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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 Jul 1941, p. 2

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Pad" no Awmlyhvbwdbevm “(talcum 1. Announced t Government “Von cost of iving .bonus for when in preference to increase in basic rate of wages! gash of bonus: 25 cents fer week for essetsl rise of one poin in cost of living except where juvenile or female workers earn less than an: cents per hour in which event t ey re- ceive one per cent, of this basic wage rate. 2. Canada makes more Canadian dollaxs available to Great Britain. Authority given to increase tur. vance of $325,000,000 to $400,000,- 000. Advance is to enable Great Britain to purchase war munitions, raw materials-and foodstuffs in 3. Dominion Bureau of Statistics cost of living index rose from 108.6 in April to 109.4 in Mar. In May last year, the index stood at 104.9. (Base A93ti-1939 equals 1001.. . 4. All radio stations on the air bases from Edmonton to the Yukon are to be tutished this (all. Con- struction of the bases was recom- mended by the United States- Canada Joint Defence Commission: 5. Canadian imports increased $125,000,000 to $530,360,000 in the first tive months of 1941 in com- parisgn with 19:10. . 6. Revenue from income tax during the first three months of the ttseal year (April-June in- elusive) totalled $238,5't8,t97 against $117.891,134 received dur- ing the corresponding period of last flea) year, a net increase of 520387.963: T. Owing to the increase in metallurgical use of coke and heavier industrial demand for war production in the United States and Canada, supplies of coke for domestic use will be considerably reduced next winter. _ _ - "iiriiariiiiruis of men called for tour months compulsory training betfurttyeir term_ Joly 31_. , " Noah Snot (Chronicle Correspondent) Due- FinldVerpI. _ - Quite a gathering of farmers at- tended a meeting on the Abner Martin farm on Wednesday even- ing. A number of quarter-acre, plots of oats formed the object of discussions led by Prof. Mason of the Field Husbandry Department, (ERG, Jn Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gies, daugh- ter Margaret, and son Maynard, spent Tuesday of last week in Hamilton. AEqyirr Prortrtr: Mr. Ovens of Kitchener has .re- cently acquired the bush and clear land, part of the Snider Mill pro- perty lying east of the Conestogo- Lexington road. Bellow WAC-yank}; -irrrgoificir"ch" is relieving C. Meyer. caretaker of the County Buildings, who is away on holi- days. Lhr_htgstntt SWQHNFP: ._ _ . Heavy rain and hail fell during thunderstorms passing over here last Friday. During an early morn- ing storm, lightning struck the house of Chas. R. Koch, demolish- ing the chimney and causing other minor damages. Trip Yo Quantum) Bobby and Lloyd Kirch joined the Sunshine-Waterloo employees on a trip to Queenston Heights for a company picnic, last Saturday. Fights Having. A A large number of district farmers have finished haying which has not been so heavy a crop, and Full wheat is standing on stock on a number ot farms. Spring grains have been ripening very fast dur- ing the past week and some of this will be ready to cut before the end of this week. Roughing. Seirerat ofticers of the Kent Re- giment spent last midweek in the village trying to secure additional recruits for the army. TCDataGrTrt - Canada regula- THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE CONESTOGO possible invasion attempt .by J - AUSTRALIAN INFANTBYMEN AND MRMEN are gum-fling " CANADA’S WAR EFFORT it. Watch» Chronicle. Wat-rho County's d“ www.mmmmamm at "diLitioifwitertef1ttuattEiisEyhtir.h?d.atroeio titAéirirauirauair_ptshr. “new at the Canadian Weekly NW Ana: the ontnrioAbake Hm mum. BtJitur'rMMtt, PAYABLE Ill ADVAICI u " pug - I. m; a,“ n in: can“. - - - I - DAVID BEAN & SONS LIMITED Owner. and 1’11me FRIDAY, JULY ttk 1961 lions, in regard to persons intern- ed, amended in accordance with recommendations of special com- mittee