â€*- Help Defeat 1371111sz War Certificates At the request of Reeve William Witzel the New Dundee M.S. Band presented a musical program on the lawn at his farm home near Wilmot Centre on Tuesday even- ing. Approximately 80 people were in attendance including members of the Wilmot Township Council. their wives and neighbor! and friends. At the conclusion of the program Reeve Winel ad- dressed the gathering briefly after which refreshments were served by Mrs. Witzel and her assistants. Some ot the people from here attended the Decoration Day Ser- vices at St. Agatha Lutheran Church on Sunday afternoon, Goes To Labor Camp. Lemore Holst left Tuesday even- ing for Sault Ste. Marie where he will be required to work in a labor cmnp for four months. By Mu. llrh- Biliar- (Chm-lelo Cont-mt) Band Program On Wilma! Pun. Mennonite Circle t Quins For Robson Quilting for refugee work in England was done by the ladies ot the Blenheim Mennonite Charity Circle at their regular meeting held in the church on Tuesday. The President Miss Vera Hallman was in charge of a short devotion- al period. Falls. Fractures Witt. Mrs. A. Hilborn had the misfor- tune of fracturing a small bone in the wrist of her right arm on Wed- nesday. The accident occurred when she fell from a chair on which she had been standing at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Dave Litwiller at Preston. She was taken to the K-W Hospital for X-rays by Dr. A. C. t','Sit'r'l after which she returned to er home in the village. Personals. One of the worst thunder and sleet storms in many years passed through this district on Wednesday afternoon tearing down telephone wires, uprooting trees and tearing down limbs of tree; Potion-ls. and family were recGtGisriiiG with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trucey at Waterloo. Mri. Adams of Kitchener skint the week-end with Mr. and 11 Jack Recksteiner. Dan Seyler of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seyler. At St. Agatha Sonia. Jean Hallman. Miriam Hilborn and Willard Hallman spent Tues- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Late VanSickle in Hamil- ton. Mrs. Carl Koch visited with friends at Paris for a few days this week. . Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie and Miss Elizabeth Guthrie of Ayr and Min Margaret Graves of Port Robinson called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Page on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Ephraim High left on Monday for Crossfleid, Alberta. where they will spend a few months. Victor Devin of Waterloo, Mn Louisa Strebel and Martha Shebel were Sunday visitors with Mn. chry Bechthold. rolled over' " feet mamma- In: severe bruit; Dr. I was summoned but fortunate] than werb no traetures. Mr. 'iL/l'flr, many friends wish him a speedy recovery, Mrs. Dave Litwillcr of Preston spent a few days of this week " the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Hilborn, him to the botiiik" tftP,'.ii2Ye/is weighed yti'riig,t"t,t, s, lb; rolled over is teet and [an CI“!- Bu_sy Cutting Grain NEW DUNDn -Mr. Gab-1. Bergeynwlpo nddeo one-hall an: Filrmors iii this district are busy cutting their wheat while one farmor has a field of oats out Personals Miss Lila Bowman has returned to Kitchener after spending the past two weeks of vacation at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bowman. InN.DudeeBul Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Edna Markle were Mr. and Mrs, Horh. Gregor of Kitchener and Mr and Mrs. Herb. Gregor and daughtr-r Ida of Shana fitatiort. _ Follow Amide: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner of Kttchoncr called at the home of Mr and Mrs, David Cober on Thursday Mr, and Mrs. Norman Clemons sprnl the work-0nd at the home of thmr daughter. Mrs. Vorne Reist sang! Mr Rvist of Grand Yancy. _ Mr and Mrs Percy Kam’and son Jark of Kitchener and Mrs. Alvda Karn called at the home of talk-d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathanu-I Wilfnng and Mr. and Mrs A Bauefelt at cole'g Hill: on Sunday Mrs Edna Markie on Sa1urda . Mr ham Cobor and David 8ae, Mt. any Mrs. Harry Sch-pm KOSSUTH FISHERS MILLS BEAVERDALE NEW DUNDEE PETERSBURG "" Chm-kl- " In. In.