry to hear that Mrs. Joseph Brenner is seri- ously in. We wish her a speedy Mr. and Mrs. Carl Powell of Preston spent Sunday with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Forweil. - -- he --i--" - - -..........-, ”v... a... mm. - "wu- A meeting was held let week at tzer were among the class of cate- the St. Clements Hotel In connec- chumens that were publicly exam- tion with the annual Horse Show iwod during this service there. to be held in St. Clements on These two girls will be Conttrrned Thursday, fprif 16th. Thres tmsrt- in tneir home church here Sunday ed were: President, Pat Dietrich; afternoon. _ yiee-pttside1t., Jenn MUM; mm; Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Dahmer tary, Alex Hinshberger; dyir.estory, attended the funeral of the latter's George MeDermot, Henry DIAtnch- uncle, the late George Barnum at Fred Baechlor. Ed. Kneswetter and Listowel. on Tuesday. William Strauss. . l A number of local people at- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sehlitt and tended an organization sum ttttd children Timmie and Carol of St. entertainment at Winterboume. Jacob: 1er",,f/y1day with Mr. and 1 Monday evening. children Timmie and Carol of St. Jacobs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Busch. ST. CLEMENTS III-ulLI-u. INM| By I“. Purl Dion-kl (Chronlclo Correnvondentl $1.25 $1.75 Phone 24092 i090?“- "een,Pr tfy. Uatnttrtne1g. l Grade IX-tnit" mm mm. _ Nicholas Smith, Kitchener, Nel- Lois Shelby Mt John Brubacher ton Evens of New Dundee, Earl tt0.1. Edward Goettling 77.7, Glenn Emel of Waterloo were Sunday/iii/ina-n M, Robert. WWW-r rguests at Fred Merl. . ' 9. Virginia Hoffr-t go 0 Mrs. Evens of Acton visited Mrs. Kathryn Hallman 501. Eti. , L. Howden "09ml!- noro Rosenberger 49.4, Clarence Daniel Shantr, visited Mr. and Barr 468 Mrs Henry Feiek on Thursday. l Grad" X-George Goettlinl 84 ----r--'-r------r----- Nyle Diefenbacher an. Stewart "r----------.- Kaster so ' Ixsonnrrt Hstrrtttrhesr " 8, Clara Snider " 8, Alice Os- wald 703. lsnl-elle Tomlin 695 O u se Fdward Dahms 885. Flam" Hewitt Bt tt. Reta Coleman 68, Audrey Egerdee M 3, Elizabeth rr. Holtzhauer " a. June Hoffman banana-nah“- blur-Mon Mr.'idm..lmttrqtyst- Bnedtohuttiiirtteqtstttr- lama-11nd: Mr. Roy m. who but hon "i1utrdhvtttttt)tirtahti- “almanac-III. Pipg'te,tt2."g='i', WooMrtehtoibP.ahir-eroaaeie, ”lava!!! I ammswhflw‘mdlr.mnxu too. In”! “KW jttett,'"tehytu'tttgtt 'Pet, of}; iktiiaaiiiiriitirattiusnkv, seeding muonota sutmeeeuueetio-temttmntt" di‘lerent schools in the township. Mr. Doha-ind: a this time the managed he. my just wedged} Junior Red CNS. in mm. in tlvtt,t,'tg",,vigPgtf,h'id'et which was commended the - lntyre. were vi-lton out week perir quality of work and material at Goblet and Woodatoek. found in the large number ot dit- LA:C. Philip Grimes at Dunn.. ferent articles turned in by the Ju- ville. who has been on leave the nior Red Cm ot the Conestoga l the past two weeks at the home of Public School and that he had been 11'drgne; was pronean or reauenedtowuthhmtml'hl av noon hour with I Signet eeveStre w.ainatruetedtoring from the empto-oethe get ie,N'Tt'J,t tor the con- ledlSlndCo. struction Inc“! brid‘etore-l otintegesttoPuttBvi1ueiti- ghee the Concrete mummy; we: the announcement of the birth ridge swept out by the Bood at of I MW at lumen Hashim Noah Reist'l farm to Mr. and Mrs. Merrett Hogg (nee The clerk was instructed to an Marion Ferguson) of homestead. for tenders for the contraction of A ttomber of Plattsville young Municipal Drain No. a. Woolwich folk attended the Lecton dance township. and all!) tor an woe“ held on My evening " Bright. bridge crossing the some. The re-l Mr. "md Mrs. Harry L Davidson quired notice ot Moehin a the were P/2r evening visitors at scheme had expired. so the woreiDryr.nbo an Bright can 90w. be proceeded with. l P.i.r.',Trf,Pen... eet,ty 1Pyteee letter Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaak were Mr. John Toews and Geprge Atsnwt, pt til Carmina, Nicholas Smith, Kitchener, Nei. son Evens of New Dundee, Earl Ermel of Waterloo were Sunday 11113513 a_t Fred Fund's. 7 _ - u ‘I-_ “" "" V." - "vm'. ...