of the House of Commons. Three-men advisory committees replace the one-man bodies now hearing appeala..the chairman to be a persbp ‘who holds or has held high Judicial 'omce. A person de- 1tame under the regulations must ihe Informed of the general grounds on which he is detained and notice of his detention given to his family or such person as he may request, where possible. and not contrary tothe_public interest. " . . L 10. Contracts awarded by the Department of Munitions and Supply during the week ended June 27. numbered 3.574 and to- talled $30,T10,49T. Larger con- tracts were: construction, Atlas Construction Co. Ltd., Montreal, $5,349,000; shipbuilding, Dufferin Shipbuilding Co., Toronto, $2,499,- 600; shipbuilding. Port Stanley Shipbuil ing Co., Port Arthur, $3,840,000: land transport, General Motors, Oshawa, $1,416.,f3i. - .. ll. To meet a scarcity of quali- tled masters, mates and engineers for ships, Order-in-Council passed permitting the Minister of Trans- port to authorize ships to sail from Canadian ports with persons hold- ing 1teeesat'ii,,ou"t one grade lower than ose stipulated in the Canada Shipping Act. . . It. Construction work proceed-' ing on more than 2,000 houses, staff houses, and other accommodation in ten centres from Halifax to Fort William, for which contracts have been awarded by Wartime Housing Ltd. Contract also let for 150 houses in Parry Sound and Nobel, Ont., while other extensive housing projects being initiated in Kingston, Hamilton (additional), Oshawa. Frankford, Hull, Valley- field, Quebec City and Amherst, N.S,, Projects involve commit ments to date of approximately swam -- . - _ . ‘VWéiiiihe Housing Ltd. is a government-owned company. It is reported Mr. Wm. Paprocki a farmer of this district, has pur- chased the Henry Hamilton farm on the Waterioodwooiwieh town- line in the Victoria school section. Buys Hamilton Farm. Teacher “has. Local friends will be interested to learn that Miss Marjorie Web- ster. for some years assistant teacher here, became the bride of Mr. Gilray MacLean of Hamilton on Saturday. July 12th, last. . "'Arwérbuiai of locél Luther Leaguers presented two playlets at a church function in Linwood on Wednesday evening. Week-end Visitors. Miss Margaret Conrad and lady- teacher friend. Miss Schroeder, of Bridgewater, N.S., who had been attending the recent Luther League convention in the Twin City. were week-end visitors in the village. Miss Conrad was engaged as teacher of the junior room in the public school here, taking the place of Miss Milligan of Thornton, who had declined accepting the contract for her appointment. Mr. and Mrs. Reimer Holm and family of Detroit. were over Sun- day visitors with the farmer's par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. E. Holm. Miss Marjorie Stroh and Mi. Harold Stroll of Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Met- vin C. Stroh, Mis. Julke of Preston was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gies. ' Misses Sophia] Fox and Nellie Snider are on a motor trip to Nor- thern Ontario points. Mr. Jock Sim has returned from a yytek's tyrlift.yys.Ltrt Mustoiyr.. Mr. C. W. Schierholtz and daughters Misses Cosima, Edna, Nora and Cora of Elmira were Sunday afternoon guests at the Stroh homes. . Mr. and Mrs. Herb Huehn at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Clara Reichcld in Kitchener, on Sunday. n Asky La-nt- are guarding the slratrgxc British naval base of Singapore against a are exactly awaiting their turn to embark for overs.” service, at Sydney i Our Canada has done very much: }as a British Dominion in respect to) _money and war materials, but she ‘has not put up enough recruits for ‘the armed forces fighting for free- dom. If the young men of our country wish to preserve it with all‘ It. offers for themselves their duty) lis quite clear. They should make up minds firmly and without de- ‘lay: Canada calls and whoever-- whether he is from England, France. Germany or the Ukkraine -has found here another home- land and does not do his duty now Lis certainly an undesirable citizen. 