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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Sep 1941, p. 5

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Canadian National Railways Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dictrich and son Allan of Kitchener visited on Sunday at the home of his brother, Emil Dietrich. Sunday, Sept. 28, 1941 Mr. Jerry O‘Brien of Guelph was a business visitor here on Thursâ€" day. = a business visitor here on Thursâ€"‘_ Miss Erma and Marie Doering day. ‘% n Thur and Mrs. Wm. Seyler and Mrs. Edâ€" gar Seyler attended the Wearâ€"ever Mrs. L. M. Schaefer is spending Brush demonstration which was some time in the Twin, City. held at the home of Mrs. Clayton _ IW.I;. and Mrs. Johq golbecl_( and Mohr on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Golbeck and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Schwartzentruber and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Schlegel, Pine Hill, on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Schultz and son Eric of Linwood called on Mrs. La_\:ina Sglla}efe&pr] Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Willing, Mrs. Nible of Kitchâ€" ener spent Sunday with the Frank Retzler family. Stan Sowa, Fisher Mills, spent Sunday with Simon Reinhart. Catherine Reinhartréi)rérrirtfisrl'mday with Helen Brohman at Maryhill. Did You Buy YOUR War Savings Stamp Toâ€"day? . Recent visitors at the Arthur Kramp home were Mr. and Mrs Otto Gutzkie, Mr .and Mrs. Henry Hipel, Miss Bella Schroeder of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hipel of Waterloo, Otto Kurtz of Kossuth, Mr .and Mrs. Von Houton of Mosboro. By Mrs. H. A. Hergott (Chronicle Correspondent) Weekâ€"end guests at the Gerald Lautenslager home were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Bonn of Baden, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Weber and daughter Pearl of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reinhart spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Le_q Wad(!e_ll_ of Petersburg. _ â€" PAGE POAR Edward Howard and Rita Kramp attended the Galt Fair, Saturday. SHANTZ STATION WEICHEL HARDWARE : Y Protect your home from the "blitz‘ assault of time and weather. Paint for beauty, but paint to last. For a whiter white exterior that stays}w hite, use Câ€"Iâ€"L‘s unrivalled "Trutone White." Durable and preserving, it actually cleans itself of grime and stains. There is a Câ€"Iâ€"L Finish exactly right for every need. Full Information From Agents TORONTO Located on Wide Spadina Ave. at College 8t. Heoy Parking Facilities Conveniont to Highways NHotTteL WaveEerLey Your Next Visit to 22 King St. S. â€"â€" Waterloo TIME TABLE CHANGES Glose to the University, Parllament Bulldings, Maplo Leaft Qardene, Theatres, Mespitate, Whelesale _ Houses, _ and the _ Fashlonable _ Retali Shopping Distriet. By W. J. Kieawetter (Chronicle Correspondent) &« M. POWELL Presioa»t BAMBERG EFFECTIVE Double : â€" $1.50 to $5.00 Pour to Reom, $5.00 to $6.00 | lowed Misses Helen and Hilda Seyler and Janet Kroph of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Seyler Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ber; attend ed Stratford Fair on Tuesday. Miss Erma Doering spent Sunâ€" day with friends at Stratford Miss Otillia Mohr spent a few days with friends in Sebringville. S&nda_v visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Docring were: Mr. and Mrs Edgar Heipel and ‘Mr. and Mrs. David Heipel and son Gerald of near Wellesley and Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Wagner and daughter Erla of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerth and farily of Waâ€" terloo and Mr and Mrs. Edwin Heipel and son Billy Mr. Stanley Doering spent Satâ€" urday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doering at Wellesley Nir. and Mrs Ludwig Berg and family spent Sunday at Grimsby. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wettlaufer and daughter Shirley of Burnside spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs Theodore Doering Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Doering and Messrs. Armand Doering and Earl Kraehling spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Neeb at Elmâ€" dale. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Eidt, Mr. Sydney Eidt, Miss Emelia Doering, were Sundayvisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gardner at Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Doering and son Alvin of Oetzel‘s, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mohr and son Richard of Burnside spent Sunday with Mrs. Alvin Eidt and family. At Funeral. Miss Marie Docring and Mr. Harvey Kneisel spent _ Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arâ€" mand Lantz. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seyler and daughters, Jean and Marguerite spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Seyler at Baden. _ n The Ladies Aid and Bible Class attended the Church Convention at Trinity Lutheran Church, New Hamburg, on Thursday. Mrs. M. Fenner of Board of Education was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eidt atâ€" tended the funeral last week of the late Mrs. Capling at Shakespeare. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Seyler and family of Burnside spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doering. _ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Helmuth and Orval spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth. Harvest Service. Harvest Thanksgiving Day will be observed this Sunday in Zion Lutheran Church, with Holy Comâ€" munion at 10.30. To gain the benefits of this inâ€"| stallment payment plan, the first installment of 1941 tax must be paid in September, 1941. Those who paid the tax for 1940 will pay oneâ€"twelfth of the 1940 total durâ€"| ing each of the last four months| of this year, and in January they, will estimate their total tax payâ€" able at the new rates. By subâ€" tracting from this the amount alâ€" ready paid and dividing the reâ€" mainder by eight, they will know how much to pay each month durâ€" ing the eight months of 1942, Januâ€" ary to August iqclugive_ _ Some are called to fight our battles, others merely to pay for them. These taxes must be colâ€" lected to provide for the war effort. The Government anticipates a reâ€" cord volume of business in tax offices during September, in dealâ€" ing with those who wish to take advantage of this modern, sensible way to discharge their obligations. Only by commencing to pay in September can this plan be folâ€" _ Mr. and Mrs. Enos Zehr and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ramseyer. Mr. Lloyd Facey is at present loading turnips in Ratho. The price being paid is 18¢ a bushel. . Paying Income Tax For many years people have been paying Income Tax in a lump sum annually or by installments with interest. Now, with the number of income tax payers as well as Inâ€" come Tax rates substantially inâ€" creased, the Dominion Governmuul has provided a method of payment out of income, which has enabledb thousands to shoulder the added burden without financial embarâ€" rassment. _ Devised through the urgency of war financing, the plan is one which is so sound that people say to themselves, "Why did we not think of this before?" â€" ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Yeomans and Donald of Toronto visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Weil. _Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hesse and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Pletsch. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zehr, Maâ€" rie and Vgrnon and Mrs. Aaron Bender ans family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Lebold. _ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Helmuth and Orval were Sunday visitors with the latter‘s parents, Mr‘._ al}_d Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mohr and family and Miss Elizabeth Mohr of Amulree spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Otto. â€" Easthope. PHILIPSBURG Installment Plan Eases EAST ZORRA Jonathan â€" Kuepfer, South By Miss Erma Doering (Chronicle Correspondent) By Mrs. Aaron Helmuth (Chroniele Correspondent) Out Ot Income tended Bright United Church nual anniversary on Sunday Miss Jean Baker 'is“;r'r'{;‘:i;yod by Mr and Mrs H. Boutenhammer on the 9th concession. Miss Anna Waldie, RN., who was present at her sister‘s wedding last week. returned to her duties in Toronto on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Waldie of Hamilton who also attended the wedding. reâ€" turned home j Mrs. George Perrin who was reâ€" cently _ married received lovely gifts from several friends and reâ€" latives and was presented with kitchen showers from Roseville and Wolverton where she formerly taught school. Miss Ruth E. Stauffer of Toronto University spent the weekâ€"end at her parental home Miss Agnes Baird of Stratford Normal visited her_mother over the weekâ€"end Several from this community atâ€" CHESTERFIELD The Senior Bible class held a meeting at Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott‘s with sixteen present The president, George Oliver, presided. The scripture was read by Mrs. A. Knox and B. Waldie lead in prayâ€" er. The topic, "Revelation" and holy scripture was taken by H. W. Hagelstein. The committee for the next meeting which is to be held at the manse in Bright will be W. S. Hastings and John L. Scott. The closing prayer was offered by the minister. Mr. and Mrs. F. McDonald acâ€" companied by Mrs. A. D. Bell were visitors to Kitchener and Galt on Saturday where they attended the Fair D. E. Stauffer was a Toronto visitor one day last week. The W.M.S. held their mecting in the church last week. Church Activities. Pte. Thomas Scott, Jr.. of Camp Borden and Pte. Robert Bell of Kingston were at their respective homes recently. Clifford Woolcott, who was a paâ€" tient at Woodstock General Hospiâ€" tal, is now convalescing at his home. Friends of the two young men were pleased to hear Ptes. Reg. Haskell _ and _ Glen _ Woolcott chanced to meet at a Beaver Club in London and spent several hours together. The late Mr. Weitzel of Hesâ€" peler, who was drowned at Grand Bend, was the son of Anna Ross, who at one time resided on the farm owned now by Douglas Bell. This lady will be remembered by the older people of this communâ€" ity. During her trip up north, Miss Mildred Hastings paid visits to several of her friends, with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall of Kingsville. Now At Home. Mrs. William Wright and infant son has returned from St. Mary‘s Hospital. Friends of Mrs. James Smith ; will be pleased to know that she j has somewhat improved and does not have to remain in Hamilton hospital for treatments. Son of Former Resident. Lieut. Harry R. Hall of the Wireâ€" less School, Guelph, paid a visit to his father, brother and sisters, last week. this district Mr. and Mrs. Elgi Aulph of St. Catharines were re@nt guests of their aunt, Mrs. Shultis. On Tuesday evening the young Jim people held an enjoyable wiener assif roast at the home of Ervine Rieck.