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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Sep 1941, p. 8

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Stores. and Goods Advertised Here Will Save You Money Office: 44 William St. â€" Waterloo Phone 2â€"1357 TWINCITY AUTO PAINTERS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Keep It New Withâ€" Phone 2â€"3062 HINDS HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM, soothes, softens, smoothes rough dry skin. "$1.00 bottle for 49¢, at Geiger‘s Drug Store, 408 King St. East, Kitchener, phone 2â€"2127. 398 % King St. East, Kitchener Sharp Riley A. Raddatz R. Knorr Wat. 2â€"2064 Kit.2â€"0975 Kit. 8â€"8217 DONALD DUCK 90 Queen St. S | PROFESSIONAL CARDS BURTOL CLEANING Phone 2â€"4461 â€" Kitchener DECORATORS PAINTING AND DECORATING BROCK & DAVIS T. H. R. Brock _ D. Bruce Davis CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ~ (Trustees in Bankruptcy) â€" _ 19 King St. East The colour of your car matched perfectly. GEORGE M. RUPPEL 45 Gaukel St. â€" Kitchener AUTO PAINTERS 17 Queen St. N. â€" Phone 6â€"6042 Kitchener "A Mother‘s Care to all You W ear" SUTHERLANE â€" SCHULTZ Bibles, Hymn and Prayerbooks a specialty. Add more books to your home. library by having your favorite magazine bound into books. Initialing Club Bags, Suitcases, Goods called for and delivesed. WATERLOO CHRONICLE BOOKBINDING PEARL LAUNDRY CO. Cleaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers DECORATORS 8. Payments must secompany adverâ€" tisements. 4. Write plainly on one side of paper only Business Cards â€" 1* every . week, §12.00 per year. $7.00 for siz months. Real Estateâ€"$ cents per word. Each initial, sign or group of Uigures count as one word. Box addresses in care of The Chronicle 10 cents extre. ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC MOTORS Kitchener DRUGGISTS INSTRUCTIONS FOR SENDING ____ ADVERTISEMENTS _ _ State clearly which edition the advertisement is for. State how many: insertions you CLEANERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CHIROPRACTIC J. C. LEHMANN BOOKBINDER per word for zash in advance warded, 5 cents additional each E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Rebinding Books, _. :~ORE We c0 DOGGONE !T, WHERE > â€"~~NY FARTHER,I AM I GONNA END A WANT YOU TO see 7*~L STICk TO USE WANT ADS Prices reasonable St. 8. Phone 4â€"4735 KITCHENER BOX ADDRESSES 26 cents per insertion Guelph Repairs â€" See Reâ€"winding _ HESSENAUR & SHANTZ =â€"=â€" Limited New and Used Kitchener FOR t s ~ SALE _ Whether BUYING or SELLING a __â€" FARM * THE WATERLOO MUTUAL * FIRE INSURANCE T COMPANY For Cisterns and Wells Have running water in your house, und plenty of water for your cattle. Instal an Automatic Pressure Pump on your farm or summer home. AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE PUMP RADIO â€" SALES AND SERVICE Tubes Tested Free. E. K. HEARTH For Adequate Protection â€" See our Local Representatives 80 King St. S Fire GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEâ€" work and plain cooking. Exâ€" perienced preferred. Good wages. Apply Mrs. S. A. Snyder, 39 3 ACRES near Waterloo with house and barn. GIRL TO DO HOUSEKEEPING 193 ACRES at Breslau, 35 acres mixed timber, spring watered, running water at barn; stone and brick house; bank barn and other outbuildings, silo; Hydro throughout. Easily financed. 150 ACRES between Kitchener and Petersburg, on highway. Double brick house and excellent barn. Extra location. Owner reâ€" tiring. Such opportunities seldom turn up. Studios â€" 48 Roy St.. Kitchener Phone 6â€"6123 KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY 983 King St. E., Kitchener YOUR PROPERTY TOâ€"DaAY Teacher of Piano, Singing and Theory. in new Waterloo home, for y couple. Write P.O. Box Waterloo. George St., Waterloo D. A. BEAN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 6â€"6455 HELP WANTED ASSETS OVER $2,000,000.00 REAL ESTATE MISS ANNA R. BEAN Greatâ€"West Life _ â€"_ Automobile GoOvERNMENT DEPOSIT $100,000.00 Repairs on all makes of Pumps EXCELLENT FARMS Real Estate and Insurance Head Office WATERLOO, ONTARIO Private and ‘Class Instruction Res.: 6â€"6572 KITCHENER â€" ONT INSURANCE A. K. CRESSMAN MAY BE ASHES TOâ€"MORROW 102 King St. South WATERLOO ESTABLISHED 1863 RADIOS PUMPS â€"B. â€" Phone 4â€"4537 WATERLOO â€"6455 â€" 24 Queen N KITCHENER MUSIC Agents * YoOu PICK UP THE LUNCH y _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ \(BnNSREN ) \_/v 7/ x ~n_~n ;> f a / 2 | NH, 3 @, ‘ 'L â€" qâ€"KQ fD* . / \C Vg 34 JP [ =a \ _ _ G *Â¥ @â€"|\.FCg é‘a l 5"'!' 