l'â€"â€"â€"â€""â€"’â€"_;â€"'_I|0flakkâ€"M St. rearvh l.'We/s w-T--------'.----"-"--.----:----..---.'---------: Nov. 1, to Mr. and Mm. 'FTANtADALE ' oucnktk, Rat. s, Kitchener, I 'e Ion. O I I Lt_.--.At Waterloo, Oct. al, to "tUfdtt tgWt.ith, h Lance-Cal. And Mrs. R. Linttpk. I 7 Menno street, a daughter (died Mr. Marlin. ripen an herbs. will be ll game day). the Hotel Wank... Waterloo.“ Monday. Wegtutafer-At East Zorn, Oct. M, Ndvernher IT, from 9 mm. to lo pm. " to Mr. and Mm. chem Wett- you are mining from my complaint call laden a 'on. and see him, he has had over ar years' Ho'WAQ New Dundee, Oct. Mr, experience in "rating with diluent: to Mr. and Mrs. Eben Howling. herbs. Coo,,ultatior, free 45-46 a son _Ninaehlto---At St. Clements, 'tt'rtt,,,teg'y Sewi Ci Nov. i, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert " mick Hinschber er a den hter met at the church Tuesday ty,ttugl'll'l'l"-'earf New Dugdee "Oct 30 noon for a It1iitin4 and tire.,..ye) to Mr and Mrs Eben howiin ' complete clothing for the misswm a son. . g, at Markstay. "sGariserser--At Hessen Road, W Wu . ', itnvsdi,et2',raadnaUhtt Robert â€man: d,, 'l),eef-ifri51tiirri'il'iiii-'iei't,' siyiiiiiiii7iis,. 3.10 mg, Tuesday. at the home of Mrs.' r. an rs. enne use ow, Lloyd Snyder. 2.P.Ps Aw *.e_=, . .. r. . Mrs. Meno M. Frey entertained seven little girls at her home on Monday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Eunice', sixth birthday. Games were enjoyed followed by a delicious birthday supper. Personals Birthday Party Mr. Mt"dut, up"! on baht. will be ll the Hotel T0trrloo, Waterloo, on Monday. Ndvernber li', from 9 an. to 10 pm. " you lit valuing Iron any col-plain! call and see him, he has had out 20 years' rxpctienrt- in "rating with diluent hubs. (Innuultalinn her, _ 45-46 The, Mennonite Sewing Circle met at the church Tuesday after- noon for a quilting and also to complete clothing for the mission at Markstay. Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Stoutenburg. Gladys, Ronald and Gordon spent Sunday with Garnet and Harvey Stygtenbufg. - Misses Laura Gaschu and Verna Gingrich, Messrs. Ephraim Ging- rich and Clarence Gascho of Zurich visited at the home of Emanuel Bauman, Irvine Shoe- maker and Allan Weber over the week-end. Sylvester and Abram Brubacker of Elmira, Sydney Ramer of West Montrose visited Rev. and Mrs. Reben D_ettwiler. Sunday. A Mr. and Mrs. Manasseh Martin. West Montrose. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Knarr. St. Jacobs. Miss Lizzie Knarr, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Bear- mger, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Weber, Elmira, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bowman, Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Soehner. Esther and Bob, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Geiscl, Balsam Grove, st1rrlay., - Miss' Viola Gingrich of Zurich spent the week-end with Miss Fern Dettwiler. Irvme Musselman of Elora was a Sunday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Musselman. Clayton Martin. accompanied by Emerson Weber of Goldstone, Henry Gingrich. Elmira, Adeline Martin, St. Jacobs. Edna Freeman of Conestoga, motored to Sault Ste. Marie over the week-end, where they visited the boys at the Mon- treal River camp. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bender. Master Douglas Golbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reichert of Kitchener visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller on Sunday. - 7 visit doys' Clam Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bowman, Ed- win Bowman and Mrs. Mary Me- Illroy visited Mr. and Mrs. Orlando BotTaruManrtheie. on Sunday. Mrs. ‘Norman King, Graham, Donald and Claire of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. J. B. Snyder. '.. "g, "Cr. I‘ "if; ' r,""" ,7' _Titr ' e "'5:;m' â€mung-nu...- “in“ YOUR GITASSES For Your Bedroom STEELE'S Elev-0m to 2nd and 3rd Floon III itâ€)! We YOUR EYES ETTT'TBllllaS Furniture Store A Beauty At this price for this 3-Pc. Bedroom Suite, you are getting dollar-for- dollar value. Set consists of Chest of Drawers, Dresser SS2 so and full-sized Bed all in Cherry wood . _ t _ _ T ' T . _ t I And still within the moderate price range is this 3-Pr. Bedroom Suite consisting of Vanity. Chest and full-sized Bed. Vanity has circular mirror. and both Vanity and Chest have modern drawer pulls. Nicely grained . $129.50 Another 3-piece Bedroom Suite in the Rorkline finish. Vanity has large plate mirror. C hesl of Drawers offers, space for any articles. Modern Chrome drawer pulls on Chest and Vanity. Full. s siiz.ed hed ' 180.25 "OUR [NATION SAVES YOU MONEY" * Quality tghagttn--At St. Mary's Hospital, Nov, 3. to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shanta, Kitchener. a son. Webtr--At Waterloo, Nov. I, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Webb. 274 Erb street west, a daughter. Beatrtett-At St. Mary's Hospital, Nov. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bennett, Preston, a daughter. Grein-At the K.-W. Hospital, Nov. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Grein, Kitchener, a son. NorrirxAt Welland. Nov. 3, to, Mr. Memtoah-At Victoria Hospital. {pndoly thtt., Nov. I, to Mr. and Sniaer-camtter---Oct. 31, Sgt.- Observer Edward C. Snider of Preston to Bernice Coulter of Preston. Wnson-_-Nov. I, Robert James Wilson of Galt to Ruth Mary Hertel of Freeport. 'Eenriehagash-oct. 25, Dr. Clar- ence Albert Henrich of Court- right to Janet Irene Rush of In- Kenr-Brohman--oct. so, Harold} Patrick Kelly of Hespeler to I Edna Helen Brohman of Ariss. l BehHget-Fersorr-Nov. l, Clar-l ence Schlegel to Mrs. Carrie) Henderson, both of Waterloo. 1 Service - Ileimpel --Nov. i, Henry‘ Alexander Service of Kitchener“ to Alice Emma Heimpel of Nine' Pines. i Kteist-Kaeberte--Nov. i, Ernest J..), Kleist of Mildmay to Marie Juli- ana Haeberel of Kitchener. PhiMher-mmts-Nov. l, Edgar W. Phillips of Kitchener to Doris P. Kuntz of Waterloo. Hohl-Kavelman - Nov. I, Willard Garfield Pfohl of Wainfleet to Katherine Louise Kavelman of Kitchener. Krrt"gir-heeman--Nov. 1, Harold Arno Knautt to Winnifred (Jean) Freeman. both of New Toronto. Matt-P+-mov. 3, Roy Eugene Hall of Windsor to Elsaleen Mary Pickell of Leamington. Rieharthson-Bathwd-oct. 30 J. William Richardson of Macton to Eva Isabel Ballard of Linwood. Smart-Cameron - June 27. Sgt.- Pilot Lorne C. Small to Carey A. Cameron, both of Stratford. Freeman, Preston. 1 (f'itiitiiii Lt----" the K.-W. capital, tttae; 'fl 'due. hitdttrd ' ie, he ner, I ter. "mb--At the K.-W. Hound, Oct. "Mer-At the K.-W. Emu: on. so. to Mr. and In. C . Bai- dee, 212 Herbert and. Waterloo. . daughter. "B--At Wine: Hospital, Paris, Out, to Mr. and an. Ernest Ball, Gut, I fris tai, Brnaaetttaa.-- t t. Mary's Oct. to, to Me. and Mtee Lhu'm‘n- 1utf.heerct gums!