-- - scheme had expired. so the work; Dryr.nbo and Bright can now be proceeded with. , A..ieaf.tman. Harvey Blachnore A further comment to the Cones- l of Winnipeg RCA?" and LA.C. togo who! "Busy Bees" Junior Pod Gerald D. Harmer of the Medical Cross workers “I” received by the Selection Board at Edmonton. who teachers here from Toronto, which has been on two weeks leave will states thet Tapy Toronto teachers 'ee" P,thtif 'Mitt WI Friday. A Sunday guests at Mr. and Mn. Ephraim Snider were Mr, and Mrs. Orley UMeman and Min Pu? Barbara and Eleanor and Jim. B 11 and Philip Uffelman of Waterloo, Sunday- guests at Harold Schmitt's were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fretz and Ernest of Kitchener. The Young Men's Fellowship of the Weber Mennonite Church met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snider. James Martin was leader and Leonard Snider was chorister. Others who took part were Ver- non Bearinger. Paul Martin, Reg- inald Wismer and Arlin Snider. expressed their, gamma” over Mt and Mn Peat Harmer End the good work and material turned Ion Ronald and Woodrow Btmme in to Red Cross work by the Ju-a‘wnt Saturday evening in New “Wu whthAd WW.“ the bleitrrtte1trer, u“ n .._A _ -- _ Ftllowfirs Meyny. of help and direction from the Itt.. dies of Conestoga, in their task. In an effort to raise (and: for ma- terial, $8.55 yyateNtntly received Campbell Shantz Sin! a few days with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. 2re, Zehr and Jacob, Mr. and Mrs. avid Zehr, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Zehr and Mr. and Mn. 'Amos Zehr, Arthur V011 and Dorm Rennie attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John B. o. Schmidt in Ba_d_en onf9yttdar, 7 __ Mr. and Mrs. 'Campbell Shantz and family visited with Howard ginkann’s in Heidelberg on Sun- ar, _ _ - - _ Eileen Lather and George Squire were 'prize winners at the pro- gressive euchre in the Halt. Arthur Volt spent a few days at the home of his brother. Calvin, in St. Thomas] ' It In. I“ In”. (Gin-kl. ©-oqdmttt Misses Grace Hell: and Jessie Hammond of Turner Private Kw Banal. Elmira, spent Sunday at the tter's home. . Mr. and Mrs. William Voll and Arthur visited at the bedside of Jacob Voll in the K-W Hospital on Frjgay._ - -_. - - - -_- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Berg have meyed lo ye! Hamburg._ - STRASBURG CRUSSHILL I“ If" Dod- '60! (Glut-Ink Corn-Donia a collection in the section VIII VATIII.OO M CIIOIICL' iuiitttketsmti1 __ - FtG"irattarriir-u -- 618 " pl which III Mal I]. P... h- “ bid- a toe IiTAh't,',',',','lt rat ad 1,l'iflllll w Mr, I In. = w I“ on At-er mating mil-M3392 w 77‘_' Duet!!! n td Mrs. [the bush r','.%'/.i.iis.i), valu .m. 159M to a Et', d and Mrs. B. Fred J.t11",1': ml- Cpl-ml ll. va‘wna hhdt.