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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 30 Jan 1942, p. 5

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DOWNING, STERN and CA. only a "G and” irrou." fowl-ate" on tt iii"'.ei&'i all? tftt sseieiriaiiTk"GFiiii 1eMarr-ernsBtgtre'ttttae ItiAeeEit'i' Does, your radio “haul” loud I‘ll-(It... “‘41” Camrshorated Oil .r.... 3 on. Me Mennon- Baby Oil .... see, 81.” Whom“ ..rrr.r... Me pd $1.5. Scott's Emulsion .. 59c and 98: Milk of Magnesia .. 25c and se Baby Should Have Meadh at .......e.. se, Tse, 31... . . . . Cod Liver Oil Mead's Percomorph .. Tse, 33... SALES AND SERVICE ON ALL MAKES " King B. - Phone 4-4531 WATERLOO Phone 2-2312 ATTENTION.'" Your Majesty, The Baby. a Better Bu vs CASH PRICE Redford Drug Store , only, 3 piece Suites, covered in Silk rep? SPECIAL 99 CASH PRICE 3 .50 E. E HEARTH Needs an Operation'? .36 11 D5 RI'II STR KET CHESTERFIELD SUITES For Your Weight Assuring Ba)” 'Segles BLANKETS BREAKFAST ROOM SUITES I‘UPTUIIDT For rent at 253 week. BU LLAS I FLORISTS t'hnicc of colors and styles (tun Price 53-50 " While They Last.' BULLAS FURNIIURE STORE TGGafaa -"'"P "To? "LOW LOCATION" PRICES'. 12 ONLY - 6 PIECE ALL WOOL is...“ -r.e- jar. own-tone - um " 84.95 (Elev-tor Service) "OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY" n l Mr. and Mn. Brennan t receiv- ed In the 'owerrM.ed dam iroom. the latter warm; I rgown with I lovely - of 1wlu'te orchids. wdenias. violets liiiii treema. at L q -' C Assetme In the uranium Wt": Miss Frieda Breithaupt of Toronto. Mrs. Allan Duffield. Mrs. Edward Breithaupt. Toronto, In. Carl Brcithaupt, Cleveland. Mn. Albert Augustine. Mrs. Clive Snyder. Mrs. M. R. Kaufman. Mrs. E. W. M. Paisley. Mrs. Joseph Henderson. Mrs. Emerson Martin. Toronto. Mrs. Rodney Gordon. Mrs. Edward Rieder and Miss Laurine Angina lint. Mrs. W. H. Breithaupt and “in Madge Glbwn performed this du.. ty. atgeaybtd',e Mrs. A L Bresthaupt, Mn. H. M. Cook and Mrs. T. H. Rieder were the drawing room hostesses. Mrs. C. B. Augustine and Mrs. A. P. Baumann poured tea (or the first hour and for the second hour and In. Breithauot and may at the beauulul norm and plants which embowered the reception rooms for the "at home” were up nivemry rem-Ice- to the Johnson Baby Cream .. 30e, sse Canon: ..........P.rr.... 33e and 62e B. M. a. Baby Food .......... 51.10 Babb” but. at .................. Hm m Nipple. with a bum-h valve ...... Riga Nam; Bottles pr........ "e Johnson Baby Powder, Me, 55c weee"athome"toh-atthet'r Hut-m Avenue residence in Kiteheater,onTuestur.ttsooees simsottheirgoueswoddin-ti- 're-andthe-ttttafter- - " BABY’S NEEDS - - Baby Health in a one pound box ...... 45c 74.50 While They Last.' CASH PRICE _....' 'rt' a; STUDIO PA BLUM a BEDROOM SUIIES SPECIAL REDUCTIONS Golden Welling Anniversary ON LIMITED NUMBER OF COUCHES 44.50 Priced To Clear! We have a large stock of children's furni- ture. - Cribs, High Chants, Wardrobes. Junior Beds, Kiddie Baths, Night Tables, Chiftrohrs, pic. -- In ivory, punk or natural-- with ehiidat, motifs. Pnrod reasonably CHILD'S BEDROOM FURNITURE $29.95 3-piece Bed Chrstrrfield Set-. Opens into bed Como m and see this modern sune of furniture. CAME PtttCE ,. 8143.50 ma, CHESTERFIELD The retiring ofBeers were re- elected as follows: secretary-lreasv urcr. James Hammond; mamen.