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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 23 Jan 1942, p. 3

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Annual Baptist Church Meeting At New Dundee NEW DUNDEE. - The annual nn-oting of the Baptist congregation was held In the church on Thurs- day evening. Wellington Becker was re-elected as deacon while the other dvacons are Charles Miller, V. E. Dingrr and Hubert Toman. Arthur Lnutunschlagcr was elected to the trustee board with the re- maining members of the board be- Ing Abia Reivr and Carl Buck. Carl Buck was also rc-elected to the Parsonage Board with the other mumbm-rs of the board being Wel- hngton Brckvr and Ed. Lauten- schlagcr. Other cilia-rs elected for the new! liar are as follows: Clerk. Mrs.; Harold Path: Treasurer, Mrs. L. Zinkon; Mission Treasurer, Miss Sylvia Bock: Sunday School Super- intondvnl. Hubert Toman; assistant superintendent. V. E. Dinger; auditors, Wilson Sararas and Hu- hvrt Tainan; pianist, Miss Greta Buck: :isislant. Orville Ehnes: ushers. Clatvncc Hilborn, Harold Path. Frank Toman and Cloyce To- man: and Music committee, Mrs. Clarenco Hilbnrn. Mrs. J. W. Arm- strong, Mrs. Wellington Becker and Miss FimmuJiuu'rvschlagcr. - _ Reports of the treasurers of lhel various departments were given, namely-church, Sunday School,{ Mission Circle and B.Y.P.U.. which showed that thw total amount wiser! during the past year was 51,875.09. ' i which $602.1": was paid to mi:csior A voti' of thanks was thcn rxtu: {rd to tht, r,tficvrs and pastor, Rm H. F. Scharh, tor thcir tit rvtct' durmg thr past yvar. V E Dmu'r :m'v a Vt rhul report on the Inqrrwx'vnlrnts madv to the mluu-r (‘1 lln church building re- cently which includcd a new ceil- mg m thc hzlrvmvnt. the partition- mg of four new class rooms and thc painting of the mam audi- 1ortum main-”ya.“ THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ANNUAL MEETING will Ire held at the Company's Head Office. Waterlo, Ontario, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon. (Standard Time), on Thursday. February the fifth, 1942. to receive the report of the Directors for the past year, to elect Directors in ,the place of those retiring. and to tran- sact such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting. All policyholdcrs. regardless of the amount insured, are en- titled to vote. Secreiary. Waterloo. December llth, 1941. Waterloo. Ontario, January 22nd, 1942 THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the Seventy-ninth Annual Meeting of at the hour ot' 1.30 o'clock p.m., at the Company's omce, Waterloo, for the purpose of receiving the Annual Report, tor the election of Directors and Auditors in the place of those rctiring, and for the transaction of such other business as may propvrly he brought before the meeting. at one u'clock p.m., for the purpose 1E1tle, the Compuny'l annual report and tor the election of t Directors. 4.5.6 ANNUAL MEETING North Waterloo farmers' MI fire Insurance Company The ecu; annual meeting at the North Waterloo Funnels" Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Equitable Life Building, Waterloo, on C F Prire Optometrist 96 Kine St. West . Kitchener Phone 2-1936 YOUR CLASSES (By Chruuu‘lv Uorreopondentt are thnroughly examlned at STEELE'S Will (We vol: romplolc utklarlion " YOUR EYES By order of the Board TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1942 SATURDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1942 H. M. cpox, will be held on 'vM.rtirt--At Rat. 2, Elmira. Jan. 14. Henry M to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Martin, a SHAKESPEARK---Henry Petrie,. son. . 