Mrs. Tyack and Mrs Lundy and Florence Tyack spent Thursday at Kitchener Mr and Mrs En-nrh Bauman of Winfield spam Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Melvin Bauman Mr. aiid Mrs Samuel G Martin and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Pvtvr Martin. St Jacobs, Mr Josiah Martin and dadghiéfs Amy and Eva, spent the week-end a!_$tanloy and godorich Miss Anna Martin week-end an the hotrw MI} Christjgn Frey Miss Dvlphmv Schneider Is spending hvr hohdays with her cousin, (Haydn Schneider at qupberg. Mr. and Mrs. August Schneider and daughters Delphine and Vel- mn spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wilhelm Schneider at Bam- berg Miss Florence Tyack has return- ed home to Dundas after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Tyack -Mr. John Cram and Rudolph Schaal were visiting in Kitchener on Saturday, Mrs, George Ottman ter are spending some home of Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gchman and son Floyd of English Settlement were visiting relatives in the vil- lagg on Sunday. - Mrs. Fred Hobbs had the mis- fortune to fall down the veranda sttpy and, iplure, he: ankle. Jacob DeFries of English Settle- ment spent Sunday with William Brycp. Arlene Guillette is spending a vacation at the home of her grand- father. Wm. Guilleue of Bridge- Rudolph Schall of Elora is spending the summer vacation at the home of his grandmother. Mrs. John Grant A. C. I. Russel Tilt of Manning Pool, Toronto, spent Saturday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tilt. Edreld Hobbs was visiting at the home of Mrs. H. Lattner of Eng- lish Settlement. A. C. I. George Weaver of Man- ning Pool, Toronto, spent Saturday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slee were visiting ",csais an Kitchener on Sugday. A - - - - Bob Flaherty and w-mrirdit" of Kitchener were visiting friends in the, Vilma o'? Satyr“! __ Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wolfe and son Roger spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nadrof- ski of Plattsville. Ruth Caskenette of Preston spent Thursday as the guest of Miss Verna Goddard. Austin Fink and Kay Jones were visiting on Saturday at the home offfrs. R, ggightgggf Sur1rwyride. - Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfe of Preston spent Sunday at the home of the tormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wolfe. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fink were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petzel of New Dun- dee, Pte. Ross Brighton of London, Mrs. Brighton and children Ron- ald. Lloyd and Roy and Miss Ruby Fink gt S_qnnyside. Miss' Margaret Ray of Preston spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cluthe. Mr. and Mrs? A. G. Tirate were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Huba- chest ofAitcltener pn_Thutsidey. - Mrs. Harvey Lindsay and son Irvin of Kitchener spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hobbs. WHAT KIND or A 80083 GOWN All YOU? Judith T, Chase, quia expert, writing in The American Weekly with the August 3 isauk of The Detroit Sunday Times, onâ€: readers a novel questionnaire, which. if answered hongltly, fn- Rev. J. C. Williamson, minister of the Baptist Church, Preston. conducted the service at the Doon Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. There was a good at- tendnnce. Miss K Wilton; is spending ti; vacation at Lakeview, a guest of, Mr. and Mrs. o. Little. I Sunday visitors " the home on Mr. and Mrs. John Cassell werew Mr. and Mrs. Walter Atkinson and _ daughter, Inez and Hilda Hum! at I Preston, and Ernest Atkinson of, the R.C.A.F.. of St. Thomas. 5 Sunday visitors at the home of W. Guillette were Wm. Guillette of Bridgeport, Harold Guillette. and Mrs. C. Ball and children, Nttrpta and Jtiur, of Fitctteryrr. - Mr. and Mrs? R Panabaker of Preston spent Saturday at the home of Miss Kate Bowman. Cecil Wright of Parkway was visiting friends in the village on sunfav., - _ able: any one to rate his or her virtues or vices as a weekend guest. Be sure to get The Detroit Smgny Times this week and every wee . Roy Williéms of Preston spent the week-end as a guest ot Jimmy â€HMSLWd-m M24.“ HAWKESVILLE YOUR GUSSES YOUR EYES u: mu, on.