- Mrs. W. Meinioh -kiietreairra and Mrs. John Neil-is; aidiuiihiG/ yitstysner, iii-1N2}? munch Mung: DI ofthe Wm in the Minty "ti--At the x.-w.’ H irai,det. at"? Mr. 'll'fiih'.y'MI'l Luau. Marriages Rfrthm * Economy " Joseph Street - '0TCKENER ‘ '"Anyone who doesn't receive a license application form through the mail, and who is subject to the Ire,, should ask for an application Cat his nearest post ofBee," Mr. ‘Morphy concluded. oTTAWA.--Applications for u.‘Parkview United, Major H. W. censc under the nation-wide ptan9rwes of the Salvation Army, to license all manufacturers andlev. P. G. Lighthouse, of St. dealers in food, feeds, livestock,' Jamrs Anglican, Rev. J. R. Thomp- poultry, yarn, cloth, clothing. _andHPn of St, Paul's Anglican and footwear have started to pour into, Rev. H. F. Gruhn of Zion Luther- the Licensing Records Division oran Church. the Dominion Bureau of Statistics After the singing of the opening at Ottawa, according to a statement) hymn Rev. F. G. Lighthourne of issued today by the Wartime Prices Stratford read the prayers and and Trade Board. "tev. F. B. Meyers of North East- I»; At ' $156.13.». Oct. Si, 339.7%";3); Wesley Brtr, a: yem. Other ole! Cttmdr-At Listowel, Sept. Mr, Mia. tying year . Jean Ciimie. Elmira. vice-t 't-tt--A. C. 1 Samuel Elton of Waterloo, te Rozell. Guelph R.C.A.P. Wire- of Kitchener. lea School, formerly of Kitch- hers. Rev. Al ener, Oct. " 20 years. ener and Rev B-ttn-Near St. Jacobo. Nov. 3.¢Elmira. were Mrs. Samuel M. Bowman, as the executive. years. 1. Brothel-hot Caatwd.ht-At Toronto, Nov. I, ASome " b1 Edward Cartwright, (orrnerly of presented at Preston. 81 years. nearly 300 n "tetti-LAt Sunnyside, Nov. 1, We present _ Samuel Schlelke, 71 years. of $319,100 a "$truthees-At Mitverton, Nov. 2, tion of othee: 533:" Meander Struthers, "Inâ€; of 131mm wGickt Kitchener, Nov. 2, "l,"";".",') 'd. t fi"g1,1"" 207 Strane 't',e1"?t,eireoftg i. ' , t 'tot-tat-At Kitchener, Nov. t, , $531039: it%'e.t'son' lit Weber street, the 3:22;" _ . B t . Mutt-gs-At Toronto, Nov. 2, Emma' 'A'll"t'l'litli, Marie Molson, " years. ,the year arou 'ht'.',','.",';,',), ?'gei,',ttr Nov. 3.2mm formedl rs. Samue umn. , . t th 't----At East Zorra, Nov. 4, Robert I"""'""?-? Llff she',")- " age-hrs. At eston, Nov. 3, William . . “In? 'l1'1"p fl years. id Minister er-- t rownsiie ' Alta.,; Alvia Ttussier, formerly of New ‘ Held at Dundxe. No. 2, " years. __ - 'tahgs- t Kitchener, Nov. 4, Bern- hard Rahn, 38 years. Hosts to St Sehmitt-Near Baden, Nov. 4, Mrs. (I! Chron Elmina Schmitt. 65 years. HAYS'VILL Kagtsgtlt Glenallan. Nov. 5, Mrs. f thi Peter Hanson, 66 years. terngon o H I Bmbaeher-At Kitchener, Nov. 4, o T, ar Mrs. Cornelia Clemmer Bru-i were "8 to bacher, " years. feet ' Ity Eierter-At Preston, Nov. s, Lov- jomt 595“)" ine Christina Deehert, widow of Church In Ha: the late William Henry Ziegler,' Rev. H. R. in her Glst year. ly..rf:yyy1 or Apply For License Under New Plan In GreatNumhers More than 300,000 license appli- cation forms are being distributed to persons and firms affected by the licensing order through the co- operation of the thirteen thousand Canadian poost offiees and their mail carriers, municipal and rural. There is no license tee. T Although these application forms only went into the mail on the week-end, several hundred were back into the Board's licensing di- visi_on Mopgay atternpon. “It would appear that business-) men generally are complying with' the Board's request to get licenses promptly," commented Director of Licensing C. R. Morphy. "While the deadline for securing a license is December l, it would be wise for licensees to apply as quickly as possible as no unlicensed person who is named in the order, can buy for resale. handle or sell any of the listed goods after that date. 