‘h'l. mum-uncut... Mr.aardhhue.M-rtut'f - it "_" "Me'"'""" - WindhAbI-yob ml Boson-l can, Woodstock. was a bur-day visits at the hunt d Ila: mtg Mr, and_ln_._qurer who they visited that city. Mn. Farrow Ind 33”. J. Me. lntyre. were vi-iton out week at Goblel and Woodstock. LA:C. Philip Grimes ot Dunn- ville, who ha been on leave to: the past two weeks at the home of his parents. \yu prme or Grvdo Xr-Roe Shana 78. Doug- h: Hnmncher " s, Joe "nun-van 55.7. Thelma Lang MB, Cloyce To- man 47. and. XW-atv. 13mm Northern Ontario. School Rowen. vidtoum The March meeting of the Bao- tist Misseior, Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Ephraim High on Wednesday evenimz with the presi- th. Mrs Clarence Hilborn pre- siding. Miss Sylvia Bock read the scripture lesson which was follow- ed with a responsive rendinrr, The members responded to the roll ("all with "a verse from the Psalms" and a vocal duet was rendered hv Miss Greta Buck and Mrs. L. 7inkm. Mrs. Harold Path present- ed the topic. "Baptist Indian Work" and readings were then by Mrs. Roe Gildner. Mrs. High and Miss Emma Lautenschlarer. Snecinl mention was made during the business period of the Comfort box valued at 53500 which wee sent to a home mission pastor, Rev, Ind Mrs. (awoken and family in The following is a renort of the New Dundoe Continuation Srhool: Mt and Mrs P. Brown were re- cent visitors at Paris. Their daunh- ter Marjorie accompanying them to resume duties there after spend- inv the weekend in town. Doreen Harmer Spent. the week- eni with ftien11s in Erjghg. _ - _ Mtn. moo, YMmeM and can Donald and Mrs. Weismiller of To- ronto and Misses Maggie and Lo- Vina Dieehort of Now Hamburg call¢d on Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Weil on_ ThursAtt., _ _ - _ _ "Resolved that modern inven- gons are a hindrance rather than a help to the work of the Lord", was the subject of an irttorettFq debate at the regular bi-weekly meeting of the M.B.C. Young Pro- ple's Society which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Cole- man on Thursday evening. The omrmative side was taken by Mrs. Harold Shantz and Mr. Oliver Eckstein while the negative side which was awarded the decision was upheld by O. T. Coleman and Arthur Musselman. The judpes were Rev. S. S. Shane, Miss Al. thea Bock and Mrs. Lyle Binge- The president, Miss Evelyn Frecsmnn oretmied the chair for the meeting during which choruses were sung. Miss Reta Color"! read tha scripture lesson and the Misses Erma and Florence Diefen- bacher contributed a vocal duet. Baptist Mission Circle Mach. The Mechanived United visited Plattsville Friday forenoon the past week. They made a brief stop on Main street. About twenty at twenty-ftve vehicles were on this route through the rural districts leaving here going north. Mr. ana'Mrs. John Eehr and familv spenLSunday with Mt. and Mrs. Enos Zehr. Master Elroy Helmuth went Sunday under the parental roof. Mrs. Aaron Bender and family spent Sunday evening with Mt. and Mrs. Floyd Ropp. man snent Sunday with -Mr. Gd Mii. tnfahlon Bender near New Ham- urv. -iiiWiiGiriiiFiiWerr.tt Mir, thArnu"GAiirdd "a the Gen- NEW DUNDEE EAST ZORRA B, In. Alum "Flinn": [Gimmick Cont-m) " III- lid-I Ruhr- (Cleo-Id- Wit-0 73.3. mm: my: 74.1. Russel I Snider u i Soul-Hum! “young. ‘ The "cheery Chicadees" ot the N.D.C.S. held their semi-monthly meeting on Friday afternoon at the school with the president. Elva Diefenbacher presiding. During the business it was decided to do- nate $19.00 to the Canadian Junior Red Cross -orgytizytl?n. The gro- grain consisted of the following numbers: a vocal duet by Shirley Fckstein and Virginia Hothnan; the editor's paper by Elizabeth Holtzhauer; a piano solo bv Reta Coleman; and a chorus by the stu- dents of Grade IX. St. Patrick's Program. A St. Patrick's Day program was held at the Public School on Fri. day afternoon with Joan Dinger. president of the Alder Creek Ju- niors occupying the chair. After the singing ot, "O Canada", Elmer Reist presented the editor's report and current events were given by Cameron McDonald Poems were read by Miss Evelyn Cressman and Eva Snider and pokes were given by Jean Poll. At the conclusion alt the pupils who did not wear S4 mething green for the occasion were obliged to perform a stunt as a forfeit. 