63 : â€" z> 1(0 Accident Co Members of the W. A. of the United Church spent a very enâ€" |joyable evening at the home of [ Mrs. C. Gill in honor of her birthâ€" day. The members presented Mrs. Gill with a framed picture. Mrs. [ Gill is leaving to reside in London, where her husband, Pte. C. Gill is stationed with the HLL of C. The hostess served .a delicious lunch assisted by Mrs. M. Fisher. Personals. Mrs. E. Perine was visiting in Hamilton on Friday. Returns Home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hass and children Shirley and Norman of Kitchener were weekâ€"end visitors at the home of Mrs. Hass‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drager were in Toronto on Wednesday visiting Mr. Drager‘s mother, who is seriously ill at the Toronto Genâ€" eral Hospital 6. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonney and daughter Dolores of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bryce. D. Cocflrane is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kinâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Baker and daughâ€" ter and son of Shallow Lake are visiting Mrs. Baker‘s sister, Mrs. C. Hatt and Mr. Hatt, for several days. Mrs. Martin and daughters, Patâ€" ty and Joanne of Galt, were visiâ€" tors at the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller on Friday. Miss Edreld Hobbs and Betty Wolfe were visiting at the home of Mrs. H. Lattner of English Settleâ€" ment on Sunday, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Weiland and daughters Phyllis, Ruth and Joan of Kitchener, Pte. Wm. Hoy of the R.C.O.C. at Camp Borden and Mrs. Wm. Hoy and family of Sunnyside. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Guillette of Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of the former‘s brother, Mr. William Guillette. Len Pfeffer has returned to his home where he is convalescing after his recent operation. _ Mr. _ and Mrs. Harvey Lindsay and son Irvin of Kitchener were visiting â€" with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hobbs on Wednesday. zie of Limerick for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaster and sons, Jimmy and Billy of Kitchenâ€" cr, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolfe of Presâ€" ton spent Sunday at the home of the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wolfe. Mrs. A. Humphrey of Galt was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Teet. Pte. Jacob DeFries of the H.L.L of C. of Kitchener spent Sunday the guest of William Bryce. Pte. Waiter Fink of the R.C.O.C at Chatham spent the weekâ€"end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fink. Joe Burgess of Preston spent Saturday with George Jones. Miss Audrey Teet of Galt is spending a week‘s vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Teet. Irene Septel is spending a vacaâ€" tion with relatives in Preston. F. Grimmes of Toronto were reâ€" cent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mis. John Sapsworth. Members of the Doon United Church board met at the church om Wednesday evening. Routine business was discussed. It was deâ€" cided by the members to redecorâ€" ate the church aqd that the anniâ€" versary service would be fheld on October 12th. Honor Member‘s Birthday. ‘ Miss Louise Goddard of Galt spent the weekâ€"end with her moâ€" ther, Mrs. 0. Goddard. To Redecorate Church. Pte. Ross Brighton of London, Mrs. Brighton and family of Sunâ€" nyside spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fink. Mr. and Mrs. M. Schlueter of Preston were visitors in the village on Wednesday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and famâ€" ily of Galt have moved their household effects to the property recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Jean. SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Duplicating and Adding Machines, h‘llfiu Cu:fhxeu. Desks, Safes, etc. Ontario Office Outfitters Ltd.‘ 58 Queen St. S. â€" Phone 7â€"7895 Mrs. mFrl:é&wH-obbs spent Nfonday with friends in Galt. j tus warss100 iOutarts) C H B 0 M 1C L B (Chronicle Correspondent) New and Used ; Present Program _ The Young People‘s Society of |the Breslau Mennonite Church ‘presented the program at Blenâ€" \heim Mennonite Young People‘s ‘meeting which was held at the ‘church on Sunday evening. Eben Cressman prosided and the scripâ€" ture lesson was read by Miss Doris Burkhardt. Addresses on the toâ€" pic, "Lessons in Proverbs" were given by Howard Gimble, Miss Ella Cressman. Miss Nora Randall and Lloyd Snider. A reading was also given by Miss Eunice Cressâ€" man and two musical numbers were contributed by a mixed quarâ€" »tette composed of the Misses Agnes Burkholder, and Nora Ranfiall. \Tlovd Snider and Gordon Eby. Civil Guards Meet Monday A Children‘s