| Mar The evening was spent playing by games, followed by roasting wienâ€"| Nob ers and rolls and marshmallows, | Miss and a singâ€"song around the campâ€"|of t] Personals. James Bond of Pittsburg was a guest of several relatives in this vicinity. _ S in charge. Services will be conâ€" ducted at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Next Sunday, anniversary serâ€" vices will be conducted at Zion church with Rev. Moyer of _;’reston Rally Day service was conductedi at Zion United Church on Sunday morning. The _ superintendent,| Stanley Harlock, was in charge of[ the service, with Sunday School scholars taking part. Hazel Markle, Helen Hofstetter and â€" Stanley Schutt gave the Scripture reading. Melbourne Markle gave a reading on "Builders". The junior class of the church sang several numbers,| and Betty Ludwig sang a solo,: Stanley Reist, vice-superintendenf? spoke in the absence of the minisâ€" ter, Rev. Wilfong, who was ill. | Zion Church Service Silo filling is in full swing in KOSSUTBH MILLBANK FISHERS MILLS (Chromicle Correspondent) BEAVERDALE _ helly Day Service. ___ _ CANADIAN GIRLS recruited for the Mechanical Transport Corps, who arrived in England recently, begin training. Here Lady Margaret D‘Arcy, cm‘n?nnder of their corps, inspects Helma Farguharâ€" son, of Toronto. f By J. E. Markle (Chronicle Correspondent) By Miss Helen Markle (Chronicle Correspondent) m AZTMOTvE B Miss Bhima Tanner of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end with her moâ€" ther. Mrs Hester Tanner Mr _ and Mrs_ Stanley Gordon and famuy. Mr and Mrs William Gordon and family, Mr. and Mrs David Reid. attended the Gait Fair on Saturday Toronto Mr. and Mrs Howard Morrow and son Jack and Mr. William Fink of Toronto were Sunday visiâ€" tors with Mrâ€" and Mrs Jacob tors Nuhn Mrs. George MacLennan left on Sunday to spend several weeks with her daughter and sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr and Mrs. Alex Cuthbertson of Dad otsw ce smy in Miss Beryl Vogan left for Kitchâ€" ener on Saturday where she has secured employment. Mrs. Eric Jones, son of Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Jones of Millbank reâ€" sumed his studies at the Western University, London, on Monday. Pte. Gerald Vogan of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with his parâ€" ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogan. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey of Toâ€" ronto were Sunday visitors with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. William McNabb of‘ Rockwood were Sunday visitors | with the latter‘s sister, Mrs. A. E.\ Tanner and Mr. Tanner. | Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cuthbertson and Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. William Tupling of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mrs. George Macâ€" Lennan Mrs. J. Stedleman, Mrs. S. Capâ€" ling and Eva of Shakespeare, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White of Stratford, Mr. Earl Mattress of St. Catharines were Sunday guests at the home of Mr.and Mrs. J. M. Gray. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sleeman of Listowel and Miss Myrtle Lee of Linwood. Miss Mary Bellar and friend, Miss Lebold of New Hamburg, were weekâ€"end visitors with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bellar. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pike accomâ€" panied by the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pike of Holstein spent Sunday at Tavistock. Messrs. Wilson Omand of Welâ€" lesley and Andrew Freeborn of Vancouver, B.C., visited Mr. Henry Kelly on Thursday last. Mrs. Fred Butler and aunt, Mrs: A. Collinson of Vancouver, B.C., Mr. Al. Philipps and son, Reg., and Mr. Robert Sharp of Caistorville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Humeé. Mrs. Harry Hatherly of Oakville was a recent visitors with Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Jones. "Let us go into the House of the Lord" was the theme of the Rally \Day service of the Millbank Unitâ€" |ed Church Sunday School on Sunâ€" \day morning. The superintendent, !Mrs. Cameron Hume led the worâ€" Pte. Charles Gale of London spent the weekâ€"end with his moâ€" ther, Mrs. John Gale. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Reid and Miss Ruth Johnston of Toronto were weekâ€"end guests with Mrs. Reid‘s father and sister, Mr James Ruâ€" therford and Nellie. Mrs. Peter Boyer of Moorefield visited her brother, Mr. Howard Mason on Thursday last. Linwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Tabbert of Thomas Tanner and Mrs. R. Patâ€" terson. Mr. Bert Burrows was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Chalmers, _ Mornington â€" Wellesley boundary. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDowell were: Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McDowell and Charles of Moorefield, Mrs. Elizaâ€" beth McDowell of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McDowell of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDowell of Millbank. The Young People‘s Union met in the basement of the Anglican church on Monday evening, with the president, Miss Isabelle Gray, in charge of the business period. Christian Fellowship convener Jim Reid led the worship service, assisted by Misses Grace Wray and Marie Lee. The topic was presented by Miss Elizabeth Reid. Rev. Nobes, the rector, spoke briefly. Miss Beryl Haviland was in charge of the recreation. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDowell visited their son and daughterâ€"inâ€" law, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McDowell of Galt on Saturday, and attended the Fair. ship service. The story, "A Rainy Sunday" was told by Miss Marion Blair. Rev. C. Sinclair Jones continued | the morning service with the| theme of the Rally Day servlce.\ basing his remarks on the subject | "Why Go to Church". Mrs. Silas Smith rendered a solo. Personals. Young People Meet + Mr and Mrs A -E“"-l:n‘nmr. Mr and Mrs_ Jacob & ;. 3t WEST MONTROSE Y.P.U. met in the church on Thursday of last week and had as guest Mr. Dobrindt of Waterloo, who gave a splendid address on "Choosing Your Vocation". The Sacrament of the Lord‘s|visitors at the home of Sam Letson. Supper will be observed at the| Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods, morning service on Sunday. Norma and Grace, were Sunday The W.M.S. will meet at thevisitors at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Howlett and Edward Israel returned from a trip to Manitoulin Island where they called on Mr. Cummings and Rev. Edward Newberry, well kn_qwn in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Groundwater were Sunday visitors at the home of Wilbur Hardy, Elora. Maurice Howlett of Detroit spent thet weekâ€"end under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller and family of WaterI9@ were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Letson, Jacâ€" quelyn and Gwendolyn, were Sunâ€" day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Snider, Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frizzell of Toronto have taken up residence in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Huisser of Atwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dunbar and the Misses Mary A. and Lavinia Phair on Sunday. Mrs. Tobias Jantzi and son Donald, of Milverton, visited Mrs. Maurice McKie on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McKee and family _ visited _ Mrs. _ McKee‘s mother, Mrs. A. Mundell, and Mrs. J Morgan, at Ailsa Craig, on Saturday. and Mrs. Frank Tanner, spent Monday at Thamesford. _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allingham of Kitchener spent Monday with friends in the village. _ _ CLEANING TREADS for Bren gun carriers is one of the important jobs men at the Woodstock driv ing and maintenance school must perfect themselves in They are taugh how to carry out all types of repairs except big jobs FEEDING BRITISH TROOPS in the western desert is no mean task. Rations arrive in the adâ€" vanced areas by train and are distributed to the troops who send their own trucks for it. Here By Mrs. B. C. Woods (Chronicle Correspondent) stacks of canned goods are being Ehecked in a storage shed home of Mrs. Lorne Wollis the first of October. Mr. and Mrs.: Chas. Durrant and Mrs. Nancy Lasby were recent visitors at the home of Sam Letson. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES sPEND LESS â€" 10 BUY MORE CE "Don‘t you wish we could shorten the war" He: "Well, in a way we can, you know." She: "But, George. we‘re not trained to do anyâ€" thing . .." He : The help of every Canadian is needed for Victory. In these days of war the thoughtless selfish spender is a traitor to our war effort. A reduction in personal spending is now a vital necessity to reâ€" lieve the pressure for goods, to enable more and more labour and materials to be diverted to winning the war. The allout effort, which Canada must muke, demands this selfâ€"denial of euch of us. "Training doesn‘t matter for what I‘m thinking about. l was wondering whether we couldn‘t put more of our income into War Savings Certifiâ€" cates." "And won‘t we be glad of the moneyâ€"and the interest it will have earnedâ€"in a world without war restrictions!" "And why not? We might have to go without one or two pet luxuriesâ€"but wouldn‘t it be worth it to bring back peace again?" Mr. Jim Liddell‘of the RC.A.F., of Dartmouth, N.S.. called on friends in the community last week. Mrs. Ed. Snyder, Kitchener. Mr. John Kumpf was a recent visitor at the Weber home. Friday, September 26, 1941 26, 1941

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