74, died Saturday at his home, con-,rostqr--At St. Mary's Hospital. cession 5, lot 12, South Easthope, Jan .16. to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar following an illness of six weeks.) Foster. R.R. l, Breslau, a daugh- Born at Sebastopol, he was a son ter. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Phiiip:rHartmaw--At K-W Hospital, Jan. Petrie. Mr. Petrie was a retired! 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley farmer. He attended Immaculate: Hartman, Lancaster street west, Conception R.C. charch. fitrattord.; Kitchener, a son. Surviving are his Wife. threeiotrard--At Hampstead, Jan. 16. ions. Hair: ff, Peel 1'l1ilip,, at) to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hottard, a Surviving are his wife, three sons, Harry of Detroit, Philip at home and Robert of Stratford; five brothers, Joseph, Edward and John of Stratford, Philip of Tavistock and Wiliam of London. and two sisters. Mrs. Louise Heinbuch and Mrs. Wiliam Aikens of Stratford. There are four grandchildren. One sister predeceased him. Mrs. Mary Gehl, 77, died on Sat- urday at her home in Maryhill fol- lowing a lengthy illness. Born April 20th, 1864, she was a life- long resident of Maryhill, a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wendling. The late Mrs. Gehl at- tended St. Boniface R.C. Church and was a member of the Christian Mothers Society. Her husband predeceased her. arafrhin; six daughters. Sister M. Charline of Waterdown, Mrs. Al- bert Thomasing. Miss Anna and Miss Magdaline Gehl of Detroit and Mrs. Albert Austen of Detroit and a brother, Henry Wendling. of Saskatchewan. - Surviving are two sons. Captain the Rev. Hubert. overseas with the .Cslrzaéieyl Army. and Alexander of - H In loving memory of Mrs. Cath-i ------_- I arine Wahl, who ded Jan. 26. 1937.) Moved by Simon Dimer and A It's only a grave but t stlt needs' Gordon B. Hallman that leave be I care ' vivon the mover to introduce a by- e, For the one we loved lies sleep- law to appoint assessors, school at- at ing there. itendance officer, weed inspector L Some may forget her, now she is and members of the local Board of - gone, Health and that said by-law be == "tl will remember no matter; now read a first and second time. 's221 l ow ong. . . . r and Hen . Lovingly remembered by children) Bht,',rst,ddgti,tEafveerrtg given 'lg, Ile', Aand grandchildren. ' mover to introduce a by-law to ap- I gist - --.- W v - _ point auditlors and :3): collegtor {gr dea . . the towns in of ilmot or t el Substantial Winter Lear 1942 and that said by-laws be $5 I. - - . n! I [now read a first and second time. 1797 Substantial Winter Meat Dishes Make a hearty meat dish the center of your winter dinner menus. The family needs it for extra energy and it need not be rxpcnsivo. Pan fry a ham slice 1% inches thick over a low heat in a little fat for about 25 minutes. Brown both sides, Add 1% cups canned mm. "s cup finely chopped green pepper and l beaten egg, all blend- ed together. Season. Let simmer until the giauce is thick. Serve the slice of ham on a platter with the corn sauce on top. Garnish with thin rings of green pepper. JOSEPH H. WOODS, Heat 2 tablespoons fat in pan and} lightly brown 2 medium onions, chopped fine, and l chopped green‘ pepper. Mix with N pound chopped Moak and season. Put _ cup cut vclvry in a greased casserole, cover with a layer of tomatoes and a laycr of