Day Program will beâ€" presented in the United Brethâ€" ren Church on Sunday evening. Sept. 28th, at 7.30 o‘clock. Gives Illustrated Talk. Rev. Alfred Bell of Hamilton was in charge of the Sunday serâ€" vices at the Baptist Church. In the morning he gave an interesting, illustrated talk to the Sunday School and in the evening he showed stereoptican slides on "The Life of Christ". During his stay in the village Rev. Bell was a guest at the Baptist parsonaee. Rev. H. F. Schade delivered the sermons at the anniversary serâ€" vices | at Hughson St. Bartiâ€"t Church in Hamilton on Sunday. Rev. N. E. Dahms of Roseville occupied the pulpit ef the Unitced Brethren Church on Sunday mornâ€" ing while Rev. E. Gingerich conâ€" ducted the service it the Evangeâ€" lical Church in Rosevi.le Relatives, Friends, Surnzise Counle Relatives, Friends, Surnzise Counole Thirty relatives and friends from Niagara â€" on â€" th@â€" Lake, _ Toronto, Toronto, Kitchener, Waterloo, Preston, Bambers, Zorra, Roseâ€" bank and New Diundee pleasantly surpriced Msâ€" and Mrs. Harry Goettling at the home of the forâ€" mer‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Goettling, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cocttling. who were married recently, were presented with _ a‘ miscellaneous _ shower. Games, contests and singing were enjoyed during the evening under the direction of Mrs. Alvin Duench of Waterloo and Percy Becker of Kitchener. _ Dainty â€" refreshments were served at the conclusion. Annual Field Day. Today. Rev. P. J. Wiebe of the Roseba=k Tunker Church occuvied the pulâ€" pit of the Bethel M.B.C. Church on Sunday morning. Breslau Mennonites About forty members _ and friends of the Blenheim Mennonite Young People‘s Sciety held an enâ€" joyable weiner roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shantz on Saturday evening. Mrs. Clarence Cressman was in charge of games which were played around a huge bonfire. During the evening, Mr. and Mrs. James Cressman were presented with a reversible rug in honor of their recent marriage. Josiah Baer gave a few wellâ€" chosen remarks and the presentaâ€" tion waus made by Oliver Bean The annual Field Day of the Public and Continuation Schools will be held on the school grounds this (Friday) afternoon. The tag day for the Canadian Institute for the Blind which was sponsored by the Women‘s Instiâ€" tute throughout the village on FÂ¥iâ€" day netted the sum of $20.20. Those who ussisted in canvasding were Miss Sylvia Bock. Mrs. W. Spactzel, Mrs. F. E Page, Miss Ada Bingeman, Mrs. Lyle Binge man and Miss Grace Toman. Hold Weiner Roast. The second meeting of the New Dundee Civil Guard was held at Alderside Park on Monday evening with Major Patterson of Galt in charge. Following a short military drill the first lecture on "First Aid" was given. Twenty six members have already signed up and it is hoped that the Guard will reach a minimum of 40 members. Volunâ€" teers are received at cach meeting which is held on Monday nights. Gives Talk on Prophecy Miss Verna Schade gave a talk| on prophecy on the subject of "The ; Jew and Palestine" at the weekly| meeting of the B.Y.P.U. which was held at the church on Monday eveâ€" ning. The viceâ€"president, Frank Toman, presided and the scripture lesson, Psalm 146. was read by Miss Emma Lautenschlager. ‘ Birthday Party Mrs. Jack Schmidt entertained at a party at her home on Friday afternoon on the occasion of the sixth birthday of her son, Larry. Supper was served from a table centred with a prettilyâ€"decorated birthday _ cake _ with _ six . pink candles. Those present were: Robâ€" ert Fiederlein, Ronald Gruelich, Bruce Bechtel and Bobby Koch. Rockel and.was later removed to his home where he will be conâ€" fined for several weeks. Barre! Falls Breaks Foot. \ Sam. Rohr, an employee of the local hatchery, had the misfortune to fracture a bone in his left foot on Saturday, when a barrel of cod liver oil fell on it He was taken us the Kâ€"W Hospital by Dr. A. C.