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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 Jul 1941, p. 4

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Mr. and Mrs, Emorson ‘Wittig and daughters Sharloy and Joyce of Alliston wore Week-0nd guests of Mr. and Mrs Edmund Schwindt. Mr, and Mrs, John Longman and son Kendall of Alma wore recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Din-or Kelley. U Mr" and Mrs Clayton Mlllor and Jean spent Sunday with friends in London Mr. and Mrs Emerson Dash-H and son Harvey and Mr Allwrl Snyder auondvd n Snyder n unionl at Stratford l Mrs John Srluarfvr. Miss Ell/2r beth Scharfvr and Mr and Mrs Irvin Snyder of Elvmrn “'vn- Sun day guosts of Mr and Mrs Mar vey Schmldt Lyle Weaver and Muru4 Wad dell of Kitchrncr :urv sprmdmg " week at thr homes of Mr and Mn Walter Maurer Mr and Mrs Will Mnhr and Mrs. Mahol Wagnrr of Amulrvv spent a day With rrlatix-, hl‘rl‘ Mr and Mrs Arthur Moldcrr have: and Mv., Marga-r! Muller Mr. and Mrs Simon Walter, Margaret Waiter. Mr, and Gordon Krotz and children and Pauline. all of Wallace Sunday guests of Mr. and George Kocpke Mr. and Mrs Edmund Schwindt spent a day recently with Mr and Mrs, Charles Cuber near Preston Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Bott Fergus and Mr Floyd Schwindt Floradalo wore Sunday guests Mr, and Mrs. ‘David Bott. BRITISH BOWMEN can still “draw the long bow", as this anachronistic scene at Aldershot shows. Artillery officers relax with a bit of archery practice. Miss Beatrice Wagner has re- turned to Kitchenor after spend- ing two weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wagner. JUST LN CASE frustrated Nazis resort to poison gas, Britishers are carrying on with gas masks handy. This steel-helmeted soldier gets the feel of starting a car during a gas attack. THE HOLY CITY is being toured by these New Zealand soldiers who are stationed in Jerusalem. They are seen from a hotel window, head- quarters for Australian troops. NORTH WOOLWICH " In. Waite Nauru (Chroniclo INrrre.gtortderttt Miss Mrs. Paul wurv Mrs of of of Mvmhors of Trinity Lutheran Church held their annual picnic at Elora Rocks. Sunday, Farewell Party. Around sovonty local young Men- nonitos gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Hy W Bauman Mon- day owning for a farewell party for the young mon, who are leav- ing for Camp this work Personals. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Snyder Lurm Murray and Betty, Mrs Ed Snwlvr null-d “uh Mr and Mrs Walk} Snymr Munnhrlm. Sum duv Annual Lutheran Picnic. Lump Snider spent a few days with his grandfather, Andrew Gran. near Alma Elvnnur Snider of near Waterloo Is spuullng " few days with Mr and Mrs O F Bauman Mrs C' Winn. Elmira. spent a fry; days with Mrs Alf Mogh ernu and Bmy Jones of Tor- nntu arr spending the summer va- mtmn with Mr and Mrs. Irvin Schneider, Miss Annabell Martin of West Montrose is spending several weeks with Mr. and MES. Ezra Martin. Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Stange wvl‘o presented with many lovely mm at a shower at the home of Mr, and Mrs, George Schwindt on Tun-sday ovpning. Mr and Mrs Elms Gingrich \'n~runu.n and Uruss spvnl Sunday “uh Mr and Mrs Hy With-man m ur Elmira M, and Mr, Isrnavl Bowman and mm wtmt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs John Grosr npar Wes! Alumnus» visited their sister, Mrs. Hubert Mitchell at Mansfield on Sunday. FLORADALE By I!" Gertrude Ott (Chronlcle Corn-pendent) ' Pte. Sylvester Schmidt of Camp (Borden, Alma and Billie Rose of \cadshm. Ralph and Anna Dippel of Mitchell visited at the home of _Helry Schmidt on Friday. 1 A. W. Rennie, Mrs. s. Knight ‘and daughter, Miss Alice Knight, 'of London, called on friends re- cenlly. Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Drunk and family. Miss Lavina Livergood and friend. Mr and Mrs, Alvin Knarr and Miss A, Snider of Kitchener, Miss Jessie Livergood of Tavistock were Sunday visitors at the home of W Wilford. Little Miss Mary Higgins of De- troit is spending the holiday sea- son with Mrs. Thos. Birmingham. Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchison and family of Corrie. Mrs. Lydia Cassel of Waterloo, Mrs. Bertha Hutchison of Toronto, spent Sun- day at the home of Mrs. M. Shantz and family. Mrs, Hutchison re- mained for feveral weeks' visit Mr. The; Birminiiiu% and Miss Jean Hammond were visitors to wyrtrtott. on, Thurgay. is attending him. Drs. Tye '0': Mil; verton, Hain of Linwood and Wagner of Elmira, performed the operation. Sailors Shaka. Mrs. Chris. Leis suffered a stroke which paralized her right side. Pom-uh. Miss Emma Leis of Milverton is holidaying at the home of Dan Gerber. Mr." J, W. Burnett diinwood spent several days with her sister, Mrs, Osprge Richardson. We are glad to report Emanuel Ropp of the 5th line is doing as well as can be expected after an operation for acute appendicitis at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ropp on Friday night. Nurse Irene Shantz of Kitchener Mrs. M. Winn and daughters of Elmira visited with Mrs. R. Foster am_i family__on Sump): 7 Robert -Yendt of kitchener is hojidaying _slrith gunman Lather. Mr. Und Mrs. Joseph Birming- ham of Waterloo spent Sunday “It!!! Tht Bitpuhgharp. __ ' Miss Alice snidiir of Kitchener is spending a few days with Mrs. w. Wilford. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilford and son accompanied by Miss Jessie Livergood of Tavistock attended the Orange Celebration in Seaforth on Saturday. Undorgou Operation. Mr. and Mrs. William Burgeman and Ruth of Wingham visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson on Su_n_day. - - - Mrs. E. Squire and family at- tended the Evans reunion held in Waterloo Park on Sunday. On Luther “hip. Herbert and Ralph Berg, mem- bers of the .Wellesley Luther League. were among the group gho visited Toronto and Niagara alls. Attend L.O.L. Celebration. HESSEN ROAD.--ahe Ladies' Aid of St. John's Lutheran Church held its July meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seyler on Monday evening. The devotional period was led by the pastor, Rev. Schultz. The topic "A Christian As A Citizen" was given by Rev. Schultz. A very interesting dis- cussion followed. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. The hostess served a very dainty lunch. At Evans Bunion. l NEW DUNDEE - Porty-thre members and friends of the Baptist _y,irs,ifyt Circle held a delightful ‘picni‘c on the lawn at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Toman on Wednesday afternoon. A short program was presented which opened with devotions led) by Mrs. V. E. Dinger. Chorus were sung by groups of Senior and Junior girls and Miss Verne Schade gave an interesting mis- sionary talk. Games were then en- joyed under the direction of Mrs.‘ Harold Path and Mrs. Roy Gildnem after which supper was served. J of St. Paul's Lutheran Church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Doer- becker on Wednesday evening. need of prayer in bend! of our boys overseas wu s",'.""',',',".'",) In. Melvin Becker. In. - derick spoke on the dime "Courage". The viceopmesidat, Mrs. William Detweiler. took the chair for"routine business and the meeting 'uiloyrned.tolttrwing my- er by Rev. Mm. Pitman. BAH'IS‘I' MISSION lactation. held " her home at leidlviue on Wednesday Ina- noon. "Neyer Mr. Pf, to 3";- wu um m openln‘ oiiow y the reading od Nehemiah“ my. a an invocation. A gran. wu given by Mrs. Ron "in and after the scripture lemon by the leader, KlW, were clued u Inl- lows.“orourKin¢nndthmein authority", by Rev. In. Pitman: "for the forces everywhere", by In A. Shelby and "tor the sick, suttering and lonely", by In 8. Hilbom. A poem mes-inn the sassvnu: LADIES‘ AID E_RBf9V1LLEr-The Ladies' Aid Roir1AV L W- LUTHERAN LADIES AID CROSSHILL Br In. [one In“. (Giraud. Corn-pendant) Women's "_-------.-.--....-.