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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Dec 1941, p. 12

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D BOY§ Christmas Special Bud Abbott and Lou Costello KEEP 'EM FLYING Bette Grable Carole 1 Wake ht Screaming’ FRI. & SAT - DEC. Mt _ 20 A (IIIIIP'QIE “or, a! the v - ,--V - 'r W that the Information Narnia be at greatest value to tho Men- munity, A need [rain Me, 1“ made, the object rl'g',"g2'dt'l Ye formation as to where min could be, procured It will be [a membered that a tot of min grown in the County 1111000 in; lot. m forperp. A_I_uccedul Bed Fair was heist" ai -iiriGiar"" i7Gii, starring - Edward Arnold Walter "anon -Angte Shirley All That Money? t Can Buy After Sunday Midnight Preview 12.05 1.3., and My. Tuesday. Wednesday DEC. " - " - " Peggy Mona Funk Albanian Wm Guam _ Edmund law. ADDED ATTRACTION ‘F LYING WCADETS' - Anon) Anna-Ion = .". we; ' - “Slam” Maxie Menthol- Vlctor Jory . Rochelle liaison MONDAY The StorkPays tlf' G DAYS Starting WED, “My - My- ”*1 DEC. " - " - I. _ - mu) AYTRACTMtH - The Hammett! and Stag extend to all their BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTUAS ANT) , m ' _ _ - ' . _ , v . ROGERS SILVERVVARP. WEDNESI)A\ & THI’RRDAY I"""---"-.','"-'-',','-""."-"'-""-"-.-";'))! Also POPEYE and LATEST NEWS EVENTS all!“ - Victor Mature Landis in Extra.' MARCH QETIME“ “AMERICA AT WAR" - TUESDAY Waterloo Theatre Robert Paige in SPECIAL MATINER DECEMBER entire worid sttoartios, as " low. EDD'POFQ' America. Cabins Wright Jr. oGeorge Barbie: Sheldon leoncrd . Leonid Kinskey Chris-Pin Martin - Billy Gilbert RANT] (‘IAI S In permit IT mgr M Favors tor all children nun-dint -. TK8t)it0i0tt.(' ‘Louisiana Purchase Dorothv Lamont - lthrt "all Gala New Year's Eve Show BOP HOPE RAryrvAk'r'.U_Es. 10.45 tor, junior program supplying 1 for many' of the activities many cases members "of the 'vicewiubs visited the boys ducting-the projects in which ‘w'ere interested.' _ - -- _..--. "u I": "A60I0q"TT" me Provincial Plowing_ Match‘dish with green kale or sprouts. ’while. the team pf t1yo boys withJGerman 1221'pt eaktr were my; ’gacuirs stood .llr',i,rf In (ne Intt? at; and 1dSlll .'cUlll'l,l',ll'l/'s11', JItt I I . ' _ T . F tr -. od1h','so'i'l'."jtilrt,'hde and homefto have 1er,dHiri'i.hC4tiririiiriii ecurtomictr were héld' it _ Wellesley tree and practically eVer"y'-fuiette' hat viliage with an' 2lt,lil/t'vi't'l'e'l'i%'i beaumully decorated tree ‘on ' . Mr MsLsrusthrrlph.ritrtmarj/v1r, The 1etuitehes used 'leer Jguertyd 'trrTiii'iTi?iiifs/r.tF. be quite lavishly decorum and 3f the County stating that thejhad [services be“? both' Cer, Christmas clostrly eo-operpted. With him m hisje’lg ","1f1t1rl,sues dam » inninr nth-mp...“ .m...r-C_e__, . . ' . Assistance was given to the fed- lfration 1f,t',i,eS2g,e lacuna; ion with t eir prop“ ; ttao _ Agricultural Societies' Mr, Ibr- Loam stated that he had 8d- dressed a mother of Women's At i stttute meetings 'and given unat- i ance with the only School'tur 1 held' in the Count , and Ind as club boys under 'lfi', supervision. The Junior ,Plrmen’ Association, of the County itonducted' a com- prehensive program under his) guidance. A judging contest was) held with 77 he s and 47 girls at-- tending. Mr. nichuKhry said he' Was proud to say that of the six-i, teen boys attending the Provincial" Inter-Club contests at l Guelph, every one was fortunate in that he brought, home some '0! the prize money.’ He thanked'the County Council for their recognition of the boys' attievemeys, The Waterloo‘ ‘County team of' three boys with! horse drawn plows stood fourth in the Inter-County competition at the Provincial Plowing Match l while. the team of two boys with I tractors stood third‘in the Inter- l County competition. ." ,"' yr}: Courses in-ogriculture and home 1 economics were . held it _ Wellosley .1 village _ with on eype11ent' attend- " MON. _ TITS. - WED, DEC. 22 _ " _ 24 Tickets now on sale Admission Mc plus tax ADDED ATTRACTION In continual: With tha‘llogne Bullying” ”amt Reforestation p t, "moo . in“ [spring at very t In the Coun- ty with thence Mailings“! Public Schools. 'tlii'ie'i,',?,e'r2 f,"I',',ii l I to 'f' I" 'I tree pm on each school trounu. .One' hunting! and thirteen schools were .vitited and' 38,139 trees were aistritnsted. "r, ' _. Cz-Cr. - a _ . yea; iitqtl1e1l'JJjMtAff1s,'.til chimn- trkeoguigetioo vim min . rtret'i','ht.'r qt an survey; m. Douglas Faii'banks. J; Madeline Carrot "SAFARI" Wtllllllillll) "mm ( Muir-"ht tum smut (:0me - Em,“ . m ttoereyfe_vtry, mm. was: Eh ttt /2j'.M. mm" ME SOT; -- ADDED ATI'RACTION The door prize, a beautiful end- lable, was "Tort. by .Mrs. Fred Bacchlur. A draw ffrt, comforter for the Redirogg "wtir"'made by Rcv. Father Melon of Waterloo, and was Won by Mr, A Arnold of Waterloo. _ ,,v.__,._ ._.._y Vclculdtlun Iwas closely -associatediwith the >church, , , . ‘ So we see that these and many other. countries have quaint cus- toms pf celebration, Murine . . which ,titne they fipld.desrtk the memoryi [ss-r thrist's birth. Mayutte days! :freedom and peace man ga'wn Wye so that we: may gladly use the occasi6n' and spirit of Christmas ‘to express the season's good-will" sand that we may have timex,to not Marge! that the Christmas challengeI Us t9_give oyseives.in. mr-siahti)tl 1strategy tif, /ff,'lllhfgge.',i 'entfr- ': \priselw ‘t axons an ggatnpalgn or- tt triumph of the Kingdom oil“ i od in a World of peace. I h _....._...V ... u I...“ _ """ in... "mun-outlier in ihe St. Clements Parish Hall in Ye] Snider Inot ranked), aid of the Red Cross. A large‘ HER Carton, I crowd gnawed. ( Miss M. Role-rs - y ___...‘_, ynucc "9.0A. . . T I erg-=3: , ”J i Greyiec9tr-.-Rov' Emu 70.4. J. l a, (in Paul meme» _ IDottgtae. fHamacher 62, Thelma V {cl-munch Com-vandal” Ii 2gf,ef,': Cloyce Toman St8, Joe _ The St. Louis Young Ladiey"So- Ha Iman 47. . dality of Waterloo pre§ented a l Grade ?frl-tMarie Cressman Pliirttttitled “Romance iii B Flat" 371% We 9trenba.chy 74.4, Russ- m ‘hn Ct Flam"-.- n__:-1. -- .. . " B.-. ___ sl In Hungary the customs: were t "quite. similar-La two-day . hell .' holiday with church bells sounding . throughout the greater part of. the , '; time. The giftsth have appear- "rd on their Christmas treaswere .' usually home-made and among the fIdelicacié-s on the titree " “Slalom icukor" was sure to,diteure largely [and this. is. a' homemade candy much like fudge ittrcyttisttmei.:" At midnight. mass used .to, be cele-| ‘brated in Hungarian churches.