| Net $20.20 For Blind. P (Chronicle Correspondent) rotess NEW DUNDEE The Junior Red Cross Society of the Public School held a meeting on Friday afternoon with the presiâ€" dent. Joan Dinger, occuying the chair. Numbers on the program ‘included a poem by Hazel Dinger: riddles by Carson Einwachter; a story by Erma Baer; a song by Patty Brighton, Mary Jane Mecâ€" iDonald and Shirley Coleman:; the |editor‘s report by Robert Brighton; ‘poems by Shirley. Einwachter; a ‘vocal duet by Ilah Egerdee and Marie Howling:; and singing by the entire group. At Convention Among those from here who atâ€" tended the church convention held in Trinity Lutheran Church, New Hamburg, on Thursday afternoon, were: Rev. A. L. Conrad, Mrs. M. K. Toman, Mrs. George Jacob, Mrs. Jack Schmidt, Mrs. Hubert Grueâ€" lich and Mrs. Leslie Jewer. Entertains Class. Mrs. Clarence Cressman enterâ€" t=ined ber class of Junior boys and ‘‘s of Blenheim Mennonite Sunâ€" day School at dinner at her home ~r Piattsville, Sunday. Judge at Galt Fair Mrs. A. Hilborn was one of the judges of baking at the Galt Fair on Thursday. She was also a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dave Litwillert and Mr. Litwiller at Preston over the weekâ€"end. At Motor League Event Mrs. Clare Hilborn presented the cailed on tonic, "The Place of Education in and Mrs. a Democracy" at the regular meet Plattsville ing of the U.B.C.E. Society which‘ _ Mr an was held at the home of Mr. and inq Mr. Mrs. E. B. Hallman on Thursday inq daug evening. The Scripture lesson WAS visited w read by Miss Mary Kaster and a pr a C. vocal solo was given by Clare Hilâ€" Mrs. D born. The president. Mrs. James "Gingerich Cressman, was in charge of the; of Blair v business period. E. Ginger Junior Red Cross + Mr. and Dave Litwiller and Mr. Litwiller â€" Visitors at the home of Mr. and at Preston over the weekâ€"end. Mrs. George Campbell on Sunday At Motor League Event were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gunn, H. Kavelman attended a banguet Robert and Hector Gunn of Hesâ€" of the North Waterloo Motor DCler, Mr. William Bunyan, Miss League in Kitchener, on Friday Bessic Gunn and Stanley Gunn of evening. Blair. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Elton Baer and Mrs. Agnes Scott of Brantford Gaughter, Bernice and Alfred Saâ€" and Mrs. Ezra Schlimme of Galt Y2tas called on Mr. and Mrs.â€"Alex called on friends in the village on Fr3°er at Galt on Sunday. Wednesday. l'\:vv.' and Mrs. Moses Bowman Mrs. Robert Mitten of Vanâ€" couver, B.C., and Mrs. Orley Uffelâ€" man and daughter Peggy of Waterâ€" loo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joâ€" siah Cassel on Friday. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thibideau Watermelon Feast anid daughters, Miriam, Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman and Jean visited with Mr. and Mrs. entertained about 35 members and Frank Parkhbouse at Plattsville on friends of the St. James Luther| Sunday League at a watermelon feast at‘ Mrs. Stanley Hilborn of Roseâ€" their home on Thursday evening.|ville called at the home of Mr. and Games were also enjoyed in charge Mrs. I M. Hilborn on Sunday. of Elmer and Earl Kurt. * Mr and Mrs J H Taman and The New Hamburg Band under the direction of Bandmaster W. S. Sheppard rendered a musical proâ€" gram at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Toman on Thursday evening in honor of Mr. Toman, a member of the band who observed his birthâ€" day last Monday. Dainty refreshâ€" ments were served at the concluâ€" sion of the evening. "Education In Democracy" siah Cassel on Friday. Mr. and X_VII‘S. M. B. Snyder atâ€" Miss Annabelle Matthews and tended a birthday party for the Arthur Sheard of Kitchener called{latter‘s brother, Charles Willets at on the latter‘s grandmother, Mrs. Hafi““l’" on Sunday. H. Sheard, on ‘Thursday. vr .and Mrs. Ephraim Snider of Mrs. Suggit and Jack Suggit of| Parkway called at the homes of Toronto and Mrs. John Schultz of! Vr. and Mrs. Josiah Cassel and Waterloo were guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Hilborn on Mrs. O. T. Coleman on Monday. Monday. Miss Annabelle Matthews and Arthur Sheard of Kitchener called on the latter‘s grandmother, Mrs. H. Sheard, on Thursday. The reg:lar meeting of the Charity wing â€" Circle of the Blenheim Mennonite Church was held in the Sunday School rooms on Tuesday. A goodly number were present 1 the weekly Red Cross sewing meeting in the U,B. Church baseâ€" ment on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koch and son Bobby and Ray Diefenbacher atâ€" tended the Stratford Fair on Wedâ€" nesday. Honor Bandsman‘s Birthday Miss Margaret Conrad of Conesâ€" toga spent the weekâ€"end with her brother, Rev. A. L. Conrad. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Underwood and Mr. and Mrs. John Hagen and children, _ Wilbert, _ Bobby _ and Nancy Jane of Kitchener visited at the homes of Mrs. George Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hallman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bogusat and children, Ruth and Walter of Niagâ€" araâ€"onâ€"theâ€"Lake were guests of Mr.