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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Jan 1942, p. 4

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Visitors in Plattsville trom out- sidtt. poin_ts duriptl thy week-end; - Aircraftman John Penn of Tor- onto at his home.Mrs. Etta Penn. Aifcraftman BT11 Routley called on friends here enroute to his home from Trenton. Miss Mabei Penn of Wellesley at her home, Mrs. Etta Penn. Aircraftman Philip Grimes of Dunnville at his home, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harmer and son Ronald at New Hamburg. I“ IOU! um ovucoars .... as.“ MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS Plain serge. Fast color. Good yeighl. Sizes 38 kind}: MEN'S nousns __........ $2.3; MEN'S LEATHER COATS avian GOLOSIIES Black. We still have the host ttsnortment of Used Cars we've ever had! Water North WHEN YOU BUY AN R. A. FORBES USED CAR'. PLMTSWLLE Our expert mechanics Ire trained and equipped to adjust and repair brakes on any make ot ear. Unless You Are Going To Buy he of hr "like New Navy blue or gray}. Ménbni or Ulster cloths. Excellent values. Sizes 38 to M. Fancy stripe, coiton worited Gray or navy. Sizes 38 to " Snap! Horsehide with fur collar. Plush lined. sue. as to M. Real buy! Sizes 4 lo 8, 31.35 ir. R.A. rams, MOTORS 2 (QB-iii . BRAKES . Jil, 'et,,,,.,,',,;;!:':';':,,,',,?,":.'],'?" Howard Srpt. " Minna St WATERLOO’S LA RGEST STORE RAHN'S SHOE STORE IM KING SOUTH WETTLAUFER’S Dept.Store ts the "BUY" Word for SHOES MILES or COMFORTABLE WEAR 313.5. MR. PENNY SAVER (at left) HAS JUST LEARNED "WATERLOO C0UNTY's' LARGEST l'SEI) (TAR MARKET" Dodge and DeSoto Sales and Service K IT C H E N E R King St. South Jack Harmer and Weir Graham Mr, and Mrs. Johnson and Mrs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Elmer Dean at Woodstock, Satur- Harmer. day. Misses Marjorie Brown, Bernice Ranch and Mary Sinclair at their respective homes here. Miss Isabel Gooding week-end guest at the home of Miss Marjorie Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gray of Ingersol at the home of Mrs. Clara Gray here. Those who were out-ot-town Guests for the week-end were as follows: Mr. and Mrs.xLorne Davidson of Toronto and J.' Douglas Scott of Dunnvillc at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. McKie. RAHN'S ”a - ”.5. GIRLS’ COATS ”Rama Wins hr-90. White or white with pink or blue border. Reg. 31.95 - 86.0e SHOW SUITS 5 only to clear "F............ 3 Sizes 2, 3 and 4. "ff WOOL BLANKE‘I‘S Not only do we carry the finest grades of oil, but we know the proper grade for every car and every condi- tion-more protection tor you. Warin lined with 3.14am- out fur collar. Ages T to 10. Clear at ._mr__rmm...-ttr.rrmt-.e.. $5.” MossBeld, white with' rain.. bow striped borders. 7 lb. to pair. 'est? .m..F...m..e..e. as... Inner £55767 John Strut ink oe blue border. Res. ml', pair. Wee-end Speci , BATTERY TESTED AND CHARGED m YOUR CAR While-lb Wait! like Advantage at This Modern Streamlined Service Saves You Money! . Saves You Time! . Saves You Worry! . Saves Your Battery! In" Your Bellow Toned In 60 Seconds and Charged In Your Car While " Is Doing Serviced. .OIL. WATERLOO Waterloo l The weekly Junior Bridge Club (vas held at the home of Mr. and {Mrs George Edwards. Prize win- !ners of the evening was Mrs. Geo. Thompson. At the close of the (evening a dainty lunch was iserved by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and daughter Phyllis Anne at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs Roth Haysville. Miss Donna Edward at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duncan, Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ranck at the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steinman of Baden. Mr. and Mrs. P. Brown, Marjorie and Phyllis, Miss Isabel Gooding and Fav Doan at Woodstock, Sat- urday afternoon. Miss Edith Craig of Paris, for- mer High School principal of this village. was a guest at the home of Miss Mabel Fenn of the week- end. Congratulations are extended to Miss Lillian Goetz, public school teacher. whose birthday anniver- sary dated the past week. Miss Jessie Deeton at Brantford, Monday. GROCERY SPECIALS 1 Con Flakes and 15c box @911", ltr STRIPE!) ".ANNELF WHITE FLANNELE‘ITB 27 inch, 20c value - Yd. 16e Post', Btu: for .._ 5 tbs. Corn Syrup Kym: Cuban. bottle White Light ur dark colon 27 inch - Snap, vd. . 