1“Der Nordwesten" has always been opposed to Communism and will be so in future but it is Hitlerism and not the Communist doctrine that is threatening us today. The attack on Soviet Russia is a warn- ing that must be heeded by us if (we are fond of our civilization. GERMAN -BUSSIAN WAR "Der Nordwesten". German lan- gugge weekly. _Winryipetr. . mud Enact: Inn Minn We Pttbueatimttg in rousu REGISTRATION "Gazeta Polska" (Polish Gazette),) Winnipeg: 1 A Polish army is being organized in Canada. The moment is near, when armed action will decide our future, the fate of the world and civilization. Nobody must be ab- sent at this historic moment when the fate of the world and the free- dom of nations are being decided. Every Pole must prove by his pre- paredness to fight honorably for his country that he is and will be worthy of it. The fatherland ex- pects every citizen to do his duty. Let everyone who has a Polish heart and in whose veins tlow Polish blood report at once at the ‘camp to increase the ranks of the ‘Polish army. VOLUNTEER NOW "Kanadiysky Farmer" (Canadian Farmer) (Ukrainian - language weekly, Wingipeg: _ The Canadian army needs men. It must have them at once. The sooner it gets them the better be- cause the modern soldier must be trained much longer than his com- rade of the last world war. This is a war of machines. It is the patriotic obligation of every able- bodied healthy Canadian to re- spond to the appeal of the Cana- dian Government. Canada calls her sons to rally round the British ttatt. Our sacred duty is to heed this appeal. IN A MENNONITE CAMP “Mennonitische R u n d s c h a u" (Mennonite Review) German- language yretkly., Wirytiper. In a letter to the editor from the Mennonite Camp at Clear Lake: The foreman in both camps are very good-natured. We are per- Tnnbhted Extracts from l'foroign language habitation New Canada Speaks OVERLOOKING RARDIA HARBOR is this road when an Autumn mum trooper inspects two abandoned Italian tanks in North Africa. Thin in typicd of the territoey in which the Libyan campaign in being fought. I t s' , _ ' I . _ .H...‘ - _ --t-__----.------- mined to hold our religious exer- cises according to our own wishes. They all show us great courtesy in this regard. I wish all {om men could work at the par he- cause it is simply a pleasure to be here. We may look with respect at these young men'as Mennonite re- presentatives. Their [amoeba parents, brothers, sisters ( friends may visit them every all: day and also on workdays bub, then only after 5 p.m. All this must be done in a proper way. The work consists of road work, truck driving, telling of trees, building Asridges, etc. This may serve as a ‘cheerful message to all our com- (rf'iii'(ili'lr) and also the parents, be- cause better organization courtesy {on the part of the management ‘cannot be imagined and no greater icourtesy could be desired. We see ‘herein the fulfument of a prayer ‘and God's grateful guidance. (Editorial Note.--Mennonite and other conscientious objectors to compulsory military service have been required to give labor service. Clear Lake, better known as Rid- ing Mountain camp, is in Mani- toba.) GERMANY‘S ROAD To RUIN" "Nova Vlast" (New Country), Slovak-language weekly. Mon- treal: Colonel o. Spaniel of the Czecho- Slovak general staff: The Germans have entered a critical path that inevitably leads to perdition. Russia. like England and the Unite States, is such a colossus that even a military defeat of greatest; extent cannot knock her out of the conflict. It is a mass of 180 million people, living in a vast territory, that constitutes one-sixth of the globe, with tremendous natural re- sources. . . The SovierArmy will play the part of the Tsarist Army of Napoleon's time. It will ex- haust the Germans, will compel them to strain their military force over the limit. Time and distance will do the rest. mDer Courier", German-lan- guage