â€" and Mrs. William Goettling over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder visitâ€" ed with Mrs L. Stahl at Galt on Saturday. Miss Margaret Cassel spent Satâ€" urday with Miss Enid Bowman at Kitchener The New Dundee M. S. Band presented a srleudld musical proâ€" gram on the lawn at the home of Mr. _ and Mrs. Gordon B. Hallman on Tuesday evening. More than 60 people were in attendance includâ€" ing the members of the Harmony Class of the United Brethren Sunâ€" day School of which Mr. Hallman is the teacher. At the conclusion of the program, Mr. Hallman expressâ€" ed his appreciation to the bandsâ€" men, after which dainty refreshâ€" ments were served. Present Musical Program Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dorscht ind daughtef, Eileen of Waterloo ay lar meeting of the wing Circle of the ennonite Church was Sunday School rooms Mrs. Josiah Cassel, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Cassel, the Misses Miriam Hilborn and Alice Hallman and Willard Hallman were guests at the wedding of Miss Muriel Betzâ€" ner, R.N., and Calvin VanSit¢kle of Hamilton which was solemnized in the First United Church, Lynden, on Saturday afternoon followed by a reception held at "Sunnyview", the home of the bride‘s parents, near Lynden. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koch and son, Bobby visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Koch at Rostock on Sunâ€" day. Mrs. William Goettling is spendâ€" in this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Duench at Waterâ€" loo. Miss _Isabel Cressman of the staff of St. Peter‘s Infirmary, Hamâ€" ilton spent the weekâ€"end with her mother, Mrs. Leander Cressman. A large number from the village and community attended the Galt Fair on Friday and Saturday. _ Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Brown and children, Jimmie and Sheila and Miss Sylvia Bock visited with Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Schultz at Philipsburgâ€" on Sunday. â€" Rev. and Mrs. Moses Bowman and children, Enid, Harold and Stuart of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Cassel on Sunday. Gingerich and Charles Gingerich of Blair visited with Rev. and Mrs. E.__Ginge(igt_\ on Sunday. The Misses Reta, Nelda and Doâ€" reen Schedler of Kitchener spent Friday with Miss Dorothy Toman. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Bingeman called on the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Cressman, near Plattsville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rockel and Mr. and Mrs. William Rockel and daughter. June, of Kitchener, visited with Mrs. C. Rockel and Dr. A. C. Rockel on Sunday Mrs. D. Gingerich, Miss Leatta Mr. and Mrs. 4. H. Toman and the Misses Grace and Rudene Toâ€" man motored to Oshweken and Hamilton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilhelm Sr., Miss Esther Wilhelm â€" and Mr. and Mrs. George Wilhelm Jr.. and daughter, Jean of North Eastâ€" hope visited at the home of E. A. Poth on Sunday. Mr. Edward Lobsiftger, Miss Kay Dictrich, Mr. Gerald Reidel and Miss Ruth Dietrich spent Sunday in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. John Parks of St. Catharines and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schlitt and children of St. Jacobs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Busch. A large number of the Holy Name members and their friends attended the Holy Name gathering at the St. Jerome‘s College grounds in Kitchener on Sunday. Mrs. Mervyn Bowman spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Walâ€" ter Schmidt at Kitchener. The young people‘s dance held in the Parish Hall on Wednesday evening was well attended. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Egerdee on Sunday John Main of St. George and Wesicy _ Battler _ of _ Washington called on Alex Brighton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Scheistel of Belmore spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hergott. O:d You ST. CLEMENTS By Walt Disney By Miss Pearl Dietrich +Chronicle Correspondent} Buy YOUR War Savings Stamp Toâ€"day? Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hess enterâ€" tained a number of friends from Kitchener, Waterloo and St. Clemâ€" ents to a corn roast recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kipfer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kipfer of Kitchener spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Klie. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Witzel and daughter Jean spent Sunday at the kome of Mrs. John Huether and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Witzel at Petersburg. f Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bunscho of Milverton, Doretta Blasing, Allen Seifert of Waterloo, Elsie Seifert of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schlegel, Mr. and Mrs. Delford Schlegel of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moser of Elmira and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ruppel of Fergus were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Seifert. Dr .and Mrs. J. Reble of Hamilâ€" ton spent Thursday at the homes of Rueben Seifert and Wm. Damâ€" meier. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hess and famâ€" ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luckhardt at New Hamburg on Sunday. Carl Hess of Kitchener spent Monday at his home here. Mrs. Jacob Kuntz of St. Clements spent a day recently with Mrs. Earl Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schiel, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hess and Ruth atâ€" tended the Fall Fair at Stratford on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hess, accomâ€" panied by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Luckâ€" hardt of New Hamburg, spent Thursday at Dundas and Grimsby. Personals Mrs.: Andrew Lips and Irvin Lips spent Sunday at Heidelberg with Louis Rank and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Roeder. Florence Hahn of Heidelberg and Irvin Lips attended the Fall Fair at Galt op Saturday. _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Duench and Arnold, and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rickert were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snyder at Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hackbart, Gladys, Ruby and Edward, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Lanz near Baden. Mrs. _ Sam _ Schmidt_ and Miss Ethel Schmidt of Kitchener spent Sunday at the bome of the former‘s daughter, Mrs. Knechtel and Mr. Clifford Knechtel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golbeck of Bridgeport, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Golâ€" beck of Bamberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Delmore Reichew and daughter Elaine of Mannheim visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reichert. Mrs. Henry Klic of Bridgeport is spending a week at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Klic. Misses _ Grace â€" Knechtel _ and Nelda Wagler of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Knechâ€" tel. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dammeier were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schlegel, Mr. and Mrs. Delford Schlegel of Hanâ€" over, Mp. and Mrs. Harold Ruppel of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moser of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Berg of Crosshill, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Glebe, Evelyn, Mildred, Harold and Clare. Bernice Stever, Miss Marion Taylor of Linwood, Mr. and Mrs. Eckert Schlegel, Irene, Shirley and Wayne of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dahms of Millbank. . Mr. Harry Klie of Kitchener spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Klie. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devitt were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hallman and Mr. and _ Mrs. Henry Bowman of Kitchener. tr _ Eph Miller, Mrs. Tithe Wilâ€" ‘lend Mis Tooudia Saxon of Galt Mr= Stewart Woeber is taking a course at Londinâ€" Bible Institute, Lendon. Ont Miss Laurine: Howald of Roseâ€" bank spent Sunday at her home Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kurt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kurt, Miss Reta Kurt and Master Clifford Kurt were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Chas. Kimburger at Stratâ€" ford: here Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mow of Nover, Musk., were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devitt. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Neeb and children of Sunnyside spent Saturâ€" day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Klic. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Becker of Kitchener called _ at the home of Mr .and Mrs. E. J. Devitt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and family spent Sunday at the home of the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Snider, at Parkway. Miss Gladys Milne spent the weekâ€"end with her_ sister. Miss Edith Milne. at Kitchener. bank. Miss 1 i h t Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weber were r ind Mrsâ€" Ward Weber and Laughter Charlotte of Waterloo, ‘ Mr. Geerge Johannes of Roseâ€" Sunday visitors at the home of HESSEN ROAD MANNHEIM By Miss Laurine Dammeier (Chroniele Correspondent} By Miss Ruth Devitt (Chronicle Sorrespondent) a Saxon of Galt wisited Missesâ€" Elizabeth and it the hems T Knechtel wi

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