‘ Ed. Hammond, George Gtaiater; Campbell Shana. Firman Ward. lame Rennie. George Glamer and1 Lorne Rennie were appointed tol the Board of Church Trustees. to- gether with E. G. Ward. a former, trustee. After the meeting, the Y.P.U. held its regular monthly meeting with 24 present. The ge"'t'f,',','s Firman Ward. presided. theme of the short program was "Conse- eration". Thos. Wilford gave the Bible character. "Enoch". Games were then played, tounweu u; lunch. Hear 1941 Reports At S. W. Wilmot Church Meeting SOUTH-WEST WiLMor.--'rhe annual meeting of Bethel United Church was held at the church on Monday afternoon, January 26th. with Rev H W, Hagelstein presid- mg The Bnancial reports were pre- sented and proved very satisfac- tory, showing a balance on hand. The allocation. which was $50 for the missionary and maintenance fund. was also reached. chorts of the various organiza- tions for 1941 were received show- CROMHrLL.--Bovd Churn!- now. Mr. and Mm. PM“: at Loo- gxegapon held their annuaimeeting don visited recently with in. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George MacDonald of Haywille Thomas Birmingham. Rev. W. Erand the latter returned to [who Gill opened with devotional service) with them (or a visit. after which the usual business was . . . . transacted. Mines Margaret and Jean Ben- Congregation Hears Annual Reports At Crosshill Meet tgmretivdd.uogtheirmarrietgiigk All oe their (anally wen home lot the when”. acutely Mr. Edwned Breluuupt ot Tamale. Mr. Cart mm of Cleveland. Miss Frieda Brennan)! of Totonlo. and Mr. Walter .Breithaupt and lit. Allan Duaield. both at Kitchener. Mr and Mrs. Breithaupt have ' ight grandchildren tL'."gi'uuint"o"'-- Aftertheirmarrit-MrBreit- tsatq1toAhubeidktottsehmne donned their weal! bridal iik tumesqdMrearsaqotdrttseeress- (By Chronicle Correspondent) [In Ciro-ALI: Cunnpondrnn DON'T MISS ou. BARGAINS ON FINE FURNITURE! Aytne MM 121.50 KITCII F, N ER Imond: manageru Min Mar et Hewitt and Mr. George Gksirter,gaii 'cat/lite of Hamilton spent l, _ 'teyy.1, Ward: the weekend with the tanner; III triittutt tt liar each department in good Bn- ancial condition. Total receipts (or (the closing year approximated 15900.00 There is a membership of 78. 7 of whom are non-residents. _ Teachers-Ever Ready Bible Class, Rev. H. W. Hagehrtein; Young Men's Class. Mr. John Dia- mond; Young Ladies' Clan, Mr. W. “Diamond; Intermediate clan, Mn. ;Mcrvin Puma Junior elm. Mm. il, F Pean; imary clan. Mrs. J, iG. Wood. Mrs Merritt Winn Ind two daughters and Mrs, King of Elmira visited with Mn Foster and tam. " on snurd-y Halt day. i'tra'ht,lS. and Mrs. James Hewitt 's'i't"'iil'iura"i",U' oTi'l"'lf, a: 'r"gfi't,tu'e"t,ts"i','g, tle; oMlln..... _liveoo§ourboysinCampandMaMwMuwm Mrs. Jack Soehner of Plondnle tv'fmt"t'tdY 2g'd'g',,u'utt served “M Ma entertained the members of Trinity a; M! over “1 Mes. , Vial ="=--N=---""----=----'--rr-- Ott Twaiadm laAies worked at offered her home (or the next Lutheran m Aid at her home meeting ttpeeial my” we,” quilts for the 'Jedpoe. one"; at the close for soldiers ab. I MILE Pu" D At New Dundee sent om home. , .v.-. " 11.") " o v Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gingerich "gg"",,', 'drf'uf 'P,e; b "o" and daughters, Evelyn. Carol. 3 er w'mmuby an“ y, smou Wanda and Barbara Ann of Watch WI,' was Igt, dug; ir. , . 1 str b " SO d loo visited with Mr. and Mm. -'.-. -- 5'ee11'fS?f u'1'.irt1s.