crackers, cover with a layer of half the meat. Repeat layers and pour milk over all. Dot with butter and bake covered for 25 mmulos. Uncover and brown. CABBAGE MEAT BALLS ( I cup ground loft-over meat l I run broad crumbs l l rhoppvd onion _ 1 tsp. salt 1 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce l, t on ‘ Cabbage leaves Grated rhoeso Mix moat rrumhs. onion, salt and Worrrstershire sauce. Beat the egg and stir into the mixture, working all together thoroughly. Wash per- fert leaves from the outside of a cabbage and place a rtion of the mixture in each. Rolfgecurely and tie oath with soft white string. Cook tho rolls in a little salted water or steam for about 30 min- tttrs Drain carefully and serve with grated cheese or tomato sauce F. H. MOSER. HAM WITH CORN SAUCE DINNER CASSEROLE IN MEMORIAM Milan Gehl General Manager, 1 to Mr, and Mrs. Hardy, King, 1 street west, Kitchener, a son. x Brermetr-At St. Mary's Hospital.{ ' Jan. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar; _ Brenner. 243 Bowman street. , Waterloo.. a daughter. , "rt-tther-At Millbank, Jan. 15. tol 'i Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kuepher, a [ son. _iiii,ijses--cy, West Garatraxa, Jan. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold l Anderson. a daughter. l iBrtuUr--At KR. i, West Montrose.', Jan. 16. to Mr. and Mrs. Albert: Bruder, a son. l _Drtsdgw--At Bridgeport. Jan. IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Drudge, al Robinson-At Waterloo. Jan. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Robin- ard Schiebel, Weber street west! 'di.t'a"i,'eid' tlt/Atl ital, J l t - I an. 21, to Lancet L Jars. cur. ence Shem)”: Church street, Kitchener. a daughter. KM--.-" K-W Hospital. Jun. 21, to Mr. and In Charles Krigner. Ontario street north,) Kitchener, a daughter. f Mrubachqr-At RR. 1, Linwood, Jan. M. to Mr. and In Em- manuel Brubacher, a son. Roth--At Noranda, Que., Jan. 15.x to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Roth. a) daughter. l Robin-s-At Waterloo. Jan. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. John‘Robinson. 21 Peppler street. a son, s-b-At St Mary’s Hospital," Jan .15, to Mr. and Mrs. John Semple, Eby street north, Kitch-' met. a daughter. . I Macri--At St, Mary's Hospital, Jan. 16. to Mr. and Mrs. George Maori, Scott street, Kitchener. a Grotr-At K-W Hospital, Jan. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Groh. Duke street. Preston. a son. Hardr-At K-W Hospital. Jan, 13, Brown-At SL Mary's Hospital, Jan. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Dnuelas W. Brown, Union Blvd., Kitch- ener, a daughter. Boeaqt-At St. Marv's Hosnital. Jan. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Boegel, 143 Pandora Ave., Kitch- ener. a daughter. Wet-tttar-At K-W Hosnital. Jan. 16. to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Woelfte, Ezra Ave., Waterloo, a daughter. . Kipfer-At K-W Hospital, Jan. 17, to Mr. and Mr: Gordon Kinfer. Dunham Ave., Kitchener, a son. Grubo--At K-W Hospital, Jan. 18. toMr. and Mrs. Wilson Grube. Brock street. Kitchener. a daughter. Montgomorr---At K-W Hosoital, to Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth Mont- gomery. Frederick street, Kitch- ener, a daughter. Wilmot Council January Minutes 'uthnat--At St 'tgrt Kayla}. Jan. " to Mr. In Cecil Hallman, RR. s, Kim, a daughter. "huh9-At St may; Roslyn-l. Moved by Simon Dimer and Gordon B. Hallman that a bp-law be introduced to provide for ex- penditures on roads for the town- ship of Wilmot for the year 1942, and that said by-law be now read a Brst and second time. Moved by Simon Dimer and A. E. Kerr that bylaws number 810. 