weekly, Regina: Now, if one sizes up the whole situation in a sober way and sees what powers and forces are op- posed to Germany, one will have to admit that, in spite of the numer- ous splendid victories and initial military and diplomatic successes. Germany must lose the long war which she had not anticipated. Are women more affectionate. more tactful, more tickllsh, better liars, bosses and drivers, than ment Dr. Donald A. Laird, distinguished psychologist, writing in The American Weekly with the July so issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, will give you an opportunity to learn the answers! Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times this week and every week. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WOMEN". the Unihd Church may sur- tt..r.ir?dMr.ar.tdW3. MITYOCkot Kitchener at the hon. of the femur: mother, Mn. Anetta Trek, ol' maxevening. ttrye- seating them Shh a waTnut hall- tree. 'theaddr-wtsttre)Mitrs Om. Stevens and the resentation was made by Gordon gusset. Mr. '.tf. MpEyEa¥1nnuk made a attic!- I n . evening was t n spam yin. (and. that which a dainty lunch was and. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Norman Powell spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Seraphin Kieswetter at Bombers. Miss Martha Krueger of Ottawa is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Onias Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Martin and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Enos Bauman near Linwood. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David C. Martin were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin of the 8th of Peel, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Martin of Linwood, Mr. and Mrs. Urias Martin of near Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Martin of Flora- dale, and Miss Saloma Martin of near Heidelberg. Miss Annie Bearinger returned home from her weeks holidays at Mr. and Mrs. Mnnasseh Martin's. N Mr. and Mrs. Kighawander and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Creighton of Toronto' spent the week-end with Mrs. A. Track. Mr. and Mrs, James Jacan of St. Thomas. Mrs. Albert Ruler, Miss Ruth Jackson and Mr. Morley Jackson of 3rd of Peel spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Steven. - Mr. and Mrs. Norman Steven and family attended the Jackson Reunion at the home of Wm. Soybe in_Guelpl_| An Saturday: .. . Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Schneider and Norman Duench of Heidelberg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Duench in Mannheim. Trip to Manitoulin Island A very pleasant trip was en- ioyed by a group of men including Elton Swartzentrubor. LaVeme Otto, Earl Swartzentruber. Mimrin Baer, Ruben Swartzentruber and Kenneth Otto. They mama to Owen Sound and then took the boat from there to Manitoulin Blind and back. Per-onl- uiss Norma Swartz of Kitchener a)?! Saturday with Miss Lilly o s. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swuizentruber were Mrs. Aaron Wagler and dauth Elmina and sons Elton and Han of Baden, Mm. Christ. B. Jantzi and gin. and Mrs. Ed. Ruetbe of Peters- urg. Mis. Christ. B. Jantzi spent a few days with her sister. Mrs. JopptttanAnytzi,, in Kitshener, _ Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boshan and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrls. Jog Miller in Weyeslry. "ir-. Vita Schmidt spent Sundiv with Mr. Earl Swartzentruber. Mr. and Mrs, David Boshart A",',',',,', Sunday with Mr. and 1m lmer Bosharl in New Hambur . Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jantzi and family and Mrs. Christ. B. Jantzi called on Mrs. Dan Lichti and Mrs. Christ. Ropp in the St. Mary's Hos- pital in Kitchener on Sunday eve- n ng. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt were Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elk. Margaret. Ruth and Bobby of North Easthope. and Mr. and Mrs. William Heintz and son Arthur and Miss ldella Heintz of Brodhngen, Miss Lillian Wagner of Woolwieh, Mrs, Ervin Schneider of Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Schneider and Mr. Henry Schneider 01mm. - Mu, Helen Hammer of Centre- ville went a few days with Miss Lilly ths. 7 ‘_ -- _ Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Voha were Mr. and Mrs. E. Borkendt. Mrs Page? Mr. W. Henning, Mr. and Mrs. come Schenk, all of Kitchener. and Min Helen Hammer of Centreville and Mr. Vernon Shane of Victoria- burg.. .-. -- .-- - Arr, and Mrs. Herb. Bowman of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Henry Bowman, A Misses Doris and Jean Bowman spent Sunday with Shirley Eek- Mvin in Rosebank. Mr. Ward Schmidt, accompanied by Mr. Richard and Donald Ha- machor of Wilmot Centre, left Mendez for a week's holidaying " Pug)! may." hris_ _. _ Ti}. -Gdirs, Bob Com" of Preston "rent Tuscany evonmf with Mr and Mrs LeRoy Sch” _ The member! Iutd_trdttetmysts of HAWKESVILLE By Mu. Beh- Susanna-Iain (Gm-kl. We“) I: In. A“. “an. (M mu PINE HILL Waterloo Viciiy iovmn. - rtiitkit """F {30m 1 Calvin; Boyer. John; Bunion. Barren C.; mm, Ronald; tuna: an; Brubaeher, Inn; Buehner, Dunn-r. tiny W.; Meow. tanneth W.; Dalian. Milton It; Manner, Erma; Dettweiler, Norma; Dietrich. Robert; Dimer. cum; Ml. Verna B.; Dub", John; Dreher, Mildred. by. Odor: K; Gamer, Gloria; can Fred; 631-211 triads. E.; g.',tLirtihi 05mm}, ttoAisa; Grat,Ahuiain' H.; Gutmnn. Emma. Baum. Ruth Joan; Harper. Grace E., Huger, Irene a; Hartleib. Bernice In; Roughly; Heibein, Byron J.; Herb“, Whiteome P.; Hiehert, Wanda Sum; Hilliard. Barbara A.; Hotttnan, l.,',ntieert A.; Huston". Joy; Hollis. ma; Helm. Ralph. Jinan. Sigrid; Johnston, John Alex. Kndwell. George E.; Kareher, len M.; Kunlzerm» Poms: E.; Kine. Dsiuaue BIKE!!!» 129m Knack, Eva; Knack, Wilbur; Koch, Phyllis; Koehler, Bernice; Rump. Reta; Krawsynski. Joseph; Kuhn, Kenneth; Eurvrtl, Peter. - Lacey. Douglas; lame, Jean; Ledenmn. Joan; Iaseman. Herman R.; Lenhard. Audrey E.; hetson. Shirley; Limeheer, Reginald; Little, John P.; Lorentz. Theresa Ayr, Lowe. Elaine M., _ -- t Manning, Donald; March, Bar-i bara; Martin, Anna; Martin, Anna; MArtin, Christian B.; Martin, Eli; Martin, Lloyd; Martin, Mary; Mary tin, Vera; Martin, Winnitred a; Max1rznesyrt, Elsa C.; McCardle. Rita; McKie. Emily; McKie. Rob- ert; Merkley, Doris L.; Meyer, Elaine; Meyer, Jerome; Miller; Grams: Miller. Ruth; Moral, How- ard; Meyer, Robert; Mayer. Ross E. Nickels. Elsa. Oswald, Kenneth O. Parr, Gerald; Peterson, Olga; Petznick. Bernett; Petznick. Ber- nice; Pfeiffer. Richard C.; Pollex. Earl G.; Preiss. Ronald G.; Prong. grace}; Bush. William H.; Pychel. Harold J . Regen Lorne: Reinhart, Beatrice; Reist. Jean; Reine]. Patrick; Rick- ert. Dorothy; Roth, Jean A.; Roth, KeftVRotly Kelpgtha ---- _ ”game; tfart; Schaefer, Clifford; Schaus. Ann E.; Schefter, Bette J.; t3eNerholta, porythr; Sshillim Frieda; Schinck, Pauline; Schmidt, Lorne S.; Schmuck. Thomas; Schnarr, Jerome; Schnnn. Ralph; Scholl. Grace E.; Schott. Clifford; Schweitzer, Kathleen S.; Seebach, (Eileen; Sehl. Jack; Seifried. Gloria IV Selling. Valera: Seip, Gladys H.; ‘Shantz. Jean; Shantz. Rebeca; Shoemaker, Alice; Simpson. Nora; Simpson. Robert; Sobisch, John; Sommers, Margaret; Snider, Don- ald; Snyder, Harold F.; Snyder, Joseph; Stahle. Reta; Steffter, Leo; Strickler. Doris; Strome. Glen R.; Struts, Doris; Struts, Mae; Swartz- entruber. _Mabftl. A -- Thomasing. Norbert; Thompson, Malin D.; Thuroo. Elva; Tracey. Albert V.; Turel. Elsie May; Turner, 601'de T. -- --_- _ Ullolman. Eleanor R.; Ufteiman, Lorraine J. Vogel, Jack A. Wagner, Audrey; Weber, Enos; Weber, Ralph K.; Weichert. Wer- ner E.; Weiss, Delores; Wearler. Lorne F.; Wesson, Jean E.; lest. Donald P.; Wilken. Alice L.; Will- son. Pauline M.; Wing, Mary Eli- nor; Wirsehing, Wattraut; Wojeik. Amelia S.; Wuergler. Ernest; Witt, Norma C.; Young, George. Zillman. Helen E.; Zmija, Ther- The annual get-together of the Waterloo St. Johns Lutheran Brotherhood was held