Useful for sunburn and com- plexion. One cake Nomen- soap tree, both for "c. at Geiger": Drug Scan, 408 King St. East, itehener, Phone 24127. DECORATORS PAINTING AND DECORATING 398% King St. East, Kitchener Sharp Riley A. Raddatz R. Knorr WILZ-ZOOQ Kit. 2-0975 Kit.8-8217 Keep It New With- “A Moduli: Care " all You Fear" PEARL LAUNDRY co. Cleaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers 90 queen St. S. Phone 4-4135 KITCHEN“ TWIN CITY AUTO PAINTERS The colour ot your car matched perfectly. GEORGE M. RUPPEL is Gaukel St. - Kitchener BURTOL CLEANING Phone 2-4461 - Kitchener DONALD DUCK Dulce: H William St. - Waterloo Phone 2-1357 T. H. R. tifoik "6.73533: Davis il CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS (Trustees in Bankruptcy) " " King St. East , Phone was: Kitchener Por CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT SUTHEiILAND - SCHULTZ " Queen St. N. - Phone 8-6042 . Kitchener I PROFESSIONAL AUTO PAINTERS Goods called for and delivered. Initiating Club ‘Bags, Suitcases, Rebinding Books, Bites, Hymn anAPrarerbooks . t u specialty. - - Add more books to your home library by having your favorite magazine bound into books. littt,r,:,Ir,t.. and Goods: Advertised Here Will 'iiiiiii""iiii"ii' ijiitifii2'i"'i'; BOOKBINDINC DECORATORS 'taITtsuo67rrrtotucut ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC MOTORS Kitchener lid... and: - " our! Dani. - on nu. ".0. M M: DRUGGISTS ""eyr?trao'u.-_tourmr. lama-"imman- "can“ if -i'-.t- ""_etea-r-eea- s--.-.-.- h an â€mint-albino... HMO-I...“ CLEANERS will 29!,LIHWG J. C. LEHMANN BOOKBINDEB CHIROPRACTIC BROCK & DAVIS CHIROPRACTOR NOXZEMA ate. Guelph Repairs i Re-winding l New Ind Used BA LE Whether 311‘!ng Arr SELLING . 150 ACRES between Kitchener and Petersburg, on highway. Double brick house and excellent barn. Extra location. Owner re- tiring. Such opportunities seldom turn up. RADIO - SALES AND SERVICE Tubes Tested Free. E. K. HEARTH so King Stufi. 193 ACRES at Breslau. " acres mixed timber. spring watered; running water at barn; stone and brick house; bank barn and other outbuildings. silo; Hydro throughout. Easily financed. _) Por Adequate Protection - See our ( local Representatives Have running water in your house. Ind plenty of Inter tor you: cattle. Inn-l an Automate Pressure Pump on yaur term or lull-er home. KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY 983 King St. E.. Kitchener . AUTOMATIC £13m PRESSURE Teacher of Piano, Singing and Theory. Pris-u Ind Clan Inna-Run. Studios -- 48 Roy St.. Kitchener Phone 6-8123 HESSENAUR & SHANTZ Limited ACRES near Waterloo with house and barn. YOUR PROPERTY TO-DAY amt-Wmmem.u - are - Alumna - Am THE WATERIDO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Phone 6-8455 - 24 Queen N KITCHENER REAL ESTATE A. K. CRESSMAN Ron! I...» all Ilium-u 10! “C It. South IA’I‘IILOO EXCELLENT FARMS MISS ANNA R. BEAN ASSETS OVER ionic}; " IIII'. iiGiG. D. A. BEAN [REM AGENCIES GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT $100,000.00 WA'I'ERIDO. ONTARIO Por ctsterniGmd Well- MAY BE ASHES RADIOS â€TAIL-lull) III. . s. - Phone 4-4537 2141133100 MUSIC " ' . 't' , I g _ p. * _ h ' * . & u m "At . ltlt,ct] ll . f V .3 'grlti, _ CN a: .- ~‘ 'aa h 3 - iM Bl . j':f,', --- I Lr f; iIB. ' a y, , (at , C 9 [fi , CTQ - " r _ , t w/art..-- ,, hy--; ' D Mr. Pugh also spoke in the :Carthage United Church on Sun- day afternoon, while the worship ‘service was conducted by Misses /hidiaie Gray and Doris Wray of the Militant Union. -...v.. _.. ...- “N...