--, CIRCLE PICNIC Mrs Katherine Hiller Ind "15‘6an at Strum"! on Monday " Theodore Schmitt of Kitchener “moon and Phylis Lon: of Detroit spent Mr. and Mrs, Walter Hummer Tuesdav evening with Mr and and Hownrd of New Hamburg Mrs Alt Schmitt. lax-n! Sunday with Mr and Mrs Recent visitors with Mr and} ' Wetl. Mrs Reinhardt Prom were Mrl Mr and Mrs, A R, Helmuth. and Mr: Ram Prelss and Mr .nd‘Elaine and Mud-lens were Saturn Mrs Reuben Schuus of Hanover. dny visitors It Woodstock. Mr and Mrs, C Brown and Mr, Wilhelmina of Kitchener spent Tuesdav worming with Mr. and and Mrs Schiltor and daughter Mrs Reinhardt Prom. Miss Delphine Biermnn of W.- terloo is spending a few weeks vu- cation with her parents, Mr, and ME, Gttsrtte Biermnn. Mrs Mary Brown, aeeompenled by Mrs Glass near Elmira, has left to spend a three months' vncation in the Canadian West. Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Schmitt and family attended the Doctor Re. union, which was held at Sages Flags ner Gilt on Sunday. - I Among those who attended the funeral of the late "at Andrew Boission (nee Matilda Conrad) at Maryhill. on Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. Philip Conrad, grandson Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Schott, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Dick- ert. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Randal. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Selma and Miss Elsie Schott. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doerbecker. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Mil- ton Schaaf of near Hanan Road were in attmdance at the Memor- ial Service. held It the St. Agttthts Lutheran Church. Mr] and Mrs. Herman Schaefer spggt Suryiyyy its, Net Hamburg. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. sir; vim; Gd daughter Elaine of Kitchener. spent Sunday with Mr, and Mn. Herbert Strobe]. mm Pun-rd. Miss M. Montgomery accompa- nied by her mother, Mrs. B. Mom- gomery and Versie Schaefer spent Sunday with, friends in London. Enorma Schaefer of Kitchener spent a two weeks' vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Conan}. Miss Alvera Heinrich ot Water- loo spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Schott. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt were guests with Mr. and Mm. Reuben Schmidt at Waterloo on Sunday. Mrs. Fries of Heidelberg has re- turned home after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. A. Heier. In place of the usual prgram the members did patriotic work. It was announced that the next meet- ing will be held on Aug. " at the holme of Mrs. Peter Snider, Centre- vi 1e. Following the meeting, refresh- ments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Lehman, assisted by Mrs.' Frederick Cochrane, Miss Ruth Feasby and Mrs. Frederick Bur- forq. wllo poured tea. Mis. Letuiin' was general con- vener. Mrs Harry Forler gave a report of the Red Cross work. It was de- cided to divide the work into three groups. Mrs. Robert Losch will be in charge of the cutting. Mrs. Mur- iel Clarke will handle the quilts and Mrs. Frederick Burford the knitting with Mrs. Porter as pa- triotic convener. Mrs. Losch reviewed the district annual meeting and Mrs. Lehman reported on the North and South Waterloo , I. picnic in Waterloo. Plans for mass; GeiiiiCGii, were made. Mr. Addison Snider will act as auctioneer. United Church met " the home of Miss K. a",',',',",',',:: on Wednesday evening. e meeting wus by singing s hymn. t',Ttgttt Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. C. Gill was in charge of the devotional program and red from the Brat Psalm. after which “is K, Bowman, the president. took charge of the routine business. The proceeds of the garden party were totalled up and ”2.00 was sent to the Doon Patriotic Society. The next meeting will be in the form of a picnic at Cressmnn’s bush in August. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss E Butt. CENTREVILLB W. I. l-IELPS JAM FUND The Centreville Women's Insti- tute sent a donation of $20 to the headquarters of the Federated Wo- men's Institutes of Ontario for sug- ar to matte iam for the men over- seas. This was reported by Mrs. Roy Hood at the July meeting of the institute, held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Lehman. Elgin street Mrs. Hood presided in the absence of the president. Mrs. John Feasby. who is ill. Mis. Hood also gave a report on the strawberry social held last month. GIOUP m: " DooN.-rue wombat: 01 the Women's Minion of the Dom served by the committee. in. Add Binge-nun. Mn JACK Schmidt and Mrs. Ricken. In M. Bechtel uve'a report of the Women's Institute plant: held at Waterloo M [an wed Inc! which In. Waton Sunn- we . margins“ ‘mbyInA. Riehe after wing" a quiz: contest 1veenloye_di,nehniotMtxA. l.lm!m m DUNut--Mir. - Back. Wt of the Van-rs My”. -ded a the monthly to1lelDurht.ttktturi-8he 10].wa ounnmeu can a; tt'tfetL'g'tg,'2ai, 'dt"at"ATtagt".2tt 'lt,h'.llia,.,,1 . irtuit, In. .Htlttqrw,vegqraNea,Mm au'fagi"8ftd,5$tt'ef Candy.llnE.S.Bmwn; Odie 'gt"U'.'t,fc mun madm- en. . Mm. Aime.“ .1: " Activities ERBSVILLE " I!" V“. - (Gm-Ink Cornwall-t) Jaesst% Mr. and Mrs, Allen Otto attend- ed the funeral of the late Charles Grace at Slntford on Monday " ternoon. Sunday' “Cannon with Mr. Ind Mrs. Allen Otto. Mr, Ind Mrs. John But. Floris and Harry visited Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs. A. R. Helmuth. Ana-d Puma]. Mr. _Hy. Otto of Amer! span! Mrs. Gould, a returned mission- ary of Formosa will speak " the morning service on Sunday at " o'clock with Sunday School It ll when Mr. Couting of Guelph will take charge of the Junior and Se- nior Bible classes. Cal-p Pin and“. The Elmira, Conestoga and West Montrose Y.P.U. groups held a camp ttre service and weiner roast on Hygh Woods' an; on Thursday evtruntr:, - - - Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Delhi and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becker of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snider and Mr. and Mrs. Petey Sn§d_e§ on__Sum_iay. A -- ME. and Mrs. Wm. Sign and Mr. and Mrs. Leander Gole spent Sun- day in Goderich. Mr. ind Mrs. Edgar Lemon and children and Mr, Geo. Shoemaker spggt ngy _12th at {Iii-gm? falls: Mr. and Mrs. Rom. Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woods of Gait were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. 99d Mrs. ting}! Woods. Mr. Maurice Roartett left for Detroit on Monday where he will tate a reylt conga? in _Anesthesia_. 'Miss L: Dotson of Kitchener is spending a short vacation at her' home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Atiingham of Kitchener called on West Montrose frigpds on_ Syydtt, _ _ u _ Chopped or ground dried fruits may be added to any fudge recipe It produce a variation in texture and fuvour. Powdered or granulated i gelatin ..-................. 3 tablespoons Water, hot ..t......e..er.......PPt....t... I cup Corn syrup mt.......................... ll cup 1'tryr4errd_sug9r """'yf'"'""" " cup Corn syrup mt.......................... ll cup Powdered sugar ..W.........r....e.. " cup Dried fruit (chopped).......... n cup .Dissoive gelatin in the hot water. Cook the corn syrup to 250 degrees F. (hard ball). Beat into it the dissolved gelatin and powdered sugar until light. Flavour with vanilla. Then add fruit and pour on_oiled paper oryriay to harden. Fruit syrup or tuteiy ground pre- serves may be used instead of dried fruit, at the rate of ' cup in the recipe above. . Chopped or ground dried fruit ...........W..tttet.W_.r.. l cup Sheer' nuts (optional)...... t cup I Cook sugar, corn syrup and, lwater to 252 degrees F. or to a Clitht crack". Add syrup gradually ito the stimy beaten white of egg, beating the mixture until stiff. Add dried mit and nuts, mix well and pour into greased or oiled pan to harden. This candy becomes hard soitahou1dbeeonttumedwithina canned fruits through screen with- out heating. With pulp: locking in acid add 'l,'ltt'/e,ti cup of lemon juice or one vel teaspoonful of