Sands: at Knipfel's farm near Peters urg with over 140 members and their friends attending. At the close of the evening, Rev. C. S. Roberts conducted a twilight service. FRED WESSON - KITCHENER - PHONE 2-4169 BIOTIIIIOOD PICNIC Gray Coach Lines For Your Next Outing CHARTER A COACH MODERATE RATES AND INFORMATION FROM Fa figs ; Mit . mare, leba be! "a, menu: of your My enjoy " the [In ot ti. trip there Ild but. - Be an that everyone I. trate. - JrstJr.; Evelyli The Shun of London have come to Heston with" the intention of having Bummer school for the children. To In“ Sun-er School m Caught In Mnehuery Mr. Harold Kathe: had the mis- fortune of getting his Hand caught in the machinery while working at Bauer: plant. and it was necessary to Immune the hand. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuntz and children of Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Koebel of Linwood eaiied on Mr. and Mrs. lsador Mose: onIriday, __ _ Mr. and Mn. Jack McHugh, Miss [this Van Tone and Mr. Leo Leyes of Mishawaka, Indiana, called on his aunt. Mrs. Catharine Doherty. teqeptly. A - . Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kramer and Dorothy of Macton spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Foerster. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kennedy and children. CM. Germaine and Neil. called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ken- nefr of_pitsnailtsn_on Fyndytt. rum Gladys" McDonald ot Kitch- ener spent the week-end with friends here. The Misses Ruby, Dora and Thelma Knoblauch and Mr. and Jim Gordon Knoblauch spent Sun- day_at Ihrasaga Beech. - - _ His: Berniiiee Stinson of Leban- on and Miss Marcella Graft spent Sqnday_with 9rs_He1ey -H.aid: _ Miss Leona Grafl and friend of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wey of Waterloo spent a day with Mr. and Mrs, Joe gut! recently. Mr. Chas. Ethrington and Mr. Herbert Maser of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maser. -Mr. Greg. Schiebel of Kitchener ttit the week-end at his home ere. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Graham ot Grimsby, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dietrich of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mrs. Joe Kocher. NuisiiiBetty Kay of Kitchener is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Alex Maser. - 7 _ -iiiWeaimunion was adminis- tered at the St. Mary's Church on Sugday t9Awo girls anf ttye lays. -iirs."Edw. Renahe'n and children have returned to Toronto after spggding tsoy-ie tigne_her§; -- -iri." and Mrs. iieorge Basler, Miss Sarah Goetz and Miss Jenny Gib- bons sp_epl Sisturgiay at Iiyt.eyrei. Mi. and Mrs. Isador Moser, Mr. and Mrs. George Vol]. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eckert spent Sunday at_l§ingbridge ang Goderich.__ 7 MisSES itareeila and Uneta Stemmler of Guelph are spending tome time at their home here. ”flit?” Daugherty spent a day atllmira megptly. -- - - _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs." Harold Calder spent Wednesday at the Wright- I-amben weddinsjt qukinz- -- Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Milner, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Hackett spent Saturday at Seaforth at the Orange walk. Mr. Chas. Korman of Waterloo spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kenned¥this week. Miss ertilla Leyes of Elmira spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Catharine Doherty, this week. Miss Dorothy Lose] of Gatt spent Sugtday_at her_l_non}e here., _ Miss Kay Hanley of Guelph spent the week-end with her mother. Mn'Frank Hartley of Waterloo apex)! Sunday with his mother ere. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Besinger spent Friday at Elmira and Mac- Messrs. Arthur and Clifford Ken- nedy of Waterloo spent Sunday with parents here. STEELE'S YOUR CChgMis Will (by)! one“ YOUR EYES (mm-kl- Goran’s-don I " In Jul. Icnncdy HESSON ”my. lab Mk mg

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