“ v. we yua‘vl, Rev. C. Sinclair Jones. The wor- ship service was conducted by Misses Isabelle Gray and Ruth Wray. Mrs. Cameron Hume and Mr. Jack Wray rendered a vocal duet. The guest speaker was Mr. Stan- ley Pugh of Stratford. who chose fr, his subject, "The Roads of e". The Sunday morning service in the Millbank United Church was conducted by the Young People's Enionnin Ahe .at.rsettee of tte pastor, Mr. Howard Mayberry was chairman of the short program, which consisted of a sing-song led by Mrs. Cameron Hume, reading by Mrs. Reid Allingham. piano solo by Miss Marion Blair. vocal duet by Mrs. Hume and Miss Doris Wray. Mrs. Wray and family were then presented with a tri-light floor lamp and walnut living rpom table. The address was read by Mrs. Robert McDowell and the presen- tations were made by Mrs. Hester Tanner, Mrs. Cameron Hume and Miss Isabelle Gray. Mrs. Wray and her family each replied in a very fitting manner. Refreshments were served by the ladies and a social hour spent. Yo_ung People Conduct Service ( Ann, Ruth and Jack were also valued members of both the Young People's Union and Sunday school of the church and were keenly in- terested in community activities. Mrs. Wray was president of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church for a number of years and at the present time holds the ottiee of Secretary of that so- ciety and has been a faithful Sun- day school teacher tor years. A large gathering assembled in the Sunday School room of the United Church on Friday evening to honor Mrs. George W. Wray, Ann, Ruth and Jack, prior to their departure on Monday for their new home in London. Mrs. Wray and her family have all been active in the ditterent or- ganizations of the church and com- munity and their leaving will be keenly felt. , The refreshment moths. the Ibingo booth and the fish pond, all did a good business. . Walls. Bran Wrbt l Mrs. Henry Schmidt of Millbank had the misfortune to fracture her left arm at the elbow, and also received quite a cut on her fore- head, recently. Mrs. Schmidt was alone in the house at the time of the accident, and it is believed she; suffered a weak spell white ascend-l ing the cellar steps. When found, she was lying partly on the steps in a semi-conscious condition. liquor Wray Finally I Choose “In. "HM†Miss MacDonald of flute, was chosen “Miss “Burton o MMI" and received $10.00 in cash. Her escort. Mr. William Moore, also of Guelph, received a special award. Mr. Jack Westmnn. R.R. No. 2, Miiverton, won the door prize-3 "Red Seal" cedar cheat. _ Douglas Tanner of Carthage made the draw. (rtegi, Seaf Band. The Clinton Band played several lselections and the Elmira Boys' Bugle Band gave a tirfit demon- stration and a','"",,",, marching. During the band per- formance the drum majorettes, Miss Elliott of the Clinton Pipe Band. Bobby Petition of the El- mira Boys' Bugle Band, and Doug. Irvin of the Strattord Boys' Band, spoke to the crowd _ the Main Street square and then to the band stand. where a massed band performance was held. The bands taking part were Clinton Pipe Band, tratford Boys' Band, FJmi.ra 3231'.†Ewe pand, New Hamburf c'iiiaeiu'"iadTeriveria Red R9: Rand land Dance aad Italic A an“. The ninth annual Milverton "Red Seal" Band dance and frolic, held in the Anna on Friday evening, was adecided succesa. Prior to the dance and frolic. a band tattoo was held at the band stand. The bands paraded Item the C.P.R. station to 1kT'lheEt'.hS"yAterr_tootr .t 'yy_.tfCtirijiiraFdi;Gu"'aT, t'ttaHeSfSiii'iirTiiiicit,"ii'! iurtuiiaTi'iii GTa"lllT. iiit"s5A"krk4Chlt'f.L'tfl= manna: MILLBANK 9.. 'rr Wit a... run...“ â€d“ M ni, MAI; It) Ural Mayberry, Roy Gildner and Anson Lang attended the monthly meeting of the Grand River Butter- makers' Club which was held at the Elmira Creamery on Thursday evyping, _ - - Miss'llah Egerdee spent a two ViMhrsfml-fli- AriiitGizriiC'irvsse, weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Luella and Mary Shantz and Car Robert Dorscht at Waterloo. ‘don Shanta. accompanied by Mrs Walter Stumpf o? Kitchener called on friends in the village on Tussday. _ U - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lefrancois and Mrs. Allan Bowman visited with Mrs. B. B. Krupp at New Htyttyrtl on Wednesdqy. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Zinken and Miss Greta Buck motored to ToIytto on _Wedtuysdar F. E. tuage spent a tiew days of last week with relatives at Smith- ville and Vineland. Visitors at the home of Mrs. A. Hilborn last week were: Mrs. Walter Smith and children. Betty Jo and Kenneth. and Mrs. Karl Kiefhaber and children, Harry and Margaret, of Blair; and Mrs. M. Learn of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee and daughter Marilyn spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. William Lee at London. Miss Reia Berber of Yoronto Ti, holidaying at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cole- man. Miss Dorothea Ann Gingeiich underwent a tonsil operation at the Kai]. H35pitql_ on Fridyy, morning. Miss Rudene Toman is spéndiig a few days with Miss Lorene Bret: at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. John Mayberry of Listowel visited with their son Ur_a_l nglzeljryL last Thqrsday; Mrs, Melvin- Ernst and son," Roy, of Detroit, Mich.. were guests of Mrs. H. Gildner over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rickert (if Kitchener visited with Mr. and "rt.. Add_ison _Rickert on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mamet of Pinehill visited at the home of Mr. angli-s; Jack Sghmidt on Sunqay. Rev. E; Gingerich was in can†of the quarterly Communion ser- vice at the Roseville 113. Church on Sunday morning. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schwass and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stoltz left on Saturday for a week's motor trip to Manitoulin Island. Rev. C. O. R. Fritz of Philadel- phia. Penn., was the guest speaker at St. James Lutheran church on Sunday morning, The choir ren- dered two selections and the pas- tor, Rev. A. L. Conrad. conducted a baptismal service for children. Those receiving the ordinance at baptism were: Donald Bruce Jacob. son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jacob/ (whose sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dietz of St. Agaha; Orlin John Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Weber, whose sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Huns- berger of Waterloo; and Joyce Viola Marie Schaaf. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schaat, whose sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Weber. - _ Egerdee read the scripture lesson after which Miss Margaret Conrad and Rev. Fritz favoured with a vocal duet. A reading was given by Mrs. Donald Jacob and a vocal "tuet was also contributed by the iMisses Rudene Toman and Betty Tuchlinski. Bandmaster I. H. Tomanof the New Dundee M. S. Band, Albert Fiederlein and Burkle Tom, who are also members of the New Hamburg Band, played at the Mass (Band Concert held at the Milverton pink on Friday evening. Decoration Day Service. Aug. " l ; The annual Decoration Day let-1 vice wilt be held at the New Dun- dee Union Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, Aug. Mth, at 2.30 o'clock, Columns [angst-ml Service [ Petr It Mus Concert Penn. hm: Aure-u lac-(Io "How Much Are You Worth?†was the subject of an address given by Rev, C o. R. Fritz of Phila- delphia. Penn., at the regular meet- 'ing of the St. James' Luther League which was held at the par- sonage on Thursday evening. The president. Kenneth Boshart. ocCu- pied the chair and Psalm 98 was Lead ‘respongively. Miss Bernice 2e,t"an.wl't read by Miss Vern Ha . Special music was also rendered by a ladies' quartette composed of the Misses Edna Shantz, Eunice Kennel. Bernice Hoist and Alice Shanta. The critie'ts; report was given by Mrs. Clarence Cressman. l 'dt-r-met. _.