citric acid to each two cups ot pulp. Alter the pulp is reputed follow the recipe for fruit juice. substitut- ing the pulp tor the juice. With Dried Fruit- Refresh the fruits by soaking for at least twelve hours then cook until soft and rub through I screen. The pulp is then used in a similar paymen- to the pulp from fresh week atm- it is made. This candy is best with dried fruits. The dried fruits should be chopped or coarsely ground. Corn syrup w............... 2 tablespoons Water F....................................... I cup stun-arc lulu out, --I W nut: it desired. Ind pour into com- stuch would. a oiled you. Allow to harden " hours, out sheets into piece, dust with powdered sugar or dip in chocolate. EQPIIdemhuCn-Ied gra any teh tai/iidhialindd, WEST MONTROSE 90?qu in: fruit juice Ind pectin syrup. Ad}! - .91 cqrn syruE. Boil to new but try Stli'iiteirr2i,ge' juic- mny used. yum may be canned or made from the {tech Iruit tr.' Marga-Inn!!! if Huh very rire-truitr,a"o"itd..' In]! ounce lone level Agen) of citric Acid Ihould be to each gallon of juice "ml-b- Mr. Ed. Oehm of Taviuock and With fresh fruits cook until soft u'l rub through a screen. Rub 3m ,ritts minced ttavyury Divinity Fudge with Fruit: Tested RECIPES EAST ZORRA whites (beaten stiff) a Inn-fin Pt manna To I, Itnwbcryy. Rear. 9nd 39:12, "iaaa (W - in” " In. Aaron “cl-gum Fudge with Fruits Jrr Wy. . c. Woof. wealth MW“) '., or un, Cup Miss Tilley was decorated by the King in 1934 for outstanding Public Rea th work. Pemnals Mrs. H. P. Lang (Celia Ruther- ford), Mrs. J. W. Thompson (Laura Tilley). both of Toronto, and Misé A. M. Tilley, M.B.E., superintend- ent of the nursing mission of Leth- Mrs. J. Foerster. Mrs. Howard Mayberry and Miss Annie Wray made the presentation while the accompanying address was read by Mr. Murray Chalmers. The re- mainder of the evening was spent in dancing, Decorated For Service On Friday evening last about one hundred Tl fifty friends and neighbors of .' and Mrs. Fred Manz of Poole gathered in Haw- thorne's Hall, Millbank, and pre- sented them with a miscellaneous shower in honor of their recent mgrriagg Rev. George W. Moore, rector of Grace Church, Millbank, and Christ Church, Milverton, for the past six years, preached his fare- well sermon on Sunday morning. Miss Edith Gale of Kitchener ren- dered a solo. Following the ser- vice, the graves in the adjoining cemetery were decorated by sur- viving relatives and friends. Private Percy Gale, R.C.0.C., of Kingston, and Private Charles Gale of No. IO Training Centre, Kitch- ener, sons of Mrs. John Gale, Mprnington - Wellesley boundary, were presented with Signet rings at a gathering kheld at Hiiwthornei% Hall, Millban ' on Saturday eve- ning. Following a few remarks by Rev. George W. Moore, the pre- sentation was made by Miss Doro- thy Gray. . Present Shower I Insulation The Fernbank Patriotic Society held a tea on the school grounds on Wednesday afternoon. Jack Dunbar held the lucky ticket in the draw for the hooked rug. made and donated be! Mrs. J. A. Nicklin. The proceeds mm the tickets sold on the rug and the tea amounted to twenty-six dollars. The money is to be used for war work. Mr. John Chalmers, who resides on the Mornington-Wellesley boun- dary. cut a field of winter barley on his farm on Friday, July 4th. and had it stocked the same day. The seed was sown last fall the same as fall wheat, and is a good sample and of fair length. Pmches Farewell Sermon _ Police Chief Moreen issued t1ha".trttf. guests of their cousin, warning today to motorists le?,,"',': Alex Mayberry, at the home adhering to the speed "yptltttiorttrlot her daughter, Mrs. Silas Smith in Waterloo Park. He said several and Mr. Smith. fifth concession of complaints have been received re- Wellesley township. While in sardine cars travelling at an ex- Millbank on Monday they were the cessive rate. One charge has al-‘guests of Mrs. Reid Aiiingham. ready been laid against a motorist Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Reid