“ - (Chm-Id. Wt) By I!" Helen In“. (Chronlck Continuation†M Mehaughtu---At Wellesley, July IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Me- Laughlin, a son. Alberta. "tkttehter-Cttm.tten - July IS, Louis Finkbeiner to Margaret Jessie Campbell. both of Lia- towel. Eieh1er-At North Easthope, July io, to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Eich- let. a daughter. Behw_tmuer--At South East- hope, July 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Semus Schwartzentruber. a daughter. Bg-At St. Mary's Hospital, July IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Harey Stoesser. Waterloo street. Kitch- - ener, a daughte1:._ A miscellaneous shower was given for Mrs. Charles Cutler, nee Nellie Margretts. at the Trome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mar- gretts of Wellesley. It was given by, gixteer} girls of this yillagg. - Carey-Mmuley - July 12, Roy James Carey of Vancouver to Mgr-ion Macauley of Maugham, By Mu. Betty Diet: (Chronlelc Correspondent) Shower For Welles!†Bride Miss Gertrude Zeuel has return- ed home after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. William Diet- ric_h, of St. Agatha; -- -- A Mr. Walter Gerth of Milverton visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gerth. Sommers, Heston, 3 son. B-t--At Waterloo. July 13, to Mr. and Mrs. John Beynon, Charles street, a son. Mes-hrs'. Igoobs, Jqly 13, to -Misses Miirione and Joan'Nolt- ing were holidaying in Waterloo reggntly; A ---__ _ - __ Miss Patsy Carylor of Toronto visited with her grandmother, Mrs. E. Schmehl. Liam. and Mrs. J. R. Hannay of Kitchener visited Dr. and Mrs. William Glaister. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dietrich of Kitchener visited Dr. and Mrs, M. R._perstyynd family, - _ Mrs. Clayton Krietzweiser and John of Hamilton were Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. William Foerster. Miss.Ruth Miller of St. Thomas visited her mother. Mrs. J. B. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kaufman of Rochester, Mrs. Roberts and Ted Koehler of Kitchener were re- cent visitor, here. B-ri-At St. Mara: Hospital, {my 14, to_Mr. and rs. Sydney Person-ls Pqquar-At the K.-W. Hospital, July 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pontin. Waterloo, a son. c--At St. Mary's Hospital, July 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Ciiftord Cross, Preston, a son. i 'riBhqa.--At St. Mary's Hospital, July " to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hishon, Kitchenqr, a for?., A Kitchener. I Ion. 'ua.--At the K.-W. Hospital. July ti.toMr.andMmusterH-, Kitchener, I daughter. Agt---At SIult Ste. Marie, July 9, toMr..ndMm.RoyAlton,inee Gladys DIniellI. Kitchener). I Ion. --At St. 1“ng Hoopla]. Jul no. to Mr. Ind . Samuel Hardy. KR. I, Preston. I Ion. , ---At Hawkesvilte, June 29, to Mr. itnd Mm. Carl Ziegler, I Brantgt.-At Waterloo, July to, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Branitt, 102 Waterloo street. a son. 'baq--At the K-W. Hospital, July It, to Mr. and In. Lester Hm. Kitchener, a daugjngg. _ Mrs. Henry Steinbach, Brod. hagen, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Priestap and Marlene of Mitchell apex! at day with Mrs. Louis Stein- ac . Mrs. William Winiteld and daughter of Alma were recent visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Braendle spgnt Su_nday in prgyton. _ _ Beckner, Hawkesville, a son. ' 'teM"-At St. Mary's Hospital, July It, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reidel. Kitchener, a son. Mo6----At St. Mary's Hospital. July 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank -- Refinery Hraton, 'uonc. . _ Rev. Peters of Montreal. who was one of the clergyman at the Luther League convention in the Twin City, recently. was heard at the Lutheran Church on Sunday._ Mr. and Mrs. Alois Huégele and Billie of Kitchener spent the week- end at the home of William Kggpes. _ - _ _ Mr. and Mrs, Edward Doerr, Mr, and Mrs. Theo. Bierwagon and children were recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Herman B.ehtttold. Wrs. Lama Raeder. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon aeder and children spent Su_nday in, Kigchgper. - Rev. Adolph Kappos and sons and Mrs. Charles Sellers are spending a week in Northern Ort- tario. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hartung and family of Philipsburg, George and John Hartung of North East- hope, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Har- tung and children of 'iy'rj'i,, were Sunday guests of r and Mrs. Ed. Harturtg. -u--at 'St. Mary's Hospital, July 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bourque, Laurel St., Preston. 3 -rt-6trse---July 12. Ross Alan Smart of Owen Sound to Mabel Faust of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Normén Martih, a -r--Ai the k.-w. H {my 11. te My. egg! Mrs. HEIDELBERG BIRTHS MARRIAGE! DEATHS . ofau Week in the County WELLESLEY By Ilu not†Bechtel! (Chroniclo Communal-dun) Marriages 'Nr/act', Kitchener, July ts, William esserer. Sr., Eby street south, Kitchener. 'um-r-At 3rd line Wellesley. July 13, Alexander Hammond, 83 years. "ark-At, Kitchener, July 14, Philip Frank, 70 years. IteiehheM---At Kitchener, July 10, Mrs. Clara Reichheld. 60 Wel- lington street, 54 years. 'tartteras-At Kitchener, July 10, Mrs. Harry G. Roberts, 22 Binge- man street, 53 years. Hetmtath-.-At Woodstock, July IO, Mrs. Noah Helmuth. 76 years. mHssoin--At R.R. 2, Breslau. July ii, Mrs. Andrew Boissoin. 47 years. Moore - At Guelph, July li, Thomas Henry Moore. 76 years. "rrwhar---At Elora, July 13, Al- bert Farquhar. Smith street, 49 years. Het-i-duty 16, Miss Mary E. Holwell. Baden, 68 years. Lt"tg-Juiy IS, Henry Lang, Fred- erick street, Kitchener, 80 years. Beet"---) 15, Duncan Ross Scott, 245 Victoria street, Kitchener, 61 years. H-.---,) 15, Charles Hess. 419 Wellington street north, Kitch- ener. 76 years. Mark-duty IS, Emerson Martin. North Woolwich, 20 months. I, I!" Iv. Baker (chm-lei. mum-hut) Hold Amateur Program. The July meeting of the Rose- ville Literary Society took the form of an amateur program, held in the schoolhouse on Thursday evening. George Perrin presided and "The Maple Leaf“ was sung in opening. followed by community singing led by Clinton Jantzi. The program consisted of a mouth or- gan selection by James Barrie; duet by Harley Stager and Clinton Jantzi accompanied on the guitar by H. Stager; vocal solo by Mar- guerite Veitch; reading' by Ralph Battier; piano solo by va Diefen- bacher; vocal number by Jack Hallman, Harry Hilbom, David Hilbom, Delton Boshart and Clin- ton Jantzi. Prizes given were in the form of War Savings Stamps and were awarded as follows: fornic, Ralph Battier; vocal. Marguerite Witch; instrumental, Elva Diefenbacher, The Judges were Mr. and Mrs. H. Pickett of Ayr and Harvey Hall- man. An instrumental number by H. Stager and Louis Holm conclud- ed the program and the National Anthem closed the meeting. A so- cial hour followed with games on the lawn after which pie and ice cream were served. William McGrath of Camp Borden to Lillian Grace Haynes of Kitchener. F-or-B-or-July 15, Thomas Nelson Feaver to Vera Edyth Spencer. both of Preston. Guests of 3.8. Clan. The members of the Friendship class of the United Brethren Sun- day School, with their teacher, Mrs. Melvin Becker. were guests of the Centreville Sunday School at a meeting held at the home of Mr .and Mrs. J. Beith in that vil- lage on Wednesday evening. The Centreville group was in charge of the program, after which progres- sive crokinole was played and dainty refreshments served. math-mi! = July_ 12._ CpL Pornonah. tu-ar-_-July 10, Cpl. Wil- liam PE Simpson ot Grace Laurene abet, both of Kitch- ener. . Cot-bi-_-duly It, Gor- don Donald Columbus of Kitch- ener to Marjorie Irene Highton of Hespeler. Miss Lois Shelby is spending a week with her aunt, Miss Lena Shelby in Toronto. Recent visitors of Mrs. A. Fried were Mr. and Mrs. 2i'N Cassel of Goshen, Ind,, Mr. and rs. Ve- lores Renfrew, Elkhart, Ind., Mrs. Owen