- the ,scene of Bethlehem" was Jean-o- y', duced,‘with three kings) that; t; l herds and the angels as well asf e ”-101; Emily” . _ ,' _ ' , ‘In Italy the Christmas (sewn, ma: nun ,In ...I_:_L r, .. A tl r l 16” Italy the" Christmas .iamion Was one in which religion; cere- monies predominated 'with a period of religious preparation preceding Jor 'nine ‘days. Unlike other coun- tries the. Christmas tree was, not used nor. did treysg..is,rirs1tti. .The Yule-log' tpiolr thedplaceé tit) Christ: mas trees and Salim Cir“; aid " thely assembled 'lt,t,iit (srflrireaa chi d ‘was sp . e Jesrecite a r,ietmjtiwthe, 1',ll'r)'i'lt'iftiirrtit.i:,: l '.." . Chisinau In Pound v. .', ',-' (-/ .. Chtistrhas in Pofand was a .very important and beautiful time. The] housewife makes (feat rtrp-ae.a'rsrs" THURS. -‘ ml. 'a SAT. ‘nm, " '- as: 27 - '_-'---- -v- - lull WI".- )0 we see that these and many Grade Ixr-latirrgrhisir" 303%. let. countries have quaint g'gci,r,t1eiei?d 79.7. Ediearit Goett-' " pt gclebration,~durin¢_,wh.ichl.ling‘ 794, John qubacher 574,3. te they fipld.ttesrtk the mrmoryiGlenn Poth_6q.7. Elmore .Roteie thrisi"e birth. Mayutte tiargit berger .64.3, ettr. Eckstem 63.8, edém and peace man ga'wn Robert Wigner 60... Clarence Beer tin so that we: may gladly use 56.1, Wr iniaAHoifmah 55.9. Kath- occasion' and spirit of Chastmas tyn: fit5fll'l'l, 55; Glen gnallmu: express the season's _trtohtri)rlitr.r.. ., . i that we may have timex,to not Grade R---t1eorsre Goettling get that the Christmas i.t'iiiiitiii'iy,iiti, Stewart/tCast-er 76.5, Nyle [9_give oyseives.in. 1tsittt.ertliiiiie'ni'iii'h"e'; 75 75, T Clare' Snider,: new .aatt vtnturesorrt.e inter-173.77, Florence Hewitt 73.75; Alice; "i1e..1lEyrop,sttyWsetiirkitiTt t1tiis%'uii. 72,75, Isabelle Toman 7o, ttiumpr bf the '9."de off-Reta Coleman was, Lama: Pt) I m a wdrld of peace. imaeher 69.5, June Hoffman 62.4.1 --""-er-----e------ ," Elizabeth Ptltahauer" 60.9, Edwa'lrd’ ST; cr, EMENTS . Pa,lteyPyisAii.iirdv' Esme " I. zoms: were rdtry _ heat! ‘Hamburg - {/iéiedw wit: it midi _ I.“ IV 7 -_-_ ‘- A _ - - _ Mr and Mrs Jack Schmidt and fchnldren. Larry and Carol and Mrs “August Kavolman accompanied by ZIMI‘I . Elitatroth Schmidt of New ‘Mn George Morton ttt Milverton ‘on Sundnx. _ _ ,. _ Mr and Mrs, Carl Buck and daughter, Mary Joyce spent the wpek-onduuith relatives " Lion‘l Bond. Mrs, Wilbert Pm of Miss 1siahet dAaiiiiiii%t Hamil- lpn spent the week-end with her mother, 'fre, Leander Cressmnn Mrs. Sam Rohr underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Cy, Hospitaj 2n Synday. Dr. A. c.- Rockel continued his flectures on "First Aid" at the re- ygulax meeting of the Civil Guard Which was held on Monday even- ,ing. Three more mew members ‘joinod this week bringing the to- tal membership to approximately [ 35, Hon Soldier. Local friends of Sgt Ross Bow. :man were pleased to hear his voice l ”in the broadcast with the troops in England on Tuesday owning Sgt Bowman is the son of Mr and Mrs. John Bowman-ot New Hamburg and was born in this village. l Pomnnls. , v --- ,..-.. v, u..- ‘old Poll "and Frank Toman. The prxrsiident, Roy Gildner presented the topic, "Christmas", which was followed by remarks by the pastor, Rev. H, F, Schade. First Aid Indiana. #9120. Meeting. ( Harold Poth presided at the ‘wcekly meeting of the BLY.P.U. which was ‘held at the church on Monday cvenihg. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Emma Lautenschlager atter which a vocal duet was rendered by Mrs. Harold Path arid Mrs. Stuart Rosenberger. Two readings were given by Har-l old Ea-i...-,, - . - old School noan. f ' _ _ . Repoit orthe New Dundee Con- tinuation !ithoy for _tlurFan term: (i.i',l"_ "t1tTJDrErsiii_, Ijjtttt,,, (iiiit"irii"ie s.i,'_'::'li",'i'ii)ij'_,it'i.',"':',r_ c. Ti. price. 05mm. ' _ .llnglst. West "W T Kitchener 'l _ Phoare,8-t986: , YOUR "GLASSES y Will xiv you-mum ", .. stagnation]! NEW DUNDEE nit 'MVOIIH! ambled liiT3tttltsE's' ‘- YOUR, EYES " [In lid-n: Hilborn, Winkle Conclmdcil; Carton," Principal, Rogers. assistant. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Minis Leis and son ., and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Leis spent iSundayK with. Mr. and Mrs. Syl- ivester Baer neigr Hickson. T on" Monday, Tuesday And WWMY Eve-mum biiiigiiiti ' I Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Kropp ‘called on Mr. and Mrs. Moses Hel- muth on Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roth and and family of New York state vis.sited gelativ'es and. friends'in this vicinity for a few days last week. Mr. Wm. BrennemUn and sitter Ida spent Sunday with Chris. Leis and family. . Mrs. C. B. Schmidt spent the past week with Mm Stanley Beib- ling and Mr. Reibling. Beautifully Cleaned T Messrs, Floyd and Harold Hall- (man of Hespeler spent Saturday with their sister, Mrs. Earl Pana- baker and Mr. Panabaker. _ Mr. and Mrs.‘M. Hellman and Mr. and Mrs: George Milne were Petr." Aruetrty with Mr. and Mrs., Leslie mum” his}?! FiisGi, ','l r ' ‘Iu iittt m' 5 . yis'ri4'trle2dt:t',l, ( . Mr. and Mrs. Ihrr Panabaket were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lehman and Mrs. 1/t5ihieryiiiiiiit'sairTi at Kitchener. i Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. E, J.sDevjtt were. Mrs. S.. crea- man, 'Misses Evelyn and Willa Cremnn'of Pit Dundee. ahdMiss qupthy Cer? otVineiprid. laSAllE CLEANERS Mr.on'diiiiCiisirGn" _. s-%"iiiiiiii'i%u Arnold visited with :Mr. and Man MgrkJones at Nine Pines. ' _ _ _ (e/ht"', Head who has been visiting with her daughter, M11 Buck for "he past few weeks returned home with them. _ . Miss Ruth Mather of Plattsville was the guest ot Miss Nellie Ka- .velmad on Tue-day; , Mug-Leander Cteasman and the Mittaeaattibest and Marie Cressnnn. accompanied by Mr. and Mn. Clareme Creams!) .of Plattsville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orphen Weber. it Mannheim on Sunday. F Xmas Cleaning Special Slllr .,2, For 311° Agencies, at: Stores at l EAST ZORRA " In. A115- Holt-nth (chronicle Corn-pond...) Dial 8-8501 y 2 For " CA sit 'l' CARRY _aa?iarattt.tamttttamaaaaat.taaaa, v, MODERATE nsii'5-,isyis mrpe1Arip.N FROM FRED WESSON - KITCHENS]! "uv..s" PHONE b, BRESLAI' V T _ CENTREVILLE BRIDGEPORT t'itrit=eitryr1t=t?tritritmit,ttir,tpitsitaiitieiEd gt2 KING W. "AT homsm 91 FREDERICK "AT WEBER" Gray Coach l Lines JACOB "RMlirtgttt"jittitt ‘ForywrNeXtoutmg CHARTER” A COACH. simias‘é ati"tiitij'fiiciL lifkrr'ihv, w..". 114 KING' SOUTH 4 whimwoz -r-rto-.ttcthr'eertaaeiBie. - Let '"rr,'tt,t.t.orrme My my "rt"ttiiosetbe',-eee-tiaa. ‘gsnoEs~ . "lanmrioias, It?" thyme FoRiatR's R. scnlnnmxs W. SHAN'N $'-o_o " Pl S ma rity Pressed

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