811. 812, 813 and 814 he now read a third time and Bnally passed. i Moved bv Alf, E Krrr and Hy. (B. Bowman that the following ac- !counts in pn<sod and that the (Reeve isstu, hes orders on the ltrcjsufor In paymvnt of same: _ Moved by Simon Dimer and Henry B. Bowman that a by-law be passed for the removal and shifting of a teieohone.pole in the village of New Dundee. Moved by Gordon B. Hellman and Simon Dimer that this coun- cil do now go into committee of the whole on by-laws. Gordon B. Hallman .chainnan. when the different by-laws worn fillcd in as follows. Assessors A. R Christner, Chas. Jacobs and J. Edward Docring. School Attend- ance 0fficor F. E. Page, Weed In- _spoctor Garfield Weber. Member of Board of Health, M. A. Schmidt. Sanitary Inspector. Erhardt Roe- der. Auditor. William Robertson, CA. Tax collector. J, W. Koerilg. Road vxponditurv for 1942, tfit,- 500.00. Committee assumed in opgp council - - - - 7 Fred Kneisel. sawing relief wood, $1.50; George Ellen, relief, $2.72; Oscar Wagner, sawing relief wood, $3.25; A. E, Reiner, relief. $5.00; John Kreitz. relief, $10.00; A. W Janhi. relief. $500; E, L Stable. relief. 31.55: E. Koehler, re- lief. $4 Mr. Mrs Hugh Duncan. sol- dicrs' Christmas parcels. $51.90; Salvation Army ttrantt, 81500; on, tario Municipal Association fee. $1000; J, C Jaimet. dairies, Mt 00: Rev Conrad opening exercises. $2 so: Ontario Good Roads Asso- Nation fees, $500; Sam Cassel. High School tuition fees, S46l.66; Serretarv, Continuation School. New Hamburg. tuition. 323871; North Euthripe Telephone Refund, BIRTHS MARRIAGES DEATHS ofthe Week in the County 4 I"! 'ATIBLOO tttq-tq QILQNICLI Beharueh-o---gan. is, Rudolph ! Scharlach to June Drzen, both of i1hrl.tAtr-Ja_n, 20 . Mrs. John J. l Wilker, Tavistock. 80 years. Gehr-Jan. 17, Mrs. Mary Gehl. Maryhill, 77 years. Wuqand-Jan. 16, Mrs. Magdalene Wiegand. Toronto. itriiGiGiCoG'. 17, Ivan Gillow ! O'Hanley, Hespeler. 34 years. duueh-Jan. 16, Anthony Hauck, I Laneton. N.D., formerly of St. Jacobs, 66 years. ',Boattu--gart. 16. Ellen Lindsay l Beanie, Ayr. . ("t,t,t,rcetc. 15, Thomas Hickey. Portland. Mich., formerly of Kitchener, 65 years. MickuHan. 16, William Francis l Mickus. Preston. 78 years. meut-oan. 15, Mrs. Frederick Nickel, Listowel, 76 years. ZimmomaHan. 16, Harry C. Zimmerman. Tavistock, 65 years. Goudu--gan. Mt, Rev. Henry Gou- die, Markham. formerly of Kit- chener. 91 years. Gnters-Jan. 18, Mrs. Catherine I Green, 86 Ahrens street west, Kitchener. 90 years. 'rmaettheir--Jan. 18. Edward Hinschberger. Hamilton, 67 years. mttru-Jan. 17, Henry Petrie i South Easthope. 74 years. Cushing-Jan. 18. John Cushing, I 40 Krug street, Kitchener. Bile-Jan. 17, John Edward Bil- ger. Queen street north, Kitch- ener. 69 years. "ure-Mrs. R. A. Carr. Detroit. 64 l years. 'eotm-Jan. 18, Mrs. John G, Holm. l Plattsville. 66 years. SchiM-Jan. 19, Miss Barbara l Schill, Elmira. _AiemeHart. 19. George Aiken. I Guelph, 88 years. :Domm-dart, 18. Mrs. Conrad ( Domm. Ayton, 72 years. 'tSorter-Jan. 20, David Seyler, Ba- i, den, " years. iGruik.-gan. 20, Miss Wally Edith l Grulke. 