7 - - A Rev. H. F. Schade addressed a Ministers' and Lawmen's Confer- ence of Baptist Churches which was .held at Scotland on Tuesday ”SENS; _ _ - A 'rin/A/tak;" and the tridian Reserve ortryidtrg. _ . -- . - V Mr Ephraim Honsberger of Richmond. Mich., was the guest of Miss Verna Schade gave stere- optican lectures on her mission- arv work in the Belgian Congo, Aida. at the following places ghee: Quins _the _put wgek: BOYS’ WEED SUITS 822.5082482hS0 MEN‘S SPRING SUITS mm Baguio”. Men's Morsehitk COATS and when. Asner - home. Windbreaker style. Size- " to a. Ara. "T' id u 8-8653 TWIN CITY lAUNDRY c,tiiftiiij)iithi,ttt!,t,ii'tq DIAL M cur. Bunion elm to. On: " You. FOR QUICK SERVICE, JUST TELEPHONE 8-8838 ' . . NOW! AT WATERLOO’S LARGEST STORE Jni'rluJRlill's Dept.Store King St. South $11.95 $12 km. Philip Poth- f WAR sa'vnlcs ' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Toman of, CERTIFICATES Kitchener visited with Mr. and Regularly Mi., and Mrs. Abram Toman last week while visiting relatives in the community. Mr. Jacob Zeller ot Breslau is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mr. Arthur Musselman and Mr. Musselman. Mr. Lloyd Erb of Kitchener was a recent visitot with his sister. Miss Laura Erb. Mr. Orley Utteiman and dttugtt-! ter, Penn ot Waterloo visited with an. and rs. Josiah Case! on mm 1y. Mr. and Mrs. William Fletch or} *ratfpr4 were recent visitors with l Mt Philip Pdth. Ma'- hood TtAmc0A% Gretna. m blue and blunt Sin-0% MII. am- ‘1 AMI SPRING PRINTS {mi Past colors. Blues. green. pinks and white (round; 35c " inch width. Per yud Cortical“ nuke. Spring colon. Sizes 9.10%. Pair ........ 'ttta, and or dark. belted Ladiei SILK HOSE ”lthMudIy,Auu Ind, .01 I.” p... My. m: ' We. up In Iii-Id” had-v All“ 1... 1942. iiiii'gji)titettiiiii, 5:???3198 No question about it-your appearance ( is Important both for your own satisfaction and for the impression you make on others. ( Be certain ot good appearance aiways try ,' sending your clothes to Twin City Laundry i for regular cleanings . . . send your Spring _ clothes right now and be ready to enjoy l this wonderful season. Twin City Laundry cleaning methods assure a Spring-like ‘l freshness to your appearance. for colors, patterns and shapes are restored to vir- } tualiy their original condition. You will like our cleaning service because it helps I‘ youhokthewayyou’dliketo...and very , inexpensively! " You’ll look you’re best in clean clothes 88.95 {mm we. “mm " hr the Hound " ... mm 1: ELEM Waterloo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Musselman and daughter Ruby and Mr. J.- cob Zeller visited with Mt. and Mrs. Russel Sham: at Pine Hill last Sunday Mrs. Moses Toman last Tuesday, The Misses Mary McCloy, Mar, jorie Hawse and Isabel Hodgson. Fred and Jack Ball and Jack Eichler of Ayr were guests otMr. and Mrs. Milton Hill last Sunday. Mr. J. Greulich was a recent visi- tor with Mrs. Jacob Kriesel at Kitchener. SPRING WALL PAPERS tsahiA _-_ ,itttiiii. - “an. .ra..' Bedroom papen. Luge variety at patterns._ .Greers, pinks. Kiiairiits 3?:th u - Lo. -iate-dTfii Jainiijj’uj 1Myef Ila-"m each -..-ut? 12%e 1Se " 35c EASTER EGGS m.mn.mt Its, in 8-8653 "

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