-.i' st . - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cornell of Preston and Miss Cornell of Wind- sor were Sunday visitors with Mr. aqd Mrs. Siegmund Preiburger of Shana Station. Crush“! on ottcers elected for 1942 are as follows: Board of Stewards.; Messrs. John Diamond, Jim Nau.' Ralph Hilborn, A. B. Bean 9e'ir,','p tary-trcasurer); Missionary and! Maintenance Board, Meats. Met-1 vin Facey, E. Z. McIntyre. R. J.' Bean (secretary); Session: Messrs} Ralph Hilborn, R. J. Bean, Cab: man Facey. Ellworth Bean; Church organist: Margaret Bean; assistant, organist. Mrs. Mervin Facey; Ushers: Messrs. Edward Klinkman and Clarence Diamond; Flower: Committee, Mrs. Margaret Faeey,! Mrs. W. H. Diamond,' Mrs. s. Lricker. on Frida with their trot 2d. Jungian of Damian; Disbursements were as follows: Missionary and Maintenance fund. $300.00; 23% of minister's salary,: $345.00; church repairs. mainten-1 ance. $250.00. The General M. §unday Senool and Young People } Sunday School and Young People'i Union each enter into the new year with a substantial balance on hand. Sunday School ottieem are as follows: Supt., Mr. J. G. Wood; aSst. Supt., John Diynond; secre- tary, Wallis Bean; t euurer. Mini Jean Hesse; organist. Min Flor-l vnce Facey; ant. organist, ”in! Marjorie Bean; Cradle roll dept., Supt., Mrs. Mervin Facey; Home Dept. Supt. Mrs. Ralph Hilborn:) Missionary Dept. Supt, Mrs. lid-T ward Klinkman. Mrs. Lorne Roth) nssistant. Muss Veronica Jantzi of Kitch- ener spent the week-end at the home of her aunt, Mn. James Bir- mingham. -- of MooreBeid. Mr. and Mes." Harold trBrien ol_Splldin¢. Sash. called Psstor Loans On July In. Rev. H. W. Hagelstein. who has ministered to the church for the past 6 years announced that he will leave tite charge July Ist of this year. A vote of ap reciation for the services 'ri,fl,'r2'l' by Rev. and Mrs. Hagelstein was moved by A. E. Bean. seconded by W. H. glamond and unanimously passed. Mr. and Mrs. 11101 Birmingham visited friends in Btrattor on Sunday and won- accompanied home by Mrs, Ed. Mitchell (lor- morly Grace Pitts) of London who will spend a wcek_with them. Mr and Mrs John L Hammond and family visited at the home of Ed Hattedorn in Kitchener on Sunday Mr and Mrs Norman Albrecht and daughter spent Sunday It the home, of hot father. Moses Ropp at Poole. Rev and Mn W O Mather and Murwl tf Fullarton culled at the home of hers you}: on Satufday Misses Margaret and Jean Ren- nie. Mrs. Hilbom. Mr. and Mn. Russel Homer and son of Kitch- rnP' Mr and Mrs. Fred Stricket Mr. Frank Kaufman find I”. Anna Grieve of Kitchen“ visited on Friday with their brother, Mr. mum)! EdwinA_tgoeris,simogEaestgL Norms, Wood and. Kim. the maymnivmyoulnm Mr:Birrit.qtAtttt+aed1r- andrnue0rrdnitrtrigrtotV alPouOlice. ment ot their daughter. rtoFeiiee awe of KSM- tot, an Pihrt wedding to take phat fob. It ”an“ Mr:EAwaed_t'uft-il1r'y Lam-fut . . . I ' . . . * "tttgtg/teu,'.",',?.",',':.',',?'.':" . ”I“. am “a - I” m,-uu,uu...t.envue1hdr',tA'tet thr-rt' ”MM ' munwbh'l'm'dhumIcv.IJ..m-dm:lG.I.M-Id£m '.ehool..Merru,.afee,etq_trfitriildiaiuiL Inca-availing“ tgrgeir',U"2'N1"'yti'ttg o o a o l o o o o ”mm-dint.» Hammad-‘- Abraham-Amati): Mugagx tgrAhirOgh.rpdra.udNr.Miirr-eat Wide- WM . . - . 't'qttrlrofitAer-w_i4ttser.ee_irids"iits"nGaiek. "tarp-_.. . yt-yet-tttttq-ire-rar-Misra-rar-ct-Guard-d-i-ia." bMdelcu~mfluthm. '0‘“. 'lern_ManoitMr?-t,rtsrootm . o o o I o o o o -u9rtrelf_wi'tsteee: umcmmarm Mr.madMrwAtimsgaaatatamt ffifiwmmwwujbuammgnMdPi-gmunggCJ. grind mun G.