650 King street cast. I Kitchener 18 years. Kitchener. Bt--h--ann. 17, Leading Aircraftman Kem-th Carl Ste- vens oCAyimer to Lorna Mar- guerite Jam of Centreville. Cun-Fror--hn. 10. Roy E. Class to Alexena Vittoria Frey, both of Floradale. Buor-cta---dan. 17, Pie. Jas. Baker of Gait to Kathleen The- resa Clawsey of Preston, Loveday, R.R. I, Hespeler. a daughter. K-r-At Plathville, Jan, 15. to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Krueger, a daughter. I'm-At Kitchener, Jan. At, to Mr. and Mn Vincent Fischer, 23 Simeon street, Kitchener. a son $221.54; Commercial Letter Ser- vice, 200 copies Financial State- ments, $40.00; Charles Heipel. re- gistering births, marriages and deaths tpr, 1941. $20.75; Erhan. Roe- Brute-At Sk Mary's Human. Jan.M,toMr.autdMrw1atene Bridges, Frances street north, Kitchener. a son. 'a-dar-At St Mary's Hospital, Jan. It), to Mr. and 11:1 Charles l Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Becker and Bruce of Kitchener spent Sun- rday evening with the former‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Becker. der, disinfectting. $7.95; Secretary, Wilmot Township Telephone, $2.- 797.l3; Road voucher number 1, road accounts, $2,530.31. Moved by Simon Dimer and Gordon B. Hallman that this coun- cil do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, February 16th at 9.30 The farm forum meeting which was held at the home of Isaiah Eby was fairly well attended on Monday evening. The next meet- ing will be at Gordon Woe1fle's next Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Shantz and Wayne of Elmdale were Sunday "ki’nrs at the home of Isaiah Eby's Mrs. Alex Oswald and Mrs, Isaiah Eby attended the U. B. Missionary meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. Milton Weber at Mannheim last Wednes- day. Elsie Hamachrr. Dorothy Hager- dorn. Joan Stochle. Alice Oswald and Audrey Ehy were among those who attended the girls' project mcoling at the home of Elizabeth Reist on 5iatyrday_pturrrtoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kufske and Richard and baby Kathryn wore recent guests of Earl Sny- der's at Parkway. Mrs, Ezra Becker spent Thurs day afternoon with her mother, Mrs Eiizaheth Israel and with Mrs Max Booker at Kitchener. Mr and Mrs Ross Battlor and baby Donna were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs Howard Becher at Kitchener Mr and Mrs Wm Thaler and Gerald and Mr, and Mrs, Ezrn Becker and Henry Becker were amrmg those who attended the auction sale of Neil Wannor‘s In. Strasburg on Wedneadny tBhaw---Jarr IS. Cameron MacDonald Hay of Butler. Alta., to Helen Norine Shaw of Allin- The North Waterloo Liberal Association The annual meeting of this Assoeiatiort will be held in the Town Hall, Waterloo, on the 'terinr, 9! Friday... Pert Mth, a? 8.00 pm. “(new Liberals are invited. A WILLIAMSBURG Br In. E"- Becker (Chm-Ida Conant-Inn.) Marriages Charles Heipel. Clerk Deaths . Moved by F. H. Schummer sec- ionded by H. E. Schnarr that this council form into a committee of “he whole on a number of bylaws and that Amos Wilkinson be chair- man of said committee-Carried. By-Laws Wellesley Council January Minutes Bills. accounts and communica- tions were then read and were dis- cussed and disposed of by Council. Moved by H, E. Sehnarr second- ed by Amos Wilkinson that a number of by-laws be given Brst and second reading-Carried. After due consideration by the Council it was decided to defer the appointing of assessors until the February meeting. Moved by F. H. Schummer sec- onded by H. J. Chalmers that grants be made to the following institutions: $5.00 to the Good Roads Association membership fees, $10.00 ant to the Salvation Army and 50.00 to the Hospital for Sick Children.