Fried of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Henry Waterman of New Dundee and Miss Maoder of Ayr. gueman-iut---guty 12, Jack Kay Lane Bieman to Velma Grace Salzman. both of Kiteh. ener. Kreiter-hFer--Juiy 12, Her- bert Carl Kreiter to Veronica Freiburger. both ot Kitchener. gun-ymu'; ptpy 9, Pk. Mr. and Mrs, E, Williams and Eileen Martin of Butralo who 3 nt the past week with Mr, and Ik',','. William Detweiler returned to Buffalo, Fy,, on Sunday. _ -- PNN-N-tmr-hat, It, My B. Hold ot New Dundee to Annette the $it,'s'.'e of Hamilton. M- a-July It, lawn: John: Fuchs’ " of Mf,'",,',"', to lee Mug-rem uir of Emma. WnmHet.-AMr.-July I. has! Julius Wamholtz to [but In- 'ttht, Aria. both gnaw. Herbert Reitg of the 3.1.1. to Apdgey Dork Knuth-in; of Mr. and Mrs, E. Sibbi'ck of Bur- ford visited with Mr and Mrs. s, "HEW" on, Syytday, - Mr and Mrs, Jack Tunn and daughters Mary and Margaret of Prvston Visited with Mr. and Mrs C Swartz ovt'r the week-end. Rev Mrs P Pitman of Kitchen- e-r vcsttvd at the home of Mr. and Mrs Melvin Becker on Monday Misses Edna Hellman and Eva Ba-rkvr and John and Jamel Lack- m-r of Kitchener visited It the home of Mr and Mrs A C Beck- pr on Sunday David Moore of the mm In- tery, LAA., to Marjory Zilliax of Lima Jul no d - -- y s, y te',',' Paul! ot Fordwich to Sadie Minerva Munninu of Col- borne BWWW- - A -- Grant Luibén of [Elmira to Lorraine Lillian Wright of Dork- Kimmie: ROSEVILLE with a heart attack, Mrs. Andrew Boissoin, 4T, of R.R. 2, Breslau. died suddenly at her home shortly before noon on Friday. Deceased was born at Erbsville. a daughter of Mrs. Philip Conrad and the late Mr. Conrad. She attended St. Boniface R.C. ehqrtth._Myvttitk Surviving are her husband, her mother, one daughter, Lila at home, two brothers, Henry of Petersburg and Philip of Erbsville, ftve sisters, Mrs. A. Scott, Mrs. L. Dickert, Mrs. E. Hamdort. all of Erbsville, Mrs. W. Hoerle of St. Agatha, and Mrs. A. Podann of Shakespeare. One sister prede- ceased her a year ago. Holwell, 68. died early Wednesday at her home here. Death resulted from a stroke suffered ttve months' ago. Miss Holwell was Baden post- mistress for a. number of your. Born in Petersburg on July M. 1872. she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hol- well. She attended the Presby- terian church. Surviving are three brothers, William of Stratford. Harry of Toronto and Walter of Baden, two sisters. Mrs. George Fowler and Miss Alfretta Holwell. both of Ba- den. Funeral Service. On Friday evening funeral ser- vices for the late George MacDon- ald were held from deceased's re- sidence in Haysville and were at- tended by a large cortege of friends _tyt_d, ae9ttaintartefs.. -- Fottowine'6e service the body was taken to Wodstock trom where it was entrained for Wind- sor for funeral service and burial on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Mac- Donald and daughter, Miss Helen Nahrgang of Toronto, accompanied the body to Windsor. The late Mr. MacDonald was deaf and dumb and a large num- ber of mute friends from Kitchen- er were in attendance. Mrs. Eph- raim Beer of Haysville translated the service into sign language. Miss Agnes Met: and Mrs. Norman Hostettler sang a vocal duet. Rev. Maitland' Jones of the Bap- tist Church in New Hamburg had charge of the service. dauihter, namely: Harper. Wood- stoc ' Gordon of Harrow, Melvin, fifth concession of Wellesley, Boyd at home. and (Edith) Mrs. Wilson Omand, of Wellesley. There are also twenty-two grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Linden- smith and family of Grimsby visit- ed on Sunday at the home of the former's sister. Mrs. Ed. Schiedel and Mr. Schledel. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fleming were Miss Olive Mighton and Mr. Ar- thur Thorne of Woodstock and Mt and Mrs. Douglas Anderson, Beth and Billie of St. Paul. Ttie late Mr. Hammond was a member of the Millbank United Church. Mrs. Robert Fleming of Wood- stock visited for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Flem- ing while her husband is with Ox- ford Rifles for a seventeen day training period at the Thames Velley Camp LT L9ndon. Hammond and was born on the farm on which he died. He had been in failing health for several months but was bodies! for only thaw! Maya)? - V Fifty-six years no he was mu- ried to Jessie Weir, who survive. qlong with fo9r 59m anti, on; Life-long Resident of Wellesley Tsllp. Dies at tiilllml MtuiBANK.