__Beuman at Social - personal l CRUSSHILL " In. urn ' (Cir-akin WW) at se"1tUHtgineortBabrBanawoeiadritie 'leroeueFia"itGGaTeTs'iiGfiirrrrtiVia family ofiiGGGiiG0isTiirioGGGiriiGi terestedinthiswoehaadtkesm to be made in the community. Lieyter:itArieaF7icaaGirwTrtiieGG'si ?togue.e,t mm; m an»! and we '" tang-151.! e Special prayers were 'o'lreeelht the close for soldiers‘ ab sent ttom home. RreyaMKo 'fret". at 'FSEA, a prayer WI upon was given trrtttt.vinaetoeetiettse.eRattt “unwittandfiwmhmmddwm'mm’mi thematiuraitirfidirNeeEEV Bake M and other A tt',"r,i"l,'e1rfg't12u'"a2'i Church Community Uh to used (are. fl gurwm‘mm' WAWOCIICIJ “Walls y of Ptarer". Feb. 20. "WHBfJ6te--The “comps aiirttiiauaua"UaiUaeareEiPc1e1t of the Btmsheim edinthesehoolroom. fil,iireGMer.muUteqstatefoteotthetsmre wereashedtoNedge ttGGiiGiotiu'eetrt-taetMtardnx wgmmurma‘dmwnhqnmd Mk and to try and "M twetee. “mp-V“ MEN“): the Lord's work {or the Qgg,',"gtlliifi'ihk' 'ygtt.1eyLtle etete: Pr.ArrEvptg=Thetanyrvl'1tE!?1ttVu_1eyheieffa.ey. 'neetimotttis.washeuitlrtd.thith-ettr_ht15oek: the home at In; an "Petter,',","':,"",',',,':,'.",),,,,",,')! '2xr,T.'fdeg,tu",dt'Mg; 'lt',te.2r',utethtu't BtMrtt9. Wreath“ unwed thin“ mwmremuurmflbylrmummm wan-mu word. ”Pol-'Wm “than” 1oFie".ttetareitintutorLspHed..ttseeis.oy1tttternatetn wuguammgwdmmmuz'c; 1'M!ti2'.ult,t .Mrs.Aaexmsgagstai Veiled". VbtUVl|ul ==-==_ 6iiiiaaGirrGGuaiE _ bt."ttrggg'ttr. HI. DILH-ud . aruMmaddi-g5-dagthmttb. '0'" rtgtt- m It attain-a. 'ha.widt-Mrhiir '2,.r.ra_eoerrtuar-t"titiraii .An addicts up given tpr Mry.r, Women's '8... m A ODMolIlIaganual plan to halt Millet lacuna in the Cost of Living. the Gamma! on Danube: t, 1941, etrteoded the .olter of the Price Calling to natal! for all counsel“ and housing MOMMOJNM in Canada. Gmlly apaaldng the new natal lam amide elm: VIOLA'HONS of than ordain an unhhabla by law and Aoehl be tamed in W0. to the Prtees and Supply Re-ttatt", Raglonal Ofhee, Wartime Nees and Track Board, a! (In 'tear" of any d the following emu: Vancouver, Edmonton, Raglna, Wlnnlm, Nod! Bay, London, 1m, Mine, Mound, Ouch“, Saint John, Halifax a (Mm... Cyril DcMon Owen Loblcy Atrium-album lun-h “Mama...“ as a landlord Blow Rent Control Affects You - - ‘1 Oh "we, d M WAITIMI Pill! " AMI) ”ADI: DOAHI) (2)Atencnticentithdtoaunewnlofhialeueunleuthelend|ord requires the premises for certain reasons named in the Board's Rental Olden end has given the (client I written notice to vacate within the time and in the manner preeeribod therein. H this notice to vacate it contested by the tenant. the landlord mt - a Court Order for Mon. (3) Copiea of all Rental Olden and Regulations of the Board and applica- tion form for rental variations are available from any of the regional or oub.odiees of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, and. in alcaa where eucl- otfieee are not yet established. from the Clerk of any County or DUtrict Court or local Renal. Committee. (1) No oral or written lease foe any commercial or housing accommodation (fumiahed or unfurnished) may legally be made alter October ll. t94t. " a rental higher than the natal lawfully payable under the tease in effect on that cite unleaa an application for increased rental has been made to and approved by a local Rentals Committee of the Wartime Price. and Trade Board. Such an apdication must be based on willed dream-tam mining since October ll. I94l. NOTE: Land and My all “vial” ”up“: an nut-aux! " rent can"! tag, the afternoon", - H i'j,ii'iii 693771: 'h' 'e'lthitli/tt is_tteie an' t “it iiliilii: "ij,i?i'iteii'ii? ii?,tg,iti't' Mqapt-agtAe.qagNtouAiee 5:51:71! In. Pp 'r,. rabbi-“hadn‘t. '; bsSgrhng-Arakssiete, " ard-tid-r-hors _ "i_tiVsimasordie doUtM-oymm Manila-hath.»- 3%“UMMW. r'; “Maya-day“ Ch, “Vina-aw ”minnow-Edna 'iriir.iL7a'iai1CU.". B.Aero&r-r.ttisor, a-e... l’NI-r- ' cry-4: BMW!

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