-Carried. Ias fence viewers the followingi names were written in: Oliver: Heinz, Peter Hergott, Wm. Hamil-l ton, Frank Brenner. Michael Ryan,', Alvin Ottman. Camobell Shantz,, de,','. Kocnig and Geo. Birming-) ( am. I E By-law No. 1148 to appoint valucrs of sheep killed by a dog or dogs for the year 1942 the follow- lily: names were written in: A. L. Hartman, Simon Huber, Fred ‘Schmidt. Martin Linahan. By-law No. 1143 to pay for the Dietrich Municipal drain and to issue debentures for same $5,767.50 was written in. By-law No. tt44 to appoint a lo- cal Board of Health the names of Edwin Huehn, John Helnbuch and John Reidel were written in. By-law No. 1145 to appoint an auditor for the year 1942 the name of C. C. Brown was written in. By-law No. 1148 to appoint a sanitary inspector for the munici- pality for the year 1942 the name of Dr. McAninch was written in. I Moved by Ed. Huohn seconded by Hugh Chalmers that thiy com- !mitlee resume in open council and by-laws Nos, 1143, 1144. H45. 1146. HM. 1148. 1149, 1150. 1151, as fflled in, be read a third time and iitnally pttsse6-Carried By-law No. 1147 to appoint poundkeepers the names of John Lather. Alois Leinhart. Eugene Koobel. Alfred Hergott, Cecil Hackett, John Erb. Wm. Milner, John Eydt. Michael Brenner, Philip Hammer, Geo. Eydt. and Joseph Cassel were written in, and By-law No. 1149 as expenses on roads and bridges for I942 the sum of $20.fl00.00 was written in. By-law No. 1150 to appoint a collector of taxes for the year 1942 the name of Edward Kaufman was written in, Bv-Iaw No. 1151 to appoint a Medical Officer of Health for 1942 the name of Dr. G R. Hain was written in. (UM, Fill/Fr-Ei,) [oral, SEE US - When in need of New Shoes or Repairs -- WE CAN SAVE Toi MONHA BllETRll0lh'8 GARAGE ANNOUNCES O CABS FULLY INSURED O 24-HOUR SERVICE I EXPERIENCED COURTEOUS DRIVERS O HEATER AND RADIO-EQUIPPED CABS “SERVING TH. TWIN CITY SINCE ttMB" TAXI tlillllltt Edwin L. House 64 King M. R. "When You’re Late or in a Fix (TAXI AND GARAGE) SHOE STORE AND REPAIRING l,d,t"a, {mama} 120613339: i'a%"G."1'G7alC%Ci't",' os. Bass er, reli , 6.00; os-i iter, relief, 15.00; Mrs. Lather, "-le ' lief, 29.00; Mrs. Chris Z. Roth, re..' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weicker en- tier, S.t2; Municipal World, sup_‘tertnined the_local farm forum on plies. 10.72; c. B. Barbour. balanc- 1 Monday “MIME when were was a ing MMI rolls, 10.00; H. W. iGiiVsplertdi4 .a1tendanct.with Mr. Ed- man. "printing. 50.00; John Rein-"Va"! Klinkman acting as conve- buch, old age pensions, 18.00; Jno. nor V Heinbuch, district drain deben- ', The W.CT.U of Bethcl United tures, 20.00; Salvation Army, 1 Church held an all-day quilting for :grant, 10.00; Hospital for Sick I the Red Cross on Wednesday when Children. grant, 10.00; T. J. Mahoofthree quilts were quilted. 'w. Goood Roads membership fee,' Quite a number of the gentle- 5.00; December General Road ale. men from this vicinity attended :13451: Roofers Supply, 2000 ft.Ithe two-day short course held in isnow fence. 150.00: Roofers Sup-’Baden on Wednesday and Thurs- lply. 352 snow fence posts, Ifr.84/day of this week. ‘Lundy fence, 4200 ft. snow fenee.‘ __.,_, ---__-- 298.20; Lundy fence, 225 snow fence posts, 110.10: H. E. Ratz. STRASBURG .Beechville bridge, 124.46; H. Zet- By Ii" Boris Fcicl tel, repairs and hardware, 14.78: min-“'0 Mia” Canadian Oil, fuel oil, 31.51: Can, . Par . .adian, pil, pin. 4192; Ed. Voisin, _ In" 29M; J/tf." ..Et:.:::.:"::1 Moved by H. E. Schnarr second- ed by Amos Wilkinson that the township of Wellesley petition the Department of Highways for the statutory subsidy on road and bridge expenditures for MMI.