‘."°'Y‘¢mn¢_eonhdhow - huh-u. - NEW DUNDEE of ttre Eaeej _ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dietz of St. Agatha visited with Mr, and JMrs. Imer Jacob on Sunday. A Mrs. M. H. Shqntz. the Misses Mr, and Mrs. Rénald Bock called on Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Kaiser at Piggtsville‘oq 7 David Litwillcr of Preston spent the week-end at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. A. Hilborn. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thibidcau and daughters, Miriam, Dorothy and Jean, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leffler at Kitchener on, Sunday. A 7 - _ ‘....... “xv-15v u-nwaxlucl on ourt- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Searth and day were: Mr, and Mrs. Henry daughters. Carol and Myrna, of ’Thorman. Miss Dorothy Thnrman Kitchener, visited with Mrs. S and Elmer and Carl Thurman of Witmer on Sunday. Preston: Albert Einwachtcr and Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Bock called son. Cameron, und Miss Myrllu on Rev. and Mrs. Eon-don Kaiser at Einwachter of ilcspelor; Mrs Dloilcuilln an c..- g... I A at h . - - _ u“. - my 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Huns- William Gee berger of Waterloo and Mr. and‘ Visitors w Mrs. Robert Everett and Gordon Brighton on Everett of Kitchener visited with! Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Weber on ard. and M Sty1tiay, Giese of Ton Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Toman over the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Toman of Toronto; Mrs. Jacob Weber of Dashwood. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caldwell of Exeter. The-Misses Evelyn Cressman and Reta Herber are holidaying at Port Elgin this week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schaaf on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. David Hartung of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schaaf and daughter. Marie, and Mrs. Frank Barth and daughter Shirley _of Kitchener. Mrs." E. t cofeiGn and daugh- ter Shirley spent the past week at Omsk! 1,ahe. Mr. Gd Mrs. Henry Hymmen of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mrs. and Mrry5lex Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Path, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Path and Miss Muriel “nth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poth at Caledonia on Sunday, and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Newton Brown at Cayuga. Glenn Path, who spent the past week at the home of his brother in Cale- dopia, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Erb and Mr. and Mrs. Raymand Erb of Kitch- ener called on Mr. and Mrs. Moses Bttk onAutuiay, Mrs. J. E. "irmgeman of New Hamburg was the guest 'of Mrs. M, Ir. Shara}; ovgr the week-end. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman on Sunday were: Mrs. Isaac Cotton, Mrs. Austin.and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gotten of Plans- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Waterman of Gait. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Duench of Waterloo and Miss Audrey Ein- wachter of Hespeler spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Gaming, Mr. and "MrLitGi' Bowman of New Hamburg visited with Mr. any Mrs. 9erge Jyyx.rtr 951 Suqday: The Misses Althea Bock and; Willa Cressman spent last week) attending the Keswick Conference atAerndaie, Muskoka. ( Ralph Toman and Albin Hess of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Hinschbergvr Kitchener spent Sunday with the Sunday visitors with Mr. and farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. r. H. Mrs. Edwin Hackbarl were: Mr. Toman. and Mrs. Aaron Duench and son Mr. and Mrs. o. W. Reichard of Arnold of Mannheim. Mr, and Elmira called on Mrs. A. Hilborn Mrs. Arthur Ziegler and son, Hur- on. Sunday. 