and Miss for careless driving in the ery/na; Johnston of Toronto are The chief 8.159 warned that cyclistS: holidaying with Mrs. Reid's father must stop riding along the shore or; and sisters. Mr. James Rutherford the Iake. {and Nellie, and Mrs. George Tan- iner and Mr. Tanner. cets Win!" Antler Paging Boriety Tea WARNS PARK 5101031818 FORT ERIE RACES Special Sunday Fares to i'iiiiiiiiirihiiii1C, - $2.55 UNION BUS DEPOT, KITCHENER - Phone 3-1169 " I!” In“: V. lull: (chronicle Com-dun MILLBANK Above upon-l “than mld II depot "or, llul All "-0. mo-Ihuod above no Daylighl Sauna. “In July4toI9--- Soul-l "than good [only on Inn leaving at on on, "hunt-l “Indian” an" h" rate. Above I.” "ulna" duh-Ion In tut 'llth. Can‘t-In. on but luvln. It 1.” I.Il.. returning on any but 'QIVIII Falls up " I ”I. Take ”hm-Iago ot thin |ov "In " no tho beauty and Hunk out: at Ni..." Fa]... All .503! out 'mhl “lined-l toorq, For further itsrormnrtort rulhn'l I Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reinwald. ‘Bobby and Billy, of Moor Lake. (Mrs. George Leith and Betty of ‘Listowel visited Saturday with ;Mttr. M. A. Beinwald apg Henry. l, Recent visitors with Mrs. George MacLennan were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ranger and Dr. Lillian ’Wilcox of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Victor MacLennan of Wa1lenstein and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Me.. Lennan of Elmira. Mr. Earl Mattress of Merritton spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogan were: Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell. Matilda and Mary, and Mr. Lester Nickel of Mildmay, Mrs. Maggie Nickel and Mr. William Nickel of Belmore, and Mr. Mumford large of Dorking. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray spent Sunday gt Wagerloo. Mrs. A. McBain received word on Monday of the death of her niece, Mrs. Jack Bettger, who pass- ed away suddenly that morning at her home in Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pike Visited their nephew, Gunner Carson Miller, who is training at Wood- 'rtttth, 0_n tiuty_iay. _ ,, Mrs. George MacLennan and sister. Mrs. James Wilcox, of Buffalo, are spending a week .with friends in Walkekrton and Hans over. Miss Ann Wray and her house guest, Miss Roberta Sparh'ng, of St. Marys, accompanied by Miss Lois Bettger of Monkton, attended the Harley-Bettger wedding at Hamilton on Sang-day, 7 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wray spent Sungiay yith fttends at. praylon. Miss Nellie Rutherford is spend- ing this week with friends in Palmerston. Misses Isabelle? Edd" -iiGuyn Gray spent the week-end at SoyAhamptop. Private Percy Gale, R.C.0.C., Kingston, spent the week-end with his mother. Mrs. John Gale, Myyirurtoy-Ireiitsyio J?otyulary., - Mr. Elmer Lee of Monkton and Miss Myrtle Lee of Unwood were week-end visitors with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee. Misses Carrie and Roberta Sparling of St. Marys spent Friday last with their friend. Miss Ann wer 7 Miss A. Gillespie of Toronto is visiting friends in the village. Mrs. W. T. Blair, Mrs. George Coghlin. Mrs. E. McBain, Mrs. Fraser Dewar attended a trousseau tea at the home, of Mrs. William Simpson, Atwood, on Thursday. in honor of her daughter. Ruth, who is A bri4p-elect of this month. Mrs. H. cGardArdreaGiin is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E. Brownlee. bridge, Alberta, and all former residents of Millbank, were the week-end guests of their cousin, Mrs. Alex Mayhem. at the home ot her daughter, Mrs. Silas Smith and Mr. Smith. fifth concession of Wellesley township. While in Millbank on Monday they were the guests of Mrs. Reid Aiiingham. _ Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Reid and Miss Mr. and Mrs. James Martin of Beechville were Sunday visitors with the tormer's uncle and aunt. MgAanngl-s. William Martin. M,Jw1&l“l - $3.20

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