--A1eatnnder Ham- tttopA98, I 1119110“ reagent of Wellelley townshili. on 501141.} afternoon. Ahe decayed w_u _tlte_iatat, "rt Miis Janié Fleming has returned home after a two weeks' vacation with friends at Avonton. Welleile; Wellenle townlhlp. trt' “my a! his hie residence, t 5. Con. 3, xivin; rmeggber ot the tarr1rtrot Mrs. A. B, Fleming visited re- cently for a few days with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert Flgming of Jyoodytocl, 7 , Mr, and Mrs. A. E Kalbtteisch and daughters, Mary and Joan of Windsor are visiting this week with the former'g sister, Mrs. Percy Weicker and mother, Mrs, Kttlbtteitreh. Waldo. In Gets Wigs at M. Hall 1-390 â€an!!! 0!!!!“ 5310M SHANTZ STATION. - Stricken Mia Man E. naval BADTN,-l1isq Mgry__mj.- ThrMthei-ttdHo.9Nrvieq M.."t/'f.t.t School u sum. ., Ell. received their Macawâ€. and included WhmwullWob- "" Chm-uh Correspondent) HAYSVILLE Br In. Cluean Diamond (chronicle Conunondcnn awn SAVINGS tlily Ililrrpi Elizabeth Purpose of the exercise was to give soldiers practical experience in dealing with an actual emer- gency; and to acquaint the public with another feature ot military training which is being developed at No. 10 Basic Training Centre. Included in Monday night's exer- cise was the Royal Army Medical Corps, which cared for any "ttasuaities". Following conclusion of the exercise, a mobile canteen supplied refreshments to both sol- diers and the "enemy". Private Jerome Freiburger of No. 10 Training Camp, Kitchener, spent the week-end with his an ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert i- bul-ggr. -- - A - The company from No. 10 Train- ing Centre was equipped for any development. Headquarters was established in a downtown build- ing where any "suspected spies" were questioned by an intelligence officer. All oMeers and N.C.O's at the Centre took part in the exer- cise, and all were reported to ttave, acted with extreme courtesy dur- intl questiontng_of civilians. 1 Rushed To Hospital to the St. Mary's Hospital, Kitch- ener,‘un Thursday night, where he underwent an appendicitis opera- tion. He is doing as well as can be expected. Goes To B.C. Miss Lorraine Bender, Miss Florence Fisher and Messrs. Ed- ward Bender, Anthony Schnarr and Edward Esbaugh spent Sunday in Belmore with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bender. Mr. Elmer Schupp of Hespeler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Reidel. Messrs. Vincent Kieffer. Law- rence Kurtz, Anthony Zettle and Jerome Lorentz of Mary Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lorentz. Mr. Harold Koebel left Wednes- day for British Columbia where he expects to be employed in the future. Personals Little Miss Arlene Bauer of Waterloo is spending her vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schlm. Timmy and Carol of St. Jacobs, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Busch. Private Bruce Spencer of the Highland Light Infantry of Naomi Camp. Nova Scotia, is home on leave visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haryg-x steer. _ -- - Miss shiitev' Windsor of Kitch- ener is spending her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Milton Cook. a Kenneth Koebei, son of Mr. and MW. Charlgg Kpettel, was and“ Mr. Carl Koebel of the R.C.A.F.. St. Thomas, who was home on last leave before being transferred to some distanct training centre, was pleasantly surprised at his home here on Saturday evening by a number of his friends. The eve- ning was spent in Bong, music and dancing. A daintie lunch was served by Mrs. Koe l. hem in the "enemy paratroope'. A special Company from the train- ing centre was detailed to "pro- tect" the city and "espture" the “‘enemy agents". One Nearly “been†Following conclusion of the "invasion", it was reported that at least one of these "enemy agents" name close to giving vigilant lol- diers the "slipâ€. He entered the rear of a restaurant in the hemmed-in. downtown block, and gunner? himself as a waitress. walk through the restaurant and out the front door, carrying a tray logged with cups_ and_t_ea|§ots_. A number of farmers have started cutting wheat, and report a fair crop. Report Fair Wheat Crop "btow up" one of Kitchener: vital unmet. The military exercise was con- ducted under direction of LtAhsL Harold mama, commanding one" at No. 10 Mining Centre. Troops under an otBeem sur- .round.ed {dovymown city block lp Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kies- wetter and family of Waterloo visited on Sunday with the for- mtt's pargnti here. -- " Mr. and Mm. Anthony Rumig and family of Sunttsh Lake were Sunday 1"f,','t, of Mr. and Mrs. Clemeps umig. _ _ _ Sunday visitors at the home of Clayton Stemer were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dorscht and family of Kitch- ener, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diet- rich and sons of St. Agatha. ceue he" were 'ad, __ "ttir-tfait". (I! m um.) An â€invasion" of Kitchener by "enemy -hutiata" took - Monday night, but odBeeeB and men attached to No. " Hui: Training aoidiem from [hi Cami vim; GA, f.ttired. y: .eiyirten clpuung. “broke mm y' Jnto m. (iGUiiiiiirn"iG-- 'fiitarrhratrtrqs' Keep Soldiers Buy During lmid Ne. " Truth; Centre Ile- “hvulc†Dov-ton Ara A. Hillary Eureka. ST. CLEMENTS B, In: Peal Diarieh (Chronicl- correqro'tdeettt Br W. J. [haw-tar (Ghoul-In Conan-Idem) BAMBERG On Luther We Trip Miss Dorothy Kelterbome joined the motor trip to Ottawa and Elgin House, Muskoka, arranged by the Luther Magus of America. and returned greatly pleased with the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Babel spent Sunday in Wiarton. Mr. Henry Sander. one of the district's oldest residents, cele- brated his 89th birthday on Satur- day. Some of his children and friends called upon him to offer congratulations. Annual Chute]: Picnics The Lutheran congregation and Sunday school held tacit annual picnic on Kraemer's at: " the Three Bridges on Saturday after- noon. The Evangelicals picnicked in Waterloo Park at the same time. The usual schedule of races was run " in both cases. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hang of Brantford visited in St. Jacobs on Sunday. Miss Audrey Ernst of Elmira visited with Mrs. Eli Brubaeher on Friday. Miss Elizabeth Sander returned to her home in Hawkesville after spending a few weeks in St. Jacobs. Three of our young men. namely Messrs. Raymond Good, Elam Horst and Harold meacher Journeyed to the north this week to enter into a four months' work- ing program for the government in lieu of military training. Mr. John Kelterborn and daugh- ter June, and Mr. Austin Kelter- borne of Toronto called at the fig'."" Kelterborn home on Sun- ay. . Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMichael and family of Toronto spent the week- end " the home of Mr. and In. Robert McMichael. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thoms visited Pte. and Mrs. Roland Thoms at Elora on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wilmer of Kitchener visited at the home of Mrs. Elias Snider on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jarvis and family of St. Catharines visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henrich on Friday. Week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cress were Mrs. Irvin Aldridge and daughter Katherine, and Misa,Muriel Preiss of Walker- ton. Week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Good and Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Schlitt were Air- erattsman Leslie Bentley and Mrs. Bentley of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Snow and Elgin Snow of Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Stricker and family of Kitchener were Sun- day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Horst. Miss Nettie Horst of the West Montrose section was home on Sunday. Sapper Carl Schmidt, home of leave since Thursday. left for bar- racks a! Peuwawa on Sunday evgping. - --- _ Mr. and Mrs. Manamh Weber and family of Medan were Sundly guests at tho home of Mr. and Mrs, eremiah Martin. BUY BETTER AT other ODD DR ESSERS 3-Pe. BEDROOM BUrN--Vanity, Chest and $109.25 Bed. Vanity has circular plate mirror. CHEST or, DRAWERS in Walnut. Finished. 