101d of Hespeler. . on Sunday. l,oid of Hespeler. . Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman of Mr. Etton Kropf spent several Amulree visited with Mr. and Mrs.ldays with Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Ephriam Hallman and Mr. and:Roth at Britten. M55. Jotieh Cassy} pn Sgnday. L Rev. Mangelsen of Moserville. . V -_"__, -. t... ..........t Miss Edith Emery and Miss Mr and Mrs. H. J. Bean and Flossie Goldbeck of Kitchener family have returned to their called on Mrs. Weston Sararas and home at Kirkland Lake, after visit- Miriam Hilborn on Semi-gay. mg with the tormer's sister and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cam) and brother-in-law. Mr, and Mrs, Herb ttree,',',, Margaret, visited with Schlfgul, _ r. and Mrs. Werner Stein at Miss Rita Brenncr of Guelph Teyietect last Friday. fgcnt awful days at the home of day, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Snyder of Oklahoma City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rosenberger and Mr, and Mrs. M. B. Snyder on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. H. Knvelman and Mrs. J. Gruelich and Miss Nellie Kavelman. accompanied by Miss Lorraine Borsje of Waterloo, mo- tored to Arron Lake on Thursday. Mrs. Joseph Hilborn of Preston is spending a few weeks with Mrs. A. Hilborn. v m‘ "gyee_Pubththe-itnetrdt _ "f T"" , Mr. Brown or Orweville has Sunday visitors at the home od been engaged as principal ot the Mr. and Mrs, Herb "eiburger Public School for the new school were: Mr, and Mrs. Joe Dietrich, term, which opens Sept. 2nd. Miss daughters Esther and Sheila. Miss Mary Rogers of Ayr, who was Francis Fritz of Waterloo. Miss formerly engaged for this position, Laurine Freiburger. Leon Hart- hu been Wand to the aunt- man of Kitchener, Pte, Jerome ancy of the Continuation School. Ireiburger of No. 10 Think); Per-oath Centre. Kitchener and Mr, Harold Mr. and Mrs. H. Knvelman antrFr.t.iburtrer of .5" Agatha. . Mrs. J. Gruelich md Miss Nellie The many friends tuyt neighbors Kavelman. accompanied by Missâ€! Mrs. Herb Freiburger' Pre Lorraine Borsde of Waterloo, mo- (pleased to learn that the operation tored to Arron Lake on Thursday. was , success and that she is pro- Mrs. Joseph Hilborn of Preston grestnng favorably at St. Mary's is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Hotoital, Kitchener. Rev. J]. B. tmister' bf Kitchener occupie the' pultiit of the Baptist Church on Sunday snowing. Ids. Iarvina manna an my. Adan-es were Sven by Ptee, man Gingerich and ellon Weber. Mia. Naomi Martin ave“ reading and two numbers were rendered by I mixed quartette. 1.. m hun- I Thu Young Ped the It. Jumbo Mennonite amen!- 'ue ih",ft%" Nlhdtgg I o (mixing and: I“ in; I on even . Win-rd Sham: "and and the scripture leuon was read by “in: Alice Snider. In 8t'fn,,g',',t, 9t Epic. . “W2 tram verbs", is“. i,5t,fi'ohgittt,eeir, HESSEN ROAD " gum-f Jammi- p 8,u'.tttJfettetrgety ithgdleii_cc1--", _ Visitors aTiiViiGiii-'aTiU, and irk. George Einwachter on Sun, day were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hm“_____ ..:,, a -. ._ {Arthur Borkvr. thciri.2.Ci,, Eiiiir, "tuth and Ellen Bockpr and Percy j Beaker of Kitchener, Mrs. Henry Waterman and Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Bingeman visited with Mr, and Mrs Own: Din-fur bacher near Hespeler recently Miss Clarabello Zc-llor of Brrslau and Howard Battier of Preston visited at the home of Mr. and Mryy. E. K. Bock on Sunday. ‘Donald Hess of Stratford is spending some time at the home of Earl Hess. Clarence Hlairt/iwatvo,o is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Schaaf. church on Sunday in the absence [of