- Carried. . Pay Accounts Moved by H. J. Chalmers, sec- onded by F. H, Schummer that the Reeve instruct the treasurer to issue his cheque for the following amounts-Carried. '; St. James Senior choir held its =annual re-organization meeting re- ‘cently and elected the following istaft of officers: Rov. S. J. Willie. ‘tho pastor. Hon. president; presi- idont, Mrs. Harold Cress: vice-pro- lsidcnt. Mrs. Gordon Hitler: secre- tary. Miss Ethel Schmidt: treasur- .er, Arthur Schaner. Annual Bible Class Man. bdlldulall VII: luv. ou, 01.31; an' Mr. and Mrs John Evcns and adian Oil, OIL 41.52; Fd. y,ttierraiifiiy attended the wedding of gas, 1.72; Lorne Rennie, !P!1.ryieii'e"i'r' daughter. Miss Marjory hauling. 9.10; Eugene Pielrtlyiita"ns to Russel Pfanner of Water» trucking snow fence, 2230; D. C'!loo Saturday, after which they at- Baird, 2150 “f snow fence. 13915: tended the n-ccption held at thc Total expenditure, $1,456.72. home of the bridcgroom's home Moved by H. E. Schnarr scSo!yi.- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pfannvrh Wa- ed bv Amos Wilkinson that this terloo .--6i.- an “Anni .. z“... A- N... . Moved by H. E. Schnarr second- ed bv Amos Wilkinson that this meeting do now adjourn to meet again at the Council Chambers. Crosshill. on Monday, Feb. 2nd. at tho hour-of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon,--Carried. Re-Otaanizo Senior Choir. The Men's Adult Bihlo Class 'fl Mrs, Lloyd Ottrrhrun lt, sp'nduw the Evangelical Church held its tho wnok at the hump of Mr and annual meeting last Sunday after- _ Mrs John Wolleslcy noon. After reviewing the class an; Sunday guosts itt Mr and Mr, tivities for the year 1941 the fo]_wFrvd_ Asmusscn wrrr Mr. and Mrs lowine officers were riveted. with \Wllllam Asmussrn of Kttchvner Rev, H. E. Roppol, the pastor. as) Sunday quests at John Evans chairman. President. Jack Mrrr-1wr'rr Mr and Mrs. Ed Hill and lock; vice-president. Howard Gics:_Elonor and Edna "I” of Harriston secretary. John Sittlor; treasurcr,"=-----T--------==-r--rr------zr---- F, E Welker: toachcr. J. G Hurst:-------------, asst. S M. Ehy: choristcr, Howard I Visit l Gies Tu: “Inn-r2 er... ton Bowman and Martin Melz- nor were added to these to com- plrte the number of executive members. The various committees will be chosen by the executive at a later date ST. JACOBS Br J, G. “In! (Chronicle Com-”ninth WATERLOO titiriiiior'riiil Sunday guests at John Evan, t. Jack Mordwpr“ Mr and Mrs. Ed Hill 3an Howard Gicslonor and Edna Hill of Harriston I HAYSVILLE . Quite a number of the gentle- men from this vicinity attended (the two-day short course held in 1taden, on Wednesday and Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weicker en- tertained the local farm forum on Monday evening when there was a splendid attendance with Mr. Ed- ward Klinkman acting as conve- nor Others who attended wrn- Mr, and Mrs. William Evans and sun qurge. Miss Dora Asmusscn of Kilch- oner spent the wcck-end at th, home of Mr and Mrs Prod As, mussen, Miss Berth;- Brnhmun sprnl the week-end at her hump. PM” Brahman. Mrs. Clarcncc Wlsnn r and Eh- zabcth accompanied Mr, and Mrs Herman Gviger to visit hor mo- thvr, Mrs Emma Rankin of No“ Dundee Sundzfy Mr, and Mrs' Isaac and daughter Edith visited Mr and Mrs Luck" of Roseville Miss Elsic Evans ts spl-ndlng 1hr wcok visiting lrn-ndw m Brantford and Princeton. BARBER SHOP Visit THE WHITE STAR ”Arms trom Post Omer, Waterloo E, MARTZ. Prop Br, In. Chum-e Diamond Dial 8-8192 PAGE THREE

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