†STEELE’S Will (by)- any“. By In. Aug. Schneider (Chronlclo Corn-pendent) " '.'daAt,t'at I... "xr-ttq Conn-pout“) and dauetr time at the Alvin Ott- spent the of Mr and Mr and Mrs Phtlsp Humbug" of St Agatha spvnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Mitler Mr and Mrs Wilham Ihetrrch near Waterloo, spent Sunday with Mrs E Dietrich. Foucault. POWERFUL PROTECTION IS battleship King George V The AXIS AIR RAIDS, driven from the big naval base by fteree anti-aircraft fire, caused this jumble of wreckage in a street of Alexandria, Egypt. Demolition squads are cleaning up. Efficient Suez defences have made air attacks on this area few and comparatively feeble. INTO DAMASCUS rumble British and Free French forces. after the evacuation of the city by Vichy defenders. Occupation of the French Levant "extrieates our forces from the very great dangers by which they were encompassed in Crete," said Mr. Churchill recently. AMERY “(JOKE '0. "" CANADIAN ABltl--Th- armored vehicles are essential for ' maintenance of the supply line. They can travel over 300 miles a day quite easily. ST. ELEMENTS ',. I Br I." Polrl Dietrich [Chronicle Corrrapondrntt aftorded this Atlantic convoy hy the guns of the escorting British battleship participated In the greatest sea hunt of history, which ended wtih the Bismarck's sinking. Lippon Annual Picnic. The employees of the anpén Miss Gvncvieve rhmwr spent the hvr parrnls, Mr Bnppro Mr and Mrs Eugene Reidel at- " [uh-d tho christening of their in- [mu grandson in Kitchener on Sunday Tho child is the son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Roidel -,q_,-.- ' " "digit Boppre of Kit- woek-end with and Mrs Ben Furniture Company of Kitchener held their annual picnic on the John Bronner ftatg on Saturday aftommm Rev. Dean Becker, Mr, and Mm. Joachim Reitzel went to Water- down Tuesday to attend the recap- tion of Miss Barbara Schnarr and Mass Laurette Reine] to the Notre Dame Sisterhood at the New Dame Academy there Laverne Seman- of St. Clements spent a week's vacation with M, Schnarr. Mn Robert Om Ila-u J. and . Bough. of a»... vis- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scharr and Mr, and Mm. Wm. Fritz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Sci-man " Waterloo. Yvonne Behhiiiiyd spending her vacation with her aunt Ind uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rausch " Tot- onto, Mr and Mrs, Wm. Has: Ind Miss Rosina Han of Heidelberg were Sundn viaitorg " the home of Mr and Io",,'." Henry Doerbeck. Miu Rose M668? of Kitchener and Marion Todd 0 Toronto gent ngneaday with Mrs. Herb tre- bel Miss Gladys Bierman of Water- loo is spending a two weeks' vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bierman. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schnefer and Mrs. Herb Boating were Sun- day guests " Kitchener with Mt and, Mrs. Julius Scholl. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fritz and Mr. and Mn Edward Schmu- spent Tuesday at WatetdoVn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rlusch of Toronto and Mr. and Mn John Zimmerman near Waterloo, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Schmitt Mrs. H. Montgomea and the Misses Mttrttueritn outgomery. Gladys Bierman and Versie Schle- fer spent Sunday It the home of Mrand Mrs. Herb Schneider. lar monthly meeting " the bite of Miss Gladys Biermm on Wed- gesdny gvening. Mr and Mrs. Norman Zimmer- man near Dale's Corner span Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prfyter., I II.- V-Ilo m. (“a mu Lunar have. _ The Luther League of St Paul's Lutheran Church held their regu- lar monthly meeting " the lime Further information on home- canning' is given in Publicathm 534, "Home Canning of Fruit: and Vegetables", and Publication 828. "Home Preservation of "an and Poultry". Copies of these pamph- 1e3sttyesernttreoofehnrioaap. plication to the Publicity and Ex- tension Division. What :1 Agriculture. Ottawa. . being non-acid, require a long sterilization; fruits in heavy syrup will keep well when proceued a short time. When fruits are to be used for pies or tor special diets, they will keep well without In. For this purpose ttve minutes must be added to the time required when syrup is used. ries the oven or steam proves it best. Over-cooking breaks up ten- der fruits and destroys color. The time required for geoeeaaing varies greatly with the product fun} the prongs used. 1ettetatp1es, Sterilization is carried out by steam under pressure by boiling water, tree steam or dry heat of the oven. The method Md he chosen tor thetrroduet For exam- pie: vegetables require high tem- perature and therein! we sterilization is recommended. while for tender fruits such as her- sxsioraiittt-ar." - 'gt-tte-using,--. tdt".',".",',',.',',',,',?,','.',',"',,',;,,'."',,','.'",,'.": soePnMiP.stiesytseettse- chm cm' WE'RE: tgoodwhe-eirttesatatd.hute.n be made into I out - of diaheswithmentoestarehrNok Fruit: with ttteirriehexthteand foeetttg'Ta'eiUfiutr'a'eg todiapinreanning Cum“ m" m tiitPiit just-s com Mr. The may: when nt- Glass jars are commonly used tor home-canning. These are ob- tainable in %-pint, pint, quart and 2-quart sizes. Any size can be used for vegetables if sterilized un- der steam pressure. but only li- pint or pint sizes are safe when sterilized in the water bath. Some types of jar have a glass top with a metal screw ring. Others have screw caps with por- celain lining. Some have [less tops with metal spring clamp and now a vacuum seal jar with straight sides and glass top is available. Whichever type is se- lected. it must be air-tight. There must be no chips in the top of the jar or lid. The seal is formed by rubber rings. Rubbers are important. They must be elastic. Old rubbers are not safe. 'etainala.taiyz.ttghteytt?inyso' gueortimThisqsethodipqr sgwea my: ever-, dinner_gnd lun, mmwunud'w 1'ttut.titfu,r,',p'c'gta,t unadu- publish]. tut12t"eUL%t1te ',3tg,htfd and. lot Inn Irwin‘s-h will.†and would: any - plen‘ WWW mcHutie_ethetdfA--: not atvaiuttte" when heats. largely on undeeianding' the causes of spoilage and the methods of prevention. practical. and requires no special equipment. Only mesh products should be canned. Por best result: fruits and vegetables should be canned the day they are gathered. A variety ot containers is avail- able. Tins require a special sealing machine but there is no danger of breakage. and the tins may be used several times, thus reducing cost. 33113:] 1firtriAuveqet+ahouMtte T 'ested RECIPES ERBSVILLE phages: is dangle: in: [may on Sunday. Waterloo, who was formerly In» I Mrs. Walter McDonald and belle Minerva Wilson, sister of the daughter Edythe visited an E. late Dr. A. Wilson_o! Plattsville Shale! over the week-end. i Miss Agnes Baird employed at Relatives received word of thtiM.tih. Glendenning of Plattsville, death of Mrs. Josiah Btauftar “wished her mother on Sunday. Mr. GeorbrirdirTn" Giii" his "mo- ther paid a visit to Mn B. Waldie and family on Sunday. Jas. R. Shillings visited Blink Bonnie School to ins t the sur- den. and called on “prion. Shams mg Will at the, week-end. to map and farmers are busy hauling in wheat Miss Mary Sinclair has conclud- ed her services at Mr. and Mrs. J. Btt.ett't.tuyt gone to Paris. Miss ratitu%irsTeirriirir is at- tending vocational school at Bean's C. Haskell was a business visitor to Woodstock one day recently. On Wednesday last the ttrst threshing outttt moved into the neighborhood, when Battier Bros., came up the 13th from Platteville." Oats and barley are cut and ready ., --- “J L, - Mr. METER. WuriFaii;istt of Plattsvilie spent a dalf with their soh gators! and fayu' F. Mr. and VVMrs. Jas. Scott and two daughters of Woodstock visited the {miners tather and brothers. Gunner G. Seegmiiter of Peta- wawa is home for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and sons Ross and Tera of Galt visit- ed recently with r. and Mrs. J. ' Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin McDonald aedbmpanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith took a trip to Fergus on Sunday. Aireraftaman Martin A. Stewart. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart who has been attending the Aircraft School at Gall, has been tmnaterred to the Manning Pool at Toronto. Mi! Alex McDonald of New Dundee paid a visit to this com- meitr WEâ€?! - Miss May Sweitzer of Kitchener is spending a few days at D. E Btauttees. Mr. and Mea. Quintin Mantle of Woodstock visited Mt and Mrs. A. D. Bell over the week-end. Mm. Markle returning to Sweaburg whil his wife and daughter re- irlli)'Ai with his parents for a Miss Betty Facey of Inursoll conducted the young people's class at the church Sunday afternoon and attended the executive meet- if?! Ir. Oxford Y.P.U. at George Ofiver's. A baptismal service was held last Sunday at communion service. George Woolcott. Hugh Scheme- horn, Doris Bell, Doris Buchan were baptized. Four new members Y3" added to the roll call by cer- a poem a little girl's story. Nine- teen members and visitors attend- ed during the business period a picnic was planned and arrange- ments made for the joint August meeting. It was decided to send a “collecting apron" among the members. John Brennan gave a reading. Billy Scott took up the otrering. Margaret Haskell read the study book. A mission band hymn was sung and Lorne Stewart closed with prayer. Mm. Wm. Benton and daughter Jean and son Ross of Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gnoey. Miss Mildred Hastings had charge of the young people's meet- ing last Sunday. Pte. Robert and George Bell of Wialdsor were home for the week- en . anstsoessDoisatdansttremattot Bible Society, had charge of the Sunday service. Gordon Hastings gave I temperance talk at Sunday School Next Sunday there will not be my church Icrvices or Sal» bath School but on August 3rd the committee will arrange for new lar services. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Russell of Kincardine are guests of their daughter. Mm. C. S. Hellman and family this week The Chane Oliver Mission Band held a meeting in the church Sun- day afternoon. Helen Stauaer pre- sided and the story of God's love fYomJohn8:t6wasusedasaean to worship. Jean Scott read the scripture. _Mi_ldregl Woolcott - read their visited the former: dug“. husband, Mr. and In. In. tin We and In. Bell remain- edftnttyrrder, _ .. _ o. Stauiter of London visited re- latives on Thunchy. The young people enjoyed a pic- nie at Southside Park. Saturday when they were guests of Bethel Young £909.“! Union. 7 CHESTERFIELD V" .. - - (an-u. Wu Miss Norma Bird of St, Jacobs spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bender of Al- ma visited Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bender on Sunday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Edwin Bender were: Miss Otillie Mohr. Miss Ametta Mohr, Mr. Clayton Mohr, Mr. Edwin Eidt and Mr. Alex Niebergall all of North Easthope, Mrs. J. N. Miller of El- mira and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rumble of Alma. Mr. Eli Martin of Elmira is spending several days with Mr, and Mrs. Cyranua Ziegler. Sunday visitors at the homes of IMr. and Mrs. Menno R. Horst and Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Horst were: Mr. and Mrs. Noah Horst and son Lawrence of St. Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Gingrich and child of Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook and son Arthur of New Hamburg were Suday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed mund Schwindt. Mr. Andrew Schwindt of Flinl Mich., and Mr. Gordon Schwindt' of Elmira visited Mr. and Mrs. John Bott o_n Syryiay., Mrs. A. D. Schmidt " Elmira spent the week-end with her son. Mr. Harvey Schmidt and Mrs. Schmidt. I Recent visitors at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Martin (aterti Paul and Harvey Gingrich 10f Meyerstown. Pa., Earl ‘Hurst and Isaac Sensenig of Ephraim. Pa. Mrs. Martin Mohr and Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider of North Easthope were Sunday guests at ttthoee of Mr.,peon Wagngr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shanta and son Clinton of Elmira visited Mr .and Mm Addison Bauman on Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Martin and daugh- ter Patsy of Elmira were recent visitors with Mrs. Oliver Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Liesemer of Mildmay and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Maurer of Clifford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Zimmer- man and Mr. and Mrs. David Wea- ver of Ittf Pa., spent several g_ays_wit Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koepke and Mr. Ernie Koepke of Kitchen- er and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Geisel of Winterbourne visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koepke on Sunday. Miss Caroline Heist is spending a week in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pelletier. Rev. and Mrs. Reuben Detweilet and daughter Gladys of Floradale, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cressman of Breslau and Mi. and Mrs. Ivan Creman of Waterloo were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sim. Weaver. Ilorphy, minister of the King St. Baptist Church. Kitchener, con- ducted the service. Rev. c. F. Knuth of Kitchener also spoke briefly and prayer was ottered by Rev. J. C. Williamson of the Pres- ton Baptist Church, Miriam Hil- born sang a solo. The pall bearers were: Ed Kalb- Beisch, Roy Roth and Hilmer Poth of Brown Citn Mich., Clyde Shupe of Bad Axe, ich., Charles Toman of Preston, Fred Fletch of Strat- ford, John Steckley of Williams- burg and Harold Path of New Dundee. Bearers for the many lovely floral tributes were: Miss Esther Wilhelm of Stratford. the Misses Ada Jean and Lois Kalb- fieittch of Brown City, Mich., Mrs. Lyle Bingeman. Mrs. Harold Ptsth. Mrs. Ronald Bock, Miss Althea Bock and Miss Miriam Coleman of New Dundee. Interment was made in the New Dundee Union Ceme- NEW DUNDEW--A host of Mt tives and (rigid: from In and he" attended the funeral of the late Mm. Elmer A. Path, which was held _at the family residence oy Many at Services For Mrs. E. A. Poth (Dy Che-Rel: Corn-nominal.) NORTH WOOLWICH It In. In". hum (Ciro-kl. mug-n