tho pastor of the church. Rev. Schultz. who is on vacation. I Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hinschberzer were: iMiss Dorothy Schnarr of Waterloo, "er. Douglas' Fraser of Kitchener. {Messrs Leo. Dietrich and Fred f Hhsehberger. ' J. E. Bingeman of New H_amburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Snider at. Pgrkvgayign Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Toman, Miss Dorothy Toman and Cameron and Delmore Toman visited with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Schedler at Kitch. onfr on Sunday. Mrs. George Giose and son. How- ard. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Giese of Tonawanda. N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Brighton and Mr. and Me, Bast of Kitehvrutr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schaefer and son, Percy Allan. of Blair. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur .Lau!enetuager. Miss Lrihskii.iaiiG, of Kitch- ener is the guest of Mr. and Mrs 1hrilliayt 00931]ng this week. Mrs. Gordon Rucdgr and family of Hmdclborg spent Monday with Andrew Lips. Ross Hess of Ratho, Kenneth and Carl Hess of Kitchener spent the week-end at their home here. ldella Seylér 19:183.: ":1; 'iciteh- oner after spending a week at the home here. Visitors "Girri'irriai'ii"rii. Alex lirightpn on Synday were: Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Brodrecht of New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Seyler and Allan Soviet of North Easthope spent Sunday with Dgniel Seyler. P.lsie Seifert spent a few days with Mrs. Phillip Dahms at Mill- bank. Minimum bs I . Mr. anti Mrs. Reuben Seifert and family visited with relativeg in the.Twin.C_i!y or? 'ueiay, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hess' and fam- ily spent Sunday at Chippewa Beach. Rev. Mangélsen of Muserville, Eilice township, had charge of the sa-rviqos m_ St, John's Lutheran Mis; Rita Brvnncr of Guelph cum! sow/rm] days at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Bobl. Hjxyschlyerger, Mr. Gut Mrs. John Krupf and daughters Bernetta and Mary Ellen, spent Aundey a! St, Agatha, Mr. ind Mrs‘i-i. -riariiiiii Iamily layer, returned to their Mrs. Kate' 7 ikiiiin of Toronto spent Sunday with Miss Agnes Frgjburgcr, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Herb Fteiburtter were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietrich, daughters Esther and Sheila, Miss Franqis Fritz of Waterloo, Miss Laurine Freiburger. Leon Hm- W. of Kitchener. Pte. Jerome _ v By Wait Diane) The Wotâ€. New: Seen Through m CHEW 39ml: MONITOR 'reared .t.igtityLheieiiriE,Fri'Eiii (ho. NormrStnct. Baum. Man-chum SIP,, a em IILWchly or ILL†1 Month. and" Jiia, A. luau-w mirruGroii'i; SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST “mam... m..." iuUgiaiilTiirio.s.. Mn og.., 6 luau " Conn. and iiiii Mr and Mrs "Goo Drown spent Sunday a! Fonthm, S Smuh ot va Hamburg visited wrth Mr and Mrs, H. C. Facey and Mr and Mrs Norman Heal at Mitrhrll recently, smwy “swam Ma's... id. Hr. nnvmnn :md__Mary Anpajflpfer Mr Carman Face) Gd MATh G Facvy. Yyympypivd. by Mr. G -- ...._. 7‘.“- n-v-n- “all“. 0.3“. l Mr, Kress left here 19 years ago ‘was 14 years ago. Mr. Kress re- "for Laird, the last visit he made iports good crops in the Laird dis- trict' 'till the draught came four years ago. He will visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. Otto Kross and other friends. tor some time. Mr, Kress made the trip by motor. _ Pumas Finish Hun“. Mr and Mrs Allen Otto, Joan. Flainc and David spent Sunday mm Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rich! 