35 inch - Per yd. m. We use an approved greas- ing chart for every car. We use the right lubricants In every spot. You don’t hive lo watch us. the job is per . GREASE . Llti, UNOLEUIIB 4 yds. wide. 3 patterns to choose from. Per yd, Ttot WATEILOO t "c 16e LET US CHECK IT N O W I USED CARS You’re Going To Have To Make Your Present Car LAST AND LAST . . . . . AND LAST! thusleriltar 14‘ a] 7/0444 tLdUur Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Hurst and family of El- mira and Rudolph Schneider of St Jacobs. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Noah G. Sittler were: Mr. and Mrs. John Bauman of near Elmira also Mr. and MrMs. Christian B. the! annual meeting the an: evening. In. Wm. Richardson submitted the bunch! report which also showed a lad-nee on hand. The olhcets tor the coming year were elected ll follow: President, In L Martin. vice- president, Mn. (Rev) Gill; and secretary-treasurer. In. Wm. Richardson. The pastor then con- gratulated the congregation on thtit sum [can _ also Mr. and MrMs. Chrisuaii Frey of Wallenstein for supper. The mun] - . a! tts/Unit- ei"l'L'lfell"u=U'l would Wednesdaymuinxatthcholned In Wm. back with the ”or. ReleilLNdin‘ lulu. Martutsuhmitudttte_eiatm- port which showed a Inbound.) Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stevens were Mn Sobye and son Bert of near Guelph, Mrs. Alice King of Elmi- ra and Mr. and Mrs. Norman King and daughter Joan of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Martin and son Walter of St. Jacobs and Misa Elsie Hurst of North Woolwich were _S_unday yisitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Manasie h Martin." W“ --_- Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Martin were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Onias Weber. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bauman were: Miss Annie Gingrich and Reuben Bru- bacher of Elmira and Mr. Elam Weber and Addisson Bauman. Theotriremweeethees-teetmt tor the cousin; area. Ttu-, treasurer. . - Julie Lathe" Aid. Soclgty held walnut enable was Mr. and Mm. Wm. Bin Miss Louise Huefnet and Min Molly Edmunds, Mr. and Mm. Earl Tyack ot Kitchener and Miss Etta Dawson of Prompton spent Wed- nesday evening with Mrs. Wm. quck. Mrs. Lorne Weber is supplying at school here. Mr. Elwood Speers has gone to Brantford. Miss f,ti',',tte't. the address at the appoin _time Min Lila Musser and Mn. L Martin made the presentation. Mrs. Richardson then replied very suitably. A so- cial time was then spent and this was followed by a dainty lunch. All Our Men Are Expert . Auto Mechanics . Body and Fender Repair A Specialty IS " READY? HAWKESVILLE . REPAIRS . 8.8487 Phone ' CBIONICLI _ Mr. and Mrs. John Miller quiet- ‘lv relehrn'ed their tttrrirth wed- ding anniversary on Wednesday. Harman the let. After attendinz {High Mass in the Parish Church they wont to their home where a {dinner was served to the imme- diate family. Mrs LeBlanc, a sis- ' of the bride of forty years and ‘whn was bridesmaid at the worl- ‘dinq. wu here from Grand Bend, ltd, for the occasion. Friends ‘wich Mr Ind Mrs. Miller many IMore happy you! of wedded life. l Mr. Leo "Flash" Meyer. who has spent some time in the vicinity l left for Kirkland Lake on Tue<day where he will resume his position in the gold mines where the pro- Wmm-d strike has been settled. ‘Spgnm_§olo and Euchre Petr, qlgbnn_493h' Artrerrrv. "A” “ohm" of Kitchener mo- tored Toronto on Saturday going ”own to we the Chicano Mark Hawks and the Toronto Maple Loni} hoehrt Mme Lv-h w“ s-red hv the Hrrten Miss Kly Dietrich and Messrs Edward Inhsinver. Cvril Schmn' Anthony Schnarr and Urhin Enn- dor of St. Clements and Mr. Ar- nnl’Q cnhnarr " KiOrhnnor "vt- The Christian Mothers of the Parish sponsored a solo and euchre batty in the church hall on Tues- day evening. A good crowd at- Mnded The followinz won prizes: In solo: ladies' high---Mrs F. Baechlor; men's hierh, Mr. Jacob ' nrnnl'r; low for ladies. Mrs. John For-well. low for men. Mrs Lonic ”Manklnlt: euchre high. Mrs. Pe- ter Kuntz; low, Miss Sullivan Pte. Gerard Meyer of the Train- ing Centre at Camp Borden spent the week-end visiting friends and relatives. Return. to Strike Axon Little Tommy Voisin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Voisin. who was quite seriously ill for several days, ir reported as somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Busch and daughter. Anna, attended the Freiburger-Fritz wedding in Wa- ter_loo on TAesAay. - 7 Mr. Gordon Innes of Windy Pom Gates, Manitoba. and Mr. John Mc, Innes and Roy of North Easthope New spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bown Htryry Wail-U - - with Mr. and Mrs. John Innes and Roy of North Easthope and Mr. Gordon limes of Windy Gates, Manitoba, E,',',", Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A en Ottn. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Roth near Bright were: Mr. and Mrs. William Brenneman, and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Zehr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kropf and family, and Miss Ida Brenne- "v Mrs MW"- "Amoth Dr. Harold o. Whitman. Professor (MM. m”"""" inf Geology, Colgate University . . . Pom It.ells in The American Weekly with Sunday visitors with Mr. and this 1iytyiay'ts, (January 25) Issue of Mrs. William Yost near Kingwood The Devon Sunday Times . . . how more: Mr. and Mrs. John Bast. our fliers :20qu bomb out the lava Floris and Harry, and Mr. and Mrs. "rorks" 0? Nippon's Tapr.inteyp- Ezra Bast and family and Mrs. ally sgethmi craters, bringing dis- Nancy Yantai and Mrs. Elizabeth aster In Jap n. Btsure tf?.getThe Bast. Detroit Sundav Times this week Sunday visitors with Mr. and and every week. ST. CLEMENTS 56 JOSEPH STREET Cheetah bright colon for your kitchen. t-Pe. Break- mat Bets in variety ot colon Iron which to choc-c. . . . Bail“. Tnble mad 1 Chairs.................., A lovely dlnlntroon at in audition-l autumn-Mn. and " price- that oler . real value in the tUtd of furniture. 9 piece. .rme_.r.rrq_ LLLLk $25 and up Dininzroom Suites m a FURNITURE FOR EVERY ROOM Ill THE‘HOIISE AT , EAST ZORRA By I!” Purl Dietrich (Chm-Id. ore-or- Breakfast Sets Glad You Bought At BULLAS' l BULLAS FURNITURE STORE You’ll John Mc. and Mrs. John Bowman of sthope New Hamburg and Mr. Percy d Mrs. Bowman of Galt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman. s and Mr. Delton Boshart spent Sun- l IQ day with Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel 'c alley Swartzcntruber, CASH PRICE " (Elevator Service) "OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY" CASH PRICE $53.50 $125 ) Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartzentru, iber, Paul. Earl and Helen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Peter ‘Gingcrich in Baden. ' Mr. Willard Bowman spent Sunday at his home in Victoria. burg. l Mr. and Mrs. Roy Diefenbaker (spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. [On/Sn Dir.f.enbaytin Hespelfr. Miss Alice BosharCof -iialien spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Boshart. You can materially and“ “I In better - Canada's munl- t on and arm-melt workers by not lv-vcllm. during peak hours. Flt-u “In your tr .. M ‘illfl when worker. In mot travelling. In Ibis my you both can Irnvol quicker and no" canton-My. PM". to- ”nut "f, ST/ty-, “The Front line Runs A\//‘\ Through the Factories” BLOWING UP THE "PS' VOLCANOES Alvin: an Iccepuble homo need [dell in the gift than . prnetie" at all times. CEDAR CHESTS Br um Helen trwartrentrtrber (Chi-oak}. Cone-vandal» SHOPPERS AND TRAVELLERS PINE HILL ATTENTION ' 89000 Nwso 1 Bedroom Sites a-Pe. in Modern Deng" . _ Dre" up your bed- 100-: now white telec- non in con-plug V See Ibis let "ow-- CASH PRICE CASH PRICE “LOW LOCATION" PRICES! Tho mtrrasmg trmpn of Canada's war production is directly rcftertod in Canada Coach Lines oprrations -but we have kept pace with these new developments and can assurr you the same high standard of Spr- vice in thr futurr Day and night. ston days a week. Canada Coach inos carries untold thousands of workmen be- twern than homes and factories. In many cakes we have set up special routes and schvdules to armmmndatv munilmn and arma- mrnt workrr; . . . . and Canada Coach Lines carries the workmen to their battle stations. Mr. Reuben Swartzentruber. Mr. LaVerne Otto, Mr. Bill Ging- erich spent the week-end in Tor- onto. Mr. Albert Schmidt made a business trip to Tavistock on Tuesday. Mr. Fred Schneider made a busi- ncss trip to Tillsonburg on Friday. Saturday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Steinman and family of New Hamburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jantzi. Mrs. Henry Bowman and Doris spent Tuesday with Mrs. Eur manual Swartzentruber. Miss Doris Bowman spent Sun- day with her cousin, Miss Jean Bowman in Victoriaburg.' Muriel y,'tewurt, ‘3' Jun" Eh VISIT OUR TRADE- IN STORE u " On- um St. South toe used Furniture of the better class. . . . . . o U I! ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT ar THAT STORE has many uncles that will catch your ere, either tor your own home or as a gift suggestion. My! any 28. 1942 3-Pc tu Modem Birch. . Smut type-rum: of Ihe-e uh add chum to your bedroom . KITCHENER

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