'Fir-at Bt. Junta. Oct. 00. Anon Weber, " years. CIF-At Mu, Oct. " George B. Cole. “ yearn 'FM---At' Bah-m Grove, Oct. " Elvin. Wideman. Ive-yar- old dnutthter of In†Whitman. WA! F‘reepon Banntorium, Oet. Mt, Cart Schubert of Toron- PART OF THIS PAGE IS MISSING . fl. 1e9ittl3IAMt, tfhmght1 CIIOIIOQ of New Hamburg and vicinity _were hosts to the ministers ot the 'Classic City of Stratford. The ‘joint session was held at Christ Church An gaggviile, 77 After the singing of the opening hymn Rev. F. G. Lighthourne of Stratford read the prayers and Rev. F. B. Meyers of North East- hope read the scri tures. Rev. A. L. Conrad of New gandee Luther- an Church was welcomed into the fellowship of the ministerial. The observance of Remembrance Day was discussed and it was reported that an abbreviated program will be‘given in New Hamburg at the Cenotaph on Nov. llth at 10.50 am. The December meeting of the ministerial wilt be held on Decem- ber 1st in Trinity Lutheran par- son__ag_e at New_l-lamburg. Rev. H. R. Mosig of New Ham- burg. and president of the local association, was the presiding om- cer and welcomed the visiting clergymen, These included Rev. C. S. Oke of Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. N. McFaul of St. Andrew's Presbyterian. Rev. Da- vid Wren of Central United, Rev. S. M. Roadhouse of St. John's United. Rev. H. J. Mahoney of Parkview United, Major H. W. Bowes, of.... the _ tialvation Anny. This Joint fellowship was privi- leged to hear a studied paper by Rev. C. S. Oke of Stratford and following the presentation all par- ticipated in an informal discussion. Following another hymn. prayer was offered by Rev. H. J. McEwen and the National Anthem brought this part of the meeting to a close. The ministers and their guests then adjourned to the rectory where Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Pitts assisted by Miss Dorothy F. Walk- er and Mrs. A. B. Christner served delicious refreshments. Dr. F. B. Clausen. president of Waterloo Seminary, was presented bv Past Treasurer K. W. Weicher of Waterloo with a $500 cheque for the Seminary on behalf of the Brotherhood. The building of a program for the year around six chosen objec- tives formed the main topic of dis- cussion at the convention. HAYsvrLLE.--on Monday af- ternoon of this week the ministers Some 25 brotherhoods were re- presented at the convention, and nearly 300 members and friends IN present. Rev. C. S. Roberts of aterlop conducted the installer- tion of onceri. while Rev. A. W. Lot: of Kitchener was in charge of the, evepins service. _', - Ministerial Meet Held at Havsville m year's election marks Mr. Brennan's fourth term " president. Other one": named tor the en- suing year are: Herbert Crest of Elmira. vice-president; A. J. Mayer of Waterloo, treasurer; Julius Scholl pf KIM-,nd tyo Mme-n ener' and Rev. L. It Wise}: ot Elmira. were named as members of tyW» Emmet! Members of the local association. which now numbers 22. who were present were Reverends A. L. Con- rad. N. E. Dahms. J. B. Dengis ,E. Gingerich. G. W. Kaiser, E. J. Mc- Ewen. F. B. Meyer, J. H. Moore, H. R. Mosig, R. C. Pitta, H, F. Schade and J. W. Seibert. annual eaveisiioks of the organiza- tion, held at St. Peter’s Lutheran hen. 