'W fichringville. Mrs A, G. Facey. German and "w Citrol Chbhon of Mt. Flaunt. f) unmpuny with Rev. R. A. and . Fe Furry of Ingersoll and. Mr. I', olr and Stowart of London spent “mutiny with va and Mrs. Doug- (o, Furry at Bronte *iumluv VISINH’S with Mr, and Mr Aaron Holmuth and family " l , My rum! Mrs Lloyd Schmidt and sun Larry of Baden. Mr. and Mrs .luhn Rust. Harry Floris, and vasrs William Brrnncman and Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Kieswetler and Sun Alvin visited in the Twin City on Sunday. . Mr and Mrs Wendel Kittel and daughter Joan of Kitchener visited f"? Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Emil Dietrich. sprmditnr her hoiiiiaytwTtii- Emil Dietrich's. Mrs Sarah Pratt and daughter Agnes of Amulree spent Friday will, Mr and Mrs. Allen Otto, Mr and Mrs. Norman Forwell of Hawkcsvillv and Mr. Arthur Kios- (‘Ivnwns Rumig on Sunday. Muss Juan Kittel of Kitch'ener is \VI-llx'r xu.suted with Mr. and Mrs. Guests of Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Gullwrk on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs Dave Otto. Mr. and Mrs. Baer nnd Mr, Sam Hofstetter of Pine- hill, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Golbeck. Mr, and Mrs Lorne Bender of Wa- terloo, Mrs. Kate Wilson of Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs, Emil Hohl and fmmly of Nithburg. Miss Agnes Fn-ihurgnr. Louis Frciburger of Hosson Road. . Sunday guests of Mrs. Otto Kress were Mr. Arthur Kress of Laird, Sask.. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Krvss and family. Mr. Eldon Kress, Mr. Elmer Kress of Waterloo and and Mr and Mrs. Theodore Knech- tcl of Shakespeare. Farmers of the district have fin- ished with their harvest and are busy with their threshing. Personals. Fem _ Saskatchewan. Arthur Kress aru'ved home on Saturday evening from Fort Wil- liam, where he went in the spring of.this vear trpm Laird. Sash. --_-V -s"__-'._.._._ Ill IUWI. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Zellar Sun- dgycd with Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Jumble: Hespcler. Mr Lowell Shantz is holidaying with his uncle. Mr. Jacob Shanta, Baden. Mrs. Laura Dedels and Misc Audrey Dedels. Toronto. are mending some time with Mr. and Mrs. J. Yantz. Miss Gloria Garner has returned home after spending some time with Miss Audrey Dedels in Tor- onto, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sander were: Mr. and Mrs. John Sulley, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Sander. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Reine] and daughter Luuida all of St. Jacobs and Mr. George Fisher of Chicopee. Mr and Mrs Cecil Mader and sons Robert and Reginald Sunday- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Abram Shantz. Riverbank. Miss Alice Sander spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reick. Kossuth. Rev. and Mrs. Eli S. Hallman of Tuleta. Texas and Rev. and Mrs. Franklin Byler of West Liberty, ohm, ftp' Monday yisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schiedel and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sander. Riverbank. They are enroute to the Menno- n",", General_§onference in Iowa. ener Miss Carabeue Zellar Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bock, New Dundee. Miss Connie Sauder of River- bank is spending the week with Miss Phyllis Schiedel. Mr. and Mrs. William Nedman and son Richard of Brown City, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shantz and son Robert and daugh- ter Doris of Kitchener Sundayed With Mr and Mrs. Roy Schiedel. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Nader and family spent Sunday in Drayton. Miss Francis Madér is hon-diving With Mr, and Mrs. E. Blau, Kitcho Miss Iva Rosenberger of New Hamburg is holidaying with In. Garfield Mader, Formals. EAST ZORRA My Mu Anton Mohnuth (chronicle Corn-Donia" Br W. J. Kiel-uni" (Chronlcl. Corn-ma.†BAMBERG B; In Roy khaki r (Chronicle Cunt-nondell) BRESLAU