3-Pe. neckline "int, BEDROOM SUITE. Bed, Chest and Vanity. bpe. BEDROOM SUITE - Bed, Chest and Dresser - Waterfall design. bPe. BED Ind CHES'IOROBE t-Pe. BED and CHIFFOMBE. Poster style bed 872.50 Bedroom Furniture ST. JACOBS "said. “canon-onion" -__eH _ " Pillows, Bedroom Chain. Smyrna mu, Wicker Butch. ete.,-be-redet'rroarr_enttttkat-. u Joann - - "ream “OUR LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY" 4 Drawer Bums $12.50 The Bethel Ever Ready Bible Class held its July meeting on Fri- day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilborn Bleam's Road. There was a splendid attendance. The president Carman Facey, pre- sided. The opening prayer was given by Mr. John Diamond. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. George Diamond and the Bible Study was conducted by Mr. Fred Bean, who spoke on “The View: of Life". Mrs. Harry Capling gave a reading entitled. “The Artist's Window". Mr. J. G. Wood then led in a song service which was followed by a piano instrumental by Mrs. Mervin Facey. Current Evtr1ts_werrt given _by Mrs. _(R_ev.) H. W. Hagelst'ein attir which Rev. H. W. Hagelstein closed the pm gryn with prayer: _ _ __ During the business, Mrs. Geo. Diamond was appointed the new program convenor and Mrs. Ed- ward Klinckman, the social con- venor for the next meetipg. A -- A committee composed of Mt John Diamond and Mrs. J. G. Wood was appointed to look into the matter of placing more Bibles in the church pews. The class was invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs._J. G. Wood for the August Mr. A. E. Bean took charge of the social hour and entertained the class with a "prominent person contest". Delicious refreshments were served at the close and a hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hilbom tor the enjoy- able time had by all. Rev. H. W. Hagelstem conduct- ed sacramental and reception ser- vices at Bethel United Church on Sunday. The service next Sunday will be in charge of Rev, Taylor of Shakespeare. All-Day Mating. July Mum of Bibi. Clea. mggting. Conducts Services. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Martin and family accomganicd by Mr. and Mrs. Lorne S antz and family of St. Jacobs were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Cress- man and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pe- The Senior Sewing Circle of Bean's Mennonite Church held an all day meeting last Thursday at the church. Personal.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sharpe and daughter Mary of Kitchener and Mr. Marshall Bean of Detroit called on relatives in the vicinity last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Hassum and daughter Shirley of Gall. gent the week-end with Mr. and rs. Clarence Diamond. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dorsch and son of Bleam's Road visited with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Crasman on Sunday. Miss Gertrude Robinson, Mrs. Eva Worthman, Mr, Gordon Gar- land and Mr. Fred Bean were re- cent visitors with Mrs. George Wray of Millbank. Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Christner and family spent Sunday at Ipper- wash Beach, Lake Huron, Mr and Mrs Amos Good. Pearl and Walter. spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Urias Mnrtin ot Kit- chem! Mr, and Mrs Gordon Hellman Misses Jean and Kathryn Hellman. Mr Robert Hellman of Near New Dundee and Miss Helen Hallman of Call visited with Mr and Mrs. A, E, Bean on Sunday evening, My Donald Lamont of Carleton Place is visiting with relatives in the vu‘mIty, SOUTH-WEST ' Drawer FURNITURE STORE . . $15.95 $15.50