'terAitrert 1.99qu [may Mr. Martin. expert on herbs. will be at the "nu-l WaterGo.Wnterloo. on Monday. November l7. from 9 mm. to 10 p.m. ll you are sum-ring from any complaint all and see him. he has had over 20 years," experience in Healing with different herbs. Consultation free 1546 Name L. H. Brenna? Lutheran President At Annual Meet tnr-w-rt L ll. Blanca o! Welland was named [accident at the Luthenn Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sim. Weaver were: Mr. and Mrs. Levi Gingrich and Mrs. Isaac Gingrich, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bow- man and daughter Elmeta all of Floradale, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo King of Mt. Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Lin- coln Weaver, Howard and Lyla of Kitchener. Potion-In. Mrs. Howard Bauman and bro- ther, Mr. Aaron Horst visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shantz in El- miy? on Seedâ€; _ - 1 Mrs Harvey Dvsslor and.son Jack and Miss Norma Madro of ‘Breslau visited Mr and Mrs Em- ;ergqn Dysler HI Sunday. Donald Horst spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Lammert in Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. John Longman and sons David, Joe and Randall of Alma, Mrs. Raymond Kelly, Mr and Mrs. Lorne Kelly and son Bobby of Winfield were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs, Oliver Kelly. A -- U Mr, and Mrs. Manasseh Martin of West Montrose. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Martin and Mr, Eli Martin of Elmira were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrenus Ziggler. - MISS Norma Bird of Waterloo and Mr. Ronald Washer of Kitch- ener spent the" week-end with Mr and Mrs, Sam Bird Hosts to Stratford Ministers. Mrs Irvin Schneider and sons Billy and Elgin spent soveral days with Mr and Mrs William Edsel near Elmira, Mr. and Mrs Will Mohr of Amulroo were meant guests of Mr and Mrs Noah Miller Mr. and Mrs Goorg" Kmpkr and family and Mr and Mrs Wal- ter Maura spent Sunday with friends in Vigil-co Att8t.P+Ch-hrrt_, (By Chronicle Cancun-dent) NORTH WOOLWICH B, In. Wake Inner (chronicle 13orr-dmstt at the 14th Samuel Schn-lkv. 71. 01 Ross avenue. Sunnyside. dmd Saturday at St. Mary's Hospital following a brief illness. TN ccased was a farm- or at Nipawin, Susk.. for some years, cominu In Kitchener only two wcvks my,†:0 rcside with his daughter. Mn: Otto Wishniewski, Ross avenue. Sunnysidc. He was born on Jammry H. 1870. The late Mr. Schidkv um tt mmnbcr of the First Baptist vhurch in Nipawin. Surviving an his wife, Mrs. Pauline thirlki'. two suns. Her- man ot' U’U'wil. Muir. and William of Kitchorury: Hm. daughh rs, Mrs. Gustave Sk'illlil. 14 Ntpawin, Sask, Mrs. Otto Wrshv.icwski of Sunny- side. and Miss Ruth Schiolke of Sunnysidr. Kim grandchildren also survivr. Um 'luughtcr. Alvena. died 14 y' an up; rccd two sons died in infancy. _ ' , Fr The late Mr. Ross was an adher, Mrs. .liamtgel M. Bowman gum of Knox United Church. Tavis- ST. JACOBS -Mrs. Samuel M.ltock, and was a member of Embrd Bowman, 46, “In; died Monday at A.F. and A.M. Mocka Temple, Lon- her home run tfi Pccl-Woolwich don, and the shrine club in Wood- township line tollnwine a brief ill- stock. ness, was born m Woolwich on Surviving is one brother. Peter. Jan. 13, 1895, a daughter of Mrs. of East Zorra David B. Malfm and tho lat" Mr. ___ 7,, Martin. I... l..|... u--- Surviving ircerdc, in r mother are one son. David. at home, one daughter, Elsw, Mrs. Orvillv Mar- tin, and mm adnplul daughter. Er- mina. both "t hnmz. four brothers, Isaac of I’m-l lu\\n:hlp. David of Hawkesvxllr, Isrm! " [Tppvr Wool, wich, and O/mh .1 St. Jacobs. three sisters. Mrs. ll, t I? Bowman, Mrs. Tilman Martm ol Pry] township. and Mrs, Ira Martin of St. Jacobs. Her husband pndccoascd her last summer. Mrs. Ehrunu Schmitt. ncc Elmina Cressman. 65 mm! at her home near Baden. Tu, Min) She was born in Oxford Chum}: on Jan. 31, 1875, a daughttt hf tlw late Mr, and Mrs. Danni If Cr, van. Mrs. Schmitt altrnviu " Shani? Mrnno, nite church nmr Burlrn, In March, 1901, m Oxford munly, she married Errctrmrl Schmitt. who survives. Surviving I)“ are two Sum. Ji, Kitchener. m. v5. bert Wismr r ol ers. Alvin Crs, Sask.. and Jo:" Kitchenrr, and Jacob Axt of p, Irvin GimhV ‘l "others Mrs. Elminn Sehmitt Samuel Schielke BANK or MONTREAL "A BANK WHERE SKILL ACCOUNTS All: IllCOIt“ MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE . . . the Outcome of 124 Yan' Successful Opa'uio- The Bank has seen In: come and peace go. peace come and war depart; shared Canada's struggle through every night of economic depression since 1817; rejoiced to see Canada always triumph over I." adversity. Foundcd two yen: after the Battle of Waterloo, For just one yen short of I ccnmtyand-I-quantt -124 dramatic, dynamic, historic tears-the Bank of Montreal has lived, worked and watched with Canada. living Historic Time: With Canada tiv...? fer V ivory Mn hm husband A("“‘ and Danicl of Emlyn. r. Mrs Hor- Budvn. two broth- .»smzm of Ceylon, cph Crrssman of hm sislnrs, Mrs, Mt rl1arc, and Mrs. I Simian This will remind you thot Dr. Chase’s l Syrup is in†m do- pendoblo as ever for tho relief of coughs, can. Bronchitis. on. 1 Ahmgo. _pno NEW HAMBURG-The funeral Waterloo Branch: J. R. BEATON. Manager NEW I2UtfDW.:z-Wesiey, Erb, 82, died suddenly on Friday of trheart attack suffered while at work on his farm situated two miles west of New Dundee. The late Mr. Erb was born in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Feb. 5, 1859, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Erb. He farmed for many Fears and in his younger years took an active part in municilal affairs and served several years as councillor. Later he served as reeve of Wilmot town- thip. Surviving are one son, Lloyd, of RR. 3, Kitchener, one daughter, Miss Laura Erb at home. Three grandchildren also survive. His wife predeceased him in 1932. TAvISToCK.-Robert Ross, 75. lifelong resident of East Zorra, died early Tuesday at Stratford General Hospital. following an illness of about a year. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. of Mrs. John Hess last Friday af- ternoon was largely attended. Mrs, Hess was born July l, 1863, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nicklas, East Zorra. She was mar- ried twice, Her first husband, John Schlemmer, died in 1915 and 12 years ago she married Mr. John Hess and came to New Hamburg. She was a faithful member of Zion Evangelical church, Besides her husband she leaves a daughter, Mrs. Yausie, Tavistock, Rev, J. B Dengis was in charge of the fun- era] Bauman on tho Woolwich line passed away suddenly at her home or. Monday morning "at six o'clock {rum a hvart attack The late Mrs. Bauman was tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Throv Bridges. Shc IF Survived by lhrro chil- dlon, two daughters. Vermma and Hum). the latter Mrs. Orville Mar- tin, and onc son. David. Her hus- hand prodocnaged her this summer. man, filth! r 'tor f mmhtr and mm hrothrr prode n mod her oxo" WALLENSTEIN. - Mrs. Samuel Surwv FY Mrs. Samuel Bauman " "u lflcu Mrs. John Hm “vim: With-man Robert Ross Wesley Er!) Aaron Weber R; Always, Canada has come though stronger. better. triumphant. May she so come through the resent fieer trial. To this end we work and dedicate the institution's service, just " out 6000 lays] employees In working and dedicating their personal seniors. the Bank witnessed the Crimun War, the Indian Mutiny, and, with other loyal Canadians, unlisted foe the duration in the South African War and World War I. and now much“ with the Dominion Ind the Empire in World War M. or Personals. Did You Buy YOUR War - Mr. and Mrs. John Strong of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent of Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the homo of Mrs. Elma Sugg. Miss Lucretia Letson of Water- loo spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Letson. Mrs. Olive Heibein and sons were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Medley at Guelph. Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson of Tor- onto spent a week with Mr. and Mr§. Wail}?! Howlgtt. - - _ - On thr Inst day of September, {Mr Thos A Huhm r completed his third h-rm nr morn as a successful {mall rnurwr fur rnulv "no, Wallen- “(an and Mr Fiwrizrr. also of near :‘Nalltfiqv It), Innk l<\(‘T thc position vitraCd In Mr Hulmrr l Dm‘mg Mr Rulmrr‘s term he alum Hui upwnuix Hf fifty thousand 1min ml mun d: luwrlnz tho mail Geo. Whitehead of R.A.F., in Prince Edward Island and Pte. Norman Martin of Prince Rupert are enjoying a week's leave at their respeqtjvo homes. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods and family and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mil- ler were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Clayton Mil- ler at Waterloo. Mrs. Fanny Pritchard of Elora returned to her home after several weeks' stay at the home of Mrs. Ed, Winfield. The Y.P,U. held a masquerade party on Hallowo'en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hewlett, The school children also onjoyod a party at the school with some of the__mot_hers present. _ A WEST' MONTROSE Church seririees on Sunday will be held at 10 am. with Sunday School at II, Mr. R. S. Allingham spent the “wok-0nd |n Toronto where he at- trndcd thr, Maph' Loaf vs. Rangers hockey match, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Chirdon Hopper and family of Paislry were week-end visitors with Mr and Mrs. Earl Tabbert, At Toronto Match Quite a number of the ladies of this line attended the meeting of the Glenallen Women's Association at the parsonage. Glenallen, on Thursday of last wpeh. Mr. and Mrs, Alhért Burnett and daughter Hrht, and Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Ellison nf Tralm, visited with Mr, and Mn Lulu» Bums on Sun- day. Mr Rum Nruum “as a business Vtsttor 1n lmlmwl nm- day last week, Completes Third Term uwhr (in). and Iv-ads ll boas! wr WA LLENSTEIN B, In, B. G. Wood. ‘Chronlcle Commndcnl) (Chronic te Correlpondent) sumo Today! " Earl Tnbben "llhht‘Y"\ H-rm ho um M! fifts thousand ‘14hxrrmn1hvmml. llrs u: rv not oxaetl I'" imiud LUii'Tdii ling PAGE mu